Anya remembered from the stories. Training texts on punctuation and spelling

Career and finance 22.08.2019

E.A. katz,
School of Medicine and Biology "Vita",
Moscow city

Training texts punctuation and spelling

10 - 11th grades

TEXT No. 1

Anya remembered from her mother's words that she was born in the south near Odessa and, already a one-year-old child, was transferred north to Tsarskoe Selo in the damp splendor of the royal parks, under whose canopy the young Alexander Pushkin walked among the lyceum students.
Anya in her teenage years was nothing (not) remarkable. Quiet, reserved, shy girl... Only relatives knew that this quiet girl climbed trees like a cat and felt like a fish in the water.
With Kolya Gumilev, her future husband, Anya met her first husband in 1904 on Christmas Eve. We went to buy toys for the Christmas tree. It was a wonderful(?)ny sunny day. Light powder fell at night, and in the morning small and rare snowflakes still fell. In the rays of the sun, they turned golden (not) natural, as if cut from foil.
The Gumilyov boys went (to) the meeting. Let's go together. Anya was a little (not) interested in these smart-looking schoolboys who looked down on the girls with arrogance. She was not interested in the most broad-shouldered of them, Kolya Gumilyov.
Kolya reacted differently to this meeting. He was instantly embarrassed by chubby lips ... A gentle person ... Hair ... In her appearance there was something (un) expressed sad mystery ... It was impossible (not) to fall in love (th, t) with this name in this fragile girl...
After this meeting, Kolya Gumilyov began to wait for Anya Gorenko to look for (in) a kind of random meetings with her. The girl stubbornly avoided him. Anya (didn’t) like him, probably at this age, girls like (th, t) disappointing young people over twenty-five years old. And Kolya Gumilyov was in this rare period somewhat wooden, arrogant (with) mind and very (un)sure inside. Height tall thin with very beautiful hands a somewhat elongated pale face, not very noticeable in appearance, but not lacking in elegance. Blond which in the north can often be found.
Later, having matured and having passed the harsh k_v_lerian school, he became a dashing attack (?) nickname a brave officer. Thanks to his excellent long figure and broad shoulders, Gumilyov was very attractive and even interesting to a person in uniform.
But it will be much later, but for now he is just, if not an ugly gray duck looking for meetings with this girl with plump lips. And she avoids avoiding him. Why?


1. When isolating the application, a dash is used if words can be inserted before the application without changing the meaning namely.
2. An application related to a proper name is isolated if it comes after the noun being defined.
3. The common definitions expressed by the participle with words that depend on it are isolated.
4. A semicolon is placed in a non-union complex sentence if its parts are distant from each other in meaning.
5. As a rule, the adverbial turnover is isolated, regardless of the place occupied in relation to the verb-predicate.
6. For semantic highlighting or for a passing explanation, circumstances expressed by nouns in oblique cases can be separated by commas. Most often, such constructions are formed by nouns with prepositions or prepositional combinations. thanks to, in view of, depending on, in order to avoid, in spite of, in contrast, in connection with, due to, due to, in spite of, on condition, according to and etc.


Anya remembered from her mother's stories that she was born in the south, near Odessa, and already a one-year-old child was transported to the north - to Tsarskoye Selo, to the damp splendor of royal parks, under whose canopy the young Alexander Pushkin walked among the lyceum students.
Anya in her teens was unremarkable. Quiet, reserved, shy girl... Only relatives knew that this quiet girl climbed trees like a cat, and felt like a fish in the water.
With Kolya Gumilyov, her future husband, first husband, Anya met in 1904, on Christmas Eve. We went to buy toys for the Christmas tree. It was a wonderful sunny day. Light powder fell at night, and in the morning small and rare snowflakes still fell. In the rays of the sun, they seemed golden, unnatural, as if cut from foil.
The Gumilyov boys were walking towards them. Let's go together. Anya was not in the least interested in these dapper schoolboys, haughtily, looking arrogantly at the girls. She was not interested in the most broad-shouldered of them, Kolya Gumilyov.
Kolya reacted differently to this meeting. He was instantly embarrassed by plump lips... A tender face... Hair... There was something unspoken, sad, mysterious in her appearance... It was impossible not to fall in love with this, precisely this fragile girl...
After this meeting, Kolya Gumilyov began to wait for Anya Gorenko, looking for seemingly random meetings with her. The girl stubbornly avoided him. Anya did not like him; probably, at this age, girls like disappointed young men over twenty-five years old. And Kolya Gumilyov was in this early period somewhat wooden, arrogant in appearance and very insecure inside. Tall, thin, with very beautiful hands, a somewhat elongated pale face, not very noticeable in appearance, but not without elegance. Blond, which in the north can often be found.
Later, having matured and having gone through a harsh cavalry school, he became a dashing rider, a brave officer. Thanks to his excellent long figure and broad shoulders, Gumilyov was very pleasant and even interesting, especially in uniform.
But it will be much later, but for now he is just, if not ugly, then a gray duck looking for meetings with this girl with plump lips. And she leaves, avoids him. Why?

(A.N. Petrov)

TEXT No. 2

Read the text, insert the missing letters, put punctuation marks.

