Riddles on the theme of the forest for children. Riddles about the forest for children and adults

Fashion & Style 16.08.2019
Fashion & Style

Kids love spending time together and having fun with their parents. Unforgettable and bright will help to spend time beautiful riddles about the forest. Such puzzles can be filled with emotions and experiences, and will also give your beloved son or daughter useful and interesting knowledge.

Why do children need riddles about the forest

It is important for children to fully develop in order to become smart and literate. Therefore, riddles about the forest will help the child:

All these factors suggest that forest puzzles for children are not only exciting, but also useful in the development of girls and boys of different ages. It is worth paying attention to the preparation so that the classes take place on a positive note and bring exceptionally pleasant emotions to parents and the child.

How to arrange a real educational holiday for a child

It is not necessary to wait for a special occasion to arrange a wonderful day for your beloved child. Every ordinary day can be turned into a real holiday and a whirlpool of emotions for your child.

The following ideas can be taken into account:

  • Costumed holiday. To do this, you can hang different costumes on the shoulders. After the predetermined number of riddles has been solved, the child changes the costume, reincarnating as a fairy-tale hero. Both boys and girls will certainly like this game, because it is fun and unusual.
  • Fun tasks for the wrong answer. Of course, in the process of developing the game, you should not scold the child for incorrect clues. For an unsolved riddle, the child should be given a task in which he will perform mischievous and funny assignments. Thus, the baby will not lose the desire to continue the game if he answered incorrectly.
  • Draw the answer. One of the great ideas is to invite the child not to voice, but to draw the answer to the riddle, so the competition will become twofold and cause even more pleasant emotions.

The most important and final task for parents is to pick up fun and exciting puzzles about the forest. It is not difficult to do this, the most important thing is to approach the task responsibly.

Amazing puzzles about the forest for the little ones

It is worth preparing the program in advance. You can write riddles about the forest for children on a piece of paper, or you can voice them from memory. Of course, the first option is more reliable. Riddles can be:

It has many wonders.

There are many animals.

Trees can't be counted

Trees wrapped in crowns,

Create comfort on the edge,

We go there to rest

Barbecue flavors inhale.

This is where the hares live

And the fox can be found

In general, it is full of miracles,

Gorgeous and magical…( forest).

Here bird songs sound more pleasant,

He is surrounded by silence,

The smell of firs, there is no magic here,

What is it, who will answer here?

"Au-au" is sometimes heard here,

Lots of paths and passages.

And to go there on the weekend

Everyone is ready for a lot.

The sound of crackling from the fire,

Firewood rustle,

There is magic and miracles

Shrouded in silence and singing.

Here the smell of firs, barbecue,

And you can pick up mushrooms.

As soon as it gets warmer, kids,

Here we rush to the barbecue,

Here you can hear the birds chirping

And you can run without borders.

The smell of trees here is very pleasant,

So quiet around that the soul sings.

We walk along its immense paths,

Holding hands with you slowly.

Magical, pleasant, beautiful.

There are many different animals living here,

Hares, foxes and various birds.

Here the singing of birds is loud,

How the string sounds.

The fire plays with flames

And the woodpecker knocks on the tree.

Trees are countless here

Who knows where this is?

Such puzzles are within the power of children of different ages. Certainly such content will plunge headlong into magic and a fabulous atmosphere.

Riddles about the forest for children 3-4 years old

If the kids are still very young, then long sayings may seem difficult for them. Riddles about the forest for children 3-4 years old are short - this is exactly what you need. The following tasks can be taken as an example:

Here is a hare, a wolf and a fox,

And there are beautiful trees all around.

It has a lot of trees

And paved roads.

There are countless paths and trees too.

All edges, like brothers, are so similar to each other.

We go there to pick mushrooms.

And we cook the skewers on the grill.

There are many trees

You can hear the songs of birds from the road.

There live a fox and a hare,

Both the bear and the wolf live.

And we only go there to rest,

We are having a great weekend.

On the edge of the ball playing,

If someone gets lost

That "ah-ah" scream

And they tell you to find yourself.

Cinderella ran here

After she lost her shoe.

Trees, like brothers, are beautiful.

There are a lot of paths, they want to confuse us.

Approximately such riddles can be offered to solve younger children.

How to motivate a child

What else, if not a gift at the end of developmental classes, can motivate boys and girls? Promise that after solving the questions posed, the child will receive a present. This is a very big incentive for little boys and girls. It does not matter what present will be given, a candy on a stick or a long-awaited toy, the most important thing is that it be a surprise.

