Big churo. Under the blue sky the mountain is a big chura

Tourism and rest 30.06.2019
Tourism and rest

From the mountain Malaya Chura a rather long and very beautiful ridge section begins. A wide smoothed grassy ridge gradually turns into a narrow rocky-grassy one. There is a place to fall in both directions, but if you do not run skipping, then in general there is no danger. Only approximately in the middle of the site there is a two-meter ledge from which we will have to go down without taking off our backpacks. Here, in general, taking off backpacks is fraught with: one careless movement and the backpack flies 200 meters down.

Just two hundred meters below, the slopes flatten sharply on both sides, and a forest is already growing there. In some places, stripes of fallen trees are visible - traces snow avalanches.

On both sides of us there is a huge overview: on the right you can see the vast valley of the upper reaches of the Shakhe River, closed on three sides by the Malaya and Bolshaya Chura ridges, at the bottom left - the sources of the Kudo River (a tributary of the Belaya River). Just here, the Belaya River turns 180 °, bending around the Cherkessky Range, and at the bend, a large tributary, the Berezovaya River, flows into it, so the river valley seems very wide in this place, the opposite slope of which rises up the kilometer-long cliffs of the Chugush ridge.

Descent to the jumper between Sanatorium and Bolshaya Chura. On the left in the clouds is Mount Achishkho.

After an hour and a half, we reach the nameless peak of 2123 m, from which Mount Sanatornaya (2091 m) is clearly visible, standing much to the left of the ridge (see photo). Now the trail goes along the southern grassy slopes.

Soon we cross a small stream and replenish our water supplies here. Then we go through extensive rhododendron thickets, cross a steep couloir and go out onto a wide gentle slope, from which you can already see the descent to the bridge in front of Mount Bolshaya Chura (see photo). The main peak of Mount Sanatornaya remains far to the left - a kilometer to the northeast.

On the descent at the border of the forest, the path is lost. We make our way through the dense thickets of low-growing trees and go out into a clean tall forest. Then, according to the newly appeared barely conspicuous path we go down to the jumper (in total we drop 350 m of height).

Lost lake before the ascent to Bolshaya Chura

The lintel is a wide clearing overgrown with tall dense grass, mostly ferns. In the far part of the clearing on the right is a tiny swampy lake. Strangely enough, there is no path here, although as soon as we re-enter the forest on the rise, it appears again.

We climb 150 meters along a wooded ridge. Then - a slight flattening, where the path is lost again. All around is a low impenetrable forest.

Before the next ascent, we find a path and now go along the steep wooded beams. Underfoot is a black crumbly rock - black slate. In one place there is a fork: a good path goes up to the right, makes one zigzag along a rather steep slope and ... ends up dead after 50 m. Therefore, we follow the left path. The relief here is so rugged that we often find ourselves higher than the trees and then behind us the majestic massif of Chugush becomes clearly visible.

Soon we find ourselves on a rocky ridge. Here, apparently, it is more reasonable to cross this ridge, descend into a deep gully behind it, and from there begin the ascent to the summit spurs of the Bolshaya Chura. However, you can also walk along the very top of the ridge, especially since the path turns there.

It is located in the southern spur of the Main Dividing Range, on the territory Caucasian Reserve. The sources of the Shakhe River, one of the largest watercourses, begin from the Chura massif. Black Sea coast, from the southern slopes the Sochi River is born. The height is 2250.7 m. A long ridge Bzych departs from the top to the north-west. The eastern slopes of the massif are rocky and steep, while the western slopes are more gentle. They are covered with subalpine vegetation.

I visited the area of ​​this mountain for the first time in 1997 with Andrey Mikhalev. It was one of our first long trips together. Plastunka - Sugar - Amuko - B.Churo - Iegosh - Green - Achishkho - Krasnaya Polyana.

