There is a long antoshka. Rain Riddles

Health 16.08.2019

Riddles for intelligence with answers

Riddles for ingenuity
    The hunter walked past the clock tower.
    He took out a gun and fired.
    Where did he get to?

    Answer: to the police

    One train travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes,
    and the other - from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes.
    Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow when they meet?

    Answer: At the same distance from Moscow

    One day when I was having breakfast
    My wedding ring slipped off your finger
    And fell into a full cup of coffee
    But the ring didn't get wet.

    Answer: There was ground coffee in the cup

    What could be more elephant and weightless at the same time?

    Answer: vacuum

    If water is poured out of a glass,
    What will be left in it?

    Answer: Air

    What is it - sits on a tree, black and croaks? For the letter Sh.

    Answer: Crow. Why on Sh? Because she pretended to be a hose

    How many months in a year have 28 days?

    Answer: All 12

    In one family, two sisters have one brother each.
    How many children are in the family?

    Answer: Total 3

    Name 3 days
    Not naming numbers
    And the names of the days of the week.

    Answer: Yesterday, today, tomorrow

    What can be cooked but not eaten?

    Answer: Lots of things homework, glue

    Three tractor drivers have a brother Sergei, but Sergei has no brothers.
    Could this be?

    Answer: Yes, if the tractor drivers are women

    Is it possible to create another element from two chemical elements?

    Answer: Yes, galvanic element

    Is this possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, and walking only four?

    Answer: Yes, a rider on a horse

    There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room. The owner came in with his dog. How many legs are in the room?

    Answer: Two

    You and I, and we are with you.
    How many of us?

    Answer: Two

    What words exhausted Winnie the Pooh?

    Answer: Long and hard to pronounce

    How far into the forest can a hare run?

    Answer: To the middle

    I'll look out the window:
    There is a long Antoshka.

    Answer: rain

    He stands, simple and strict,
    In a plain jacket
    He has a lot of pockets
    Wires in his hand
    And his eyes are like saucers
    They dim, they blink.
    And reach for the sky
    He tries with his hands.

    Answer: House with balconies and windows

    The more of them, the less weight. What's this?

    Answer: holes

    You overtook the last runner, where are you now?

    Answer: It's impossible

    Can you light a match underwater?

    Answer: In a submarine, yes.

    How to say correctly: "I don't see a white yolk" or "I don't see a white yolk"?

    Answer: yolk

    What are all the people on Earth doing at the same time?

    Answer: live

    Why did you buy a pop hat?

    Answer: For money

    Why is there a tongue in the mouth?

    Answer: For teeth

    The cow is 6 years old.
    What will happen next?

    Answer: The cow will be in its seventh year

    A tin can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After a while, the bank fell. What was in the bank?

    Answer: block of ice

    What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?

    Answer: Speed, time...

    As you know, all primordially Russian female names end either in “a” or in “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is only one woman's name, which does not end with either "a" or "i". Name it.

    Answer: Love

    Which month is the shortest?

    Answer: May

    The two cars drove towards each other at the same time. The first from the village of Vishnyaki at a speed of 10 km/h, the second - from the village of Medvedkovo at a speed of 15 km/h.
    Which car will be closer to the village of Vishnyaki at the time of the meeting of the cars?

    Answer: On one

    The arithmetic mean between a bicycle and a motorcycle?

    Answer: Moped

    No arms, no legs
    And he knows how to draw.

    Answer: Frost

    What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it?

    Answer: sea anchor

    What is it: walks on the wall and plays?

    Answer: A fly with a player

    Who will get to the refrigerator faster - a mouse or an elephant?

    Answer: Mouse

What is the weather

Weather is a combination of air temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind.

What words can describe the weather? Ant Questioner offered a whole list of words for this. Underline the words that really fit the description of the weather.

big, small, cold, warm, hot, narrow, wide, dry, raw, rainy, short, long, round, square, windy, windless, cloudy, cloudy.

And again, the Parrot has prepared riddles for you. Guess them and write in the boxes the names of weather phenomena.

Flying is not a bird
Howling is not a beast.
Answer: wind

I'll look out the window -
There is a long Antoshka.
Answer: rain

White Tikhon
Shot from the sky
Where does it run
Covers with carpet.
Answer: Snow

I twist, I grumble,
I don't want to know anyone!
Answer: Blizzard

Flashes, flashes
Someone will call.
Answer: Thunderstorm

Make and write down the general plan of the story about the weather phenomena.

