Yogurt at home. How to make yogurt. Making yogurt at home. How to cook classic yogurt in a thermos.

Recipes 15.10.2018

The first mention of yogurt appeared more than 6 thousand years ago. According to one of the legends, it was invented by the ancient Turks, according to another version, the fermented dairy product began to be served at the table back in Ancient Greece and Rome. In Europe, yogurt became popular as early as the beginning of the 16th century, after the healing of the stomach illness of King Francis I of France. In the 20th century, mass production of this product began, which was made possible thanks to Danone. But even today, homemade yogurt is considered healthier and tastier than its store counterpart.

Two products and nothing more. The only thing we have to care about is the quality of these products is the key to 100% success. White color, jar lid. The easiest way to do this is to add a small amount of yogurt milk and, after mixing well, pour the mixture into whole milk. Place the jars in the refrigerator, eat after cooling - unless someone prefers warm. Yogurt can be served with various additives: dried or fresh fruits, nuts, chocolate. You can also serve it dry or use it to make a variety of dishes, from desserts, cold sauces, to delicious pastries.

  • Mix the mixture into pots.
  • Rotate the jars, install in the base, lid and turn on for 5 hours.
Yoghurt is milk that is transformed by many lactic acid bacteria, which diligently eat the lactose present in it and displace lactic acid, which contributes to the thickening of the whole.

Homemade Yogurt: Uses and Benefits

On the shelves of stores there is a wide range of yoghurts, both natural and with various fillers. Manufacturers claim that they are useful, help to improve the functioning of the intestines, normalize metabolism and improve well-being. But still, homemade yogurts are considered better. The benefits of this fermented milk product for the body are invaluable.

Yogurt is often referred to as a functional food that has health benefits. Try to do it yourself. We can get rid of them by burning the surface of the milk with a butane torch. Yogurt is associated with a number of legends and anecdotes. One of them tells how he was conquered by Genghis Khan, bitter peasants planned to poison him with the gift of milking. Contrary to the expectations of the villagers - and fortunately for the Mongol ruler - the milk imprisoned during transport turned into yogurt, which, instead of killing the conqueror, refreshed him and strengthened him for further conquests.

  • Thanks to bacteria such as Bulgarian bacterium and thermophilic streptococcus, with regular use of yogurt, it is possible to normalize the intestinal microflora.
  • Gently eliminates the problem of constipation and intestinal disorders.
  • Effectively fights the manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin, improves its condition.
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.
  • Homemade yogurt does not contain sugar, which means it is approved for use by people with diabetes.
  • Helps in the fight against excess weight.

Homemade yogurt has a number of significant advantages over store-bought products. It contains only milk and sourdough containing beneficial bacteria, without preservatives and stabilizers. Only homemade yogurt is really healthy.

A more likely anecdote that we find in European sources. With help came his ally Suleiman the Magnificent, sending a court physician who allegedly healed the European king of yogurt. The history of yogurt goes way back until the first milking animals were domesticated. First, about 13,000 years ago, cattle and goats were raised; about 4,000 years later, domesticated cows. Continuous access to milk was an important factor in the development of early human societies: dairy products, including those that were fermented, were a source of important nutrients.

Options for making homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker

Anyone can make homemade yogurt, and it is not necessary to have a special yogurt maker for this. It is quite possible to do with other improvised means.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe of which (and not one) is presented below, involves several cooking options:

Over the millennia, bone density has improved, life expectancy has increased, and body weight and height have increased, and infant mortality has decreased. There is evidence that humans have been consuming fermented dairy products for at least 8,000 years. It is likely that the first yoghurts were fermented spontaneously by exposure to heat and bacteria on the skin of animals from which milk storage vessels were made.

