Paganism and fornication in the monasteries of medieval Europe. Medical cannibalism in Europe

Family and relationships 03.01.2024
Family and relationships

Original taken from matveychev_oleg in Europe, which is better not to know

Western values, which some now talk about with aspiration, have a rather long cannibalistic history. Cannibalism, fornication, homosexuality, necrophilia are not modern inventions introduced through Overton window technology. All this happened in Europe just a few hundred years ago...


Champfleury wrote about the religious life of France in the Middle Ages:

Strange entertainments took place in cathedrals and monasteries during major church holidays in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Not only the lower clergy takes part in merry songs and dances, especially at Easter and Christmas, but even the most important church dignitaries. The Monasterians of the men's monasteries then danced with the Monasterians of the neighboring women's monasteries, and the bishops joined in their fun. The Erfurt Chronicle even describes how one church dignitary indulged in such exercises that he died from a rush of blood to his head.

Dinner of medieval monasteries. Miniature in a 14th-century Bible (Paris National Library)

In France, until modern times (mid-17th century), pagan rituals were preserved: “There was a pagan custom, preserved among Christians, to perform “bleating” on holidays, that is, singing and dancing, because this habit of “bleating” "remained from the observance of pagan rituals. It was only in 1212 that the Paris Council forbade monastic women from organizing “crazy holidays” in this form.

Abstain from crazy holidays where the phallus is taken everywhere, and this we all the more forbid Moneterians and Monasterians

Thus, Latin monks took an active part in the Saturnalia.

King Charles VII in 1430 again prohibits these religious “crazy holidays” in which the phallus is “raised” in the cathedral of Troyes. Latin clergy took an active part in the “festivities.”

The preacher Guillaume Pepin writes about the monks of his time:

Many unreformed ministers of the cult, even those ordained into the church, used to enter unreformed women's monasteries and indulge in the most unbridled dances and orgies with the nuns - day and night. I will remain silent about the rest so as not to offend pious minds.

Champfleury continues: “On the walls of the halls of some ancient Christian churches, we are surprised to see images of human genitals, which are obsequiously displayed among the objects designated for worship. As if an echo of ancient symbolism, such pornographic sculptures in temples were carved with amazing innocence by stonemasons. These phallic memories of antiquity, found in the dark halls of the cathedrals of central France, are especially numerous in the Gironde. The Bordeaux archaeologist Léo Drouin showed me curious examples of shameless sculptures displayed in the ancient churches of his province, which he hides in the depths of his files! But such an excess of modesty deprives us of important scientific knowledge. Modern historians, by keeping silent about Christian images of genitals in some rooms of ancient churches, throw a veil over the idea of ​​​​those who would like to compare the monuments of classical antiquity with the monuments of the Middle Ages. Serious books about the cult of the phallus, with the help of serious drawings, would illuminate this subject brightly and would reveal the worldview of those who, even in the Middle Ages, could not yet get rid of pagan cults.”

Sculptures at the Town Hall (Vienna)


Medieval monks were severely punished for sodomy. Very strict. By repentance.

The three most famous books of penance - the Book of Finnian, the Book of Columbanus and the Book of Cummean - contain detailed descriptions of punishment for various types of homosexual behavior. Thus, the Book of Finnian established that “those who commit intercourse from behind (i.e., anal sex is implied), if they are boys, then they repent for two years, if men - three, and if it has become a habit, then seven." Particular attention is paid to fellatio: “Those who satisfy their desires through the lips perform repentance for three years. If it becomes a habit, then seven.” Columbanus demands that “a monk who has committed the sin of Sodom must repent within ten years.” Kummean sets the punishment for sodomy at seven years of penance, for fellatio - from four to seven years. The penalties for boys vary greatly: for kissing - from six to ten posts, depending on whether the kiss was “simple” or “passionate” and whether it led to “defilement” (that is, ejaculation); from 20 to 40 days of fasting for mutual masturbation, one hundred days of fasting for intercourse “between the thighs,” and if this was repeated, then one year of fasting. “A young man who has been defiled by an elder must fast for a week; if he consented to sin, then 20 days.”

Later, the Church condemned the books of repentance for their excessive leniency towards “unnatural vices” - the main punishments were fasting and penance. For example, in England, the burning of sodomites was introduced by Edward I. However, judicial fires did not break out because of this accusation very often... From 1317 to 1789, only 73 trials took place. This figure is significantly lower than the number of executed heretics, witches, etc.

The charge of unnatural debauchery was more often used as an addition to the charge in order to emphasize the justice of the punishment. It was incriminated against Gilles de Rais, the Templars, although in the first case it was not the main accusation, and in the second it was the true motive for the execution.

Necrophilia and cannibalism

Human flesh was considered one of the best medicines. Everything went into action - from the top of the head to the toes.

For example, the English king Charles II regularly drank a tincture of human skulls. For some reason, skulls from Ireland were considered especially healing, and they were brought to the king from there.

Places of public execution were always crowded with epileptics. It was believed that the blood that spattered during decapitation would cure them of this disease.

In general, many diseases were treated with blood back then. Thus, Pope Innocent VIII regularly drank blood expressed from three boys.
Until the end of the 18th century, it was allowed to take fat from the dead - it was rubbed in for various skin diseases.

