Vanga: Obama is the last president of the United States. Prophecy comes true

Interesting 13.09.2021
The great medieval prophet Ragno Nero predicted 500 years before the appearance of the United States: “A state on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest on Earth. It will be ruled by rulers for 4 years, the 44th of which will be the last. Obama is the same 44th. I can add that the book of Nero's prophecies was discovered in 1972, and he lived at the end of the 14th century. Everything he predicted up until the 20th century has come true. This means that everything predicted for the 21st and subsequent centuries will come true. I think there will be an assassination attempt on Obama. And then a tectonic catastrophe will break out, followed by a global cataclysm. Most of the US will be destroyed. This is confirmed by the forecasts of American scientists. Everything should start with a California tectonic catastrophe, the probability of which (by definition of scientists) is 99%. The timer for this catastrophe is already ticking down...

The famous Moscow seer Lev Fedotov (1923-1943) made the following predictions:
“I know that blacks who are oppressed in America will get the same rights as whites, and a black American will become president of the United States. Unfortunately, the fate of this president will be tragic, he will have the same story as Abraham Lincoln, he will be mortally wounded during the assassination attempt. After the death of this president, chaos and anarchy await America ... "

It turns out that the famous soothsayer Vanga managed to predict the outcome of the US presidential election in 2008. Opinions differ about what the seer predicted, but they are unanimous in one thing: it is absolutely certain that Vanga called the victory of the “black” person. Vanga predicted that the 44th president of the United States (that is, the next after George W. Bush - Approx. ed.) will be black, and this president will be her last, because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of the largest economic crisis. It may even break up into southern and northern states. And here is the prophecy of Schema-Archimandride Stefan (Athos): "America will soon collapse. It will disappear terribly, completely. The Americans will flee, trying to save themselves in Russia and Serbia. So it will be!" How about this prophecy: "Great America will soon fall, and Russia will become the main country in the world!" And that is not all! I quote: "The great seer Edgar Cayce (1877- 1945) predicted the destruction of New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. He said that most of Japan would go under water and that Northern Europe would be transformed in the blink of an eye. Regarding North America, he said that there would be many geophysical changes to a greater or lesser extent, with a significant transformation of the North Atlantic coast. In 1934 Case said that the Earth would break in many places. First, the west coast of America will be transformed. Open waters will appear in the northern regions of Greenland, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea ... South America will shake from top to bottom ... According to Casey's prophecy, climatic and seismic cataclysms will affect the entire planet, because of which it will change dramatically. But Russia will suffer less than the others and will lead the resurgent civilization, the center of which will be Western Siberia.
To this it should be added that American scientists conducted in-depth studies in California. RESULT - A SUPER-DESTRUCTIVE EARTHQUAKE IS INEVITABLE! PROBABILITY - 99,9 % !

The ancient sages said: you can not listen to one oracle, but when the second one speaks about it, you need to listen, but when the third one speaks, then it's time to save a life, since these events have already begun to occur. AND HERE ARE SEVEN ORACLES!!! AND WITH THEM DOZENS OF SCIENTISTS WITH A 99% FORECAST!!!

The White House is already preparing for a global catastrophe that will kill hundreds of millions of people. American journalists gained access to classified CIA information. The new data confirms the words of former intelligence agent Edward Snowden, who said that the American emergency management agency is buying food, medicines and other essentials in huge quantities ...

It is safe to say that not only Americans, but the whole world is watching the US presidential election. After all, it depends on their outcome whether the domestic and foreign policy of the overseas state will change. The fight is not just tough: the parties sometimes resort to blows, as they say, “below the belt”. And it is still not completely clear who will take it.

Vanga's prophecy

55 years ago, current US President Barack Hussein Obama II (Jr.) was born in Honolulu, the capital of the 50th US state of Hawaii. Moreover, this happened just two years after Aloha (as this archipelago in the Pacific Ocean is also called) became part of America. There has been a lot of controversy about whether Obama's election to the US presidency is legitimate. However, in 2009 he began to fulfill his duties as head of state.

