How did a bunny learn to jump? A tale about a bunny from a professional storyteller A short tale about a bunny

Fashion & Style 17.09.2019
Fashion & Style

Perhaps the image of a bunny is most suitable for revealing the problems that occur in the life surrounding the child. This is a cute harmless animal, perhaps a favorite toy. And other children are called by mothers: "My bunny."

The modern kind fairy tale about a bunny pursues the goal of educating positive qualities in children. It is worth remembering the permanent hero of the program "Good night, kids" Stepashka. Stories constantly happen to him, from which he learns lessons and behaves approximately.

Citing a positive hero as an example, you can easily and intelligibly correct the child's behavior in a playful way. In this vein, it appears interesting fairy tale about a bunny, written by Maria Shkurina.

Mom and storyteller

A wonderful storyteller Maria Shkurina lives on earth. She writes fairy tales by calling. For their children and at the request of other mothers who have problems with education. Her daughter is ten years old and her son is five.

She calls her fairy tales "fairy tale therapy." She and her husband deliberately refused to punish their children, and all the whims inherent in the process of growing up, mother treats with fairy tales. Several books by Mary with beautiful pictures have already been released.

Maria Shkurina lives in Greece, in Thessaloniki. She was born and raised in Almaty, where she graduated from the University of World Languages. From childhood, she lived in the atmosphere of fairy tales that her grandmother and mother told her. She considers a fairy tale the language of a child, speaking in which parents can raise a child as a worthy person.

Once a reader Svetlana asked her to write therapeutic fairy tale about a child running away for a walk. She had the same problem with her son.

The tale of a bunny from Maria Shkurina

Once upon a time there was Peter the Bunny. He lived with his parents and often ran away from them during walks. Mom warned him about the dangers: a meeting with a fox, a bear and a wolf. “These animals hunt hares,” she said. But Peter did not listen to his mother's words, considering himself already big. In addition, he thought to run away in case of danger.

One day, his mother went with him to her friend and talked with her for so long that Peter was tired of waiting for her, sitting on a stump. He wanted to run along the path and suddenly came across a fox behind some bush. He remembered to be wary of her, but he forgot why.

And the fox in a soft voice told about her children playing ball. She even offered to take him to them. Peter happily agreed, and the fox immediately grabbed his ears sharp teeth. When the poor bunny screamed in pain, she reassured him: “I hold you so tightly so that you don’t fall along the road.”

Here you need to make a comment: the author warns that with a strong impressionability of the child, this tale about a bunny can shock him. So you should think about the characteristics of the child (after all, all children are different) and weigh whether it is worth telling him such a fairy tale.

When the fox ran to her home, the cubs were waiting for her. She told them that they had a bunny for lunch today. At this, Peter began to cry. How he regretted running away from his mother! And the foxes at first wanted to play with prey. They began to chase Peter across the clearing, but suddenly a loud angry voice was heard: “Whoo! Whoo!"

An owl descended from above and shielded the bunny with its wings. He started to run wherever his eyes looked and quickly got lost. Get under the roots big tree and cried again, remembering my mother's lessons. He was lost and was afraid to die of hunger. He fell asleep there, and he dreamed that mom and dad were looking for him.

"Peter!" - and the truth he heard through a dream. It was a hare with a hare standing nearby and calling him. How much joy it was when they finally met! They did not punish him, but only felt sorry for him - how much he had suffered in a day!

And the bunny decided that it was still too small for independent walks.

Additions to the fairy tale

The author considered it necessary to write additions in the form of questions for discussion with the child: “Peter was not the only one who ran away from his mother. That's what some kids do. They do not know how dangerous it is for a child to be left alone in a big city. Do you know?". What follows is a listing of the various hazards.

Such discussions are far from notations and allow you to use the tool of a fairy tale to straighten the thinking of the baby. Contact with the child is strengthened, he learns to correctly express his thoughts.

Subsequent role-playing games fix the material in the heart of children, and education takes place without shouting and punishment. The fairy tale about the bunny taught the kid: if he makes a mistake, then life itself will punish him, and his parents can only regret and comfort him. Increased trust in parents.

educational tool

To correct the child's thinking, there is a punishment: the bunny disobeyed, got into trouble, and the fox painfully grabbed him by the ears. The fact that the punishment comes not from the parents, but from the embodiment of danger - the fox - sets the right guidelines for the child.

The intervention of an owl, saving him, does not allow him to lose faith in people. It is gently given to understand that there are bad people and good people. Without labeling and categorical statements.

