Fortune telling on the desire pyramid online is the most accurate. Fortune telling on tarot cards for the fulfillment of a wish

Career and finance 09.10.2020
Career and finance

Never before has it been so easy to tell fortunes on a wish as it is now. Naturally, the question arises: "Why"?

  1. Firstly, this fortune-telling, or rather, this request is very easy to implement. After all, there are a huge number of master classes on how to tell fortunes on desire. Having searched the net, you can find not only videos, but also text algorithms, following which you will very quickly master the layouts that answer your request.
  2. Secondly, today there are a lot of Internet resources, thanks to which you can get an answer online. Go to any site you come across or, on the contrary, any site you like and guess.
  3. And, finally, thirdly, you can tell fortunes on a wish with the help of any fortune-telling and magical tools.

The questioner always has a choice on what exactly to tell fortunes, however, not everyone knows about the opportunity to choose.

The site of Mogur is a real variety of fortune-telling, it is a pleasant variability, having tried it once, it will be very difficult for a person to refuse it later. But let's look at fortune-telling options in more detail:

  • - Solitaire Zodiac - it is he who will answer your most intimate and important question: Will my wish come true?
  • - Fortune-telling Yes-No is the most accessible fortune-telling, at the same time, it is the most concise and simple.
  • - Berendey's solitaire is not just fortune-telling, but a fairy tale, which became possible to touch thanks to Mogura.
  • - Golden Fish Solitaire - she and only she knows the answer to your question.
  • - Ekaterina's fortune-telling is a chic Oracle, with the help of which you will find out if your wish will come true?

Thus, our dear ones, you have the opportunity to choose, you have the opportunity to receive the most accurate answers and all of them are free!

Solitaire Goldfish

A fish swam up to him, asked: "What do you need, old man"? Who among us has not dreamed of such a helper? Of course, the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves, but sometimes you want to dream and cherished and, of course, find out if your wish will come true, for example, with the help of fortune-telling " gold fish"

arrow of fate

Surely you are familiar with the fairy tale about the frog princess from childhood. The same arrow that changed the fate of the main characters of the tale is found in numerous legends of almost every nation. There is something mysterious and mystical in the flight of an arrow - it is not a bird or a stone. Obedient to the will of the shooter, she always follows the intended target without turning. Our online fortune-telling is also the hand of fate, which helps everyone to take their own path, make the right decision and receive wise support from higher powers.

Catherine's fortune telling

In Russia, everyone is guessing from young to old, and not only at Christmas time. Peasants, aristocrats, and even emperors loved to tell fortunes on long winter evenings. Presented on our website, Catherine's solitaire was once very popular during the reign of Catherine II.

Card divination (yes and no)

Wherever you are, whatever issues you solve, whatever you have planned - it will come true, it will not come true at the most common card layout on the Mogura website. An adviser, proven by time and generations.

Fortune telling on cards for desire, as a rule, is not a difficult way, which allows you to get a vital hint on a question of interest. First of all, you need to make sure that a deck of cards that has not been played before is used for the divination rite.

This type of divination differs in some features. The ceremony is recommended to be carried out during the full moon period before sunset, secluded in a separate room.

In order to find out whether specific desires will come true, it is necessary to choose the right day for the ceremony:

  • On Mondays, it is allowed to guess at any desire.
  • On Tuesdays and Fridays, you need to look for answers to difficult questions associated with love relationships.
  • On Wednesdays, you need to guess at desires related to the business sphere.
  • On Thursdays, it is recommended to carry out fortune-telling on a desire related to material well-being.
  • On Saturdays and Sundays, fortune-telling by desire will not be true, so it is not recommended to conduct them.

Popular card layouts

Divination by desire requires the use of a deck of 36 cards. There is a huge variety of layouts that allow you to get an answer to the question of whether a particular desire will come true. It is important to understand that a fortune-telling rite must be carried out in a secluded place. You need to fully focus on your desire and make sure that nothing distracts you during the magical action with the cards.