Already in the 14th century, the corpses of recently deceased people and executed criminals began to be used to prepare medicines from corpses. It happened that the executioners sold fresh blood and “human fat” directly from the scaffold. How this was done is described in the book by O. Kroll, published in 1609 in Germany:

“Take the undamaged, clean corpse of a red-haired man, 24 years old, executed not earlier than one day ago, preferably by hanging, wheeling or impalement... Keep it one day and one night under the sun and moon, then cut it into large pieces and sprinkle with myrrh powder and aloe so that it is not too bitter...”+

There was another way:

“The flesh should be kept in wine alcohol for several days, then hung in the shade and dried in the breeze. After this, you will again need wine alcohol to restore the red tint to the flesh. Since the appearance of a corpse inevitably causes nausea, it would be good to soak this mummy in olive oil for a month. The oil absorbs the microelements of the mummy, and it can also be used as a medicine, especially as an antidote to snake bites.”

Another recipe was offered by the famous pharmacist Nicolae Lefebvre in his “Complete Book of Chemistry,” published in London in 1664. First of all, he wrote, you need to cut off the muscles from the body of a healthy and young man, soak them in wine alcohol, and then hang them in a cool, dry place. If the air is very humid or it is raining, then “these muscles must be hung in a chimney and dried every day over low heat from juniper, with needles and cones, to the state of corned beef, which sailors take on long voyages.”

Gradually, the technology for making medicines from human bodies became even more sophisticated. The healers proclaimed that his healing power would increase if he used the corpse of a person who sacrificed himself.

For example, in the Arabian Peninsula, men between the ages of 70 and 80 gave their bodies to save others. They ate nothing, only drank honey and took baths from it. After a month, they themselves began to exude this honey in the form of urine and feces. After the “sweet old people” died, their bodies were placed in a stone sarcophagus filled with the same honey. After 100 years, the remains were removed. This is how they obtained a medicinal substance - “confection”, which, it was believed, could instantly cure a person of all diseases.

And in Persia, in order to prepare such a drug, a young man under 30 was needed. As compensation for his death, he was well fed and pampered in every possible way for some time. He lived like a prince, and then he was drowned in a mixture of honey, hashish and medicinal herbs, his body was sealed in a coffin and opened only after 150 years.

This passion for eating mummies first led to the fact that in Egypt, by about 1600, 95% of the tombs were plundered, and in Europe, by the end of the 17th century, cemeteries had to be guarded by armed troops.

Only in the middle of the 18th century in Europe did one state after another begin to pass laws either significantly limiting the eating of the flesh of corpses, or completely prohibiting it. Mass cannibalism on the continent finally stopped only towards the end of the first third of the 19th century, although in some distant corners of Europe it was practiced until the end of this century - in Ireland and Sicily it was not forbidden to eat a dead child before his baptism.

According to one version, the numerous remains in the Ossuaries - bone depositories - are a by-product of these manipulations - hundreds of thousands of bones look boiled, like museum exhibits - without the remains of flesh. The question is - where did the rest of the flesh go from so many corpses?

Paris catacombs with the remains of about 6 million people. The date of construction of this wall is visible.

Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini is a Capuchin church on Via Veneto in Rome, with the remains of approximately 4 thousand people.

Czech Republic. Kutna Hora. Ossuary in Sedlec. About 40,000 human skeletons were used to decorate the chapel. The chapel acquired its present appearance in 1870.

Numerous ossuary graves located among residential areas were a characteristic feature of the city during the late Middle Ages. According to the official version, ossuaries are used for mass burials of those killed in major battles, during the plague and other disasters; according to the unofficial version, they are the results of a global cataclysm of the recent past. Regardless of the reason, the nature of the polished-boiled bones raises many questions.

More information about ossuaries here:

To be fair, it should be noted that in the 20th century, echoes of that practice persisted - the production of medicines using human flesh; similar research was carried out in the USSR.

The dissertation of A.M. Khudaz, completed in 1951 at the Azerbaijan Medical Institute, is devoted to the external use of a drug obtained from human corpses - cadaverol (kada - means corpse) for burns. The drug was prepared from internal fat, melting it in a water bath. Its use for burns allowed, according to the author, to reduce the treatment period by almost half. For the first time, human fat under the name “humanol” was used for medicinal purposes in surgical practice by the doctor Godlender in 1909. In the USSR, it was also used by L.D. Kortavov in 1938.

The substance obtained after prolonged boiling of dead bodies may well be healing. Of course, this is just a hypothesis for now. But at one of the scientific and practical seminars, specialists from N. Makarov’s research laboratory showed the MOS (mineral-organic substrate) they had artificially obtained. Research protocols showed that MOS is capable of increasing people’s performance, shortening the period of rehabilitation after radiation damage, and increasing male potency.

Consumption of human flesh in modern society

Today, in the 21st century, Western civilization legally consumes human flesh - this is the placenta and food additives. Moreover, the fashion for eating placenta is growing year by year, and in many Western maternity hospitals there is even a procedure for its use - either give it to the mother in labor, or hand it over to laboratories that produce hormonal drugs based on it.

At first, old millionaires were treated with cow and sheep embryos, and soon doctors developed an incomparably more effective medicine - alphafetaprotein, made from human unborn children.
It is produced from embryonic tissues, directly from the human embryo, from umbilical cord blood, from the placenta.

Of course, to produce this “medicine for millionaires,” thousands, tens of thousands of embryos are needed, and their age should not be lower or higher than 16-20 weeks, when the future organism is already fully formed.

Video about alphafetaprotein:

Human meat is also added to modern food products as food additives. The consumer does not even realize that when buying Nescafe instant coffee, Nesquick cocoa, Maggie seasoning, baby food or other branded products, he receives a product with the addition of “human flesh”.

American biotechnology company Senomyx Co Ltd, whose main profile is the production of various nutritional supplements for the food and cosmetics industries. If we go to the English-language Wikipedia website, we will find out that the developed HEK293 component is the pride of the above-mentioned company.

In turn, if we ask ourselves what HEK293 means, Wikipedia will also give us the answer that HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney, that is, the kidneys of an aborted human embryo.

