Overcome grass is a secret Slavic symbol of protection. Medicinal properties, meaning of the symbol and amulet of overcoming grass

Fashion & Style 09.12.2023
Fashion & Style

Overcome-grass - these words are heard by many, either from children's fairy tales, or from sayings, but, in any case, they are known. But not many people know that the overpowering grass is a famous Slavic symbol that has its own special meaning and is used as a talisman.

Overcome-grass - amulet of the Slavs

In fact, the overpowering herb is a powerful ancient Slavic amulet, which at one time enjoyed considerable popularity. It is one of a group of sun signs that symbolize perpetual motion. Each of the solar symbols has its own characteristics in terms of protection functions, but they have common features - protecting a person from everything bad and attracting useful things.
Overcoming grass is also distinguished by one more feature. This amulet borders between the faith of the ancient Slavs and the medical canons of those times. The symbol arose on the basis of the overpowering grass plant of the same name. In ancient times, yellow and white water lilies were called grass.

Overcome herb is widely used in folk medicine

The overpowering grass plant was widely used by ancient healers and magicians to heal various ailments and some rituals. To this day, conspiracies have been preserved in which this plant, which has such considerable power, appears. The overcoming-grass amulet, created on the basis of the power of the plant, was widespread in ancient times and was considered a strong protector.

Slavic amulet overcoming the grass and its meaning

The main meaning of the overcoming-grass amulet is to protect its owner from external evil forces. In ancient Slavic culture, illness was also considered the machinations of enemies. Therefore, the overcoming herb amulet, which copes with diseases as if they were evil forces, can be considered a protector of the owner’s health. In addition, the talisman gives the owner additional strength, generating and giving it according to the life situation of its owner.

The overpowering herb amulet helps solve health problems

In addition to the external negativity that threatens a person, the symbol reduces and gradually eliminates the internal negativity of a person that prevents him from living. A person gets rid of serious chronic diseases, cleanses his soul from unrighteous thoughts and restores order in communication and affairs.

Previously, the overcoming-grass amulet was not worn in plain sight. It was not used constantly, but as needed: it was put on a sick person, placed in a baby’s cradle, and carried with oneself when they wanted to resolve a difficult situation. They did not want to advertise the talisman, because they believed that they should not once again attract the attention of otherworldly forces.

A talisman made of precious metals could only be afforded by wealthy people.

The overpowering grass symbol is an individual amulet. It was most often made of metal or wood. The wealthy class could afford to use gold or silver to make the symbol - it was believed that the solar or lunar metal enhanced protective powers. Sometimes the symbol was embroidered, usually on children's or bed linen.

The overcoming-grass amulet can change its protective functions depending on what exactly the image of the symbol is applied to. For example, the image of a symbol applied to tableware protected against poisoning. By the way, think about how relevant this is these days, given the existing environment and the quality of goods in grocery supermarkets. In addition to poisoning from low-quality products, the Slavic amulet overcoming grass is capable of protecting against poisons.

There were engravings of the symbol on military armor. In this case, the symbol protected the warrior from death and wounds, and facilitated the return to his home. The symbol of overcoming grass was also applied to weapons to defeat the enemy.

According to ancient beliefs, before expecting a return from the amulet, it must be kept in direct sunlight for some time to cleanse and activate its energy.

The overcoming grass amulet is a female symbol

The overcoming-grass amulet is a reversal amulet, the reverse side of which is the male amulet The color of fern

The overcoming-grass amulet is considered a female symbol, and it has a pair - the male symbol The color of the fern. The meaning of the overpowering-grass amulet completely coincides with the meaning of the fern color amulet, the only difference is that the color of the fern is intended for men. In ancient times, Slavic couples often used such paired amulets.

The difference between these symbols is easy to see. If the sign is mentally divided into left and right parts, then you can see that the lines are turned either to the left or to the right. If the lines are left-handed, then the symbol is female, and if the lines are right-handed, then the symbol is male. You can easily make a similar talisman for yourself or a loved one to protect health and repel various external negativity.

Overcoming grass embroidery used to be found everywhere

The embroidered symbols also have different designs for men and women. For women, the symbol is surrounded by embroidered roses (for girls - rosebuds), and for men - acorns (for boys - hop flowers).

This symbol has both simplicity and complexity, but it will undoubtedly help you change your life for the better.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

ODOLEN-GRASS - in Slavic fairy tales and myths - a herb that has magical powers against demonic spells. Mother Cheese Earth and living water gave birth to that flower - that is why it has power against evil spirits in the waters and in the fields, and on the earth in general, that is why it has equal power against the crowberry (water evil spirits) and against the clearing (field).

