Mole in the city. Mole and all-all-all

Auto 12.08.2019

The book "The Mole and Everything" is a new collection of seven colorful stories about the most famous Czech Mole, which has already become one of the unofficial symbols of the Czech Republic.

The cheerful Mole has been familiar to me since childhood from the Czechoslovak animated series. Curious and always ready to help, Krotik won the hearts of not only Czechoslovak children. Of course, I didn’t watch all the episodes (the animated series was filmed from 1957 until the beginning of the 2000s, and even won the Venice Film Festival in 1966). I watched only those few episodes that were shown on the Kultura TV channel in the last century.

Therefore, when I saw a familiar character from my childhood on the cover of a book published by the ROSMEN publishing house at the end of 2017, I became very interested.

The book turned out to be quite massive (the weight of the book is more than 1 kg, or rather 1186 g). It will be hard for the baby to hold the book in his hands. And this is significant, since the book is recommended for very young children.

Seven vividly illustrated stories about the adventures of Mole are placed on 320 pages printed on thick offset paper. There are a lot of illustrations. Almost everything can be understood even without reading the text. There is not a single spread in the book without illustrations. A kind of comic about a little cheerful mole and his friends.

ed. Zdenek Miler
Mole-artist (translated by P.P. Lemeni-Makedon)
ed. Zdenek Miler, Gana Doskochilova
Mole and TV (translated by M.V. Krylova)
The Mole and the Eagle (translated by V.E. Syzranova)
The Mole and the Umbrella (translated by V.E. Syzranova)
Mole and Christmas (translated by N.L. Koncha)
The Mole and the Green Star (translated by P.P. Lemeni-Makedon)
ed. Zdenek Miler, Eduard Petishka
Mole and little car (translated by M.V. Krylova)

It says on the book itself that

Literary and artistic publication for children under 3 years old

Unfortunately, the quality of the illustrations in the book is uneven, for this I will allow myself to reduce one point when evaluating this publication.

The illustrations of stories about Mole previously published by the same publishing house are clear, bright, and of very good quality. But the illustrations for two of the three new stories (on the eve of the book, the publisher announced that 3 out of 7 stories were published in Russian for the first time) differ sharply in the quality of illustrations and decoration. Illustrations for the stories "The Mole and the Green Star" and "The Mole and the Car" are more faded and blurry, and some are unreasonably enlarged.

(Colored paper. Volume application)

Software content. To consolidate the ability to cut out the same silhouettes from accordion-folded paper. To teach children to more accurately convey the shape of objects and create a three-dimensional object by folding the parts in half and partially gluing them together. Develop imaginative thinking with the help of riddles.

Demo material. Models of vegetables and fruits.

Handout. Strips of colored paper 18x6 cm, pencils, scissors, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

Lesson progress

Ask the children a few riddles about vegetables, fruits and berries:

A girl sits in a dungeon -

Kos on the street.


No windows, no doors

Full of people.


scarlet himself,


Kaftan green,



round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch

adults love me

And little kids.


Have the children look at the models of fruits and vegetables and ask them which vegetable or fruit they would like to make. Each child will need to take a strip of paper in the color of the selected vegetable or fruit and fold it three times like an accordion. Then outline the outline with a pencil and cut the fruit or vegetable along the line. Get three identical silhouettes. Each part must be folded in half, apply glue to one of the halves. It is necessary to glue two halves of different parts so that the second halves remain free. Then you need to apply glue to the halves that remain free, and also paste the third silhouette. Get a voluminous vegetable or fruit.

Theme of the week "Pantry of nature"

Lesson 3. Basket with mushrooms

(Modeling from plasticine in a tape way)

Software content. Learn to sculpt a basket in a tape way, firmly connecting the parts together. Continue to teach multi-part modeling. To educate in children responsiveness and kindness.

Handout. Plasticine, stacks, cardboard stands, modeling boards.

Lesson progress

Remember Russian with children folk tale"Masha and the Bear".

Ask the children:

Why did Masha go to the forest? (For mushrooms.)

Invite the children to help Masha pick the mushrooms into the basket.

To sculpt a basket, a long sausage or several sausages are rolled out, the ends of which are interconnected. The bottom and handle of the basket are molded separately. The first layer of sausage is applied to the bottom, then it is wound in a spiral layer by layer. A handle is attached to the top.

The theme of the week is "The Kingdom of Trees"

Lesson 4. Trees

(Colored paper. Application from cut out silhouettes)

Software content. To teach children to cut complex symmetrical silhouettes along independently outlined contours from paper folded in half. Continue to learn how to make a beautiful composition on a sheet of paper from cut out silhouettes. Continue to expand knowledge about different types trees and their characteristics.

Demo material. Subject pictures of trees: birch, oak, maple, poplar, spruce, pine, mountain ash.

Handout. Halves of landscape sheets, rectangles of colored paper 12x6 cm in orange, red, yellow and green; simple pencils, scissors, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings.

Lesson progress

During the walk, pay attention to the structure of trees, the shape of the crowns and the color of the leaves. You can play the game "Run to the tree that I will name."

