Green Sea. green sea green sea

Design and interior 02.07.2019
I was driving through all of Moscow hoping to choose a tent, the photo of the store does not match what I saw. 5 tents are put up, they sell bicycles, wasted time and it is better not to listen to advice, they have one task to BOOST what they have.

When buying thermal underwear, I was not warned that thermal underwear cannot be returned or exchanged. During the purchase, I clarified what the return policy was, at the checkout I was told that a return is possible within 2 weeks. Three days later, when I arrived to change the upper part of the thermal underwear, the seller in the thermal underwear department, Ekaterina, said that returns and exchanges are not possible, because this is the law. To the question: “Why was I not warned on the day of purchase about this?” Katerina began to assert that she was most likely talking about this ...

Classic case. The delivery was accepted by the wrong person who ordered the goods, and they brought, as it often happens in such cases, not that: Instead of the desired burner, they brought another model, for 300 r. cheaper and worse. The funny thing is that on the box from the burner their branded sticker with a barcode is pasted, which indicates the model that we ordered, and the box itself is from another burner, as well as the contents. Instead of 450-gram gas cylinders, they brought 220-gram ones, and at the same cost, and what is important ...

The situation is as follows: I have never bought thermal underwear before, and since my size was not available, I took 1 size more, but I came home, read it on the Internet and realized that the folds that form with this size are too large. Accordingly, I wanted to give up. They also bought pants for my husband, and, as luck would have it, the size did not fit him either - he was finally convinced of this only at home. Well, it happens, they were tired, they didn’t immediately realize. When we came to change or hand over, the young man unfolded, saw several ...

Autumn is a magical time. Nature is changing so quickly that it seems as if it does not happen by itself, but at the wave of some magic brush, which instantly painted everything around with multi-colored paints. The hedgehog loved autumn. He loved to watch how nature changes, how plants and animals change.

And these changes were not only external. The squirrel, for example, every autumn became more strict with its children, constantly angry with the kids, who still frolicked and walked, as if eternal summer was waiting for them, and not harsh winter. The hare became very anxious. He was constantly counting supplies, wondering if he would have enough for the winter. He ran all day through the forest, picking up the last mushrooms, berries and apples. For the Hedgehog, autumn was a time of old acquaintances and pleasant memories.

Once the Hedgehog met the Starling. They became friends and since then every autumn Starling flew to his friend on the way to warmer climes, if, of course, the weather allowed. This year the weather was warm, and the Starling stayed with the Hedgehog for the whole day. The hedgehog was happy with the guest, he pulled out the most delicious supplies from the pantry, which he himself loved, and even a specially prepared treat for the guest, began to regale his friend. They sat all day, telling each other interesting stories that had happened to them during the year. They were so good together that time flew by quite imperceptibly. Evening came.

It’s good for you here, - said the Starling, sipping tea, - it’s warm, cozy.

Yes, - agreed the Hedgehog, - good. Stay for one more day.

The starling thought.

No I can not. It's time. Tomorrow the wind will change and it will be much harder to fly. And the way to the sea is already not easy.

To the sea? - I did not understand the Hedgehog. - And what is it?

Sea? - The starling thought. - You can't explain it right away. The sea is a lot of water.

How is the river? There is also a lot of water in the river! - Hedgehog guessed.

No, - the Starling smiled, - There is more water in the sea. So much so that nothing but water is visible from horizon to horizon. And the sea, it seems to be alive.

Alive? - the Hedgehog was surprised.

Yes, it is huge and alive.

How is it alive?

How would you explain it? Many creatures live in the sea, and from this it itself seems alive. This is especially noticeable in the morning, at dawn. At first the sea sleeps, its surface is even and smooth. Then the breeze begins to blow - this is the breath of the awakening sea. It has not woken up yet, but its sleep is no longer sound. Here and there, waves begin to run across the surface, sometimes a jellyfish or a bunch of algae will swim by. And here comes the sun. It rises straight out of the sea, big and red. And the sea immediately wakes up, begins to breathe in waves, to seethe with foam. And everything in the sea wakes up: fish begin to dart at the surface, birds scream, giant sea creatures swim by. And it becomes audible how loudly the heart of the sea beats like a sea surf.