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting riddles about nature with answers. Some of them are quite easy and students of grades 1-4 will cope with them, children from grades 5-9 will have to rack their brains over others. Riddles about such natural phenomena as: wind, rain, snow, eclipse, lightning and others.

I don't have wings, but I fly.
I am invisible, intangible.
But as soon as I get angry
Watch out, I'm knocking you down. (Wind)

Leaves fly in autumn
Coming ... (leaf fall)

Not water and not land -
You can't sail on a boat
And you can't walk with your feet. (Swamp)

If the Sun's Moon blocks the light,
Then darkness sets in on Earth.
And this is the phenomenon.
We all call ... (eclipse)

Very good-natured
I am soft, obedient,
But when I want
I will even exude a stone. (Water)

Dwarfs walk one after another:
On one is a green caftan,
Another is dressed in a white cloak,
The third leaves took in a bouquet,
And the fourth is friends with the sun,
He walks through the puddles with an umbrella.
Drive the weather
Each gnome is ... (season)

Hanging high in the sky
Shines bright, far away.
He will see everyone, warm,
Dispel darkness everywhere
Jump like a bunny in the window.
Guessed? This is the Sun).

A soft stem has grown,
He is not tall,
It barely reaches the feet
It is called ... (grass)

Molten Arrow
The oak fell down near the village. (Lightning)

towering giant
As if he fell into a trap
He doesn't go anywhere
It grows on one leg.
Like huge hands
Branches rustle in the wind. (Wood)

We breathe it, gases in it.
What shall we call it? (Air)

He is the younger brother of trees,
Just small in stature
And full of trunks
That young man. (Bush)

I catch them with a mitten
And I look at them, I look ...
Like patterned ice
Falling from the sky ... (snowflakes)

Spring has come, we are waiting for the rooks,
And flowed along the yard ... (stream)

Snow sheepskin coat on it, felt boots, frost,
He is ice cold, but he himself does not get cold.
It starts the year, the calendar.
Can you tell me what month it is? (January)

A blizzard rushes along the roads,
The winds will blow anyone off their feet.
The blizzard rushed with a blizzard into the distance,
Already windy has come ... (February)

The snow does not melt, but it turns black,
It got a little warmer.
Spring glorious start is given.
What month is this? (March)

Streams run, icicles melt,
Spring is coming into its own.
And the birds chirping
We are informed: here ... (April)

The sun does not leave the sky
This month is coming to us.
Take off your jackets,
The month is coming ... (May)

Well, summer has arrived.
Everything turned green, sang.
White blow on a dandelion ...
Now it is blooming. After all ... (June)

Heat on the thermometer
Green grass everywhere.
Sunbathing on the sand
You can see the boat in the distance.
The sky is like blue tulle.
Well, that month is ... (July)

Summer is coming to an end
There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest
The branches crunch underfoot.
What month? This is… (August)

Berries sing in the forests
Ripe apples in the orchards.
Summer is somewhere behind
You don't have to wait for warmth.
The sky is raining down
We call the month ... (September)

Cloudy, gray, dreary,
The low sky is sad
Birds fly south
A leaf flies from a tree,
Puddles in our yard...
In the month everything is in ... (October)

The last month before winter
He is very familiar with you.
And the first snow, and the cold,
There is a crust of ice on the puddles.
I still love the month.
Thank you for the snow ... (November)

This month is coming to us
New Year walks with him,
And the holidays are coming.
Who can guess the month?
It's the last one on the calendar.
I'm talking about… (December)

A stream of water pours from the sky,
Wet people and gardens,
Wet all the houses and the yard,
Wet dog chain Watch.
What? What happened?
The sky, maybe angry?
Wait to draw a conclusion
Just the third day ... (rain)

Rumbles in the blue sky
Rolling June ... (thunder)

We breathe it, gases in it.
What shall we call it? (Air)

Each color stood in front of each other
And one of them was painted.
The rain has just stopped
We recognized beauty in the sky.
She is a multi-colored arc.
The arc is called that ... (rainbow)

It's been raining all morning,
Only a verse, I hurried
Hurry up for a walk
To see all your friends.
Nothing down the road
I immediately got my feet wet.
In the yard with friends together
Together we measured ... (puddles)

The rain was drizzling
The night has come, and now -
The puddles are frozen
Everywhere ... (icy)

They build their own nests
And they sing loudly.
They can quickly soar into the sky.
Who is this? This is ... (birds)

He is both in summer and in winter -
Between heaven and earth.
Though all my life to go to him -
He will be ahead. (Horizon)

A river runs across the plain
She is beautiful and deep.
Where is this noisy stream coming from?
The beginning of the river is called ... (source)

Where the sea lets in the river,
They call, children, ... (mouth)