In class, look again with the children and name the trees from the pictures. Give the children two rectangles of any of the four colors and ask them to fold each rectangle in half vertically. On one of the halves, you need to draw the silhouette of a half of the tree so that the fold line is in the center of the trunk, and then cut it out. When the children unfold the prepared parts, they will get trees.

End of introductory segment.

Text provided by LitRes LLC.

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Illustrations: Zdeněk Miler

Translation into Russian: I. Guseva, E. Rulina

Far, far away from the noise, smoke and garbage in the land where the clear sun shines, and in the morning fragrant dew falls on the ground, a huge forest stretches. Birds sing in it, butterflies flutter and animals live, to which the forest gives everything they need for life. After all, without them, he would be sad and lonely.

If you notice a Mole in the clearing, you just have to wait a little, as a Hedgehog with a Hare will appear next to him. If you meet a Hedgehog, know that a Hare or a Mole is nearby. Because the Mole, the Hedgehog and the Hare have long been faithful friends. When they are together, they are not afraid of anything, and the world seems beautiful.

One morning, the Mole and the Hedgehog ate strawberries and waited for the Hare, who wandered around somewhere. Suddenly, the forest made a strange noise, the branches of the trees trembled and frightened off thousands of birds, which began to rush between the trees. At first, friends thought that a thunderstorm was beginning, but they soon realized that this was not so. The earth shook more and more. What would that mean? The hedgehog lay down on the grass and put his ear to the ground.

Listen, what a strange rumble, he said to the Mole. - I don't like it at all!

And in fact, a rumble and a rumble were heard underground, which all approached them. Anxious ants began to run out of the anthill, they were in a hurry to hide somewhere. Trying to keep up with them, that there is a spirit crawling worm.

Get out of here quickly! he shouted to everyone. "It's coming at us, the jay said so!"

We must wait for the Hare. Mole explained to him. He'll be looking for us here.

They stood in the same place and looked impatiently for their friend. Finally the Hare has arrived! He swiftly rushed towards them, making his way through the bushes, and in one jump disappeared into the hollow of an old tree, where he had lived all his life.

What is it with him? - the Hedgehog was frightened.

You might think that he is completely unfamiliar with us, - the Mole was surprised. - Let's go to him.

They knocked on wood.

Hare, it's us, what happened?

The hare stuck out a frightened muzzle from the hollow:

Wait a minute, now you'll see, - the eared one stuttered and pointed forward - Look! Already approaching...

Indeed, the sight was terrible. Trees fell one by one to the ground, as if some huge scythe had mowed them down. The machines roared forward and destroyed everything in their path.

In the grass a frightened mouse flashed with its mice.

What are you doing here, she squeaked. "Are you waiting to be swallowed by these monsters?"

And the three friends watched helplessly as the forest turned into a bare plain before their eyes. The roar of the engines and the whine of the saws made their ears buzz repulsively. When the last tree fell, the sounds began to gradually fade away and finally died away.

The sudden silence seemed even more ominous to the animals than the deafening howl of the machines. Wherever you look - everywhere is a lifeless emptiness. There were only stumps and fallen trees, dead logs, which in the morning were a forest overflowing with life. And from the old tree in which the Hare lived, only a sawn trunk and a stump remained.

Are we all alone here? Mole sobbed.

The hare drooped his ears and burst into tears.

Stop roaring, you won’t help grief with tears, - the Mole pulled himself together. As long as we're together, nothing will happen to us!

Only friends came to their senses, as new cars rumbled. They came to bring the felled trees.

Where can we hide from the rain now? Where can we play hide and seek now? Where can we find cool shade if we get hot? - the little animals wailed and, remembering their native forest, wept.

Suddenly there was a rumble of an engine from somewhere above.

It's them again! - shouted the Hare. - They learned to fly!

We need to hide, - the Hedgehog trembled and curled up. - Sit quietly, maybe they won't notice us.

Well, what are you afraid of again, ”said the Mole. - After all, this is just a helicopter that sometimes flew over our forest.

Meanwhile, the car had already landed between the stumps, the engine had stalled.

The helicopter doors opened, and musicians appeared on the stairs. The silence was broken by the loud sounds of a bravura march. The musicians were followed by festively dressed men in hats. One of them, who looked especially important, had a white mustache and beard, he personally drove a cart with a large rectangular stone. He was followed by another with a hammer in his hand. The third carried a bottle of champagne.

Now our friends were already watching with interest the musicians, who settled down between the stumps, continuing to play solemn marches.

Finally the music stopped and the people turned their attention to the stone. First, they took it off the cart, put it on the ground, then everyone took turns tapping it with a hammer. After that, the most important of them, with a beard, delivered a speech over the stone.

And as soon as he finished it, the third picked up the bottle and smashed it against the stone with a flourish! A fountain of effervescent liquid sprayed out, which for some reason amused people.

Long live the future city! they exclaimed.

They said there would be a city here! cried the Mole in horror.

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