Ancient seas of the Moscow region. Ancient seas of the Moscow region Clay of the Jurassic period application

Recipes 11.09.2019

Against the background of the variety of colors of clay, black clay should be distinguished, it is also called black Jurassic clay. Why Jurassic? Clay formed in the Jurassic mesozoic era. The Jurassic period on our planet began 190-195 million years ago and lasted 55-58 million years. The age of the black Jurassic shales is 180 million years. Deposits of black Jurassic clay were discovered in the Moscow region, on the high banks of the Moskva River. They formed where there used to be, for example, a shallow warm sea. Therefore, it can be called black clay Dead Sea, according to the Internet edition for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old

The composition of black clay includes minerals that are beneficial for the skin. Cosmetic black clay is called a real treasure. The composition of black clay includes minerals and their derivatives: a natural mixture of magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromides, acids. Magnesium reduces inflammation, promotes the activity of skin cells. Potassium regulates moisture, which is essential for the skin. Iron contributes to the production of hemoglobin. Calcium has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, soothing effect on the skin. Based on this composition, it is possible to distinguish such properties of black clay that allow it to be used in medicine. Black clay treatment for acne problematic skin is going very well. In our age, there are enough factors of additional load on the skin: air pollution, exhaust gases on the highways, defective food, poor-quality composition of drinking water. All this negatively affects the skin. Minerals leave the cells, blood circulation is disturbed. The skin turns pale, loses moisture and elasticity. Minerals regulate metabolic processes in the skin, increasing its level of hydration, strengthen cell membranes, protecting the skin from moisture loss and harmful influence environment.

The deep healing action of the Dead Sea clay refreshes and regenerates the skin. The properties of black clay allow it to be used as an antiseptic, cleansing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent. The use of black clay this moment very important in cosmetics, medicine. Black clay reviews are positive. Cosmetic black clay in the form of body masks stimulates blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, relieves joint and rheumatic pains. She is completely up to the task. Judging by the reviews, black clay is effectively diluted with milk, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil, 1 yolk. It turns out a liquid mass, which is applied to the skin. In addition, black clay has found application in decorative cosmetics of many brands. Dead Sea Black Clay is an intense moisturizer that restores natural moisture levels and heals dry and cracked skin. Creams based on black clay are recommended to be applied to the elbow, joints, legs, hands, and other parts of the body where the skin is most dry. You can make your own cream, which includes clay. It absorbs quickly and leaves the skin soft. The price of black clay is so affordable that it will not affect your budget. However, decorative cosmetics from well-known brands based on it have high prices. Where to buy black clay? At present, enough specialized departments with these products have been opened in pharmacies.

Are there parks in Moscow jurassic", or is it another fantasy of my friend?

Filevsky Park. Stream with outcrops of Jurassic clays: landslides have tilted the trees.

Sea urchin spines. Jurassic period.

Two ammonites. Partitions inside the shells are visible.

S. PROKOFIEV (Moscow).

Indeed, in some Moscow forest parks one can come into contact with such antiquity, which is difficult to imagine, with the times when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth. Filevsky Park and the territory of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve can rightly be considered such "Jurassic Parks".

There, on the high banks of the Moskva River, streams erode the soil and form large ravines, revealing layers of black Jurassic clays. The age of the clays is approximately 180 million years. In those days, on the territory of present-day Moscow there was a shallow warm sea. And in the black clays of Moscow forest parks, petrified inhabitants of this sea are found in large numbers. First of all - cephalopods - ammonites and belemnites, which dominated the Jurassic seas and became extinct along with dinosaurs. Spiral twisted ammonite shells with perfectly preserved mother-of-pearl can become an adornment of any paleontological collection. They are up to two meters in diameter, but in Moscow, as a rule, the shells are small - 5-10 cm, maximum - 20. Ammonites are similar to their modern relatives - nautiluses. Curiously, ammonites are a more advanced type of cephalopod than nautilus, and they appeared later. But the ammonites died out, and the more primitive nautiluses still live in the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Rostras (inner shells) of belemnite mollusks are popularly referred to as "devil's fingers". Belemnites were similar to squids, but unlike these modern cephalopods, they did not have a thin plate on the dorsal side of the body, but rather a powerful shell with a pointed end. Sometimes even imprints of blood vessels are preserved on the rostra, confirming the location of the shell inside the body of the mollusk. In Moscow, there are rather large belemnites, up to 20-25 cm in length, very well preserved.