Mamaev O.I. Magi.

When preparing for a long journey, cautious people stocked up on a lot of grass and protected themselves with a spell: “I am going to an open field, and in an open field there is a lot of grass growing. Defeat the grass! I didn’t water you, I didn’t give birth to you; Mother Cheese Earth gave birth to you, simple-haired girls, rolling women (that is, prophetic ones) watered you. Defeat the grass! If you defeat evil people, they won’t think evil of us, they won’t think bad things: drive away the sorcerer, the sneaker. Defeat the grass! Overcome high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, stumps and logs... I will hide you, overcome the grass, near a zealous heart all the way and all the way.”

In the fairy tale “Krupenichka,” for example, it was said that it grows “as white stars in the middle of the lake.” And in the “Tales of the Russian People”, collected by I.P. Sakharov, in the plot on the path, other coordinates are given: “I am driving in an open field, and in an open field the grass grows.”
In an old handwritten herbal book (a book describing useful plants) it is said: “Odolen grows by the rivers, a cubit tall, the color is ore-yellow, the leaves are white. And that grass is good if it feeds a person... And the root of the grass is good for toothache, and for the shepherd so that the flock does not disperse, or whoever doesn’t love you and want to dry it, give him the root to eat.”
Our ancestors revered it as the most powerful amulet, first of all, against all sorts of diseases, since it was believed that they were sent by evil forces, and the overcoming grass warded off all evil and could cope with any evil spirits. Another property is also attributed to her: “Whoever finds the overpowering grass will find great talent on earth” (that is, he will receive many abilities).

Overcoming grass is given into the hands of only people with a pure heart. The root of this plant is very good to keep in the house. According to the common people, whoever has it in the house is able to overcome various obstacles. With him you can go to different judicial institutions to win a lawsuit, with him you can win the heart of a young girl. It is good for feeding cows during calving.

Double Kolovrat is a sign of overcoming grass. This symbol (also called the Double Fire Sign) is the main amulet for protection against various diseases. The Slavic people believe that illnesses are sent to a Person by evil forces, and the Double Fire Sign is capable of burning away any illness and disease, purifying the body, soul and spirit.
Several different herbs are known under the popular name overcome grass:

1. Bathing suit, white water lily(Nymphae alba L.), water lily family. In folk medicine it is used externally - for neuralgia, myalgia, freckles, sunburn, acne; internally for leucorrhoea, as a laxative, for jaundice, insomnia, as an antipyretic, as a sedative for hyperfunction of the gonads, and also as a sleeping pill;

The water lily is called the overcoming grass - the grass that overcomes evil spirits. The roots of water lilies are used by people as food, which is why it received the name “underwater bread flower.” Dried and powdered rhizomes were added to flour, as they contain up to 20% starch. Dried, boiled or roasted roots can be eaten.
In the old days, it was recommended to pick water lily flowers with affectionate words, covering your ears. Under no circumstances was it permissible to cut them, since in this case the stem of the water lily would supposedly bleed, and the one who did this would see difficult, nightmare dreams. With the rhizome of the water lily in their hands, the shepherds walked around the field in order to protect their cattle from loss during grazing, and its decoction, they say, kindled the flame of reciprocal love. And the symbol of the overcoming grass was fiery, and even double, i.e. cleansing body and soul.
It also had another name - mermaid flower. Since at sunset the buds of the water lily, which loves the sun very much, close and fall into the water, and in the morning they appear, but only in clear weather, a belief arose that at night they turn into beautiful mermaids, and in the light - again into flowers.
Its seeds were used by monks and hermits as a remedy to calm the nerves, against cramps and dizziness, and by singers to strengthen and strengthen their voices. To improve appetite, dried water lily rhizomes were hung over the patient’s bed.
The ancient Slavs attributed mysterious properties to the water lily, especially helping travelers: “Wherever he goes, he will find a lot of good.” When a Slav went on a long journey, he sewed a piece of water lily rhizome into an amulet (bag) and hung it around his neck.
2. Yellow egg capsule, yellow water lily, water lumbago (Nuphar lutenum L.), water lily family. In folk medicine, it is used for colitis, gastritis, migraine, skin diseases, rheumatism, gout, pulmonary tuberculosis, as a uterine hemostatic, antitussive, for cystitis, urinary retention, fever, to enhance hair growth. Fresh flowers and fruits were consumed for hyperfunction of the gonads and painful nocturnal emissions.
3. Sand sainfoin, or field sainfoin(Onobrychis aranaria Kit. or Hedysarum arenarium Kit.), legume family. A perennial herbaceous plant up to 80 cm high. The leaflets are oblong-lanceolate, silky below. The flowers are moth-type, bright pink, collected in thick spike-shaped racemes. Blooms in May–June. Used for impotence, heavy uterine bleeding and depression;

