Golden weapons in max payne 3. Rifles and sniper rifles

Health 26.08.2019

Chapter 12 - Great American, defender of the underprivileged.
Sao Paulo, Imperial Palace Hotel.
Tuesday, 17:30.

Da Silva drops us off at the Imperial Palace and asks us to find out what's going on there. They say that those who went in there never come out again... We'll see about that. Let's go through the basement so as not to attract too much attention. We are building a homemade silencer for a pistol. We pass forward, we see two people throwing something into the furnace. When they leave, we will examine the gurney (the evidence "The gurney"). We pass through the door and turn left. We take painkillers from the shelf, inspect the brown box (Ammunition Box evidence). Open the next door, take the elevator upstairs. It’s not worth hiding especially, we kill enemies and pick up more powerful weapons. Inside the dilapidated bathroom lies a piece of golden weapons. We continue to move forward, dealing with enemies. We get to the yellow door, which opens by pressing the button. If you go in a straight line, i.e. along the line of the machine gunner, then behind the bedside table we will find a part of the golden weapon. We turn right and jump down. Jump up and turn right. In the room we find: under the chair - a photocopy (evidence "Passos' identity card"), on the wall - photographs (evidence "Photos on the wall"). Let's go on the left side, get out into the corridor - three will appear on the right at once, we shoot at the cylinders (they still have to be blown up). If we go to the left, we will get to the position of the machine gunner, next to which there is a room. From there we take painkillers. We pass through the undermined doors and go upstairs. We move along a long corridor, on the right there will be a breach in the wall. We enter there, next to the bathroom lies another part of the golden weapon. We get to the ajar door, we find the captives, among which (what a surprise) Serrano.

We go up through the elevator shaft. To the right behind the counter lies a piece of golden weapons. Enemies ahead, attack immediately. More opponents will appear from the other end of the pool. We go around the area and find ourselves in another building. We examine the newspaper, which lies on the counter (the evidence "Article in the newspaper"). We pass forward, behind the doors we find a “doctor”, who cripples rather than heals. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” Serrano appears to take revenge on the offender. We understand him perfectly, even though he himself once gave us trouble. Nevertheless, we leave him alone with his victim. We move forward, having reached approximately the middle, on the right we will notice a chair, behind which lies a part of the golden weapon. We open the door ahead and get into a real cache with weapons. We take away what we need, namely more C4 explosives. We return to the arsenal and pick up two jars of pills. We examine the receipt lying at the very edge of the shelf on the right (evidence "Receipt for donations"). We mine the red columns, when enemies appear, we destroy them. We go up through the opened gate next to the arsenal. Just above them, in the corner, lies a piece of golden weapons. Grabbing a sniper rifle, we destroy the enemies located in the building on the opposite side. After finishing with everyone, we open the door. There are a lot of enemies here, so be careful. We mine the remaining columns and get out onto the roof.

We undermine the mined building and immediately begin to break forward. It is impossible to delay, since everything is actively collapsing and we may not have time to escape. We get to the stairs, climbing which we turn to the right. There are two painkillers in a small room. We pass further, the explosion blocks the passage. Normal enemies will appear on top, and then a more robust machine gunner will appear. It is quite difficult to kill him, we shoot exclusively in the face. And when it is weakened, then you can just hit the head. We watch the video, Passos comes to the rescue and rescues us from the roof at the very last moment.

Chapter 13 - Evil bald fat man.
The 55th police battalion is a special forces detachment.
Wednesday, 20:48.

Saying goodbye to Passos and Giovanna, we go to the police station and voluntarily surrender. We need to stay there until exactly ten in the evening. Then we break out of the interrogation room and kill three opponents. We pick up painkillers from the room on the left. We pass on, the prisoners escaped and staged a riot. The guards who arrived just in time distracted them. We follow into the prison cells, turn left at the first intersection and pick up part of the golden weapon. We kill two cops who grabbed the prisoners. Before reaching them, turn right and get into the shower room, where there is a part of the golden weapon. After passing through several cells, we turn left and at the end of the corridor we will meet a tourist sitting in a cell and asking for help - a child molester, whom we already met during the raid on Nova Esperanza (street "Tourist"). We continue to walk along the cameras until we get out of here. We visit open cells and pick up painkillers from there. Caught in a trap, as Max himself put it, although we understand that such situations are not uncommon, we destroy everyone. Enemies will try to surround us from both sides. In the corner room on the right we find painkillers. There is a room ahead, we take painkillers from the table and examine the laptop (the Prison Journal evidence). We press the button that will open the gate.

Outside watching the prisoners try to resist armored car. We wait behind cover until the turret stops firing. Then we quickly break forward, pick up a grenade launcher on the fly and hide behind the next partition. Again we wait, and we shoot at the enemy transport. Enemies appear, deal with them and go to the parking lot. To the left behind the dumpster we find a piece of golden weapons. A prisoner breaks out of the door, followed by a cop. Kill him and go up the stairs. We go outside: on the left are three opponents, on the right, behind the partition, part of the golden weapon. We enter the building, in the locker room in the lockers we find two painkillers. We destroy enemies in the training room. Further, in the men's toilet we will find a part of the golden weapon, and in the women's - pills. We go further, kill the enemies. In the kitchen we will find a part of the golden weapon, in the office next to the computer there is a note (evidence "Promissory note"). We pass into the next room. In a small partition on the right we will find a part of the golden weapon. And also another part lies in the right room in the corner. We enter the security room, enemies appear from the elevator - elite special forces. The only thing that allows us to track them in thick smoke is laser pointers. We take the painkiller from the wall on the left. We get to the elevator and go up to the 5th floor.

The elevator gets stuck, and therefore we urgently leave it. We go forward, we take the pills from the room. We break into the office and destroy the enemies, then an enemy with a machine gun will appear. After killing him, we go into the second room on the right. There is a folder on the table (evidence "Folder with political information"). In the front room we find a laptop (evidence "Article on Wilson da Silva"), and next to it are tablets. We pick up the card from the guard and go further. Next to the presentation stand, we examine the briefing. We scroll through the slides one by one (the “Slideshow” evidence). We go further, we pass through the arsenal, killing enemies. We get out to the stairs, and tear gas is thrown here. We rise higher, shoot through the grate on the wall. After passing through the ventilation shaft, we jump from the other side and quickly kill the enemy in slowdown. We find the same disk on which the shooting in Rodrigo's office was recorded. We find out the true killer - this is Bakker's assistant. We get to the laboratory, where the special forces will burst. We destroy them and meet the killer Rodrigo in the corridor. We roll on the cart, shooting opponents on the roof of the opposite building. We continue to destroy the enemies, having finished with them, we get to the button, by pressing which the door will open. Nearby there is a shelf with bulletproof vests, we put on one of them (the bulletproof vest evidence). We pass through the training ground, dealing with the meeting commandos. Training with real people? Nothing more realistic.

At the end we pass through the door leading to the shooting gallery. Right behind our cover lies the last piece of the golden weapon. We continue to go to the cherished goal through the workshops and finally, in the server room we meet with Bakker's assistant. To kill him, you need to shoot the ceiling above him. When it collapses, the opponent will move to the left. Then we already shoot at the dangling air conditioner until it completely collapses. It remains only to make a well-aimed shot in the head of the killer. We pick up his access card and get into Bakker's office. Having met us, he laughs in our faces, we grab him by the neck and begin to choke him. Victor, who appeared from behind, quickly stops us. After a short conversation, the two manage to escape. Let's watch the video.

Chapter 16 - The Last Trump.
Piratininha Airport.
Thursday, 14:07.

We arrive at the airport, here we are quickly recognized and in honor of this, spitting on civilians, they immediately open fire. We quickly jump off the path and take cover under the adjacent luggage path. We destroy the enemies and go upstairs. Having dealt with everyone, we go to the red door. To the right of it there is another door leading to the stairs, and on it we will find a part of the golden weapon. We pass further, in the corridor we kill enemies and examine each open room where painkillers can lie. At the end of the corridor there will be a white door leading to the main terminal, on the right is another one that leads to the locker room. There we will find painkillers, a part of a golden weapon and a former cop who has hidden (evidence "Former Cop").