The monastery is a reserve of “fornication”

Since ancient times, monasteries have not been governed by godly morals.

By order of Peter the Great, Major Glebov was executed on March 16, 1718. Before that, Glebov had already been put through the rack, then the shoulder masters twisted his joints, chased him barefoot around the cell, the floor of which was completely studded with a sharpened splinter... And now the major had to be impaled. Friendly service people dragged him, almost lifeless, and skillfully raised his body so that, when falling, it would impale itself in the right place on a wooden rod. Then, since it was desperately cold, at 30 degrees, they threw a heavy fur coat and a fur hat over the unfortunate man. Not out of compassion, but out of consideration: if he freezes quickly, he will soon die.

This terrible torment, which lasted 28 hours, befell Glebov, according to the official version, for seducing Elena, a nun of the Suzdal Intercession Monastery, into fornication. The criminal was caught by spies who caught the couple engaged in “pleasure” that was forbidden for the monk, and her letters taken from the gentleman. This is the content:

“My light, my father, my soul, my joy, why have you left me? How have I annoyed you? For the sake of the Lord God, don’t leave me, I kiss you on all your limbs...”

It would seem that what does the king have to do with a nun who has sinned, and an elderly one at that - she took monastic vows 20 years ago. What, how and to whom did she trust herself for the sake of “bodily pleasures”? Is it his concern to take care of the other 50 nuns of the same monastery, accused of yielding to men and cruelly punished? Maybe denunciations from the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda prompted Peter to commit reprisals? They stated that his sister, Princess Martha, who had been assigned to the monastery for her connections with the rebel Streltsy, was shamelessly cohabiting with the local deacon. And the noblewoman Vera Vasyutinskaya, sent by him, the sovereign, to the Novodevichy Convent along with the power-hungry Princess Sophia, became pregnant there by the church choirboy...

No, it was not the violation of piety that caused Peter’s anger. The catch is different - the nun Elena was once in the world called Evdokia Lopukhina. With her - beautiful, portly, quiet - 17-year-old Peter, according to old customs, was brought down the aisle, but, having met the broken German Anna Mons, experienced in the art of feirt, he decided to free himself from his wife. Aleksashka Menshikov, who easily guessed the “patron’s” mood, recalled:

But Ivan the Terrible...

In the biography of Ivan the Terrible it is easy to find examples for all occasions. They found it at that time too, it was said in the chronicles: when the autocrat was tired of his fourth wife Anna Koltovskaya, he mercifully sent her to a monastery. The sixth missus, Anna Vasilchikova, and the seventh, also Vasilisa Melentyeva, who surprisingly quickly tired out the monarch, immediately received a cell each. Is this path really forbidden to Peter?

Evdokia, who did not at all want to take monastic vows, was taken by force to Suzdal and placed under the supervision of the abbess, whose stern vigilance was lulled by her new ward’s devout piety, exemplary obedience and passion for sewing. That is why the old woman was disgraced - Peter ordered both her and Elena to be flogged with batogs.

The abbess - for not reporting Elena's mischief with the major, the former spouse - for allegedly violating monastery rules.

All this was a disguise for the tsar’s offended pride. Having traveled around Europe and greedily explored the customs there, Pyotr Alekseevich knew that in foreign countries monasteries have long been a cheerful place. High-ranking nobles imprisoned here grumpy wives and daughters unclaimed by grooms, as well as girls whose marriage required a dowry! - could cause significant damage to family capital. There were also ladies who had done a fair amount of mischief in the world; public opinion ordered them to restore the reputation of virtuous women through repentance and prayers, although even under torture they would not have been able to explain what this means - virtuous. There were, of course, those who sincerely believed in the attainability of holiness, as a rule, commoners, who were immediately assigned to their usual dirty work - in the garden, in the laundry or in the barnyard. The rest, with big names or something famous, were not burdened by the local routine - contributions from their relatives, which replenished the monastery treasury, provided these “brides of Christ” with sufficient independence.

In a company formed in a similar way, the same orders reigned as outside the walls of the monastery. An idea of ​​them can be gleaned from the memoirs of Giovanni Giacomo Casanova, an indomitable seeker of sexual adventures. Describing his secret visits to the convents of Venice, he noted that these were real brothels, rivaling only the houses of courtesans - both here and there the Venetian nobility, thirsting for erotic entertainment, converged. Music, feasts, love affairs with subsequent solitudes - everything is just like in casino-country houses for intimate dates...

The “sisters” from the monastery in Murano, the most refined priestesses of lust, were especially famous. They staged fantastic orgies with fans intoxicated by copious libations: the refectory was turned into a theater, the tables - into a stage on which stunning actions alternated - lesbians merged in ecstasy, the phalluses of excited guests were tested for strength and endurance, depraved "games" of several participants in the revelry were demonstrated. .

The Saxon Crown Prince August visited this “moral reserve” in days of despair. For two months he courted the townswoman he liked, but she did not give up. And then the crown prince came to the monastery. A dozen seductresses surrounded him already in the reception room, but one was more decisive than the others, pushed aside his companions and lured him into her chambers with enthusiastic compliments. And there, according to the writer of everyday life who captured Augustus’s story on paper, “the prince was forced to submit to her exquisite whims, her impatient urgings, her approving encouragements - the nun forced him to travel the length and breadth of the entire country of Tenderness before she brought him into the capital of Pleasure.”

In many abodes in Europe, experienced mentors, by the right of older friends, taught young ones how to use “love pills” in order to rid the admirer of shyness, and at certain moments to give themselves, as they said then, a “tender expression”, “to wake up the cat that is sleeping under the skirt ", put yourself in the right mood and not disappoint a man with coldness. A cup of coffee was highly recommended and certainly with some kind of erotic poison that helps those admirers whose bodies are prematurely weakened by excessive pleasures.

