Katasonov August. Trump declared economic war on Russia

the beauty 05.08.2020
the beauty

Shocking video.

Do you know that on Earth there are creatures on two legs in the guise of a person who not only do not follow the rules of human behavior, but also destroy them directly with the possession of demons?

Do not think that we are talking about ordinary criminals. No. These are beings with great ambitions. Their goal is not just to achieve money or power on Earth, but also to receive human gratitude for their crimes in the form of worship, full respect and readiness to serve their interests, experiencing a heart-rending, crushing fear of their power with a lead slab.

This is not about a global conspiracy. It's about the life of nonhumans. About their daily interests. about their logic. About what we think is the economy, but in fact is a humiliation scheme.

Their game with us is built, based on our greed, on our stupidity, on our ignorance. That is, dependent on money. On empty. After all, money is just a convention. Money has no inherent value for a person. A piece of metal or a shiny stone, a piece of paper or a receipt - these are just gizmos. Only the person himself can endow the simplest thing with great meaning and value. Funny, right?

Watch this video carefully and you will be horrified at how politics has become the horror of all peoples. Now politics has no logic at all, no sense, no morality. All politics has become TV chewing gum, a continuous circus for the nations, a puppet show program.

There is no point in sports now, there is no point in countries, there is no point in negotiations. Because a group of non-humans arrogated to themselves the right to play with earthlings. Nonhumans have every means to destroy entire peoples, states, corporations, armies, cultures and everything else. Until climate change.

Inhumans destroy presidents and install new ones. Nonhumans kill, rob, destroy.

The speaker in the video voices the idea that the United States has brought up such a people who will no longer be able to refuse to serve nonhumans. And justice on Earth can only be restored by destroying the United States. See for yourself:

Valentin Katasonov. Trump is a puppet. Who operates behind the scenes? Video.

About the economy of villains.

Even if the country wants to become a US colony, the states will kill and rob these collaborators without pity.

The USA appoints itself enemies and sends "jackals" to them in order to destroy this country. The USA is a country of evil on a global scale.

Israel, the US and Britain are acting in one bundle against the whole World. The facts are visible to all.


If the video does not open,here is another link.


Doctor economic sciences Valentin Katasonov reveals the mechanism of economic fraud on a global scale. Where scripts are written to build a new world. When did the Deep State begin to take shape? Why representative power is a screen that hides the true power of the owners of money. Why the world elite needs the Club of Rome. What are the four main goals facing the owners of money.

Buy the book "World Capitalism. Exposure. They dared to tell the truth" and other works by V. Yu. Katasonov at no trade markup http://bit.ly/2Cg7FVh

Kovpak: we can beat them...

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Look at the symbols that are present in the picture about the Little Humpbacked Horse.

Donald Trump signed the bill on sanctions against Russia, as well as Iran and North Korea. The fact that economic war has been declared on Russia by this very fact is recognized in our country even at the highest level. For example, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that by adopting sanctions, Washington declared a "full-fledged trade war" to Moscow. Only now our country does not even think of preparing for this confrontation, believes Doctor of Economic Sciences Valentin Katasonov.

Question: So, Trump's decision, which was heatedly discussed in advance, has already been made. What does it threaten us with?

Valentin Katasonov: Yes, on August 2, 2017, Donald Trump signed into law what is formally called the Economic Sanctions Act. This is the first sign, since the question is not only about the economy, and even primarily not about the economy.

Question: From your point of view, does the document go far beyond its title?

Valentin Katasonov: It is necessary to soberly and honestly assess the current state. Russia in this law, in fact, is called an enemy. Therefore, this document lays down a series of other normative acts, decisions, projects and actions in relation to our country.

Question: How can this be expressed specifically?

Valentin Katasonov: I would not like to be a prophet, but I will say that August 2 is the start date of the second round cold war. The first round began with Churchill's Fulton speech in 1946, the cold war from then on until the collapse Soviet Union. That is, the Cold War lasted 45 years.

Question: Does the Russian leadership understand the seriousness of the situation?