And from the very beginning of his activity in an elective post, many experts and political scientists, as well as the ordinary world community, were perplexed - for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize. After all, Obama, with his decisions, has actually stirred up a hornet's nest in the Middle East and Africa, having arranged a humanitarian catastrophe there. And he did not fulfill any of his promises regarding the cessation of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the closure of the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison, and so on and so forth. Moreover, Barak Husseinovich behaves as if he is going to rule America forever.

This opinion is shared by experts who fear that, like George W. Bush, who strengthened his position after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the current president may try to declare a state of emergency in the United States - allegedly because of threats emanating from terrorist organizations. And then he, prolonging martial law again and again, can rule the country for as long as his heart desires.

Perhaps this is what many unrelated clairvoyants have in mind when they call Barack Obama the last leader of the country. Moreover, this is claimed by the prophets of literally all times and peoples. But why the last one? After all, even if the incumbent president extends his term for another, say, 8 years, after that, another owner may still come to the White House. However, even Vanga, who at the end of the 1970s predicted the victory of the black head of the country, literally said the following words: “A black man will come to the White House. And this president will be the last for the country. Because then America will freeze or fall into the abyss of a major economic crisis. It may even break up into northern and southern states.

44 Kings of the Jews

At that time, no one could understand what, in fact, was at stake. After all, many who tried to interpret the seer's statement were sure that her statements were allegorical: for example, a person who came to the White House may have dark thoughts and a black soul. It was believed that it would simply be a bad politician with dirty intentions. However, in 2009, when Obama came to power, everything fell into place.

Almost exactly the same prediction could be heard from the lips of the most popular American clairvoyant of the twentieth century, Edgar Cayce - he, the man who listened to all of America and whose predictions always came true, can be trusted almost one hundred percent. And one of the clairvoyants, the authoritative and respected soothsayer Nonn Jobiznich, the so-called "Christian guardian", according to him, had a prophetic dream in which a revelation came to him in the form of information about Barack Obama, who would become the last of the American presidents. This will happen by analogy with the peoples of Israel and Judah, which were ruled by 44 kings, the forty-fourth of which was the last.

Concerning the prophets of all times and peoples, this is also true. From the Middle Ages, the so-called “Eternal Book” has come down to our days, in which the “Black Monk” Federico Martelli, who lived in Italian Bologna, recorded his visions. He was also called the "Black Spider" - by another of his nicknames: Ragno Nero. “The power on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest on Earth,” writes the soothsayer and astrologer. “It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last.” This is one of the many recordings of the "Black Monk" who predicted various things and events. To exclude falsification, in 1972 experts conducted a radioisotope analysis of the manuscript. And laboratory studies have confirmed the fact that the age of the "Eternal Book" is at least 500 years old. But then America had not yet been discovered ...

In addition, our contemporary astrologer Pavel Globa, who at one time accurately predicted almost all the events of the end of the past and the beginning of the present century, speaks about the same fate of Barack Obama: the coming to power of Boris Yeltsin with Mikhail Gorbachev, the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Treaties, all crises, including 1998 and 2008, as well as the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, the wars in the Middle East and the revival of New Russia.

The latest research by historians and specialists in deciphering all kinds of predictions suggests that even in the quatrains of Michel Nostradamus there is information about the last ruler of a distant country across the ocean, which can change the form of government or simply cease to exist due to the global crisis. By the way, Vanga's student, American Herald Celente, also spoke about the protracted economic crisis, mass riots and hunger riots among the poor in the United States. He also argued that Barack Obama would die in his prime, and nothing good awaited America.

If someone alone is trying to predict the future, then this can somehow be brushed aside. However, when many clairvoyants, seers, astrologers and prophets, without saying a word, paint the same picture, it is probably already possible to think about this. In any case, it is worth paying attention to these predictions. But whether they will come true or not, none of us knows. However, as they say, time will tell. At least it will put everything in its place.