He flies down the cliff
It breaks on stones.
He roars louder than the beast
And turns into foam. (Waterfall)

White groats strewn the entire yard.
Maybe collect it all in a bucket?
No, that will not work - just take it,
Disappears so fast you can't find it.
I was very happy with that magical cereal.
Told the guys what it is ... (grad)

Sweeping leaves on the street
And throws garbage into the air.
Again in our yard
Nobody walks today.
Everyone says bad weather
That mother nature is raging again.
It will blow you off your feet, you won't even walk a meter.
What kind of strength is this? Strength ... (wind)

It rained for a long time in summer
Ice and snow in the mountains came down,
The river came out of the banks
Vegetable gardens and orchards.
Not to be found - around the water.
People are in trouble.
All in the water and no doubt
It has come ... (flood)

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.
But winter blizzards
They dressed him in furs. (tree)

The night has fallen to the ground
Brought darkness.
The stars are shining in the sky
Yes, it flickers ... (moon).

hot ball of gas
In the sky, he is immediately noticeable,
Gives us warmth and light
Without it, there is no life. (Sun)

silver curtain
suddenly descended from the sky.
silver curtain
poured out in drops.
Dropped the curtain
cloud, can you imagine?
What a wonderful curtain
Can you guess? (Rain)

Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

Like over a river, over a river
Suddenly appeared colored
Miracle suspension bridge. (Rainbow)

What is it, I don't understand?
Is it in a dream or in reality?
The house is not visible, the oak is in the river,
Everything is like milk.
Is it a fairy tale? Dream? Deception?
This is the morning ... (fog)

The shepherd breeze blew his horn.
Sheep gathered at the heavenly river. (Clouds)

From the water it will become wider
And it won't stop growing.
The pit has grown big
As if the magician tried.
He interferes with fields, gardens,
And his name is ... (ravine)

Peas scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel from sugar crumbs,
And only when the morning comes
All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

My girlfriend told me
That there are many plains everywhere.
There is nothing more
Only grass, full of bushes.
These conversations are nonsense
There are many landscapes ... (mountains)

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.
The yellow plate gives warmth to everyone. (Sun)

The mountains go in a row
It turns out a mountain range.
You know, you probably
What are these rows - ... (ridges)

An old man stands over the water
Shakes his beard. (Reed)

There is a dangerous mountain
Maybe she suddenly comes to life.
Breathe smoke, fire,
Magma can spew.
People in the world of different countries
They know that she is ... (volcano)

Worth Antoshka
On one leg
himself small,
And the hat is big. (Mushroom)

Remember kids:
Patience and work
Help create
Artificial ... (pond)

Soft, not fluffy
Green, not grass. (Moss)

Here the kikimora lives
Who comes - will disappear.
There is no sushi here, only tina,
Feet get stuck in the quagmire.
In books - a house for a hippopotamus.
Guessed? That ... (swamp)

Nobody scares her
And she's shaking all over. (Aspen)

Spring has come, they don’t heat the stoves,
And runs along the fields, murmuring, ... (stream)

There are bleached columns,
They have green caps. (birches)

The top layer is the earth.
It grows grass, trees,
It has fertility
What is everyone calling her? (The soil)

In summer they grow
And fall off in the fall. (Leaves)

It rains in autumn
Don't expect warmth in autumn.
Terrible heat in summer
The shower will barely save you.
In December it snows
And in the spring it rains.
Any time of the year
Characteristic ... (weather)

It's a dark cloud
Winter can be summer.
When it appears in the sky
Something does happen.
It may suddenly snow, hail.
From what? Who is to blame?
The weather without clouds is better
After all, a dark cloud is ... (cloud)

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water. (Ice)

He is fluffy, white-white.
It's not a beast, it's not a person.
He is in the winter every now and then
Falls to the ground. (Snow)

white carrot
Grows in winter. (Icicle)

I got my feet wet in the morning -
The grass was wet.
It didn't rain, but it was damp everywhere.
What? And where?
This water droplet
It is called ... (dew)

On the sea goes, goes
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear. (Wave)

Water evaporates from the pond
Then it falls to the ground as rain.
She falls into the seas and lakes
And again evaporates on a sunny day.
This phenomenon - the movement of water -
In nature it is called ... (cycle)

Around the water
And drinking is a problem. (Sea)

Five kingdoms in which there are many organisms,
We call mother-… (nature)

Two brothers
Looking into the water
Century will not converge. (River and banks)

Birds sleep in it and live,
They lay their eggs here.
Housing made from branches
And it is called ... (nest)

Red, black eyes are visible,
So, they've already arrived.
We hid in the grass, quieted down and waited,
When they are all collected for jam. (Berries)

Which road
They drive for half a year
And they go for six months? (River)

large water surface,
No coast to be found.
It's not a river or a sea
It contains hundreds of times more water. (Ocean)


The forest is one of the main wealth of our country. But for a simple layman, the word forest is more likely to be associated simply with nature, ecology and fresh air. It is nice to walk in the forest, breathe fresh air. If you need to collect a herbarium, we go to the forest. It is very nice to read poems about the forest. And of course, the riddles about the forest will not leave anyone indifferent. It is the riddles that you will find in this section.