All deadlines have passed. It was impossible to push further. And on April 25, 1910, Anna Andreevna Gorenko and Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov got married in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nikolskaya Slobidka near Kyiv. More than three years have passed since Gumilev asked for Anna's hand in marriage.
A fragile, slender girl becomes the poet's wife. But she is also a poet! And did Anna (not) know (not) foresee the fate of this marriage, her fate, the fate of her husband? That, by the will of time, monstrously absurdly coincident (un) favorable circumstances, directed by the Bolsheviks, the internal horde broke the backbone of the reigning dynasty and then itself Russian Empire?! And he will go to destroy, smash, rob?!
And that she herself, Anna Akhmatova, a poet, a woman with a royal posture and such a (same) soul, will be plunged into the abyss of the most severe trials in less than ten years ?!
On the way to the church, Anna began to tell Gumilyov her dream. She dreamed that she would live in a wretched environment (alone) alone, a shabby unity, a holey d_van, a worn, patterned dressing gown, which (in) a long time would be her only home clothes.
Throw it blues said Gumilev. Wait for us waiting for Paris Italy. All will pass.
Anna considered. The everlasting sadness did not leave her face. Being in a wedding dress, she looked even more sad. Only her eyes shone, making her face beautiful and spiritual.
Anna was (not) mistaken in her prophecy. There will be the best poetess of Russia in years to come poor in the usual poverty from which she won’t even try to get rid of (th, t), and her only affirmation will be a shabby suitcase full of notebooks standing in the corner (on) ready, like the whole huge d_rzhava (state) to_lonia where the entire population as if (as if) in some (some) dreadful creation of the (Westerner) p_(ss, s) imista lined up in line at the prison of the k_lonia camp ... In line for ra (ss, s) trill.
But then in 1910 it was April the world was filled with sunlight black-bearded men saw the wedding procession rados (?) but waved their hats.

Exercise. Illustrate the rules below with examples from the text.

1. A single application is usually attached to the defined common noun with a hyphen.
2. Separate words and phrases that clarify the meaning of the previous words.
3. An application related to a proper name is isolated if it comes after the noun being defined.
4. Direct speech is highlighted with quotation marks if it goes into a line. If direct speech begins with a paragraph, then a dash is placed before the beginning of it. If there should have been a dot in place of the break in direct speech by the author's words, then a comma and a dash are placed before the author's words, and after them - a dot and a dash; the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.


All deadlines have passed. It was impossible to move on. And on April 25, 1910, Anna Andreevna Gorenko and Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov got married in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nikolskaya Slobidka near Kyiv. More than three years have passed since Gumilev asked for Anna's hand in marriage.
A fragile, slender girl becomes the poet's wife. But she is also a poet! And didn’t Anna know, didn’t she foresee the fate of this marriage, her own fate, the fate of her husband? That by the will of time, monstrously, absurdly coincident unfavorable circumstances, the internal horde directed by the Bolsheviks will break the back of the reigning dynasty, and then the Russian Empire itself ?! And he will go to destroy, smash, rob?!
And that she herself, Anna Akhmatova, a poet, a woman with a regal posture and the same soul, in less than ten years will be plunged into the abyss of the most severe trials?!
On the way to the church, Anna began to tell Gumilyov her dream. She dreamed that she would live in a squalid environment: all alone, a shabby single blanket, a holey sofa, a worn patterned dressing gown, which for a long time would be her only home clothes.
“Come on, it’s a spleen,” Gumilyov said to this. “Wait, Paris, Italy is waiting for us. All will pass.
Anna considered. The sadness never left her face. Being in a wedding dress, she seemed even sadder. Only her eyes shone, making her face beautiful and spiritual.
Anna was not mistaken in her prophecy. Will be, will be the best poetess of Russia in years to come poor in habitual poverty, which she will not even try to get rid of, and her only utensils will be a shabby suitcase stuffed with notebooks, standing in the corner at the ready, like the whole vast power, a colony state where the entire population, like as if in some nightmarish creation of a Westerner-pessimist, lined up in a prison, camps, colonies ... In line for execution.
But then, in 1910, it was April, the world was filled with sunlight, black-bearded men, seeing the wedding procession, happily waved their hats.

(A.N. Petrov)

TEXT No. 3

Read the text, insert the missing letters, put punctuation marks.

It was scary mysterious creature(royal) rural (life) hussar who lived on Kolpinskaya street and rode to P_terburg on horseback because grandmother_ was dangerous (?) Railway although there were no dangerous (?) Advanced positions where, by the way, Lieutenant Lermontov was presented for an award for bravery. He did not see the royal parks with their pseudo-Gothic rastrellia camerons, but he noticed how the flinty path glistens through the fog. He left without attention the famous P_tergof f_ntany, so that, looking at the Marquis Puddle, he thoughtfully pronounce The lonely sail turns white ...
He may have heard a lot and (didn’t) listen to the end, but he firmly remembered that “the mermaid sang over the blue river, full of incomprehensible longing” ...
He imitated Pushkin and Byron in verse and suddenly began to write something where he (n_) did not imitate anyone, but for a whole century he wants (?) to imitate him. But it is absolutely obvious that this is (not) possible, because he owns what the actor calls the “hundredth intonation”. The word obeys him like a snake caster, from an almost square epigram to prayer. The words he said about falling in love are unparalleled in any of the world's poetry.
It's so unexpected_o so simple and so useless_o

There are speeches - meaning
Dark or insignificant.
But they don't care
It is impossible to take.