In the 18th century, the fashion for a new stimulant - flagellation - penetrated into monasteries and was successfully mastered. Now there was no need for Spanish cantharid flies, or special candies for mutual seduction, or other sophisticated drugs. The nuns hid a whip or a rod in their cells and after the first immodest caresses preceding intercourse, by mutual consent with the object of passion, or even at his urgent request, they whipped the naked partner, making sure that the “tool,” which had just been uselessly sluggish, assumed a fighting position. This was explained simply: strong beating irritates the nerve threads, which, in turn, have a beneficial effect on the genitals. In the book “Mentress from the School of Venus,” very common in nunneries, it was edifyingly emphasized: “People who are not sufficiently familiar with human nature imagine that the passion for flagellation extends only to the elderly and those exhausted by sexual debauchery. Not at all! There are no less young men and boys excellent health, overcome by this addiction..."

The nuns' parents and relatives were not mistaken about the kind of life they led. And they were not indignant, did not interfere, did not condemn. But they took measures - they supplied him with the right remedy, invented by the doctor Condom. Made from sheep intestines, protecting against pregnancy and infection, it became popular in high society, while nuns called it “the grave of danger,” “the armor of decency,” and “the best friend of all secret lovers.” The same Casanova, who did a lot of mischief in the convent of Murano, forever remembered the first condition that the beauties there put forward to him: of course, if you want, undress naked, but there is something - and they pointed out with their finger what exactly - he just can’t be without a suit.

Alas, sometimes this did not help. Thus, Countess Louise Hollandina entered history with a unique record: having become abbess of the monastery in Montbuisson, she - the daughter of Elector Frederick V - gave birth to fourteen (!) children from different fathers. Such a piquant circumstance did not make Louise blush. On the contrary, she was extremely proud of both her fertility and the fact that men stuck to her like flies to honey.

The traditions of Saturnalia (revelry and revelry), sexual freedom, turning into disorder, were maintained for a long time in Italian, French, German and other monasteries. But what about the Russian ones? And, of course, a lot of similar things happened in them, but due to the closed nature of the internal life of the church, information about this rarely leaked out.

There is, however, indirect evidence. For example, Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the Great, having acquired a new favorite, always started “going to the saints” - to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, to Tikhvin, to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra... She was drawn to monasteries and always with a close friend. There , hiding from prying eyes, protected by all-understanding nuns, she received, in the opinion of contemporaries, the pleasure of a caressed companion. And Catherine the Great, tormented by her illegal cohabitation with Grigory Potemkin, more than once went with him “on pilgrimage,” noticing, probably, that a change of situation, the asceticism of monastic life transforms the favorite into a lover who never knows tiredness.

It is unlikely that even crowned ladies would dare to make such a visit if the monasteries were truly citadels of strong morality. Church handwritten monuments contain evidence that worldly temptations invaded there too. Impartial documents reported: “In monasteries they often hold feasts, call together husband and wife,” “those who drink monks from monasteries,” which is why – “intemperance, impurity, fornication, blasphemy, uncleanness.” The church fathers invented punishments for those who “promised virginity and accepted the sweets of fornication,” and for those who persuaded them to do so. Particularly sinful were considered the “couples” of those who were supposed to demonstrate “the good character of the saintly likeness,” that is, monks with nuns. Their intimate relationship was equated to incest.

These documents were written not in anticipation of possible misconduct, but, as they say, after the fact. And the list of strict punishments was dictated by the analysis of incidents. The most common among them were the homosexual attractions of monks to the laity, the seduction of priests by “great impatient wives” right in the temple, the desecration of a gullible monk, even if she did not object to this. The latter, it seems, happened often, because the punishment for such debauchees was toughened: not allowed into the temple! Because each of them is “a real killer”...

Times are different now, but are the songs different? People remain people. And few of them, without wishing to prevaricate, do not confess, following the great aphorist La Rochefoucauld:

Everything I like in life is either immoral or it makes me fat!