If people have been able to make yogurt for thousands of years without the help of modern technology, we can do even more. We have endometres, ovens, refrigerators, powdered and isolated cultures of bacteria. Independent fermentation of milk at home is very simple and a lot of fun. We can control every step of the process: choose the right one, for example, organic milk, and work thermally in any way, lengthen or shorten the fermentation, etc. also no less important, fresh one day, yogurt will have much more live bacteria than shelves, It is retained for many days - the number of bacteria in yogurt decreases every day, which can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, especially on the digestive system .

Each of the recipes has its own advantages and disadvantages. But yogurt prepared at home using one of the proposed methods turns out no worse than from a yogurt maker.

Delicious homemade yogurt. Recipe without a yogurt maker in a thermos

A thermos is great for making homemade yogurt. This type of dishes has good thermal insulation properties and maintains the desired temperature of the liquid poured into it for several hours. And this is just one of the prerequisites for making the right and healthy homemade yogurt.

What is the best starter for making yogurt?

Milk, of course, is the main ingredient in yogurt. You have to take a moment to choose the right kind. We have raw milk, pasteurized, high temperature sterilized, full fat and skimmed and even powdered. Yogurt from unheated to desired temperature milk has an uneven consistency.

What beneficial bacteria are included in homemade sourdough yogurt?

The milk that we want to make from yogurt must have the following characteristics: it must be free from antibiotics, viruses and have a small amount of bacteria that can interfere with starter cultures, that is, labile lactic acid bacteria. We cannot cope with the first two problems at home, we must trust the manufacturer that his milk meets all quality requirements. Bacteria can get rid of pasteurizing milk. In the case of yogurt, pasteurization is also important because the heat converts the milk protein so that the yogurt produced by the curd is more concise and has a better consistency.

A recipe without a yogurt maker (in a thermos) consists of the following sequence of actions:

  • Boil 1 liter of homemade or pasteurized milk. Cool to a temperature of 38-40 degrees.
  • While the milk is cooling, it is necessary to pour boiling water over all the dishes that will be involved in the preparation of yogurt, including a thermos and spoons.
  • Remove the foam from the cooled milk. Pour a small amount of it (about 100 ml) and mix gently with store-bought natural yoghurt. Follow up to fermented milk product, used as a starter, did not contain dyes, flavors and other chemicals. The composition should contain only milk and sourdough.
  • Combine sourdough with remaining milk. Pour into a thermos and close the lid tightly.
  • After 8 hours, pour the finished product from the thermos into a sterile container (baby food jars are suitable) and refrigerate for 6 hours.

The conversion of the proteins we are targeting is about 85 degrees. As far as I know, pasteurized "fresh" milk is brought to 74 degrees, so we have to heat it as well. In the case of raw milk, straight from the cow, pasteurization is mandatory. But it has a slightly worse taste and fewer nutrients.

We have two options: use finished powder bacterial culture or a few spoonfuls for yogurt with live bacteria in the form of starter. The first one we can buy online. They are thermophilic organisms that do best when warm, although temperatures over 50 degrees can kill them. During fermentation, they live in symbiosis and support each other. They can grow on their own, but they feel good in their own company - they produce lactic acid faster.

This is how yogurt is prepared at home. The recipe without a yogurt maker, presented above, is easy to perform. It requires a minimum of effort, and the result is a very tasty and healthy fermented milk product.

Greek yogurt at home

Greek yogurt has a special texture. It resembles soft and tender cream cheese in its structure and taste. It is eaten in pure form or used to make cream for cakes and pastries.

Making yogurt without a yogurt maker

Among the fermentation products of these bacteria, we find, in addition to lactic acid, compounds such as acetaldehyde, acetic acid and diacetyl. Ready-made powder cultures are the best solution as they contain the right proportions of these bacteria.