Thanks to yellow and white water lilies, a unique amulet arose, in whose miraculous abilities many people believed and continue to believe. Overcome grass is a talisman whose meaning lies in the reliable protection of the owner from the negative thoughts of ill-wishers, as well as in healing from serious illnesses and long-term ailments. This talisman will come in handy during difficult periods of life: during financial difficulties, quarrels with loved ones or constant failures.


Overcoming grass helps to build a reliable barrier through which the influence of negative energy, the evil eye, damage, bad words and unkind deeds cannot affect a person in any way. With it you can hope for a speedy recovery and gain additional strength during a mild illness or serious illness.

In situations between life and death, the amulet can help the owner get out of trouble completely unharmed. In addition, it eliminates negative thoughts and bad mood, cleansing the soul and body at the same time.

The Slavic amulet Overcome grass symbolizes reliable protection of the human body, mind and soul, personifying the Sun, Bereginya and Fire.

It is believed that this talisman protects the owner from poisoning by any poison, and also changes life for the better, bringing comfort, safety and tranquility to it.

How to wear

It is worth paying attention to how to wear the amulet correctly so that it can fully reveal its powerful properties.

  1. An excellent option for purchasing a talisman is in the form of a pendant on a chain.
  2. A pattern on the dishes with which a person regularly eats can protect against food poisoning and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Embroidery on clothes, bed linen, fabric napkins and other products will give the house and its inhabitants reliable protection from dark forces.
  4. The best place for storage is the kitchen so that all family members can feel constant comfort, warmth and happiness.
  5. If you don’t have the opportunity to purchase and wear it, don’t worry. Even a photograph of an amulet in the house will also have a positive impact on the residents.
  6. Young children should hang it above the crib or in any other part of the children's room.
  7. The best material would be gold, silver or wood.
  8. Remember not to wear it 24/7. It is permissible to wear an amulet or keep it near you only in cases of extreme necessity. For example, during a cold, during a difficult decision, during moments of sadness and other difficult periods in life.

Who is it suitable for?

Let's figure out on whom the Overpowering grass is best able to demonstrate its magical and healing properties:

  • It is worth wearing for people who suffer from health problems and very often feel unwell.
  • Drivers and travelers can be protected from troubles during a long journey.
  • Suitable for military personnel and people who do hard work, as this talisman will give endurance, patience and the necessary strength.
  • The amulet is an excellent gift for newlyweds on their wedding day. He is able to strengthen the union and establish an invisible connection between spouses.
  • Most suitable for women, girls and children, but men can also feel the protection of the amulet.

What to do to activate

It is important to know that it is not enough to simply purchase Overpowering Grass. In order to activate unique properties and help him interact with the owner, it is necessary to carry out activation.

The first thing to do is place the decoration in direct sunlight. For this step, it is important to choose the warmest day between autumn and spring equilibrium. Solar energy, unique for this period, is the best for activation. The talisman can be placed on a windowsill or balcony, but you need to ensure its safety and integrity.

Second, the next day, place it in an open vessel with clean water and leave it to absorb energy for another day. On the third day, the grass becomes fully activated and ready for use.

Overcome-grass - these words are heard by many, either from children's fairy tales, or from sayings, but, in any case, they are known. But not many people know that the overpowering grass is a famous Slavic symbol that has its own special meaning and is used as a talisman.

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Overcome-grass - amulet of the Slavs

In fact, the overpowering herb is a powerful ancient Slavic amulet, which at one time enjoyed considerable popularity. It is one of a group of sun signs that symbolize perpetual motion. Each of the solar symbols has its own characteristics in terms of protection functions, but they have common features - protecting a person from everything bad and attracting useful things.
Overcoming grass is also distinguished by one more feature. This amulet borders between the faith of the ancient Slavs and the medical canons of those times. The symbol arose on the basis of the overpowering grass plant of the same name. In ancient times, yellow and white water lilies were called grass.

Overcome herb is widely used in folk medicine

The overpowering grass plant was widely used by ancient healers and magicians to heal various ailments and some rituals. To this day, conspiracies have been preserved in which this plant, which has such considerable power, appears. The overcoming-grass amulet, created on the basis of the power of the plant, was widespread in ancient times and was considered a strong protector.