Having got out into the main terminal, we destroy a lot of enemies. Part of the golden weapon is on the upper bridge on the left. And another part lies behind the very last information desk on the left. We open the lower gate and we pass further. We get to the platform, simultaneously dealing with opponents. At the very end, a sniper sat down in the control room, we will try to sneak up on him through the train, unless of course we have long-range weapons. We supply power again, enemies arrive on the platform from two trains at once. We sit down in an accessible train.

And here we have no peace, the enemies from the neighboring transport continue to attack us. You need to kill them all to move on. The train will leave the tunnel, enemies will penetrate us from the roof. We destroy them and move to a parallel train right on the fly! In slowdown, we kill three at once. We collect everything you need - painkillers, weapons and part of the golden weapons from the last car. We get off the train and watch the video. Becker with a shield sat down on the ladder. It will not work to smoke it out until we kill all the enemies. Dozens of soldiers are trying to kill us, moving between carts if Bakker damaged the one we were hiding behind. Next to the end carts there is one painkiller and ammunition for any weapon. There is no need to rush and climb on the rampage, we sit behind cover and slowly shoot at the arriving enemies. After killing the latter, we make a jump from the ladder and in slow motion we shoot at the projectile. Bakker is undermined by his own weapons. To finish it or not is completely our choice. Silva will soon drive up, we grab a grenade launcher and set off in pursuit of a flying plane. Along the way, we destroy enemy transports and finish the game with a couple of shots at the aircraft's turbines. Watch the final video.


This guide shows all the hidden clues and tourists, collecting which we will get achievements.

Chapter 1 - A bad feeling.

Chapter 2 - Completely sucks.

Dead soccer star

The body is in the VIP area near the steps on the left. Pay attention to the body in a white T-shirt at a small table.

night club flyer

In the living room of the VIP area, to the right of the bar, facing the exit to the next floor.

ex cop

After clearing the 2nd floor of the nightclub, you exit through a small door to the toilet stalls. You need a booth in the middle (with a green light).

Dress flap

Near the toilet cubicles, by the sink. Beige fabric.

Portuguese newspaper

After cleaning the kitchen, on the right, near the radio.

Giovanna's necklace

After clearing the roof, the pursuit will move into the building. Get down the stairs. necklace on the ground.

Chapter 3 - Ordinary gray everyday life.

Victor's painting

After attacking the stadium, clear the 1st floor. Picture in the office next to honey. cabinet

door in blood

Near the 1st elevator, examine the stained white door on the left.

Blood stain in the lobby

After meeting with the first sniper, go to the tunnel on the right. Clear the hall. Stain on the column.

Football Stars Memorial

In the trophy room. Such a big stand.

Chapter 4 - Anyone can buy me a drink.

Max's NYPD badge

In Max's apartment, by the window, there is a small table.

Brewer's Journal

Run away from the snipers, one of the neighbors will throw himself under the bullet, saving you. There are 2 clues in his room. 1st on the desktop with explosives (magazine).

Newspaper clippings

Near the entrance to the bathroom.

Chapter 5 - Alive, albeit a little battered.

Helicopter on site

At the beginning of the chapter, move along the muddy path. Explore the helicopter while facing the fence.

Ransom note

In the room with Fabiana's recording, next to the TV.

Video camera

In the hangar where Fabiana was tortured.

Branco family photo

Under the platform in the same hangar. In the same room, press the button to exit the hangar. The photo is on the table on the left.


After leaving the garage, cross the courtyard, enter the building. Inside is a poker table, next to it is a shack. Newspaper on the mattress.

Nightclub plan

There is a room in the hangar. On the table.

Chapter 6 - A woman, a nerd and a drunken man.

Fabiana's folder

At the start of the level, on the desk in the office on the right.

Rodrigo Post

In the room with Fabiana's folder, there is a small laptop on the table.

architectural models

In the conference room, examine the first model on the left.

school photos

In the hall, on the right wall.

Dead IT guy

After you disarm the terrorist, check the body behind him.

Chapter 7 - A hangover prepared by mother nature herself.


Walking through the streets in search of a phone (and weapons) you will stumble upon a cop from the second chapter, the one who was in the toilet stall. He owns a stall in the suburbs.

Serrano photography

On the floor in the strip bar, next to the couch where you and Wilson drank.


Go to the exit of the strip bar, the room is on the right side of the exit. Tourist under the bed.


To the left of the blue door to the hangar.


Blue wall with three bandits behind the previous piece of evidence. Max will say that each next gang is cooler.

Sanctuary of Claudio

Graffiti, flowers, ball. Come take a look.

Flyer Giovanna

Clear the roofs, jump, go to the courtyard. The only way out is through the doors. Behind them on the ground on the right (barred door threshold) there will be a flyer.

Oxidado bag

After the scene with the bandits' party, go to the house. Bag of drugs on the floor near the door.


Max ruins the drug lab, returns to the streets. Graffiti: skull, 2 pistols, Comando Sombra.

Chapter 8 - There is no place to wait for mercy.

Valerie's grave

Go up the stairs, kill the bandits, go through the iron gate. To their right will be a grave with an urn at the top.

Mausoleum Nicole

Another monument (with the inscription Horne) where you save Passos is the second piece of evidence.

Winnie's grave

After the scene with Max digging the grave. Kill everyone, look for the newest tombstone (brown, with gold inscription).

Chapter 9 - And now I'm on the other side of the world.

Dead gang member

In the first building you enter, there will be a body against the wall.

Dead member of UFE

Walk down the street. The body in blue is on the doorstep on the right. Explore.

Dead civilians

Find the previous evidence, go to the end of the street. There will be police officers and the bodies they are looking for.

Chapter 10 - You either drive or you shoot, sis.

Chapter 11 - Sunblock, cocktails and greed.

Max's Notes

Kill everyone in the restaurant, return to your room. Check the room opposite yours. The note is on the table next to the shower.

Bed of Passos

Exit the room, room on the right (facing the restaurant). Examine the bed.

blood trail

Run away from the engine compartment, go to the hatch in the stern. Come out of it, there is a trace.

Discarded newspaper

In a room with 3 pirates who are trying to break through the wall. On a round table.

ruined wall

In the same room.

Daphne's passport

Go out into the hall, there will be a small office. The passport is on the table.

Daphne's box

Room on the right, kill the attackers. Box on the closet. Big blue.

Stand in the visitor center

In the building of the Panama Canal, on the second floor, there is a museum of explorers. The goal is a paired statue of explorers.

Just like in the previous parts of the series, Max Payne 3 has many different types of weapons available.

Now Max Payne can use weapons in both hands (both the same and different). Max can also use the pistol along with heavier one-handed weapons like the sawed-off shotgun.

Introduced a "wheel" system for weapon selection.

Unlike previous installments in the franchise, in Max Payne 3 the number of guns that Max can carry is limited to two pistols and one larger weapon. When trying to use two pistols at the same time, Max will automatically eject his two-handed weapon.

Molotov cocktails and grenades thrown by enemies can be shot in mid-flight, causing them to explode.

One-handed weapon


  • baton;
  • electric prod for livestock;
  • stun gun;
  • pepper spray.


