Alcoholism is given by Borisova. Dana Borisova admitted that she was addicted to drugs

Helpful Hints 24.06.2019
Helpful Hints

10:00 24.05.2011

Dana Borisova abuses alcohol. On the sidelines of Ostankino, rumors spread that the leadership of NTV, on whose morning air Dana works, is already threatening to fire her.

Dana Borisova had obvious problems with alcohol six months ago. Two or three cocktails at the party, and the earth leaves from under Danya's beautiful legs. It got to the point that Dana is doing her interviews with the stars on NTV on a whim. And a video has been posted on the Internet: after a heavy libation, the TV presenter can barely stand on her feet, then falls and cannot get up ... At first it caused jokes, but now everyone already understands that it’s time for 35-year-old Borisova to fight alcohol addiction.
Employees of the TV channel are increasingly complaining to the management about Dana's incorrect behavior - they say, she comes up to them, breathing stagnant fumes, and grinds, confusing words, utter nonsense. For all this, they say, the other day Dana received a severe reprimand. So she was given to understand - a few more tricks, and she can say goodbye to work, despite all her services to television.

Stas Kostyushkin says former soloist group "Tea for two": " Dana needs to go to the bar less often at parties, and everything will be fine! I'm worried - she is a diligent TV presenter, media person. This kind of behavior doesn't suit her. Somehow she came up and called me Denis. I corrected her, but she didn't even notice. Like, what's the difference. Of course, I understand that she is blonde. Yes, and cocktails could cloud the mind. But not to the same extent.".

And here are the words of the singer Marina Khlebnikova: " I, as a woman, perfectly understand Dana. In the Maldives, her fiancé left her. She returned to Moscow without faith in men. Yes, and the housing issue exacerbated the stressful condition. Without financial support, Dana could not complete the townhouse. In addition, she did not work out with work. From the host of the morning show on NTV, she was demoted to a simple correspondent. How not to start drinking?"

But I think that all this is the cruel laws of the Moscow jungle. When in Ukraine Dana participated in the show

AT recent times celebrities began to save each other from alcohol and drug addiction. The movement was pioneered by 41-year-old Dana Borisova, who was sent to a rehabilitation center on Koh Samui, Thailand, where she spent five months.

The VIP center for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction "Sabay" became popular with the easy filing of Andrey Malakhov, who offered to send Dana there. Channel One spent more than a million rubles on the rehabilitation of the former host of the Army Store - a month of stay in the center costs 200-250 thousand rubles, which is about 8,000 rubles a day. During this time, Dana was supposed to be taken out of depression and instilled in her thoughts about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Whether the rehabilitation was effective, time will tell. In the meantime, Dana is happy to give interviews, telling how she “became stronger” and actively helps other celebrities who are also in trouble. For example, she persuaded Chris Kelmi and Evgeny Osin to come to the rehabilitation center for alcoholics. And last week she announced that she had become the face of a psychological recovery center.

To understand how therapy takes place in the Thai center, just look at the schedule of events on the official website. Everything is here for happy life patient: shopping, spa treatments, boxing, game therapy, English language, movies, chef's meals, yoga, swimming, and a daily meditation item. Once a day, the patient can listen to a lecture on healthy way life, talk with a psychologist and make an entry in a personal diary on the topic “How my life is changing.”

Dana even started writing a book in Thailand called "Obsession", where she admitted that she first tried illegal drugs at the age of 16.

« Mom, who worked in an ambulance, brought phenazepam and told me: “You sleep so badly ... (And I already worked as a TV presenter.) Drink them and you will be rested.” Since then, I have been constantly drifting away from reality. Maxim saw how handfuls I always drank them, and this infuriated him. All my relationships ended because of pills. In only 2 years that I was pregnant and breastfeeding, I did not drink a single one. Then alcohol and drugs joined them. Pills have always been evil number 1 and at the same time salvation. I couldn't live without them, it was an obsession....", says Borisova

There is also an Orthodox priest in Thailand who helps patients cleanse themselves of sins, as well as an equestrian instructor, a meditation coach, in a word, everyone who can distract addicts from thoughts about illegal drugs.

However, not everyone recognizes such a system as useful, there are also negative reviews about the clinic. The Thai rehabilitation center also has opponents, for example, State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev, who published information about the true activities of Dana Borisova’s savior Nikita Lushnikov on his website: “I consider cooperation with charitable foundation"Center for Healthy Youth" by my mistake and I do not regret at all that I cut off all possible contacts with this organization».

According to Valuev, the declared activities of the CZM outwardly look great and are carried out with the involvement of many famous personalities - domestic artists, doctors and even politicians, but reverse side The work of the fund is to introduce all these people, as well as their wards, into a deep delusion by hiding real ties with the neo-Pentecostal religious organization "Kingdom of God", whose headquarters is located in Ukraine.

In the end, due to the provision of false information about the activities of the CPM, Nikita Lushnikov was removed from work in the State Duma. But he did not stop his activities.

Indeed, many popular people are connected with the activities of the Center for Healthy Youth. For example, TV presenter Alexei Lysenkov, Ksenia Rappoport, Pavel Derevyanko, Vera Brezhneva actively help him... Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued gratitude for the active life position of the CZM organization.