Slavic amulet overcoming the grass and its meaning

The main meaning of the overcoming-grass amulet is to protect its owner from external evil forces. In ancient Slavic culture, illness was also considered the machinations of enemies. Therefore, the overcoming herb amulet, which copes with diseases as if they were evil forces, can be considered a protector of the owner’s health. In addition, the talisman gives the owner additional strength, generating and giving it according to the life situation of its owner.

The overpowering herb amulet helps solve health problems

In addition to the external negativity that threatens a person, the symbol reduces and gradually eliminates the internal negativity of a person that prevents him from living. A person gets rid of serious chronic diseases, cleanses his soul from unrighteous thoughts and restores order in communication and affairs.

Previously, the overcoming-grass amulet was not worn in plain sight. It was not used constantly, but as needed: it was put on a sick person, placed in a baby’s cradle, and carried with oneself when they wanted to resolve a difficult situation. They did not want to advertise the talisman, because they believed that they should not once again attract the attention of otherworldly forces.

A talisman made of precious metals could only be afforded by wealthy people.

The overpowering grass symbol is an individual amulet. It was most often made of metal or wood. The wealthy class could afford to use gold or silver to make the symbol - it was believed that the solar or lunar metal enhanced protective powers. Sometimes the symbol was embroidered, usually on children's or bed linen.

The overcoming-grass amulet can change its protective functions depending on what exactly the image of the symbol is applied to. For example, the image of a symbol applied to tableware protected against poisoning. By the way, think about how relevant this is these days, given the existing environment and the quality of goods in grocery supermarkets. In addition to poisoning from low-quality products, the Slavic amulet overcoming grass is capable of protecting against poisons.

There were engravings of the symbol on military armor. In this case, the symbol protected the warrior from death and wounds, and facilitated the return to his home. The symbol of overcoming grass was also applied to weapons to defeat the enemy.

According to ancient beliefs, before expecting a return from the amulet, it must be kept in direct sunlight for some time to cleanse and activate its energy.

The overcoming grass amulet is a female symbol

The overcoming-grass amulet is a reversal amulet, the reverse side of which is the male amulet The color of fern

The overcoming-grass amulet is considered a female symbol, and it has a pair - the male symbol The color of the fern. The meaning of the overpowering-grass amulet completely coincides with the meaning of the fern color amulet, the only difference is that the color of the fern is intended for men. In ancient times, Slavic couples often used such paired amulets.

The difference between these symbols is easy to see. If the sign is mentally divided into left and right parts, then you can see that the lines are turned either to the left or to the right. If the lines are left-handed, then the symbol is female, and if the lines are right-handed, then the symbol is male. You can easily make a similar talisman for yourself or a loved one to protect health and repel various external negativity.

Overcoming grass embroidery used to be found everywhere

The embroidered symbols also have different designs for men and women. For women, the symbol is surrounded by embroidered roses (for girls - rosebuds), and for men - acorns (for boys - hop flowers).

This symbol has both simplicity and complexity, but it will undoubtedly help you change your life for the better.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. Read this amulet to help relieve lack of money. Read here

The most ancient representatives of Slavic culture were particularly religious. Belief in gods gave rise to many myths and legends.

That is why symbols began to spread, each of which had magic designation and a mysterious story.

Overcome grass is one of these symbols of a solar nature. This is a representative of the fire element, symbolizing the sun.


In everyday life Overcome grass- This is a water lily familiar to everyone. The plant was used to treat many diseases and restore physical strength. The water lily relieved diseases of the respiratory system, inflammatory diseases, depression and sleep disorders.

Dried water lily flowers were added to baths or infused into decoctions. The plant got its name for a reason. It grew out of the water, overcoming all obstacles in its path.

The Slavs considered it an atypical and strong plant. There is also an opinion that the name comes from the powerful property of the herb to overcome diseases. Odolen grass was called differently everywhere.

The most common names include:

  • Chicken pestilence;
  • Yellow egg capsule;
  • River watch;
  • Yellow water poppy;
  • Overcome the grass;

The Overpowering grass amulet also has another name - Double Fire Sign. In its appearance, the symbol resembles the well-known Kolovrat. In fact, it was he who laid the foundation for the formation of the amulet. In all centuries, Kolovrat symbolized the sun with its enormous energy of heat and light.

Overcome grass is a double Kolovrat. This means that its power is twice as strong. The main function of this amulet is protective. The symbol was depicted on kitchen utensils, clothing and weapons.