WASHINGTON, January 22 - RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The documentary "Last Year" directed by Greg Barker showed the final period of the work of the Barack Obama team "from the inside", taking advantage of the unprecedented access to the White House.

In a quick cut, the director shows how Obama's foreign policy advisers moved around the world: Austria, Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria, Vietnam, Laos, Greece, Japan, Greenland... And if at the beginning of the film the team appears as a group of dreamers trying to change the world in accordance with their ideas , then in the end they look confused and depressed by the unexpected election of Donald Trump. With the idea that their activities will not only not be continued, but they will also try to cancel, not one of the heroes of the picture has come to terms.

Dreamers in their own juice

When journalist Michael Wolff was granted access to the Trump White House, he wrote such a devastating book that it caused a huge scandal. Documentary filmmaker Barker also got the opportunity to closely patronize the Obama team on its trips, but in exchange for this, he lost all criticality in describing his heroes - Obama himself, his national security adviser Susan Rice, First Deputy Rice and speechwriter to President Ben Rhodes, Secretary of State John Kerry and the envoy United States to the UN by Samantha Power. Rhodes and Power spend most of their time on screen, while Obama and Kerry mostly utter forgettable generalities.

“When I first got here (at the White House), I was amazed at how small this building is. There are 30 people working here who direct the entire US government, and through it the whole world,” says Ben Rhodes. It is evident that he is proud of his power. "I want to use the remaining time to show that there is another way to conduct foreign policy: focus less on military means and more on efficiency," says Obama's speechwriter, who had no experience in foreign policy before coming to the White House.

Power had a similar experience: in the past, a journalist and human rights activist, she earned the ministerial chair of permanent representative to the UN only through her work with Obama. We see Power and Rhodes roam the world, trying to unravel the knots of world politics and historical memory with neophyte aplomb. Here Rhodes is composing a speech to the chief for a speech in Hiroshima, trying to make amends for the horrors of the atomic bombing, but in such a way that America does not have to apologize for anything or promise that it will not happen again. Here Power, in Nigeria, among the relatives of girls kidnapped by Islamist extremists, suddenly reveals and expresses aloud to heartbroken women what an American diplomat should have known from college: it turns out that America is not omnipotent, it is not enough for her to just think of something and do something, and By and large, she also cannot help to return the girls.

We see President Obama literally descending from heaven to Vietnam, where the US fought a half-century ago, and Laos, carpet-bombed in an undeclared war, and everywhere the US president wears the toga of a peacemaker healing the wounds of history. In Athens, the birthplace of European civilization, Obama, alone, without retinue, walks along the Acropolis - a historical figure alone with history. Meanwhile, John Kerry visits the melting ice of Greenland and holds a meeting on a Syrian truce on the same ship. These visionaries will change the world, as if the author tells us, and yet the viewer knows that in just a few months, Trump has largely disavowed Obama's legacy and rhetoric.

Lives of the Saints

In general, the uncritical nature of the director will surprise, perhaps, Obama's fans. The heroes of the film constantly praise themselves and each other, and the helpful camera shows them constantly working, constantly caring for the whole world, often with tears on their faces.

"I am by nature an optimist. I never stopped urging people to give up war," says Secretary of State Kerry, a former anti-war activist. Obama praises him for this. But the Obama administration was the first since World War II to have both presidential terms during wartime. However, later in the film, Carrey admits that he is not a pacifist after all and does not mind defending his goals by military means. The President of the United States is also represented by a man whose heart aches for everyone. "His heart breaks when he thinks of the people of Aleppo," Rice assures us, but what more could you expect from her about the boss?

Especially a lot of emotions went to the share of Power in the film. Here she is crying at a US citizenship ceremony. He visits refugee camps. We see her condolences to the parents of a seven-year-old boy who died under the wheels of the envoy's motorcade in Nigeria. "My son will be seven on Sunday," Power tells reporters.

