Game with wooden blocks jenga rules. Tower

Health 18.10.2019

Oh no! I dropped the tower again!

Do you have strong nerves? Not? Pass by. Are your hands shaking? Also past, next! But if you have firm hand and nerves of steel, this seemingly simple game is for you.

Jenga, also known as Town(Russia), leaning tower of pisa(Europe), Earthquake(Brazil), Brick house(Denmark stood out among the rest of Europe with its original name).

Rules are simple, you can say they are almost non-existent.

First, a flat beautiful tower of 18 floors is being built. During the game, it can increase more than twice. Do you have high enough ceilings? Each floor consists of three blocks laid close and parallel to each other. The blocks of each next floor are placed perpendicular to the blocks of the previous floor

Jenga. Your little Leaning Tower of Pisa

Jenga. Your little Leaning Tower of Pisa

Jenga. Your little Leaning Tower of Pisa

Jenga. Your little Leaning Tower of Pisa

According to traditional rules, you can only touch the tower with one hand at a time.

The game continues until the tower falls. It seems that in the first games it will happen quite quickly.

Now everything is also simple - the one who dropped the tower - lost, the one who made the previous move - won.

That's it, we're building the tower again to destroy it beautifully again!

Do you think there is little dynamics in the game? play others, non-classical variants of Jenga:

- jenga with cubes: you will need more dice, and the blocks will need to be numbered. Before each block, we roll a die and pull out only the block with the corresponding number.

- jenga fantas: on the blocks we already write various tasks that correspond to your company and party, from “sing a song” and “tell a poem”, to romantic evening ones - “kiss on the lips” (here you can safely turn to Captain Obviousness and Fanta-flirt. Shkolota, shoo from the post!). You are limited only by your imagination.

- colorful jenga: paint the blocks in different colors and play the same way with cubes or any other rules of pulling out blocks that you have invented

Jenga can always be by your side, and you won't need all those 54 beautiful wooden blocks, the game is available for mobile phones- java game, game for iPhone. Only now for android I have not found it yet, I will be grateful for help in the search.

The rules of the game "Jenga" are so simple that they can be explained to any person in a minute. As part of the set - wooden bars with a rectangular cross section, each of which slightly differs from the other in size. All of them are made from natural hypoallergenic materials, therefore they are safe for children and people prone to allergic reactions. Before starting the game, you need to assemble a tower from these parts, laying them out perpendicular to each other in three pieces. The task of the players is to take one block at a time from any floor of the tower and move it up.

Features of the game and the reason for its popularity

The rules of the game "Jenga" seem very simple, but this process of rearranging the details is very exciting. Due to the rough surface, each wooden part fits snugly enough to its neighbors, so it can be difficult to remove it. But due to the difference in size, some bars are taken out easier than their neighbors. You can only find out if the selected bar is mobile enough by trying to push it out. The most important thing is to prevent the building from collapsing during the player's action.

Jenga is one of many balance games. But it is one of the most popular due to the simplest rules and versatility. You can safely take it with you to nature or to gatherings with friends, without worrying that the parts will break or be lost. There are many competitions in the game "Jenga". Players practice a lot to reach heights in pulling bars from the lower floors. Some people use special clicks for this, knocking out the bottom bars so quickly that the tower remains practically motionless.

Additional rules of the board game "Jenga"

There is in the game additional rule: after selecting a part and touching it, the player has no right to change his mind. It doesn’t matter if the piece of wood “sits” tightly, it needs to be removed. But if the tower collapses during this time, the player will be declared defeated. The rules of the Jenga board game are sometimes changed by the players themselves. For example, the bars can be numbered, painted in different colors and come up with some kind of prize for the fact that the player draws a bar of a certain color.

Varieties of board games for balance

On sale you can find similar balance games: "Leaning Tower", Tower and "Bullshie" are almost identical in appearance to "Jenga". "Villa Paletti", "Bausak", "Pack donkey", "Crash" are created on the same principle, but differ in the shape and number of bars. The parts that make up the tower can be with a square section, which facilitates the drawing process. But because of appearance the number of bars in each of the versions is very different. Within the Jenga line of games itself, there are many varieties. One of the most popular is Jenga Boom. The composition is all the same wooden blocks, but additionally the set has a special stand with a timer, which greatly speeds up the process and makes the players nervous, distracting them with loud ticking. The rules of Jenga Boom aren't much more complicated: if the player doesn't make their move before the "bomb" goes off, the base vibrates and destroys the tower. The one on whose turn this happened is considered the loser.

There is a variation of the game "Jenga" with plastic parts in the form of Tetris figures. Playing such a “tower” is much more difficult, since the configuration of parts is not visible inside it, and by pulling the stick, you can draw out, for example, a zigzag figure and bring down the building. The rules of the game "Jenga" with numbers and dice are a little more complicated than in the standard version: players need to roll four dice and get a part from the tower with a number that is the sum of all the dots that fell on their faces. In this version, all faces will be numbered.

What is useful game for adults and children

The rules of the game "Jenga" with dice can be changed at your discretion. Although the process of building a tower and destroying it seems simple, it is very exciting for players of all ages, allowing adults and children to compete on equal terms. In addition, the process of extracting parts from the structure develops fine motor skills, attentiveness and accuracy, and the Jenga Boom version will become an excellent stress resistance simulator and teach quick reactions in a critical situation when “time is running out”. Perhaps, it will become even more interesting for young players to play with wooden blocks if we combine the rules of the Jenga game with numbers and dice and the presence of a timer. Or apply to the details various colors, taking an additional die with multi-colored faces, which will further complicate the game.

