Dream Achievement Practices. Lilac: folk omens

Family and relationships 25.09.2019
Family and relationships

Signs about blooming white and purple lilacs. Is it good to plant it near the house?

The hustle and bustle of everyday life steals our time. However, nature and its beauty find an opportunity to slow down our frantic pace and admire the flowering trees in spring, inhale their aromas.

And we decorate with lilacs the dining tables, the desks of teachers and the examination committee. We make wishes and follow the signs associated with it.

Lilac with five petals: signs

branch of blooming lilac with a flower of 5 petals

Since childhood, we remember the main sign of the lilac. If you find a flower with 5 petals on a blooming bunch, be sure to pick it, quickly make a wish and eat it. And believe that it will certainly come true.

Another interpretation says that your cherished desire will come true if you simply find a flower with 5 petals on a blossoming bunch.

Young girls of marriageable age also like to tell fortunes by lilac flowers. If you manage to find a five-petal star and eat it, guessing about your future marriage, then matchmakers will soon knock on your house with a wedding.

Lilac in the house: signs

a lush bouquet of purple siren in a basket

The sweet aroma of flowering lilac branches fills the space of the house with quiet joy, the energies of mutual understanding and peace.

  • Place it at the head of your bed on a cloudless moonlit night and mentally turn to the Moon to help you see a prophetic dream. The heavenly body through the lilac will gently answer your request and in the morning you will remember the details of the dream.
  • Choose purple lilac for homemade bouquets. It will protect from negativity, the influence of dark forces and the evil eye.
  • Dry some white lilac flowers and wear them on your body in a cloth bag. So you will attract harmony and joy to your family, and if you are not yet married, then your betrothed.

But do not put white lilac branches in the house. There is a sign that in this way you bring trouble on yourself - the departure from the life of your husband, that is, widowhood.

  • There is a belief that the lilac color of the bouquets of this bush, which flaunts in a vase in the house, scares off gentlemen from an unmarried girl.
  • Refuse lilac bouquets indoors if a sick person lives in it. It is believed that they speed up the course of his life and lead to an early death.

Cut a branch of lilac before the first frost and put it in the water in the house. There is a sign, if the lilacs bloom before Christmas, to be an unmarried girl under the crown this year.

Lilac in the yard: signs

multi-colored species of blooming lilacs found in courtyards

Our ancestors respected lilac bushes for their beneficial effect on the psyche and subtle bodies. She was associated with rebirth in the light, bringing harmony to the family, a loved one to create it.

If lush lilac bushes flaunt near the house, then it is under reliable protection from:

  • dark forces of another world
  • the influence of evil entities on all family members
  • explosions of negative emotions, swearing

Even the aroma of blooming lilac flowers is beneficial. It gently affects a person:

  • soothes
  • helps to put thoughts in order, tune in to a peaceful mood and contemplation
  • find the right solution in a difficult life situation
  • restores strength and multiplies them

Is it possible to plant lilac near the house: signs

blooming lilac under the windows of the house

Be sure to plant purple and white lilac bushes near your home. They have a beneficial effect on the space around it, the mood and atmosphere of your home and all family members.

By planting a lilac, you are gaining a strong amulet, a talisman that attracts only goodness, prosperity and peace, as well as people with good intentions, to your home.

The unique aroma of blooming lilacs:

  • harmonizes both the space and the person himself
  • prevents evil thoughts from being embodied, and dark forces from spreading their destructive influence
  • gives people of creative professions inspiration and strength to create their masterpieces
  • absorbs negative emotions and thoughts, and gives joy and ease of communication

Plant white lilac in front of the house: signs

white blooming lilac grows near the house

Following the tradition and signs of our ancestors, planting a lilac bush near the house is a good thing.

White lilac:

  • attracts to the life of people near whose housing it grows, love, abundance,
  • sets the relationship on a high pure wave,
  • the negative of space and people is transformed into positive and joy,
  • harmonizes the space and the internal state of a person who is in close proximity to it.

But there is another opinion regarding the white lilac. A number of signs say that it should not be planted near the house. It is better to determine her place outside of her site.

Why lilac blooms in autumn: signs

lilacs bloom in autumn

An unkind sign promises a lilac blooming in the fall. wait very cold winter with bitter cold.

When the lilac blossoms in early autumn, this indicates the arrival of a long warm period before the onset of winter.