You can get to Mount Bolshoye Churo in 3 days, leaving the village of Orekhovka or Krasnaya Polyana. You can also go here through the Fisht, leaving Adygea, but this option is more complicated and in the area of ​​​​mountain Small Churo you will find small rocky sections of the route. However, all this passes.

So, leaving Orekhovka, you need to make your way along the Prokhladny ridge to the foot of Sakharnaya Mountain. When loading food and equipment for 7 days for the trip Orekhovka - Krasnaya Polyana, the path along Prokhladny to the foot of Sakharnaya can take about 4-5 hours. Overnight at the spring.

2nd day: Ascent to the Top of the Sugar Mountain. About 2 hours. Pass. Mountain panoramas from Autl to Ah-Aga (from west to east: Autl, Fisht, Churo, Achishkho, Chugush, Pseashkha, Iegosh, Gagrinsky Ridge, etc. are visible) Exit to Mount Amuko along the "ridge of fools" aka "ridge brave." It is best to go through this ridge and not stop there for the night. with water there will be big problems. In general, this ridge, the ridge connecting Amuko and Saharnaya, is characterized by a sharp cliff in both directions and an overgrown path going literally along the ridge itself at 1-2 meters. The journey can take from 4.5 hours (as we walked in 1997) to 7 hours (in 2002). We get to the ascent to the mountain Small Amuko which has another name Horse paddock. Climb. Below to the right, from the east, a clearing opens. The descent is 100 meters. There is water here. Overnight.

3rd day: Exit. Ascent to Amuco. Vertex. further along the Amuko ridge to the east. After a couple of hours, you need to be very careful and not go astray. The ridges here somehow imperceptibly turn in the opposite direction or in the wrong direction. Once we got into the fog, wandered for an extra 2 hours and made a circle. For overnight stay a good place"Churinsky jumper". This is a saddle between the descent from the ridge. Amuko and the beginning of the rise of the Big Churo. There is also a place to spend the night closer to Churo.

4th day. A small jerk, a couple of hours and we are on the Big Churo. A very picturesque part of the B. Chupa massif called Sail. There is a trail south of Parus, but we walked along its ridge 2 times. In 1997, on that day, we went through the Great Churo and reached the parking lot under the 5th Yehosh.

There are many animals on the Big Churo. This is already the territory of the Reserve. For the first time we met a bear and a herd of chamois. In the northern circus there are remains of the aircraft of the Great Patriotic War. You can look for something interesting. On the southeast side there are atsanguars. (ruins of stone ancient structures)

Mount Bolshaya Chura.
Mount Bolshaya Chura is located in the southern spur of the GVH, on the territory of the Caucasian Reserve. The sources of the Shakhe River, one of the largest watercourses on the Black Sea coast, begin from the Chura massif, and the Sochi River originates from the southern slopes. The height is 2250.7 m. A long ridge Bzych departs from the top to the north-west. The eastern slopes of the massif are rocky and steep, while the western slopes are more gentle. They are covered with subalpine vegetation. From the Amuko Ridge through Mount Bolshaya Chura, you can go to the crest of the Main Dividing Range and get to Krasnaya Polyana, bypassing the Achishkho massif.

A rather long and very beautiful ridge section begins from the Malaya Chura mountain. A wide smoothed grassy ridge gradually turns into a narrow rocky-grassy one. 200 meters below, the slopes sharply flatten out on both sides and a forest is already growing there. In some places, stripes of fallen trees are visible - traces of snow avalanches. On the right, a vast valley of the upper reaches of the Shakhe River is visible, closed on three sides by the Malaya and Bolshaya Chura ridges, at the bottom left - the sources of the Kudo River (a tributary of the Belaya River). Just here, the Belaya River turns 180 °, bending around the Cherkessky Range, and at the place of the bend, a large tributary, the Berezovaya River, flows into it, so the river valley seems very wide in this place, the opposite slope of which rises up the kilometer-long cliffs of the Chugush ridge.

