Medium Simone: "Diana comes to me at important moments for her." How did the death of Princess Diana change the royal family? Ghost of Princess Diana

the beauty 25.08.2019

A group of Chinese tourists managed to capture on video mysterious phenomenon resembling the ghost of a woman. The image appeared in the window of one of the churches in the Scottish city of Glasgow. Moreover, many who have watched the video believe that this is none other than the late Princess Diana Spencer, the first wife of the current Prince Charles of Wales!

"Lady Dee" was one of the most popular women in the world, in large part because she was actively involved in charity work. She has been called the "People's Princess", the "Queen of Hearts" and "the most photographed woman in the world".

After on the night of August 31, 1997, Diana, along with her new lover Dodi al-Fayed, died in a car accident that happened in an underground tunnel under Alma Square in Paris, many rumors began to circulate about her death. In particular, they said that she was killed, that she had a premonition of her death, and even that her death was the result of someone's magical influence ...

Over the years, Lady Diana's popularity has not waned. According to a poll conducted in 2002 by the BBC, she was ranked third in the list of the hundred greatest Britons in history.

A few years ago, psychic Simone Simmons, with whom Diana spoke during her lifetime, began to say that she was the ghost of a princess.

I know I sound weird, but it's all true, says Simone. - Diana comes to me at important moments for her. The first time she appeared immediately after her death and said that the car accident was not an accident.

According to Simmons, Lady Dee is actively interested in the lives of her loved ones. She even approved the marriage of Prince Charles to Camilla Parker-Bowles and gave her blessing to the marriage of her son William to Kate Middleton. Diana also expressed various political opinions and told that in the next world she was reunited with Mother Teresa, who was also famous throughout the world for her charitable work.

In addition, Diana was not too pleased that a memorial fountain in London's Hyde Park was dedicated to her. She stated that she would have preferred to have a hospital or hospice named after her.

However, Simone Simmons is by no means the only medium who claimed to have been in contact with the late Diana. So, retired London detective Keith Charles assured that he also communicated with the spirit of Lady Dee, and she told him that her death was just an accident. Christina Turmi claims that Diana, after her death, told her about her stay in the next world, in particular, she described meetings with the spirit of John Lennon and other celebrities. Another medium - Patricia Bankins - arranged communication sessions with the spirit of Diana in London and Paris. And journalist Hazel Courtney claimed that she received a posthumous message from Diana, and even wrote a book about it.

A certain Ru Mills also wrote a book called "Diana - Queen of Heaven", in which she reports that "very soon the face of Diana will appear to people all over the world." And on the Web there is a virtual Church of Diana, founded by a certain Yao, who announced that only he was given the right to transmit messages from the princess to people.

As for the ghost captured by tourists on video, it is strange why it was not observed either in London or, say, in the homeland of Princess Diana in Norfolk. After all, most often phantoms appear where they lived during life. For example, in the Tower there are almost officially recognized ghosts of the murdered wives of King Henry VIII Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard ... Although who knows, spirits!

The video posted on the Internet caused a real sensation in the media and online community. True, paranormal experts are in no hurry to assert that we are talking about a ghost. So, one of the experts, Michael Cohen, believes that the image in the window can be optical illusion. Although he does not deny the existence of ghosts.

“Scientists say that ghosts do not exist, but at the same time, people around the world often see them,” Cohen commented. “We, the living, may not want to have anything to do with the dead, but they may have unfinished business in our world."

Well, it remains to wait until the final verdict is issued - what or who is captured on the sensational video.

Published on 25.01.12 09:39

"This is the ghost of Princess Diana or an optical illusion" - this is the name of the video, which was filmed and posted online by Chinese tourists who came to rest in Scotland.

A group of Chinese tourists filmed an unusual phenomenon in one of the churches in Scotland, which has already been declared the ghost of Princess Diana of Wales. This case, which occurred in the Scottish capital of Glasgow, caused a stir in all British media, according to "Today".

Paranormal expert Michael Cohen has already subjected the amateur footage to scrutiny. He studies the video himself, and also consults with other specialists, since a strange phenomenon intkbbee in a church window can be both a ghost and an optical illusion. According to the ufologist, ghosts often appear in places with which they were associated during life. They do this in order to warn individuals or entire nations of impending danger.

"Scientists say that ghosts do not exist, but at the same time, people around the world often see them," said Cohen. “We, the living, may not want to have anything to do with the dead, but they may have unfinished business in our world.”