In Kolomenskoye and Fili, the paleofauna differs. Larger ammonites and belemnites are found in Kolomenskoye, but there are not very many of them. Ammonites here are very beautiful, mother-of-pearl, but soft - mother-of-pearl on clay. But belemnites are large and durable. And in Filevsky Park both ammonites and belemnites are smaller, but the ammonites there are strong, petrified and well preserved.

Apparently, the bright iridescent color of ammonites served to attract individuals of the opposite sex and identify individuals of their own species. Their mother-of-pearl has greenish, reddish, pinkish hues, sometimes with a yellow stripe in the center of the shell. In the water, ammonites look much brighter, which is not surprising, because they lived in water and in the air they could only be thrown out by a storm, but here they had no time for communication with each other.

In addition to ammonites and belemnites, other representatives of the fauna of the Jurassic seas "are found" in the forest parks of Moscow. it sea ​​urchins at least two types, with thin and long spiny needles. Bivalves and brachiopods, which, although not as common as in Paleozoic era, but still occupied a rather significant place in the ecosystems of the Jurassic seas. Since there are shellfish, then there must be those who ate them. Namely, dinosaurs. They have not yet been found in Moscow, but in the Moscow region, in the Voskresensk region, on phosphorite deposits of the same Jurassic period, fossilized skeletons of ichthyosaurs 4-5 m in size were repeatedly found. These sea lizards, similar to sharks or dolphins, hunted belemnites, like modern sperm whales on squid, and were a fairly common species in the Jurassic seas of the Moscow region. So at any moment, a black stone dinosaur bone may appear from the slope of the ravine.

However, dinosaurs were still found in Moscow. According to some reports, during the construction of a bridge across the Moscow River in the Brateev area, they found the skeleton of a small flying lizard - a pterodactyl. This is a very rare find - apparently, the pangolin fell into the water after death and was quickly covered with silt.

But dinosaurs are rare. But finding ammonite or belemnite is not so difficult. And after all, a sparkling shell extracted from clay until this moment last saw the Sun more than 180 million years ago, back in the era of dinosaurs.

→ Construction of buildings on Jurassic clays
"Foundation, foundations and soil mechanics" - 2000, No. 3
© R.S. Ziangirov, Yu.P. Krylov, I.A. Nikolaev, E.A. Sorochan,


The emergency situations of some buildings, the foundations of which are represented by Jurassic swelling clays, are considered. It is shown that as a result of a change in the stress state of the soil stratum during the excavation of a pit and its long stay without surcharge, the deformation properties of clays change, which caused uneven deformation of buildings. The uneven deformation of buildings also depends on the heterogeneity of the foundation soils. The injection of a sand-cement mortar into dense Jurassic clays does not cause a noticeable change in their deformation properties.

Geotechnical surveys (IGS) at construction sites are the first and important link in the chain of construction production: surveys - design - construction - operation - reconstruction.
The importance of IGI is that the parameters of the geological environment determine the rational type of foundation, the conditions for construction and operation, the reliability of buildings and structures. In the case of defective IGI materials, incomplete consideration of the parameters of the geological environment in the design, errors during construction, unacceptable deformations occur that complicate the operation of the structure.