In fact, this is a children's fairy tale, about bunnies, harmless animals. But the unexpected pain brought to the hare is all the stronger. Could the author not focus on this attention of the baby? Yes. Would there be a pedagogical effect? No.

Maria Shkurina calls fairy tales therapy because they treat thinking. How a therapist treats, not a surgeon. Korney Chukovsky warned in a similar way in verses about Aibolit. Where there is a description of Africa and its inhabitants - sharks, gorillas, crocodiles: "They will bite, beat and offend you." Of course, after such a promise by Korney Ivanovich, his warning not to go to Africa for a walk looks quite reasonable.

How to use fairy tales in education

There are many methods for early childhood education. There are so many of them because children are unique. No two are alike even from the same parents. Every mom will say this. And the best is family upbringing. Mom's tales- an excellent material for modeling the personality of a new person.

Children cannot be treated condescendingly: they say, if you grow up, you will understand. The highest art of the educator is to explain what is incomprehensible to the child at his level, in his language. Just about the complex. Maybe not every parent can become a storyteller. But everyone can understand their own child.

To do this, you just need to keep the thread that connected with him. Don't brush it off: "Not now, I'm busy." Do not take out on him the evil that has accumulated over a difficult day. Education is a subtle process that, over time, will build an indestructible foundation for the personality of an adult.

The goodness laid down in childhood will give a person the strength to survive all the cataclysms in adulthood. And, sitting down at the head of his own child, the parent will announce to him: "And now there will be a fairy tale about a bunny and his friends."

Speech therapist, Klokova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, MBDOU d / s No. 39, Arzamas
Description: I think that the fairy tale about hares and their friends will be interesting for both adults and children of preschool and primary school age. It will help in an easy, unobtrusive way to help the child realize his need to help his mother at home.

A story about rabbits and their friends.

Target: Help the baby understand that you need to help your mother at home.

Once upon a time in the same forest there was a mother hare with hares: Paw, Ushastik and Tisha.

Everything would be fine with them, but only the hares did not like to work. Mom did everything in the house. Mom cleaned toys, cooked food, washed dishes, washed and ironed clothes, went to the store, took out the trash, and even went to work. The hares loved to have fun, walk, play, run and visit.
One day, my mother said that she was tired of doing everything herself, that the bunnies had already grown up and could help her around the house.
- I'm leaving for work, and you bunnies are not lazy, but work a little. You, Ushastik, put away toys and things in their places, you, Tisha, wipe the dust and fields the flowers, and you, Honey, please wash the dishes.
The rabbit mother left for work, and the rabbits are in no hurry to fulfill their mother's orders, their ears are lowered, puffed up and sitting.
“I don’t want to wipe the dust and water the flowers,” Tisha said, “let her clean it herself.”
- I also don’t want to clean things in places, let her clean it herself, said Ushastik.
- Yes Yes! And let her wash the dishes herself, but I want to go for a walk, ”said Lapa.
The bunnies jumped up and ran outside. On the playground, a squirrel-Rose and a bear-Toptyshka walked.

The children-animals began to have fun, play catch-up, hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek. They played for a long time, they were tired, they wanted to drink.
- How you don’t want to go home, the house is far away, but you want to drink so much! - said the squirrel-Rose and the bear-Toptyshka.
- Come to us! We live close, and our mother cooked delicious strawberry compote! bunnies suggested.
- With pleasure! Let's run!
And all the animals walked merrily along the path to the rabbit house. Ushastik opened the door with a key and invited guests into the house. But what happened, the bear stretched out right on the threshold near the door.
- Oh, oh, how it hurts! squeaked Toptyshka. -What is this pogrom? - Why are things and toys lying on the floor?
- Yes, this mother did not have time to clean them before work! - said Ushastik.
- Mother? Rosochka asked, and I myself clean things at home.
“So do I,” said Topty.
The animal guys came to the kitchen, they wanted to drink strawberry compote, but there was not a single clean glass in the house. There were a lot of dirty dishes in the sink.
- Mom didn't wash it before work! Sweetie said.
- Is it your mother's fault again? - Asked the squirrel-Rose and the Bear-Toptyshka. -What are you up to? Can't you clean up yourself, help your mother, do a good deed?
-We don't want to. Mom always does everything herself.
- So you never, never helped your mother?
- So you don’t love your mother, since you don’t protect her and don’t help her. Shame on you! Let's go Topty out of here, there's nothing to play with them! Rose said.
- Don't go, please, we'll clean everything up now. We love our mom and we won't drive ourselves like that again. We are really very ashamed of the fact that we never helped our mother.
-Okay, we'll sit on the bench in front of the house, we'll wait for you.
And work began to boil in the house! Honey washed all the dishes and put them in their places, Tisha wiped off the dust and watered the flowers, and Ushastik put all the toys and things in their places. The house was clean, comfortable and beautiful.
Having finished the work, the hares gave the guests a delicious strawberry compote to drink, and they did not forget to wash the glasses and put them away.
Let's go and pick some flowers for mom! Tisha suggested.
- That's right, mom will be pleased! Ushastik and Sweetheart agreed.
Well done, great idea, we will help you too! - Said Toptyshka and Rosochka.
The animals gathered together a huge bouquet of daisies, the hare's favorite flowers.