It was believed that Odolen grass could protect against evil spirits. The amulet helped get rid of severe diseases, increased wealth and contributed to spiritual growth. Carrying Odolen grass at all times was strictly forbidden. The amulet is so strong that it was used only in the most extreme cases.

The amulet was often used by travelers. It was held in the hand or hung around the neck. The corresponding conspiracies for protection from evil spirits were read in advance. The amulet was often used in everyday life.

It was especially relevant at the birth of a baby. It was believed that a small child could not protect himself from dark forces on his own. Therefore, the Overcoming Grass amulet was placed under the mattress in the crib.

He gave powerful protection against the evil eye and damage. This contributed to the rapid and proper development of the child.

How to wear?

The Overcoming Grass amulet was made from noble metals, wood, stones or leather. One could often find an amulet whose constituent elements were represented by different types of materials. The gold amulet was of greatest value.

Always gold symbolized solar energy, therefore the effect of the golden amulet was the most powerful. Often the symbol of the amulet was embroidered on natural fabrics. Overcome grass was not only a decorative element, but also protected from evil spirits.

The amulet was depicted on pillows, clothes, and towels. One could also find rag amulets embroidered with patterns and beads. Dolls were also common, the clothes of which were painted with a magical symbol. Such dolls were participants in rituals and ceremonies.

The amulet required special treatment. Only then could he work at full strength. You cannot make a talisman for yourself. It is necessary that one of the blood relatives do this. You should take a responsible approach to the choice of material. This determines whether a connection will be established between him and the owner.

After the amulet is ready, it must be allowed to lie for some time under the midday sun and only then put on. This contributes complete cleansing of the amulet from negativity.

As you use it, the grass needs to be replenished with new energy. To do this, the amulet is again placed under the rays of the sun, taking into account that there should be a body of water nearby.


When embroidering a talisman, you need to remember that the presence of knots on it is unacceptable. They destroy the magical effect of Overcoming the Grass. The main principle when creating a drawing is individuality. Under no circumstances should craftswomen copy any design.

Embroidery should have its own flavor and be different from others. Another no less important embroidery principle– maintaining proportions and clear lines. An amulet embroidered by yourself, first of all, must be neat. As a rule, embroidery takes more than one hour, and maybe even a day.

During breaks, you need to roll up the embroidered fabric and put it in a far corner so that it does not absorb negative emotions. The most common color of the symbol in embroidery is red. It, just like the amulet itself, symbolizes fire element.

If the symbol was sewn on clothing in order to get rid of a disease, then after improvement the clothing must be burned. Because the amulet tends to absorb diseases. After this, it ceases to function at full capacity.

For women

Overcome grass is, for the most part, a female amulet. It helps to strengthen the health and flourishing vitality of a woman. Amulets with the symbol of Overcoming the Grass were worn by both free and married women.

The former sought to get married successfully, and the latter - preserve family well-being. For this purpose, amulets could be worn around the neck or placed under the sleeping bed. Very often, women placed a talisman sign at the bottom of the dishes. This saved from poisoning and food conspiracies.

With the help of Overcome herbs, representatives of the fairer sex received:

  • Psychological balance;
  • Getting rid of diseases of the reproductive system;
  • Preservation of the home;
  • External beauty;
  • Protection from envious people.

Overcome grass is a Slavic amulet that has magical powers. It was believed to have protective properties. Today we will tell you what the meaning of the overcoming grass amulet is and who should wear it.

The history of the appearance of the amulet overcoming the grass and its meaning

Overcome grass amulet arose as a prototype of the plant of the same name. Every Slav called yellow and white water lilies this way. Healers used the herb to treat many ailments. In addition, with its help, some rituals were performed that helped to cleanse oneself of evil witchcraft.

As for the meaning of the amulet to overcome the grass, it lies in protection from evil forces. In addition, it protected against various diseases. The fact is that it was believed that all kinds of ailments were also an evil scourge and the work of unkind people.

The amulet gives vitality to the owner. They were supposed to support him during his illness and fight against evil.

In addition, the amulet helps even during a period when a person is doing poorly: relationships in the team are not going well, work is not going well, and in general there are continuous failures. The ancient Slavs also considered this the machination of evil forces. It was believed that the amulet helped drive them away, and after wearing it, things immediately improved for a person.

This amulet must completely cleanse a person from evil influence, i.e. his mind, soul and body. The amulet protects against everything that is considered evil.

The overcoming grass amulet can be used to protect both women and men to the same extent. Some believe that this is a purely female amulet, but this is not true. It helps both the fair sex and the stronger sex. The amulet has a pair - this is the Fern Color amulet, familiar at one time to every Slav. If you wear them together, it will enhance each other's effect.

