How do people work in the spring. The story of a speech therapist about the work of people in the spring

Fashion & Style 07.07.2019

Synopsis of direct educational activities
for children of senior preschool age "Work of people in the spring"

From the experience of Chetverikova I.A.,
speech therapist teacher preschool educational institution No. 21 of the city of Dubna, Moscow region

1.Activation, expansion, clarification of the dictionary on the topic.
2. Exercise in the use of diminutive suffixes in the noun
3. Exercise in agreeing nouns and adjectives with numerals.
4. Form logical thinking, develop coherent speech.

Shovel, rake, greenhouse, garden bed, seedlings, planting, watering can, greenhouse, garden, flower bed.
Plant, sow, water, bleach, cut, dig, dig.


1. Organizational moment.
Reading a poem:
Spring is red! You came to us
With warm rays, with fast streams.
The first March came, the white snow came down,
Behind him, April opened the window and the door.
And when May comes, everything around will bloom.

Children, what season is it?
After what time of the year does spring come?
What season comes after spring?
-How spring months you know? Name them in order.
What spring month is the coldest (warmest) and why?

What month is it?
-What do you think people do in the spring in the garden and in the garden?

2. "Rakes" - an exercise with fingers.
Hands like rakes (thumb pressed to the palm, and the rest slightly
divorced and half-bent), scraping on a rough surface with pads
fingers (on stressed syllables):

We rake garbage from the ground,
So that the sprouts could break through to the light.

3. Consider the picture "Work of people in the spring"
What do you see in the picture?
What is mom doing?
Why do people wash windows in the spring, sweep the streets, repair benches, paint fences?
What is dad doing?
What is your brother planting?

4. Exercise "And I will"
(finish the sentence according to the model)
Mom washes, and I will wash.
My brother is digging, and I will dig.
Dad saws, and I will saw.
Galya is watering, and I
Vitya cleans, and I ...
Nadia is rowing, and I ...
Vova cuts, and I ...
Grandma is planting, and I ...
Tanya sows, and I ...
Vanya whitens, and I ...
Pavel cuts, and I ...

5. Continue the sentence:
In the spring, people dig in the gardens (sow, plant, water, loosen, sow, ...)

6. Explain the proverbs:
If you don’t work in the spring, you won’t eat in the winter.
Who will not lie in the spring - whole year will be full.

7. Explain the word:
Garden, seedling, transplant.

8. Name affectionately:
Garden -
Garden -
Bed -
Apple tree -
Flowerbed -

9. Make sentences with pairs of words:
Dig - a bed; Watering - greenhouse; Planting - seedlings.

10. Count to five:
One dug-up bed One weeded row ...
Two dug-up beds
... Five dug-up beds.

11. Name and explain the fourth word:
Day - night, summer - winter.
Bird - egg, plant - (seed.)
Apple tree - garden, bulb - (garden)
Flower bed - flowers, garden bed - (vegetables)
Shovel - dig, watering can - (water)
Man - moving, plant - (transplant)

12. Reading, answering questions, retelling along the chain.
SPRING CARES. (according to T. Shorygina)
People have a lot of worries in the spring. We need to germinate the seeds, prepare the beds,
plant potatoes, onions, sow dill, parsley, carrots, beets. In the garden -
dig trees, cut dry branches, and plant beautiful flowers in flowerbeds.
Then the summer will be beautiful, and the autumn will be with the harvest, and the winter will be with supplies.
What are people doing in the garden?
What are people doing in the garden?
- Why are they doing this?

Lesson for children of the middle group on social and communicative development. Through different games, children learned what kind of work people do in the garden in the spring in order to grow a good harvest. Children, with the help of riddles, learned what tools are needed to work in the garden.



Synopsis of the integrated GCD in middle group"The labor of people in the spring"

Target : Clarify children's knowledge about the work of people in the spring in the garden, in the field

Program tasks:

1. Expand ideas about tools.

2. Systematize knowledge about the landing process.

3. 4. Develop mental activity as a result of completing tasks, solving riddles.

