Lee Sol Zhu in China. This is how the wife of one of the most unpredictable dictators in the world lives! Titles of Kim Jong-un

Career and finance 09.07.2019
Career and finance

North Korea becomes more open: the wife of Kim Jong-un, Lee Sol-ju, suddenly appeared in the field of view of the media. In public, the wife of the North Korean leader appears infrequently, however, this does not in the least prevent her from influencing the state of affairs in the country. What is known about the first lady of one of the most closed countries in the world, read the material "Gazety.Ru".

At the end of March, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un visited China - on the trip he was accompanied by his wife Lee Sol-ju. This is the second woman in the environment of Kim Jong-un, in addition to his sister, Kim Yo-jong, who takes part in events of national importance. For the DPRK, where for a long time it was customary to hide the women of the first persons from the public, such behavior of the leader looks very unusual. The first lady of North Korea not only gets on the pages of local media, but sets trends for North Korean women.

From cheerleader to first lady

Little is known about Kim Jong-un's wife Lee Sol-ju. She is 28 years old and grew up in a privileged family of a professor and doctor. According to The Independent, before meeting Kim Jong-un, Lee studied singing in China and was a member of a cheerleading team. sports teams, with whom she even visited South Korea.

Under what circumstances did the future spouses meet history is silent, however

even when Lee Sol-ju became the wife of Kim Jong-un, her existence was hidden from the public.

The news that Kim Jong-un has a wife appeared a few years after the marriage.

She first appeared in public at the opening of an amusement park in Pyongyang in 2012. Then the television people casually mentioned her, stating that "although the welcome song resonated, Kim Jong-un appeared at the event with his wife, Lee Sol-ju." From 2012 to 2014, she was extremely rarely published, but in 2015, 2016 and 2017, she disappeared from public view for a long time from time to time.

However, North Koreans were never surprised by this. Kim's father, Kim Jong Il, never made his personal life public.

According to one version, the couple got married in 2009 and a year later, Lee gave birth to a child. According to another, the future spouses first met only in 2010, when Kim Jong-un attended a concert by Lee Sol-ju (in her youth, the girl performed in the state ensemble "Unhasu"). Now they are raising three children, but neither their gender nor age is known.

Main fashionista

Despite all the conservative views in the DPRK, Lee Sol Zhu is a big fan of fashion.

Even at state events, she appears with products from leading Western brands. Her collection includes jewelry from Tiffany, bags from Chanel and Dior, expensive watches.

Such a frank interest of the first lady of the DPRK in chic things is bewildering about the Western press: it is known that the people of North Korea are at least not spoiled for luxury, and Lee Sol Zhu allows himself to spend fabulous sums on handbags and other accessories of Western houses.

The clothing style of the first lady of the DPRK is of particular interest to the press. So, The Sun journalists are convinced that she is copying Kate Middleton to show respect for the West. As evidence, they cite one of the outfits that Li was wearing during a visit to Beijing - it matched one of the coats of the Duchess of Cambridge in color.

However, neither the silhouette nor the cut of Lee Sol Zhu's favorite styles is actually similar to what Prince William's wife wears.

If Kate tries to stick to the latest fashion trends, then the costumes of the wife of Kim Jong-un, rather, resemble the outfits of Soviet women.

Jackets with small polka dots, skirts just below the knees, open-toed shoes worn over tights, and, of course, a brooch - this image is reminiscent of the heroines of Office Romance. With only one caveat: then such styles were really in vogue.

Challenge to society

Despite the seemingly old-fashioned style of clothing, Lee's image is a challenge to the DPRK society. There is an opinion that it was the interest in the fashion of the (at that time future) spouse of Kim Jong-un that made him reconsider his attitude towards the dress code of North Korean women and allow them to wear trousers, shoes with heels or platform, jewelry that has been banned for decades .

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Very little is known about the life of the formidable ruler of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, and therefore the first lady of the state is a mysterious figure. She rarely appears in public, and her name, Lee Sol-ju, does not appear in the news reports, as is the case with the wives of other political leaders. Moreover, there is no exact information even about her age. But, despite this, some facts from the biography of this mysterious lady still managed to be found.

website collected curious information about the life of the wife of the Korean dictator, which may come as a real surprise to you.

1. Lee Sol-ju - the daughter of Korean intellectuals

She was born in the Korean port city of Chongjin in the family of a teacher and a doctor. The possible year of birth of Kim Jong-un's wife fluctuates between 1985 and 1989, which means she is from 28 to 33 years old.

2 She Was A Cheerleader When She Was Young

Before marriage to a Korean leader, the girl studied at the largest university educational institution North Korea - Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang, and in 2005 visited South Korea, being a member of the support group of the North Korean delegation at the Asian Championships in athletics.

3. Before marriage, she was a singer

Lee Sol Zhu was fond of singing, studied vocals in China for some time, and her future husband first saw her during the broadcast of the performance of the Eunhasu State Orchestra, of which she was a member.

4. Lee Sol-ju is a mother of three

The media believe that the girl gave birth to the head of the North Korean state of two daughters (tentatively in 2010 and 2013) and a son (in February 2017). According to South Korean intelligence, the birth of a third baby is not the desire of the woman herself, but the execution of an order, because the country needs an heir.

