Famous people in the past Doubles of famous people from the past (10 photos)

Health 15.06.2019

The favorite legend of fans of everything mystical says that each of us is not the first incarnation of ourselves. It is not so difficult to find evidence of this by looking at old photographs or paintings by famous artists. Doubles are found for famous actors and famous politicians. And if you dig, then for each of us you can find a brother from the past, who will look exactly the same as we do now, minus a fashionable hairstyle and mustache. oddly shaped.

Nicolas Cage
Emperor of Mexico Maximilian I
Nicolas Cage has such a specific appearance that he not only has many doubles among historical characters, but also looks like time has no power over him. The favorite joke of his fans that Cage is a vampire even made the actor want to publicly refute this information. Cage's favorite doppelgänger is today considered to be Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg of Mexico, brother of the Austrian ruler Franz Joseph. The similarity between these two people, however, hides a little if you look at the traditional photos of the emperor, where he is with a beard. But rare shots of the young monarch look like a slightly thinner Cage made a strange hairstyle.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Judy Zipper
The funny thing about this pair of doubles is that the past incarnation of the famous actor is an unknown girl. One of Leo's fans was just looking through grandma's graduation album and stumbled upon Judy Zipper, who, like two drops of water, looked like a newly minted Oscar winner. However, even before this double was found, many noted the strikingly cute, almost girlish appearance of DiCaprio. So it is not surprising that the most known doppelgänger Leo is female.

Nikolai Valuev
Henri Tillet
Boxer and politician Nikolai Valuev has a rather specific appearance. This fact, it would seem, should have rid him of doubles, but there was also a person on him who can be considered the embodiment of Valuev from the past. This is a Frenchman born in the Russian Urals, Henri Tillet. In addition to appearance, these two men have quite a lot in common - Tiye is also a professional athlete. He won fame as a strong wrestler, performing under the pseudonym "French Angel". This nickname is no coincidence. As a child, Tiye was not at all like Valuev, for his pretty appearance everyone called him a little angel. But in the course of growing up young man Acromegaly disease was discovered, due to which his bones began to thicken.

Johnny Depp
Arthur Schopenhauer
This is not such a popular pair of twins, because in his most famous photographs, the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer does not at all look like handsome Depp. On them he is already an elderly bald man of a completely unattractive appearance. But it is worth taking the earlier images of Schopenhauer, as the similarity becomes obvious. From which we can conclude that the philosopher's success on the love front was in no way inferior to Depp's.

Mark Zuckerberg
Philip IV
These twins, like the rest of our list, are similar not only in appearance. Both of them can be called the richest and influential people of his time. It is unnecessary to talk about Zuckerberg - everyone knows him, but the double of the founder of Facebook, King Philip IV of Spain, deserves a separate story. This man collected works of art, was a controversial personality, pursued a dubious foreign and domestic policy, but this did not prevent him from owning millions.

Sylvester Stallone
Pope Gregory IX
If you remember yourself famous hero Stallone - Rocky, then he was quite a religious person and, obviously, a Catholic. But still not so much that one could imagine the Pope, one to one similar to him. And yet, Sly's most famous counterpart is the 13th-century Pope who ruled the Vatican, Gregory IX. It was this man who came up with the papal inquisition and was not opposed to mocking heretics.

Macaulay Culkin
Vladimir Putin
Macaulay Culkin was once considered the cutest kid on the planet, and it was hard to imagine that as he grew older, he would look like one of the harsh government leaders of our time. However, it is. If we compare a photo of a grown-up Macaulay with an image of a young Vladimir Putin, the resemblance is striking. And this is the only example of twins on our list that live in the world at the same time. This means that Kalkin is not Putin's incarnation after all.

Jennifer Lawrence
Zubaida Tarwat
Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most desirable girls in the modern film industry. The star of the "Hunger Games" is gaining more and more popularity and is slowly acquiring doubles. Her most famous historical twin is the Egyptian actress Zubaida Tharwat. She was famous in her country, but the world would never have recognized her if it were not for the striking resemblance to the main Hollywood star.

Brad Pitt
Herman Rorschach
Each of these handsome guys is famous in their field and looks pretty good. And if Brad Pitt can be called the sexiest actor, then Rorschach rightfully deserved the title of the most sexual psychologist. At the same time, Brad Pitt only gets prettier over the years, but, unfortunately, we don’t know what Rorschach would have looked like at the age of Pitt, he died at the age of 37.

Maggie Gyllenhaal
Rose Wilder Lane
Sophisticated Hollywood diva Maggie Gyllenhaal is known not only for the success in the acting and directing field of her brother Jake and father Stephen Gyllenhaal. She is quite talented in her own right. And her counterpart - Mrs. Lane - was a famous politician and writer of the early 20th century, and also played a prominent role in the American libertarian movement.
Read on Trendymen: https://trendymen.ru/lifestyle/persons/122574/


Celebrity portraits from Downey's London photography studio

Miss Charlotte (Lottie) Dod 1871-1960. Five-time Wimbledon champion. She remains the youngest champion to win her first title at the age of 15 in 1887.

