General information about Russian forests - pests of forest tree species in Russia. Silver hole What does the pest look like

Diets 22.07.2019

Silver hole - butterfly, appearance similar to a cut dry branch. In gardens, silver holes are not at all welcome guests, since they are considered dangerous pests. Large populations of silver holes are capable of destroying a garden or a small forest.

The appearance of the hole is silvery

These butterflies are small in size - the wingspan does not exceed 0.5 centimeters. The color of the butterfly is silvery white. The head is yellow-brown, downy. On the wings there is a mark of the same color. These marks are similar to the moon, hence the name of the butterfly.

The butterfly is inconspicuous, and when it sits on a shoot, it resembles a dry twig, this color allows it to hide from birds.

Excellent disguise is available not only in an adult, but also in eggs. The eggs are small with a flat base. The bottom of the egg has a greenish color, and the top is light, so the eggs go unnoticed.

Caterpillars are dark brown in color. Yellow stripes run along the body. The body is divided into segments by bandages. There is a spot on the head yellow color. The head is large and glossy. The length of the body of the caterpillar of the silver hole reaches 35 millimeters. The body is hairy with dense bristles.

The pupa has 4 processes below. The length of the pupa is approximately the same as the body size of an adult butterfly - 50 millimeters.

The harm caused by the silver hole

These butterflies feed on deciduous plants, preferring birch, oak and fruit trees. Pests settle in forests and parks. They intensively eat foliage, which can provoke the death of trees. Silver holes attack trees from June to September.

Reproduction of silver holes

Silvery holes appear on trees in early summer and make masonry. The female attaches eggs to back side sheet. The fecundity of one female is approximately 50 eggs, but there may be more eggs in the clutch.

Malicious caterpillars hatch from the eggs after 2 weeks. They have a yellow color, black dots are located on the body. Young caterpillars cannot eat whole leaves, so skeletons remain from the leaves. Adult caterpillars are able to destroy the leaves completely.

The caterpillar lives for about 50 days, after which it pupates. To turn into a chrysalis, the caterpillar crawls down from the tree and pupates in the ground, at a depth of about 5 centimeters. In the ground, pupae can develop from 1 to 3 years. At the end of the development process, butterflies are selected from the ground.

  • Class: Insecta = Insects
  • Order: Lepidoptera = Lepidoptera, butterflies
  • Family: Notodontidae Stephens, 1829 = Corydalis
  • Genus: Phalera Hϋbner, 1819 = Holes

Species: Phalera bucephala (Linnaeus, 1758) = Silver hole, or knotty Falera

The hole is silvery, or knot-shaped Falera has wings with a span of about 50-60 mm. The anterior wings of the silver hole are painted in silver-gray tones and on them in the anterior corner there is a large, clearly visible rounded yellow spot. The hind wings are light, white-yellow in color with brown veins.

Butterfly breasts are covered with tufts of yellow-brown or red-brown hairs. The first segment of the abdomen is also covered with hairs. The abdomen has a main color background - silver-brown-yellow, and dark spots are located on its sides. The antennae of the male are short-feathery, in contrast to the small bristle-shaped antennae of the female.

Butterflies of the silver hole appear in nature from pupae, depending on the location and weather conditions, at the end of May - in June. The years of imago are quite extended and usually last until August. During this time, the female can lay up to 250 eggs. The female lays fertilized eggs on the underside of the leaves in groups of 15-40 eggs in one layer. Each egg laid is 0.8-0.9 mm in size with a flat base. Its lower half is dark green, and top part eggs - light, with a dark dot in the middle.

The duration of embryonic development is 12-15 days. Most of the young caterpillars hatch in June. At first, they live all together under the protection of delicate fibers and skeletonize the leaves on which they hatch. Caterpillars of older ages gradually spread along the crown of a tree and begin an individual life, constantly feeding, eating leaves on trees. Adult caterpillars often concentrate in ramifications at the ends of branches, which are completely devoid of leaves.

