Literary Lounge “With love about nature. Musical and literary living room "Spring, spring" in the senior group How to name a literary living room about spring flowers

Diets 08.07.2019

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The purpose of the lesson: familiarization with the world of beauty on the example of works of literature and music.

Equipment: a presentation with slides depicting flowers, parks, reproductions of paintings by artists; recording of vocal and instrumental works performed by famous artists, orchestras; the hall is decorated with garlands of flowers; the participants of the evening sit at tables decorated with flowers (the work was done by the students themselves).

Leading. We are glad to welcome you to the literary and musical drawing room dedicated to the beginning of spring. We read poetry, listen to the music of famous musicians and composers, so make yourself comfortable and have fun.

How much light and heat
They radiated to us in life -
Flowers of love, flowers of kindness,
Flowers of joy and sadness.
Spring and autumn flowers -
We met joy, sadness with them -
Flowers of love, flowers of dreams
Flowers of thought and sadness.

(Against the background of 1.2 slides, the presenter reads these verses and sounds Sviridov's waltz from the film "Snowstorm" performed by the symphony orchestra).

1 Reader (reads a poem by the Uzbek poet Yusuf Shamansur “A drop of dew”).

Dew drops from afar
The flowers are visible in the hours of dawn.
I inhale the fragrance of a flower,
There is no better moment than this.
The fragrance is like the voice of beauty,
Awakened in a melting mist.
What scale do you use to measure
His good charm?
Motherland! I will walk a hundred roads
Life, if you command, I will not regret
For the morning flower to shine
Your inescapable beauty.
Motherland! You are the starlight of the sky
Father's land and the generosity of the harvest,
You are a true poet from the beginning.
I'm just imitating you.
Your day is clean and full of sunshine
Fraternal friendship bright flowers.

(Against the background of this poem, there is a 3rd slide and the “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds).

Spring showers flow on the roofs,
Everything clings to the refreshing power of water,
In the flowering of apple trees, cherries and cherries,
As in a white wave, the gardens are drowning.
The spring rain is pouring, and the poppies have flared up
A dazzling fire in the hot steppes,
Pearl spray of life-giving moisture
Burning on purple flower petals.
The downpour is pouring - fragrant herbs grow
And the bread ripens high and thick,
Oak forests dressed in green foliage -
Spring is joy, life is flowers.

(Against the background of this poem, there is a 4th slide and S. Rachmaninov's romance “Spring Waters” sounds).

Presenter (against the background of the softly sounding music of Sviridov's waltz from the movie "Metel", slide 5).

Stormy flood
In the mud of spring
April is rushing
On swollen earth.
He woke
Under the snowdrift snowdrop -
blue song
On a thin stem.

3 Reader (slides 6,7 without music, 8 - P.I. Tchaikovsky’s play “Snowdrop” from the cycle “The Seasons” sounds).

I will be very gentle today
And, leaning my head against you,
I'll tell you about the blue snowdrops,
Smiling on the pavement.
We lived here and did not know at all
That spring blossomed on the field, -
Little girl in sandals
She brought it to us in a basket.
Ah, April, blue-eyed April -
He won't let us sleep at night
Though it spring stories
Only echoes sound ...

(M.Isakovsky “Snowdrop”).

Presenter (against the background of 9.10 slide tells the legend of the lily of the valley).

The sea princess Volkhova fell in love with the young man Sadko, and he gave his heart to the favorite of the fields and forests, Lyubava. Saddened Volkhova went ashore and began to cry. And where the tears of the princess fell, lilies of the valley grew - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.

4 Reader (reads a poem by S. Marshak “Lily of the valley”)

The forest turns black, awakened with warmth,
Embraced by spring dampness.
And on the strings of pearls
Everyone trembles from the wind.
Buds round bells
Still closed and tight
But the sun opens the corollas
At the bluebells of spring.
Nature carefully swaddled,
Wrapped up in a wide leaf
A flower grows in the wilderness untouched,
Cool, fragile and fragrant.
The forest is languishing early spring,
And all the happy longing
And all your fragrance
He gave to the bitter flower.

(S. Rakhmaninov's romance is performed to the words of G. Galin “It's good here” - slide 11).

Presenter (against the background of 12-16 slides tells the legend of the tulip).

Happiness was contained in the golden bud of a yellow tulip. No one could reach this happiness, because there was no such force that could open its bud.

But one day a woman with a child was walking through the meadow. The boy escaped from his mother's arms, ran up to the flower with a sonorous laugh, and the golden bud opened. Carefree childish laughter did what no power could do. Since then, it has become customary to give tulips only to those who experience happiness.