As a rule, the main part of emergency situations (uneven settlements, heels, cracks in structures, etc.) are the result of errors made in the exploration, design and construction of foundations. This is facilitated by the diversity of engineering-geological conditions (GE) of the sites, even in well-developed territories, which excludes the automatic application of experience accumulated in other areas or impeccable theoretical solutions. When choosing design solutions for foundations, the OvTON always needs to look for the optimal solution that takes into account the IGI of each specific construction site, not only at the time of the survey, but also their changes during the construction and operation of buildings and structures.
A very instructive example are emergency situations in some buildings of one of the areas of mass housing development in Moscow (Brateevo, 1996).
The territory of the microdistrict is located within the Brateevsky hill, which occupies the watershed space between the channel of the Moscow River and its tributary - the Gorodnya River. The hill, composed of Quaternary sandy-argillaceous deposits, underlain by Cretaceous and Jurassic clays and sands, is part of the ancient alluvial terrace of the Moskva River, the surface of which slopes steeply towards the Moskva River and more gently towards the Gorodnya River (Fig. 1).
The main factors determining the GSI of the territory are the sandy-argillaceous water-bearing layers of the Quaternary and Cretaceous systems and the underlying Jurassic clays. The latter form a regional aquiclude and separate the lower pressure waters in the Carboniferous limestones from the upper surface waters in the sandy-argillaceous deposits.
By appearance, composition and structure, the Jurassic clays are quite homogeneous and form a thickness of horizontally occurring layers. They are dark gray, almost black in color, often calcareous, with thin interlayers of glauconite sands and phosphorite nodules, fragments of ammonites and belemnites. Physical and mechanical properties of Jurassic clays are given in the table.

The sandy-silty fraction of clays is dominated by common rock-forming minerals; quartz, calcium carbonates and glauconite, a small amount of mica; in clay fractions (particles< 0,005 мм) - смешанно-слойные минералы и монтмориллонит (до 60-70%), органическое вещество и карбонаты кальция. Большое содержание пластинчатых глинистых минералов с раздвижной кристаллической решеткой и органического вещества определяет высокую дисперсность глин, их гидрифильность и наличие коагуляционно-цементационных структурных связей. Микроструктура юрских глин - ориентированно тонкослоистая.
All these features of the material composition and structure determine the specific physical and mechanical properties of Jurassic clays - the ability to swell, low values angle of internal friction, the ability to long-term deformation, weak restoration of destroyed structural bonds, as well as low water permeability and anisotropy. The high dispersion and hydrophilicity of these clays explains their relatively weak compaction in natural occurrence - at a depth of 15 ... 20 m, the porosity coefficient is more than 0.9.
The Jurassic clay massif is characterized by an increase in resistance to static probing with a depth of 1 MPa in the upper layers to 3.5 MPa at a depth of 20 m, with individual rebounds up to 5–6 MPa in sand and phosphorite interlayers. Such a difference in the probe resistance values ​​in the upper and lower layers of Jurassic clays indicates the presence of soft-plastic clays in the upper layers at the contact with water-bearing sands and sandy loams. With depth, the consistency of clays successively changes from hard-plastic to semi-solid. The presence of clays of soft-plastic varieties in the roof is associated with the removal of cover deposits during the planning of the territory, which led to a change in natural pressure and decompaction of clays. Thus, the removal of a soil layer up to 16 m thick led to the unloading of the underlying soil layers and a change in the stress state by approximately 0.3 MPa. As a result of elastic decompression, a big number small cracks. The interaction of decompacted upper clay layers with water led to their swelling and change in consistency, which led to a noticeable decrease in the deformation modulus compared to unaltered clays in natural occurrence, experiencing pressure from the overlying soil layers.