5. Correct the skills of productive activity.

6. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work, interest in agricultural labor activity.

Material : illustrations “The work of people in the spring in the garden, in the garden, in the field”, illustrations depicting the tools needed when working in the garden, counting sticks;

GCD progress:


We stretched our hands to the sun

We took the ray and pressed it to the heart,

We smiled, gave the guests a ray,

Hello guests, we are waiting for you all!

Educator: - Here comes the spring. Let's remember what has changed in nature? (children's answers) At this time of the year, people have a lot of work. Guess the riddle, what is it about?

There are carrots, there are cabbages,

It smells like strawberries in there.

And the goat there, friends,

we can't let go.

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, it's a garden. Who has a garden guys? Who among you likes to work in the garden? What kind of work do people do in the garden in the spring to grow a good crop? (children's answers)

Educator: -We live in an area where quite a long and Cold winter and warm summer. But summer is not long enough for all the vegetables to ripen. What is being built in the gardens for faster growth and ripening of vegetables? Listen:

At the dacha at the grandmother's house stands,

Covered with transparent film.

But grandparents do not live in it,

Tomatoes grow in that house.

Whatever happens to the weather in spring,

the house will cover both in the cold and in the heat.

(greenhouse, greenhouse)

Demonstration illustration.

Educator: And what other faithful helper friends a person has in the garden, except for hotbeds and greenhouses, you will find out by guessing riddles.

"Guess the Riddles"(with demonstration illustrations).

1. A black and long snake crawled into the yard,

Watered our garden, did not yawn at work. (hose)

2. Made from boards and put on a belt,

And this dish is kept from the garden by the summer harvested. (barrel)

3. Two brothers went to the river to swim.

One bathes, the other waits on the shore.

They go to the river - they dance, and they go from the river - they cry. (buckets)

4. Stand in one row sharp tsap-scratches.

It is convenient to rake armfuls of garbage with them. (rake)

5. A cloud made of iron, and a cloud has a handle.

This cloud went around the garden bed in order. (watering can)

6. I dug the earth, leveled the beds,

Brooks broke through and did not get tired. (shovel)

Educator: - And now I suggest you lay out the tool from the counting sticks that most often have to work in the garden (SHOVEL)

"Lay out the tools from the sticks"

Lay out the contours of a shovel from sticks.

V .: Guys, let's have a little rest and play the round dance game "Garden". Put on your masks and join the circle.

(A round dance game is being held - GARDEN ROUND ROUND)

Educator: Guys, we talked about the garden, and said that vegetables grow in the garden. And tell me what is the name of the place where fruit trees and berry bushes grow.(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, it's a garden. And what do people do in the garden in spring, what do you think?(Together with the children in the pictures they make up a story about work in the garden)

Educator: We remembered that fruits and berries grow in the garden. I suggest you play the game"Assemble a picture from parts"

Educator: Guys, sit down on the chairs and listen further. In addition to the garden, people have a lot of work in the field.(shows an illustration).There is large fields where people grow wheat, rye. As soon as the snow melts from the fields, spring work begins on them too. How to dig up such a field? Now I will tell you:

A steel horse rides, growls,

Behind the plows drags.


Educator: People need to have time to sow the seeds of cereal and vegetable plants before the soil dries up.

Educator: Guys, let's make a tractor out of geometric shapes.

The guys go to the tables, each one has geometric figures

Educator: Please tell me what geometric shapes you have (square, rectangle, circle.)

Children make an application according to the model.

Educator: What good fellows you are, you have such beautiful tractors.

Educator: Guys, what did we talk about today?

What do you remember?

Is working good?

Will you help adults in the spring in the garden and in the garden?

Educator: You did a very good job today at the lesson, and I want to present you with such medals “For diligence” as a keepsake of our lesson.

Final lesson on the topic: "The work of people in the spring."

preparatory group

Program content:

Educational tasks:

Consolidation of knowledge about the work of people in the spring in the garden

Consolidation of knowledge about growing plants, the necessary conditions for this.