An adult caterpillar can have a body color from dark to black-brown. Her entire body is covered with yellow hairs. Each segment has yellow longitudinal stripes and small yellow transverse stripes. The maximum body length of an adult caterpillar can be up to 60 mm. For 40-45 days of development, the caterpillars go through five instars, i.e. sheds four times, replacing their old tight clothes with a new one.

Caterpillars of the silver hole feed on the leaves of most hardwood. They can damage tree crops such as: oak, linden, birch, aspen, mountain ash, alder, as well as beech, hornbeam, maple, walnut, willow, poplar and various types of fruit trees. Foliage damage is easily detected by bare branches on trees, on which caterpillars of the silver hole live en masse. Even if the damage is sometimes significant and noticeable, the hole has no economic value.

After feeding, before pupation, the caterpillars descend from the tree, penetrate shallowly into the soil. Here the caterpillar turns into a semi-free, dark brown shiny chrysalis, 30-40 mm long, with delicate yellowish transverse lines. For appearance pupae are characterized by the presence of two complex points with outgrowths at the ends of their abdominal segments. The cremaster is flat, divided into two parts, which, in turn, are also bifurcated. Pupae overwinter in the soil without a cocoon, sometimes they can fall into diapause for up to two years.

Thus, the generation near the silver hole is one-year. The silver hole is common throughout Europe, where it is a common species, with the exception of the north. But in the steppe zone, in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia and the forest-steppe part Western Siberia often gives outbreaks of mass reproduction. Most often it can be found in forests, parks, gardens, it is common in cities where it lives and on hedges.

front fenders butterflies silver-gray with a large, well-defined rounded yellow spot in the anterior corner. Hindwings light white-yellow with brown veins. The chest is covered with tufts of yellow-brown or red-brown hairs. The first segment of the abdomen is also covered with hairs. The belly is silvery-brown-yellow with dark spots on the sides. tendrils male short-feathered, antennae females finely bristle-like. The wingspan is about 50 mm. adult caterpillar from dark to black-brown, covered with yellow hairs, has yellow longitudinal stripes and small yellow transverse stripes on each segment. The length of an adult caterpillar is up to 60 mm. chrysalis semi-free, dark brown shiny with delicate yellowish transverse lines. The end of their abdominal segments is characteristic in two complex points with outgrowths.

Silver hole damages leaves of most hardwoods - oak, linden, birch, aspen, mountain ash, alder, as well as beech, hornbeam, maple, walnut, willow, poplar and various types of fruit trees. Damage is found on bare branches on trees.

Butterflies appear in nature, depending on the location, starting in May, mainly in late spring - early summer. Fertilized females lay their eggs in clusters on the underside of leaves. Caterpillars hatch mainly in June. At first, they all live together under the protection of delicate fibers and skeletonize the leaves on which they hatch. Caterpillars of older ages spread, live individually and eat leaves. Adult caterpillars often concentrate in ramifications at the ends of branches, which are completely devoid of leaves. For pupation, adult caterpillars descend from the tree, penetrate shallowly into the soil. The pupae overwinter in the soil without a cocoon. Even if the damage is sometimes significant and noticeable, the hole has no economic value.

Silver hole common throughout Europe, including a common species in the European part of Russia, with the exception of the north. Often gives outbreaks of mass reproduction in the steppe zone, in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia and the forest-steppe part of western Siberia.

On the pages of our site you can also get acquainted with forest entomology textbook: Introduction , Subject and tasks of forest entomology , Brief outline of the history of forest entomology , Basic principles of insect taxonomy , Structure of insects , Nervous activity of insects , Reproduction of insects , Development of insects , Life cycles , Diapause , Protection devices and social lifestyle , Nutrition and food specialization of insects , Damage to tree species by insects , Distribution of insects in forests , Fluctuations in the number of insects , General concepts of forest protection methods , Literature on pests .

Shevyrev I. Ya. The riddle of bark beetles. - M.: MGUL, 2000, 108 p.
This book, according to the famous forest entomologist N.A. Korotnev, contains more discoveries in its 100 pages than any European work. Written in a clear and highly professional language, it contains a fascinating intrigue, full of serious biological observations and data. The book, republished in its original form, retains all the signs of its time, which is famous for the flourishing of Russian biological science.
It will be interesting and useful for novice biologists and scientists, teachers of schools and special educational institutions, students of forest universities and technical schools, schoolchildren and forestry practitioners and all lovers and connoisseurs of nature.