1. What are weather phenomena.
2. The main weather phenomena (temperature changes, cloudiness, rain, snowfall, wind).
3. What weather conditions I watched myself.
4. How do I feel about certain weather events.

From the text “How the weather is predicted” (p. 34 of the textbook), write out the words that characterize scientific observations of the weather. Expand (verbally) the meaning of each of these words.

meteorology, weather station, weather satellites, meteorological aircraft and ships, scientific predictions

Meteorology - the science of the weather
A weather station is a station where scientists monitor the weather.
Meteorological satellites - work in space, collect information for compiling a weather forecast.
Meteorological planes, meteorological ships - collect information to make a weather forecast.
Scientific predictions - weather forecast.

Try to check with your own observations folk omens. If the sign is confirmed, paint over the circle with a blue pencil, if not, with red.

cones coniferous trees open - to dry weather. Yes
Swallows fly low - to the rain. Yes
If the sun sets in the clouds - wait for the rain. Not
If the dandelion inflorescences are closed during the day, it will rain. No, not necessarily
If the clover has brought the leaves together, and its inflorescences have drooped, wait for the rain. Yes

If you wish, you can find other signs of the weather in additional literature, the Internet. Write down 2 - 3 of them and also try to check.

If frogs actively jump along the road and worms crawl out of the ground, you need to wait for rain
If the first thunderstorm appears in April, then the summer will be warm and rich in nuts.
April with water - May with grass.
If the dandelion began to bloom in early spring, then you should wait for a short summer.
The evening rainbow portends good, and the morning rainbow portends rainy weather.
If in the summer you can hear the cuckoo singing well, it's worth the wait good weather which will last for quite some time.
In summer there are many stars in the sky - to clear weather.
If the dew does not fall on the meadows, expect rain.
Sparrows bathe in dust or sand - to be rain.

Without it, there will be no harvest, wells will become empty, rivers and ponds will become shallow. Everyone needs rain - people, plants, and animals. Let the rain is not always pleasant, but without it, nowhere - these words can characterize the attitude of people to this phenomenon for a long time. In a drought, entire villages and cities prayed for rain, calling for clouds.

There are a lot of signs about rain, as well as riddles and proverbs. Many of them are allegorical, but most are still marked by the stamp of practicality - all the same, the economy was more important and closer to the common man than abstract philosophy.

Rain Riddles

I won't leave home
While he is outside.
Drops pour on the grass
A cloud from the sky frowns.
What is this mischievous
Does it splash with water?
Drops right behind the collar
Icy water.

silver curtain
suddenly descended from the sky.
silver curtain
poured out in drops.
Dropped the curtain
cloud, can you imagine?
What is this curtain?
Can you guess?

Not a walker, but everything goes.
Wet people at the gate.
The janitor catches him in a tub.
How do you like a difficult riddle?

Who beats and taps on the roof all night,
Yes mutters, sings, lulls?

From a cloud, like from a sieve,
Drip-drip-drip water!
Flowers and birds are glad to her,
What is this vodka?

Proverbs, sayings, signs about rain

I look out the window, there is a long Antoshka.
They waited, called, but appeared - so everyone ran away.
Large, fractionally frequented and watered the whole earth.
He came from the sky, he went to the earth.
In every mop, if it is not raked in the rain, you will find a pood of honey.
Walked lanky in the damp earth got stuck.
Long-legged in the grass is stuck.
He walked, walked, and all went to the ground.
Fish above the water catch midges - to rain.
The smaller the rain drops, the longer it will go.
Beavers work all night before the rain, and frogs crawl out onto the shore.
In November, it can rain in the morning, and in the evening it will snow in snowdrifts.

Poems about rain

Poems about rain

Tatyana Agibalova

Early, early in the morning
Look out the window:
The rain ran across the yard
Played a little.
He watered the trees
pavement, lawns,
And Maksimkin dump truck
Found it under the bench.
Made two big rivers
At Vasya's entrance,
Then he took my crayons -
Color the rainbow.


The hedgehog gets wet, the bird gets wet,
gets wet in the electric train field,
wet branches and neighbors:
did not make it to the gazebo,
wet umbrellas and hats,
wet someone's moms, dads,
wet benches, fences,
only frogs are very happy:
jumping in puddles, dancing songs,
and wave the green flag.

He's completely inaudible
Went out for a walk.
Wet, soft beak
He knocked on the roofs.
striped trail
Drawn a window.
And having passed, remained
I have in my palms.