Valentin Katasonov: It's my first time for a long time I agree with Dmitry Medvedev. It is gratifying that he gave an adequate assessment of the current situation. The prime minister wrote that US economic sanctions are long-term and serious, and will be maintained for decades. I would only add that we are talking about economic warfare, that is, about a broader concept than sanctions. This is not a game of ping-pong, the issue is not limited to sanctions and counter-sanctions.

But alas, the press secretary of President Peskov made a statement, the essence of which is that preventive measures have been taken against sanctions, and they consist in the fact that it was decided to expel diplomats.

Question: Do you think that this is not enough?

Valentin Katasonov: You can't reduce everything to mirror actions! In the cold and economic war, there should be a completely different approach. Moreover, the cold war can go into a hot phase.

Question: And what would you advise the leadership of our country?

Valentin Katasonov: Whole palette necessary measures I would not describe now, but the economy must be rebuilt on a mobilization footing. Unfortunately, I have not yet seen any steps from the authorities in this respect. If a cold war has been declared, then such an announcement must be responded to quickly. And what is being done is a theater, some kind of performance!

Question: Well, we will not discuss the whole package of measures, but what needs to be done first?

Valentin Katasonov A: A decision should be made to change the status of the Central Bank, the introduction of control on the cross-border movement of capital, develop an economic mobilization plan and so on.

Question: If we return to economic sanctions, how dangerous are they?

Valentin Katasonov A: It's up to us. If we lie on our backs and they start trampling on us, then sanctions are scary, but for now we are lying on our backs. If we get into a position for a fistfight, then everything will be different.

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The other day, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Facebook page that the new US sanctions against the Russian Federation are "comprehensive" and will be maintained for decades, and they will be "tougher than the Jackson-Vanik law."

It would be more correct to call the decision taken in Washington not the tightening of the sanctions regime against Moscow, but the declaration of a full-scale economic war on it. Even more than that: in the new American law, Russia is called an "enemy", so strikes against it will be planned in all directions. August 2, 2017 (the date President Trump signed the law) could be considered the beginning of a new round of the Cold War; its previous round lasted 45 years - from 1946 to 1991.

The situation that has arisen sharply actualizes the study of the experience of counteraction of the USSR, as well as other countries, to the economic sanctions of the West. From my point of view, a radical restructuring of economic management, the transfer of the country to the rails of a mobilization economy, is on the agenda. Under the current conditions, the preservation of the liberal economy threatens to become a path to defeat.

The topic of economic restructuring is very extensive, in this article I will focus on only one of its aspects - international reserves Russian Federation(The given data are taken from the official statistics of the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the IMF, the World Gold Council, as well as the book: V.Yu. Katasonov. Gold in the Russian Economy and Politics. - M .: Ankil, 2009).

As of July 1, 2017, the international reserves of the Russian Federation amounted to 412.24 billion dollars; including foreign exchange reserves - 343.47 billion dollars (all international reserves minus monetary gold). Despite the economic sanctions adopted by the West earlier, the course towards building up international reserves remained; only for the first half current year Russia's international reserves increased by $21.65 billion

What course of action should be chosen in this situation?

First of all, one should proceed from the fact that a significant part of the international reserves of the Russian Federation is under strict control by the United States and its closest allies. The main part is accounted for by foreign securities, mainly bonds of the US Treasury, as well as treasuries of other Western countries. As of July 1, 2017, reserves in securities amounted to 254.77 billion dollars. Another large component of the reserves is cash and balances on accounts of foreign banks and international financial organizations - 77.64 billion dollars. Both components account for 96.5% of international foreign exchange reserves and 80.3% of all international reserves of Russia.

If someone believes that bonds and other debt instruments that make up international reserves are stored in paper form in the vaults of the Central Bank of Russia and Washington’s hand cannot reach them, then this is not so: they are placed electronically in special depositories. Access to the securities is carried out using two keys - one is held by the owner of the securities (the Bank of Russia), the other is held by the owner of the depository (vault). We know little about these owners, but they are all ultimately controlled by Washington. There is information that one of the depositories used by the Bank of Russia is located in Belgium.

The situation is even more difficult with those Russian reserves that are placed on accounts in foreign banks. They are all the more controlled by Washington (the mechanism of such control is the subject of a separate article).

