Homemade thermite gun. How to make a cannon from improvised materials Homemade cannon

Auto 23.07.2019

The technologies of the "color revolutions" led to an uprising in Syria and. For more than two years, continuous street fighting and air attacks have left behind.

The rebels use any weapon, both modern and incredible, in battles with the troops of President Bashar al-Assad. homemade devices: anti-aircraft installations, welded to pickup trucks, giant slingshots for street fighting.

An interesting overview of all kinds of homemade weapons of the Syrian rebels.

Serious homemade cannon, Idlib province. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade rockets, at the end of which are containers for gasoline, Aleppo. (Photo by Reuters):

We have already shown the self-made armored personnel carrier "Sham-2", but it is worth it to look again. Sitting inside it, you can control the machine gun with a video game controller. (Photo by Reuters):

Inside Sham-2. Real armored car, 100% made in Syria, which the rebel creators are very proud of. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade bombs made from decorative Christmas balls, Aleppo. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade mortar, Aleppo. (Photo by Reuters):

A fighter lights a grenade from a cigarette before launching it with a catapult. (Photo by Reuters):

Basically, catapults are large slingshots. (Photo by Reuters):

Aiming a gun with a video camera, Deir al-Zor. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade cannon in action. (Photo by Reuters):

These are local magicians, jacks of all trades. The shells of the shells are often turned by the rebels themselves on lathes in the basements. (AFP photo):

Work is in full swing. (AFP photo):

This is how the homemade weapons of the Syrian rebels appear. (Photo by Reuters):

Making shells for mortars. (Photo by Reuters):

Armored car. (Photo by Reuters):

Preparing to launch a rocket in the direction of government troops. (AFP photo):

A simple grenade launcher. (Photo by Reuters):

Rocket painting at home. (Photo by Reuters):

An entire artillery mount. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade grenades. (Photo by Reuters):

A gun. Tourist option. (Photo by Reuters).

December 15th, 2015

Protests against President Bashar al-Assad in March 2011 escalated into a bitter and bloody civil war, during which more than 250,000 people have already been killed, hundreds of thousands of people have become refugees and most of the country lies in ruins. Several Islamic State opposition, terrorist, gangster and violent jihadist groups across the country continue to fight President Assad's government forces with whatever weapons they can get their hands on.

Today we will see what weapons the opposition and terrorists use to fight against government forces in Syria.

Rocket mortar (volcano) is made from a mechanical excavator with four pipes.

Projectiles made from gas cylinders can fly up to three kilometers.

A collection of other improvised weapons from the past few years of bloody conflict.

The so-called "Free Syrian Army" fires a homemade rocket at President Bashar al-Assad's government troops in Ashrafieh, Aleppo

Militants fire homemade catapults at Assad's troops during clashes in the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor.

Militants prepared a homemade rocket launcher on the streets of Aleppo.

Homemade armored vehicle, named Sham-2, belonging to the militants of the Al-Ansar brigade, 4 km west of Aleppo. From a distance, it looks more like a large rusty metal box. Sham-2, named after ancient Syria, is built on a car chassis.

Inside a makeshift armored car, the rebels use the monitor to aim their machine gun.

A Free Syrian Army fighter with a homemade sniper rifle in eastern Damascus.

In February 2014, suicide bomber Abu Suleiman al-Britani drove a truck loaded with explosives into the wall of the Aleppo Central Prison. As a result of the explosion, 300 imprisoned militants of the Jabhat al-Nusra organization, held by Syrian troops, were released.

Terrorist organization fighters make homemade mortar shells inside a house in the old city of Aleppo.

A member of the Ansar Dimahk brigade during preparations for fire from a makeshift mortar on one of the fronts in Damascus.

A member of a terrorist organization grinds on lathe projectile at a factory in Aleppo.

Terrorist organization fighters use a catapult to launch a homemade bomb during clashes with government forces in the city of Aleppo.

Homemade military vehicle called Sham-1

Terrorist organization fighters make homemade rockets in Latakia.

The militants of the terrorist organization make not only weapons, but also improvised gas masks.