Princess Diana was one of the most popular women in the world. She was called "Lady Di", "People's Princess", "Queen of Hearts", "the most photographed woman in the world"... On the night of August 31, 1997, in a car accident that occurred in an underground tunnel under Alma Square in Paris, Diana died along with her lover, Dodi al-Fayed.

On March 26, 2006, an article appeared in the British Sunday Mirror stating that Diana still cares about the fate of her family. She has already given her blessing for the marriage of her son William to his girlfriend Kate Middleton. “This is love,” she says. "Kate will be like a rock in William's existence."

I know I sound weird, but it's all true, she says. “Diana comes to me at important moments for her,” the psychic assures. - The first time she appeared immediately after her death and said that the car accident was not an accident. Also, she was not pregnant at the time.

But with regard to younger son, Harry, Diana has her doubts. She believes that Harry does not truly love his girlfriend. So their union, apparently, will fall apart. As for the past, Diana categorically denies that her death in that very tunnel near Paris in 1997 was just a traffic accident ...

All these revelations of Diana are recounted by 49-year-old Simone Simmons, a psychic and healer, with whom Diana contacted more than once after her death. Mrs. Simmons's statements cause indignation among the princess's relatives. They are already annoyed by the fact that the medium made good money on the name of Diana, publishing two books, and, in addition, conducted television sessions with the spirit of the princess.

Diana approved the marriage of Prince Charles to Camila, but is concerned about his health. Simmons does not say what exactly is so disturbing to the princess, but rumors are crawling around England that the prince is ill with porphyrin disease. Diana is keenly interested in political events. "There" she reunited with Mother Teresa, and both are not indifferent to earthly affairs. According to Diana, the invasion of Iraq will serve as the trigger for World War III. She never mentioned George W. Bush by name, but says America "blew the fuse" by mishandling corrupt oil states.

The spirit of the princess is usually not averse to talking about her sons, about the Duchess of York (she regrets that she did not settle things with her while she existed), about Mohammed al-Fayed, whose son died then with Diana (she feels sorry for her father). But Lady Dee does not mention her last lover, Dodi al-Fayed.

If you believe the psychic woman with whom Princess Diana spoke during her existence, then these contacts continue to this day. It turns out that Lady Dee is still delving into all earthly affairs. And even something predicts.

They pay good money for interviews with ghosts!

And everything would be fine if every now and then there were no messages from other mediums who supposedly also communicate with Diana. Here, for example, is the most famous medium in the UK, Rita Rogers. According to her, Diana was her client, and shortly before her death, she flew to Rita by helicopter with Dodi for advice. And allegedly Rogers tried to warn them against a trip to France, from unfamiliar drivers and even tunnels.

About the memorial fountain dedicated to her in Hyde Park, Diana speaks without enthusiasm. But what she would approve of is a hospital or hospice bearing her name.

However, Simmons dismisses all criticism.

A retired London detective and the only officially registered medium named Keith Charles claims that he also communicated with the spirit of Diana, and she said that her death was just an accident. And soon after the death of the princess, a certain Ru Mills (aka R. Allan) wrote the book "Diana - Queen of Heaven", which says that "very soon the face of Diana will appear to people all over the world." There is even a virtual Church of Diana open on the Internet, and its founder, known as Chairman Yao, has declared himself the exclusive conduit for the princess's messages to the people.

According to Simmons, the last time they spoke was a few weeks ago. Diana looks great. She now resides on a different plane of existence - truly beautiful. Some would call it heaven.

Then there was a book by Sunday Times journalist Hazel Courtney, A True Record of a Woman Passing Between Worlds and Returning with a Message from Diana. Another medium, Patricia Bankins, conducted communication sessions with the spirit of Diana in both London and Paris.

Margot wrote:

That's what Mrs. Simmons says. She first met Diana after Simone became an "energy healer" at the Hale Clinic in London's Regent Park. According to her, Diana herself asked for a meeting. But eight months before her death, tired of endless phone calls, she changed phone numbers and stopped all contact, including with Simone. Fifteen months after Lady Di's death, the healer published her first book about her, and recently the second one, Diana. The last word".

Hmm .. is Diana really interested in such problems in the next world ..? Author's signature

Through the medium Christina Turmi, with whom Diana first contacted a few hours before her death, she allegedly conveyed her posthumous feelings. She described her meetings with the souls of some people, for example, with John Lennon.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Princess Welsh Diana was one of the most photographed women in the world

The death of Princess Diana in 1997 and the public reaction to the tragedy shook the House of Windsor.