Why they give lilacs: signs

A guy in love on a first date tried to present a bouquet of lilacs to the girl. So he showed the purity of his intentions, his reverent attitude towards his beloved and the seriousness of his thoughts. Especially if he was carrying a bouquet of white lilacs in his hands. A young lady will appreciate such a gift as a proposal of the hand and heart of a young man / man.

If bouquets of lilacs are given in the circle of family and close friends, then this is expected and is perceived positively. However, in relation to unfamiliar people, such an act is inappropriate. You do not plan to connect your life with them? Moreover, you are not going to love them with deep pure love, be faithful and fulfill your duty.

The fragrance and beauty of blooming lilac leaves no one indifferent. If you picked a few branches in a fit of good feelings, consider the signs and attitudes of other people towards receiving such a bouquet.

And better develop your character traits, learn to hear your inner voice, which will help you choose the right bouquet / lilac seedling and person to present it / place to plant.

We wish you happiness!

Video: lilac - signs and magical properties

In ancient times, girls tried to guess on special holidays. One of these holidays, which is considered popular, was the day of Ivan Kupala. However, the day of its celebration today has different information. Catholic Church celebrates this holiday from June 23 to 24, and the Orthodox - on July 6-7. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is one of the most interesting activities that predict young girls their future.

Will they break up or stay together?

Fortune telling on flowers is considered quite reliable and interesting fortune-telling. To do this, you need: two beautiful daisies cut from the stems, a basin of water and the presence of a boyfriend. Then the name of the groom is guessed and the flowers fall into the basin. It takes some time to watch them. If the daisies diverge in different directions, then the young are not destined to be together and they will part. If they swim together in one direction, then you can prepare for the wedding. This is such a simple fortune-telling on flowers that any girl can do.

12 kinds

For this fortune-telling by flowers, you need to go out into the field, where many beautiful and diverse flowers grow. Walking and admiring nature, you need to collect a small bouquet, saying a desire to yourself. Then come home and put them under your pillow. In the morning, taking out a bouquet, you need to count the number of species of plants collected. If their number is 12, then the wish will come true. Otherwise, the answer is no.

Throwing wreaths into the water

Divination for Ivan Kupala usually took place on lakes and ponds. Before the divination itself, the girls wove beautiful wreaths from a wide variety of flowers and plants. And having gathered with girlfriends near the water, they asked if they would get married this year. After that, together they threw wreaths into the water and carefully watched what would happen to them. The girl whose wreath has sunk in the water will marry. If it remains on the surface, then her wedding is not soon.


This fortune-telling on flowers can be done in the circle of a small company of 5-6 people. For divination, the following items are needed: hat or hat, flowers different kind. You can take: chamomile; white, red, yellow roses; cloves; cornflowers and lilies. All this is put in a headdress and mixed well. At this time, all participants think to themselves about who they like or who they love. Each participant in turn takes out one flower, which has its own meaning. A white rose promises a wedding, a red rose - a strong mutual love, yellow - to treason, carnation - good relationship, lily - quarrel or break in relations, chamomile - good news.

Fortune telling on lilac

For this fortune-telling by a flower, you need a lilac branch. Then you need to make some wish and, taking a lilac sprig, find a flower with five petals. If this succeeds, the wish will come true. If during the search it catches your eye with three petals, then it is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling on a dandelion

Some like daisies, some like bluebells, and some like dandelions. They cannot be called unequivocally flowers, but their very appearance looks fun and at ease. That is why children love to collect and blow seeds off them.

It turns out that you can not only admire a dandelion, but also use it for divination on a flower. For this, a wish is made to oneself and all their umbrellas - seeds - are blown away. If all the umbrellas fly away, then it will come true. If two or more pieces remain, the wish will come true, only with time. If there are more than half of the seeds on it, then it is not destined to be fulfilled.


Flower divination, like no other, fits well into natural supernatural processes that predict the future very well and accurately.

One of the most common "flower" fortune-telling for desire is fortune-telling with the help of lilac flowers. You make a wish and after that you look for flowers in a bouquet of lilacs, on which there are five, and not four, as usual, petals. If you are lucky and you have found such a flower, then your wish will come true, and if you come across only four-petal flowers, then, alas, it is not fate that your plan will come true.

Here it is necessary to stipulate one condition - the lilac should be ordinary, where, as a rule, there are four petals in a flower, and not eight or nine, like in terry, it is not recommended to guess with such lilacs. In addition, to find out if your wish will come true, you can pick a chamomile flower and count if it has an even number of petals. If you come across a chamomile with an even number, then the desire is destined to come true. Naturally, you should not count the number of petals in advance, otherwise all the charm of this fortune-telling disappears.