After an hour and a half, we reach the nameless peak of 2123 m, from which Mount Sanatornaya (2091 m) is clearly visible, standing much to the left of the ridge. Now the trail goes along the southern grassy slopes. Soon you need to cross a small stream. Further, the path lies through extensive rhododendron thickets and access to a wide gentle slope, from which you can already see the descent to the jumper in front of Mount Bolshaya Chura. The main peak of Mount Sanatornaya remains far to the left - a kilometer to the northeast. On the descent near the border of the forest, the path is lost, it is necessary to go through dense thickets of stunted trees. Then, along the newly appeared barely noticeable path, descend to the lintel (we drop 350 m of height in total).

The lintel is a wide clearing overgrown with tall dense grass, mostly ferns. In the far part of the clearing on the right is a tiny swampy lake. Climbing 150 meters along a wooded ridge, then a slight flattening, where the path is lost again. Around - a low impenetrable forest. Further, the path goes along steep wooded beams. Under the feet of black crumbly rock - black slate. In one place there is a fork: a good path goes up to the right, you need to go along the left path. The relief here is so broken that the majestic massif of Chugush becomes clearly visible behind. The path turns to a rocky ridge, after reaching the ridge, we turn left, in the direction of the easternmost peak of Bolshaya Chura. The ridge is very broken in the vertical profile, so you have to constantly climb the rock, then descend from the ledge, then bypass the gendarmes. On both sides of the ridge there are cliffs of 30-100 m. Low trees and shrubs mostly help - there is something to grab on to, but sometimes they interfere.

Approximately in the middle of the ridge in front of a high rock, the path suddenly leaves the ridge to the right. If you go along it, then after 15 meters we will find ourselves on a narrow sloping grassy shelf with a lonely standing birch. Below us is a 30-40 m plummet, but if we go further along this shelf, we will see that the descent is still possible. Descent with backpacks is not possible here. Therefore, if there is no rope, then we return to the ridge and go around the rock on the left along a smooth 30-degree rock shelf, holding onto a narrow gap in the rock with our hands. The next path is simple. At the bottom right there is a snowfield where you can replenish water supplies. From the clearing in front of the snowfield, the entire ridge is perfectly visible. Climbing the next bushy mound, a view of the long and sharp Bolshaya Chura ridge opens up. Huge snowfields hang on its slopes. The path leads to the main ridge to the left of the eastern summit.

One of the most popular natural objects and sights of Krasnaya Polyana is Mount Bolshaya Chura. It is located on the southern branch of the Main Dividing Range and its entire area belongs to the territory of the Caucasian biosphere reserve. Here begins its course one of the most full-flowing rivers of the Black Sea coast - Shahe. In the south of Bolshaya Chura is the source of the Sochi River. The absolute height of the highest mark of the mountain is 2251 meters. In the northwestern part, the mountain merges with the multi-kilometer Bzych ridge. The microlandscapes of Bolshaya Chura are very diverse: from the east, its surface is dotted with deep rocky ravines and gorges, the slopes here are very steep, and from the west, the slopes have a smaller slope. On the mountain grows magnificent subalpine flora. From here it is not far to Krasnaya Polyana: you need to go through the massif called Achishkho, which belongs to the GVH.
If, while in Krasnaya Polyana 2019, you crave active recreation in Krasnaya Polyana and incredible natural landscapes, be sure to conquer Bolshaya Chura - this adventure will not leave you indifferent. Keep in mind that the tour of Krasnaya Polyana is best done accompanied by an experienced specialist.
most essential and detailed information about the sights Mount Bolshaya Chura in Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi): photo of the place, description, contacts - address, phone, official website. At the attraction, you can see user ratings, read reviews, tips and tricks. In catalog interesting places you can see the location of the attraction Mount Bolshaya Chura in Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi) on the map, places nearby, where to eat nearby and what to see nearby. You can get there as part of an excursion group, or on your own by car. For some of the locations you can find tours, news and special promotions, as well as a list of tickets.

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