  • .38 Revolver
  • 608 Bull
  • Auto 9mm (uses ammo from SMG)

Submachine guns:

  • Micro 9mm


  • shotgun

Two-handed weapon

Submachine guns:

  • S.A.F.40


  • M4 Super 90
  • SPAS-15
  • Super Sport
  • Hammerhead

Assault Rifles:

  • AK-47
  • MD-97L
  • G6 Commando
  • LMG .30
  • M4 Assault
  • UAR-21
  • IMG 5.56
  • IA2AR

Rifles and sniper rifles:

  • Mini-30
  • FMP G3S
  • M82A1


  • Rotary Grenade Launcher


  • tin can (multiplayer only)
  • flash grenade (multiplayer only)
  • smoke bomb (multiplayer only)
  • tear gas (multiplayer only)
  • grenade (multiplayer only)
  • Molotov cocktail (part of Disorderly Conduct in multiplayer)
  • jumping betty

hand-to-hand combat

  • Fists

Unused weapon

  • machete (only used by NPCs)
  • stun gun (only used by NPCs)
  • scalpel (only used by NPCs)
  • C4 (Single player cutscenes only)
  • Mossberg 590
  • Ruger Mini-14GB
  • MP5A3

List of weapons in MAX PAYNE 3

An American classic, the 1911 semi-automatic pistol is one of the most versatile weapons in Max's arsenal. This reliable and powerful pistol can be wielded in both hands, making them incredibly deadly and fast.

Below you can see this pistol in action, as well as explore the full model of the weapon, including its custom-modeled parts.

680 BULL

608 Bull is a large revolver with eight rounds of amazing power that fires very accurately at short distances. Usually this revolver is used by paramilitary units, such as the U.F.E. The 608 can be used for both normal shooting and more versatile dual-handed shooting.

Below you can see it in action, as well as explore the full model of the weapon, including its individually modeled parts.

Very strong yet light, the powerful Mini-30 is Max's choice when you need to shoot and run away, becoming an elusive target for pursuers. This versatile and compact rifle can both clear a path at close range and be deadly accurate from a distance.

Below you can see it in action, as well as explore the complete model of the weapon, including its individually modeled parts.

Submachine guns (SMGs) in Max Payne 3 combine the rate of fire of bulkier machine guns with the versatility and energy of pistols. They are commonly used by the Special Forces Police, U.F.E. and paramilitary unit Cracha Preto. SMGs are ideal for quickly clearing rooms from a short distance. In addition, due to the light weight of submachine guns, the damage dealt can be doubled, while shooting from two hands is still fast and maneuverable.

Below you can see the (SMG) in action, as well as explore the full model of the weapon, including its individually modeled parts.

smoothbore weapon

The guns in Max Payne 3 are capable of knocking down a mammoth, and can help you get rid of any opponent you encounter in the game. Together with unrivaled power at close range, shotguns are ideal for quickly and permanently impressing anyone who gets in your way. From one-handed smoothbore weapons, from the double-wielding sawn-off shotgun to the SPAS-15 combat semi-automatic shotgun, these explosive heavyweights take on any challenge with ease. difficult situation with amazing efficiency.

Below you can see some of the guns in action as well as explore the complete M4 Super 90 model including its custom modeled parts.

All weapon parts and evidence will be listed in order of location.

Chapter 1

  • 3 weapon parts (1 cannon)
  • 2 clues
    Easter eggs: you can play the piano in the first apartment

  • Golden pistol PT92- Part 1
    After the first training shootout, at the end of the corridor where you killed the enemies - there is a part of the weapon on the floor near the window.

    Evidence: magazine "About the stars"

    It is located on the coffee table of the chic room with the first enemies, you need to activate it before you exit to the porch.

    Golden pistol PT92- Part 2
    After the scene where Max rolls off the roof. We leave the elevator and immediately go to the right, part of the weapon lies right between the columns in front of the window, near a large flower bed.

    Golden pistol PT92- Part 3
    After pressing the blinking button to open the gate in the parking lot, we move to the far right corner and find the last part of the golden pistol (you need to do this before you climbed to the upper level).

    Evidence: abandoned photograph
    After the same button press, lies on the road to the upper level of the parking lot.

    Chapter 2

  • 6 weapon parts (2 guns)
  • 6 clues

  • Golden .38 revolver- Part 1
    We rise along the stairs to the upper platform to the DJ console, part of the weapon lies on the floor behind the console.

    Golden Mini-30 - Part 1

    After the shootout, we shoot the lock from the door, go upstairs in the dance floor area and find part of the weapon behind the bar.

    Evidence: flyer - an invitation to a nightclub.
    Here, on the edge of this bar is this flyer-evidence "Moderno".

    Evidence: dead soccer star
    All at the same bar you can find the body of Claudio, between the sofa and the glass table.

    Golden .38 revolver- Part 2
    After you tell Raul to stay in the helicopter, you will find yourself in a room with lasers and pulsing lights. Move to another large bar counter, kill all the enemies, then notice the stairs on the left, it leads up to a platform with some sort of tables. Starting from here, enter the door and go to the DJ set. The second part of the revolver lies right next to her, on the floor.

    Evidence: Former police officer.
    Near that bar, pay attention to a series of doors on the left, one of them will have a green handle, open it to find a hidden cop.

    Evidence: Piece of dress.
    Next to the policeman, on the corner of the table near the mirror, we find a piece of cloth from the kidnapped victim.

    Evidence: Newspaper in Portuguese.
    It lies in the kitchen, in the very extreme right row, near the washbasin.

    Golden Mini-30 - Part 2
    After the shootout at the sushi restaurant, right in the middle of the recreation area.

    Golden Mini-30 - Part 3
    After spectacular shooting from a helicopter, you will get to the landing site. Run down the stairs and look for a door nearby, it leads to a room with glass walls, where a weapon part lies on the floor.

    Golden .38 revolver- Part 3
    The last part is behind a huge sign on the roof of the building, run to the end and find it.

    Evidence: Giovanna's necklace.

    When we go down the stairs from the roof, do not miss this necklace.

    Chapter 3

  • 6 weapon parts (2 guns)
  • 4 clues
    Easter Egg: You can watch TV in the room across the small soccer field from the doctor's office.

  • Evidence: Portrait of Victor.
    Immediately after the enemies leave, after taking the painkiller, look to the right - it will be possible to open the glass door and get into the office with the portrait.

    Evidence: Blood stains on the door.
    Can be found after pressing the green button - there are noticeable blood stains on the double door of the lower floor.

    Golden M10 - Part 1
    Located in the server room, in the TV studio, next to the place where Raul tortured the man in the chair.

    Golden M82A1 - Part 1
    In a sports store, on a shelf under a large portrait of a football team.

    Evidence: Blood stains in the hallway.
    After the first scene with the sniper, you will enter a corridor with enemies on the upper platform. The bloodstain can be found on a pillar near the wall in the area.

    Golden M10 - Part 2
    In the seating area, after you kill the first sniper, immediately return to the bottom of the stands and find the second part of the weapon there.

    Golden M10 - Part 3
    After a long battle in the outer stands, you will enter the upper class area, among all these trophies and photographs on one of the seats lies the treasured part.
    Evidence: Monument to a football player.
    Quite a notable memorial in the same area, just walk up and explore.

    Golden M82A1 - Part 2
    After returning to the street, head to the bottom of the stands and turn left, a piece of golden weapons will lie in a dead end.

    Golden M82A1 - Part 3
    On the way to the tower with the last sniper, you will be at the bottom and the enemies at the top. Feel free to go upstairs and turn right, run all the way to the opposite side and grab the last weapon piece.

    Chapter 4

  • 9 weapon parts (3 guns)
  • 3 clues
    Easter Egg: You can watch TV in Nutty Grandpa's apartment, Captain Baseball Bat!

  • Golden 1911 - Part 1
    At the very beginning of the level, turn around and look near the bar.

    Golden 1911 - Part 2
    Head up the stairs to the bar to find the treasured piece in the hallway.

    Golden 1911 - Part 3
    Once you leave the bar, run down the stairs to the back door and find this part.

    Golden M500 - Part 1
    Once inside the apartment, turn around and search the floor near the window for this part.

    Evidence: Max's police badge.
    In the apartment, pay attention to the table behind the sofa and find the token there.
    Evidence: Brewer's diary.
    In the crazy guy's apartment, look at the newspapers on the walls and find this clue.