It was time to go home. The hares thanked the squirrel and the bear for their help, and they all went home.
Paw placed the flowers in a beautiful vase.

A little later, the hare mother came home from work.
-What a miracle! Everything is so clean and beautiful! Which lovely bouquet my favorite colors! Mom said. The bunny hugged her bunnies, kissed them, and thanked her children for their care and help.
- Please, mommy! We love you very much and will always help you!

Since then, the hares began to live differently: they worked, were not lazy, tried to please their mother with their deeds and good deeds.
How do you guys help your mom?

The hare Koska walked through the forest and found glasses. Large, with pink lenses. Them
one girl lost while picking strawberries.

The hare Koska put on glasses and was very surprised - everything around immediately became pink:
and the road, and the water, and the cloud in the sky. “Perhaps these are magic glasses,” he thought.
he. No one else in the forest has one like it. Now everyone should be afraid of me.”

He pushed his cap back with a visor, raised his head higher, and went on. BUT
towards him - the fox Lariska. She looked and even sat down in surprise - that
is this a new beast that showed up? In appearance, he looks like a hare Koska, and his eyes
big as wheels. And he is not afraid of the fox Lariska, he goes straight towards.
She crawled away to the side, peeking out from behind a bush - you never know, she thinks that
may happen. And the hare Koska came very close, sat down on a stump and

— Hello, fox Lariska! What is your tail shaking? scared that
whether? Didn't recognize me?

“Yes, I don’t admit something,” the fox Lariska said politely. - It seems you are not from
our forests.

- So it's me, hare Koska!

“Your eyes are different. The hare Koska never has such eyes.
It was.

So these are my magic glasses! - the hare Koska put on airs. - I am now
I see through everything and everyone. Tell me, what kind of skin do you have?

- Redhead, what else.

“But not the red one,” said Koska the hare. - Your skin is pink, here

The fox Lariska was frightened - what is it, he thinks, my skin has begun to deteriorate,
whether? Oh, it was not for nothing that my head ached yesterday, not for good.

“Yes, maybe you are mistaken,” she said to Koska the hare in order to test him.
Maybe your glasses are wrong?

- Right, right! Koska said. - I am not only your skin, but all
I see right through you!

- It can't be.

— Maybe, maybe! Here I look, I look, you ate two mice for breakfast. I have them in
I see my stomach. One of them moves its paws and scratches your side.

The hare Koska, of course, deceived the fox Lariska, he doesn’t have any mice in his stomach
I saw, and spied in the morning how their fox Lariska ate. But she didn't know about
this, I believed. And even it seemed to her that something was really scratching inside.
Just in case, she moved even further away, shouted from there:

What else can your glasses do?

- Everyone can! - said the hare Koska. - Repaint the sky, everything about everyone
learn. Do you want me to tell you who is doing what now? Beaver Borka Dam
builds, the bear Potap drives away the fly from the nose, the hedgehog Kiryuha catches the beetle, the raccoon Eroha
washes his shirt in the stream. And along the edge of the forest the hunter is walking, looking for your trail, going
to make a collar out of your skin.

“Oh, I’ll run, hare Koska,” said the fox Lariska. - I chatted with
you, and I have a lot to do ...

“Yes, run,” the hare Koska agreed. “Just look, don’t be tricky with me.”
more, otherwise it will be bad for you.

- What are you, what are you, hare Koska! I have always respected you for your mind and
bravery. And if something was wrong before, forgive me, the error came out.
The fox ran away. And the hare Koska went further. He walks and sees: badger Pahom on
sits in a mound near the house, threading a needle. And the needle is small, the thread
doesn't go at all. He will bring it to the very nose, and move it away - no, not

“Hello, badger Pahom,” said Koska the hare. - What is it you, fly
catch, right?