5. The wife of the Korean leader is a rebel

Lee Sol-ju became the only first lady of North Korea to daringly change her hair style and make short haircut- before her, all the wives of heads of state wore long hair. Moreover, the girl has a passion for fashionable Western brands: for example, among the accessories in her wardrobe there are bags from Chanel and Dior. And instead of a badge with portraits of leaders, which is mandatory for all North Koreans, this desperate woman allows herself to wear precious brooches.

6 She Convinced Her Husband To Give Korean Women More Freedom

Despite all the power and authority of his spouse, Lee Sol Zhu managed to soften his formidable temper: Kim Jong-un allowed the north Korean women put on trousers and even jeans, wear black tights, heels and platform shoes, and also allowed them to ride a bicycle.

What do you think of the young wife of the Korean dictator? Share with us in the comments!

The first lady of the DPRK, Lee Sol Zhu, is no less interested in the media than her dictator husband. And she has a knack for appearing spectacularly at public events, often trampling on the prudish morals of North Korean moralists.

Since her public appearance as the first lady of the DPRK in 2012, this beautiful young mother of three has become a global media darling. For certain, little is known about the girl, and her person is surrounded by an aura of mystery.

Not much is known about the biography of Lee Sol Zhu. There is even less data that can be trusted. The Korean Wikipedia says that the future first lady was born on September 28, 1989 in the city of Chongjin, Hamgyongbuk-do province. Other sources are limited to the period 1985-1989 and indicate that the girl grew up in Pyongyang.

Her mother is a gynecologist, her father is the dean of a local university (according to other sources, a military man). But it can be unequivocally argued that the girl came from an intelligent, proud family, as indicated by the status of the institutions where she studied.

Lee Sol-ju graduated from the Geumseong Art School, a prestigious institution for the children of the ruling elite. As a student, she wore an expensive watch, then-banned trousers, and used a vacuum lunch box. Lee Sol Zhu even then loved luxury, ignored taboos and saw no reason to hide her wealth. She gave the impression of a person who was not afraid to arouse condemnation or envy.

In those years, Sol-ju began her career as a singer. She has participated in festivals and is rumored to have visited South Korea as part of a cheerleading team that traveled to Incheon for the Asian Athletics Championships. Then she studied vocals in China, despite the fact that not every North Korean gets the opportunity to travel abroad.

Upon her return, the girl became a soloist in the popular Ponchonbo ensemble, which performs patriotic songs using electronic and string instruments. As you know, Kim Jong Il was a big fan of this team.

Performance by Lee Sol-ju as part of the Poncheonbo ensemble.

At the end of 2011, Kim Jong Il died, and since April 2012, his son began to rule the country. Then Lee Sol-ju appeared several times in public in the company of the newly-made ruler, which caused a wave of rumors about who his companion was - then it turned out that she was singing in the ensemble. And on July 25, 2012, state media announced that the girl was in fact "his wife, Comrade Lee Sol-ju."

It is not known exactly when Kim and Lee got married. Some sources report that the wedding took place in 2009, and Li had a child the following year, others say that the couple did not meet until a classical music concert in 2010.

According to South Korean intelligence, Lee Sol-ju gave birth to her third child in February 2017. No official information has been received from the North Korean media. The only thing known about the first child is that he was born in 2010. The second child of the North Korean leader is the girl Kim Joo E, born in 2013.

Lee stands out sharply among her compatriots in her manner of dressing. If most women in North Korea must wear formal suits and behave as modestly as possible, then the first lady of this country allows herself to wear a skirt above the knee, heels, and even laugh out loud in front of everyone, holding her husband's arm.

An absolute beauty by North Korean standards, Lee Sol-ju gravitates towards European and American fashion. With the appearance of his young wife in public, Kim Jong-un lifted the ban on North Korean women wearing trousers, platform shoes and jewelry, which shocked the country's ideological moralists.

Lee Sol-ju was the first life partner of a North Korean leader who dared to cut her traditionally long hair and began to sport a short haircut.

Also, Lee Sol Zhu allows himself to wear precious brooches instead of a badge with portraits of leaders, a must-have accessory in the DPRK. This was explained by the fact that for her there are no other men in the world, except for her beloved Kim Jong-un.

The dictator's wife is known for her love of Western fashion: she has been seen wearing bags from the most expensive designers such as Dior and Chanel. At the same time, her love of luxury goods has attracted international criticism, because ordinary citizens of North Korea have been struggling with hunger, drought and poverty for many years.

Prior to Lee Sol-ju, the leaders of North Korea had never taken their wives out into the public. For a country with a totalitarian regime, she shows amazing fearlessness and, unlike her predecessors, does not stand aside, whether it is a meeting of the General Staff or a trip with her husband to a dolphinarium.

Kim Jong-un and his wife Lee Sol-ju meet the football players-winners of the Cup East Asia- 2015".