But the most zealous defender of Lushnikov was TV presenter and journalist Andrei Malakhov, who, by virtue of his profession, simply could not help but know about the strange past of the drug addict rescue group. He continues to promote the activities of the organization with a tarnished reputation and involve unfortunate artists in it, writes

At some point, Dana even began to think about taking her own life. Now Dana and her mother have become the main characters of Dmitry Shepelev's famous show “Actually”. It is worth noting that it was Danna's mother who announced to the country this spring that her daughter was on illegal drugs and asked Andrey Malakhov for help. Now new, not entirely pleasant details of Dana's past have come to light.

Now, having completed a six-month rehabilitation course, Dana began to feel noticeably better and honestly admitted to Shepelev that her mother had given her illegal substances from the age of 16. Often these were sleeping pills or strong sedatives, and sometimes droppers. Dana's mother is a doctor by education and the girl implicitly trusted her advice.

She is in recent months was in a terrible depression. Dana was practically exhausted. Mom tried to help her in this way. Another confession followed. Dana told. that her mother sat tightly on the same potent substances. She could use them along with alcohol, it was The best way calm down after stress. And everything happened in their family ...

After Dana arrived at the rehabilitation center, at first she could not start eating, as her body took only pills and alcohol. However, almost three months of treatment benefited the star.

Now she has completely recovered, she says that she decided to recover for the sake of her daughter. She wants Polina to have a real mother, whom the child could be proud of.

“You ruined everyone's life, you broke everything. My child does not want to communicate with you, he pretends that he does not know you. They don’t let you go to her school, everyone hates you there, ”Dana Borisova told her mother in the studio of the show.

In 2013, in order to lose weight faster, Dana started taking Thai pills. She was encouraged by her own mother to do this. "You are fat. You look terrible in a bathing suit!” Ekaterina Ivanovna told her. But many Thai pills contain a small dose narcotic substances, - said in an interview a friend of Dana Borisova PR man and journalist Evgenia Kirichenko.

“Close people are sometimes worse than enemies,” Dana Borisova summed up. “Yes, I had problems with alcohol. This happened due to a change in status: I was a TV presenter, then I became a simple correspondent. Plus, she raised her daughter alone.

In the evening, on duty, I had to attend parties with free champagne. One glass, another. So I quietly crossed the line. But then, for the sake of her daughter, she took up her mind and recovered. I didn’t return to this anymore, although my own mother constantly gave me some kind of antidepressants, sleeping pills, and gave me some injections.

At first, I believed her, because she is still a medical worker. But then I began to suspect that mother will go anything to take my daughter away from me. She turned the child against me, she wanted to take Polinka to her place, to Sudak. Last year, when I did not allow her to take the child to Sudak for permanent residence, my mother swallowed pills.

As the TV presenter explained, the mother tried to commit suicide right in the bed of her falling asleep daughter Polina. Fortunately, the ambulance arrived on time and the woman was saved.

TV presenter Dana Borisova returned from a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand and became the heroine of the Secret for a Million program. Borisova honestly admitted that she began to abuse alcohol and take illegal drugs after giving birth, as she was unhappy with her figure, and her then producer (Tim Brick, who died due to illegal drugs in February 2016) brought her "some pills" .

The producer brought it to me, he said that I would lose weight from this. And in the end, I lost weight from this unhealthy thinness. The first time they brought it in the form of a white powder. To be honest, I didn't really know what it was.

According to Borisova herself, she called her breasts “spaniel ears”. In addition, self-doubt added civil husband Borisova Maxim Aksenov, from whom she gave birth to a daughter, Polina. Despite the birth of a child, he did not draw up official relations with Borisova, and then completely began to avoid communication with his former lover.

I asked him: "Maxim, marry me," and the man meaningfully kept silent, although I carried a child under my heart. I wanted to do everything for five plus, so that the girl was healthy. A man can't even talk to me like a man. We need to come to the cafe and discuss everything like her parents without the reproaches and accusations that I always heard from him: “You are finished, you are at the bottom.” Although everyone knows that I crawled with all my might, I only resisted for the sake of my daughter.

About the problem of Dana Borisova, and the TV presenter considers her act wrong. She accused her mother of being "codependent" too. Borisova meant that her mother was overly controlling and patronizing her. In addition, Borisova admitted that at first she hated Andrey Malakhov, who tricked her into sending her to a rehabilitation clinic in Thailand. Dana said that only now she forgave him.

After the course, Dana returned to Moscow and decided to help people who faced the same problems as her. So, she hinted that it was time to treat two more Russian famous women:

I sent out a cry in our show business to save two blondes - a famous TV presenter who is insane and her hair came out, and a ballerina dancer.

In show business, they immediately understood who they were talking about. The TV presenter is Masha Malinovskaya, about whose drug addiction the showman Rustam Solntsev has already once mentioned. According to rumors, 36-year-old Malinovskaya has been taking drugs for several years. When a TV presenter gets in touch with her social media followers, the most popular question she gets asked is if she had taken anything before the broadcast. Malinovskaya always denies rumors of drug addiction.


The ballerina Borisova mentioned is most likely Anastasia Volochkova, whose alcohol addiction has been rumored for a long time. Volochkova does not recognize her problem either. In addition, Volochkova and Borisova had already seriously quarreled once: a year ago, Borisova wrote on her Instagram that she had become a PR manager for a well-known cosmetology clinic. According to Borisova, “her friend” Anastasia Volochkova came to their reception, the ballerina allegedly signed up for rejuvenation procedures. Volochkova on Instagram denied Borisova’s words, saying that she didn’t need any rejuvenation, after which the “friends” apparently quarreled.

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