The roof of the Jurassic clays is uneven - there are local depressions, not only closed, rounded, but also hollow-shaped, elongated along the slope towards the Gorodnya River. A low-power flow of groundwater moves along the clay roof towards the Gorodnya River, which stagnates in depressions and interacts with clay, causing it to swell, and determines its soft-plastic state. When excavating a pit in clay, this flow of groundwater can fill it.
A feature of the Jurassic clays as a massif is the presence in their thickness of layers of sandy loams and sands containing free water, which is not associated with a common groundwater horizon. The thickness of these interlayers is small, but their waters, together with the waters flowing over the clay roof, can lead to complications and delays in earthworks if drainage and timely drainage of the pit is not provided, which is necessary before laying the foundation.
The massif of Jurassic clays is also characterized by fine general fracturing and blockiness, which is especially pronounced in the upper layers of the section, as well as the presence of slickensides oriented at angles of 45 and 90°. These structural features of the clay massif can determine their stability in the slopes of deep pits or walls and roofs of underground workings, as well as increased permeability compared to the permeability of deeper layers.
In the vertical section, the Jurassic clay massif is characterized by the presence of layers of 0.2-1.5 m thick, homogeneous in composition and properties, which differ from each other in dispersion and density, as well as layers of sands and phosphorites. This feature of the structure, at first glance, in a homogeneous clayey strata, can complicate the construction of underground workings and deep pits, since the shear resistance of interlayers of different clay content can be different. Thus, the angle of internal friction varies from 7...8° for interlayers of oily clays to 15...17° for more sandy varieties.
The results of surveys (see table) carried out by Mosgorgeotrest in 1995 in Brateevo were favorable enough to design the foundations of buildings on a natural foundation by arranging either a solid reinforced concrete slab or transverse strips of foundation pads in a shallow excavation. The predicted final settlement for the majority of 17-storey residential buildings did not exceed the limit values ​​according to SNiP 2.02.01-83. Uneven precipitation and heels of buildings also did not exceed the standard values.
Before building up the microdistrict in the second half of 1995, a layer of soil was removed to the roof of the Jurassic clays, and a foundation pit was dug to the full depth. However, the construction was started only after 4…5 months. The pits were filled with water for a long time, the foundation soils swelled, and when frosts set in, they froze.
Consider cases of emergency situations that led to a delay in the construction and start of operation of buildings.
Residential 17-storey large-panel house L?3 has a foundation in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab 60 cm thick with working seams. The base is covered with dark gray Jurassic clays. At the corner of the house, water-saturated plastic sandy loams were found that filled the ravine in the roof of the Jurassic clays.
The building, which had a U-shape in plan (Fig. 2), was erected in several stages. First, the basement of the entire house was assembled, and then the construction of the first stage began.
The first signs of uneven settlement appeared after the installation of five floors. However, the builders did not attach due importance to these distortions, continuing to build the building at a rapid pace, while correcting the deviations of the walls from the vertical with linings. Upon completion of the construction of the first stage, the pressure along the sole of the slab was 0.2 MPa, and under the rest of the house 0.015 MPa, i.e. an order of magnitude less.
After cracks were found in the structures of the basement, mainly at the junction of the assembled 17-storey part of the building and the basement of the rest of the building, construction was suspended and the deformation of the building was monitored, and additional engineering and geological surveys were also carried out.
The greatest foundation settlements (up to 17.4 mm in 5 months) were observed in the sixth section adjacent to the unfinished part of the house, the foundation of which was located on soft sandy loams that filled the Jurassic clay depression in the roof (see Fig. 2). The settlements of the sections of the house resting on clay did not exceed 3–6 mm. The maximum list (126...146 mm) was observed in the part of the house that had undergone the greatest draft. By the end of the observation period (October 1996), precipitation and heels of all sections stabilized. In this case, the torsion of the building actually took place (Fig. 3, 4).
The study of the resistance to static sounding showed that the properties of loams and sandy loams filling the depression in the top of the Jurassic clays were noticeably lower than under the marginal parts of the basement, based on Jurassic clays. For loams, the soil resistance to the cone was approximately 0.5 MPa, the deformation modulus was 0.8 ... 1.0 MPa, while for Jurassic clays it exceeded 3 MPa. The heterogeneity of the foundation soils led to the uneven settlement of the building.
Comparison of the results of static sounding in 1995 and 1996 soils lying at the same absolute elevations showed that during about a year the resistance to static probing of Jurassic clays decreased by 2...5 times in a layer up to 1.8 ..2 m thick. 5 m. After the compaction of the weak and swollen layers of the soil, the building's settlement began to stabilize.
However, the foundation soils were fixed by injecting a sand-cement mortar at a pressure of up to 13 atm into holes 6 m deep, which led to the rise of part of the house, without subsequently changing the nature of the settlement over time. So, the draft after the erection of the hull was 6.0 mm (see Fig. 2); the rise of the hull as a result of cement injection is 12.0 mm, and its settlement after completion of the injection is 7.8 mm.
Thus, the reason for the uneven settlement and heeling of some sections of house No. 3 was the heterogeneity of the foundation pounds.
The second stage of house No. 3 was erected in 5 ... 6 months. Observations showed that the average draft was 41.4 mm with a range of values ​​from 22 to 53 mm. Such a settlement is due to the compaction of the swollen Jurassic clay, which has been unloaded for a long time.
Another residential 17-storey two-section large-panel house No. 3a was erected on a monolithic reinforced concrete slab 60 cm thick. Jurassic clays lay at the base of the foundation of the house, however, bulk soils (-0.9 m) were not completely passed under one of their edge parts. As in the previous case, the foundation soils for a long time exposed to moisture in an open pit. After the installation of the basement at a pressure under the base of the foundation of 0.015 MPa, hairline cracks appeared in the panels and floor slabs in some places, which led to the cessation of construction.
Geodetic observations showed (Fig. 5) that in winter period and after the foundation soil thawed, an uneven rise of the building occurred with the appearance of cracks in its structures, the cause of which was the impact of two factors - heaving and swelling of Jurassic clays.
To strengthen the foundation soil, a cement mortar was pumped through the drilled wells under pressure, similar to the strengthening of the soil under house No. 3, which led to the rise of the structure (70 ... 80 mm for some brands). After the construction of 17 floors, the settlement process began, which averaged 40 mm, which is comparable to the settlements of the second stage of house No. 3. This indicates that the injection of cement mortar into dense Jurassic clays does not cause a noticeable change in the deformation properties of these clays.
In the process of pumping the cement mortar, an uneven rise of the entire building with the formation of a roll was observed (see Fig. 5). Upon completion of pumping, the list in the longitudinal direction along wall 1-1 reached a value of - 0.005, wall 2-2 - 0.0031, and in the transverse direction, respectively, 0.0025 and 0.0011, i.e. did not exceed the limit values ​​of roll according to SNiP 2.02.01-83.
Upon completion of work on strengthening the base, during the installation of the above-ground part of the building, intensive settlement of the foundation was observed, (the largest value of which was 55 mm) similar to the settlement of house No. 5, where the cementation of the foundation soil was not carried out. It should be noted that the tilt of the building did not increase during the settlement.
Residential 17-storey building No. 1 had strip foundations 3.2 m wide from standard reinforced concrete foundation slabs. The walls of the technical underground are made of reinforced concrete panels, the foundations are Jurassic clays.
After the installation of the house, subvertical cracks were found in one of the sections in the load-bearing panels. The measured settlements of individual foundation slabs reached 50 mm. The opening of the foundations with pits passed from the basement showed the presence of depressions in the roof of the Jurassic clay filled with sand and clay of a disturbed structure. Thus, the cause of the deformations was the fragmentation of the pit in local places below the required level, followed by backfilling with soil without compacting it.