If he wrote only this poem, he would already be a great poet.
I'm not talking about his prose. Here he overtook himself by a hundred years and in every thing destroys the myth that prose is the property of only a mature age. And even the fact that it is customary to consider the theater (not) accessible to great lyric poets was sublime (?) But to him.
...Until now, not only the grave but also the place of his death are full of memory of him. It seems that his spirit is hovering over the Caucasus, echoing the spirit of another great poet:


1. Outline the first sentence, explain punctuation marks.
2. Illustrate these rules with examples from the text.

1. Quotes are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is made out as direct speech, i.e. is accompanied by the words of the author who cites it, then the punctuation rules appropriate for direct speech are applied. If the quotation is incomplete, then the gap is indicated by an ellipsis, which is placed after the quotation (before the closing quotes).
2. If the quotation is syntactically linked to the author's text, forming subordinate clause, then the first word of the quote is written, as a rule, with a lowercase letter.
3. Introductory words and phrases are separated by commas. There are several main groups of introductory words according to their meaning:
introductory words, expressing the speaker's assessment of the degree of reliability of the reported (confidence, assumption, possibility, uncertainty, etc.);
- introductory words indicating the techniques and methods of shaping thoughts, etc.
4. If a poetic text is quoted, in which the poetic lines and stanzas of the original are observed, then quotation marks are usually not put; the poetic text is placed between the lines and separated from them by punctuation marks, as in direct speech.
5. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by the noun in the nominative case.


It was a strange, mysterious creature - the Tsarskoye Selo Life Hussar, who lived on Kolpinskaya Street and rode to St. Petersburg on horseback, because the railway seemed dangerous to my grandmother, although the advanced positions did not seem dangerous, where, by the way, Lieutenant Lermontov was presented with an award for bravery . He did not see the royal parks with their rastrelli, camerons, pseudo-Gothics, but he noticed how "through the fog the flinty path glistens." He ignored the famous Peterhof fountains, so that, looking at the Marquis Puddle, he thoughtfully uttered: "The lonely sail is whitening ...".
He may not have listened to much, but he firmly remembered that "the mermaid sang over the blue river, full of incomprehensible longing ...".
He imitated Pushkin and Byron in poetry - and suddenly began to write something where he did not imitate anyone, but everyone has been wanting to imitate him for a century. But it is quite obvious that this is impossible, because he owns what the actor calls the "hundredth intonation." The word obeys him like a snake charmer: from an almost vulgar epigram to a prayer. The words spoken by him about being in love are unparalleled in any of the world's poetry.
It's so unexpected, so simple and so bottomless:

There are speeches - meaning
Dark or insignificant.
But they don't care
It is impossible to take.

If he wrote only this poem, he would already be a great poet.
I'm not talking about his prose. Here he overtook himself by a hundred years and in every thing destroys the myth that prose is the property of only a mature age. And even what is considered to be inaccessible to great lyricists - the theater - was subject to him.
... Until now, not only the grave, but also the place of his death are full of memory of him. It seems that his spirit hovers over the Caucasus, echoing the spirit of another great poet:

Here Pushkin's exile began
And Lermontov's exile ended...

Why are you so sad ... - the young man said to Anya. He had just entered the compartment and unpacked his things.

No, everything is fine with me, I'm going home to my mother, - Anya said and turned to the window, tears welled up in her eyes. Alexei gave her his handkerchief and sat down beside her. For a moment their eyes met, he saw very beautiful blue eyes.

Anya involuntarily laid her head on his shoulder, she now needed someone who could help her forget everything ...

She told Alexei that she was going home, she left her beloved husband. He turned out to be a scoundrel and for a long time deceived her. They lived ten, as it seemed to her, happy years. There were no children, the husband was always against it. And yes, it didn't work out. And then she returned from a business trip a day earlier, found her husband and best friend at home ... This is how the story of their love that once began beautifully ended.

Having hastily packed up, Anna bought a ticket for the next train to her hometown, where she had once been born, went to school and was happy. Her mother and old grandmother lived there.

In the evening, Alexei invited Anya to go to the dining car. She put on a dress, took out a turquoise ring from her purse, her mother once gave it to her for a wedding, but Anya rarely wore jewelry.

They sat in the restaurant for a long time, talking about nothing. Then Alexei saw the ring on his finger and looked at it for a very long time. It was very beautiful self made, his mother ordered it especially for her daughter, with reverse side there was an engraving - in small letters "Happiness".

They arrived at the compartment after midnight. From drunk wine dizzy, the night flew by very quickly ...

Anya was still sleeping when Alexei gathered his things and quietly said goodbye to her, leaving a note with a phone number on the table: “if you ever want to hear from me, call ...”.

After reading, she smiled, her plans were not included serious relationship, but the woman nevertheless put the note in her purse.

In the evening she was already at home, the door was opened by her mother.

Anya, why didn’t you warn that you would come, I would have met you. - she said.

A little later, they sat down at the table, my mother began to ask how she was doing, how was Maxim. Anya said that she had come completely, Maxim was in the past.

I'll start new life Because I'm only 32 years old. I still have ahead...

Mom helped me find Good work life slowly improved. One morning Anya woke up and ran to the bathroom, she was very sick, her head was spinning. Mom asked worriedly:

Are you okay?

It's okay, everything will pass, she probably ate something wrong, - Anya said and began to get ready for work.

During the day it all happened again. In the evening too.

Anechka, go to the hospital tomorrow, - Mom said worriedly.

The next day Anya went to the doctor.

You are pregnant, congratulations! - after the examination, the doctor said - will we give birth?

Yes, of course, - Anya answered without hesitation and went home happy.

In the evening I told my mother, she picked up the phone and began to dial the number.

- Mom, who are you calling?

I want to make Max happy. she replied.

Don't, - Anya took the phone from her mother's hands - the child is not Maxim. He doesn't want my kids and neither do I.

And she told the reason for her return home.

Who then is the father? asked the mother in surprise.

Alexey... And let's not raise this topic anymore.
There was silence ... Anya decided everything for herself. She will raise and raise the child herself. She doesn't need men anymore.

The pregnancy was difficult, the woman often lay in the hospital, was under the constant supervision of doctors. The birth began on time, after long exhausting contractions, a wonderful healthy girl, Mia, was born.