    Evidence: Newspaper clippings.
    Located in the apartment of the same crazy guy on the table.

    Golden SAF 40 Cal - Part 1
    This part lies in the burnt part of the apartment, on the way to the exit.

    Golden M500 - Part 2
    When you exit onto the roof, turn around and examine the back of the door you used to exit.

    Golden SAF 40 Cal - Part 2
    After falling from the water tower. Climb up the ledge to your left, instead of following Raul, move to the end of this part of the roof and find the part at the very end, behind a small shed.

    Golden M500 - Part 3
    After you enter the building again after the water tower scene, clear the first room, go up the ladder, and then look behind it for this part.

    Golden SAF 40 Cal - Part 3
    In the store, head towards the garage and find this part of the gun there.

    This article contains SPOILERS!

    As soon as the game starts, an introductory video will begin. Overgrown Max enters his new apartment with things. Internal monologues the main character will throughout the game reveal his character, as well as give specific opinions on a particular situation. Difficulty: Difficult.

    Chapter 1 - A bad feeling.
    Brazil - Sao Paulo.
    Thursday, 20:15.

    What a beautiful view from the top of the mansion. Rich at the top, poor at the bottom - these are already well-established laws of this city. As a bodyguard, we protect the rich and famous, and in our free time from gunfights we get drunk. We get to know all the key figures: the older brother Rodrigo, for whom we actually work, the middle brother Victor and the younger brother Marcelo. Also here is the wife of Rodrigo - Fabiana. And, of course, our partner Passos, who helped us get this job.

    An unpleasant thing happened: the gang arrived in an elevator and had a shootout, kidnapping Fabiana. We follow Passos, we meet enemies. Press the left "Shift" and activate the slowdown. We shoot at the first enemy, preferably in the head. When the second and third appear, we hold down two buttons at once - move forward and "Space". If we go further along the corridor, we will find a part of the golden weapon. We pass into the guest room and kill two more: one on the left, the other on the right. We take painkillers from the coffee table. At the same time, we select the magazine “About the Stars” from here (evidence). We go out onto the balcony, we urgently need to save Fabian. We jump down and in slow motion we destroy the invader. You also need to find Rodrigo.

    Coming out of the elevator, turn right, next to the column we select part of the golden weapon. We hide behind cover and kill enemies. The last enemy will appear from the door, when we kill him, a wonderful cinematic effect will be highlighted. We go down to the underground parking lot. We deal with enemies, open the gate by pressing the flashing button. In the far right corner we select the last part of the golden weapon. When climbing to the next level, we take away the photo (evidence). If the enemy has fired a decisive shot, time will slow down and we will have the opportunity to shoot him. With a successful hit, we will survive. But this is only on condition that we have painkillers in stock.

    We quickly kill enemies in slowdown until they are distracted by us. Also, in slow motion, we run after the van and shoot at the wheel. We deal with the opponents who got out of it and free Rodrigo. Excited, he breaks out, not even caring for his own safety. We kill two enemies running at him. Security arrives and kills one of the kidnappers, and a local detective tries to stop them.

    Chapter 2 - Completely sucks.
    Tuesday next week, 23:33.

    We arrive by helicopter to the next party. With us is Fabiana, her sister Giovanna and Marcelo. Everything is as usual, enemies break in and kidnap everyone we were supposed to protect. We jump out of the VIP zone and try to have time to shoot all the opponents while we fly down. Time does not wait, there are no useful items, so we immediately head to the doors. After ten seconds, the enemies will try to surround us, they will appear just in the VIP area, which we just left. We destroy the enemies and go upstairs. Behind the bar we select a part of the golden weapon, examine the flyer "Invitation to a nightclub" (evidence) lying on the counter, and also take the painkiller from the shelf. Next to the table lies the corpse of Claudio (evidence "Dead Football Star"). We go further, destroy the enemies, quickly hiding behind the sofa. In the corridor we meet panicking people. We go to the dance hall. We deal with the enemies slowly, as there will be a lot of them here. There is a painkiller in the central bar, and if you go up the left stairs and get to the DJ console, you can find another jar of pills and a piece of golden weapons. Behind the next door, we open the central booth and find a hidden and very talkative "cop" (Evidence "Former Policeman"), next to the mirror we notice a yellow cloth (Evidence "Scrap of Dress").

    We go into the back room and pick up two painkillers from the locker at once. We pass into the kitchen and immediately hide behind cover. We kill the enemies, in the far right row, near the washbasin we examine the newspaper (evidence "Newspaper in Portuguese"). We go further, we see Fabiana and her kidnappers. You can’t hesitate, so we quickly kill the enemies, take away part of the golden weapon in the center of the room. Near the doors on the left, leading to the elevator, on which Fabian is being taken away, we select a painkiller from the counter.

    You don’t have to choose, we climb onto the ledge and jump onto the lift. We climb onto the roof and get to the helicopter. Marcelo somehow managed to escape, we fly to save Fabiana and Giovanna. The second manages to escape, we grab the rifle and protect it from the pursuers. We do not allow the thugs to approach her, and if this happens, we slow down time and quickly shoot at them. Hanging over the take-off area, we shoot first of all at the grenade launcher projectile, then we finish off the surviving enemies.

    After jumping down, we go down the stairs, along the way we pick up painkillers. Enemies can appear from almost every corner, so we act carefully and slowly. We get to the burning logo on the iron structure, we interrupt all opponents, hiding behind a large letter. We run to the end and pick up part of the golden weapon. We go upstairs, there are enemies again, we destroy them and penetrate into the room. We go down the stairs, along the way we select the necklace (the evidence "Giovanna's Necklace"). We watch the video, Giovanna is saved, and Fabiana remained in the hands of the kidnappers.

    Chapter 3 - Ordinary gray everyday life.
    Wednesday, 21:17.

    Together with employers, we decide what to do. The surest solution is to give the money to the kidnappers, which we will do.

    Wednesday, 23:55.

    The deal went badly, an unknown sniper started shooting and we also came under fire. We follow Passos to the room where we can treat the wound. We wait until the enemies leave, or we just kill them. Let's go back and take the painkiller, and in the next room we examine the picture (the evidence "Portrait of Victor"). We pass further, we examine the door, spattered in blood (evidence "Blood stains on the door"). We call the elevator and go upstairs. We catch up with Passos, there is no time to mess with the wounded, so we just shoot him and quickly hide behind cover. We are dealt with the appeared enemies. Let's look into the server room and pick up a part of the golden weapon. We get out into the corridor, the enemy will appear on the left (!). From the room where he came from, we'll take the painkillers.

    We pass forward and climb the stairs. We are watching a video, people from the "Commando Sobra" are trying to escape with money, and they are being pursued by an unknown detachment. We deal with the detachment, one of them will undoubtedly try to surround us on the left. Behind the counter is a painkiller. Turning around, we run back and pick up part of the golden weapon from the counter. We disassemble the glass on the right and get into the toilet, where we can pick up the pills. We run past the sniper and, at the direction of Passos, we wait, or we can launch an attack and destroy everyone. From the locker on the wall we take away the painkiller. We go along the right side and notice the blood (the evidence "Blood spots in the corridor"). We get to the commentary, Passos will stay here and cover us, and we will go down and first of all we will kill the two on our side of the fence. We go back, at the very bottom in the corner lies a piece of golden weapons. We get to the fence, it will appear big number enemies, so quickly go upstairs and hide behind cover. Then we run forward, turn right, there are also enemies here, so we go around the corner because of the shelter. We take two painkillers and open the door on the left. We wait until the enemies get as close as possible. We do not leave the shelter, since most of the enemies themselves will try to get close to us. We pass further, there are chairs on the left, in the lowest central one there is a part of the golden weapon. A bunch of flowers with a photograph of Claudio catches the eye, we examine everything (the evidence "Monument to a football player").