- No, what flies! Here he was going to sew mittens, but there was no way to thread a needle
I won't. Became nearsighted.

Well, here we are now! - said the hare Koska. He took a thread, aimed at the ear
needles, once - and you're done. Badger Pahom was even surprised:

- You're good at it!

And these are my magic glasses. They can do everything!

And went on. Soon everyone in the forest learned that Koska the hare had magic glasses.
- everyone sees outside and inside, threads are threaded into needles, the sky is repainted, water
turn into ink. The bear Potap, the squirrel Lenka, and the raccoon ran to the clearing
Erokha, elk, deer, two roe deer. Even the mole Prokop got out, although in the sun and
didn't see anything. And the hare Koska climbed a pine stump, twisted his mustache,

I see everyone, I see everything! A truck is moving beyond the river, carrying hay - I see it. AT
In the ocean, the ship is sailing, the sailors are washing the deck - I see. Launched a rocket into space
flies to Mars - I see!

Of course, the hare Koska did not see any of this, he invented everything. Why
no one could check, well, they believed.

And when things went towards evening, the hare Koska wanted to eat. He descended from
hemp and went to look for rabbit cabbage.

I found, looked, cabbage seems to be like cabbage, but for some reason not green,
and pink. “Probably, she is spoiled,” thought Koska the hare. - I won't eat.
I'll look for another." Found another one and it's pink too. “All the cabbage in the forest got sick,
he decided. “I’d rather chew on the aspen.” I found an aspen, and it is also pink.
He ran and ran, the sun was already down behind the tops of the trees, and not a green
cabbage, no green aspen, no green grass. There is an owl on the old
oak woke up - he sleeps all day, but only gets up at night, - he rubbed his eyes,
sees a hare sitting in a clearing, almost crying.

- What are you talking about nurses here? asked the owl Semka.

- Yes, I go hungry, no green cabbage, no green aspen, no green
I can't find herbs. Everything is pink.

“You are stupid, hare Koska,” the owl laughed. - You will never find
nothing green because you have rose-colored glasses on your nose. They all
repaint. Give them to me.

And Koska the hare was already tired of glasses, his nose was rubbed. “Well, them,” he thought.
he - they are not magical at all.

And gave points.

Since then, their owl Semka wears. His eyes are already so big, but with glasses on
bicycle wheels have become similar. He sits at night on an old oak, shouting
lingering throughout the forest:

— Wu-u-u-u-u-u!

He wants to say: “Wow, what wonderful glasses I have!” But
only he cannot pronounce all the words, so he draws one letter.

We love to read stories before bed. But even more we love to compose fairy tales ourselves or find them from old magazines and books. For some reason, it seems to us that earlier fairy tales were simpler and kinder (perhaps these are just impressions from childhood). Got my hands on it the other day fairy tale about a little bunny how he was looking for his tail. Highly good fairy tale, instructive and foldable! We decided to post it on the blog so that we can read it ourselves and show it to others. The tale was supplemented with modern colorful pictures. It turned out well. Be sure to read this good fairy tale about the Hare "Where to get the tail" to children 😉

A fairy tale about a little Hare "Where can I get a tail?"

The bunny returned home very upset: he lost his tail. True, the tail was small, nondescript, but the Bunny got used to it and did not want another. So what's now? An animal without a tail is both inconvenient and indecent to live. A ponytail is given one for life, ponytails are not sold anywhere.

Bunny lies under a bush and looks at who has what tails. And envious of everyone. Belochka has a good tail!

Lisa's is even better!

Quite a tail have Marten.

Well, the Mouse is completely uninteresting ...

Bunny looks and thinks how to get a tail.

And I thought: you need to steal! Who to steal from? The squirrel jumps high in the trees, the Bunny cannot reach it. It’s better not to come close to Fox: if she catches you, you won’t leave her alive. The marten could be watched on the ground. Yes, the trouble is that during the day she sleeps somewhere in a secluded place, she goes hunting at night, and the Bunny's eyes stick together at night - you want to sleep so much!

Bunny did not think about the mouse tail. If you get a tail, it's more beautiful.

Bunny sits under a bush for a day, another day sits. He nibbles on herbs, chews on leaves - he seems to be full. After all, you can’t lie like this all your life! And it's boring alone, and I want to run, jump.

Also, winter is approaching. In winter, it is known that only the legs save the hare. There are many hunters for his skin!

And suddenly he saw the Bunny: nearby, the Fox cub looked out of the mink, followed by another, third ... And everyone has tails - just lovely!