The simplest way

The simplest fortune-telling on cards for desire is carried out as follows. First you need to start shuffling the deck and make a wish. After that, the first nine cards are laid out from the deck in front of them face down. If aces appear in this scenario, they are put aside. After that, the cards are collected, connected to the deck and shuffled again. Then nine cards are laid out again, and again aces are removed from the layout. The action is repeated one more time. If, as a result of a triple layout, all the aces are out of the deck, then the wish will come true. There is absolutely no chance of fulfilling a wish if not a single ace has been put aside. In all other cases, the issue remains unresolved, and in order to clarify it, you need to conduct another fortune-telling for desire.

Fortune-telling, which has the name "Black Rose", is very famous. It is played using a deck of 36 cards. Fully focused on your desire, you need to start shuffling the cards. When the feeling comes that the cards will tell the truth, one card should be drawn randomly from the deck. It is she who will clarify the question of whether the wish will come true.

For interpretation, the following card values ​​should be used:

  • Aces: hearts - it is highly likely that the wish will come true; tambourine - the wish will come true; clubs and peaks - the desire will not come true.
  • The king, queen and jack of hearts indicate that the wish will come true.
  • The king, queen and jack of a tambourine portend that the wish will come true, but certain problems will arise.
  • The king, queen and jack of clubs or spades warn that there are great doubts that the wish will come true.
  • Other cards of the suit of worms portend that the wish will come true.
  • Other cards of the suit of diamonds emphasize that although the wish will come true, there will be problems.
  • Other cards of the suit of clubs and spades indicate that the chances that the wish will come true are negligible.

Having retired to a separate room, you need to shuffle the cards and start laying them out in front of you, pronouncing the name of their values. It should sound like this: "Six, seven, eight, etc." In the event that the value of the laid out card matches its pronounced value, the card is put aside. It is the pending cards that will answer the question of whether wishes will come true.

The cards must be laid out in front of you and the layout deciphered in accordance with the interpretations of individual cards and their combinations provided below:

  • Sixes: hearts - the wish will come true, but will lead to big life troubles; tambourine - betrayal awaits; club - an unexpected turn of events; peak - you can not achieve the goal by any means.
  • Sevens: hearts - you need to be careful; tambourine - positive changes; club - wait for the approval of others; peak - a streak of bad luck.
  • Eights: hearts - it all depends on the other person; tambourine - getting good news; club - receiving news about the deterioration in the health of loved ones; peak - danger.
  • Nines: hearts - love will become support; tambourine - the end of a difficult life period; club - receiving bad news; peak - it is important to keep a secret.
  • Dozens: hearts - fortune-telling must be repeated; tambourine - it is important to get rid of a sad mood; clubs - you should not make friends with new people now; peak - joyful events will occur in life.
  • Jacks: hearts - they want to meet with you; tambourine - you need to get rid of jealousy; clubs - sad news related to a loved one; peak - all attempts will be unsuccessful.
  • Lady: heart - you are being watched closely, so it is important to hide feelings; tambourine - you may be offended; club - a worthy reward; peak - the wish will come true soon.
  • King: hearts - all wishes will come true; tambourine - deception is possible; clubs - you need to take urgent action related to your loved one; peak - good news.
  • Ace: hearts - you are loved and supported; tambourine - the desire will not come true; clubs - there will be no success due to a mistake; peak - you will receive the right news.

The following combinations for deciphering fortune telling are very important:

  • Nearby, a queen and a king of any suit indicate the loyalty of your loved one.
  • Near the king, queen and jack indicate that the chances of fulfilling a desire are very high.
  • Four aces indicate the obligatory fulfillment of desire.
  • Four ladies portend gossip and intrigue.
  • Four jacks symbolize big troubles.
  • Four sevens warn of big trouble.
  • Four nines indicate major upcoming life changes.