Elsewhere, the US envoy marvels at the virtual reality system that takes the viewer to these camps from the UN headquarters, and advises the envoy of Saudi Arabia who comes to hand to admire the technology. But behind the scenes are not only the operation of Saudi Arabia and the Arab countries in Yemen, which caused waves of refugees and famine, but almost completely - the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, their participation in Syria. The actions of the Obama team are given without context and reasons, and attempts to normalize historical memory in Vietnam or Japan are given without mentioning that in the same days America fought in other wars, which then it will have to comprehend, as it has been comprehending the war in Vietnam for half a century. .

Numerous conflicts in the administration are only hinted at, and the reasons for them are shown to be naive. Rhodes recounts how he ran into Power while writing Obama's last UN speech. According to Rhodes, things in the world are not so bad thanks to the only correct American concept. Power, having seen everything in refugee camps around the world, wanted to insert more references to human suffering into the speech, but lost to Rhodes. As a result, Obama described a benevolent picture of the world (except for the "usual suspects" in the form of Russia and China) six months before Trump began to destroy all the results of his activities.

The director sometimes gets lost in such panegyrics that a veiled mockery seems to an outside viewer. Here is President Obama meeting with teenagers in Vietnam. "You are a very great leader and we are young leaders. What advice would you give us to be like you?" Obama is asked. And now the obedient camera records how the President of the United States importantly talks about the Declaration of Independence and the greatness of America.

Russians from cartoons and the problem of interference

The role of the antagonist in the film traditionally goes to Russia, with which the Obama administration spent the entire 2016 trying to negotiate a ceasefire in Syria. The whole history of the negotiations in the film is given extremely confusedly and without explanation, it is only clear that the Russians are ruining the life of the Americans. Here Kerry says: "We are trying to combine positions, but it is difficult." Here Power explains that the Russians are "bullies" and if you don't speak harshly with them, they will bully even more. Schematically and without context, the squabbles at the UN are shown on the topic of why the truce in Syria failed. Immediately after its announcement in the fall of 2016, the US coalition attacked the Syrian military, and then there was a strike on a humanitarian convoy, in which the US blamed the Syrian authorities and Russia (Moscow denied this).

"It's a pity, because we had an agreement that could work ... We accidentally hit 70 people, and the other side did not believe that we were accidental," Kerry says. Power, as always, is not shy about saying "Russia doesn't care about atrocities," while Rhodes and the White House press team discuss backstage how to make Russia feel guilty.

The film also contains Kerry's well-known invectives to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: "I have the impression that we live in parallel realities," and Power to the now deceased Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin: "Are you really incapable of being ashamed?" But the director not only omitted the answers of the Russian antagonists, but also did not even clarify the position of the United States itself. The only line of the Obama team’s opponents in the entire film is a five-second quote from Lavrov, where he calls for an international investigation into the attack on a humanitarian convoy, but this makes it all the more incomprehensible why the United States accused Russia of disrupting the agreement.

President on Call, or How to Renew Barack ObamaNow in three or four hours he can get another Nobel Prize. This, of course, is longer than the minutes that his famous speech about a world without nuclear weapons lasted. But with this program, he can perform as much as he wants.

The problem of US participation in world wars is also schematically given. Against the background of Obama's speech in Hiroshima, Barker shows the burned faces of the survivors of the nuclear bombing, and this moment remains one of the most meaningful in the film. Barker mentions the dilemma of Obama's second term: whether to go to war in Syria with an open operation against the authorities in Damascus (the US did not do this, but in the end got involved anyway, training the opposition, bombing terrorist positions and dividing spheres of influence inside the country ).

Obama explains his doubts about this in a purely utilitarian way: why start a war if you don't want to govern the liberated (or conquered?) territory. The US was tired of this tactic in Iraq and Afghanistan, and voters didn't want to get involved in another war in Syria. The question of whether or not to interfere in the affairs of other countries is generally left out of the equation.