Tibet was (and still is) a church state. The custom of giving younger brothers in the family as monks strengthened contacts between secular and ecclesiastical authorities... The role of the church in the life of the country can be illustrated by the following figures. According to the census of 1663, there were 1,800 monasteries in Tibet with 100 thousand monks and nuns. In 1885, there were 1026 monasteries of the Gelugpa sect alone and 491,242 monks in them, and in total in Tibet at the end of the 19th century there were 2,500 monasteries with 760 thousand monks and nuns, which amounted to one fifth of the total population of the country. At the beginning of the 20th century. the population of Lhasa was 40 thousand people, and in three large neighboring monasteries - Galdan, Sera and Drepung - at the same time there were 20 thousand monks. . The monasteries were exempt from taxes, controlled vast lands with a large number of peasants and exercised some power functions in their possessions, for example, they had the right of court. [Kychanov. Savitsky. Decree. op. pp. 141-142]. What are the specific features of Tibetan monasteries that are so admired by the modern European intelligentsia and the stories about which fascinate young people? First: “Inside the monastery there was no equality of property between the monks. They came from families of different status, and in addition, the monks had their own property, could engage in trade and had personal income from performing any rituals from believers. Poor monks worked as servants to rich colleagues." [Kychanov. Savitsky. Decree. op. P. 142]. The French researcher Alexandra David-Neel, who lived in this country for many years, made a great contribution to the study of Tibet. Here is what she writes: “In large monasteries, several thousand monks gather. The motley, ragged, foul-smelling crowd makes a bizarre contrast with the luxury and pomp of the highest clergy: they are in golden brocade vestments, and the chong chen shalngo - the abbot, the elected ruler of the gompa - in a jeweled cape and with the same staff... The cups of the richest monks too made of wood, but others - from special types of wood: they are cut from a valuable growth on the trunk of certain trees; such a bowl might cost about six pounds sterling in local currency.” [David-Neel A. Magic and mystery of Tibet. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2004. S. 102, 104]. Of course, stratification of property sometimes took place in Christian monasteries. But there it, firstly, did not reach such a glaring contrast, and secondly, it was the result of abuses that were not part of the doctrine. According to the teachings of Tantrism, a sharp stratification of property even among monks is a norm that must be recognized. The second feature of Tibetan monasteries is the illiteracy or even complete lack of education of its monks. Unlike European monasteries, Tibetan monks had to pay for their studies (!). Basically, “lacking the means to study for long, the poor monks usually did not receive a good education and remained semi-literate, and some illiterate. Science was not cheap, even the Tibetan poet Milarepa said: “It is impossible to do without gifts, without property you cannot know religion.” . “Boys who are in great need become gayog (servants - approx. A.O.), that is, they receive lessons for their work as servants, and sometimes food and clothing in the house of some monk. Needless to say, in this case, lessons are held, as a rule, rarely and are not too long! The teacher, himself often illiterate or semi-literate, is only able to teach them to memorize incomprehensible passages from liturgical chants, and even those in a highly distorted form. Most gayyogas do not study at all - not because it is hard for them to work as servants, but because of neglect.” [David-Neel. Decree. op. P. 109]. Such laxity in the education of most monks is encouraged by the abbot. For uneducated novices are much easier to control. And the darker the person, the less developed his brain, the easier it is for evil forces to conquer him. The third feature of Tibetan monasteries is their militarization. Medieval European monasteries were also fortresses; monks sometimes had to take up arms. But there was never any training in military craft or the formation of special monastic military detachments there. As for the Crusaders, Teutons, and Templars, these were semi-monastic formations. “In large monasteries there were militarized detachments of monks - dobdobs, who carried out guard duty, ensured order on holidays, for example, Monlama in Lhasa, carried out sentences associated with corporal punishment, etc. Dobdobs wore a special uniform and styled their hair in a hairstyle that looks like ram’s horns twisted behind the ears.” [Kychanov. Savitsky. Decree. op. P. 142]. There were special martial arts schools at the monasteries, where they taught the science of killing in various ways. Moreover, this study was an integral part of religious practices. The fourth feature of Tibetan monasteries was the indescribable debauchery reigning within their walls. This is what the Tibetan poet Milarepa (1040-1123), already quoted above, writes about this, who, by the way, was a follower of one of the mystical schools of Tibetan Buddhism. “Nowadays, lamas kill animals and eat their meat and blood without feeling the slightest shame.” . Several centuries later, in the 16th century, the poet Dugpa Kunleg writes about the same problem: “Where meditation is taught, every monk has a woman and is in an illicit relationship with her... in the faculty of logic, every monk has a boy as a friend for consolation.” . “Travelers note that the monks constantly had relationships with women outside the monastery, and homosexuality flourished in the monasteries themselves. In the list of sexual relationships considered the most reprehensible among the Tibetans, the relationship between a teacher and a student is indicated.” [Kychanov. Savitsky. Decree. op. pp. 142-143]. “Llamas lead extremely depraved lives. However, according to the general belief, all these sins will be forgiven by God just because they are happening in the holy city (!).” [Zelenin A.V. Travels of N.M. Przhevalsky. St. Petersburg: I-e P. P. Soikina, 1900. T. 2. P. 116]. Let us note that both the Tibetans themselves and travelers talk about widespread debauchery in the monasteries. Moreover, all this happened with the complete connivance of the Dalai Lama himself. We do not observe anything similar in the same European monasteries, in some of which terrible sins also flourished, but this was, firstly, not in all monasteries, and secondly, if the crime was discovered, they were punished, and even more so , were not sanctified by religion. In tantric Buddhism, where orgies occupied and still occupy a prominent place in the service, debauchery, as in pagan religions, was (and is) the norm. Which, however, for the time being they are trying to hide from naive European intellectuals. The fifth feature of Tibetan monasteries are special unprecedented psychic exercises and spiritualistic sessions, during which monks come into contact with evil forces, demons. It is almost impossible to leave the monastery. And those who tell the truth about the rituals and customs taking place there face death. With the help of the monastery system, the Dalai Lamas managed to convert half of the entire population of Tibet into monks, thus making them directly dependent on themselves. The rigid monastic way of life made it possible to control a person’s life, giving him, on the one hand, complete freedom in commercial enterprises and in satisfying lust, and on the other, making him ignorant, superstitious, dooming him to perform occult rituals, after which the human mind became clouded and the person became a toy in the hands of their masters. In fact, the whole of Tibet is a large closed monastery-concentration camp, where human degradation has been systematically carried out for centuries. And these rituals are truly terrifying.

From the book "Lost Kingdoms" by Alexey Oparin

1) forces novices into prostitution (“supplies them to “cool” businessmen, charging from 1.5 thousand dollars for a “night of love”). The text read: “There are rumors that he supplies them to “cool businessmen,” charging $1 for a “night of love.”

