Cooking cocoa with milk. Recipe cooking secrets Hot cocoa chocolate - recipe

Recipes 04.10.2018

Or (as it is called in America) hot chocolate, has ancient history origin. Several thousand years ago, only the indigenous population South America knew how to brew cocoa, which they called "xocoatl". Actually, we owe the word "chocolate" to them. It was part of their daily diet, and the seeds of cocoa trees were used in mutual settlements as monetary units. Later, already in the 16th century, the colonialists brought the seeds and the drink recipe to the large continent. And since then, first the noble population (new in those days was valued very dearly), and only then the rest tried the bright, slightly tart taste of cocoa. Initially, milk or cream was not used in its preparation, and only then, from about the 19th century, these ingredients familiar to us began to be added. Today there are many ready-made instant types of cocoa. But is it really possible to make a real drink using powder from a can, where, in addition to the main component, flavors and other not-so-useful substances are definitely present! It is much better to prepare a drink from a natural powder in the early morning. How to cook cocoa, read further in our article.

Creamy hot chocolate eggnog recipe

This hot chocolate is very thick and very strong, with eggnog and extra chocolate, it's really hot! Beat egg yolk and sugar until it forms a light cream. Take milk with cinnamon, star anise and cocoa powder to the fire. Once it boils, add the egg yolk through the filter. Stir well until the sugar is diluted and returned to the fire.

Easy recipe for hot chocolate with condensed milk

Add chocolate and cook constantly until it thickens. Turn off heat and serve with marshmallows. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth and without cornstarch grains. Transfer to a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Cooking cocoa

The preparation of this drink will not take you much time, and the taste will delight. From childhood, we remember the fragrant powder, sealed in 250-gram packages. Everyone knew how to brew cocoa with milk, it was one of the few affordable and tasty drinks of the Soviet era. To prepare 1 cup, you need to take a glass of milk or low-fat cream, 1-2 tablespoons of natural cocoa powder (which can still be found in stores) and sugar to taste.
Pour all the cocoa powder and sugar into the Turk - if you do not add it, you will get a slightly bitter, pronounced taste of chocolate. Mix well and then pour in hot milk. Place over medium heat and stir constantly to break up lumps. Keep in mind that cocoa is not coffee, small granules of powder are not able to absorb all the liquid at once, so you need to control the process from start to finish. Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat slightly and simmer for about 1-2 minutes. Watch carefully - the drink should not "run away". It will become slightly thick, without inclusions of lumps. When ready, pour into a large mug, cool slightly and enjoy. You can add a little more sugar if needed. If you know how to brew cocoa with milk, you will never need to buy expensive imported substitutes in a jar.

A simple recipe for hot chocolate with marshmallow chocolate

Place milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place a spoonful of hot milk into 2 mugs. Add 1 tablespoon of chocolate to a homemade mug and beat until melted. Divide marshmallows between mugs and lid with rest of hot milk. Mix well, spread some marshmallows over hot chocolate and sprinkle with chocolate powder to garnish.

Confectionery to taste

Ingredients for the Dessert Cup.

Culinary Dessert Mode

Place the condensed milk, cocoa and butter in a saucepan and bring to average temperature to the point of constant pancreas. Wash the strawberries with the leaves still on and leave to dry on a paper towel or cloth. Reserve a few to garnish on top, and cut the rest into small cubes. Leave strawberry cubes on paper towel sheets to keep water out during assembly. With a large spoon, sandwich layers of brigade, strawberries in cubes and sour cream Nest. Because these are common confectionery is basically sugar, fat, and coloring, and ends up ruining the dessert instead of making it hotter, you know?!
  • Turn off, add cream and set aside.
  • Whisk all ingredients in a blender.
  • Finish with candy and reserved strawberries to decorate.
  • Take the refrigerator for a few hours to sign.
Cook the sweet potatoes without the skin until they are soft.

How to make chocolate from cocoa

At the beginning of the article it was mentioned that the term "cocoa" most closely corresponds to the American definition of the drink "hot chocolate", but there is still a slight difference. Usually the latter is still more dense and thick, with a pronounced creamy taste. To make a real cup of hot chocolate, you will need:

Then beat all the ingredients in the processor. When the dough is already homogeneous, place on a greased baking sheet and leave in the oven at 250° for 20 minutes. When the patty is ready, pass the peanut butter over it. Mix all ingredients well and bake for 10 minutes. The cookie will have a creamy texture, like a shallow collar.