Divination by desire is very common, as every person wants to be sure that his dream will come true. On the this moment there are many ways to help you make sure that your cherished desire is destined to come true.

In the article:

Divination by desire

At the moment, there are many ways to help fulfill a wish. You can call on an entity from the other world, for example, that will help fulfill a dream.

If you do not want to contact the other world, then you can perform some simple ritual that will help you determine the likelihood of fulfilling your plan. You can do it yourself, at home, or.

Simple effective rituals

There are a large number of divination for the fulfillment of desires. If you do not want, on wax and other magical attributes, then use these two simple methods.

In the first case, you will need to go outside at night, make a wish and go to a multi-storey building. Your task is to count how many windows the light is on. If the number is even, then, undoubtedly, your dream will come true, if it is odd, then the answer is no.

Divination by the first comer will help shed light. Early in the morning, go out into the yard, crossing the threshold of the house, be sure to think about what you would like. Now it remains to wait for the first person you meet.

  • If a man comes towards you, then the dream will come true.
  • If a woman, then the plan is not destined to be fulfilled.
  • If the first person you meet is a child, the wish will come true in a few months.
  • We met a dog, this suggests that you will have to make efforts to realize your desire.
  • If a cat came out towards you, this is a sign - the plan will not come true, since the enemy will interfere with you.

Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a desire

In order to perform this ritual, you will need a new deck of 36 cards. You can use the magical attribute that was previously used for various divination, but in this case it must be properly cleaned and prepared for work. All cards should be shuffled and laid out face down. You should get 4 rows, 9 cards in each.

Now turn on your imagination. It must be assumed that the cards are in ascending order from left to right. Clubs should be in the first line, diamonds in the second, hearts in the third, and spades in the fourth. After that, you can begin the process of divination. Take the last card in the first row and open it. For example, the Queen of Spades fell out.

Now you need to put this card in the place where it should be. Important: the cards do not move, an empty space is not freed for this Queen of Spades, if her place is already taken, then she is placed on top of the face-down card. The one at the bottom is no longer open. Reveal all cards in the same way.

If the Aces do not fall into place, this indicates that the desire will not come true. If it turned out to move them to the right positions, then this indicates that the dream is being realized in the next day or two.

If all the aces immediately ended up in the right places, and some cards are still face down, then the interpretation will be a little different. In this case, the first row represents the year. If there is one closed card in the first line, then this indicates that the dream will come true in a year.

The second row is for months, the third for weeks, and the fourth for days. Your task is to sum up the number of years, months, weeks and days. As a result, you will receive the exact date of completion of the plan.

An easy way to find out if the wish will come true

You can find out if your wish will come true using this simple rite. Take a previously cleared and prepared deck of 36 cards, shuffle and set aside 6. Look at them and make your wish on any card that is not in the selected 6. Now shuffle the remaining cards and arrange them in 5 piles. The first should be 2, the second should be 3, the third should be 4, the fourth should be 5, and the fifth should be 6.

Now you can turn them upside down. If the hidden image turned out to be in 1 line, then the desire will not come true. If in the second, then it is very unlikely that it will come true. In the third - you have an enemy that interferes with the execution of plans. In the fourth, it is likely that the wish will come true, but efforts will have to be made. In the fifth - the plan will come true very soon.

The desire of each person is a certain closed part of his life. People never speak openly about what they want, but they certainly want to ensure that what they have conceived in a mandatory way is fulfilled as it should. In order to find out at home, this or that desire will come true, there are special fortune-telling.

This kind of fortune-telling can be carried out using items such as:

  1. Dice;
  2. Playing cards;
  3. Sheets of paper.

Fortune telling on a wish, whether it will come true or not, must be carried out in an atmosphere of complete secrecy. This is a very important factor. Since when a person thinks about the innermost, he never shares it with anyone. Divination by desire is simple and effective action, which will show whether it is worth implementing your ideas or not.