Expand children's ideas about the world around them; involve children in the practical activities of growing plants

To consolidate children's knowledge about the formation, composition and significance of the soil.

Enrichment of children's vocabulary: picking.
Development tasks:

Develop the ability to conduct simple experiments, based on them to draw conclusions.

Develop memory, logical thinking, coherent speech.

Develop thinking abilities: analysis, generalization.

Develop an interest in experiential and research work in the field of crop production.

Educational tasks:

Raise interest in research activities.

Introduction to ecological culture and to work.

Preliminary work: work in a corner of nature (planting, loosening, watering); reading and guessing riddles about the soil, underground inhabitants.

Vocabulary work: soil, air, magnifying glass (loupe), laboratory, experience, fertile, humus.

Equipment: Glass cups with water, plastic plates, spoons, magnifiers. Earth, sand, clay. Multimedia. The box is a package with earth. Seedling. Gloves.

Methods and techniques:
Verbal: mini-conversations with children, story, explanations, questions, explanations, instructions.
Visual: showing how to conduct experiments.
Practical: elementary experiments.

GCD progress

Organizing time:

(The teacher invites the children to the circle.)

- Guys, where does it start? good mood? (With a smile, with good deeds, with wonderful surprises.)

We'll all take hands

And we smile at each other.

We're ready to play

Lots of new things to learn.

The postman comes to the group and

brings a parcel (a box with earth).

caregiver : Oh, guys, look what the postman brought us. What a big package. Look, there's something written on it. Listen:

« nature amazing storeroom. You put a handful of grain in it in the spring - and by the autumn you will take a whole bag. A bucket of potatoes in this pantry turns into ten buckets. A handful of seeds becomes a scattering of cucumbers and tomatoes, carrots and beets, bunches of radishes and dill.

What do you guys think, what is it?

Children: Earth, soil

caregiver : Let's open it and see if you're right. Do you know why they sent us this soil? What do you think?

Children : Maybe something to plant, sow.

caregiver : That's right, plant something.

Guys, what time of year do people start landing?

Children: Spring.

caregiver : And now we have spring?

Children: Yes.

caregiver : So, it's time to do garden work.

What do you know about gardening? How is work going there?

Multimedia photo display

depicting the work of gardeners.


caregiver : That's right. Are you and I going to plant flowers in flower beds on our site?

Children: Yes.

caregiver : For this that wealready made?

Children: We sowed flower seeds in boxes.

caregiver : Let's tell our guests how we did it.

Children: 1. We took three trays, fell asleep in them different types earth. Watered. 2. They took a saucer with water and lowered the flower seeds into it.

3. Those seeds that sank to the bottom of the saucer, we sowed.

4. Sprinkled with earth. Watered.

5. Covered with foil. They created a greenhouse.

6. Put in the sun. And they began to watch.

Watered. Look after. They kept an observation diary.

(Showing the observation diary. Casually).

caregiver : That's right. Let's now see what kind of seedlings we have grown today? What can you say about her?

Children: Seedlings did not grow in all boxes.

caregiver : Why? What do you think?

Children: We did something wrong.

caregiver : But in order to understand why the seedlings grew only in one of the three types of land, we need to conduct a series of experiments, experiments, observations.To do this, I suggest that you become a scientist-researcher. Who knows what scientists do?

Children: Exploring, observing, experimenting.

Educator: To conduct experiments, scientists need a laboratory. Scientists often consult with each other, discuss their research, so we will also agree with you on what to do, to help each other.

Educator: Recall the rules of conduct in the laboratory.

Children: Keep quiet. Put everything in its place. Don't throw anything.

Educator: Let's go to our laboratory.

You have objects for research on the tables. See everything.

We will conduct experiments with the help of tables that will tell us where to start, how to continue it, and what results we should come to.

And here is the first hint for the experiment.(slide)

What do we need to do?

Children: Smell, see, touch.

1 experience: children consider

appearance soil and give a description.

Educator: What can you say about all three types of land?