Blend all ingredients in a blender and chill until firm. Place the coconut oil and chickpea flour in a tasteless saucepan. Bring over low heat and stir until the flour is lightly toasted. After that, add demerara sugar and cocoa and continue stirring to mix the ingredients.

4-5 art. tablespoons of natural cocoa powder;
- half, or a little less, if you prefer the drink to be bitter, a glass of sugar;
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream;
- 50 g of butter;
- a little white rum or cognac.

First you need to combine cocoa, sour cream, sugar and cognac (or rum) and, stirring, bring to a boil in a small saucepan or cezve. Then add butter and stir. If you think your chocolate is too thick, add some water. This recipe also works well as a topping for cakes or other baked goods. Knowing how to brew cocoa or chocolate will make a great and healthy breakfast for the whole family. A cup of an invigorating drink and your favorite sandwich will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

Then put in the almond milk and continue to stir slowly so that the milk is incorporated into the dry ingredients. Continue stirring until the brigadeiro begins to remove the bottom of the pan. When this happens, turn off the heat and place the brigadere on the refrigerator.

Finally, just make the peas the size you want and transfer them to your favorite cover: granules, cocoa powder, or cocoa chips. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. After it cools down, chop the cream cheese. and add sugar slowly.

We all know that cocoa is a very healthy and tasty hot drink and is enjoyed all over the world. The Spaniard Hernan Cortes brought cocoa from Mexico to our Europe. King Louis XIII liked the drink very much, and after him the rest of the European elite fell in love with cocoa.

A lot of time has passed since then, and the drink, having gained popularity so quickly, became available to everyone. Do you know how to properly brew cocoa so that it tastes great and makes you want to drink it again and again?

Put it in a plastic bag and freeze. Then cut the tip of the bag and make balls. Finally, skip them over powdered cocoa. brigadeiro is national recipe and is already part of Brazilian culture. It is easy to find in bakeries, pastry shops and folk houses. The recipe is tasty and practical, and therefore it is always one of the options when it hits that sweet craving.

However, taking condensed milk, butter and chocolate powder with sugar. However, with so many ingredients available on the market, and with the increasing need for a more balanced and healthy diet, some adaptations have been made to create a suitable brigadeiro without disrupting a weight loss and health focused diet.

If we turn to historical recipes and adapt them in a modern way, then we will get just such a cocoa. However, you will have to be content with cocoa powder from the store, because. hardly anyone will bring us cocoa beans directly from overseas plantations.

Choosing cocoa powder

Always have cocoa Brown color, its lighter shades indicate that there are impurities in the powder.

Suitable chef's recipe with date

These ingredients lighten part of the pan to thicken over simmering, then add cocoa to taste and then other ingredients and mix well until incorporated. Take it to the freezer to harden for half an hour and then you can form a marble and skip the grated coconut without sugar.

Whey Protein Brigade Recipe

Bring the ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly, until it comes out of the bottom of the pot and is brigadiro. Expect to cool down and make balls. You can pass it into unsweetened cocoa powder or sugar-free shredded coconut.

One of the most important signs is the smell of the powder. If it is chocolate and directly beckons you to drink an imaginary cup with it, you have a pure powder in front of you.

It is worth paying attention to the structure of the powder - it must be without lumps, otherwise it indicates either the product is out of date or a violation of storage conditions.

A really high-quality cocoa drink is obtained from a powder with a mass fraction of fat of at least 15%. Fat content can be determined in this way: if you rub a pinch of powder between your fingers, it should not turn into dust.

Recipe for Bridget Fit with walnuts and chestnuts

How to make condensed milk suitable? Beat all ingredients in a mixer until you get a homogeneous cream. Then take it to the refrigerator and gradually use it. Brush the saucepan with a little light margarine, then dilute the whey milk to dissolve well, then bring to the saucepan over low heat. Then add chocolate powder and sweetener. Stir gently until the brigade begins to thicken and detaches from the pan. When it's cold, make preference-sized poles and pass in shredded coconut, chopped hazelnuts, or nuts.

Also good powder always has a fine grind. You can try it on your tongue, and if you do not feel any unpleasant aftertaste, then feel free to start brewing!

Cocoa recipe. Classic

In general, boiling cocoa is not a very difficult task, and anyone can do it. What will we need?