The multi-section 17-storey residential building No. 5 was also designed on strip foundations 3.2 m wide from standard reinforced concrete blocks. After the construction of the basement, hairline cracks were found in separate wall panels and slabs; the ceilings were caused by swelling and heaving of the Jurassic clay, which serves as the base of the scrap foundations. Some experts also suggested fixing the soil by pumping cement mortar, similar to house No. Za. However, later the proposal of the authors to continue construction without pumping the solution into the base soil was accepted. 6, which shows the settlements of the grades installed on the house, it can be seen that after the completion of construction, the settlements decreased sharply and did not exceed 60 mm. In this case, the maximum deformation non-uniformity was 0.0006 with an allowable draft of 100 mm and a relative difference of 0.0016. The construction of house No. 5 confirmed the possibility of using traditional foundations on a natural foundation, represented by Jurassic clays in bedrock.

I. Jurassic clays in natural occurrence serve as a reliable foundation for buildings and structures, have sufficient strength and low compressibility. Their negative qualities are heaving and swelling, therefore it is necessary to prevent this phenomenon in open pits. In particular, breaks in construction should be excluded, and clay should not be left unloaded for a long period. The thickness of the altered layer of Jurassic clays as a result of unloading, freezing, thawing and swelling during one year can reach 4...5 m.
2. The draft of 17-storey houses on a slab or strip foundation erected on Jurassic clays does not exceed 8 cm, and the roll is within acceptable limits.
3. The injection of a sand-cement mixture into the foundation of the constructed buildings leads to the rise of the building, without subsequently changing the magnitude and nature of the precipitation.