    We get out to the stands, there are a lot of opponents below, so we turn left and hide behind cover. After destroying everyone, a sniper will appear, we do not have much time. Let's go down to the very bottom and turn left, we will find a part of the golden weapon. We run towards the sniper and turn right. We pick up on the other side of the stairs two packs of painkillers. Let's burst through the door and in a beautiful jump we will kill the sniper and another one on the right. We cover Passos, keeping enemies away from him. When finished, watch the video. We learn that Fabian is being kept at the docks, on the banks of the Tiete River. Being behind cover, we kill two at once when they are in our field of vision. We rise along the podium and run to the fence to the right, we take away the last part of the golden weapon. We get to the position of the sniper, neutralize him and complete the chapter.

    Chapter 4 - Anyone can buy me a drink.
    Waltons Bar, Hoboken, New Jersey.
    A few months ago, Monday, 21:10.

    Max sat at the bar and drank. The local guys, led by Tony, whose father ran the town, started pestering him with their jokes. Tony then tried to threaten us with a gun, but Passos suddenly appeared and forced them to leave the bar. In conversation, Passos offered us a job and then a drink. Locals appeared again and began to threaten. They hit the girl. At this moment, we shoot at Tony and hide behind cover. We kill the rest, near the front door lies a part of the golden weapon. Another one is located on the second floor in the next room. There are pills behind the bar. We follow Passos, we get to the kitchen. We destroy enemies and pick up painkillers from the rack.

    We go outside and wait for the right moment to attack. Sooner or later, one of them will go to check the situation, so they will have to attack anyway. We go back down the stairs and pick up part of the golden weapon. We continue to move along the alley, split up with a partner and single-handedly kill the arrived enemies, and then go to our apartment.

    After being safe for a short time, the entire HIS army begins our search. Before we leave the apartment, we will inspect it. Here we will find a shotgun, a couple of bottles of painkillers, a dog tag (Max's Police Badge evidence) and a piece of golden weapons. We run along the corridor past the bright green lasers shining through all the windows. One of the enemies almost killed us, our neighbor Brewer arrived in time to help. Literally a minute later, he sacrificed himself to delay the enemies. We turn right and enter his apartment. We take painkillers from the table and inspect the manifesto (evidence "Brewer's Diary"). Next to the toilet on the wall are newspaper clippings about our personality (evidence “Newspaper Clippings”). We continue to move along the corridor, turn right from the stairs, among the wreckage lies a part of the golden weapon.

    We get out onto the roof and destroy all the enemies that appear on the way. Soon we will find ourselves on a structure that will begin to collapse. In a spectacular jump, we destroy all enemies. When Passos appears, we do not follow him to the right, but we will go along the roof to the left to the very edge of the building. On the right, we note a part of the golden weapon. We return to our partner and enter the building. We destroy enemies, we get to the stairs. Immediately rising, if you turn left, we will find another part of the golden weapon. We deal with opponents, examine the room, in the corner, near the lamp, there are two jars of painkillers. We go down the fire escape and burst from the roof into the auto repair shop. There are quite a lot of enemies here, it is undesirable to stick out. When we finish them all, we search the room on the right. From the wall locker we will take away the painkiller, and from the table part of the golden weapon. We go to the courtyard, here we are vulnerable, there are not even normal shelters. We use boards nailed to the grid as a protective agent. We keep an eye on Passos, enemies can get close to him and kill him.

    Chapter 5 - Alive, albeit a little battered.
    The upper rivers of Tiete.
    Friday, 3:30.

    We watch the video, Passos shares his thoughts about the fighters who tried to kill us in the stadium. He thinks it's "Kracha Preto". And we will rescue the kidnapped Fabiana from the hands of the Commando Sobra group. We land and run forward, we examine the helicopter behind the net (the evidence "Helicopter on the site"). We turn left, jump over the obstacle. We get to the gate, shoot through the castle. We get out to the other side of the hangar and approach the door. We notice enemies near the shore and their main boss Serrano. We wait behind cover until the enemies start moving in our direction. We quickly kill these two with a headshot. We go further and penetrate the building. We can no longer remain invisible. We break the glass and destroy the opponents in the next room. Here we examine the note lying on the table next to the monitor (evidence "Ransom note"). We pick up painkillers from the shelf and from the locker on the wall. We get out when we open the gate, slow down time and kill the three sitting inside the container. We make our way through the labyrinth of containers with extreme caution. Most of the enemies use shotguns, which is quite dangerous at such short distances.

    We get to the workshop where they kept Fabian. We examine the camera (evidence "Video camera"). We go outside, turn left and go up the stairs. We see how Fabiana is being taken away, but it is still too early to do anything. At the pace we shoot at the balloon on the stairs, then in the fall we try to surviving opponents. To the right of the closed gate there is a ladder, climb it and go to the end. Let's find a part of the golden weapon. To the left of the gate is a room in which we will find a picture lying on the table (Branco Family Photo evidence), painkillers on the wall and a button that opens the gate.

    We go outside, kill a couple of enemies. We pass into the building, the enemies will first be in the upper positions, then they will appear on the right. There is a newspaper under the stairs (the evidence "Newspaper from the boat shed"), there is a room nearby: there are two painkillers in the wall cabinet, a blueprint is on the table (the evidence "Plan of the night club"). Let's go outside from the lower passage, go forward - inside the container lies a part of the golden weapon. We return to the barn and go up the stairs. We open the door, the enemy will sharply appear below. After killing him, we jump.

    There are no fewer enemies, we sit here and destroy the enemies. Sometimes grenades will fly in our direction, we neutralize them or run away. There are also a lot of explosive cylinders around, do not forget to shoot at them. Having dealt with everyone, we run to the gate. We open them, there is a room nearby, where we will find painkillers. At the very end, opposite the gate, inside a wooden room, lies a piece of a golden weapon. To the right, in the control room, we activate the passage. We cross the bridge, moving forward, cutting off the enemies. When we reach the gates, we are in no hurry to open them. There is a boat to the left, inside we will find a painkiller. And behind the gate, there is a path leading to another part of the golden weapon. We continue to run forward, shredding enemies. We will soon get to Fabiana, but we will not be able to save her. The shot hits the gas station, and we find ourselves in the water.

    Passos, who arrived in time, helped us to climb onto the boat. He controls the transport, and we shoot a lot of opponents with a machine gun. The chase ends with a spectacular jump, Fabiana will again have to spend an indefinite amount of time in captivity.

    Chapter 6 - A woman, a nerd and a drunken man.
    Sao Paulo, headquarters of Fabricas Branco.
    Sunday, 11:35.

    Having drunk the day before, we hardly get up the next morning and go to the boss together with a partner. They are clearly unhappy with the circumstances. Victor, Marcelo, Passos and the policeman will leave Rodrigo's office. During a conversation with the boss, enemies break into the building. We order Rodrigo to lock himself in the office and not open it to anyone but us. The botanist will go with us, but first we'll clear the office of enemies. Without hesitation, we burst through the door and destroy everyone who is here. In the first room on the left, Marcelo's office, we will find a piece of gold weapons next to the work table. In the first room on the right, Victor's office, we examine the laptop (Rodrigo's E-mail evidence) and the folder (Fabian's File evidence) on the table. In the third room on the left, we will find painkillers. We catch up with the employee and open the next door. We are preparing to make a jump to quickly kill all the enemies that have appeared. To the right of the door where we came from, we pick up a painkiller. On the left - we see a model of the building (street "Layouts of buildings").

    There is one more office left to cross before we get to the server room. We deal with the first wave of enemies, then the second wave will descend from the roof. We search each workplace, there must be painkillers here. We go down, the employee will restore the security system. Meet Rodrigo on the balcony and inform him that the protection system has been restored. Next to the artificial waterfall lies a piece of golden weapons. We get out into the courtyard, on the right there will be a toilet where there are pills, we will also see photographs of three brothers on the wall (School Photos evidence). We open the door leading to the hall. The secretary is dead, we have guests. From the main entrance, a vehicle full of enemies enters directly at us. While slowing down, try to kill as many enemies as possible. Then another wave with a machine gunner will appear. Here we will find a model behind glass, inside there is a part of a golden weapon. We go to the elevator and go up to the floor where Rodrigo's office is located. He does not open the door, so we get to him through the roof. We find him dead at our table. Max looks at Fabiana's photo, but when he opens the bottle, he drops it. And, quite by accident, discovers explosives. Jumps down quickly.