It is very rare that you want to spend an hour or two on parsing the rules of a board game, isn't it? The family dinner is already over, the children have fled in all directions, and sometimes you want to gather everyone together for an exciting activity! Take a look at the rules of the classic "" in your free minute, and a fun evening with your loved ones is guaranteed!


Build the highest possible tower, avoiding its collapse on your turn.


In order to start the game, you need to build 18 tightly adjacent floors from 54 wooden blocks. The base is three wooden bars, and all subsequent floors are perpendicular to the previous ones.

From two to four people over the age of 6 years can take part in the game "Jenga". In this way, even the youngest member of the family will be able to devote all his energy and enthusiasm for some time to the construction and grandiose collapse of the tower, which is invariably accompanied by happy squeals.

Many parents involve children under the age of 6 in the construction of structures, justifying this by the fact that the game perfectly develops a sense of balance, motor skills and attentiveness of little builders.


After you have gathered everyone at one table, the only thing left is to explain how to turn an already high eighteen-story building into a whole tower carved out of wood.

First you need to figure out who makes the first move. It would be fair enough to give this right to the one who erected and prepared the blocks for the game. If all the players took part in this action, then the first move can go to any of them: the one who has a birthday, who really wants to be the first to start the game, or the one who ate sweets last - you decide!

The first player draws one wooden block from any level except the top two floors, and places it at the very top of the structure. Sounds simple, but is it really?

In this game, there is one rule that makes the task of builders very difficult: you can only use one hand. It is impossible, pulling out the block, to push it from the other side with the second hand. Of course, this rule can be circumvented by the youngest builders, since at first it is difficult to manage even for adults.

Have you started pulling out a wooden block and see that the tower is leaning on its side, ready to collapse? Stop and pull out another plate that does not deprive the building of balance.

The game is considered over when the tower collapses. Of course, like a lot of entertainment, Jenga has winners and losers, but its concept can change depending on your mood and desire for competition.

Do you want to entertain a noisy company and set up rivals? On your turn, you can pull out the blocks in such a way that the tower loses its cherished balance and swings from side to side, making it difficult to continue the process. In this case, you need to act as carefully as possible so that the structure does not collapse precisely from your hands.

And if you have a desire to spend a pleasant evening with your loved ones, to unite in order to build a monumental structure, then act carefully, in a coordinated manner, set records for the number of floors and overcome them all together!

If you want to find out how dexterous and have a sense of balance you are, then the Jenga Tower game is exactly what you need. If you are smart, you have well-developed manual dexterity, masterfully own a sense of balance, then it is for you. This game will captivate not only children, but also adults, be careful and attentive, and then you can build a tower twice as high as the original one.

Assemble the wooden block tower by removing the blocks from the lower "floors" and building the tower from above. The number of players is not limited, as well as their age.

Jenga tower rules

  1. Gather the players and select a "master" builder. He must build a tower of 18 floors. Lay out all the bars in front of you and start assembling the tower. The first floor consists of three blocks lying closely parallel to each other. Subsequent floors consist of three bars lying perpendicular to the existing ones. And so all the bars are laid out on top of each other.
  2. Level the tower so that Jenga's walls are level and the tower stands on its own.
  3. The one who built the tower goes first. He takes one block from any floor and puts it on the top row. The player following him takes out another block and puts it next to the block of the previous player. Attention: you can get the bars with only one hand. The bars can be touched to find one that moves freely and is easy to remove.
  4. Bars from the top row cannot be taken. A row is considered complete when there are three bars.
  5. The game continues until the tower collapses. The tower is considered to have fallen if any block has fallen, except for the one that the player is holding in his hand. The player who laid down his block last won, and the structure stood. If desired, the game can be continued if only a few blocks have fallen.

So, the basic rules are clear. But what if you have mastered this game and it doesn't seem so interesting anymore?

Then you can turn the Jenga tower. Write a task on each bar on the side and each player who gets it will have to complete it. Or you can number the bars according to the numbers on the dice and remove from the tower only the bar whose number fell on the die.

And these are just the simplest options. The rules of the game are only limited by your imagination. Get together with family or friends and play Jenga Falling Tower.

The game is a hit. The game that the whole world has been playing for 40 years. A game that is given for birthdays, holidays and corporate parties.

Jenga is a standard of its kind - an exciting game with simple rules. Play alone, two, four - it's easy! Even if you just put Jenga on the table, it will fit into any interior!

The rules of the game are explained in just a minute. First you need to build a tower. We lay out 3 bars on a table or other flat surface, on them there are 3 more bars perpendicular to the first row and so on until we lay out all 45 bars. Jenga from 15 levels is ready!

The game has begun! Players take turns pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. You can not take bars from the top two rows. Only one hand can be used. That's all the rules. But you can complicate the task by pulling out the bars with the numbers that fell out on the dice.

If you play big cheerful company, then everyone will be the winner, except for the "lucky" one who destroyed the tower on his turn.


  • 45 wooden bars;
  • 2 dice.
  • Reviews for the board game Jenga with numbers Small (Jenga)


    I have a question how to play jengo I have 48 dice with numbers and 4 bones so how to play so that it falls out for example 48

    Answer: Hello! Our Jenga has 45 numbered bars and 2 dice with numbers from 1 to 6. You draw the numbered bar that comes up on the dice, eg 25, 43, 56, etc.


    I have such a voros - how to pull out parts with numbers. 7, 8 and 9 if there are only 6 faces on the dice?

    Answer: The fact is that there are no details on this jenga with the numbers 7,8,9 and 0. Let's assume that these numbers are there. In this case, special 9-sided dice or more can be used. budget options: - Draw lots, consisting of matches with numbers. - Roulette, lotto, random number generator. - Fortune telling on coffee grounds, a crystal ball and other improvised means. Have a nice game.

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