The first thing to try to do is to withdraw Russian reserves from a possible attack by Washington. The question "where" and "how" is very difficult. I must honestly say that this should have been done yesterday. Today it is extremely difficult. We must be prepared for serious losses. So, take it where? I would even say not “where”, but “in what”.

It is necessary to withdraw into gold - the asset most protected from sanctions (unless, of course, it is stored in the United States, as dozens of countries do). Back in the 20th century, most of the international reserves of most countries of the world consisted of the yellow metal, the gold standard was maintained, and gold was the basis of money circulation. Today, gold is needed as emergency money - in case of war, the collapse of reserve currencies, in the event of blockades and sanctions, etc. This is gold as a strategic reserve.

Of course, the United States is beyond competition in this respect. According to the US Treasury, the official stock of US monetary gold has been around the 8,100 ton mark for several decades. If this gold is converted into dollars at market prices, it turns out that the yellow metal accounted for 95 to 99 percent of US international reserves.

The Eurozone countries also have a high share of gold in international reserves, last years it averaged about 50%. In countries such as Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands, this figure is at the level of 2/3. If they do not accumulate monetary gold in their reserves, then at least they do not squander it, keeping it at the level that existed in the 70s of the twentieth century.

But for developing countries, the IMF strongly recommended and continues to recommend accumulating paper US dollars, euros, pounds sterling, yen, etc. For example, at Saudi Arabia the share of gold in international reserves is only 2.6%, Qatar - 3.1%, Kuwait - 8.8%, UAE - 0.3%. Another example: in the BRICS countries, the share of gold in international reserves at the beginning of 2017 was (%): China - 2.4; India - 6.0; Brazil - 0.6; South Africa - 10.9. Very modest figures compared to most developed countries. At the same time, South Africa has long been the first in the list of gold-mining countries. True, as far as China is concerned, it seems to be greatly underestimating its gold reserves (today, according to official Chinese statistics, they are 1,842.6 tons); in reality, these reserves, in my opinion, are at least three times more. However, even in this case, the share of gold in China's international reserves remains modest. However, gold statistics are manipulated not only by China, but also by many other countries. One of the popular methods is the distribution of the gold reserve into two parts - monetary gold and non-monetary gold (the first type of metal is standard ingots of a certain weight, a certain standard with the appropriate hallmarks; it is technically easy to transfer gold from one category to another).

Now about Russia. She has long followed the course recommended to her by Washington (through IMF advisers) and accumulated green paper (US dollars) in international reserves, keeping the share of gold at an extremely low level. In physical terms, the gold reserve of Russia in some years was as follows (tons; at the beginning of the year): 1993 - 267.3; 1995 - 261.8; 2000 - 414.5; 2008 - 466.2. In the last ten years, there has been a rather rapid growth in the official gold reserves of the Russian Federation (tons; at the beginning of the year): 2010 - 649; 2012 - 883; 2014 - 1035; 2015 - 1208; 2016 - 1415; 2017 - 1615. As of July 1, 2017, the reserves reached 1717 tons. To date, Russia is already ranked seventh in the world in terms of gold reserves (after the USA, Germany, the IMF, Italy, France and China).

In 1993, the share of gold in Russia's international reserves was 56.9%. Here are the data for subsequent years (%): 1995 - 38.8; 2000 - 32.1; 2005 - 3.0; 2008 - 2.5. As you can see, paper currencies have been steadily crowding out the yellow metal from Russia's international reserves. Then the trend changed, the share of gold began to increase. Here are the data by years (%; at the beginning of the year): 2009 - 3.4; 2010 - 5.2; 2011 - 7.5; 2012 - 9.0; 2013 - 9.5; 2014 - 7.9; 2015 - 12.0; 2016 - 13.2; 2017 - 15.9. Today, in terms of the share of gold in international reserves, Russia is comparable to Spain (17.6%) and Turkey (17.0%) and even surpassed the UK (8.4%).

It is gratifying that today most of the production of the precious metal is no longer exported outside the country, but goes to the formation of gold reserves. For example, the increase in gold reserves in 2016 amounted to 200 tons, in relation to the production for the same year (288.5 tons), this is almost 70%. But there were years when not a single ounce of mined metal entered the gold reserve.