In spring and summer,

He catches the wind.
And the frost comes
Worth a goal and barefoot ... (Forest)

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.
Come into the green house
You will see miracles in it ... (Forest)

Sorry for the cold poor thing -

To all winds and breezes
He's the last shirt
I gave it to shreds ... (Forest)

Cheerful in the spring

It's cold in summer
Feeds in autumn
It warms in winter ... (Forest, tree, firewood)

dressed in spring
Undresses in autumn ... (Forest)

In a fur coat - in the summer,
And in winter - undressed ... (Forest)

In the spring - in a colored dress,
In winter - in a white sundress ... (Forest)

Noisy on the mountain
And under the mountain it is silent ... (Forest)

Flora. Forest. Miscellaneous
About what grows in the forest. Leaves. Nuts. Moss. Acorns. Stump. Grass. Resin. cones

The guys have a green friend,
Cheerful friend, good,
He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them
And thousands of hands. (Forest)

Dressed in spring, undressed in autumn. (Forest)

The house is open on all sides.
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come into the green house
You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

In a fur coat - in the summer, and in the winter - undressed. (Forest)

The hero stands rich,
Treats all children:
Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - bone,
Mashenka - a nut,
Petya - russula,
Katenka - raspberries,
Vasya is a twig. (About what hero in question?) (About the forest)

The house is open on all sides
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come in green up
You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

I have a green friend
Cheerful friend, good.
He will stretch out hundreds of hands to us
And thousands of hands. (Forest)

On the mountain it makes noise, but under the mountain it is silent. (Forest)

Cheerful in the spring, cold in the summer,
Dies in autumn, revives in spring. (Forest)

Meadow in the forest
We walk on the carpet with you
Nobody wove it.
He unraveled himself
Lying by the blue river
And yellow, and blue, and scarlet. (Meadow)

Acorn. acorns
All the kids on the branches
From birth in berets.
Fall from the trees -
Berets will not be found. (Acorn)

An oak tree hid in a golden ball. (Acorn)

In this sleek bronze-colored box. (Acorn)

Hidden a small oak next summer. (Acorn)

Came to me in the forest; I searched and searched for her - I didn’t find it, I brought it home in my palm. (thorn)

Leaves. Tree leaf
Sits - turns green, flies - turns yellow,
Fall - blacken. (Tree leaf)

In autumn they spin, lie down on the ground,
They don’t get up from the ground and then they rot. (Leaves)

They grow in summer and fall off in autumn. (Leaves)

Pan Panovich fell into a well, did not disturb the water and did not drown himself. (Leaves)

Pan Panovich fell into the water,
The geese were not driven away and did not drown. (Leaves)

Golden coins fall from a branch. (autumn leaves)

A shadow flies on Peter's day,
The shadow sat on the stump, the shadow began to cry:
-Where is my dubrovushka,
where is my head
where is my fun time! (Autumn leaf)

I collected gold coins
And I wanted to buy candy
But on these, on coins
They didn't sell me candy. (autumn leaves)

In silence autumn groves golden rain. (Leaf fall)

Yellow boats, red boats
We went out for a swim and got cold along the way.
Huddled near the shore, swaying in the ripples
Red boats, yellow boats. (Autumn leaves)

I grow on the body near the stones without roots. (Moss)

Soft, not fluff, green, not grass. (Moss)

I am a swamp plant, the walls are caulking me. (Moss)

Not a knot, not a leaf, but growing on a tree. (Moss, sponge)

Not fire, but shining. (Punk)

In a hanging cradle
In summer, the resident sleeps in the forest.
Autumn motley will come -
It will hit the tooth. (Nut)

Round, mature, tanned
Got it on the tooth.
Got it on the tooth
Couldn't break everything
And then under the hammer
It crunched once - and the side cracked. (Nut)

Behind the wall is a forest bone bun. (Nut)

They took the gold and threw away the chest. (Nut)

Baby boy in bone clothes. (Nut)

The green hat is pulled down to the ears. (Nut)

Little man, bone coat. (Nut)

Little Ivan is a bone caftan. (Nut)

In a small pot, porridge is sweet. (Nut)

The pot is small, the couple is sweet,
You can't break the pot and you can't get the tarts. (Nut)

Without breaking the pot, do not eat porridge. (Nut)

The more you eat, the more is left. (There are nuts).