Poems about rain

Tatyana Agibalova

The sky frowns angrily
Chasing guys from the yard
My window is open
The clouds are looking into the room.
Even though I'm not a coward at all
I'll hide quickly under the cloak.
The clouds are watching - there is no boy,
And they cried in the rain.
Drum drops-sticks,
It's dark outside.
I felt sorry for them then.
And I looked out the window.
"Clouds, stop it, stop it!
Nobody offended you.
I was under a raincoat, in a sideboard!!!"
Strange, the rain has stopped.

Rain! Rain! We need
go home!
Thunder! Thunder like cannons.
Today is a frog holiday.
Hail! Hail! Throwing hail!
Everyone sits under the roofs,
Only my brother in a puddle
She catches fish for dinner.

Rain lei!


Rain, lei
rain, pour,
Do not be sorry!
Grass first
For her to grow
High and green.
rain, pour,
Do not be sorry!
Vegetable garden and garden
Let the flowers
Blossom all around!
let them grow
Peas and onions!
Rain, pour, don't be sorry!
And me a little
Along with the bow
And peas
I will grow up too
A little!

Brawl with wind and rain

Tim Sobakin

I was walking
in the morning
dream, dream.
Daring wind
out of hand
almost threw up
umbrella, umbrella.

Hush, wind
and then
will you do
trouble, trouble! -
The wind blew
in coat:
"I won't calm down
no no..."

I took an umbrella
like a rod
and by the wind
clap clap!
Well, rain
right here:
not in a big way
on the forehead, on the forehead

What is in first place in Russia, and second in France?

(Letter "P")

A tin can was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After a while, the bank fell. What was in the bank?

(piece of ice)

90 apples grew on a birch. blew strong wind, and 10 apples fell. How much is left?

(Apples do not grow on a birch)

You are in a competition and you have overtaken a runner in second position. What is your current position?

(If you answered that you are now first, then you are absolutely wrong. You overtook the second runner and took his place, so you are now in second position)

You overtook the last runner, where are you now?

(If you answered the penultimate one, you are again absolutely wrong. Think. How can you overtake the last runner? If you run after him, then he is not the last. The answer is impossible. It turns out that using your brain is not your strong point)

Do not write anything or use a calculator, and remember - you must answer quickly. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

(Answer 5000? Wrong again. The correct answer is 4100. Try to recalculate on a calculator)

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Chacha 2. Cheche 3. Chichi 4. Chocho.
Question: What is the name of the fifth daughter? Think fast. The answer is just below.

(Choochu? NO! Of course her name is Mary. Read the question again)

When a woman lifts her leg, what do you see? Five letters, starts with P, ends with A.

What lengthens when it is picked up, passed between the breasts and thrust into the hole?

(Safety belt)

What does a woman have on her body, a Jew has in mind, is used in hockey and on a chessboard?


What has a head but no brains?

(Cheese, onion, garlic)

Run, run - do not run,
Fly, fly - do not fly.


Little blue coat -
Covered the whole world.

blue field
Silver strewn.

(Stars on the sky)

blue handkerchief,
Red gingerbread man
Riding on a scarf
People smile.

(sky and sun)

White cat
Flying through the window.

(The lights of a sun)

Gray boars covered the whole field.

No arms, no legs
And the gate opens.

An eagle flies across the blue sky:
Wings spread out
The sun has stopped.

I'll look out the window:
There is a long Antoshka.

red rocker
It hung across the river.

No arms, no legs
And he knows how to draw.

The tablecloth is white
The whole world is dressed.

Flowing, flowing, not flowing
Runs, runs - does not run out.

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water.

Not the sea, not the land
Ships don't sail
And you can't walk.

What does half an orange look like?

(To the other half)

When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house?

(When the door is open)

Two nails fell into the water. What is the surname of a Georgian?


There are two coins on the table, in total they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What are these coins?

(2 rubles and 1 ruble. One is not 1 ruble, but the other is 1 ruble)

She was white and gray
Came green, young.

(Winter and spring)

Two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. Both men crossed to the opposite bank. AS?

(They were on different shores)

What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it?

(Sea anchor)

There were two fathers and two sons, they found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got one. How could it be?

(They were grandfather, father and son)

Hanging without work, standing while working, wet after work.

That it is easy to raise the earth, but it is difficult to throw far?

What rocks are not in the sea?

How do day and night end?

(soft sign)

Who speaks all languages?

Four birches grew,
each birch has four large branches,
each large branch has four small branches,
there are four apples on each small branch.
How many apples are there?