At the same time, in the context of the complicated geopolitical situation, the successes achieved by Russia in accumulating gold reserves are insufficient. Let us remember that on the eve of the Great Patriotic War The Soviet Union accumulated a gigantic stock of gold. Information about him has not yet been declassified. According to expert opinion, it was at least 2 thousand tons - despite the fact that for more than a decade before that, the country had been industrializing and carrying out gigantic purchases of machinery and equipment for plants and factories under construction on the world market (in total, 9600 enterprises). In the post-war years (declassified data), the maximum value of the gold reserve of the USSR was reached by 1953 - 2050 tons.

What is needed to further build up Russia's strategic gold reserves?

First, all 100 percent of domestic gold production should be used to replenish reserves. China, where the annual production is at the level of 400 tons, according to indirect data, is doing just that. The need for gold for production and technical needs can be met by scrap of precious metals.

Secondly, it is necessary to convert the currency component of Russian international reserves into precious metal as much as possible by purchasing gold on the international market. China can serve as an example here. According to some reports, it imports about 700 tons of metal per year through Hong Kong alone (however, the final buyers of imported metal are unknown). The USSR was also present on the world gold market, both as a seller and as a buyer. The Soviet foreign bank Voskhod Handelsbank, registered in Zurich in 1966, actively bought gold in the 70s, when the gold standard was abolished and a favorable situation developed for buyers of this metal on the world market.

Thirdly, it is necessary to change the institutional structure of Russia's gold reserves. This reserve is currently owned by two institutions of monetary power - the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. There are no official data on the distribution of the reserve between them, but here are my estimates of the share of the Russian Ministry of Finance (State Fund of Precious Metals) in the official gold reserves of Russia in certain years (%): 1993 - 59.0; 2006 - 11.1; 2008 - 10.9; 2013 - 2.6; 2014 - 2.3. True, the State Fund has a reserve of non-monetary gold that is not included in official reserves, but even so, the share of the Ministry of Finance still turns out to be less than 10%. The expediency of keeping the lion's share of Russia's gold reserves on the balance sheet of the Bank of Russia is doubtful. If the presence of a significant part of Russia's foreign exchange reserves on the balance sheet of the Central Bank is justified by the need for foreign exchange interventions (to stabilize the ruble exchange rate), then gold cannot be used as an intervention tool. And if we agree that gold is now beginning to act as a strategic reserve, then it should be 100 percent on the balance sheet of the Russian Ministry of Finance. Decisions about its use must be made by the executive and legislative branches of the state. AT Soviet time the question of the distribution of the gold reserve between the USSR Ministry of Finance and the State Bank of the USSR was not fundamental, since the State Bank was part of the government, moreover, at one time it was actually a division of the Ministry of Finance.

And the last. If gold is a strategic reserve, information about its reserves should be classified. This is an axiom, especially during warfare. There is also something to learn from our own past: in the USSR, information about international reserves was classified as “top secret”; Some of this information has not yet been declassified. It is the same in China: part of China's foreign exchange and gold reserves are not reflected in official statistics.

Here I have touched upon only one aspect of the most acute question of how Russia should react to the declaration by the United States of an economic and cold war. In the future, I expect to consider other vital aspects.

Another scandal erupted in the financial market. Management Company Alfa Capital, which is part of the Alfa Group consortium, warned about the problems of Otkritie Bank, Binbank, MCB and Promsvyazbank through a client mailing list. At the same time, the company said that the situation around these credit institutions "may be finally resolved this autumn." In fact, this means that the game of destruction has begun among the so-called Central Bank's own guys.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Alfa Group consortium, Mikhail Fridman, habitually keeps his cheeks shoulder-width apart. So today, putting on a smile, the millionaire decided to disown the big news. Like, my hut is on the edge, and the client mailing is the fault of the inexperienced manager, who inadvertently expressed his private opinion - we’ll figure it out, take action. Meanwhile, the shock wave from the explosion swept through the entire financial market.

“Well, of course, this is a struggle for the market. Unscrupulous struggle for the market. What else could it be? Only such a struggle for the market will never do you any good. It hits you first and foremost. If you are forced to resort to such measures, then the clients have a question - maybe you have some problems, since you sink to such a level of struggle for the client? — the head of the Association of Russian Banks commented on the situation Garegin Tosunyan.

