The biggest bang. Bangs - yes or no

Fashion & Style 16.10.2017
Fashion & Style

There are currently many various kinds bangs. It is often not so easy to choose the right form of a haircut, and then the help of a specialist is needed - a professional stylist or hairdresser. However, the shape of your face will help you decide which bang to choose, because it is in accordance with it that the bang is selected and shaped.

There are only four main types of faces - this is a triangular type, round, square and oval type of face. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

What haircut to choose for a triangular face type?

So, the first type is triangular. Girls with this face shape or with a shape close to triangular are great fit long laid on its side. It should be noted that the bangs should not be very thick.

The haircut will look best on the face of a rounded shape, and slightly elongated along the edges.

By the way, if there is a desire to recolor the hair, then instead of choosing bright saturated colors, it is advisable to highlight the hair, but coloring is also suitable.

What haircut is best for a round face?

Owners of a round face can afford to make absolutely any haircut. They are suitable for a straight and long shape or torn and asymmetrical.

Bangs can also be made thick. True, you need to remember that you should not overload it with various styling products, because in this case it will look heavy and unnatural.

Bangs, properly chosen for a round face, are able to stretch it a little and give it the shape of a regular oval.

Haircut for a square face

Girls with a square face need to visually stretch their face. Therefore, you can make an asymmetrical haircut.

In no case should you make a straight haircut near the face for this face shape. If the chin lines are very pronounced, then thinned bangs are best suited in such a situation.

What haircut suits an oval face?

An oval face, as well as a round one, involves choosing the most various forms. If a girl has a very narrow face, then bangs are ideal for her. geometric shape which visually expands the face.

For a simple oval face, you can make any, for example, straight, long and oblique, short bangs, combed to the side, etc. By the way, jewelry ideally matched to an oval face will perfectly complement the image of a girl and give her elegance.

Haircut is inherently universal. It will suit any hairstyle. You can simply let your hair down, or you can make a hairstyle in a business style, for example, collect it at the back of your head in a bun. With any hairstyle will look very beautiful. However, it requires monthly adjustments. Approximately once a month it needs to be re-drawn and trimmed. If it has become too long, then there is nothing to worry about, perhaps even the opposite. When adjusted, a long haircut allows you to find new images and style. You can carefully experiment with what bangs to do this time, even on your own.

How to make a hairstyle with bangs?

By the way, making a fashionable hairstyle is quite simple. To do this, you need to comb it back and stab it with several small stealths. Further along the top, you can need to tie a thin gas scarf. An elegant ribbon will also serve as a replacement for a scarf. The hairstyle is ready. This hairstyle is especially good if it does not fit in any way.

In addition, it can be divided along with the rest of the hair into a side parting and pinned above the eyebrow with a pretty hair clip. Or you can replace the side parting with a straight one, and then fix a few strands with varnish. This design will be very beautiful to border the face.

In general, you can experiment with hairstyles for quite some time. If a girl wears a bang, then it is very important to choose the right shape for her face type in order to make the representative of the beautiful half of humanity even more beautiful. But still, the most important thing is that it must be liked by its owner.

Many experts in the field of beauty agreed that with age you need to open your face.

What to do with bangs if you are over 35?

1. If you are not at all goes bangs, you can slightly change its shape, grow and open your forehead.

2. Make it elongated, asymmetrical, so that it frames the forehead, and does not cover it.

3. Make an imitation of a bang so that it frames the face in the version with long hair.

You can wear bangs only within a certain haircut. Then the length of the bangs will depend on the concept of the haircut and the features of your face.

Your face type affects your ability to wear bangs.

Who is contraindicated to wear bangs?

Ladies with a round face. In this case, it is desirable to create vertical hair lines. It can be a bob without bangs, an asymmetrical bob and a high crown.

Ladies with disproportionately large or long nose. Short or straight bangs will emphasize it even more

Ladies who wear long hair

Ladies with age-related skin changes who wear elongated or long hair.

In what cases can bangs be worn?

If you are under 30-35 years old

If you are wearing a haircut that includes bangs. As a rule, this short haircuts, bob with bangs, geometric haircuts.

If you have an elongated face. In this case, I would recommend bangs as part of a haircut with volume on the sides of the head and a low crown.

If you have a big forehead. In this case, you can pay more attention to the shape of the bangs as part of a haircut or hairstyle, rather than its presence.

If you have a proportional oval face, proportional facial features, almost any haircut suits you.

The main thing is a harmonious combination of hairstyles, your age, status, skin condition, face type. If you are over 35, it is advisable to choose one thing - either bangs with a haircut, or long hair without bangs. In the process of working with women and men of different ages, I noticed that bangs often dissonate with the status and age of a person. The bangs give the face a little "childishness", and in adulthood this is especially noticeable.

Is bangs important detail hairstyles? Do not rush to a negative answer. Sometimes bangs are able to attract the attention of others much more than accessories or the rest of the hairstyle.

It turns out that with the help of bangs, you can adjust the shape of the face and remove the flaws that its owner wants to hide.

Who can wear bangs?

Bangs are suitable for everyone, the main thing is to choose the right shape for them. When choosing, you need to take into account several factors: face shape, hair color, age, hair style (casual or evening).

How to choose a bang according to the type of face oval?

For women with a triangular face, stylists are not advised to wear short bangs or comb a long back. The ideal option would be a long, not very thick bangs. Square and round face types can be visually reduced with asymmetrical bangs, which are recommended to be combed to the side. If a girl has a high forehead, a bang is a must, a straight thick one is best. Those who have an oval face are the easiest - any bangs will suit them.

Who shouldn't wear bangs?

Bangs are not suitable for girls with curly small curls. The only exceptions are those who are willing to spend a lot of time every day to put it right. Chubby girls shouldn't cut their hair long bangs. Lush bangs are not advised to make women of short stature, and high - it is better to choose a long and straight one.

1. If you decide to cut the bangs for the first time, leave it longer (so that in case of failure you can fix it with a hairpin).

2. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to involve a professional hairdresser who will tell you which bangs will suit you.

3. If you took the advice of a stylist, ask them to teach you how to style your bangs in order to always be on top!

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