In a yoghurt starter, these proportions may vary. It is important that the label of the yogurt we intend to use as a starter is listed as the name of the bacteria listed and a note that it is alive. It is best to choose natural yoghurts without any additives: locust, cumin, pectin, etc. Of course, we are talking about the vessels into which we are going to pour milk cultures of bacteria, and a device that heats them up to the optimum temperature and keeps it there for several hours.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe of which is known to many, differs from the previous one in that milk with sourdough is not poured into a thermos, but wrapped in a blanket in a sterile jar or pan. In this way, it is possible to maintain the desired temperature regime necessary for the fermentation process. After 6-8 hours, ready-made homemade yogurt is transferred directly from the pan into a colander lined with several layers of gauze. After a few hours, the excess whey will drain off and you will have about 400 grams of thick, creamy Greek yogurt.

This is a compromise between optimal temperatures for the growth of both types of bacteria. Avoid vessels made of cast iron and aluminum, which may react with acidic products. The best would be glass and stainless steel. Yogurt can be found in two varieties: solid and mixed. It is first fermented in separate, smaller containers. The latter is fermented in one larger vessel and then mixed and poured into small containers. Both versions can be made by yourself. For fixed version yogurt, small jars will be best, while mixed version yogurt will require a stainless steel pot or larger jars.

Natural yogurt at home. Recipe without sourdough yogurt maker

To prepare yogurt according to this recipe, you need 1 liter of milk and dry sourdough. You can buy it in a pharmacy and in some large supermarkets. The basis for fermenting milk is prepared similarly to the previous recipes, but the sourdough is used dry, not store-bought yogurt. Otherwise, the sequence of actions is similar.

Yogurt will be the easiest and best solution. But if we are not going to spend money on it, we will use a simple oven. A kitchen thermometer that will monitor the temperature will be extremely helpful because the thermostat that is standard in the oven can't always be relied upon.

Remember that at temperatures below 36 degrees yogurt-forming bacteria will not grow, and temperatures above 54 degrees mean death. There are other ways to keep high temperature. For example, we can put a bowl of warmed milk in a heated travel cooler that will be warm as well as cold. During the heating season, we can put wrapped towels or bath towels on the radiator. Apparently, some people make yogurts by placing jars on a computer or TV.

Homemade yogurt (recipe without sourdough yogurt maker) is made from boiled or UHT milk. It is fully processed, that is, cleaned of any bacteria, so it does not need to be boiled. A small amount of milk is mixed with dry sourdough, and then combined with the rest in a sterile container. After that, the base for yogurt should be wrapped in a blanket or poured into a thermos.

Cooking in a multicooker

This thicker and slightly acidic yogurt is traditionally made by draining some of the whey that separates from the curd of the yogurt. This is what we do: put thick cheesecloth or muslin on top of the bowl and place the yogurt in the hammock. We can also use a coffee filter. 1.5 liters of milk with any fat.

Milk is heated to 85 degrees. Nothing will happen if we boil it, although the texture of the finished yogurt will be slightly different. We bring milk to 43 degrees, then add culture powder or natural yogurt in the form of a starter. We pour into carefully washed jars or leave in a pan and place in a preheated oven to about 43 degrees or yogurt. We ferment from 6 to 12 hours, controlling the temperature with a thermometer. We will study, put in the refrigerator to strengthen the blood clot.

By providing the necessary temperature conditions, you can get healthy homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker. A recipe with a photo will make the cooking process easier. Daily use of natural homemade yogurt will forever forget about constipation and intestinal disorders.

Homemade yogurt in a slow cooker

Those who don't have a yogurt maker but have a slow cooker will love the following homemade yogurt recipe. The basis for this fermented milk product is prepared from milk and sourdough. Next you need to sterilize glass jars, so many that they all fit in the multicooker bowl.

In a few hours we can eat. I should probably start with how to make yogurt at home, but why make yogurt at all since you can go to the store and just buy it. Yogurt isn't expensive, and even the smallest shop should have at least a few types to choose from, including one natural. First of all, because I need a good amount of money at home to start paying off.

The last two products are produced in the natural yogurt process. The yogurt and its derivatives that will be discussed here will be fabulously simple. It is worth trying to make housekeeping, for example, for a different kitchen experience or just for fun.