"The problem is that in the absence of our desire to manage these territories, a military operation does not solve the issue," Obama says.

The squad leaves into the night

Lavrov compared the actions of the Trump team with the course of ObamaThe tactics of the American leader differ little from the course of his predecessor, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry believes. According to him, at the suggestion of the anti-Russian lobby, new unfriendly steps are being taken against Moscow.

The election campaign in the United States appears in the film as something secondary, not worthy of attention. The greater the shock of all after the election of Trump.

Early in the film, Rhodes is discussing with a Vietnamese cafeteria worker who will be the next president of the United States. He is absolutely confident, even relaxed, talking about the impending victory of Hillary Clinton. Rhodes does not plan to work further - Clinton will find his assistants - but he expects Clinton to continue the course of Obama. The desire to consolidate the results of his policies so that they can be continued by the next administration is also spoken of by Obama in the film.

On election night, Power invited 37 female permanent representatives to the UN to watch the results with her in the full confidence that the first woman president of the United States would be elected. As Trump wins state after state, Power is increasingly trying to turn on his composure, and after Trump's victory in North Carolina, he says dispassionately: "It's over." Toward the end of the evening, we see the estranged Power and her son asleep in her lap. Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has blamed former President Barack Obama for losing the election. Political scientist Alexei Fenenko expressed the opinion on the air of Sputnik radio that Clinton is too painfully experiencing a loss.

Meanwhile, Rhodes is sitting on the steps in the street somewhere behind the Secret Service cordon. The president's usually spelled-out speechwriter can't find the words: "There's something to think about right now (long pause). I can't even… (long pause) I can't… (pause again). I can't, I can't, it's cannot be put into words."

At the end of the film, we see Rhodes and company packing at the White House. They would have had to do it anyway, because Clinton had no intention of keeping them in the administration, but Democratic-sympathizing viewers will feel in this moment a special nostalgia for the Obama days and a sense of helplessness and loss. As one reviewer put it, "If you can't shed a tear at the end of the movie, when Obama's senior aides are removing certificate frames from the wall and filling cardboard boxes with things they can't leave behind, you've probably drowned for Trump." Indeed, the reaction to the film in the US will remain divided, just as society itself is divided. Barker's audience - the Democrats - will admire these speeches and, perhaps, really wipe away a tear, and the Republicans, most likely, will not go to the film.

If you look from the outside, it's hard to get rid of the idea that Barker, no matter how hard he tried to give a bright image of Obama and his team, showed only people who did not quite understand what they were doing and what awaited them all. Arranging the fate of the world, they did not pay attention to the future of their own country. Solving the problem of historical memory, they did not end the wars in which America continues to participate, and they did not seem to attach as much importance to them as to the "historical" speeches in Hiroshima and Hanoi. Trying to fix their agenda in the world, they lost it at home.

Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris climate treaty in his first year, reversed trade agreements and "thawed" relations with Cuba. Obama's foreign policy legacy is crumbling at every turn. And in the end, the inexperienced people who directed American foreign policy, shown in the film, could not leave anything lasting behind them. Their sad thoughts after the arrival of Trump sums up Power: "Now we will not be able to gracefully leave into the night."

Vanga's prophecy about the end of the United States is beginning to come true. Russia has become a bone of contention that threatens the integrity of America.

The predictions of the blind Bulgarian prophetess Vanga have repeatedly come true. Direct evidence of this is real historical facts: a woman predicted the terrorist attacks in America on September 11, the rise of China as a world power, the tragedy with the Kursk submarine, the coming to power of Barack Obama, and much more.

Recall that the media have repeatedly raised the issue of Vanga's last prophecy about the United States and interpreted it differently. However, only now one can wonder whether Vanga's words come true. The last words of the Bulgarian prophet about America are extremely relevant today. She announced that the 44th President of the United States would be the last. Then the country again, as during the civil war, runs the risk of being divided into north and south.