And here is another way to determine whether what you wished will come true. To do this, pick a wild rose flower, make a wish and throw it up. Look how he fell to the ground - up or down the stalk ( back side) If the flower lies with the back side up, then the desire will not come true. And if the flower fell with the receptacle up, then everything that you wished for will come true. Find a chicory in a field or meadow, make a wish and pick one flower.

Tearing off one petal at a time, say: "it will come true - it will not come true" until the petals run out. Whichever word ends, that will happen. You can determine the fate of your wish with the help of strawberries or strawberries when they bloom. Think of something and pick one small flower, then throw it over you and see where it falls. If the flower fell to your right, then the desired will be fulfilled without much difficulty.

If you found it on the left or behind, then the wish is not destined to come true; and the desired will come true with considerable difficulty when the strawberry flower is right in front of you. In the summer, when sunflowers are in bloom, go to the field and, having made a wish in advance, take out ten seeds one at a time from a sunflower. If among them you come across at least one empty one, then you will need to try to fulfill your wishes. In the case when there are more than one empty seeds in your sample, then what you have guessed is impossible.

And, finally, it may happen that all ten seeds you have are full, therefore, expect an early fulfillment of your plan. At a time when the dandelion has already faded, it can also be used to find out whether the wish will come true or not. In windy weather pick one such dandelion and lift it above your head, but not very high; see where the parachutes fly and see if at least one of them hits you. If you managed to "catch" at least one, then everything is in order - everything that you wished for should come true in the near future. Well, if all the dry flowers flew past you without hitting you, then, sad as it may seem, you will have to refuse to fulfill your desire.

If calendula grows in your garden plot or in the country house of your friends, then with its help you can also find out the fate of what you have made. Choose two from the whole variety of colors and guess on one that the wish will come true, and on the other that it will not. Just be sure to label them so you don't mix them up later.

And fortune-telling is this: you must carefully monitor during the day - which of the flowers "closes" for the night earlier, then it will be fulfilled with you. And finally, the last "flower" fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish. For him, we need a lily of the valley, and it is not even necessary to tear it. To find out if the wish will come true, find a lily of the valley in the forest and, tearing off one flower after another, say accordingly: "it will come true soon, it will not come true soon, it will never come true." On which phrase the flowers run out, then you need to wait.

Fortune telling by rose petals.

Choose the most beautiful red rose, you can buy it in the market, you can just pick it in the garden. But it should not just be the most beautiful, you should also like it. Therefore, when choosing a rose, consider the color of the flower that is most favorable for you. With the help of this flower, they guess at a loved one.

Put a rose in a vase of water, say - "Rose-beauty, you are the queen among all flowers, conquer both people and animals. Tell me if my darling loves me" Wait for it to fully bloom. When this happens, see how many petals are left at the base. If all the petals have fallen, it means that the person you have guessed does not love you. And if at least 2-3 petals are left, then you don’t have to worry, the one you are thinking about is also not indifferent to you.

Daisies hid, buttercups drooped - Divination

Do not be surprised, this is the poetic name of the well-known and beloved fortune-telling on a chamomile flower. In general, there are two ways of divination on chamomile, which we have proposed - one of them. With it, you will find out how the mysterious person treats you.

You should think about who you are guessing at, be it a girl or a guy, and after that tear off one petal from a flower and say these words - "Loves - does not love, spit - kiss, press to heart - send to hell" Do not forget that one petal corresponds to one value. On which of them the petals end, it will be the answer for you. But, if you want to have more accurate information, then we advise you to conduct a fortune-telling three times and after that draw conclusions about the real attitude of the hidden person towards you.

Divination: Loves does not love

it divination even simpler than the previous one, and you can use it when you want to confirm some facts or your guesses regarding the attitude of this or that person towards you. So, let's see if the one you have in mind loves you?

For this, as in the fortune-telling described above, chamomile flowers are ideal - they have a good arrangement of petals for divination and, in addition, chamomile has long been considered a "talking" flower for girls and boys. Pick one flower with a stem in the field and, tearing off one petal at a time, say the words: "Loves - does not love." On which of these words the petals end, that will be your fate. Just do not forget to do these manipulations three times, then the results will be true.