Hanging high, falling low
Bitter on the outside, sweet on the inside. (Nut)

Grew up, grew up
Came out of the bush
It rolled down my arms,
I felt it on my teeth. (Nut)

A chest grew on a branch,
He was locked up
But I got a chest
Red squirrel on the tooth.
Click-click, click-click,
And the chest opened. (Nut)

Although he is not at all fragile,
And hid in a shell.
Look into the middle
You will see the core.
Of the fruits, he is the hardest of all,
It's called... (Nut)

You can’t move a forest chair from its place. (Stump)

Cossacks are standing, they are wearing white caps. (stump in winter)

What a marvelous greenhouse -
The leaf is stored there in the winter. (Bud on a tree)

If our house gets sick,
He will pity himself.
Bitterly bitterly the house will cry -
And he will prescribe treatment.
Only own tears
Treat wounds and splinters. (Droplets of resin) (N. Stozhkova)

What will not be sown? (Grass)

Both calves and cows are ready to pinch it. (Grass)

Under the feet of an ant
Called... (Grass)

If we grow on spruces,
We are there, we are in business.
And on the foreheads of the children
Nobody needs ... (Shishek)

Here is a mailbox, there are no letters in it,
And each has a fluffy Christmas tree.
Will deliver immediately to the desired area
Their wind is a permanent forest postman. (Cone) (N. Stozhkova)

What kind of tree is
There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling?

Not the sea, not the land
Ships don't sail
And you can't walk.

Pa give from a branch
Gold coins.

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.
But winter blizzards
They dressed him in furs.

In a quiet house
On a branch,
Children took shelter from the rain.
They sit in cramped hillocks,
From under the shutters
They look.
Pine Nuts

A relative has a Christmas tree
non-thorny needles,
But, unlike the tree,
Those needles are falling off.

Not water and not land -
You can't sail on a boat
And you can't walk with your feet.

Into this sleek box
Bronze color
Hidden little oak tree
Next summer.

It is almost a hundred meters tall:
It's not easy to get on it!
He was from Australia
It was brought to us in Colchis.
He has one job
Swamp draining.

We want to live in Africa
Not because we are fat
We just don't know the place
Where we would live freely.

Soft, not fluffy
Green, not grass.

In the spring it amuses, in the summer it cools, in the fall it dies, in the spring it comes to life.

From a branch into the river will fall -
And it doesn't sink, it floats.

In a golden ball
The oak tree hid.

At the edge, by the woods.
A tussock lined up with hay.
It has a thousand brothers.
They are girded with one belt.

Nobody scares
And everything is trembling.

Many arms, but one leg.

She turned green in the spring, tanned in the summer, put on red corals in the fall.

Inseparable circle of friends
Pulls hundreds of hands to the sun.
And in the hands - a fragrant cargo
Different beads for different tastes.

Like pines, like fir trees,
And in winter without needles.

I got out of the crumb-barrel,
Roots started up and grew,
I became tall and powerful
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
Nothing that the fruit of my chalk.

Grow green in summer
And fall yellow in autumn.

On the mountain it makes noise, but under the mountain it is silent.

I have longer needles
Than the tree.
Very straight I grow
In height.
If I'm not on the edge,
Branches - only at the top.

Why do they go to the forest?
On the ground

What is it: subtract - there will be more,
Add - will be less?

Curls dropped into the river
And sad about something
And about what he is sad, he does not tell anyone.

The box is sealed
And in it the birch is hidden -
With branches. With earrings.
With white clothes.
The wind carries the box - let it be thrown somewhere.
Winged Birch Fruit

The dress is lost
The red buttons remain.

I lay in the light
Begged into the darkness
Yes, and there is no peace:
How to get out into the world!

We hang on thin branches
And we have berets on our heads.
As soon as the time is right -
The boar will find us right away.

Takes from my flower
The bee is the most delicious honey.
And yet they offend me:
The thin skin is torn off.

In the forest in the meadow
Worth curly Vanya,
The rich man is small
And give nuts.
walnut bush

Everyone tramples me
And I'm an assistant to everyone along the way.

Who changes clothes four times a year?

Which tree has babies in hats?
At the oak

The hero stands rich,
Treats all children:
Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - bone,
Mashenka - a nut,
Petya - russula,
Katenka - raspberries,
And Vasya is a twig.

White sheep run around the candle.

This city is not simple, it is dense and dense.

Which tree grows upside down.

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