Children: Outwardly, they are all different. Sand and clay without smell. The earth smells of moisture. The sand is loose. Clay is soft as flour. The earth has some garbage.

Educator: Next, you need to find out what the soil, sand and clay consist of, that is, what they contain. How to do it? What items do we need for this experience?(slide)

Children: It is necessary to examine the soil, sand and clay through a magnifying glass.

Educator: Right. Thus, we will find out, determine whether they contain useful impurities that are necessary for plant growth.

2 experience: children look under magnifying glass

soil, sand, clay.

Educator: What can you say? What conclusion can we draw?

Children: In the soil we see stones, sand, rotted leaves, black earth and other impurities.

Educator: What do you know about soil composition?

Children: The earth is formed from fallen leaves and twigs, dead animals, pebbles, grains of sand. It contains "food" for the plant. The more such food, the better the plant feels. But in sand and clay, this is not all.

Educator: Right. Do you see it in sand, clay?

Children: No.

Educator: Next, you need to carry out the following experiment. Look at the diagram, what are we doing?(slide)

Children: Take a glass of water and throw a lump of soil into it. We will do the same with sand and clay.

3 experience: lower soil, sand, clay

in different glasses of water.

Educator: What is the conclusion can be done based on the results of experience?

Children: We see bubbles that rise up only near the soil. And this means that there is air in the soil, but there is no air in the sand and clay. BUTAir is essential for plant life.

Educator: Correctly. Well done.

Guys, you yourself have found the answer to the question: why our crops of flower seeds did not grow in sand, clay, but only in soil. Why? Let's make a conclusion.

Children: Seeds grew only in the soil, because it is rich in useful substances; it has air in it. All this is necessary for the growth of plant seeds. But in clay and sand this is not the case. That's why we didn't grow plants.

Educator: That's right, well done.

And now we will turn into flowers for a moment and rest a little.

Physical minute

i.p. sitting

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up(get up, hands on waist)

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stretched(hands up, stretch right, left, up)

Soared up and flew.(run)

The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly circles and curls.

We continue to work in the laboratory.

Educator: Consider our seedlings. Is it the same height?

Children: No.

Educator: Why do you think the seedlings are different, because we planted the seeds at the same time?

Children: Seedlings do not have enough space.
Educator: That's right - the seedlings are cramped, there is not enough space and light. But we can help her. I suggest that you dive your flower into a separate cup for each and take care of it.

A pick is a transplant of seedlings into a separate pot, cup.

Educator: What do we need for this?

Children: Glasses, earth, water.

Educator: Right. Here are the glasses, water. Where will we get the land?

Children: We also received a package with soil.

Educator: Yes. That's why they sent a parcel with earth, soil to our group.

Productive activity - picking seedlings.

Educator: Well done, we all worked hard today. We will put our cups with seedlings in the light, the sun, and we will continue to look after her, observe. And when it gets warm, we will plant it in flower beds on our site.

Synopsis of cognitive activity

for older children preschool age"The labor of people in the spring"

(Introduction to the environment)


1.Activation, expansion, clarification of the dictionary on the topic.

2. Exercise in the use of diminutive suffixes in nouns.

3. Exercise in agreeing nouns and adjectives with numerals.

4. Form logical thinking, develop coherent speech.



Shovel, rake, greenhouse, garden bed, seedlings, planting, watering can, greenhouse, garden, flower bed.


Plant, sow, water, bleach, cut, dig, dig.


1. Organizational moment.

Reading a poem:

Spring is red! You came to us

With warm rays, with fast streams.

The first March came, the white snow came down,

Behind him, April opened the window and the door.

And when May comes, everything around will bloom.

Children, what season is it?

After what season does spring come?

What season comes after spring?

How many spring months do you know? Name them in order.

What spring month is the coldest (warmest) and why?

What month is it?

What do you think people do in the spring in the garden and in the garden?

2. "Rakes" - an exercise with fingers.

Hands like rakes

We rake garbage from the ground,

So that the sprouts could break through to the light.