    Fire blazes all around, everything collapses. Slowly but surely we are moving forward. Having met a fighter, we disarm him by pressing the appropriate button, and kill him. We examine the body (evidence ""). We do not have first-aid kits, and we die quite quickly even from a couple of shots. Use slowdown wisely. We push through the cabinet, quickly pressing a single button. The explosion collapsed the floor, and we were at the bottom. We interrogate the surviving enemy and find out about the place where Fabiana is being held.

    Chapter 7 - A hangover prepared by mother nature herself.
    Favela Nova Esperanza.
    Monday, 13:15.

    We call Victor and Marcelo and explain the situation to them. We watch the cut-scene, when the boy appears, follow him. We get to a party, here we are quickly fashioned by a local gang and stripped to the strings and hit on the head, thrown down. We rise and go upstairs, meet the locals and ask them for help. We continue to go forward, on the left we will see a shop of a good worker (evidence "Former policeman"). We get to the bar, where we will meet Wilson da Silva - a policeman who will open our eyes to many things. The locals attack us, we quickly take out a gun and kill the three in front of us. Another one will appear to the right, behind the bar. Next to the sofa where we sat, there is a photograph on the floor (evidence "Photograph of Serrano"). There is a painkiller behind the bar and another one in the back room. Let's look into the toilet, in the central booth there is a part of the golden weapon. We move along the corridor with caution, there are enemies everywhere. We look around every room and we will undoubtedly find a couple of pills and a frightened businessman-tourist (tourist evidence).

    We get out, just go forward, cracking down on enemies. They appear literally from the most unexpected places, so we move slowly. Having reached the blue doors, we shoot through the lock. Inside we see a bunch of locals harassing the girl. Max cannot tolerate such an attitude towards the ladies, so we begin the attack. In a spectacular flight, we shoot at opponents on all floors. We continue to destroy enemies, go down one level below and get into the room. Sitting behind cover, kill the enemies that appear opposite. Soon the door will be knocked out from behind and they will burst straight to us. You need to be on the alert so as not to get a portion of the shot in the back of the head. Leaving the room, immediately turn left and pick up part of the golden weapon. We go down and climb up another ladder. We get out, go through the car and find ourselves at the gate. We open them, to the right on the table lies an anesthetic. Even further, under the balcony where the enemy stood, there is a part of the golden weapon. If you go to the end on the left side, then there will be a room, there are pills inside. We go forward, deal with the enemies. We jump down on the right side, here lies a part of the golden weapon. And nearby is a place of worship in memory of Claudio (street "Place of worship of Claudio"). We rise along the stairs, we pass through the destroyed room, killing the enemies. We jump down, get to the door, on the right lies a bright flyer (evidence "Giovanna Leaflet"). The enemy is waiting for us inside.

    We go outside, the opponents will appear from the dwellings, quickly neutralize them. We get to the room where they prepare drugs. While we are watching through the window outside, one of the enemies comes towards us. We destroy everyone in the room. On the right we find a brown drug (evidence "Package with the drug" oxidado ""), there are pills nearby. We knock out the door, go upstairs. We undermine the den, we run up the stairs. There is very little left to the place where Fabiana is being held. All the forces of the gang headed for us. We are trying to quickly neutralize the Molotov cocktails flying at us. When an enemy with a grenade launcher appears, shoot at the projectile. We get to the gate and watch the video. Together with Fabiana, Marcelo and Giovanna are now hostages. They brought money in the hope that they would all be released, but, as it were, not so. We are trying to break in, the attempt is in vain - Fabiana is dead.

    Chapter 8 - No mercy to be expected.
    Calvary Cemetery, North Bergen, New Jersey.
    4:00 pm, Friday, a few months ago.

    Let's dive into memories. The cemetery is under attack. We move forward, destroying enemies. We meet with Passos, open the gate, a car is following us, we shoot at the driver. Enemies again, we kill first of all the one at the top with a grenade launcher. Before going upstairs, to the right of the stairs we will pick up a part of the golden weapon. We go up and finish off the remaining enemies. On the right is a prominent tombstone (Valerie's Tombstone Evidence). We pick up painkillers on the left.

    A reward has been placed on our head, and the opponents standing next to the van are considering how to share the skin of an unkilled bear. Passos ran away and thus distracted them, we leave the shelter, and make the jump. We split up with enemies. To the right of the wagon there is a path, on the other side of the fountain lies a piece of golden weapons. We go further, and immediately turn right. We get to the next part of the golden weapon, destroy the enemies. We run to the gate, on the left a couple of painkillers. Passos is at gunpoint, we need to urgently save him. Enough to shoot the invader. Let's kill everyone and take a part of the golden weapon from the central coffin (nearby).

    We move on, the surprised watchman cannot understand what is happening here. He only has a few seconds left to live - a sniper shot pierces his head. At the signal of the partner, we run forward. It is desirable to do this on the right side. In between, we shoot enemies emerging from the building. At the very end on the right there will be a gate, we get to them and from there we shoot at the sniper. We are watching the video, the people of de Marco were able to catch us and in retaliation they decided that we would dig our own grave with our own hands. Having picked up the moment, we make an attack. Ahead we will stumble upon a tombstone (evidence "Vinnie's Tombstone"). We go down, we destroy enemies. In the room on the right we will find a painkiller. We go to the right, we go down to the morgue. After destroying the enemies, we get into the chapel. We deal with the arrived enemies to the right behind the shelter, we select pills and part of the golden weapon. We go upstairs to destroy the enemy with a quick-firing shotgun. We take his weapon and shoot at the enemies approaching Passos.

    Chapter 9 - And now I'm on the other side of the world.
    Favela Nova Esperanza.
    Monday, 19:19.

    We disarm the enemy, go outside. Going down the stairs, turn right, there will find painkillers. We continue to walk forward, climb the stairs. In the room, we examine the body (the evidence "Dead bandits") near the door, collect the pills. We open the door and go down the stairs. As soon as we go down it, it is along the stairs, turn left. After walking a little, we will find a rifle. We get out into the streets, an explosion thunders. While everything is going more or less calmly, we do not react to the police. We notice Marcelo and Giovanna, they are in the hands of the cops. When it is no longer possible to run away, we begin to shoot. It is not so easy to kill policemen in bulletproof vests, we try to shoot only in the heads. Before going into the alley, look to the left, there is a part of the golden weapon. Two cops killed an unarmed man, we deal with them. Here lies another corpse, we examine it (evidence "Dead UFE fighters"). We get to the apartment, the woman locks herself in the room. Let's look into the toilet, in the corner there is a part of the golden weapon, we take the pills from the wall cabinet. We leave the apartment, run down. We get into the room, quickly hide behind cover. We destroy the enemies located in the opposite building. Only after killing every single one, we jump onto the balcony through the window. We run further, a helicopter will appear, we run away from it. In the jump, we kill the opponents on board, and then we shoot at the flying projectile of the grenade launcher.

    Refreshed, we continue to move. We see cops mocking the local. After killing them, we examine the body of this local (evidence "Dead residents"). Go ahead, watch the cut-scene. We get to the stairs and turn left. To the left of the gate lies a piece of golden weapons. Now we can climb the stairs, move along the ledge. We wait for the moment and attack, we clear the entire area on the opposite side. We go there, search the room, there is a part of the golden weapon. We go down, deal with the enemies. One of them will appear on the balcony, we are waiting for him, being behind cover. We go down, we pass into the room. We watch the video, and immediately after it we kill the enemy in "QTE". Giovanna is saved, and Marcelo is burned alive at the hands of a "dirty" policeman.