  • Cocoa powder (which we buy in the store)
  • Granulated sugar
  • Cow's milk (you can also use water, but cocoa is much tastier with milk. It is also recommended to use homemade milk, not skim milk)

The proportions will be:

Brigade recipe with cocoa

Add all ingredients to the skillet and mix well. Bring to a low temperature and stir constantly until you reach the brigadier point. When you start to put too much into the pan and have not yet given a point, remove the heat and continue stirring, then return to the heat. Repeat the process until it is firm and creamy. Expect to cool and eat with a spoon, or make a marble and skip in sugar-free grated coconut.

Chocolate fried dough recipe

Dissolve the milk in the chocolate and let it boil. Add the margarine to the mixture and stir well until thickened and you have the traditional brigadeiro point. This recipe usually takes a while to thicken because there are few ingredients so be patient. Then let it cool and refrigerate to freeze for at least 1 hour to get even more consistency.

  • Milk - 2 liters
  • Cocoa powder - 6 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons

The sequence of cooking cocoa with milk:

  • Pour some water into our coffee pot (just to cover the bottom). After that we put it on the stove. When the water boils, pour milk into the coffee pot.
  • While all this is heating up, we take another dish and thoroughly grind the sugar with cocoa powder. Then add water - to get a thick chocolate mixture (similar to sour cream)
  • We mix our mixture with milk. Then we wait until it all boils again
  • Boil our cocoa for about 3 minutes.
  • Ready!

When you have already fully figured out how to cook cocoa properly, you should try other recipes for cooking.

Spice Up Sweet Potato Shrimp Recipe

Once cooked, knead the sweet potatoes until they are mashed, then add the other ingredients, stirring until combined. If you need to pour some water to give the alloy. Wait cool and make balls. If you want to pass grated coconut without sugar to spruce.

banana brigadier recipe

Mix the two ingredients in a skillet and cook over medium heat and cook for about 5 minutes to burn well so as not to burn. Let it cool and then serve in small pots. If you prefer, you can make balls and skip cocoa powder or sugar-free shredded coconut.

Cocoa and egg yolk

We cook ordinary cocoa, grind the yolk (half in proportion) with cocoa powder and sugar. Next, pour in cocoa, beat it all with a whisk and immediately pour into cups.

Cocoa with cream

Pour our cooked cocoa into cups, fill them 2/3. Whip cream with powdered sugar and spread on top of cocoa.

Biomass & Coconut Fitness Recipe

Add all ingredients to the saucepan, except for what needs to be carefully garnished and mix well. Bring to low heat and stir constantly until it begins to flake off the pan. Let cool and freeze for 15 minutes. Then make a marble and pass on the chocolate chips. Use coconut oil to wrap balloons.

Recipe from Brigitte Fit with avocado

Blend avocado with biomass in a blender until a creamy paste is obtained. Add coconut oil, hazelnuts and chocolate to a saucepan and bring to a boil to melt and turn on. Then add this mixture to the dough for the dough and let it cool. Make a marble and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

Cocoa with ice cream and berries

Cooking cocoa in the usual way. We cool. Put a scoop of ice cream (chocolate or cream) into glasses. Carefully pour in cocoa. You can decorate the top with berries.

Cocoa is recommended to drink in the morning, because it acts as an energy drink, which helps the body to be alert all day long. In addition, which goes well with crackers, muffins, cookies and other pastries. And so that foam does not form on cocoa (many do not like this), you need to stir it when it cools down a bit. When you drink cocoa, pay attention to the bottom of the cup (if there is any precipitation). If there is sediment, then the quality of the powder is not good enough, try to buy another cocoa powder.

Oatmeal Brigade Recipe

Add the ingredients one by one to the saucepan and mix well. Then bring to a boil so that the oats dissolve and become softer. When the broth thickens, turn off the heat and let it cool down. Make balls and put them in cocoa powder. You can take it to the fridge to become even more consistent.

Brigadere recipe with banana, honey and cinnamon

Add all ingredients to bowl and microwave for 5 minutes. Then wait until it cools down and turns into balls. Refrigerate for one hour and serve immediately.

Recipe from the brigade with cocoa and coconut oil

Bring all ingredients except sweetener to a saucepan over medium heat. Stir continuously until you get brigadeiro consistency. Add sweetener and stir until incorporated. Expect to cool for half an hour and wrap in balls. Pass the cocoa or sugar-free grated coconut and you're done.

What recipe do you use for making cocoa? Share in the comments!

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