Fortune telling on cards for the fulfillment of a wish

There are many methods of such divination. The cards themselves represent a kind of magical object with which many sorcerers can bring both sorrows and joys to people. The use of such an object as playing cards does not contradict the very essence of fortune-telling and cannot harm the fortuneteller.

For the first version of divination, you will need a deck of ordinary playing cards. From it it is necessary to pull out the ace of the cross, the king of the cross, the lady of the cross and the six of the cross. Arrange the selected items on the table face down. After that, you should ask the question - will the plan be fulfilled in the near future?

Cards after question asked taken in hand and carefully shuffled. Then they should be laid out in order of priority on the table. The layout should begin with the top card.

If an ace falls out of the deck first, then the desire will definitely come true in the near future. If a queen follows after an ace, then you should be patient. If the king follows the lady, then the wish will come true in any case, however, in what period this event will occur, it is impossible to accurately indicate. Everything is bad if a jack and a six immediately fall out. This means that the desire with a high degree of probability will not come true.

The second way of divination playing cards a little more complicated than the previous one. To do this, take a full deck and divide it into approximately two equal parts. After that, each of the parts should be thoroughly mixed and lay out the panels with the shirts up. Before you start laying out the cards, ask a question of interest about the outcome of your wish.

If in the end it turns out that big cards, such as kings, queens, aces, and so on, will be more in the first pile, then the outcome of the desire will be definitely positive. If there are more cards with the indicated images in the second deck, then the desire will not come true.

The third method is a mixture of the first two. Half of the cards should be separated from the playing deck. The second half of the cards does not participate in fortune-telling and is removed to the side. After that, the cards should be laid out in rows. Each row should have seven playing cards.

After that, you should compare the resulting alignment with large cards and small ones. If there are more large cards in the first and third row, then the wish will come true. If the second row and the fourth contain more large cards, then the fate of the desire will be in doubt. If there are more large cards in the remaining rows than in the first four, then the wish will not come true.

If in all rows there is approximately the same number of large cards, then fortune-telling should be repeated until a more accurate result is obtained.

Fortune telling on the cards can be repeated every day. After all, as you know, higher powers have a changeable mood, and the fate of a wish made may depend on this mood.

How to find out if your plan will come true with the help of cubes

The second most popular is divination using two dice / dice, which are marked with numbers from one to six. Before you throw the dice, you should ask the question - is it destined to come true?

Cubes should be placed in a glass and, having mixed the bones in it, throw them on the table. The die to the left will mean success in percentage terms, from one to six. The second cube, which will be located to the right, will mean the time for the execution of the plan, also from one to six. If, for example, the combination turned out to be six to three, then this means that the wish will come true in any case, but you should stock up on a little patience.

This method can be done with one cube in a similar sequence. Only the same die should be rolled twice. This method, unlike playing cards, is the easiest, but not as reliable. Therefore, it is recommended to roll the dice three times in a row. The result is considered reliable if the resulting numbers approximately coincided in two repetitions of three throws.

True divination by desire using a sheet of paper

To conduct this type of fortune-telling, you need to take a blank sheet of A4 paper. The sheet is folded in four. Then it is torn into four equal parts. On each of the parts should write numbers from ten to forty. After that, each leaf should be wrapped in a tube and placed in an impermeable bag.

Followed by ask a question about success conceived desire and pull out one of the tubes of paper, after mixing everything well. Actually the answer to the question will be the number indicated on the sheet of paper.

The second type of such divination is also carried out using sheets of paper. They will need three. Whatever format they will be, there is no difference. Sheets should be treated in the same way as above. Only on each sheet write the phrases: “yes”, “no”, “later”, “don’t think about it”, “I don’t see exactly”, “maybe”, “be persistent”. The rest of the sheets of paper should be left blank.