    Chapter 10 - You either drive or you shoot, sis.
    Bus station "Da Paz".
    Tuesday, 4:51.

    After the video, we find ourselves inside the bus. Giovanna is pregnant, so she has a special relationship. We deal with all the enemies, after waiting a bit. Then two more will appear on the roof. From the central sawn bus we take away a part of the golden weapon. We go to the left, we approach the gate. We leave the girl behind cover, and we ourselves continue to destroy crowds of enemies. We shoot at gas stations on the right, we hide behind white concrete barriers. Also on the roof of the right building is an enemy with a laser rifle. Having finished with the enemies, we enter the room to the left of the gate. We pick up painkillers from the counter and inspect the newspaper (evidence "Newspaper from the office"). We return to Giovanna.

    The girl is very brave and in an attempt to survive, she finds a way out of this situation. We go up the descended stairs, the enemies are already catching up with us, so we quickly go inside the building. Hanging on the chain, we jump down. We kill in slowdown all eight opponents. Jovannaya is stuck at the top, we advise her to go further, perhaps there will be a ladder. Before pressing the button, turn around and go into the room where the part of the golden weapon lies. We pass into the painting department, where we will be attacked by two waves of opponents. Then they will try to catch up with Giovanna, but we will prevent them by shooting at the iron structure in slow motion. Three more will burst from the door, here it is advisable to make a jump and deal with everyone at once. On the large area surely there is something useful. Indeed, near the bus there is a table on which lies a piece of golden weapons. In the corner, in the room, we find a jar of pills. We go up the stairs to Giovanna, immediately examine the room on the right. We pass to the next department, the enemies are below and they do not see us yet. Take advantage of this, you can make a powerful jump down. We will fly for a long time, we will just have time to kill everyone. And you should not be afraid for your health: we will not suffer from a fall, unless of course we kill everyone. Inside the bus we will find a part of the golden weapon.

    We get out, get into the building. To the left of Giovanna there is a toilet, inside we will find a painkiller. Climb up, there are a lot of enemies here. We act quickly, there are practically no shelters. to the right of big window, on the desktop, we will find a part of the golden weapon. We go down the stairs, on the wall on the right we examine the poster (the evidence "Advertising poster"). We pass into the room, next to the desktop we will find a part of the golden weapon. We press the button to open the doors. Let's provide control public transport lady. Jovannaya will lead, and we, respectively, will shoot. Everything is quite simple, do not forget to shoot grenade throwers, striving to undermine us. Having finished the trip, we stay on the bus, and send the girl to the roof, where Passos was supposed to be waiting for us. We shoot back from enemies, tightly sticking to the shelter. Shooting blindly is the best decision. We try to hit directly on the cars, large-caliber weapons will quickly make them explode. We are watching a video, Passos decided not to wait for us, and this is after what we did for him! Our friend Silva appears just in time and takes us to a safe place. Then he "opens his eyes" to new events.

    Chapter 11 - Sun cream, cocktails and greed.
    Panama, Panama Canal, Bastidas lock.
    A couple of months ago, Tuesday, 5:18 pm.

    We're back at some coke and booze party. Having gone too far with alcohol, we go to the lower deck to take a nap. As usual, when we wake up, we understand that completely different people rule the ball. We destroy enemies, we return to the room, we will find painkillers in the toilet. In the opposite cabin, examine the note lying on the bedside table (evidence "Records of Max"). In the next cabin after ours, we will examine the bed (street "Bed of Passos"). We will also look into the remaining cabins, suddenly, we will find something useful. We go to the kitchen, turn right into the room through the passage with the cut film. Here we will find a part of the golden weapon. We continue to move, trying to communicate through the panel. We notice the enemy, head to his location and go down the stairs. We quickly kill four enemies. An explosion is thundering, an urgent need to turn off the fuel supply to the freshly blown up engines. The valves are on them, we unscrew them until Max suffocates. When the doors open, as if in a jump, we dive through them and kill two enemies located on both sides. As soon as we step on the wooden floor, we examine the blood (the evidence "Blood trail"). We rise upward, we destroy enemies above. Let's go to the end along the right edge - we will take away part of the golden weapon.

    We go inside, take the pills from the locker. We open the door and see that the three are picking something in the wall. In the jump, we kill them, another one on the left (!) Behind the bar. We examine the newspaper lying on the table (evidence "Discarded Newspaper"). We examine the cracked wall (evidence "Broken Wall"). We open the door, we pass through the bedroom and get out into the corridor. We turn into the first room on the right, there is a passport on the table (evidence "Daphne's Passport"). We go to the next room, we take painkillers from the toilet. We continue to move along the corridor, open the door, destroy the enemies. Next to the door leading to the toilet, on the wall, there is a casket (Daphne's Casket evidence). We get out on the upper deck, destroy the enemies. We pass through the cabin, before opening the door, we will take the painkiller from the coffee table. Having opened the door, we rush forward - on the left, many enemies will appear on the opposite side. Therefore, we quickly get to the next cabin. We hide behind the wall and shoot the enemies. We rise upward, we kill opponents. We move in the center, passing through automatic doors. In front of the last door, on the left, there is a painting. We touch it and take away part of the golden weapon from the safe. On the right we find the pills. Let's move on and watch the video. Passos and Marcelo are going to run away, but we, in turn, offer our partner to save Daphne.

    Being behind cover, we make a jump towards the car. From it you can get ammunition and pills. The next car contains similar things. Behind the car, near the crane, is a piece of golden weapons. Having dealt with the enemies, we run forward. We pass into the building and go upstairs. Having hooked on the enemy, we go down the cable and kill the enemies in slowdown. We break through to the building, activate the button behind the central counter, having previously searched the neighboring room. There are two packs of painkillers on the table. We pass forward through the opened doors. Enemies are waiting for us, so there are enemies around every corner! As soon as we climb the stairs, turn right and go down another ladder, pick up a piece of the golden weapon. We pass to the other side, again we climb the stairs. We pass right along the corridor. Among the exhibits are two statues (street "Exposition in the tourist center"). It remains only to get out onto the roof and admire the mountain of corpses.

    Chapter 12 - Great American, defender of the underprivileged.
    Sao Paulo, Imperial Palace Hotel.
    Tuesday, 17:30.

    Da Silva drops us off at the Imperial Palace and asks us to find out what's going on there. They say that those who went in there never come out again... We'll see about that. Let's go through the basement so as not to attract too much attention. We are building a homemade silencer for a pistol. We pass forward, we see two people throwing something into the furnace. When they leave, we will examine the gurney (the evidence "The gurney"). We pass through the door and turn left. We take painkillers from the shelf, inspect the brown box (Ammunition Box evidence). Open the next door, take the elevator upstairs. It’s not worth hiding especially, we kill enemies and pick up more powerful weapons. Inside the dilapidated bathroom lies a piece of golden weapons. We continue to move forward, dealing with enemies. We get to the yellow door, which opens by pressing the button. If you go in a straight line, i.e. along the line of the machine gunner, then behind the bedside table we will find a part of the golden weapon. We turn right and jump down. Jump up and turn right. In the room we find: under the chair - a photocopy (evidence "Passos' identity card"), on the wall - photographs (evidence "Photos on the wall"). Let's go on the left side, get out into the corridor - three will appear on the right at once, we shoot at the cylinders (they still have to be blown up). If we go to the left, we will get to the position of the machine gunner, next to which there is a room. From there we take painkillers. We pass through the undermined doors and go upstairs. We move along a long corridor, on the right there will be a breach in the wall. We enter there, next to the bathroom lies another part of the golden weapon. We get to the ajar door, we find the captives, among which (what a surprise) Serrano.