5 Reader (reads S. Yesenin's poem "Bird Cherry", slide 17 - F. Chopin's waltz sounds).

Fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring, -
And the branches are golden, like curls, curled.
Around the honey dew slides down the bark,
Beneath it, spicy greens turn blue in silver.
And satin tassels under pearl dew
They burn like clear earrings, the girl has beauty.
And nearby, at the thawed patch, in the grass between the roots
Runs, flows a small silver stream.
Fragrant bird cherry, hung out, stands,
And the greenery is golden in the sun.
A brook with a rattling wave pours over all the branches
And insinuatingly under the steepness she sings songs.

Presenter (18 slide - nightingale trills).

All darker and curly birch forest turns green,
Lily of the valley bells bloom in the thicket of green,
At dawn in the valleys it blows warm and bird cherry,
Nightingales sing until dawn.

6 Reader (19 slide - S. Rachmaninov's romance "Lilac" sounds).

Here the lilac blossomed, how fresh and beautiful!
Lilac light pours through the dark bushes.
I can not breathe on the blue wonder
Fragrant branch bowing to the mouth.

(On the screen - an image of a blooming rosalia - 20.21 slide)

Inexpressible, blue, gentle,
My land is quiet after storms, after thunderstorms.
And my soul is a boundless field
Breathes the scent of honey and roses.

7 Reader (against the background of slide 22 - M. Glinka's romance to the words of A. Pushkin "Where is our rose" - reads S. Marshak's poem "Abkhazian rose").

Poets of all ages sing about her,
There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,
Than this bundle of scarlet petals.
Opened with a fragrant cup.
How beautiful, cold and pure
A deep goblet full of flavor.
How friendly a simple and modest leaf is with him,
Dark green, serrated at the edges.
The petal goes behind the petal,
And all of them with their purple cloth
An inexhaustible stream
Fragrant and fresh breath.
I saw this miracle on the window
One Abkhaz village school -
And they gave me thirty hands on the road
By a red rose, wet and heavy.
I took a bunch of roses to the North.
Flowers of the Caucasus - distant Leningrad.
And let thirty fall red roses, –
I remember these lines.

Presenter (23 slide - a waltz sounds from the movie “Beware of the car”).

There is nothing more beautiful than flowers
Came to the palisades and dwellings.
They came from ancient times.
To make life more sublime and purer.

Final word. We think that tonight has given you joy. Life triumphs when there are flowers around us. They are always with us: on weekdays and holidays. Flowers are the moral health of a person. So let's all be healthy and happy!

The images of spring in our Sulina poets often resemble landscape painting. They are described in excellent epithets. The transformation of nature is organically combined with inner world poet.
Natalia Voronina personifies spring with a Woman:

A woman has a smile on her face
And in the hands of a woman is spring,
And lips with a mysterious curve
The novelty of life lurks
Leaves on the branches of a tree
Wet ground underfoot
And in the soul - exciting lines
And confessions of warm depth.
On the shoulders of a woman of worries,
Lightweight scarf with the smell of perfume,
Awakening of the heart and nature,
The click of funny heels.
On the cheeks from the freshness of a blush,
And there are lights in the eyes.
Invite her spring to dance
And don't get lost, help me!

Voronina, N. Spring and woman

The nature of spring by N. Voronina, connected with feelings, experiences,
makes us understand the age condition of a woman. As, for example, in the poem "Live!":

And nature's renewal
And warmth in the heart
subdued doubts,
And habits mayat.
colorful days -
White, grey, blue;
bursting buds,
Unattained peace

Voronina, N. We live!

N. Kireev, a poet of the older generation, has a philosophical understanding of this season:

Flowers sing and evil retreats
even for a moment, but still recedes,
from their songs it becomes light,
flowers sing, and the darkness of the earth melts.
Flowers sing, spring flowers,
native land - magical creations,
and the best dreams come alive
under this ageless singing.

Kireev, N. Flowers sing.

The spring poetry of Olga Romanenko is seen as an appeal to earthly nature. The sun, the moon, the stars... Everything is filled with romance:

Nature lived in anticipation of May.
Pink sunset on the horizon
Painted the world exquisitely - casually,
Herbs of spring aroma flowed,
The brook murmured thoughtfully and gently.
I admired the colors of spring
I breathed clean air...
Whispered softly pines by the stream,
The night fell, lighting the stars.
A warm spring breeze blew
He carelessly touched my hair.
In the radiance of the stars, a sparkling stream
Murmured in silence thoughtfully
and gently…

Romanenko, O. Brother of the wolf: a poem

Vyacheslav Dutov's spring is a kaleidoscope of unique images, this is his style. The lines are permeated with the joy of life. As in the poem "Beauty":

I sing beauty
She is related to spring and summer.
Apple tree in bloom in spring
Dressed in a white veil
Washed by the dews of dawn.