The hedgehog sat at the table, leaning on his paw, and dreamily listened to his friend. The bird talked about such unusual things that it all seemed like a fairy tale.

What color is the sea? - Asked the Hedgehog.

It happens different. When it is angry, it is even black, but most often it is blue-green.

Green. Eh, - the Hedgehog sighed dreamily, - if only with one eye to look at the sea.

It is very far from here. You can only fly there. Don't reach. - The Starling remarked a little sadly.

He was suddenly alert.

It's time for me to fly, the weather is changing.

The hedgehog looked out the window. The sun was setting on the horizon, a light breeze was blowing, the sky was clear and cloudless.

Sit a little longer, see how good it is outside.

I would be glad, - the Starling sighed, - but I have to go. As migratory birds, we are very sensitive to weather changes. I feel like there's going to be a storm soon.

Then fly, of course. The path is not close. – Hedgehog agreed.

He took his friend outside. There the Starling fluttered, made a circle around the spruce and, chirping goodbye, turned south.

The rest of the evening Hedgehog spent as if half asleep. He couldn't get the bird's words out of his head. He really wanted to see the sea. But he knew perfectly well that he would never reach the sea.

So he sat until late in the evening, sighing softly and a little sad.

In the evening Belka ran to him.

Hello, Hedgehog, - she greeted, - you haven’t been seen all day. Didn't you get sick?

No, - the Hedgehog smiled at her, - I'm healthy.

What is so sad then?

Yes, here the Starling flew to me, he told me about the sea. It is very beautiful and big. I would like to see the sea, but it is far away.

Belka just chuckled.

Found someone to listen to, Starling. He doesn’t sing about anything, everything comes out big and beautiful.

Yes, yes, - the Hedgehog reluctantly agreed, without being distracted from his thoughts.

I came in, - Belka thought, - can I borrow a large basket for nuts from you?

Yes, of course, - the Hedgehog went into the pantry and took out a large basket from there.

Thank you, - Belka thanked, - you always help me out.

She walked to the door, but stopped at the threshold.

So what, you say, is the sea?

Huge, to the horizon. And there are waves. It makes noise, especially at dawn, and many, many different creatures live in it.

The hedgehog spoke quickly and inconsistently and, of course, not as beautifully as the Starling.

The squirrel left, and the Hedgehog began to get ready for bed. In bed, he could not sleep for a long time. He lay and thought about the sea. And then, when he finally dozed off, a soft knock was heard.

The hedgehog was worried. The knock was repeated again. The hedgehog opened his eyes and sat up in bed. Someone knocked softly but persistently.

The hedgehog went to the door.

Who's there? - He asked.

In response, there was a knock again, and then the Hedgehog realized that they were knocking not on the door, but from the side of the entrance leading to the lower branch of the spruce.

The hedgehog climbed the stairs to the entrance.

Who's there? - He asked.

It's us, squirrels, - a familiar voice was heard from behind the door.

The hedgehog opened the door.

Are you so late?

Rather early, soon morning already, answered the squirrels. Mom sent us. Go with us.

Where? - Surprised Hedgehog.

Upstairs, let's go. Mom told me not to speak, there will be a surprise.

The hedgehog was surprised, but went after the squirrels. Two squirrels jumped in front of him along the branches, pointing out a safe path. It was easy to walk: ropes were stretched along the branches, and in some places, in the most difficult places, rope ladders were attached, which were not there before.

Where are the stairs from? - Asked the Hedgehog.

We did this, - the squirrels noticed with pride, - so that it would be easier to climb to the very top.

On top!? - The Hedgehog was horrified. “I never got that far.