As you know, the 44th President of the United States was Barack Obama, but after the elections held in November 2016, billionaire Donald Trump came to power. In the list of national leaders of America, this politician is listed at number 45, which, in theory, should contradict Vanga's words. But is it?

Contrary to the expectations of most adherents of the course of the African American president and the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton lost the election, and the Republican candidate became the people's choice. This alignment, oddly enough, caused serious popular unrest.

The national media of America unconsciously develop the theme of a terrible prediction for them. This week, on the pages of the well-known Time magazine, in the annual column Person of the Year (person of the year), this title was awarded to the new president, Donald Trump. True, the publishers took the liberty of calling him "President of the Disunited States of America."

Now even the leading Western media admit that the integrity and cohesion of the state has come to an end and that the "United States" that was before is no more. So Barack Obama really was the last president of this country.

It should be noted that immediately after the US popular elections, a wave of riots, demonstrations and unauthorized rallies swept the country. In addition, statements were made from some states of the country about the desire to secede. The most famous and publicized cases are in the state of Texas and the state of California.

Immediately after the election, Texas activist Nathan Smith, head of the Texas Nationalist Movement, made a statement in which he announced the unwillingness of the inhabitants of the region to be responsible for the US national debt and to be involved in the "federal bureaucracy". According to the figure, their organization is making efforts to organize a referendum immediately after the inauguration of Donald Trump.

The activists of the 31st state of the USA "Yes, California" came up with the same initiative. As early as November 22, they sent a petition to the office of the Attorney General of their state demanding that a referendum be held.

And the social discord in the state makes one seriously think about the prospects for its further existence in the form in which it existed before.

According to forecasts about Donald Trump, the “national idea of ​​Russophobia” under this president is coming to naught. For many years, the rivalry between the two superpowers was the leading one for the Americans, but now the balance of power is changing. In his election speeches, the billionaire said that he would like to cooperate with the Russian Federation and put an end to hostility.

It is this view of the new national leader that makes many politicians "tens up" because it does not fit with their personal interests. Supporters of the course of Obama and his follower Hillary Clinton hoped for a different outcome, which is why they are trying to provoke popular unrest that threatens the integrity of the country.

The website today published an amended prophecy by Vanga, which supposedly contains information that the new national leader of America should even fear for his life, since he could be assassinated. Given recent events and the situation in the States, this is also quite likely.

It so happened that, unwittingly, Russia becomes the cause of the collapse of the United States. For many years, American leaders have cherished the idea of ​​a threat posed by the Russian Federation, which, allegedly, needs to be answered only by force. The mood for partnership with a “hostile” state becomes a “bone of contention”. For many years, the country's mentality has been tuned in to an anti-Russian direction, and the new politician, having "broken the stereotype", speaks of a radically different view of the situation.

So this last prophecy of the seer Vanga about the United States seems to be gradually coming true. Of course, it is still too early to draw any final conclusions, and what will actually happen to the United States, only time will tell.

Maybe today it makes sense to recall the predictions of the famous American prophet Edgar Cayce and the clairvoyant Vanga that the 44th US President will be black and ... the last?

An ominous clause

It turns out that Obama is not the first president to take the oath again. Before him were Chester Alan Arthur (21st President of the United States) and Calvin Coolidge (30th President). However, both of them were vice-presidents and they took the first oath where the death of the head of state overtook them - these were the rules. Then they did the same already in Washington with a confluence of people.

But Barack Obama, although through no fault of his own, made a mistake in public, and in that part of his speech where it was not at all worth doing. According to some reports, the word order in the phrase "I swear to faithfully fulfill the duties of the President of the United States of America" ​​was mixed up, according to others, the word "honestly" was not pronounced at all. An unpleasant slip of the tongue... And the reaction to it was ambiguous. Part of the mystically-minded electorate remembered Vanga's prophecy. But there was something even worse - the Dow Jones immediately fell by 4% ).