After a long break, the Pskov City Court resumed consideration of the claim of Tatyana Belyaeva (Abbess Elisaveta) and the diocesan Spaso-Elizarovsky Convent for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation after the publication in the newspaper “Pskov Frontier” of the article “The Hornet’s Nest” under the golden domes “in No. 3 from January 14-20, 2008. The court hearing, chaired by Judge A. Efremov, took place on March 12, 2009. The defendants in the case were the newspaper “Pskovsky Rubezh” and journalist Oleg Dementyev, the author of an article reporting on the unworthy actions of the abbess of the convent, Abbess Elisaveta, who acquired lands and houses from local residents, even using intimidation (“This place is terrible, your children will go blind “). Simply put, the abbess forced local residents to transfer houses and land plots to her free of charge, and some of the most cheerful nuns and novices drank wine, indulged their flesh and, taking advantage of the abbess’s “leniency,” from time to time became pregnant.

Thus, a novice of the Spaso-Elizarovsky convent under the pseudonym Mary Magdalene openly walked with workers who wanted to have fun and became pregnant by a young guy brought to the monastery by his mother so that he would become imbued with faith in God. In a similar way, nun Marina D. unwittingly contributed to the solution of the demographic problem. Mother Abbess Elena and Tatiana M., who worked at the monastery from the beginning of its restoration, could not stand such a “holy life” and abandoned their abbess. The first got married and left for St. Petersburg, and the second is saved among the nuns living in Sergiev Posad. Novice Elena R. also had to flee to Kazan, not wanting to remain in an atmosphere of debauchery.

Let us recall that in previous court hearings, the plaintiff’s representative failed to provide the court with evidence that the facts described in the article were unfounded and unreliable. The Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2005 No. 3 emphasizes that “in the absence of at least one of the specified circumstances, the claim cannot be satisfied by the court.” However, in the Pskov region, Themis apparently lives by the “local Charter.” Back on June 27, 2008, judge of the Pskov City Court I. Adaev in his Determination established: “Indeed, paragraph 7 of Article 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of protecting the business reputation of legal entities according to the rules of paragraph 5 of the said article. Meanwhile, this norm does not contain a direct indication of the method of protecting the business reputation of legal entities.<…>These claims should be considered according to the rules of claim proceedings, as cases in disputes about the protection of subjective rights. In this case, the legal entity is obliged to prove the fact of causing non-material damage in the general manner established by civil proceedings, and to provide relevant evidence that is missing both in the statement of claim and in the documents attached to it.<…> “. And further:

“Guided by articles 136, 225 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge

O P R E D E L I L:

The statement of claim of Tatyana Ivanovna Belyaeva and the Diocesan Spaso-Elizarovsky Convent of the Pskov Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church against the editors of the newspaper “Pskov Frontier” and Oleg Vladimirovich Dementyev for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation shall be left without movement.

Invite the plaintiffs, before July 10, 2008, to correct the shortcomings of the statement of claim listed in this determination.

Make it clear that if the judge’s instructions are not followed, the application will be considered not filed and returned to the applicants.”

However, from the representative of the plaintiff, Yu. Karyaki, a private complaint was received by the judicial panel of the Pskov Regional Court, which was considered, as a result of which a Determination was issued with the following arguments: “According to paragraph 9 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2005 No. 3 “On judicial practice in cases of protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, as well as the business reputation of citizens and legal entities” plaintiff obliged to prove the fact of dissemination of information by the person against whom the claim is brought, as well as the defamatory nature of this information. In this case, the plaintiffs in the application indicated who, when and how disseminated information that, in their opinion, does not correspond to reality and discredits honor, dignity and business reputation...

Therefore, there are no grounds for leaving the plaintiffs’ application without progress.”

Without taking into account the different interpretations of words prove And indicate The panel of the Pskov Regional Court, consisting of G. Elchaninova, V. Igoshin and O. Enislavskaya, issued a ruling to cancel the ruling of judge I. Adaev and the case was transferred to judge A. Efremov. And special control over the progress of the proceedings was carried out by the ex-governor of the Pskov region M. Kuznetsov and his former deputy A. Morozov, with whom representatives of the plaintiffs constantly consulted.

The current consideration of the claim was very stormy. It is curious that the representatives of the plaintiffs never resorted to the materials of the linguistic examination of the correspondence “The Hornet’s Nest under the Golden Domes,” which they themselves ordered. The fact is that the research and conclusion of the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Pskov State Pedagogical University L. Popkova left them no chance to prove the undermining of honor, dignity and business reputation. In particular, the plaintiffs raised the following questions:

1) forces novices into prostitution (“supplies them to “cool” businessmen, charging from 1.5 thousand dollars for a “night of love”). The text read: “There are rumors that he supplies them to “cool businessmen,” charging from 1.5 thousand dollars for a “night of love.” Almost everything goes into the “income” of the monastery, but the sisters get a meager amount.”

The expert writes: “The above statements are not a statement by the author about real-life facts, since the first part of the complex sentence - There are rumors - contains a reference to an unknown source from which unreliable information was gleaned.

Wed: “Hearing.” 3. Rumor, news about someone. (usually not yet confirmed by anything) “. (SOS: 732).

2) illegally constructs residential buildings worth 200 thousand dollars and “a large house worth 700 thousand dollars or a million” on the territory of a monastery of houses.

» They are already building villas, although the abbess herself shouted that without her knowledge and without the Ministry of Culture it was impossible to dig or build anything, since the cultural layer would be disturbed. And here a residence is being built that costs at least 200 thousand dollars. Not far away there is an even larger house costing perhaps 700 thousand or a million dollars. I understand construction and know the prices. The wall around the monastery costs an enormous amount of money! Given the current difficult situation of believers, this is probably a feast on bones (Victor Kalinichenko).

Expert:<…> The text fragment used to comment on the question posed, in the context of the article, is intended to reveal social relations on the basis of rich-poor in a moral sense. There is no talk either explicitly (explicitly) or implicitly (hiddenly, at the level of subtext) of illegal construction carried out by Mother Elizabeth.”