Dutov, V. Beauty

Love for native places, for a woman spills out at Dutov in sounds and colors:

Do you love apple blossom...
It's April now
The kidneys swelled.
Petals will appear in May
And the trill will ring in the blossoms.
Do you love apple blossom...

Dutov, V. I water the trees

You, spring are in a hurry somewhere
So you go - you almost run,
Both boys and girls
Life is equal to you.
Looked into the Easter holiday
You say: "Christ is risen!"
From your warmth and affection
Blooms all around.
Everything that your eyes touch
Gets two wings:
christen with the sun
The willow breaks from the stake.
You hurry, Spring, you wave
A motley brush on the run.
Laugh - daisies
Will scatter from scarlet lips.

Dutov, V. Spring Girl.

I won't break, I won't grow old, I won't fall asleep:
The Motherland has dressed up in spring!
A boiling crown lay on the trees,
The starling went crazy in the branches from singing.
Our spring river and pond
The vines were ringed in emerald,
Clouds, foaming in a row over the edge of the sky
White apple trees continue.

Dutov, V. I will not break, I will not grow old, I will not fall asleep

Our local landscape is the spurs of the Donetsk Ridge, many hills, ravines, small streams. What are they like in spring? - let's see:

I'm going up the hill already dry,
And snow is hidden in the beam.
Words are formed into verses
About the sun, about spring;
That spring is green
Decorate the dullness of days
That a kiss is more precious than sleep
At least sleep is sweeter.
And that love with a wave of wings
Sweeps the intellect
And that when you love, you radiate light.

Dutov, V. I'm going up the hill already dry

Spring lyrics make everyone who feels like a person worry.

Bouquet of words:
Spring, love and sun
And blue in the eyes
And music in my chest
And inspiration
Like a spring in a well
And bright hope ahead.

Dutov, V. Bouquet of words


  • Voronina, N. Spring and a woman: [poem] / N. Ya. Voronina // Necklace of feelings: poems / N. Ya. Voronin. - Rostov n / D: Litera-D, 1997. - S. 16-17.
  • Voronina, N. We live!: [poem] / N. Ya. Voronina // Necklace of feelings: poems / N.Ya. Voronin. - Rostov n / D: Litera-D, 1997. - S. 8.
  • Dutov, V. Beauty: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Diamond: literary and poetic collection / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2006. - P.144.
  • Dutov, V. I water the trees: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.38.
  • Dutov, V. Spring girl: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.50.
  • Dutov, V. I won’t break, I won’t grow old, I won’t fall asleep: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.53.
  • Dutov, V. I’m walking on a dry hill: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.54.
  • Dutov, V. A bouquet of words: [poem] / V. K. Dutov // Nuggets: songs and poems / V. Dutov. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2001. - P.88.
  • Kireev, N. Flowers sing: [song] / N.P. Kireev // Moment of eternity: poems / N.P. Kireev. - Rostov-n / D .: Omega - Print, 2001. - S. 187.
  • Romanenko, O. Brother of the wolf: a poem / O. V. Romanenko // Dream dressed in azure ...: poems and poems / O.V. Romanenko. - Krasny Sulin: Sulinpolygraphservice, 2010. - P. 74.

Lesson extracurricular reading

Literary lounge "With love about nature"

Purpose: 1) To form the ability to highlight the signs of spring, to distinguish spring months; introduce the signs of spring, feel the beauty of the word; improve reading comprehension.

2) Develop speech, imagination, memory, attention, observation; the ability to see the main thing in what is read and heard.

3) To cultivate reader interest; aesthetic and careful attitude to nature.

Lesson type: combined

Methods: verbal, visual, practical, reproductive.

Equipment: presentation, material for the newspaper "Spring is coming", video clip "Spring", sound recording.