If they talk about finances in the market, then in a whisper and only in the circle of faithful knights of the round table. That's the fact that if not today, then tomorrow a series of large banks will fall, experts of various kinds mentioned. As a rule, on the sidelines of large forums. And for the first time the information came out in the public field. People close to the Central Bank are left to extinguish the tension with caustic phrases.

“It’s just some kind of topic on the verge of a pornographic film,” noted the ex-deputy chairman of the Central Bank Konstantin Korishchenko. — It’s just that a comrade, without thinking, wrote, and around this they will now develop history right up to a bill.”

Comrade, who turned out to be an ordinary manager of Alfa Capital Sergei Gavrilov, by the way, they called for a serious conversation at the Central Bank. However, should the Central Bank marvel at the nervousness in the market? It was the voluntarism of the madam chairman with the notorious surname Nabiullina that led to the fact that the reliability of the entire banking system was called into question.

“More than a year ago, the Central Bank determined a list of 10 unsinkable banks. This list includes Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, and VTB 24. Surprisingly, the list sent out by Alfa Capital includes Otkritie Bank, which was one of the ten unsinkable, - commented on the situation the head of the Russian Economic Society named after S. F. Sharapov Valentin Katasonov. — And I do not rule out that a response from Otkritie Bank is also possible, which can send out the same lists and put Alfa-Bank in the first place. You know, it's like some kind of special operation to create chaos, maybe even uncontrollable chaos."

The game of destruction has begun. The consequences of uncontrolled chaos in the Russian banking sector can only be speculated. Some of the clients of the four shaky banks (according to Alfa Capital analysts) decided to take their deposits away from sin. However, where to carry the money now is an open question.

As they say, while the boyars are fighting, the serfs crack their forelocks.

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Today, the Central Bank with enviable efficiency announced the revocation of the license from the bank "Ugra" from the Russian Top-30. This was a response to the demarches of the obstinate shareholders of the bank, who protested against the previous decisions of the Central Bank and filed lawsuits. In fact, the Prosecutor General's Office acted on their side, but it also failed to influence Elvira Nabiullina. BUSINESS Online experts believe that the hole in the bank is at least 100 billion rubles, and its owner Alexei Khotin may leave Russia.

Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Russian economist and head of the Russian Economic Society. Sharapova":

If you carefully read the law on the prosecutor's office, it says that any of its decisions must be impeccably executed. AT this case I see a flagrant violation of this law by the Central Bank. This question goes far beyond the banking system. The question is that the Central Bank has created an extremely unpleasant precedent - it turns out that it is possible not to comply with the decision of the prosecutor's office. I am not a lawyer, but I specifically called my colleagues, Doctors of Law, we discussed this topic in sufficient detail, they said with a sigh: “What do you want? Mayhem! Life according to concepts! This is the picture we have.

It would be better if the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov did not make a statement that the story with the bank "Ugra" is not the competence of the Kremlin, but a matter of monetary policy. But, sorry, it's not. If the decision of the prosecutor's office is ignored, then this is already a matter of state security. This is almost an open attempt to undermine the foundations of our statehood. In general, it is necessary to open a case against Nabiullina. Because she violated the law many times, she violated the law on the prosecutor's office in this case. To be honest, I am surprised that Ms. Nabiullina decides the fate of banks, millions of depositors, thousands of corporate clients, while she herself is a violator of Russian law. How can we even comment on her decision if she should be held accountable for her actions under the law.

About a year ago, the Central Bank unexpectedly decided that 10 unsinkable, "permanent", so-called backbone banks would appear in the Russian banking system. After this decision, which was not recorded in any law - and this is a very serious violation - customers began to run from all other banks to this "top ten". In particular, the financial position of VTB at the beginning of last year was very unimportant, but now it is quite normal. I think that many banks can tell a lot of interesting things here. Of course, they are afraid of the regulator because they can pay for their revelations, but the atmosphere in the Russian banking system is ominous. Nobody trusts anyone, everyone is afraid of the Central Bank, and he constantly violates the Constitution, the law on the Central Bank and other laws.

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