Twenty years later, a bloodless coup took place in the palace. All members royal family still in place, but the center of influence has shifted.

In early August of this year, he left his post personal secretary Queen Sir Christopher Geydt, who was near her for many years. This means that the eldest son of Elizabeth II will now be able to largely determine in which direction the British monarchy will move.

Internal rearrangements in the palace are of interest only to the inner circle of the courtiers, but they are of little concern to everyone else.

Still, recent changes should please Prince Charles. The heir to the throne, who has been waiting so long for his turn, looks much more satisfied and less worried.

He still has a burning desire to bring about change, his ardent commitment to fighting climate change has been taken up by the mainstream.

Once laughed at the prince's habit of talking to plants and trees, today he is praised for his desire to save the planet.

Every year now his mother will do less and he will do more.

It's not so cloudy on the horizon.

This horizon was once clouded by scandals in the Welsh household, chief among which were his television admissions of adultery and leaked comments about women's tampons.

Perennial influence

Image copyright Getty Images

But everything is not so simple. Whatever agreements were reached between him and his first wife during her lifetime, they did not stand the test of her death.

The ghost of Diana haunts Charles.

Recent Poll public opinion, commissioned by the Press Association news agency, showed that the number of people considering the contribution of the Prince of Wales to royal family positive, fell from 60% to 36%.

This survey was conducted at a time when it was difficult not to remember the painful past of Charles.

Newspapers and TV channels in recent times talk all the time about the impact that Princess Diana had on the most different areas life - from the world of fashion to the British monarchy.

The heavy media coverage of the subject for a whole month would probably have puzzled anyone under 25 and would have confused a stray Martian.

Numerous admirers of Charles will say that the shadow of Diana, which adversely affects his popularity, will dissipate every year.

But 20 years behind, and her influence is still great.

public anger

The Queen was the first to understand the significance of Diana, it was a few days before her funeral in 1997.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption The Queen was blamed for her silence immediately after the death of Diana

Empty flagpole Buckingham Palace and the Queen's protracted sojourn at her Scottish residence of Balmoral did not go unnoticed, and could not go on like this any longer.

Her Majesty has returned to London. "She relented. I was surprised," said a former senior member of her secretariat in documentary BBC.

In her televised address to the nation, the Queen promised to learn from Diana's life.

The guardian of the ancient institution of power tried not to be on the other side of public opinion. The week after the death of the Princess of Wales was the worst of the Queen's reign.

She doesn't want another week like this.

Fans of the princess believe that the behavior of the court all these years aimed not only to protect itself, but also to make sure that the memory of Diana vanished and did not dominate the life of the House of Windsor.

None of the representatives of the royal family in 2000 came without opening the garden of her memory.

For two decades, it was taken for granted that this woman, who died at 36, could not be carved in stone.

But now her sons have taken over. A monument to Diana will soon be unveiled. The princes, who alone with themselves mourned her as children, now becoming adults, are doing everything to keep her memory alive.

William and Harry in numerous interviews, and how she fought for justice and for her beliefs, which her sons also share.

"Exceptional and irreplaceable"

Those who look for signs of Diana's unrelenting influence and significance today find them in how whole people her children have become and how comfortable they feel in public.

But you have to pay for everything. Princes who live in the palace but ate hamburgers outside with their mother as children find it hard to accept that the usual, normal life no longer for them.

Image copyright PA Image caption Princes William and Harry were only 15 and 12 respectively when they lost their mother.

Once upon a time, the queen was resigned to the fact that her private life could only take place within the confines of her vast estates. But her grandchildren periodically rebel against such restrictions.

In addition to wanting to experience life outside the palace, Diana's sons also share her ambivalence towards the media. She welcomed the press and tried to tame it. But she didn't succeed.

One fact for the princes will remain unchanged: photographers pursued their mother in a Parisian tunnel, and a tipsy chauffeur raced her to an untimely death.

Diana's influence on the British monarchy is still very great. Perhaps it will weaken somewhat by the time of the accession to the throne of King Charles, whose wife still has a chance to become Queen Camilla.

The 30th anniversary of Diana's death may not be as significant as today's.

But at the moment, both her loved ones and those who have never met her continue to mourn her. As her brother Earl Spencer put it in a eulogy, she was "a unique, complex, exceptional and irreplaceable Diana".

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