News from Korea: Dark Elfs will appear in BDO at the end of the year. Black Desert: Dark Elf Women BDO Korean Update Dark Elf

the beauty 04.08.2019
the beauty

Dualshockers journalists talked to the senior producer Black Desert Jae Hee Kim and lead game designer Suh Won Choi from Korean studio Pearl Abyss. From the interview, we managed to learn interesting details about future updates to the game.

The most important thing, perhaps, is information about the release of the long-awaited Dark Elf character. As it turned out, the female version of Dark Elf is almost ready, the release in Korea is expected at the end of the year. The appearance of a male version is not excluded, but, apparently, not immediately - the character is only being discussed. Other information worth noting is the release date of the weapon awakening for the last of the currently released characters, Wizard, which is scheduled for October.

And finally, the northern continent of Magoria. As it turned out, his announcement was a surprise even for Korean players, but on this moment the developers are busy creating content for the main continent, including the lands of Kamasylve and Drigan (the lands of elves and dwarves). The launch of new territories is expected at the end of the year, and after them Pearl Abyss plans to start work on Magoria.

Players who are fond of breeding horses are certainly waiting for the handsome ninth grade. As the Koreans said, these horses have unique features and simple breeding will not be enough to obtain them - this will require additional steps. Which? While a secret.

In addition, the developers made it clear that they are aware of the problem of sudden rendering of objects in the world (appearing out of nowhere) and promise to fix it over time. This feature of Black Desert has been annoying many players since the days of the Korean CBT. Another problem hated even by the developers (in their own words) is the “neon” hair of the characters under certain types of lighting. The problem, according to Pearl Abyss, is related to the peculiarities of the engine, and they are aware of it.

Of the other interesting innovations that Black Desert fans will see, it is worth noting the seasons. They will be accompanied by such effects as the snow we have already seen or cherry trees in the spring.

Black Desert Senior Producer Jae Hee Kim and Chief Game Designer Suh Won Choi from the Pearl Abyss team revealed some of the secrets of the upcoming content updates in an interview:

1. The long-announced Dark Elfs will begin a journey through the sultry sands of the Black Desert at the end of 2016. So far, the developers have only a female character in a state of combat readiness, which is currently being turned and licked to the ideal. No, talking about male version are also underway, but we still remember the story of the elf archer, where we were even shown screenshots of the character from the game, and things are still there.

As a final note, the long-awaited Sorcerer Weapon Awakening (the latest class available today) will be rolling out to Korean servers in October.

2. Locations Kamasylve and Driegan, the elven and dwarf domains, respectively, are also at the final stage of development and will appear in the game at the same time as the Dark Elves. As for the new northern continent of Magoria, information about which was leaked to the Internet not so long ago, work on it will begin immediately after the implementation of the plans for the declared content.

3. It became known that in order to get horses of the 9th grade ordinary horse breeding skills will not be enough, you will need to fulfill some special conditions. Developers have not disclosed details yet.

4. In conclusion, the developers reported that they are aware of the game's long-standing problems, such as: drawing objects out of nowhere and neon character hair in certain lighting. These problems are related to the features of the game engine, work on the fix is ​​underway.

The developers of Action/MMORPG Neverwinter spoke about the background and features of the race of dark elves - Drow. The developers have reported that the underground drow are related to the ground elves, but this does not add to the similarity in behavior. Drow worship the spider goddess Lolth and live in an atmosphere of cruelty and betrayal in the gigantic underground city of Menzoberranzan.

However, some drow still choose the "path of the hero" and go to the surface. In Neverwinter, these renegades are among the city's most dedicated defenders. It was they who recorded the increased activity of their brothers who remained underground. As it turns out, the warriors of House Xorlarrin are looking for the entrance to an ancient lost city dfarfs - Gauntlgrym. It will be up to the players to prevent this, so that the increased power of the drow does not become a threat to the inhabitants of Neverwinter.

As for the racial characteristics of the drow, among them, developers note dexterity, a predisposition to magic, and falling into a trance instead of sleep. In game mechanics, this translates into bonuses +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma and the Trance ability, which speeds up the recovery of campfires.

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