Kim Jong-un, unlike his father and grandfather, has a quick-tempered and emotional character, which usually goes sideways for the leader of the country. But it can be assumed that a happy personal life - a beloved wife, three children - has a positive effect on the political decisions of the leader. So, in addition to intimidation and purges of the ruling elite, he implemented useful reforms.

It is not entirely clear what to expect in the future. But the inhabitants of the DPRK, thanks to changes recent years a faint hope settled that life would not always be covered with continuous prohibitions. As for Lee Sol-ju, today she is a style icon for North Korean women, and tomorrow, ignoring traditions, she may become a threat to one of the last pillars of totalitarianism.

Lee Sol-ju wife of the head of North Korea Kim Jong Un. Due to the closed state that her husband rules, not much is known about the woman herself. And all the information that enters Western media, neither confirmed nor denied by North Korean journalists.

The first lady of North Korea rarely appears in public. You can usually see her at the holidays dedicated to rocket tests. The woman smiles sweetly and takes a picture. Most often, she wears a dress in pastel colors.

According to the information that is available, now a woman 28 years and she is the mother of three children. Li was born into a good family, her mother was a doctor and her father was a professor.

For the first time, Lee was named the wife of Kim Jong-un in 2012, then this was officially announced by local media. At the same time, there is evidence that the couple got married back in 2009, and a year later, Lee already gave birth to her first child.

The secrecy around the wedding is not at all a surprise. For example, Kim Che-un's father did not show his many wives to the public at all.

As for Lee's life before marriage, South Korean intelligence claims that the woman studied singing in China and also visited South Korea in 2005.

Among other things, the wife of the North Korean dictator is known for her love of Western fashion. Handbags from Dior and Chanel were seen in her wardrobe. Of course, this was the reason for international criticism.

In early 2017, Lee disappeared from sight. Many concluded that the woman became pregnant. In August, information appeared that she had given birth to a child.

Interestingly, much of the information about the life of Kim and his family can be learned from former star NBA Dennis Rodman, who periodically visits North Korea and is personally friends with its ruler.

One day, the basketball player said that he saw the couple's second child, Kim Jue. "I held their daughter Joue in my arms and personally spoke with Ms. Li", - Rodman said in an interview with one of the British publications.

It is speculated that Lee may have been forced into having a third child in the hope that it would be a boy. Also, one of the North Korean defectors reported similar information.

Lee is far from the first woman who agreed to become

Little is known about the life of Lee Sol-ju, who was named the wife of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in 2012 (although she married him back in 2009-2010).

According to South Korean intelligence, Li is 28 years old and the mother of three children. At the same time, the DPRK government neither confirms nor refutes this information.

The wife of the ruler of North Korea rarely appears in public. She is usually seen at rocket test launch celebrations, during which she is always photographed smiling politely while dressed in pastel-colored dresses.

Li was reportedly born into a good family - her father was a professor and her mother a doctor - but little is known about her life and how she became the wife of the world's most famous dictator.

Business Insider has collected everything that is known about the mysterious wife of Kim Jong-un.

Lee Sol-ju was first identified as Kim Jong-un's wife in July 2012, when North Korean state media made it official.

The appearance of the "mystery woman" next to the head of the DPRK at numerous public events, including theatrical performances and an event to mark the anniversary of Kim's grandfather, Kim Il Sung, caused a long-term international media frenzy.

Li's formal introduction as the leader's consort was unlikely. She was briefly mentioned in the North Korean media while covering the opening of an amusement park in Pyongyang. “While the welcoming song was being played,” state television reported, “Marshal Kim Jong-un and his wife, Comrade Lee Sol-ju, appeared at the ceremony site.”

It is also unknown exactly when Kim and Lee got married. Some sources report that the wedding took place in 2009, and Li had a child the following year, others say that the couple did not meet until a classical music concert in 2010.

The secrecy around their wedding was not a surprise to the people of the country and international observers. Kim's father did not show his many wives to the public at all.

Little is known about Lee's life before her marriage to Kim, but South Korean intelligence claims that she studied singing in China and visited South Korea in 2005 as a member of the North Korean cheerleading team.

The dictator's wife is known for her love of Western fashion: she was noticed wearing expensive bags from the most expensive designers such as Dior and Chanel. At the same time, her love of luxury goods has attracted international criticism, because ordinary citizens of North Korea have been struggling with hunger, drought and poverty for many years.

Earlier this year, Lee stopped appearing in public for several months, sparking speculation that she was pregnant. In August, South Korean intelligence reported that she had given birth to a child.

It is believed that Lee and Kim are now raising three children, although the most detailed information this comes from former NBA star Dennis Rodman, known for his controversial friendship with Kim and frequent trips to North Korea. In 2013, Rodman said he saw the couple's second child, daughter Kim Jue. “I held their baby Joue in my arms and spoke to Ms. Li. [Kim] is a good dad and has a great family," Rodman told The Guardian.

South Korean media speculated that Lee may have been forced into having a third child in the hope that it would be a boy who could inherit Kim's dictatorship, suggesting that both of the couple's previous children were girls.

One North Korean defector told South Korean news channel YTN that she was under "pressure to give birth to a son quickly because the regime is no longer very strong."

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