After that, milk with sourdough should be poured into jars. At the bottom of the multicooker bowl, you need to lay a cloth napkin, pour water and put the container (as for sterilization during canning). Turn on the Yogurt mode. If this method of cooking is not provided in the multicooker, select the Heating mode for 15 minutes. After an hour, turn on the heating of the cans again for the same time. Repeat the above steps for the third time. After 3 hours, homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker (recipe in a slow cooker) can be put in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal!

Prepare: clean pot, stirrer and kitchen thermometer. All this equipment must be absolutely clean, preferably incinerated with boiling water. The temperature is best checked with a thermometer. If you don't have it, put your finger in the milk - clean it, though not necessarily burn it. Milk should be warm, not hot, and under no circumstances should it burn.

Heat milk in a saucepan with yogurt, cover and set aside for several hours in a warm place. Do not interfere with him at this time, do not disturb him, just go away in peace. In order not to tempt you, put yogurt in the evening, you should be ready in the morning. Where to put best milk for yogurt?

Natural yogurt without yogurt maker in the oven

This recipe, according to the cooking technology, resembles the option with a slow cooker. But instead of this modern appliance, which not every housewife has available, an oven is used.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe of which is presented below, is made from milk and sourdough. It can be immediately poured into portioned jars or cooked in a saucepan. In the first and second cases, foil will serve as a lid for the container, which must be well fixed.

We send jars to the oven heated to 50 degrees. After 5 minutes, turn off the device. We repeat the procedure every hour for another 6-7 times. In modern ovens, where you can set any temperature for heating, you should adhere to the value of 40-42 degrees.

Homemade yogurt with sour cream

To prepare a healthy fermented milk product, it is not necessary to use sourdough. You can make homemade yogurt without sour cream yogurt maker. Its ripening time will be longer, about 12 hours, but the result is excellent.

In boiled cooled milk, add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, heated to a temperature of 38 degrees. Carefully combine the ingredients with a whisk. We put the yogurt in a warm place to ripen. For this, any favorite way of fermenting milk is suitable. After 12 hours, homemade sour cream yogurt will be ready. Now it can be sent to the refrigerator, and after 4 hours you can try a delicious natural fermented milk product.

The quality of products offered on the market and in supermarkets in recent times raises completely justified doubts on the part of the consumer, still, take a jar of liquid called “Milk”, read the composition and be horrified. And this applies not only to milk, but to almost any product at a more or less affordable price.

Yogurt is a unique product that has a huge amount of useful and valuable substances that can restore the metabolism in the body, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, protect against the attack of harmful bacteria, and also increase a person’s own immunity.

Naturally, all of the above qualities are typical only for a natural product, which is now difficult to find on store shelves.

That is why today most housewives are rapidly moving towards home-made yogurt, yes, yes, you heard right, this fermented milk product is easily prepared at home.

Thanks to the rich list of useful elements that are found only in natural, or as it is also called “live” yogurt, the question of how to make yogurt on your own is quickly gaining momentum, and manufacturers of electrical “helpers” of the hostess in the kitchen find their application here.

It turns out that a miracle device has appeared for a long time, which allows you to special trouble and worries, to prepare a tasty and healthy fermented milk product. The hostess only needs to purchase sourdough and, which, in fact, are the only components of real yogurt. At the same time, multiple additives, flavor stabilizers and others have been added to the composition of the purchased product. chemical substances, which do not bring benefits to your body for sure.

If you don’t have such a technique, don’t despair, yogurt has long been prepared using ordinary improvised means, for example, in Turkey, milk is boiled in an ordinary saucepan until it is reduced by a factor of three, and then leaven is added.

In general, it is Turkey that is considered the progenitor of yogurt, but over time, the recipe spread around the world and acquired some changes in its composition. Learning how to cook yogurt is not difficult at all, the main thing is to choose the right starter cultures, the variety of which is growing every day.