Nothing, we prepared the road well. Let's go!

Indeed, they soon passed Belka's hollow and the hollow where supplies were stored. They climbed higher and higher. The further they climbed, the more ladders and transitions made by the squirrels became, so that soon the Hedgehog climbed almost to the very top.

There, at the top, Belka was already waiting for him.

I'm glad that you found the courage to get here, - she said, smiling mysteriously, - here, sit down comfortably.

The squirrel pointed to a large fork that looked like a comfortable chair. The hedgehog sat down and only now could look around. He was high, very high in the tree. The spruce was taller than other trees, so the Hedgehog saw the forest the way the birds see it.

True, at first it was not very visible, it was still dark. But then the sun began to rise, raising its huge body above the horizon. And the Hedgehog saw a forest, green and endless, to the very horizon. And then the wind blew, cold and gusty. And the waves ran over the tops of the trees. The leaves rustled with displeasure, flew up in whitish armfuls. Several birds first emerged from the forest, but then, frightened by the wind, again dived into the depths. The sun rose higher and the wind got stronger. And the forest roared, began to seethe, throwing up the branches of trees. Clouds were moving in from the horizon.

The hedgehog looked fascinated and suddenly it dawned on him:

It's the sea! Like a real sea! I did not know that our forest is the same as the sea!

The squirrel just laughed. They stood a little longer, and then the squirrels led the Hedgehog down. He did not want to go down, but the squirrels insisted. The wind picked up and it became dangerous at the top. Even the squirrels decided to stay at the Hedgehog's house for the time being and wait out the beginning storm. And the storm was not long in coming. A hurricane blew, and it began to rain. But in the Hedgehog's hole it was warm and cozy. The animals sat at the samovar, drank tea with jam and listened to how outside the window, somewhere above, the green forest “sea” was raging.

Autumn is a magical time. Nature is changing so quickly that it seems as if it does not happen by itself, but at the wave of some magic brush, which instantly painted everything around with multi-colored paints.

The hedgehog loved autumn. He loved to watch how nature changes, how plants and animals change. And these changes were not only external. The squirrel, for example, every autumn became more strict with its children, constantly angry with the kids, who still frolicked and walked, as if eternal summer was waiting for them, and not harsh winter. The hare became very anxious. He was constantly counting supplies, wondering if he would have enough for the winter. He ran all day through the forest, picking up the last mushrooms, berries and apples. For the Hedgehog, autumn was a time of old acquaintances and pleasant memories.

Once the Hedgehog met the Starling. They became friends and since then every autumn Starling flew to his friend on the way to warmer climes, if, of course, the weather allowed. This year the weather was warm, and the Starling stayed with the Hedgehog for the whole day. The hedgehog was happy with the guest, he pulled out the most delicious supplies from the pantry, which he himself loved, and even a specially prepared treat for the guest, began to regale his friend. They sat all day, telling each other interesting stories that had happened to them during the year. They were so good together that time flew by quite imperceptibly. Evening came.

It’s good for you here, - said the Starling, sipping tea, - it’s warm, cozy.

Yes, - agreed the Hedgehog, - good. Stay for one more day.
The starling thought.

No I can not. It's time. Tomorrow the wind will change and it will be much harder to fly. And the way to the sea is already not easy.

To the sea? - I did not understand the Hedgehog. - And what is it?

Sea? - The starling thought. - You can't explain it right away. The sea is a lot of water.

How is the river? There is also a lot of water in the river! - Hedgehog guessed.

No, - the Starling smiled, - There is more water in the sea. So much so that nothing but water is visible from horizon to horizon. And the sea, it seems to be alive.

Alive? - the Hedgehog was surprised.

Yes, it is huge and alive.

How is it alive?