Last time I went to the Jurassic ravine in search of deposits of those years. There was a hope to find ammonites and it was justified. A fragment of ammonite was found. But the ravine was not fully examined and tested. Snow and ice were not allowed to complete, and the day was waning. I decided that I should continue the inspection and at the same time look into the neighboring ravine.
These are the deposits of the Jurassic period. And the Jurassic clays turn out to be not quite black either. It all depends on the minerals that are in these clays.

And a little closer.

Took a sample of glacial deposits that overlap the Jurassic deposits. Clay was broken for a long time in a tray to the consistency of washing. While photographing and she lay down in a dense layer.

This is a piece cut with a shovel. And why didn't you put it in your backpack? At home I would take a closer look. Everything interesting should be collected and considered in more detail.

I read about black, green and other clays from the Dead Sea. For a jar of 500 grams they ask for 500 rubles. This is how many thousands of rubles I threw with a shovel today. But there is something to grab. I gained at least one kilogram on a shovel and this is one thousand rubles. Cleaning the slope, I threw off at least 100 shovels of this very black-green clay. One hundred thousand rubles into the river. And you don't have to go to work. In the literal sense of the word today rowed money with a shovel. Only now the trouble is not to yourself, but from yourself. Anyone interested in this topic can bring clay samples for research. Ecologically clean area.
Side of the ravine with Jura black clay outcrop.

Several times the soil began to leave from under his feet, and he had no particular desire to be in cold water. And why create a riddle for future paleontologists? Sensation - In the thickness of the Jurassic deposits, the remains of homo sapiens were found. Who ate who? Homo sapiens ammonites or Ammonites Homo sapiens? And in today's realities, our lovely women spend a lot of money on the purchase of Dead Sea minerals, although this is the same as in our suburbs. In the store in a beautiful box and incomprehensible letters. The instructions are also written in Hebrew. But our quick-witted ladies quickly distributed where to apply what color clay and what it helps with. We read the name Glauconite clay - green clay. Something mysterious, well, kind of glamorous. And all that from the Greek glaukos - "light green". How it sounds - "Today I took glauconite procedures. My skin is soft and velvety." Glauconite is a mineral, hydrous aluminosilicate of iron, silica and potassium oxide of variable composition. Chemical formula(K, H2O) (Fe3+,Al,Fe2+,Mg) 2 (OH)2×nH2O. Very mineralized. Glauconite was formed during the Jurassic period when dinosaurs lived, almost 200 million years ago. Without access to oxygen high pressure the clay was compressed, but not petrified. It remained in its original form and human activity did not in any way affect its properties. The same green and black clays that are mined from the Dead Sea were exposed to the results of human life - oil spills, wars, and others.
The chemical composition of glauconite is very variable: potassium oxide (K2O) 4.4-9.4%, sodium oxide (Na2O) 0-3.5%, aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 5.5-22.6%, iron oxide (Fe2O3 ) 6.1-27.9%, iron oxide (FeO) 0.8-8.6%, magnesium oxide (MgO) 2.4-4.5%, silicon dioxide (SiO2) 47.6-52.9 %, water (H2O) 4.9-13.5%.
Those wishing to take glauconite procedures or simply plunge into the bathroom with green (black) clay, write, order. I will bring any amount. Let there be a box from abroad for girlfriends on the shelf for cosmetics, and half a bag for yourself beloved on the loggia. Cleansing procedures can be done every day. Get rid of dandruff for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Heal all kinds of scars every night.
How to prepare haukonite clay at home for use? Yes, very simple. Soak the right amount in a certain container and fill it with water. After dehydration, it was stirred several times and the heavy particles were allowed to settle to the bottom. We collected everything that is on top and here is the finished preparation for cosmetic procedures. Apply all over the body.
I could write it all down beautiful words using the names of famous cosmetic companies, but wrote that way. The same clay. with the same properties. Apply. Enjoy.
Dear readers Don't forget that it's spring outside. This does not mean that you have to run to the store to buy something spring. This means that you need to get out into nature. Just take a walk in the woods. Listen to the birds sing. They sing about love. They sing about life. Still there are such dull areas.