(None. Apples don't grow on birch trees!)

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with hares?


Which hand is best for stirring tea?

(In which there is a spoon, and if there is a spoon in both, then which is more convenient)

There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room. The owner came in with his dog. How many legs are in the room?

(Two. Animals have paws)

How many steps do you need to take to put a hippo in the refrigerator?

(Three. Open the refrigerator, plant the hippopotamus and close the refrigerator)

And how many steps do you need to take to put a giraffe in the refrigerator?

(Four: open the fridge, get the hippopotamus, plant the giraffe, close the fridge)

And now imagine: they arranged a race around the Kremlin, a hippopotamus, a giraffe and a turtle participate. Who will run to the finish line first?

(Behemoth, because the giraffe is sitting in the refrigerator...)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

(No, he can't talk.)

How many peas can go into one glass?

(Not at all, because peas do not go)

Small, gray, like an elephant. Who?

(Baby elephant)

How do day and night end?

(soft sign)

As you know, all primordially Russian female names end either in “a” or in “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one single female name that does not end in either "a" or "I". Name it.

There is a woman on the floor, opening her hole.

What is it: a hard one is inserted into a soft one, and the balls dangle nearby?

What woman first rubs against you, and then demands money?

(Conductor on a tram)

Whose footsteps do I hear all night?
I can hardly sleep now
Maybe the cats were shod?

We invite you and your children to absorb a little folk wisdom using riddles about rain in games. This is not only a fun game, but also the development of a child's speech, a manifestation of erudition, and just a wonderful pastime at home and on the street.

Moreover, riddles inspire the child to new discoveries, charging him with positive energy.

M We ask him, we are waiting for him,
And when he comes, we'll start hiding.

Who hits the roofs all night
Yes, he taps, yes he mutters,
Sings songs to us

He will go, we will run
He catches up anyway!
We will hasten to hide in the house,
He will knock on our window,
And a knock on the roof, knock-knock-knock!
No, we won't let you in, friend!

There was a lanky man, he got stuck in the damp earth.

Without a path and without a road
The longest one is coming
Hiding in the clouds, in the mist,
Only feet on the ground.

He makes noise in the groves and in the garden,
But it will not enter the house.
And I won't go for a walk
Until he passes.

He is not a pedestrian, but he is walking.
Wet people at the gate.
The janitor catches him in a tub.
Well, a difficult riddle?

He walks on the ground without legs,
Without hands, he knocks on the house.
We will not let him on the threshold,
To not get wet.

From a cloud, like from a sieve,
Drop by drop - dripping water!
Flowers and birds are glad to her,
Tell me what kind of water is this?

He has no arms and no legs,
Knocking under the window
To us in the hut asks

He, as if a guest is hateful,
Sad, he will not give a hand,
He knocks on the window dejectedly,
The kids get bored!
Only complaints and sighs
Only tears are shed by our guest.
Who drops these "oohs"
Outside the window? Autumn...

Of course, rain.

Which of us did not smile, watching how little pioneers in rubber boots test the depth of a puddle, sometimes bouncing in it, raising a wave. Or how little fashionistas snatch curls under their children's umbrellas.

Riddles are actively used by teachers and educators, because. kids are interested. Children in kindergarten primary schools pull the pens to suggest the answer to the riddle first.

Dripping from dark ships
And washes the flowers with drops.

It is long, but thin, but sits down - it is not visible in the grass.

What always goes down and never goes up?

They are waiting for me, they can't wait,
And when they do, they all run away.

Fractionally, large frequent,
Yes, the whole earth was drunk.

He came from the sky
And went to the ground.

Often they ask me, they wait,
And as soon as I appear, they will begin to hide.

Slim and tall
Fell into the sedge
Didn't come out myself
And took the kids out.

It wets the grove, forest and meadow,
City, house and everything around!
Clouds and clouds - he is the leader,
You know this is...

He does not walk and does not jump,
He swims and cries noisily.

Didn't stay in the sieve
Silver threads
And jumping free
They sewed a cloud to the field.

Look, I'm in the window -
There is a long Antoshka.

He is long and big.

He is from cloud to earth...
Let him go more, more
So that the mushrooms grow faster.

Who doesn't cry
Do tears flow?

He lives in the sky
How to go for a walk -
Lower your feet to the ground.

He was born in the sky
And buried in the ground.

We hope that riddles about rain will help you develop your baby's cognitive abilities in a playful way.

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