Further, in a similar way, the sheets are twisted into tubes and placed inside an opaque object. After the main question is asked, you should pull out the sheet that first comes to hand. If you come across an empty sheet, then you should repeat the action until the final result.

In order to tell fortunes using the above items, you do not need any special knowledge. High power she will direct her hand and will not let herself be deceived. However, it should be remembered In order for the wish to really come true, it is necessary:

  • Don't sit still;
  • Don't rely on luck;
  • During the divination process, you must follow the instructions.

Subject to these requirements, there will always be an exact answer to the question asked.

Attention, only TODAY!

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of divination.

Are you ready?
Then click the "Continue divination" button!

The attempt to predict the future has always fascinated humanity. We fear the unknown, and the future, like death, is one of the great unknowns. To cope with this fear, people from ancient times tried to overcome the secrets of the future in all sorts of ways. Crystal balls, tea leaves, celestial bodies, human palms, bones, yarrow stems, shells, stones, coins are just some of the objects used by fortune tellers. We offer you fortune telling online - the most accurate and modern facility get an answer to your question about love, money or a career, understand the situation, look into the future. And all this without going to a fortune teller, cards and other tinsel.

You will receive a message that is unique, gives you insight, wisdom and helps you make the perfect choice for your particular situation. If you have never dealt with this unusual and rather in a simple way dice divination, highly recommend trying it!

Historical digression

Divination has been an important activity from ancient times to the present. In some cultures, such as the American Indians, the future was predicted through dreams. In other cultures, for example, in ancient Babylon, it was determined by the movement of the planets. Among African pastoralists, the insides of a ritually killed ox were considered.

The ancient Chinese used oracle bones to understand the future. During the Shang Dynasty, the king asked questions to the ancestors on behalf of the people. The divination ceremony usually took place in the palace. The royal musicians played. Soothsayers asked the gods about the weather, forecasts for the harvest, the fate of the members royal family, wars.

The use of bones for divination (osteomancy) has been known to many cultures around the world for thousands of years.

Religion and Predictions

Interestingly, most religions condemn divination, but their texts contradict this. In Christianity, for example, fortune-telling is strictly prohibited, but predictions are made on the pages of the Bible. It turns out that only "special" people can make predictions, holy apostles, etc. All others are declared "heretics" and are believed to be in league with the devil. Christianity is not alone in this, most major religions do not allow ordinary people use divination.

Divination online

So what are modern pagans to do? Of course, you can buy bones, go to a shaman, or learn to predict the future yourself. There are many ways to look into the unknown. We invite you to use the online version of divination with "throwing the dice", which visualizes almost all the details of the present. This method is simple and original, besides it is absolutely free. No registration or authorization required. You can use it every morning instead of boring horoscope reading. Whether you are new to mystical pursuits or an experienced practitioner, we hope you find our open-minded approach to divination interesting and entertaining!


If this is your first visit, note how simple everything is. This ancient divination method uses 2 dice. Before you is a notebook of desires, a glass of dice and an active button "Throw the dice".

Step 1. Take some time and think about the question you want to ask. Try to concentrate, be calm and dispassionate.

Step 2. Write down your question in your wish pad.

Step 3. After entering the entry, click on the "Roll the dice" button.

Step 4. The notebook will disappear, the action is taking place in front of you, the bones are thrown out.

Step 5. In the upper right corner we read the answer. At this time, the notepad returns to the screen, suddenly you forgot what you asked. The oracle doesn't just answer "yes" or "no", but shows your chances in relation to a certain problem and predicts your specific ability to solve it.

Step 6. If you have more than 1 question, you can click on the “Another wish” button that appears at the bottom right and ask the next question.

Important! You shouldn't ask the same question over and over if you don't agree with the answer. Instead, try asking about the situation from a different perspective to gain deeper understanding.


Predicting the future through divination can be fun and interesting, but it shouldn't be taken too seriously. If you received an answer that did not satisfy you, maybe this is just a sign of fate - but do you need it? Think.

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