How would you explain it? Many creatures live in the sea, and from this it itself seems alive. This is especially noticeable in the morning, at dawn. At first the sea sleeps, its surface is even and smooth. Then the breeze begins to blow - this is the breath of the awakening sea. It has not woken up yet, but its sleep is no longer sound. Here and there, waves begin to run across the surface, sometimes a jellyfish or a bunch of algae will swim by. And here comes the sun. It rises straight out of the sea, big and red. And the sea immediately wakes up, begins to breathe in waves, to seethe with foam. And everything in the sea wakes up: fish begin to dart at the surface, birds scream, giant sea creatures swim by. And it becomes audible how loudly the heart of the sea beats like a sea surf.

The hedgehog sat at the table, leaning on his paw, and dreamily listened to his friend. The bird talked about such unusual things that it all seemed like a fairy tale.

What color is the sea? - Asked the Hedgehog.

It happens different. When it is angry, it is even black, but most often it is blue-green.

Green. Eh, - the Hedgehog sighed dreamily, - if only with one eye to look at the sea.

It is very far from here. You can only fly there. Don't reach. - The Starling remarked a little sadly.

He was suddenly alert.

It's time for me to fly, the weather is changing.

The hedgehog looked out the window. The sun was setting on the horizon, a light breeze was blowing, the sky was clear and cloudless.

Sit a little longer, see how good it is outside.

I would be glad, - the Starling sighed, - but I have to go. As migratory birds, we are very sensitive to weather changes. I feel like there's going to be a storm soon.

Then fly, of course. The path is not close. – Hedgehog agreed.

He took his friend outside. There the Starling fluttered, made a circle around the spruce and, chirping goodbye, turned south.

The rest of the evening Hedgehog spent as if half asleep. He couldn't get the bird's words out of his head. He really wanted to see the sea. But he knew perfectly well that he would never reach the sea.

So he sat until late in the evening, sighing softly and a little sad.
In the evening Belka ran to him.

Hello, Hedgehog, - she greeted, - you haven’t been seen all day. Didn't you get sick?

No, - the Hedgehog smiled at her, - I'm healthy.

What is so sad then?

Yes, here the Starling flew to me, he told me about the sea. It is very beautiful and big. I would like to see the sea, but it is far away.
Belka just chuckled.

Found someone to listen to, Starling. He doesn’t sing about anything, everything comes out big and beautiful.

Yes, yes, - the Hedgehog reluctantly agreed, without being distracted from his thoughts.

I came in, - Belka thought, - can I borrow a large basket for nuts from you?

Yes, of course, - the Hedgehog went into the pantry and took out a large basket from there.

Thank you, - Belka thanked, - you always help me out.
She walked to the door, but stopped at the threshold.

So what, you say, is the sea?

Huge, to the horizon. And there are waves. It makes noise, especially at dawn, and many, many different creatures live in it.

The hedgehog spoke quickly and inconsistently and, of course, not as beautifully as the Starling.
The squirrel left, and the Hedgehog began to get ready for bed. In bed, he could not sleep for a long time. He lay and thought about the sea. And then, when he finally dozed off, a soft knock was heard.

The hedgehog was worried. The knock was repeated again. The hedgehog opened his eyes and sat up in bed. Someone knocked softly but persistently. The hedgehog went to the door.

Who's there? - He asked.

In response, there was a knock again, and then the Hedgehog realized that they were knocking not on the door, but from the side of the entrance leading to the lower branch of the spruce.

The hedgehog climbed the stairs to the entrance.

Who's there? - He asked.

It's us, squirrels, - a familiar voice was heard from behind the door.

The hedgehog opened the door.

Are you so late?

Rather early, soon morning already, answered the squirrels. Mom sent us. Go with us.

Where? - Surprised Hedgehog.

Upstairs, let's go. Mom told me not to speak, there will be a surprise.

The hedgehog was surprised, but went after the squirrels. Two squirrels jumped in front of him along the branches, pointing out a safe path. It was easy to walk: ropes were stretched along the branches, and in some places, in the most difficult places, rope ladders were attached, which were not there before.