The orchestra played "under the plywood"

Especially for the celebration, composer and conductor John Williams wrote a piece for a quartet - cello, violin, clarinet and piano. As a last resort, it was recorded in advance, perhaps, they were afraid that the weather would not be favorable for the musicians. But this, again, is only an extreme case. But despite the fact that nothing interfered with the game, the quartet played to the soundtrack. The media report that shortly before the inauguration, the musicians checked the sound of their instruments, were dissatisfied with them and insisted on playing “to the plywood”. That is, they even seemed to be playing, but the sound was not transmitted to the speakers, a melody recorded by the wound was pouring out of them. Why? Nobody can answer this question. However, the people present at the event somehow found out about the deception, and many later said that since the music was not real, then maybe instead of the president, his double was in front of the Capitol?

Locked in the tunnel

On the day of Obama's inaugurations, about two million spectators gathered in the space in front of the Capitol. It was possible to get there only with a ticket. The area was divided into sectors, each of which was designated by a certain color. When the ceremony began, it turned out that the "purple" sector was almost empty. It was rather strange - after all, in the "purple" sector there were privileged spectators who showed themselves during the election campaign. It turns out that the only way to get to the "purple" sector was through an underground tunnel. But when people gathered underground, it turned out that the exit from the tunnel was closed, and no one was allowed upstairs. Fortunately, the entrance remained open, only therefore, probably, panic did not start in the enclosed space, which could have ended tragically.

Now one can only guess: was it by chance, due to forgetfulness or because of organizational confusion, people remained in the tunnel almost all the time of the inauguration, or was there someone's malicious intent?

But guess not guess, but the fact remains: instead of listening to the president's oath, his fans remained in the dungeon in the hope that they would still be remembered and allowed to take their places in front of the Capitol. Evil tongues and this case was classified as a bad omen.

UFO over the Capitol

In order not to be unfounded, here is a quote from the British tabloid Sun: “During the inauguration of US President Barack Obama, CNN cameras recorded an object over the Capitol that very much resembled a flying saucer. Video footage shows that the UFO appears above the obelisk in the center of the square, hovering for a while, and then slowly moving towards the Capitol building and disappearing behind it. According to the official version, a large bird appeared over the Capitol. But the Internet is literally teeming with comments from people claiming the object was flat, disc-shaped, shiny like metal, and had no wings...”

Based on the statistics of UFO sightings, it can be argued that unidentified flying objects often appear in places where some cataclysms have occurred or should occur soon. They seem to want to witness turning points in the history of mankind, man-made disasters, natural disasters, watch military facilities, battlefields ... So, it is known that after the bombing of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) over the city for several days "was on duty" UFO. In 1962, during a test launch of the Polaris rocket from Cape Canaveral towards the Caribbean, many saw that the rocket was accompanied by a saucer-like UFO.

The same was before and after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. About a month before the crash, the air traffic controller at Kharkiv Airport reported that pilots saw several unidentified flying objects near the nuclear power plant. On the night of April 26-27, 1986, a fireball with a diameter of about eight meters hovered at a height of 300 meters above the burning block. The radiation level at that moment was 3000 milliroentgens per hour. “Suddenly, two bright beams of dark red color stretched from the ball to the reactor ... This lasted about three minutes ... The beams abruptly went out and the ball slowly sailed away in a northwestern direction, towards Belarus. Then we measured the radiation level again. It was only 800 milliroentgens per hour ... ". This is a quote from the book "UFO: Time Machine" by V. Kratochvil.

The fate of a great power

So let's sum it up. If we keep in mind all four strange events recorded during Obama's inauguration, and also recall the ominous prediction of the famous clairvoyant Vanga, it is possible that the time of the 44th president's reign will turn out to be quite alarming for the United States. Perhaps, over the great power, for many years dictating the rules of the game to the whole world, clouds began to gather? As they say, time will tell. One can only hope that whatever events happen, they do not cause grief for the 300 million people in the United States and do not affect other countries.

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