What does overpower grass look like and how to wear it

The Slavic amulet overcome the grass is a Kolovrat, which symbolizes the movement of the sun. There are twelve rays on it. They are the ones who protect people from evil. This amulet is associated with the Sun, Fire and Bereginya. Thanks to this, he can protect three human shells: body, mind and soul.

This amulet can be worn in different ways. One of the most common options is in the form of a pendant on the body. In addition, the symbol of overcoming grass can be applied to dishes. Then it will protect a person from poisoning. Also, the symbol of overcome grass is embroidered on clothes, bed linen, pillows, etc. In this case, he will protect a person from evil forces. Warriors can also wear the amulet. His image was applied to weapons or equipment. It is believed that in such a situation the amulet will preserve the health and life of a person in battle or avoid an armed conflict. It is recommended that drivers take this amulet with them on the road. Then he will be able to protect a person on the road from various troubles. The amulet to overcome the grass was given to the newlyweds. They had to put it under their pillow, and it was believed that then their marriage would be strong and they would live happily. In addition, the amulet can be placed on a shelf in the kitchen and then peace, tranquility and prosperity will reign in the family.

Even the photo of this amulet has magical powers. It can be hung above the bed, in the kitchen, above the door, etc. Then he will protect the home from evil forces.

In addition, there are some rules for wearing and making the overcoming grass amulet that should be followed. Here they are:

  • You cannot wear the amulet all the time. It should only be worn at times when protection is required. For example, during periods of illness, military operations, various troubles, on the road, etc.
  • The amulet can be made of gold, silver, wood and leather.
  • You can't make a talisman for yourself. You need to ask someone close to you to make an amulet or buy it ready-made.
  • When embroidering an amulet, you should use only natural materials. The formation of nodules on the product should not be allowed.
  • The embroidery must be completed in one day. Only in this way will the amulet acquire magical powers.
  • When making a talisman, you need to think about the person for whom it is intended.
  • You need to work in peace and quiet. Nothing should distract you.

Only by following these rules for wearing and making an amulet can you expect it to have magical powers.

How to activate the amulet of overcoming grass

In order for the amulet to be charged with magical power and begin to “work”, it must be activated. There is a special ritual that helps to do this. It should be carried out on any sunny day between the spring and autumn equinox. It is during this period that the nights are short and the days are long, therefore solar energy prevails. This is what is needed to activate the amulet. The amulet should be placed for a day in a place where the sun's rays can easily reach. Next to it you need to place any dishes with clean water. This way the amulet can receive not only the energy of the sun, but also the energy of water. After this, the herb can be used for its intended purpose. It is recommended to carry out such a ritual every year so that the amulet does not lose its magical power.

Overcome the grass, like any Slavic amulet, you need to make and wear it correctly. This is the only way it will bring good luck to its owner and protect him from many misfortunes.

In order to preserve themselves and their family, the Slavs created unique amulets and believed in them. These products, oddly enough, helped their owner in difficult times. One of these amulets, which is popular even today, is the Slavic amulet Overcome the grass. It is unlikely that anyone will remember in what specific period this amulet appeared, but many can tell about its meaning and power.

History of the origin of Overpowering Grass

Esotericists believe that Overcome the grass is almost the most popular talisman of the Slavs, which has not only survived to this day, but has conveyed its purpose, in which people never cease to believe and actively resort to its magical charms!

An exclusively feminine amulet is included in the group of solar symbols, symbolizing the Sun, vital energy manifested in the eternal movement of the heavenly sanctuary. That is why you can often see the image of the corresponding symbol, Overcome the grass, in the solar circle.

Historians suggest that people were prompted to create the amulet by the medicinal plant overpowering grass, which was understood as a whole group of medicinal herbs: water lily, bathwort, St. John's wort, sainfoin, blue cyanosis, spurge and timothy. In general, all this was called in one word - overpowering grass, which is how representatives of traditional medicine still call these herbs today.

Taking advantage of the healing properties of these plants, people believed in their magical effects and thereby determined the improvement in the body. Magicians used dry grass, or rather the smoke from its combustion, to cleanse rooms, cattle pens, from evil spirits, and get rid of damage and the evil eye.

Magical and medicinal potions were prepared based on seeds, roots, and other parts of the plant. In general, a person’s need to protect himself, livestock, and his home from everything bad, including evil entities, led to the creation of such a talisman, an amulet. People endowed with supernatural abilities, such objects, wanted to strengthen their powers, increase the abilities bestowed by nature or someone else.