Where are the stairs from? - Asked the Hedgehog.

We did this, - the squirrels noticed with pride, - so that it would be easier to climb to the very top.

On top!? - The Hedgehog was horrified. “I never got that far.

Nothing, we prepared the road well. Let's go!

Indeed, they soon passed Belka's hollow and the hollow where supplies were stored. They climbed higher and higher. The further they climbed, the more ladders and transitions made by the squirrels became, so that soon the Hedgehog climbed almost to the very top.

There, at the top, Belka was already waiting for him.

I'm glad that you found the courage to get here, - she said, smiling mysteriously, - here, sit down comfortably.

The squirrel pointed to a large fork that looked like a comfortable chair. The hedgehog sat down and only now could look around. He was high, very high in the tree. The spruce was taller than other trees, so the Hedgehog saw the forest the way the birds see it.

True, at first it was not very visible, it was still dark. But then the sun began to rise, raising its huge body above the horizon. And the Hedgehog saw a forest, green and endless, to the very horizon. And then the wind blew, cold and gusty. And the waves ran over the tops of the trees. The leaves rustled with displeasure, flew up in whitish armfuls. Several birds first emerged from the forest, but then, frightened by the wind, again dived into the depths. The sun rose higher and the wind got stronger. And the forest roared, began to seethe, throwing up the branches of trees. Clouds were moving in from the horizon.

The hedgehog looked fascinated and suddenly it dawned on him:

It's the sea! Like a real sea! I did not know that our forest is the same as the sea!

The squirrel just laughed. They stood a little longer, and then the squirrels led the Hedgehog down. He did not want to go down, but the squirrels insisted. The wind picked up and it became dangerous at the top. Even the squirrels decided to stay at the Hedgehog's house for the time being and wait out the beginning storm. And the storm was not long in coming. A hurricane blew, and it began to rain. But in the Hedgehog's hole it was warm and cozy. The animals sat at the samovar, drank tea with jam and listened to how outside the window, somewhere above, the green forest “sea” was raging.

    sea- boundless (Dravert, Golen. Kutuzov); boundless (Dravert); infinitely huge (Dmitrieva); bottomless (Zhadovskaya); silent (Zhukovsky); restless (K.R.); impassive (Fet); palely false (Bryusov); violent (Bryusov); rebellious (Tyutchev, P ... Dictionary of epithets

    - (also the Green Sea, Oman, Persian and Indo-Arab) is the name given to the northwestern part of the Indian Ocean, surrounded by shores: the Somali, Arabian, Persian, Balochistan coast of Front India and in the south a line running from ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Leonid Semenovich Slovin (born November 2, 1930, Cherkasy, Ukrainian SSR) Russian writer and screenwriter. Graduated from the Moscow Law Institute (1952). Awarded with medals. Laureate (twice) of the Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Union of Writers of the USSR (1970, 1984). JV awards ... ... Wikipedia

    Coppice, forest, oak forest, park, grove; garden, square. See firewood, a lot .. walk like in a forest ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. forest forest, woodland, woodland, green (wealth ... Synonym dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Berezhnoy. Vasily Berezhnoy Berezhnoy Vasily Pavlovich (Ukrainian Berezhny Vasyl Pavlovich, June 26, 1918 March 19, 1988) Ukrainian Soviet writer and ... Wikipedia

    - (Ukrainian Berezhny Vasyl Pavlovich, June 26, 1918 March 19, 1988) Ukrainian Soviet writer and journalist. Contents 1 Biography 2 Bibliography of publications in Russian ... Wikipedia

    Berezhnoy Vasily Pavlovich (Ukrainian Berezhny Vasyl Pavlovich, June 26, 1918 March 19, 1988) Ukrainian Soviet writer and journalist. Contents 1 Biography 2 Bibliography of publications in Russian ... Wikipedia