And then life went on as usual, the baby grew up to the delight of her grandmother and mother. Anya rejoiced at every new day, lived for her daughter, sometimes looked at her and caught herself thinking that she reminded her more and more of Alexei, that fellow traveler who gave her the joy of motherhood and made her the happiest ...

But life took its toll. Anya fell ill, the disease began to develop rapidly after childbirth. The doctors' forecasts were disappointing, six months, a year ...

By that time, Mia had graduated from high school and was already an adult. Anya was never able to tell her about her father, she thought that her daughter would misunderstand her. Only at the last moment, handing the ring to her daughter, Anya said:

Take my daughter, this ring, it once brought me happiness, and you, too, be happy ...

Several years passed, after graduating from the institute, the grandmother gave her granddaughter a ticket to the sea. On the eve of their departure, both of them were very worried, Mia reassured her grandmother.

Don't worry, I'm only going for a week, and it will fly by very quickly ...

The girl put the train ticket in her purse, checked the documents and put her mother's ring on her finger.

The train arrived on time, the girl got into her compartment. To the sound of wheels, she began to look out the window at the passing forests, stations, rivers. In the morning the compartment door opened and a man dressed to the nines, with a pleasant smile on his face, came in. He said hello, sat down in his place and also began to look out the window. We drove in silence for a long time, then the conductor looked in and offered tea.

She put two glasses on the table and wished her a pleasant tea party.

Mia took out cookies, sweets, a man chocolate from her bag and they sat down to drink tea.

Then he froze, the chocolate fell out of his hands.

What's wrong with you?" the girl asked.

Is that a ring on your hand? where did you get it from?” he asked.

Mom's gift, - Mia answered, and then she told about how she was born, how she once asked her mother about her father and did not receive an answer to her question, how her mother was sick ...

Alexei sat, looked into Mia's eyes, and remembered Anya, that wonderful fellow traveler, about whom he remembered all his life.

He didn’t wait for a call from her, and Ani’s number didn’t hang up, Alexey waited and hoped, every day, every minute, not a day passed that he didn’t remember her ...

Does it have engraving? " Happiness".

How do you know? Did you know my mom?

Alexei told Mia everything, now he looked at the girl and understood that this was his daughter. He never met and fell in love with anyone, Anya always stood before his eyes, the man dreamed all his life that they would someday meet. But that did not happen. Probably miracles do not repeat themselves ... Mia hugged her dad, he pressed her to him, so they drove for a long time. Saying goodbye, we agreed that she would call him when she went back home.

Mia was waiting for her father near the carriage, he ran when he saw her from afar.

I was very afraid that I would lose you, - said Alex hugging his daughter.

No, dad, now we will always be together.

She looked at her ring and said:

Happinnes exists. It is with us.

The father hugged his daughter. They got into the car and went to the grandmother, who still did not know anything.

Exercise. Illustrate the rules below with examples from the text.

1. An application related to a proper name is isolated if it comes after the noun being defined.

2. The common definitions expressed by the participle with words that depend on it are isolated.

3. As a rule, the adverbial turnover is isolated, regardless of the place occupied in relation to the verb-predicate.

4. For semantic highlighting or for a passing explanation, circumstances expressed by nouns in oblique cases can be separated by commas. Most often, such constructions are formed by nouns with prepositions or prepositional combinations.thanks to, in view of, depending on, in order to avoid, in spite of, in contrast, in connection with, due to, due to, in spite of, on condition, according to and etc.

Anya remembered from her mother's stories that she was born in the south, near Odessa, and already a one-year-old child was transported to the north - to Tsarskoye Selo, to the damp splendor of royal parks, under whose canopy the young Alexander Pushkin walked among the lyceum students.

Anya in her teens was unremarkable. Quiet, reserved, shy girl... Only relatives knew that this quiet girl climbed trees like a cat, and felt like a fish in the water.

With Kolya Gumilyov, her future husband, first husband, Anya met in 1904, on Christmas Eve. We went to buy toys for the Christmas tree. It was a wonderful sunny day. Light powder fell at night, and in the morning small and rare snowflakes still fell. In the rays of the sun, they seemed golden, unnatural, as if cut from foil.

The Gumilyov boys were walking towards them. Let's go together. Anya was not in the least interested in these dapper schoolboys, haughtily, looking arrogantly at the girls. She was not interested in the most broad-shouldered of them, Kolya Gumilyov.

Kolya reacted differently to this meeting. He was instantly embarrassed by plump lips ... A tender face ... Hair ... There was something unspoken, sad, mysterious in her appearance ... It was impossible not to fall in love with this, precisely this fragile girl ...

After this meeting, Kolya Gumilyov began to wait for Anya Gorenko, looking for seemingly random meetings with her. The girl stubbornly avoided him. Anya did not like him; probably, at this age, girls like disappointed young men over twenty-five years old. And Kolya Gumilev in this early period was somewhat wooden, arrogant in appearance and very insecure inside. Tall, thin, with very beautiful hands, a somewhat elongated pale face, not very noticeable in appearance, but not without elegance. Blond, which in the north can often be found.

Later, having matured and having gone through a harsh cavalry school, he became a dashing rider, a brave officer. Thanks to his excellent long figure and broad shoulders, Gumilyov was very pleasant and even interesting, especially in uniform.

But it will be much later, but for now he is just, if not ugly, then a gray duck looking for meetings with this girl with plump lips. And she leaves, avoids him. Why?

TEXT No. 1

Read the text, fill in the missing letters, punctuate .

Anya remembered from her mother's stories that she was born in the south near Odessa and, already a one-year-old child, was transported north to Tsarskoye Selo in the damp splendor of the kingdom of parks, under whose canopy the young Alexander Pushkin walked among the lyceum students.