(the thumb is pressed to the palm, and the rest are slightly apart and half-bent, scraping on the rough surface with fingertips on the stressed syllables)

3. Consider the picture "Work of people in the spring"


What do you see in the picture?

What is mom doing?

Why do people wash windows in the spring, sweep the streets, repair benches, paint fences?

What is dad doing?

What is your brother planting?

4. Exercise "And I will"(finish the sentence according to the model)

Mom washes, and I will wash.

My brother is digging, and I will dig.

Dad saws, and I will saw.

Galya is watering, and I

Vitya cleans, and I ...

Nadia is rowing, and I ...

Vova cuts, and I ...

Grandma is planting, and I ...

Tanya sows, and I ...

Vanya whitens, and I ...

Pavel cuts, and I ...

5. Continue the sentence:

In the spring, people dig in the gardens (sow, plant, water, loosen, sow, ...)

6. Explain the proverbs:

If you don’t work in the spring, you won’t eat in the winter.

Whoever does not lie down in the spring will be full for a whole year.

7. Explain the word:

Garden, seedling, transplant.

8. Name affectionately:

Garden -

Garden -

Bed -


Apple tree -

Flowerbed -

9. Make sentences with pairs of words:

Dig - a bed; Watering - greenhouse; Planting - seedlings.

10. Count to five:

One dug garden

One weeded row...

Two dug-up beds ... Five dug-up beds.

11. Name and explain the fourth word:

Day - night, summer - winter.

Bird - egg, plant - (seed.)

Apple tree - garden, bulb - (garden)

Flower bed - flowers, garden bed - (vegetables)

Shovel - dig, watering can - (water)

Man - moving, plant - (transplant)

12. Reading, answering questions, retelling along the chain.

SPRING CARES. (according to T. Shorygina)

People have a lot of worries in the spring. It is necessary to germinate the seeds, prepare the beds, plant potatoes, onions, sow dill, parsley, carrots, beets. In the garden - dig trees, cut dry branches, and plant beautiful flowers in flowerbeds.

Then the summer will be beautiful, and the autumn will be with the harvest, and the winter will be with supplies.

What are people doing in the garden?

What are people doing in the garden?

Why are they doing all this?

Ekaterina Lukina
Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in senior group compensatory focus on the topic "People's work in the spring"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the senior group of compensatory orientation on the topic

« The labor of people in the spring»

Target: introduce children to labored people in spring in nature.


Educational - to clarify and activate children's knowledge about spring changes in nature; fix the names of the spring months; expand vocabulary children by topic.

Developing - develop the thinking of children, their attention and memory, speech and fine motor skills of hands.

Educational - To instill in children respect for labor of adults desire to help them.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

At lots of work in spring,

Help her rays:

Together they drive along the roads

talking streams,

Melt the snow, break the ice,

Warm everything around.

From under the needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thaw

golden blossoms,

Poured, swollen buds,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

At spring has a lot of worries,

But things are looking up:

Emerald field became

And the gardens are in bloom.

II. Main part.

Topic message lessons.

What season is the poem talking about? (O spring.)

Today on lesson we'll talk about spring and about what people are doing spring.

1. Talk about spring.

Guys, is it early or late? Spring?

What spring months do you know? Name them in order.

Name the 1st month spring, 3rd month.

What month is between March and May?

What month is ahead of April? May?

And now I will ask you "Tricky Questions". To answer them, you need to think.

What more spring or winter months?

What are more spring months or spring days?

What more seasons or spring months?

Well done guys, and you coped with tricky questions.

Let's remember how spring was starting.

(The sun is shining brighter.)

And what began to happen?

(The snow began to melt, streams flowed, drops began to cry.)

What happened to the trees?

(Buds swelled on the trees, leaves began to bloom.)

- spring nature comes to life and many different phenomena occur. What other changes have taken place spring in nature? (Fresh young grass appears. Birds flew in from warm countries and began to build nests. Animals woke up after hibernation. Insects crawl out.)

2. Game "Finish the sentence".

Choose action words and complete the sentences.