    Berezhnoy Vasily Pavlovich (Ukrainian Berezhny Vasyl Pavlovich, June 26, 1918 March 19, 1988) Ukrainian Soviet writer and journalist. Contents 1 Biography 2 Bibliography of publications in Russian ... Wikipedia

    Berezhnoy Vasily Pavlovich (Ukrainian Berezhny Vasyl Pavlovich, June 26, 1918 March 19, 1988) Ukrainian Soviet writer and journalist. Contents 1 Biography 2 Bibliography of publications in Russian ... Wikipedia


  • Leonid Slovin. Collected works. In 8 volumes (set of 4 books), Leonid Slovin, In the 60s, any crime was an emergency. Everything that the Russian writer and screenwriter Leonid Semenovich Slovin wrote (born November 2, 1930, Cherkasy, Ukrainian SSR) was and is in fact ... Category: Domestic male detective Series: Leonid Slovin. Collected Works in eight volumes Publisher:


Forest forest strife. Our northern taiga bears little resemblance to the mixed or deciduous forests of the middle zone of the country, especially to the broad-leaved forests of the Talysh Mountains or the pistachio groves of the foothills of the Pamirs. Further south, the character of the forests changes again and again. Before starting a conversation about the main types of forests, I would like to mention the most important thing that is typical for any of them. The forest belongs to the main types of plant communities that exist on our planet. It differs from all others in that its most important component is trees. The forest brings together a huge variety of very different plants (mosses, lichens, algae, ferns, gymnosperms, flowering ...), which are not directly related to each other, and therefore differ greatly from each other in the way of nutrition, reproduction, appearance and, what especially conspicuous by its size. Not to mention the microscopic single-celled plants that are found in abundance in many plant communities, here plants of all conceivable sizes coexist in close contact, from babies that do not exceed a few millimeters to giants that soar tens of meters into the air.

It is this feature that makes the forest a completely unique habitat for the same great abundance of very different animals - it creates a tiered structure, and simply put, it forms a multi-storey structure, where each level is a special environment with specific conditions of existence.

High-stemmed forests are especially multi-storey. True, when a group of different trees is assembled nearby, and this is exactly the case in the jungle, the division into tiers turns out to be blurry. It is much more difficult to understand it than in a forest formed by any one tree species.

Usually there are five or six floors. The lowest, basement, is the soil and forest litter. Its permanent inhabitants, rarely appearing on the surface, are mostly small or tiny creatures. On the ground floor, that is, on the surface of the soil, there are also many small animals, but it is this tier that gives shelter to the largest inhabitants of the forest. The basis of the second, or, more precisely, intermediate floors, is an undergrowth of shrubs and young trees, if, of course, this type of forest has it, tree trunks and the lower, thickest branches. Tree crowns form a kind of attic. On the intermediate floors and directly under the roof, both small fry and medium-sized animals live.

Above the forest roof, like chimneys above the roofs of ancient buildings, the tops of especially large trees rise, growing singly or in small groups. They create the last tier, relatively poor in animals, which constantly live on the "roof" of the forest and rarely look under it, for a short time and usually do not descend below the "attic".

There is a huge variety of forest communities. We will be able to get acquainted only with some types of forests that form in sharply different climatic conditions: with humid and dry tropical forests, deciduous forests of the temperate zone, which, in order to emphasize their most important ecological feature, we will call deciduous, and finally with coniferous boreal forests - with the evergreen sea taiga,

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GREEN SEA Forest forest strife. Our northern taiga bears little resemblance to the mixed or deciduous forests of the middle zone of the country, especially to the broad-leaved forests of the Talysh Mountains or the pistachio groves of the foothills of the Pamirs. Further south, the character of the forests changes again and again. Before

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THE GREEN SEA OF THE TAIGA If you look at the map of the distribution of vegetation, it will become obvious that the most common landscapes in our country are taiga landscapes. The taiga stretched from Kronstadt to Vladivostok. This belt is not equally wide everywhere, and if it is superimposed on a globe,

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