During the classes:

1. Org. moment. Psychological mood. Relaxation (plays "Lyrical Music")

2. Immersion in the topic.

A very long time ago, more than 300 years ago (18th century), it became a tradition to organize literary drawing rooms. Gathered here famous people: writers, poets, musicians, artists, people with common interests - creative personalities. They talked about literature, read their fiction and scientific work, communicated, talked, shared their thoughts. And then from these meetings new poems, musical works, paintings were born. We will also communicate with you today, and who knows, maybe our conversation will prompt one of you to write a poem or a picture. And what will we talk about in our literary drawing room? (demonstration of the clip "Spring")

- Yes, indeed we will talk about spring. And in the course of our conversation, we will draw up the newspaper "Spring is coming."

3. Breathing exercises.

- Let's breathe in the smell of spring and enjoy its aroma (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth)

4. Associations to the word spring (clustering)

- Name the first month of spring. And now in our newspaper we will publish the first poem (read by a student)

S. Marshak "March"

The snow is no longer the same

It darkened in the field.

Ice cracked on the lakes

It's like they split.

Clouds run faster.

The sky got higher.

Sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

Everything is blacker every day:

Stitches and paths.

And on willows with silver

Earrings glow.

- What are the signs of the month of March (the snow darkened, the ice cracked on the lakes, the birds sing more cheerfully, the sky became higher)

6. Teacher's story.

Everyone knows that New Year comes in winter and the first month of the year is January. But it turns out that in ancient times, people celebrated the New Year in the spring - in March. This holiday was celebrated not with a Christmas tree, but with songs - a welcome holiday of light, warmth, hope for a rich harvest. Everyone gathered in a round dance and sang (children stand in a round dance and say words)

Come to us spring with joy,

With great mercy

With grainy rye,

With spiked wheat.

With mustachioed barley ...

Sisters - titmouse

You will fly free

Bring spring to us soon!

March is the morning of the year. The sun is getting higher and higher every day and shines more. The snowdrifts are still high, the trees are bare and black, but the earth has already appeared on the southern hillocks. “Ding, ding!” sings drops. No wonder the people call March - drip.

7. Reading sayings about March.

March 22 - day equals night. And on this day we celebrate the Nauryz holiday. And on this day you can hear the first songs of the field lark (the student reads the poem)

Vasily Zhukovsky "Lark"

The dark forest glowed in the sun.

In the valley of steam, thin whitens.

And sang an early song

In azure the lark is sonorous.

Spring came to us young,

Here I sing the arrival of spring.

The ringing song of the lark is amazingly beautiful. Many great composers have tried to portray this joyful song in their musical works. One of these composers was Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. And now we will listen to an excerpt from his album “March. Singing the Lark (listening to music)

8. Exercise for relaxation.

Close your eyes and imagine that you are lying on your back in the grass. A beautiful spring day. You are looking at an amazingly clear blue sky, it is so extraordinary. You enjoy it. You enjoy its wonderful view. You are completely relaxed and satisfied. You see how far on the horizon a tiny white cloud appears. You are mesmerized by its simple beauty. You see it coming towards you. You lie down and you are completely relaxed. The cloud is moving towards you very slowly. You enjoy the beauty of the magnificent blue sky and a small white cloud. It is right above you. Imagine that you are slowly getting up. You rise to a small white cloud. You soar higher and higher. Finally you have reached a small white cloud and step on it. You step on it and become a small white cloud yourself. You are completely relaxed, harmony reigns in you, and you soar high - high.

- And since the lark sang his song, it means April is coming soon (student reads) Samuil Marshak “April”

April, April.

Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields

Puddles on the roads.

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks

Through the woods.

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

9. Dictionary work: deadwood - dry branches, trees lying on the ground.

- What happens in nature in April? (reading sayings about April)

The snowdrop is listed in the Red Book and cannot be plucked, but on the contrary, it must be protected.

People say “April is glorious with water.” Why? - April's business is to drive the snow away, wake up the earth and warm it. In April, the forest begins to come to life (student reads)

Ivan Vasilevsky "Spring in the forest"

There are still fogs in the forest

An impenetrable veil.

But go out to the glades at noon,

And the world becomes different.

Look at the blue sky.

Spring familiar path

Came to the living forests.

(listening to "Birdsong")

10. Compilation of the syncwine "Forest"

What month comes after April?

-Debt of May warm earth remove in greens. They say: “May decorates the earth, summer awaits for a visit”

(proverbs about May)

- May is called "pollen" Why?

11. Reading a poem by S. Yesenin "Bird cherry"

- Find personifications, comparisons.

12. Reading riddle:

It blooms in May.

You will find it in the shade of the forest.

On a stalk, like beads in a row

Fragrant flowers hang.