Retired officer Abu Tarek, 74, wears a homemade gas mask made from a plastic bottle, coal, cotton, gauze and cardboard

Homemade rockets, at the end of which are containers for gasoline, Aleppo. (Photo by Reuters):

We have already shown the self-made armored personnel carrier "Sham-2", but it is worth it to look again. Sitting inside it, you can control the machine gun with a video game controller. (Photo by Reuters):

Inside Sham-2. Real armored car, 100% made in Syria, which the rebel creators are very proud of. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade bombs made from decorative Christmas balls, Aleppo. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade mortar, Aleppo. (Photo by Reuters):

A fighter lights a grenade from a cigarette before launching it with a catapult. (Photo by Reuters):

Basically, catapults are large slingshots. (Photo by Reuters):

Aiming a gun with a video camera, Deir al-Zor. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade cannon in action. (Photo by Reuters):

These are local magicians, jacks of all trades. The shells of the shells are often turned by the rebels themselves on lathes in the basements. (AFP photo):

This is how the homemade weapons of the Syrian rebels appear. (Photo by Reuters):

Making shells for mortars. (Photo by Reuters):

Armored car. (Photo by Reuters):

Preparing to launch a rocket in the direction of government troops. (AFP photo):

A simple grenade launcher. (Photo by Reuters):

Rocket painting at home. (Photo by Reuters):

An entire artillery mount. (Photo by Reuters):

Homemade grenades. (Photo by Reuters):

A gun. Tourist option. (Photo by Reuters).

Sometimes for historical reconstructions or just for fun, you may need more serious weapon than a sword or a bow. If you wish, you can even create a cannon with your own hands, and decorate it with almost any historical weapon. Of course, it is not advisable to make a real firearms combat cannon in an apartment, but it is quite possible to make a small firework item or paper element.

And about how to make a homemade gun, our today's article will tell.

Instrument preparation

In the course of work on the creation military gun you will need materials such as:

  1. Hydraulic cylinder (automobile or tractor) of small dimensions with one plugged end and a branch for the oil line.
  2. Epoxy resin.
  3. piece of rope and
  4. Wooden rod.
  5. Pliers.
  6. Smoke powder or a homemade mixture based on saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal.
  7. A piece of thick cotton or linen fabric.

How to make a gun? Getting Started

In fact, a tractor or car cylinder will be a ready-made barrel for our homemade cannon. Therefore, no additional actions (welding, soldering, etc.) are needed with it. It is better to make an additional ramrod. To do this, you need to take a wooden rod and cut it along the length of the barrel, exceeding it by 50 centimeters, precisely fitting it to the inner diameter of the gun.

The powder mixture is poured into a separate tin can. Using a branch or some other wooden stick at the base of the cylinder, the oil pipe hole is closed, and the barrel itself is set vertically with the muzzle up. A powder mixture is poured inside it one centimeter above the level of the nozzle hole. Homemade "TNT" is further rammed with a ramrod.

But that's not all. How to make a cannon next? After that, you will need to roll up a few pieces and push it into the barrel until it stops. This is done using the same ramrod. They should also compact the charge by hitting the mixture a few times. AT this case a piece of fabric will perform the functions of a wad. After that, a wooden plug is pulled out of the oil pipe of the hydraulic cylinder.

At the next stage, an L-shaped bracket should be bent from a metal wire. As for the dimensions, the short part of this element at the outlet should be 2 times longer than the oil pipe and slightly sharpened into a cone. Ideally, the bracket fits into the hole without problems.

The long part of the wire (700-1000 mm) is supplied with an additional handle. It can be made in the form of a loop from the same wire.

Getting ready to shoot

Before the shot, the cylinder is set at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizon in a direction that is safe for people. Remember that there should be no other flammable objects in the line of fire. The gun itself is mounted on a wooden "slingshot", previously driven into the ground so that the device rests when fired at a stake.

The pointed end of the metal bracket must be heated on a fire and quickly inserted into the hole in the pipe. If the gun is launched for the first time, then it is best to do it from cover - although the device is homemade, it shoots no worse than its factory counterparts. Therefore, before making a dynamite gun, always follow the safety rules. After firing, inspect the barrel for cracks and other defects. If none were found, you can safely proceed to the decorative design of the gun. In this case, the barrel must be cleaned and degreased in advance.

Additional decorations

To make the cannon look more natural, wind a rope soaked with water around the hydraulic cylinder.

Even when decorating, you can create various thickenings or tides. After the resin hardens, the finished structure is processed with coarse-grained sandpaper and painted bronze. This can be done with regular or bronze enamel.

How to make a paper cannon

In the previous method, we told you about how to make a real large firearm. Below we will look at how to make a small paper cannon. It should be noted that this will not be a decorative device - the product will shoot and fully function. Learn how to do it right now.

Before we make a gun, first we need to make a gun carriage. To do this, you need to take a few pieces of paper, and it is best to use thin cardboard. On it you should draw a scan of the gun carriage. The resulting pattern is carefully cut with scissors and glued together.

The roller is inserted between the side wall of the upper part of the gun carriage. Next, we will need to fix it - for this we take two carnations and drive in on both sides of the device. Thanks to this, you can independently direct the weapon up and down.

A coil is installed to the lower side elements of the carriage. It is important to remember that the edges of this part must be jagged. An elastic band is threaded through the coil. So you will not only direct the barrel of the gun yourself, but also set the wheels in motion.