Sir Frederick Leighton. 1830-1896. painter and sculptor associated with the Pre-Raphaelites

Zha Alexander. Cecilia Francis Humphreys Alexander. 1818-1895. Poet and very popular author hymns

Maharani Suniti Devi of the Princely State of Koh Bihar, India. 1864-1932. Arrived in London with her husband in 1887 to pay homage to Queen Victoria on her jubilee

Lady Jane. Lady Mary Jane. 1849-1931. Salon owner, friend of Thomas Hardy, Oscar Wilde and others. Known for charitable work

Mr George Du Maurier. George Louis Palmella Busson du Maurier. 1834-1896. British writer and cartoonist of French origin. Creator of the famous character Svengalli

Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna. 1853-1920. Daughter of Tsar Alexander II

Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, 1841-1910. He ascended the British throne after the death of his mother Queen Victoria and reigned for 9 years as Edward VII.

Alexandra, Princess of Wales, 1844-1925. She married Albert Edward, Prince of Wales in 1863 and became the mother of George V

Dame Madge Kendal. 1848-1935. Her maiden name was Margaret Robertson. Famous actress and theater manager who, together with her husband, gave respectability to the acting profession through their personal example

Mrs Fawcett. Millicent Fawcett. 1847-1929. Women's rights activist and early feminist. Achieved the right to vote for women over 30 in 1918

William Armstrong, 1st Baron Armstrong. 1810-1900. Inventor, industrialist, early proponent of renewable energy.

Sara Bernard. 1844-1923. Divine Sarah was perhaps the most famous actress 19th century. Here she is posing as Empress Theodora.

Lord Charles Beresford. 1846-1919. British admiral and Member of Parliament

Bret Hart. 1836-1902. American writer and poet. Garth spent over a third of his life in Europe and is buried in England.

Lilly (Lily) Langtry. 1853-1929. Known british beauty, mistress of the future Edward VII, actress and celebrity

Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale. 1864-1892. Eldest son of the future Edward VII, second in line to the British throne, he died during a flu pandemic shortly after his 28th birthday

Anton Rubenstein.1829-1894. Russian pianist, composer, conductor and founder of the Saint Petersburg Conservatory.

George, Prince of Wales. 1865-1936. The future King George V, he was the second son of Edward VII, and ascended the throne after the death of his father in 1910.

Emma Ames.1865-1952. American lyric soprano. Here she is in the image of Juliet from Gounod's Romeo and Juliet. Her professional operatic debut was in 1889 at the Paris Opera in this role.

Oscar Wilde. 1854-1900. Here he is, a model of the Victorian gentleman. This famous photograph was taken just as he was establishing his reputation as one of the most popular playwrights on the London stage.

Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught. 1850-1942. Was the seventh child and third son of Victoria and Albert, Governor General of Canada

Thomas Henry Huxley. 1825-1895. English biologist who earned the nickname "Darwin's Bulldog" for promoting the theory of evolution

Princess Victoria, 1868-1935, and Princess Maud, 1869-1938. Daughter of Edward VII and sister of George V. Victoria never married while Maud became Queen of Norway

Princess Helena (1846-1923), married Princess of Schleswig-Holstein. She was the third daughter and fifth child of Victoria and Albert

Michael Davitt. 1846-1906. Irish Republican, trade union leader and Member of Parliament

Wilson Barrett. 1846-1904. British actor, director and playwright. Here he poses as Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet

Princess Louise, daughter of the King and Duchess of Fife. 1867-1931. was the third child and eldest daughter Edward VII. Here she poses with her husband, Alexander William Duff, Earl of Fife

Algernon Borthwick. 1830-1908. British journalist and conservative politician, he was the owner of the Morning Post

Christopher Tisdale. 1833-1893. Major General and recipient of the Victoria Cross during the Crimean War

Ada Rehan. 1859-1916. American actress who received universal admiration in Europe. Here she is as Rosalind in As You Like It.

A revolution thundered in Russia that ended the monarchy, a young Soviet state was formed, which did not survive until the end of the century. The end of the century was the time of globalization and endemic computerization. Such a huge number of events of a very different nature added many new names to history.

Time Magazine's Man of the Century

A list of famous people of the 20th century was published by the American magazine Time in the December 1999 issue. Of the 100 chosen, Albert Einstein became the man of the century. This decision was justified by the fact that the twentieth century, according to the editors of the journal, will be remembered primarily for technology and science. Einstein, on the other hand, serves as an example for all the outstanding scientists whose work is based on his discoveries.