Similar conclusions were made by the expert on all other questions raised, although it is clear that this was not what the customers were counting on. Moreover, when the testimony of witnesses from the village of Elizarovo, Pskov region, was heard in court, everything became completely clear. Resident V. Nikitin fully confirmed his words and added that his cousin once caught a young guy who was picking poppy straws in his garden in order to then smoke and “get high.” When the guy was pressed, he began to say that his father was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and sent him to a monastery for treatment for drug addiction, paying him 5 thousand dollars a month. There were quite a few similar guys in the monastery, although Abbess Elizabeth stubbornly kept silent about it.

Participants were promised to be notified of the date for the next hearing of the resumed trial in the coming days. However, the defendants insisted and continue to stand their ground, sending petitions to the court demanding that Tatyana Belyaeva herself appear at the court hearing. They want to hear with their own ears from the abbess what the violation of her “honor, dignity and business reputation” was.

By the way, if we talk about business reputation, there is one interesting nuance here, well illustrated in one of the special encyclopedias:

“They started talking a lot and often about the image of businessmen and about creating a corresponding reputation. The tone of the discussions is set by various consultants, PR people and other members of the business community who have smelled the unique smell of the money supply. Politics and show business are already covered - with the image of the former and the reputation of the latter - everything is fine. (...) The only catch is to first determine where the image of a businessman ends and his reputation begins. And then convince the businessman himself (if he has not yet realized) that he needs these things like air. (...) It is interesting that recently the word “reputation” is very often replaced by the concept “image”. Experts believe that image is a company’s product, which it works on, develops, creating its own image, which it likes itself and the general public. And reputation is the public’s response to some actions of the company. Why such a substitution is taking place is quite clear: creating an image is a completely understandable action. A lot of experience has been accumulated in this area. It is known how to work on this problem. Moreover, the businessmen themselves know.”

Based on this classification, the Spaso-Elizarovsky Convent of the Russian Orthodox Church MP, which has its own unique image, among the people there is a well-defined reputation. And if it can be difficult for secular people to understand the image, then with a reputation, according to the logic “you can’t hide an sew in a bag,” everything looks much more definite. So a paradox arises in which the Orthodox completely refuse to perform prayers, christenings, weddings and funeral services for the deceased in the Church of the Three Hierarchs of the Spaso-Elizarovsky women's monastery, which has such a high image in the Russian Orthodox Church MP. By the way, the elder from Fr. Zalita, Fr. Nikolai (Guryanov), who had the gift of providence, during one of Abbess Elisabeth’s visits to him, he abruptly removed the abbess’s cross from her and said: “You will not be an abbess, you will not be an abbess, but Spaso-Elizarovsky the monastery will become a monastery again!“.


There was one regular monthly event that we always dreaded: the visit to the monastery by our confessor father. Each time it was a different priest, but they were all basically the same. I really didn’t want to go and always tried to get into the back row. I lived in a monastery for so long that I will never trust a priest. All the people I met were rotten and vile. Confession was another difficult ordeal that sometimes took the entire day. The nuns took turns coming into the room where the priest was waiting. I have never seen a priest in the monastery who did not drink.

The room was empty except for the inevitable statue of the Virgin Mary. The priest sat on a straight-backed chair, and the nuns had to come and kneel before him. If she came out without being defiled or drawn into unspeakable depravity, she was lucky. No one ever interrupted the priest and the woman, no matter what was going on. One by one the nuns entered and left the room.

On other occasions, it was not unusual for the abbess to usher in a drunken priest who would pick a nun and take her with him to his cell for more drinking and sex. The Mother Superior was a heavy and carnal woman who bore many illegitimate children by the priests, and she usually drank with visitors. The priest was well fed, healthy and strong, and lived a relatively easy life, so the poor, weakened nun could not resist to fight him off. Taking advantage of her helplessness, he did whatever he liked and raped her in any way he chose. There was no one to protect and help her, and no one even cared that she was being forced into fornication. And due to the fact that the abbess locked the cell, there was no way to escape.

Often I looked after these little nuns after they had been cruelly and shamefully abused. Only the priest's lack of imagination could limit the kind of disrespect inflicted on the victim. I saw and experienced all the disgusting, wild types of lust carried out in monasteries. The nun's body was often viewed as if it were something to be thrown out to be trampled upon by pigs, covered in dozens of bruises and other marks. People who say I am exaggerating are either priests trying to suppress the truth, or those who have never been to a monastery. Because I was there, I know the truth, which is monstrous and shocking!

Can you imagine the terrible situation of a nun who confronted a priest? If she was unhappy or refused him, he complained to the abbess. Together, these two evil minds worked together to figure out what to do to that nun - things that normal minds could never imagine. A day or two after she had resisted the priest, the abbess would call her aside to undergo penance once more. There was no way out, and with a sinking heart she went down into the dungeon, where a terrible reprisal was carried out on her, invented by the priest and the abbess.

Some mornings, when we were getting ready to go to work, the Mother Superior would call ten or fifteen of us. We were trembling and worried, not knowing what was going on. We were never allowed to ask questions, we were only expected to obey like mindless machines. Will we be punished, taken to a cell for penance, or something else? Then she sharply ordered them to line up and take off all their clothes. With bated breath, we did as we were told. We knew from experience what would happen next.

Emaciated from hunger and marked with many scars, with shaved heads, we must have been a pitiful sight. Since absolutely no mirrors were allowed in the monastery, I had no idea what I had become like during all the years of my imprisonment. When I caught a glimpse of the others (we were forbidden to look at each other) - their emaciated, distorted faces, sunken eyes, fallen teeth and skeletal bodies from hunger, I could somewhat imagine that I looked like that too.