Anya in her teenage years was nothing (not) remarkable. Quiet, reserved, shy girl... Only relatives knew that this quiet girl climbed trees like a cat and felt like a fish in the water.

Anya met Kolya Gumilyov with her future husband, her first husband, in 1904 on Christmas Eve. We went to buy toys for the Christmas tree. It was a wonderful(?)ny sunny day. Light powder fell at night, and in the morning small and rare snowflakes still fell. In the rays of the sun, they turned golden (not) natural, as if cut from foil.

The Gumilyov boys went (to) the meeting. Let's go together. Anya was not at all (not) interested in these smart-eyed schoolboys who looked down on the girls with arrogance. She was not interested in the most broad-shouldered of them, Kolya Gumilyov.

Kolya reacted differently to this meeting. He was instantly embarrassed by chubby lips ... A gentle person ... Hair ... There was something (un) expressed sad mystery in her appearance ... It was impossible (not) to fall in love with this name in this fragile girl...

After this meeting, Kolya Gumilyov began to wait for Anya Gorenko to look for (in) a kind of random meetings with her. The girl stubbornly avoided him. Anya (didn’t) like him, probably at this age, girls like __ (th, t) disappointed young people over twenty-five years old. And Kolya Gumilyov was in this early period somewhat wooden, arrogant in appearance and very (un)sure inside. Tall, thin, with very beautiful hands, a somewhat elongated pale face of not very noticeable appearance, but not without elegance. Blond which in the north can often be found.

Later, having matured and having passed the harsh k__vlerian school, he became a dashing attack (?) nickname a brave officer. Thanks to his excellent long figure and broad shoulders, Gumilyov was very handsome and even interesting especially in uniform.

But it will be much later, but for now he is just, if not an ugly gray duck looking for meetings with this girl with plump lips. And she avoids avoiding him. Why? (A.N. Petrov)

Exercise. Illustrate the rules below with examples from the text.

1. When separating the application, a dash is used if the words can be inserted before the application without changing the meaning, viz.

2. An application related to a proper name is isolated if it comes after the noun being defined.

3. The common definitions expressed by the participle with words that depend on it are isolated.

4. A semicolon is placed in a non-union complex sentence if its parts are distant from each other in meaning.

5. As a rule, the adverbial turnover is isolated, regardless of the place occupied in relation to the verb-predicate.

6. For semantic highlighting or for a passing explanation, circumstances expressed by nouns in oblique cases can be separated by commas. Most often, such constructions are formed by nouns with prepositions or prepositional combinations due to, in view of, depending on, in order to avoid, in spite of, unlike, in connection with, due to, despite, on condition, according to, etc.


Anya remembered from her mother's stories that she was born in the south, near Odessa, and already a one-year-old child was transported to the north - to Tsarskoye Selo, to the damp splendor of royal parks, under whose canopy the young Alexander Pushkin walked among the lyceum students.

Anya in her teens was unremarkable. Quiet, reserved, shy girl... Only relatives knew that this quiet girl climbed trees like a cat, and felt like a fish in the water.

With Kolya Gumilyov, her future husband, first husband, Anya met in 1904, on Christmas Eve. We went to buy toys for the Christmas tree. It was a wonderful sunny day. Light powder fell at night, and in the morning small and rare snowflakes still fell. In the rays of the sun, they seemed golden, unnatural, as if cut from foil.

The Gumilyov boys were walking towards them. Let's go together. Anya was not in the least interested in these dapper schoolboys, haughtily, looking arrogantly at the girls. She was not interested in the most broad-shouldered of them, Kolya Gumilyov.

Kolya reacted differently to this meeting. He was instantly embarrassed by plump lips... A tender face... Hair... There was something unspoken, sad, mysterious in her appearance... It was impossible not to fall in love with this, precisely this fragile girl...

After this meeting, Kolya Gumilyov began to wait for Anya Gorenko, looking for seemingly random meetings with her. The girl stubbornly avoided him. Anya did not like him; probably, at this age, girls like disappointed young men over twenty-five years old. And Kolya Gumilev in this early period was somewhat wooden, arrogant in appearance and very insecure inside. Tall, thin, with very beautiful hands, a somewhat elongated pale face, not very noticeable in appearance, but not without elegance. Blond, which in the north can often be found.

Later, having matured and having gone through a harsh cavalry school, he became a dashing rider, a brave officer. Thanks to his excellent long figure and broad shoulders, Gumilyov was very pleasant and even interesting, especially in uniform.

But it will be much later, but for now he is just, if not ugly, then a gray duck looking for meetings with this girl with plump lips. And she leaves, avoids him. Why?

(A.N. Petrov)

TEXT No. 2

All deadlines have passed. It was impossible to push further. And on April 25, 1910, Anna Andreevna Gorenko and Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov got married in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nikolskaya Slobidka near Kyiv. More than three years have passed since Gumilev asked for Anna's hand in marriage.

A fragile, slender girl becomes the poet's wife. But she is also a poet! And did (didn’t) know (didn’t) Anna foresee the fate of this marriage, her fate, the fate of her husband? That, by the will of time, monstrously absurdly coincident (un)favorable circumstances, directed by the Bolsheviks, the internal horde broke the backbone of the reigning dynasty and then the Russian Empire itself ?! And he will go to destroy, smash, rob?!

And that she herself, Anna Akhmatova, a poet, a woman with a royal bearing and such (same) soul, will be plunged into the abyss of the most severe trials in less than ten years ?!

On the way to the church, Anna began to tell Gumilyov her dream. She dreamed that she would live in a wretched environment (alone) alone, a dilapidated single blanket, a leaky d__van, a worn-out patterned dressing gown, which (for) a long time __ would be her only home clothes.