Throw the blues aside. Step out to the creek in the sun from the shade. Listen to how the spring water runs. There are still remnants of ice, and the plants are already reaching for the sun.

Look back and see the beautiful birth of a new life.

Even the old lichen and he rejuvenated feeling the spring.

Mushrooms are among the first to try to extend their genus. I don't know the name of this mushroom, but it's really beautiful.

Admire the photos for now, and I went along the river.

Stop. Flushing.

The boulders were dragged by the glacier. They everywhere.

I turn one over to see what breed it is. Gneiss is a metamorphic rock composed primarily of plagioclase, quartz, and potassium feldspar. And as in all rocks there are all kinds of additives. See how the hostess cooks in the kitchen. In addition to the main ingredients, she adds all kinds of flavors and all sorts of decorations to the dishes. In the same way, when cooking, mother nature interfered with minerals in different proportions, while receiving different dishes.

Footprints in the snow. We see a boar. Does not look like it. Wow trace. If the cow were walking, then there would be traces of the escort nearby. And what is a cow to do in a ravine? Most likely moose tracks. It's better not to meet him.

There are a huge number of boulders from Shoksha quartzite in the ravines. They are all monochromatic. But this is the pictured one I came across.

I took the broken pieces home. I'll try to process it. Might be able to polish it. The stone is huge. At least one hundred kilograms.

About Jurassic clays with ammonites at the intersection of Varshavskoe highway and st. Podolsky Cadets, I immediately went to study this place, since I live relatively close. There, just recently, the construction of a tunnel under the junction of the streets of the Red Lighthouse and Podolsky cadets was completed. Now cars on Varshavskoye Highway do not stand at the traffic lights at this intersection, but residents of neighboring houses instead of one underground pedestrian crossing now have as many as two ground traffic lights one after the other. Recently, a grandiose construction was carried out in this place, and now grass is merrily green on freshly organized lawns and skinny trees stand.

However, the grass does not turn green everywhere - some areas are covered with an even layer of Jurassic clay.

Unfortunate trees are also planted in Jurassic clay - they are unlikely to grow well on this "nutritious soil".

Areas of Jurassic clay stand out well in black and gray

Fragments of fossils come across in clay:

Jurassic clays are scattered on a small area ("island" between the roads) at the intersection of Varshavskoye highway and st. Podolsky Cadets. They are also on the lawn along the edge of the highway (on the left if you are facing the region) in a section of 100-150 meters to polyclinic No. 170.

Ammonites of two zones of the Volgian stage, Virgatites virgatus and Dorsoplanites panderi, are found in flowerbeds. This photo of the debris gives an idea of ​​the paleofauna at this temporary location:

I must say that all the fragments are very strong, nothing needs to be glued, but there are very few whole ammonites. Unfortunately, where the clay was brought from is unknown and there is no one to ask - all construction work has already been completed. In terms of preservation, the ammonites are much closer to the finds from the vicinity of Voskresensk than to the crumbling virgatites of Yeganovo.

Here is everything that came across relative to the whole:

Best find:

There are surprisingly many bivalves with shell remains, and these shells were ribbed.

In addition to ammonites and bivalves, belemnites, gastropods, and fragments of brachiopods are found in the flower bed.

There are also modern white shells of freshwater gastropods (pictured at the top right) - they are noticeably lighter than fossils and not filled with sediment. They appeared in the flowerbeds because in some places the Jura was diluted with some modern soil.

In general, the place is very small and easily robbed. It is unlikely that many whole ammonites will be found there. Nevertheless, you can try, you can’t collect all the ammonites alone, and it’s unlikely that I found everything that was possible there.

And most importantly - the appearance of two points at once (on the South-West and here) indicates that the use of Jurassic clays to "fertilize" flower beds is not an isolated event. So if you live in Moscow - remember where in recent times conducted Men at work or landscaping green spaces and see if there are any fossils lying around. And do not be afraid to share information - you cannot collect all the fossils alone))

And in conclusion, I would like to once again say thanks to Yuri Vladimirovich Yashunsky, who discovered this point and reported it on our website! The south of Moscow is poor in paleontological finds, and this location, even if it is temporary, is a great gift for those interested in paleontology.

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