    We go up through the elevator shaft. To the right behind the counter lies a piece of golden weapons. Enemies ahead, attack immediately. More opponents will appear from the other end of the pool. We go around the area and find ourselves in another building. We examine the newspaper, which lies on the counter (the evidence "Article in the newspaper"). We pass forward, behind the doors we find a “doctor”, who cripples rather than heals. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” Serrano appears to take revenge on the offender. We understand him perfectly, even though he himself once gave us trouble. Nevertheless, we leave him alone with his victim. We move forward, having reached approximately the middle, on the right we will notice a chair, behind which lies a part of the golden weapon. We open the door ahead and get into a real cache with weapons. We take away what we need, namely more C4 explosives. We return to the arsenal and pick up two jars of pills. We examine the receipt lying at the very edge of the shelf on the right (evidence "Receipt for donations"). We mine the red columns, when enemies appear, we destroy them. We go up through the opened gate next to the arsenal. Just above them, in the corner, lies a piece of golden weapons. Grabbing a sniper rifle, we destroy the enemies located in the building on the opposite side. After finishing with everyone, we open the door. There are a lot of enemies here, so be careful. We mine the remaining columns and get out onto the roof.

    We undermine the mined building and immediately begin to break forward. It is impossible to delay, since everything is actively collapsing and we may not have time to escape. We get to the stairs, climbing which we turn to the right. There are two painkillers in a small room. We pass further, the explosion blocks the passage. Normal enemies will appear on top, and then a more robust machine gunner will appear. It is quite difficult to kill him, we shoot exclusively in the face. And when it is weakened, then you can just hit the head. We watch the video, Passos comes to the rescue and rescues us from the roof at the very last moment.

    Chapter 13 - Evil bald fat man.
    The 55th police battalion is a special forces detachment.
    Wednesday, 20:48.

    Saying goodbye to Passos and Giovanna, we go to the police station and voluntarily surrender. We need to stay there until exactly ten in the evening. Then we break out of the interrogation room and kill three opponents. We pick up painkillers from the room on the left. We pass on, the prisoners escaped and staged a riot. The guards who arrived just in time distracted them. We follow into the prison cells, turn left at the first intersection and pick up part of the golden weapon. We kill two cops who grabbed the prisoners. Before reaching them, turn right and get into the shower room, where there is a part of the golden weapon. After passing through several cells, we turn left and at the end of the corridor we will meet a tourist sitting in a cell and asking for help - a child molester, whom we already met during the raid on Nova Esperanza (street "Tourist"). We continue to walk along the cameras until we get out of here. We visit open cells and pick up painkillers from there. Caught in a trap, as Max himself put it, although we understand that such situations are not uncommon, we destroy everyone. Enemies will try to surround us from both sides. In the corner room on the right we find painkillers. There is a room ahead, we take painkillers from the table and examine the laptop (the Prison Journal evidence). We press the button that will open the gate.

    Outside, we observe how the prisoners are trying to resist the armored car. We wait behind cover until the turret stops firing. Then we quickly break forward, pick up a grenade launcher on the fly and hide behind the next partition. Again we wait, and we shoot at the enemy transport. Enemies appear, deal with them and go to the parking lot. To the left behind the dumpster we find a piece of golden weapons. A prisoner breaks out of the door, followed by a cop. Kill him and go up the stairs. We go outside: on the left are three opponents, on the right, behind the partition, part of the golden weapon. We enter the building, in the locker room in the lockers we find two painkillers. We destroy enemies in the training room. Further, in the men's toilet we will find a part of the golden weapon, and in the women's - pills. We go further, kill the enemies. In the kitchen we will find a part of the golden weapon, in the office next to the computer there is a note (evidence "Promissory note"). We pass into the next room. In a small partition on the right we will find a part of the golden weapon. And also another part lies in the right room in the corner. We enter the security room, enemies appear from the elevator - elite special forces. The only thing that allows us to track them in thick smoke is laser pointers. We take the painkiller from the wall on the left. We get to the elevator and go up to the 5th floor.

    The elevator gets stuck, and therefore we urgently leave it. We go forward, we take the pills from the room. We break into the office and destroy the enemies, then an enemy with a machine gun will appear. After killing him, we go into the second room on the right. There is a folder on the table (evidence "Folder with political information"). In the front room we find a laptop (evidence "Article on Wilson da Silva"), and next to it are tablets. We pick up the card from the guard and go further. Next to the presentation stand, we examine the briefing. We scroll through the slides one by one (the “Slideshow” evidence). We go further, we pass through the arsenal, killing enemies. We get out to the stairs, and tear gas is thrown here. We rise higher, shoot through the grate on the wall. After passing through the ventilation shaft, we jump from the other side and quickly kill the enemy in slowdown. We find the same disk on which the shooting in Rodrigo's office was recorded. We find out the true killer - this is Bakker's assistant. We get to the laboratory, where the special forces will burst. We destroy them and meet the killer Rodrigo in the corridor. We roll on the cart, shooting opponents on the roof of the opposite building. We continue to destroy the enemies, having finished with them, we get to the button, by pressing which the door will open. Nearby there is a shelf with bulletproof vests, we put on one of them (the bulletproof vest evidence). We pass through the training ground, dealing with the meeting commandos. Training with real people? Nothing more realistic.

    At the end we pass through the door leading to the shooting gallery. Right behind our cover lies the last piece of the golden weapon. We continue to go to the cherished goal through the workshops and finally, in the server room we meet with Bakker's assistant. To kill him, you need to shoot the ceiling above him. When it collapses, the opponent will move to the left. Then we already shoot at the dangling air conditioner until it completely collapses. It remains only to make a well-aimed shot in the head of the killer. We pick up his access card and get into Bakker's office. Having met us, he laughs in our faces, we grab him by the neck and begin to choke him. Victor, who appeared from behind, quickly stops us. After a short conversation, the two manage to escape. Let's watch the video.

    Chapter 16 - The Last Trump.
    Piratininha Airport.
    Thursday, 14:07.

    We arrive at the airport, here we are quickly recognized and in honor of this, spitting on civilians, they immediately open fire. We quickly jump off the path and take cover under the adjacent luggage path. We destroy the enemies and go upstairs. Having dealt with everyone, we go to the red door. To the right of it there is another door leading to the stairs, and on it we will find a part of the golden weapon. We pass further, in the corridor we kill enemies and examine each open room where painkillers can lie. At the end of the corridor there will be a white door leading to the main terminal, on the right is another one that leads to the locker room. There we will find painkillers, a part of a golden weapon and a former cop who has hidden (evidence "Former Cop").

    Having got out into the main terminal, we destroy a lot of enemies. Part of the golden weapon is on the upper bridge on the left. And another part lies behind the very last information desk on the left. We open the lower gate and we pass further. We get to the platform, simultaneously dealing with opponents. At the very end, a sniper sat down in the control room, we will try to sneak up on him through the train, unless of course we have long-range weapons. We supply power again, enemies arrive on the platform from two trains at once. We sit down in an accessible train.

    And here we have no peace, the enemies from the neighboring transport continue to attack us. You need to kill them all to move on. The train will leave the tunnel, enemies will penetrate us from the roof. We destroy them and move to a parallel train right on the fly! In slowdown, we kill three at once. We collect everything you need - painkillers, weapons and part of the golden weapons from the last car. We get off the train and watch the video. Becker with a shield sat down on the ladder. It will not work to smoke it out until we kill all the enemies. Dozens of soldiers are trying to kill us, moving between carts if Bakker damaged the one we were hiding behind. Next to the end carts there is one painkiller and ammunition for any weapon. There is no need to rush and climb on the rampage, we sit behind cover and slowly shoot at the arriving enemies. After killing the latter, we make a jump from the ladder and in slow motion we shoot at the projectile. Bakker is undermined by his own weapons. To finish it or not is completely our choice. Silva will soon drive up, we grab a grenade launcher and set off in pursuit of a flying plane. Along the way, we destroy enemy transports and finish the game with a couple of shots at the aircraft's turbines. Watch the final video.

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