Throw it blues said Gumilev. Wait for us waiting for Paris Italy. All will pass.

Anna considered. The everlasting sadness did not leave her face. Being in a wedding dress, she seemed even sadder. Only her eyes shone, making her face beautiful and spiritual.

Anna was (not) mistaken in her prophecy. There will be the best poetess of Russia in years to come poor in the usual poverty from which they won’t even try to get rid of (th, t), and her only appurtenance will be a shabby suitcase full of notebooks standing in the corner (on) ready, like the whole huge d__rzhava (state) colony where the entire population as (as if) in some (some) shady creation of (Westerner) n_ (_ss, s) imist lined up in line at the colony camp prison ... In line for ra (ss, s) trill.

But then, in 1910, it was April, the world was filled with sunlight, black-bearded men, seeing a wedding cortege of rados (?), But waved their hats. (A.N. Petrov)

Exercise . Illustrate the rules below with examples from the text.

1. A single application is usually attached to the defined common noun with a hyphen.

2. Separate words and phrases that clarify the meaning of the previous words.

3. An application related to a proper name is isolated if it comes after the noun being defined.

4. Direct speech is highlighted with quotation marks if it goes into a line. If direct speech begins with a paragraph, then a dash is placed before the beginning of it. If there should have been a dot in place of the break in direct speech by the author's words, then a comma and a dash are placed before the author's words, and after them - a dot and a dash; the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.


All deadlines have passed. It was impossible to move on. And on April 25, 1910, Anna Andreevna Gorenko and Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov got married in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nikolskaya Slobidka near Kyiv. More than three years have passed since Gumilev asked for Anna's hand in marriage.

A fragile, slender girl becomes the poet's wife. But she is also a poet! And didn’t Anna know, didn’t she foresee the fate of this marriage, her own fate, the fate of her husband? That by the will of time, monstrously, absurdly coincident unfavorable circumstances, the internal horde directed by the Bolsheviks will break the back of the reigning dynasty, and then the Russian Empire itself ?! And he will go to destroy, smash, rob?!

And that she herself, Anna Akhmatova, a poet, a woman with a regal posture and the same soul, in less than ten years will be plunged into the abyss of the most severe trials?!

On the way to the church, Anna began to tell Gumilyov her dream. She dreamed that she would live in a squalid environment: all alone, a shabby single blanket, a holey sofa, a worn patterned dressing gown, which for a long time would be her only home clothes.

Come on, it's a spleen, ”Gumilyov said to this. “Wait, Paris, Italy is waiting for us. All will pass.

Anna considered. The sadness never left her face. Being in a wedding dress, she seemed even sadder. Only her eyes shone, making her face beautiful and spiritual.

Anna was not mistaken in her prophecy. Will be, will be the best poetess of Russia in years to come poor in habitual poverty, which she will not even try to get rid of, and her only utensils will be a shabby suitcase stuffed with notebooks, standing in the corner at the ready, like the whole vast power, a colony state where the entire population, like as if in some nightmarish creation of a Westerner-pessimist, lined up in a prison, camps, colonies ... In line for execution.

But then, in 1910, it was April, the world was filled with sunlight, black-bearded men, seeing the wedding procession, happily waved their hats. (A.N. Petrov)

TEXT No. 3

Read the text, insert the missing letters, put punctuation marks.

It was a strange mysterious creature (royal) rural (life) hussar who lived on Kolpinskaya street and rode to St. Petersburg on horseback because my grandmother had a dangerous (?) railroad, although there were no dangerous (?) advanced positions where, by the way, Lieutenant Lermontov was represented to the award for bravery. He did not see the royal parks with their pseudo-Gothic rastrellia camerons, but he noticed how the flinty path glistens through the fog. He left without attention the famous P_tergof f_ntany, so that, looking at the Marquis Puddle, he thoughtfully pronounce The lonely sail turns white ...

He may have heard a lot and (didn’t) listen to the end, but he firmly remembered that “the mermaid sang over the blue river, full of incomprehensible longing” ...

He imitated Pushkin and Byron in verse and suddenly began to write something where he (n_) did not imitate anyone, but for a whole century he wants (?) to imitate him. But it is absolutely obvious that this is (not) possible, because he owns what the actor calls the “hundredth intonation”. The word obeys him like a snake caster, from an almost square epigram to prayer. The words he said about falling in love are unparalleled in any of the world's poetry.

It's so unexpected_o so simple and so useless_o

There are speeches - meaning

Dark or insignificant.

But they don't care

It is impossible to take.

If he wrote only this poem, he would already be a great poet.

I'm not talking about his prose. Here he overtook himself by a hundred years and in every thing destroys the myth that prose is the property of only a mature age. And even the fact that it is customary to consider the theater (not) accessible to great lyric poets was sublime (?) But to him.

Until now, not only the grave but also the place of his death are full of memory of him. It seems that his spirit is hovering over the Caucasus, echoing the spirit of another great poet:


1. Outline the first sentence, explain punctuation marks.

2. Illustrate these rules with examples from the text:

one). Quotes are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is made out as direct speech, i.e. is accompanied by the words of the author who cites it, then the punctuation rules appropriate for direct speech are applied. If the quotation is incomplete, then the gap is indicated by an ellipsis, which is placed after the quotation (before the closing quotes).

2). If a quotation is syntactically related to the author's text, forming a subordinate clause, then the first word of the quotation is written, as a rule, with a lowercase letter.

3). Introductory words and phrases are separated by commas. There are several main groups of introductory words according to their meaning:

introductory words expressing the speaker's assessment of the degree of reliability of what is being reported (confidence, assumption, possibility, uncertainty, etc.);

introductory words indicating the techniques and ways of shaping thoughts, etc.

four). If a poetic text is quoted in which the poetic lines and stanzas of the original are observed, then quotation marks are usually not put; the poetic text is placed between the lines and separated from them by punctuation marks, as in direct speech.