The legend of the plant Odolen-grass

It has long been believed that the Overpowering Grass is very selective in relation to its owner. The plant will never be given into the hands of a person with evil thoughts, unclean plans, or bad deeds. An angry person collecting grass could wander through the forest edges for hours and come up with nothing, never having found the right plant.

It was believed that the plant was able to independently determine whether a person needed it at the moment and, if so, “come” to it on its own. That is, a person in need, without even looking for a plant, accidentally stumbled upon it in the forest, picked it, brought it home and used it.

The magical properties were also manifested in the fact that the effect of the plant was determined by its name “overcome - overcome.” A Russian person, when preparing to go on a long journey, would not leave the threshold of his home without such a guardian. Proof of this is folk tales, where this plant is often mentioned: “Tales of the Russian People”, “Krupenichka”.

People sincerely believed that whoever accidentally stumbled upon such a plant would do well - his health would improve, his livestock would get better, his crops would grow, and his talent for a certain skill would appear. Absolutely all parts of the plant were considered useful, from roots to seeds. It is used both fresh and dried; potions, decoctions, and potions are prepared on their basis.

What does the symbol look like?

The fire amulet is a unique symbol obtained by combining a double Kolovrat. Runes and the sun playing with rays were often applied around the magical ornament. The sacred image was carved on a tree using: ash, oak, birch, viburnum, and the product was formed into a circle. They were cast from gold, bronze, tin, copper, and silver.

They embroidered a sketch of the sign on bed linen, curtains, and applied it to household items (furniture, dishes), and the walls of houses. Embroidery for a woman was always decorated with blossoming roses; for an unmarried girl, closed rosebuds were added.

It was considered a bad sign to embroider Odolen on a person’s clothes; according to the ancestors, such an act attracted evil, entities of the other world. The ancient Slavs did not dare to constantly wear jewelry with a similar symbol on their bodies, so they did not depict anything like that on rings and bracelets.

The meaning of the amulet Overcome grass

Despite the fact that an ordinary person was forbidden to wear such symbols on his clothes and his body, sorcerers and magicians, on the contrary, used them to enhance their supernatural abilities. It was believed that Odolen, placed around the neck of a terminally ill person, could save or temporarily delay the time of death. Placed next to the crib, it will protect the baby from any danger.

The symbol applied to household utensils, for example, on dishes, protected the owners from poisoned foods. On weapons - allowed you to go through the war with honor and stay alive. A pair for a female amulet is considered to be the male symbol “Fern Color”; when combined, they become an incredibly powerful amulet. Slavic couples always wore something like this.

How to activate the talisman

The Slavs believed that a talisman made with their own hands during the manufacturing process would absorb everything that a person wanted from it. The power of an object will be as great as the person himself believes in it. Mages and sorcerers additionally called for activating such products, charging them with additional, more powerful energy. This was facilitated by various kinds of conspiracies, prayers composed with special phrases or coming from the person’s soul.

By making or purchasing such a talisman for yourself today, you can easily charm it, but you can only use it by believing that the product is truly endowed with magical powers.

Who can wear the amulet and how?

In fact, esotericists believe that it is impossible to wear such a symbol on your body or clothes even today, and this is the main disadvantage of this symbol. It is permissible to use embroidery on clothing, apply a tattoo to a person’s body, or use jewelry with such a strong symbol only in certain cases when something really threatens a family, a person, or the entire clan.

Thus, such amulets-amulets are only put on terminally ill people, those who have long suffered from a certain chronic pathology that is difficult to treat. People who have been “spoiled” by a black conspiracy or the evil eye. After the item helps, it must be removed and put in a secret place, away from prying eyes. On household items, towels, bed linen, such a sign may be permanently present.

The meaning of the Overpowering grass tattoo

If desired, a sacred symbol can be applied to the human body in the form of a temporary tattoo. After the amulet has done its job, it can be reduced or adjusted so that the drawing gradually disappears on its own.

It is advisable to apply the drawing so that others do not see it, otherwise the symbol will work in the opposite direction and attract otherworldly forces. A correctly done tattoo will help you recover from a terrible disease, help you survive the war, and return home safe and sound. It will take away everything bad and negative and will preserve both the physical and mental health of its owner.

How to make yourself a talisman

Experts who understand these issues advise not to buy such things, but to make them yourself. Thus, it is allowed to apply an image to a silver, bronze coin, ring or bracelet. If desired, you can embroider a corresponding design on a fabric base. Cut a circle out of wood and draw or carve a Slavic symbol on its square. Get a tattoo using bright colors.