White peas on a green stem. (lily of the valley)

Lily of the valley flowers are beautiful. So they tear them up in whole bunches. Ruthlessly pluck green leaves to wrap bouquets, and often damage the root. From this, the entire lily-of-the-valley glade perishes. And the man is to blame. You can't pick wild flowers! You need to admire them.

-Not only poets and composers admired nature. But artists also sang it in their paintings.

(view reproductions famous artists)

And now we will organize a joint drawing of a picture.

13. Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky "In a forest clearing" (work with slides - drawing a picture)

-What do we call our work?

14. Generalization.

In the poems of famous poets and writers with whom we worked today, in the music of wonderful composers and in the paintings of famous artists, we saw the soul of these people, their boundless love for native nature and to the wonderful time of the year - spring. They all depict this season in their own way, but they all equally admire it.

- Express your attitude to spring (write in the newspaper)

Spring never repeats itself. Every year it brings something new, unknown, delighting and delighting people with a wonderful spectacle. You just need to be careful and be able to see this beauty. We must learn to see beauty. Which surrounds us, learn to feel it and learn to express your feelings. And we can express our feelings through poetry, music. Dancing. Pictures, words and deeds. Spring is a bright celebration of the birth of nature. Blooms on earth in spring new life: buds bloom on trees, timid green grass appears in the field, insects and insects crawl out of their cracks into the sun and warm their weak wings. Passers-by smile at each other and everyone is in such a mood that I want to sing a song.

(song "Drips drip loudly")

15. Reflection.

-Where have we been today? What did you like about the lesson?

Show your mood with color. And in memory of our lesson, we got such a wonderful newspaper. Love nature!

15. Homework (pp. 129 -130 retelling close to the text; write a letter to spring, compose a poem)

Tatyana Semenova
Synopsis of the literary and musical living room " spring drops»

Target: To introduce children to the musical culture accessible to the child. Accumulate the experience of musical impressions in the process of listening.

Develop aesthetic emotions, feelings, experiences. And so- same: Attention,

hearing, musical memory.

Bring up:

love and interest in song, dance and poetry.

Lesson progress

To the song "Spring is coming red" music Olifirova's children enter the hall and start a round dance.

presenter: Under voiced drops

The birds have arrived

Green scarves

They put on birches.

The starlings rush to the birdhouses

Everyone couldn't sleep

So, she came to us again

Gorgeous. Spring!

Song: "Drip loudly drops»

presenter: Children, come in to our musical living room and sit down

chairs. The first month of spring is March.

The dark forest glowed in the sun

In the valley of steam the thin whitens

And sang an early song

In azure the lark is sonorous.

Listen to the music that's called "Lark", the great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote this music. Listen to how the sounds of music convey the ringing and gentle voice of the lark. Listening to music is accompanied by slides on the TV screen.

presenter: Children, I have pictures of birds on my table. Find and name me migratory birds (lark, starling, swallow) The second month is April. Listen to the music and tell me what it's called? What did we do to this music? (children's answers) That's right, to this music called "Snowdrop" our girls danced at the party. The girls perform dance: "Snowdrops"

The teacher reads a poem:

In the forest where the birches crowded in a crowd,

A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.

At first, a little

Put out a green leg

Then I stretched

Of all your little powers

And quietly asked:

I see the weather is warm and clear!

Tell me, it's true that it's spring!

The poem is accompanied by a slide show on the TV screen.

presenter: The third month of spring is May.

Now the nightingales sing in the birch branches,

Dragonflies sing in the meadows, streams sing in the fields.

The time is coming, sonorous, melodious, flowering. Soon the trees will be covered with young leaves. The first will blossom spring flowers. Everyone calls this month "blooming May". Listen to an excerpt from the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers".

presenter:Our meeting in the musical the living room has come to an end. We listened to the music of the Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky, read poetry, talked about the first birds that arrived, flowers, about the coming spring. And now we all get up and pretend that we are with you "birds", show how happy they are for the arrival of spring.

Children are freely located around the hall and depict "Dance of the Birds" to the music of the same name by N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Related publications:

At the beginning of March, an exhibition of children's drawings "Spring drops" was held in our preschool educational institution. The children took part in it with great desire.

“Spring is walking towards us with quick steps, And the snowdrifts are melting under her feet. Black thawed patches are visible on the margins. It can be seen that spring has very warm feet. Each.

Objective: To continue to introduce children to natural phenomenon- spring, her characteristic features(the sun is shining brightly, the snow is melting, they appear.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory school group "Spring drops" Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory school group "Spring drops" Prepared by the teacher Litvinova Natalya Alexandrovna.

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