5). A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a link, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by the noun in the nominative case.


It was a strange, mysterious creature - the Tsarskoye Selo Life Hussar, who lived on Kolpinskaya Street and rode to St. Petersburg on horseback, because the railway seemed dangerous to my grandmother, although the advanced positions did not seem dangerous, where, by the way, Lieutenant Lermontov was presented with an award for bravery . He did not see the royal parks with their rastrelli, camerons, pseudo-Gothics, but he noticed how "through the fog the flinty path glistens." He ignored the famous Peterhof fountains, so that, looking at the Marquis Puddle, he thoughtfully uttered: "The lonely sail is whitening ...".

He may not have listened to much, but he firmly remembered that "the mermaid sang over the blue river, full of incomprehensible longing ...".

He imitated Pushkin and Byron in poetry - and suddenly began to write something where he did not imitate anyone, but everyone has been wanting to imitate him for a century. But it is quite obvious that this is impossible, because he owns what the actor calls the "hundredth intonation." The word obeys him like a snake charmer: from an almost vulgar epigram to a prayer. The words spoken by him about being in love are unparalleled in any of the world's poetry.

It's so unexpected, so simple and so bottomless:

There are speeches - meaning

Dark or insignificant.

But they don't care

It is impossible to take.

If he wrote only this poem, he would already be a great poet.

I'm not talking about his prose. Here he overtook himself by a hundred years and in every thing destroys the myth that prose is the property of only a mature age. And even what is considered to be inaccessible to great lyricists - the theater - was subject to him.

Until now, not only the grave, but also the place of his death are full of memory of him. It seems that his spirit hovers over the Caucasus, echoing the spirit of another great poet:

Here Pushkin's exile began

And Lermontov's exile ended...

(A. Akhmatova)

Test No. 1 on the topic "Vocabulary and phraseology." Option I

  1. Rewrite the text, insert missing letters, punctuate.

Anya remembered from her mother's stories that she was born in the south near Odessa and, already a one-year-old child, was transported north to Tsarskoye Selo in the damp splendor of the kingdom of parks, under whose canopy the young Alexander Pushkin walked among the lyceum students.

Anya in her teenage years was nothing (not) remarkable. Quiet, reserved, shy girl... Only relatives knew that this quiet girl climbed trees like a cat and felt like a fish in the water.

Anya met Kolya Gumilyov with her future husband, her first husband, in 1904 on Christmas Eve. We went to buy toys for the Christmas tree. It was a wonderful(?)ny sunny day. Light powder fell at night, and in the morning small and rare snowflakes still fell. In the rays of the sun, they turned golden (not) natural, as if cut from foil.

The Gumilyov boys went (to) the meeting. Let's go together. Anya was not at all (not) interested in these smart-eyed schoolboys who looked down on the girls with arrogance. She was not interested in the most broad-shouldered of them, Kolya Gumilyov.

Kolya reacted differently to this meeting. He was instantly embarrassed by chubby lips ... A gentle person ... Hair ... There was something (un) expressed sad mystery in her appearance ... It was impossible (not) to fall in love with this name in this fragile girl...

After this meeting, Kolya Gumilyov began to wait for Anya Gorenko to look for (in) a kind of random meetings with her. The girl stubbornly avoided him. Anya (didn’t) like him, probably at this age, girls like __ (th, t) disappointed young people over twenty-five years old. And Kolya Gumilyov was in this early period somewhat wooden, arrogant in appearance and very (un)sure inside. Tall, thin, with very beautiful hands, a somewhat elongated pale face of not very noticeable appearance, but not without elegance. Blond which in the north can often be found.

Later, having matured and having passed the harsh k__vlerian school, he became a dashing attack (?) nickname a brave officer. Thanks to his excellent long figure and broad shoulders, Gumilyov was very handsome and even interesting especially in uniform.

But it will be much later, but for now he is just, if not an ugly gray duck looking for meetings with this girl with plump lips. And she avoids avoiding him. Why? (A.N. Petrov)

  1. Complete tasks
  1. Find matches

1. Homonyms

2. Homoforms

3. Homophones

4. Homographs

5. Paronyms

6. Synonyms

7. Antonyms

  1. In which cases are all adjectives used in their direct meaning?

1) golden hands, iron character, hare soul, fox hole;
2) remote village, heated debate, iron logic, direct person;
3) back street, hot fight, iron will, direct question;
4) deaf old man, hot day, railroad, straight line;
5) stone house, disservice, silver spray, glass vase.

1) an indigenous person is a fundamental issue;

2) a satellite of Mars - a satellite on the road;

3) a pack of cigarettes - a pack of ballerinas;

4) cold milk - a cold look;

5) steep boiling water - a cool character.

  1. Determine the means of artistic expression in the examples:

1) I love the magnificent withering of nature ...

2) The rich man feasts even on weekdays, and the poor grieves even on holidays.

3) We entered our dark, stuffy, boring rooms.

  1. Determine in which row both words belong to the vocabulary of limited use:

1) talk, computer;

2) poet, actor;

3) chicken, ancestors (parents);

4) ram (bring), harmful.

6. Determine which of the named words are archaisms:

Chelo, squad, actor, NEPman, parish, tax in kind, finger.

Bankruptcy, imitation, adequate, image.

8. Replace words with descriptive phrases (paraphrases):

Sea, morning.