The cubs look around, glance around, still unsteadily stand on their legs. Probably, for the first time they crawled out of the mink - mother and father went hunting, they are self-willed.

The Bunny rubbed a spruce cone with his paw - a sound was made, like a mouse scratching. One Little Fox heard, began to carefully creep up to the bush: his mother told him how to catch mice.

Without wasting a moment, the Bunny bit off the Fox's tail. And, firmly holding the tail in his teeth, he ran with all his strength.

Having settled down in a safe place and having caught his breath, Bunny began to adjust the fox's tail. Finally, he could show himself without embarrassment in the forest. new tail he liked it very much.

But with whomever Zaichik met, everyone looked at him with condemnation and contemptuously said:

Clearly a thief! Not otherwise than he stole the Fox's tail.

Bunny realized that he had fallen out of the fire and into the frying pan: it’s bad without a tail, but you can’t get enough of shame with a stolen tail.

He hid under a bush and lay there until dark. Came out of his hiding place as the moon rose. He sits sad, unhappy, again does not know what to do.

The Owl saw him - a smart little head. She took pity on the stupid Bunny, gave advice:

Take the stolen tail back to where you got it. The fox will find him, he will be delighted. Him without a tail, too, I suppose, is not sweet. His mother is dexterous, she will sew a firmly found tail.
How can I live without a tail? Where can I get a ponytail? cried Bunny.
- And you work hard, collect hairs. Now the beast is shedding, wool is lying everywhere. To make a tail from the collected wool is a simple matter.

Bunny obeyed the owl's advice, did everything as she said.
And the Owl - a smart little head, meanwhile, let out a cry through the forest: they say, the Bunny needs help.
And everyone responded to him: the Squirrel, and the Marten, and the Mouse, even the Fox - they all brought a piece of wool to the appointed place ... And so much of it was accumulated that it was enough for the Bunny to make three tails.

In one forest there lived a hare, he was born with three sisters and lived with his parents in a mink. They were a happy and friendly hare family. The hare folder went for food, and the mother sat with the kids in a mink, because they were still blind and completely crumbs, and it was impossible to leave them alone, unattended.

Somehow, dad hare went for food and did not return home, he got into trouble - while running through the forest, the hare did not notice the poacher's trap and hit him with his paw, the trap securely snapped the hare's paw and he could not get out before the poachers arrived, so dad hare went to dinner for people. Poachers are very bad people, they set traps and various traps for animals in the forest, they don’t care who gets into the trap, if it’s a bunny, they will devour it, and if a fox, the fur will go into a fur coat, and if a wolf, they will make a stuffed animal, like hunting trophy. Therefore, one must be very careful and careful, but the bunny was carried away by picking up roots and did not notice the trap.

And so the hare dad did not. One mother could not cope with the hares and with the extraction of food. Every day it became more and more difficult for them to feed themselves, mother could not bring as much food as a folder. And then the hare decided not to sit in a mink while the hare goes for food, but to become her assistant instead of dad and get provisions with her mother. They began to live better - after all, with such an assistant it was more fun for the hare, and together they could already bring more to the mink to the little ones. Once, when they were picking berries in a clearing, a fox tracked them down. She decided not to catch the hare, because he is very small and thin and there is no food from him, only the fur will get stuck between his teeth, another thing is a hare - an adult, well-fed, all so delicious. So the fox chased after the mother, salivating and licking her lips, mentally imagining how she would feed her cubs with a hare - after all, foxes also need to eat.

But the baby hare decided to save his mother at any cost, he plucked up courage and went to the most formidable forest animal for protection. He went straight for the bear. The bear does not eat hares, foxes or wolves, he is simply the strongest and most formidable, and he can put a fox in his place.

Near the bear's lair, the hare got scared, but there was nowhere to go - the mother was in danger, and he went inside. And the bear was dozing in the den and he was very unhappy that his sleep was disturbed, but when the hare told about mom, fox and dad, Bear was touched and decided to help the hare family.

The two of them went to the fox hole, and began to wait for the fox, soon a fox appeared from behind the bushes with a hare in its teeth. When the bear saw the fox, let's shout at her, saying how you had the conscience to offend the poor orphans, not only did you not have a folder, you also wanted to take away the mother from the rabbits and throw the kids to death. The bear ordered the fox to release the hare and not even come close to the hare's hole, and if she disobeys, he threatened to tear it to shreds. The fox did not want to turn from a redhead into a patchwork one - she released the hare and promised not to touch her with the children again. The fox tucked her chic tail and ran to steal chicken from farmers.

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