The cover of the magazine featured famous photo Albert Einstein, taken during a photo shoot in which the scientist told the photographer about his despair that the theory of relativity became the guide for the US government in creating an atomic bomb.

There were discussions among the compilers of the list about Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer in charge of the Second world war and the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis, proclaiming him Man of the Century for his influence on the twentieth century. The requirements of the magazine for candidates included the fact that the chosen person had to have a huge impact on the century, but it does not matter which one - good or bad.

As a result, the image of Hitler was decided not to be placed on the cover of the issue. But there was an article by the journalist G. Gibbs “Justified Evil?”, In which she argued that the Fuhrer was simply the last in the chain of “bloodthirsty personalities” that originated from Genghis Khan.

Political leaders and revolutionaries

Famous people of the 20th century include Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Theodore Roosevelt, Lech Walesa, Pope John Paul II, Winston Churchill, Mao Zedong, Franklin Roosevelt, Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, David Ben-Gurion, Ho Chi Mina, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Imam Khomeini. All these people were national, political or social leaders, leaders of revolutionary movements.

Time magazine singled out Vladimir Lenin and Mikhail Gorbachev in the list of famous people of the 20th century. From the point of view of his supporters, Vladimir Lenin devoted his life to the struggle for the liberation of workers and peasants from capitalist oppression. This is the most prominent political figure, the ideologist of communism and the founder of the Soviet state.

Mikhail Gorbachev became the first and last (that is, the only) president of the USSR, who started perestroika - the reform of the entire political system, which resulted in the collapse Soviet Union and the beginning of the story modern Russia. Acceleration, glasnost, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end cold war and the beginning of private enterprise - all this is connected with the reign of Mikhail Sergeevich.

Outstanding scientists and thinkers

Among the famous people of the 20th century, it is impossible not to mention thinkers, philosophers and outstanding scientists. Among them are Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Jonas Salk, William Bradford Shockley, Ludwig Wittgenstein, the Wright brothers, Lius, Mary and Richard Leakey, Sir Alexander Fleming, Leo Hendrik Baekeland, Sir Tim Bernes-Lee.

In 1903, the first aircraft, created by the American inventors the Wright brothers, lasted 59 seconds in the air. This event is considered to be the moment of the birth of aviation. In 1941, Konrad Zuse created a mechanical computer, and in 1946, John Mauchly introduced the world to the first electronic computer. World Putin was invented by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee.

In the forties, the technology for the production of penicillin was developed, which began to be produced on an industrial scale. Alexander Feming proved that this fungus causes the complete death of pathogenic bacteria. In 1953, Francis Crick and James Watts discovered the structure of a new DNA helix, and Rutherford hypothesized the structure of the smallest unit of matter and was the first to extract energy from the nuclei of atoms.

Celebrities in the art world

In the 20th century famous people were engaged not only in scientific discoveries and inventions, but also in social and political activities. Many changes have taken place in the field of art. Celebrities include Bob Dylan, Louis Armstrong, Coco Chanel, Charlie Chaplin, Pablo Picasso, Frank Sinatra, Igor Stravinsky, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey.

Interestingly, in the list of famous people of the 20th century, Time magazine included the cartoon character Bart Simpson. The Simpsons combined social satire and animation in a way that had never been done before. And, for example, Oprah Winfrey, according to Time, participated in the formation of both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, so she had the honor of being honored again in 2004.

Heroes and idols of millions

There are many really familiar names in the list of heroes and idols of the 20th century. These are Che Guevara, Mohammed Ali, Princess Diana, Mother Teresa, Anne Frank, Bruce Lee, Marilyn Monroe, Pele, William Wilson, John F. Kennedy and others. Famous people of the early 20th century have become for many people symbols of hope, real idols worshiped by millions. For Russians, the main idols of the past century were Yuri Gagarin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Georgy Zhukov, Joseph Stalin, Lev Andrey Sakharov.

Famous people of Russia of the 20th century

There were many famous personalities in Soviet Russia in the 20th century. What can we say about the first man who flew into space, Yuri Gagarin, the famous surgeon Nikolai Amosov, the poet Rasul Gamzatov, the designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, the physicist Igor Kurchatov, the composer Dmitry Shostakovich and other outstanding figures of science and art. All these names were familiar to Soviet citizens from childhood.

There are many heroes of a smaller scale, that is, regional ones, but their contribution to the common cause is no less important than the work of major political figures, talented talents or world-famous scientists. In the Amur region alone, several well-known people of the early 20th century can be immediately listed: V. M. Popov - a natural scientist, A. Ya. Gurov - the first Amur archaeologist, K. N. Gribsky - the governor, who transferred a large collection of firearms and edged weapons and others.

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