9. Determine what means of language expression are used in sentences.

1. Delicate lemon moonlight.(S. Yesenin) 2. Look, it's fun for her to be sad / So smartly naked.(A. Akhmatova) 3. I looked around me with indescribable excitement. I haven't seen Goryukhin for eight years.(A. Pushkin) 4. But then the wind came up, and the tops rustled like falling waves.(I. Turgenev) 5. Autumn bliss kiss burned in the forests ...(N. Gumilev) 6. He also went. To the store. Buy cigarettes.(V. Shukshin) 7. A lone sail turns white / In the blue fog of the sea! .. / What is he looking for in a distant country? / What did he throw in his native land?(M. Lermontov) 8. Arriving home, Laevsky and Nadezhda Fyodorovna went into their dark, stuffy, boring rooms.(A.Chekhov)

Test work No. 2 on the topic "Vocabulary and phraseology." Option II

  1. Rewrite the text, insert the missing letters, put punctuation marks.

All deadlines have passed. It was impossible to push further. And on April 25, 1910, Anna Andreevna Gorenko and Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov got married in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nikolskaya Slobidka near Kyiv. More than three years have passed since Gumilev asked for Anna's hand in marriage.

A fragile, slender girl becomes the poet's wife. But she is also a poet! And did (didn’t) know (didn’t) Anna foresee the fate of this marriage, her fate, the fate of her husband? That, by the will of time, monstrously absurdly coincident (un)favorable circumstances, directed by the Bolsheviks, the internal horde broke the backbone of the reigning dynasty and then the Russian Empire itself ?! And he will go to destroy, smash, rob?!

And that she herself, Anna Akhmatova, a poet, a woman with a royal bearing and such (same) soul, will be plunged into the abyss of the most severe trials in less than ten years ?!

On the way to the church, Anna began to tell Gumilyov her dream. She dreamed that she would live in a wretched environment (alone) alone, a dilapidated single blanket, a leaky d__van, a worn-out patterned dressing gown, which (for) a long time __ would be her only home clothes.

Throw it blues said Gumilev. Wait for us waiting for Paris Italy. All will pass.

Anna considered. The everlasting sadness did not leave her face. Being in a wedding dress, she seemed even sadder. Only her eyes shone, making her face beautiful and spiritual.

Anna was (not) mistaken in her prophecy. There will be the best poetess of Russia in years to come poor in the usual poverty from which they won’t even try to get rid of (th, t), and her only appurtenance will be a shabby suitcase full of notebooks standing in the corner (on) ready, like the whole huge d__rzhava (state) colony where the entire population as (as if) in some (some) shady creation of (Westerner) n_ (_ss, s) imist lined up in line at the colony camp prison ... In line for ra (ss, s) trill.

But then, in 1910, it was April, the world was filled with sunlight, black-bearded men, seeing a wedding cortege of rados (?), But waved their hats. (A.N. Petrov)

  1. Complete tasks
  1. Find matches

1. Homonyms

A) Words that are similar in sound but different in meaning

2. Homoforms

B) Words of the same part of speech, different in sound and having directly opposite meanings

3. Homophones

C) Words belonging to the same part of speech, sounding the same, but different in meaning, having different affixes

4. Homographs

D) Words that are close or identical in meaning, expressing the same concepts, but differing in shades of meaning and stylistic coloring

5. Paronyms

D) Words that sound the same but are different in spelling and meaning.

6. Synonyms

E) Words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently, mainly depending on the stress

7. Antonyms

G) Words that are different in meaning, but do not coincide in sound and spelling in all grammatical forms

  1. Find phrases in which the underlined words are homonyms.

1) happy marriage- manufacturing defects;

2) the root of the word is the root of the plant;

3) there are auctions - the clock is ticking;

4) assembly of the structure - assembly on a skirt;

5) pop star - a star in the sky.

  1. In which sentence is the word used in a figurative sense?

1) Two landscapes of a good brush hung on the walls.
2) Yellow leaves slowly fell to the ground.
3) In the morning the bay was filled with floating ice.
4) Huge cliffs on the shore created a majestic picture.
5) The bright sun quickly ate the thin ice.

4. Determine the means of artistic expression in the examples:

1) Both boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand to.

2) Where the table was food, there is a coffin.

3) But I soon comprehended the mystery of their ugly beauty.

5. Determine in which row both words belong to the vocabulary of limited use:

1) small, eyes;

2) governor, gymnasium;

3) bummer, guardsman;

4) educational program, lazy.

6. Determine which of the named words are historicisms:

Officer, piit, mirror, boyar, eye, grid, hail.

7. Replace borrowed words with Russian synonyms:

Presentation, creative, inert, interpret.

8. In what examples are contextual antonyms found? Write them down.

A) Speeches are like honey, but deeds are like wormwood. b) He looks like a morel, and eats porridge like a hero.

C) You will save an hour - you will live a century. d) Do not be brave on the stove, but do not be afraid in battle. e) Happiness is just the absence of unhappiness. f) Speech is like snow, but deeds are like soot.

9. Point out the sentences in which epithets are used. Write them down along with the word you define.

1. Golden foliage swirled / In pinkish water on the pond.(S. Yesenin) 2. There are the sweetest, most precious breaths of air that are memorable for a lifetime.(V. Soloukhin) 3. Ridges of blue hills / And heaps of white clouds / Against the background of a marble sky.(M. Voloshin) 4. On the window, silver from hoarfrost, / During the night, chrysanthemums bloomed.(I. Bunin) 5. In the bottomless sky with a light white edge / Rises, a cloud shines.(I. Bunin) 6. Oh fingers are flexible, start / Charming lesson.(O. Mandelstam) 7. A swarthy youth wandered along the alleys, / By the lake shores he was sad, / And we cherish for a century / Barely audible rustle of steps.(A. Akhmatova)

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