Golosova M.A. Biological protection of the forest: a textbook. M.: MGUL, 2003 - 152 p., ill.
The training manual describes the pests of flower crops of closed and open ground as well as pests and diseases indoor plants, the periods of their harmful activity, the nature of damage and control measures are indicated.

Trofimov V.N. Supervision, accounting and forecasting of mass reproductions of forest pests: textbook, 2nd ed. M.: GOU VPO MGUL, 2005 - 136 p., ill.
The manual is a summary of both previously developed and used in forest protection technology, as well as new, scientifically based and introduced into production, as well as methods of supervision, accounting, forecasting and decision-making on the need to apply forest pest control measures.

Encyclopedia of forestry(in 2 volumes)
The Encyclopedia of Forestry includes special terms covering the entire spectrum of areas of forest science and forestry activities. About 2000 articles are placed in two volumes of the encyclopedia, which contain the most common terms used in the fields of knowledge in forestry, timber industry, nature conservation, ecology, etc. Most of the articles are accompanied by color illustrations.

Butterfly with a wingspan of 50-60 mm. The forewings are silver grey.

In the outer corner of each wing there is a moon-shaped golden-yellow spot, bordered on the inner side by an arched double dark line. The hindwings are white, with a slight grayish tinge.

The egg is hemispherical with a flat base. The lower half of the egg is dark green, the upper half is light, with a dark dot in the middle.

The caterpillar is dark brown with 10 discontinuous yellow longitudinal stripes and yellow transverse bands on each segment. The head is black, shiny, large, with a characteristic sign in the form of a yellowish fork. The caterpillar is covered with thin yellowish-gray hairs, 30-35 mm long.

The pupa is dark brown, shiny. The cremaster terminates in four fan-shaped processes. Length 30-50 mm.

Distributed throughout the European part of the USSR, the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East.

Flight in June. Individual specimens are found from late May to August. The female lays her eggs on the underside of the leaves in a single layer, placing them closer to the edge of the apical part of the leaf. The clutch contains 40-60 eggs; sometimes it contains from 10 to 120 eggs. After 12-15 days, light yellow caterpillars with black dots, covered with hairs, emerge from the eggs. Caterpillars in the first two ages live in societies and only skeletonize the leaves, and starting from the third age they eat them whole. Caterpillars have five instars and live 40-50 days. During this time, one caterpillar eats 10-11 g of foliage.

Caterpillars are polyphagous, but prefer oak, linden, birch and poplar.

In September, caterpillars pupate in the soil at a depth of up to 5 cm, some of them deepen by 10-15 cm.

The pupa hibernates. One-year generation. Part of the pupae (10-15%) lie in the soil for another year and, if they do not die, the butterflies fly out only in the third calendar year.

Lunka is a typical inhabitant of the ravine forests of the southeast, found in young cultures and forest belts steppe zone, is widespread on poplar plantations, in nurseries and urban plantations of various landscape and geographical zones, as well as in mountain oak forests of the Caucasus (D. I. Lozovoi, 1952). It forms predominantly local foci.

In fluctuations in the number of holes, an important role is played by the egg-eater Trichogramma. Other entomophages are not significant. Birds of caterpillars almost do not touch. The attenuation of outbreaks is most often the result of diapause of pupae and their mass infection with fungal diseases and death from physical factors.

Supervision of the reproduction of the hole is carried out by pupae and is somewhat complicated by the presence of diapause in them. Therefore, it is additionally necessary to carry out control catching of butterflies for ultraviolet light.

On plantations and nurseries, with a small number of caterpillars, they can be collected manually, and in denser foci over large areas, aviation dusting with dusts of DDT and HCCH (15 kg / ha) or spraying with 3-5% (according to the preparation) solutions of 20% -nogo CMME DDT or HCCH. Aerosols can be used, as well as ground dusting and spraying.

Caterpillars of the hole in the first ages are not very resistant to contact drugs and the chemical method gives excellent results.

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