In the spring sun...(warms, bakes, caresses)

spring icicles under the sun... (melting, dripping)

spring snowdrifts from the heat of the sun ... (settle, melt)

Buds on trees in spring...(swell, burst)

Spring streams...(running, murmuring, ringing, making noise)

Birds in spring...(return, arrive)

Bird nests in spring...(twist, build, make)

ice on the river in spring(melts, cracks, breaks, floats)

spring first flowers on thawed patches (appear, bloom, bloom)

Spring grass...(breaks, grows, turns green)

3. Let's make a story about spring. And everyone starts their sentence with the word " Spring".

- The sun shines brightly in spring.

- spring buds swell on trees (tree with buds).

- Grass grows in spring(grass).

- Flowers bloom in spring(flowers).

- spring from warm countries migratory birds arrive (birds).

- spring people plant gardens (rake, shovel).

caregiver: Well done boys.

Fixing proverbs about labor.

caregiver: You said that people vegetable gardens are planted in spring. What are they planting?

Children: seeds.

4. "Explain the proverb"

Who won't last in spring, the whole year will be full.

V .: - We live in an area where winters are quite long and cold and summers are warm. But summer is not long enough for all the vegetables to ripen. What is being built in the gardens for faster growth and ripening of vegetables? Listen:

At the dacha of my grandmother, the house stands, covered with a transparent film on top.

But grandparents do not live in it, tomatoes grow in that house.

Whatever happened to the weather spring, the house will cover both in the cold and in the heat.

(greenhouse, greenhouse)

5. D / game "What do you need..."

They dig the ground with a shovel.

A tractor is needed to plow the field.

The combine harvests grain.

You can mow hay with a scythe.

6."Find a Tool"

Look carefully at this picture and name what kind of tools are hidden here. (children's answers)

7. D / and "One - many."

Tractor - tractors.

Seeder - seeders.

Shovel - shovels.

Paint - paints.

Watering can - watering cans.

Brush - brushes.

Tree - trees.

Shrub - shrubs.

Flower - flowers.

Tomato - tomatoes.

Cucumber - cucumbers.

Greenhouse - greenhouses.

Greenhouse - greenhouses.

8. Finger gymnastics"Garden".

There are many ridges in the garden: show palm, fingers to the sides

Here is a cabbage, here is a tomato, bend in turn

Here are beets, here are peas, fingers on the hand;

And our potatoes are not bad!

Our green garden rhythmic contraction and

We are fed all year round! clenching fingers.

9. Game "What We Saw" (with a ball)

I saw the field. What is it?

(Wide, flat, boundless)

I saw plowed land. What is she?

(Raw, crumbly, black)

I saw seeds. What are they?

(Small, round, golden) etc.

10. Drawing up a story from a picture « The labor of people in the spring» .

caregiver: In order to compose a story, you need to figure out what is shown in the picture and answer questions:

Where does the picture take place?

What season is shown? Why do you think so?

Who do you see in the picture? (Mom, dad, girl, boy)

How to call them in one generalizing word? (a family)

What are they doing?

Why do you need to do this?

How can you name the story?

And now you need to collect all your answers in one story. Who wants to tell it?

The labor of people in the spring.

Family working in the garden in spring. Mom paints the trunks of trees so that insects do not damage them. Dad is digging up the ground to plant young trees. Boy Misha is planting seedlings. The girl Masha waters them because the plants need moisture. The whole family is in a great mood. Everyone is happy spring!

11. Gymnastics for the eyes "Donkey"

The donkey walks, chooses,

He doesn't know what to eat first.

"Children stretch their index finger forward right hand, freely move it and follow with your eyes!

Plum ripened upstairs (look up)

And nettles grow below, (Look down)

On the left - beets, on the right - swede,

Left - pumpkin, right - cranberry,

(eye movements left and right)

Below is fresh grass,

(Look down)

Above - juicy tops.

(look up)

Head is spinning,

Foliage is spinning in the eyes,

(Circular eye movements)

Couldn't select anything

And without strength fell to the ground.

(Close eyes)

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