It is hard to remain indifferent to lilac. After all, these fragrant flower bushes are able to charm anyone with their beauty and aroma. What a pleasure to receive as a gift. luxurious bouquet lilacs. It's very sweet and soulful. Oh, what a pity that you can only enjoy the flowering of lilacs a short time at the end of spring. I would like these bushes to bloom magnificently all year round.

Surely you, too, are lovers of lilacs. Do you remember an interesting legend? They say that whoever finds a lilac flower with five petals will surely have their cherished wish come true.

Do you want to play this entertaining but very magical game right now? Make a wish and choose a lilac that contains the cherished cinquefoil and find out if it will come true. Test your luck.

Twig number 1

A very beautiful branch. Yes, even with a quintuplet. This means that luck will smile at you and what you wished for will surely come true.

Twig number 2

White lilac is very delicate and refined. But coincidentally, you didn't find the cinquefoil. But you know what? The chosen color indicates that you are subconsciously tuned in to positive. Your wish will definitely come true. The main thing - do not give up!

Branch number 3

In this branch you did not find the coveted cinquefoil. What does it mean? This suggests that you will have to rely only on your own strength. It depends only on you whether your wish will come true.

Twig number 4

If this branch caught your attention, then you can be called lucky. After all, there are as many as two cinquefoils on it. This means you will be doubly lucky. And your wish will come true soon

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Flower divination for wishes.

One of the most common "flower" fortune-telling for desire is fortune-telling with the help of lilac flowers. You make a wish and after that you look for flowers in a bouquet of lilacs, on which there are five, and not four, as usual, petals. If you are lucky and you have found such a flower, then your wish will come true, and if you come across only four-petal flowers, then, alas, it is not fate that your plan will come true. Here it is necessary to stipulate one condition - the lilac should be ordinary, where, as a rule, there are four petals in a flower, and not eight or nine, like in terry, it is not recommended to guess with such lilacs. In addition, to find out if your wish will come true, you can pick a chamomile flower and count if it has an even number of petals. If you come across a chamomile with an even number, then the desire is destined to come true. Naturally, you should not count the number of petals in advance, otherwise all the charm of this fortune-telling disappears.

And here is another way to determine whether what you wished will come true. To do this, pick a wild rose flower, make a wish and throw it up. See how it fell to the ground - up or down with the stalk (back side) If the flower lies with the back side up, then the desire will not come true. And if the flower fell with the receptacle up, then everything that you wished for will come true. Find a chicory in a field or meadow, make a wish and pick one flower. Tearing off one petal at a time, say: "it will come true - it will not come true" until the petals run out. Whichever word ends, that will happen. You can determine the fate of your wish with the help of strawberries or strawberries when they bloom. Think of something and pick one small flower, then throw it over you and see where it falls. If the flower fell to your right, then the desired will be fulfilled without much difficulty.

If you found it on the left or behind, then the wish is not destined to come true; and the desired will come true with considerable difficulty when the strawberry flower is right in front of you. In the summer, when sunflowers are in bloom, go to the field and, having made a wish in advance, take out ten seeds one at a time from a sunflower. If among them you come across at least one empty one, then you will need to try to fulfill your wishes. In the case when there are more than one empty seeds in your sample, then what you have guessed is impossible. And, finally, it may happen that all ten seeds you have are full, therefore, expect an early fulfillment of your plan. At a time when the dandelion has already faded, it can also be used to find out whether the wish will come true or not. In windy weather pick one such dandelion and lift it above your head, but not very high; see where the parachutes fly and see if at least one of them hits you. If you managed to "catch" at least one, then everything is in order - everything that you wished for should come true in the near future. Well, if all the dry flowers flew past you without hitting you, then, sad as it may seem, you will have to refuse to fulfill your desire.

If calendula grows in your garden plot or in the country house of your friends, then with its help you can also find out the fate of what you have made. Choose two from the whole variety of colors and guess on one that the wish will come true, and on the other that it will not. Just be sure to label them so you don't mix them up later. And fortune-telling is this: you must carefully monitor during the day - which of the flowers "closes" for the night earlier, then it will be fulfilled with you. And finally, the last "flower" fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish. For him, we need a lily of the valley, and it is not even necessary to tear it. To find out if the wish will come true, find a lily of the valley in the forest and, tearing off one flower after another, say accordingly: "it will come true soon, it will not come true soon, it will never come true." On which phrase the flowers run out, then you need to wait.

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