If a person is unable to embroider, cut out or draw a symbol, then it is permissible to simply Odolen on a regular color printer, borrowing a picture from the Internet. Cut a circle out of it, fill it with wax and use it for the necessary purposes.

When using a talisman, do not forget that wearing such an item is dangerous, and it can only help someone who really needs it. To enhance the magical qualities, it is enough to read the desired prayer over the talisman, come up with and formulate a request in your own words, or use in addition the paired amulet “Fern Color”.

As soon as it becomes noticeable that the patient is on the mend, the wanderer has returned, in general, the talisman has fulfilled its purpose, it must be removed as soon as possible and put in a secluded place, from where it cannot be taken out unnecessarily.

We continue to tell visitors to the Slavyanskaya Shop about meaning of Slavic symbols. Today our article is for those who want to learn in detail about those symbols of our ancestors, which are credited with healing properties.

The first such symbol that comes to mind is “ Odolen-Grass" An attentive reader, looking at the image of this symbol, will notice that it strongly resembles the “Fern Flower”. Yes, “Odolen-Grass” is its mirror image.

But if the “Fern Flower” is rather a protective symbol, then the “Odolen-grass” is a healing one. It does not have a history (or legend) of its origin that has survived to this day, but in the ancestral memory of the Slavs it has always been associated with protection from all diseases and ailments. There is only one theory, which says that our ancestors called Overcome Grass an ordinary water lily flower. And just like that, the water lily, according to surviving beliefs, is an ambulance for attacks by dark evil spirits, as well as for all kinds of damage and the evil eye. Therefore, it is not surprising that the symbol “Odolen-Grass” was so rooted in folk art, crafts and architecture that it turned out to be one of the few signs of our great ancestors that remained widespread even after the baptism of Rus'.

A short the meaning of the symbol “Odolen-Grass”- “double fire”, that is, purification of both soul and body. The Slavs believe that the symbol “Odolen-Grass” has the power, capable of healing any disease, including psychological (from stress and depression to serious illnesses of the soul). According to legends, sick people can significantly improve their health and increase the impact of the Overcoming Grass symbol by simply going out on a sunny day to the shore of a lake or river. Therefore, modern pagans and those simply remembering their roots greatly honor this symbol.

In order to protect a person, Our ancestors applied the symbol “Odolen-Grass” on various amulets and clothing items, as well as household utensils. Wearing a body amulet with the symbol “Odolen-Grass” It was almost mandatory for people who were experiencing health problems, as well as during epidemics or seasonal outbreaks of diseases. Travelers and wanderers have always tried to carry with them the Overcome Grass-Flower Water Lilies. This helped them on the long journey while protecting them from the evil Navi spirits. In addition, it was believed that the talisman symbol Overcome Grass helps young men and women find their mate and capture the heart of their beloved or loved one; create strong family unions and find pure love.

You can activate this amulet with the help of personal appeals to Yarila the Sun or using magical spells. The more heartfelt and sincere the request, the brighter the Sun shines, the more opportunities for work the amulet receives. But the talisman symbol Overcome the Grass needs further constant care and maintenance: it should be thoroughly cleaned and taken out into sunlight. And a person (especially someone who is sick) will very quickly feel relief.

But as a protective symbol, or, in modern terms, for preventive purposes, it was used more often in embroidery, for example, men's or women's belts, and decoration of gaitans.

This is explained by the fact that, firstly, “Odolen-Grass” is a very narrowly focused symbol and has greater power in combination with other signs of the Slavs (for example, in certain combinations it is able to reward the abilities and talents of representatives of the field of art), and secondly, Openly wearing an amulet with this symbol can directly indicate the wearer’s illness, which not everyone will like (many are not aware that the body amulet must be worn strictly under clothing, but this is a topic for another discussion).

The two-sided amulet symbol - Fern Flower and Overpowering Grass - is charged with the greatest magical power.

His real abilities:

  • disease control;
  • uncertainty and fears;
  • depression;
  • laziness;
  • spiritual weakness;
  • sorrows;
  • mental suffering.
But this combination can only be used by those people who have pure desires and thoughts.

The power and strength of the “Odolen-Grass” symbol operates regardless of the object on which it is applied. The main thing is that he is always with you, or at least in those moments when you are especially afraid for your health. The Odolen Grass symbol belongs to the ancient sacred Vedic Slavic symbols.The Overpowering Grass symbol is the main amulet for protection against all kinds of diseases. If illnesses are brought upon a person by evil spirits, then they can be quite adequately resisted by a double solar fire sign, capable of burning away any disease and illness, purifying the spirit, soul and body.

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