One day, after we were undressed, three drunken priests staggered in, looked lustfully at the naked girls, and each chose a partner to go with her to the cell. Remember that this is a closed monastery, and the priest is free to do whatever he wants, under the cover of a rotten religion. Then this wicked fornicator will return to his flock to celebrate Mass and listen to the confessions of people whom he deceives in their faith, saying that they are freed from their sins. Full of fornication, perversion and vice, he acts like their god!

Can you imagine what all these vile and harmful abuses did to me? I don’t know who else could harbor such hatred, resentment and bitterness. In my mind, I again and again carried and wished death for the abbess and other tormentors. How I savored these delicious thoughts of revenge and hatred! This is what the monastery did to me. Before I came there, I wasn't like that.

After all the nuns were broken and submitted to the will of the priests, they became very angry if we resisted anything they wanted to do. We often got punched in the teeth by an irritated, drunken priest. My front teeth were knocked out from being punched in the face. Often we were thrown to the floor and kicked in the stomach.

Babies born

Pregnancy did not provide protection, because the priest knew that when the child was born, he would be killed in any case. Due to the terrible corruption of this dirty system, dressed in religious garb, many children are born in monasteries. No wonder Babylon is destined for total destruction. He is unspeakably vile!

I saw many children born in monasteries. Most of them were abnormal and deformed, and rarely was there one normal one. Many, many of them have passed through my hands, so I know. I have seen the horror of it all with my own eyes, and the world must be warned about what happens in these chambers of horror.

Many people said that I was exaggerating and that this was not true. Let them open monasteries, but they do not dare to do it. After being ensnared in this rotten system for twenty-two years, I know what I'm talking about.

Normal young pregnant women eagerly await the birth of their precious baby. Everything is ready: the nursery, the crib, the clothes, and everyone is happy. In contrast, the little nun in the nunnery fears the moment she gives birth. The child is the product of a shameful, illicit union with a drunken priest who coerced her. She knows from bitter experience that the child will be allowed to live for four to five hours at most. He will never be washed and wrapped in a warm blanket, as the Mother Superior will cover his mouth with her hand and pinch his nostrils to end his life.

That is why all monasteries have lime pits. The bodies of babies thrown into these pits must be destroyed. Pray for the government to force the monasteries to open their doors to release the prisoners and let the whole world see what horrors lie behind those doors of cruel religious hypocrisy.

Monasteries in Mexico

If this happens, I assure you that even Catholics will agree to the closure of monasteries, as in Mexico in 1934. They have no idea what is going on there, otherwise they would never subject their daughters to such barbaric depravity and torture.

The monasteries in old Mexico have been converted into government museums that you can tour for a reasonable fee. You must go and see with your own eyes and touch with your own hands what I am talking about. Delve into the dungeons, through tunnels and torture chambers and see all the diabolical devices demonically designed to inflict suffering on the bodies of helpless nuns. See the cells where the nuns were locked each night, and examine the beds and prayer boards.

Cut off from the world

This should give you the burden to pray for hundreds of precious little girls who have been deceived and lured into these wicked prisons of the Roman Catholic system for a life of misery and despair. Remember that I had a mother and father who loved me very much. When they agreed for me to go to the monastery, they had no idea that I would be subjected to such degradation. They were sure that this was the highest purpose, the best expression of their faith and love for God - to give their daughter to this kind of service.

Safely locked in the monasteries until death, we would never be able to leave it and tell the people outside what was really going on inside. All means of communication were cut off, so we were outside the protection of the law or loved ones and friends. When you begin to understand this, you are overcome by hopeless despair and complete, black depression. Knowing that there is simply no possible way out is maddening, as there is no end or even any relief in sight.


Catholics loudly declare that anyone can enter any monastery, open or closed. There is an external chapel and a so-called meeting room. You won't even be allowed in there without an escort. If you are bringing food for a specific nun, you will typically walk to the front of the room and press the bell. The doors swing open and you have access to three shelves to put gifts for the nun on.

When the bell rang, you can be sure that the abbess was seated behind the heavy black curtain covering the large iron gates guarding the interior of the monastery.

You will not be able to go further, but you can speak to the Mother Superior through the veil. If you ask permission to talk to a specific nun, you may be allowed to talk to her, but only through a veil. If questions are asked about her happiness, health, nutrition, etc., the nun always answers in the affirmative. After all, the abbess is still sitting there, watching every word.

If she complained or revealed any unpleasant details about life inside, then as soon as the visitor left, swift and firm action would follow to correct her. They have serious reasons for not allowing relatives to see the nun in person. After some time of monastic life and cultivation, the eyes become sunken, and the body is so stunted, pale and sick that observing all this will bring an indignant protest.


Many nights I was extremely exhausted and in dire need of sleep, but my ravenous hunger did not allow me to rest. For breakfast, only a piece of bread and a cup of black coffee were served, which did not even relieve the severity of that always present hunger. Those who have always had enough to eat will find it difficult to understand the plight of those who go to bed hungry every night. In poor, backward countries this is a tragedy. It becomes even more evil when you realize that what I am describing is deliberately planned and caused by cunning and diabolical cruelty.

Remember that not a night or a day goes by when these little nuns, imprisoned in a monastery closed from the world, do not go to bed hungry. They are sick, wounded, tormented, homesick, dejected, discouraged and filled with despair. While we turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for hope, these poor women have no hope. Going into a lost eternity is what usually awaits them in the end.

Sometimes I meet Catholics who swear that they have been to monasteries and that what I report is not true. You must remember that Catholics are completely free to lie in defense of the church and do not even have to confess to it. This is permissible, just as theft up to $40.00 is not punishable (Exodus 20:15,16).

Translated by Svetlana Nikiforova

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