A match is placed under the rubber band. Since it will rotate, secure it with pins. The second end of the gum is passed through a hole in the coil, and then through a ring of wax. Then it is threaded into the side hole of the gun carriage. Before you make a paper cannon, think about the lever that will turn the coil. To do this, a wooden hairpin is placed under the elastic band, and a nail is installed at the end of the coil, where the pins were stuck.

A trunk is made from a hollow tube. An elastic band is attached to its front and sides. The barrel is mounted on a roller.

About the trigger

To make a trigger, take a thin twig and thread it into the barrel. Make a cutout at one end and put an elastic band. A pea is inserted into the trunk. To make the gun fire, insert a notch into the elastic band, pull it tight and release it.

To set the device in motion, wind the threaded elastic through the coil.


As you can see, making a homemade gun is not so difficult. It is enough to have a minimum set of tools and some free time.

Then you're in luck! Today we will tell how to make a mini gun, which is also known as cannon potato.

Attention! The mini gun is designed for outdoor use only and only if fire safety rules are observed.

We make a mini gun with our own hands

To make a mini gun, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • wooden pistol grip;
  • button from a piezo lighter;
  • a piece of wire;
  • 250 ml plastic bottle and a cap for it;
  • small 2 ml syringe;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue gun;
  • one potato.

The procedure for making a mini gun:

  1. In the pistol grip, it is necessary to make a hole and a slot for installing a button from a piezo lighter.

    pistol grip

  2. Install the button and contacts, fix everything with a glue gun.

    Insert the wire contact into the slot

    Insert piezo button

  3. In a plastic bottle, make two holes at a distance of 5 mm from each other. Insert contacts from a piezo lighter into them.

    Contacts coming from the piezo button

    When you press the button, a spark should appear between the contacts. If not, then bend the contacts closer to each other.

  4. Fasten plastic bottle on a wooden handle with glue gun.

    Attach the bottle to the handle

  5. From the syringe we will make the barrel of a mini gun. To do this, cut off the front of the syringe and remove the plunger from it.
  6. Then make a hole in the plastic bottle cap for the syringe to fit through. Insert it and secure with a glue gun.

    Glue the stem to the lid

    Make sure the stem is straight.

That's all. Mini gun READY!

Now it needs to be recharged. To do this, take a piece of potato approximately 5 mm thick and pierce it with a cannon barrel.

Then push the "charge" deep into the barrel.

After that, make one spray into a plastic bottle from a can of highly flammable gaseous mixture.

Someone Colin Furze lives in the UK ( Colin Furze). A plumber by training, an insane engineer by vocation. Well, it’s not interesting for a person to repair tanks and fix leaks. But to design something really spectacular - you are always welcome. During his life, a talented Englishman has already collected such gadgets as: a portable flamethrower, with nozzles hidden in the sleeves; "claws" like Wolverine from "X-Men"; magnetic boots that allow you to walk on a metal ceiling; fancy scooter with a built-in flamethrower and many other equally spectacular things. Colin's bustling activity, of course, was not left without attention, especially since he regularly posts videos of his creations on Youtube. So in 2010, the police tried to arrest him, because in the United Kingdom they are somehow not welcome.

This crazy engineer has some sort of special relationship with flamethrowers. No, it can be understood, since a personal portable flamethrower is cool. Although it is dangerous. But cool. So no one was particularly surprised when, not so long ago, Colin demonstrated his new invention - a homemade thermite gun. If anyone is not in the know: thermite is a mixture of aluminum and iron powder, which, when ignited, can maintain a combustion temperature of almost 3500 degrees. Needless to say, the use of such a destructive tool without supervision special services forbidden? But Colin, in some incomprehensible way, received such permission, assembled a thermite gun and effectively demonstrated it in action.

When watching this video, I personally became very interested in what threats, bribes, flattery and permissible self-harm SUCH PERSON managed to get permission to use almost military weapons? I only hope that the screen image has nothing to do with reality. I really hope.

Now a little about myself thermite gun. Its design is quite simple - a feeder, an igniting burner, a compressed gas cylinder, a guide barrel, a handle, an accumulator, a relay and trigger switches for the projectile and turning on the burner. But all this is assembled extremely elegantly and compactly, which gives it dangerous weapons attractive and elegant look.

Thermite mixture Colin stuffed it under pressure into an aerosol can. Actually, it is this cartridge that is fed closer to the burner, ignited and automatically pushed forward. Needless to say, even a slight delay between ignition and firing can seriously damage both the device itself and arrow? But Colin did everything surprisingly well, which is extremely convincingly demonstrated by setting fireworks and various garbage on fire.

I will not judge which one this one has thermite gun real combat potential but it looks really cool. That's something, but the technical talent of the insane British engineer Colin Furze cannot be taken away.

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