Sometimes ordinary store-bought yogurts are used for these purposes, which react with milk and beneficial bacteria, are converted into natural useful product. You won’t have to buy such a starter every time, since in the future you can use your own cooked yogurt for these purposes.

You can buy a special dairy product, which is called so - "Sourdough" - can be presented in the form of a powder or liquid mixture. When buying a starter, be sure to read the list of beneficial bacteria listed in it, it is important that it is not too long.

How to make delicious yogurt without a yogurt maker?

The recipe for homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker is quite simple, you will need a list of certain ingredients, as well as a margin of patience, since the milk fermentation process can take from 8 to 15 hours. For cooking, you may need either an ordinary pan (any container), which is covered with a blanket and placed in a warm place.

It is important to complete the fermentation process correctly, only in this way the yogurt will turn out to be dense, but at the same time delicate consistency. To do this, it is necessary to cool the almost finished product by putting it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. So what products to buy?

  • pasteurized milk - 1 l;
  • dry yogurt sourdough - 1 package or store-bought yogurt - 125 ml (later home-made yogurt is used);
  • if you want to add a certain taste, then you can add syrups, dried fruits, vanilla, etc. if you wish.

Be sure to ensure that the utensils that will be used in the cooking process have been doused with boiling water or sterilized. Next, heat the milk in a saucepan to 90 ° (until it boils), after which we remove it from the stove and cool it to 40 °.

The next step: when the milk has cooled, add the starter to it, if it is dry, then first the powder is diluted with a small amount of milk, stirring thoroughly, and only then pour in the rest. If you use yogurt, then it is also necessary to dilute it with a small amount of milk, stir, ensure that there are no yogurt clots, and only then, gradually pour in the remaining milk.

If you use a thermos for the fermentation process, then pour the prepared mixture into it (in this case, its temperature is important, since the thermos only holds it without heating it). All processes of mixing sourdough with milk, pouring it into a thermos should take place quickly so that the yogurt does not have time to cool.

We wrap the thermos with a warm scarf or blanket and leave it for 8-12 hours in a warm place. The longer the fermentation process lasts, the more acidic the yogurt will be. After the time has elapsed, we send the yogurt to the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, where it reaches the desired consistency.

Cooking in other ways

For those who have a yogurt maker or a slow cooker at home, preparing the right yogurt at home is generally as easy as shelling pears: put everything into the device in the evening, and get ready-made yogurt in the morning.

Let's look at a few details of this method of preparation. After the milk has boiled and you have cooled it to a temperature of 40 °, it must be mixed with the sourdough, and then pour the prepared mixture into cups of the yogurt maker, leaving it to sour for 8-10 hours.

The advantage of this method is that you avoid the possible risk of non-compliance with temperature conditions, as in the previous method, the yogurt maker controls this process itself. After the time has elapsed, we send the cups to the refrigerator to thicken, if suddenly the consistency remains too liquid, then you can try to correct the situation by sending the yogurt for another cycle to the yogurt maker. In the case of a thermos, this is unfortunately not possible.

Why didn't it work?

It is very frustrating when you take out a jar from the refrigerator, and the liquid in it does not remind you of the necessary product, the question immediately arises, why didn’t the yogurt turn out? One of the main mistakes, which is made more often than others, is the failure to follow the correct temperature regime, and after all, the consistency and taste of such a fermented milk product largely depends on it.

To determine the temperature, use a kitchen thermometer, it will avoid such situations, and also check how well your thermos holds heat.

Also, do not forget that for the preparation of homemade yogurt, it is necessary to use pasteurized milk, as it stores more vitamins.

Long-term storage milk is highly undesirable for these purposes, since antibiotics are added to it, which are not good friends with beneficial bacteria, the main actors natural yogurt. Using this type of milk, you simply run the risk of spoiling the products without getting the desired result.

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