Destroy reputation. Psychopath battle

Diets 14.05.2021

You are deeply mistaken if you think that the reputation of a company on the Internet does not affect your business in any way. Influences, how! Traditionally, before buying a product or service, users monitor the Web for at least some information. And, believe me, even one negative review can completely turn away from the purchase.

Obviously, there are no perfect companies, and everyone makes mistakes. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. But in order not to aggravate the situation, we recommend that you carefully consider what appears about you on the Internet. Otherwise, a snowball of negativity threatens to destroy your business.

Below I will tell you how to kill reputation. We read carefully, do *facepalm*, shake our heads and do not repeat other people's mistakes!

1. Ignore

So what? Like little children, we close our eyes, we mumble “blah blah blah” and pretend that we don’t see or hear anything. Let users write to themselves what they want, you don't care about that. But if you don’t see the problem, it doesn’t mean that millions of users don’t see it.

Well, think about it, they write nasty things, what is it? And the fact that, having seen such an approach, users will definitely not want to contact you. Compare with the work of another bank:

We figured out the situation, found the guilty, they don’t score on customers and show interest. This bank cares about its reputation and is definitely more credible.

2. Be rude, threaten and be daring

A great way to attract attention and annoy users. The client is not always right, but this does not mean that he needs to be informed about this in a rude manner. Also, publicly expose the visitor's review to ridicule and respond with foul language, as in the example below:

Or here's another. It's not bad too.

Fu be like that. A self-respecting client will not contact a rude office. If brand representatives communicate like this on the Web, then what can we expect in real interaction?

Here are a few rules for how to communicate with customers online:

3. Become a harsh tyrant employer

You are deeply wrong if you think that everything that happens inside the company remains only there. Resigned employees can greatly tarnish their reputation by talking about the real working conditions of employees. People will not want to do business with you, realizing that you neglect safety, use slave labor, or do not respect customers.

A person who enters “company name + reviews” in a search engine and sees THIS will definitely not turn to you for services: who wants to be deceived?

4. Write fake reviews.

Well, no one will notice (actually no). You can write yourself or ask employees - it will look equally ridiculous and unconvincing.

Users will surely notice the unnaturalness, and your reputation will be ruined. It would be better to motivate real customers to leave honest reviews. How to do it, they wrote.

A large stream of only positive comments that suddenly appeared in one period of time also arouses suspicion - there is nothing good in this.

Comments should be natural and organic. Otherwise, you will quickly be taken to clean water.

5. Angry customers

Inflate some scandal, and they will definitely talk about you. Yes, you will definitely get coverage and recognition, but it’s not a fact that you will be able to wash off adhering dirt if you are not a major brand - we also wrote about this.

Don't piss off customers with your arrogance, bad service, or lies - they will definitely tell you about it.

If the angry comment is not fake, it will not be difficult to prove the deception. And further proceedings in the form of courts will definitely ruin the reputation.

6. Work poorly. The result won't take long

A low-quality product / service will definitely not have a positive impact on your reputation. It is this factor that ultimately is decisive in choosing one or another organization. So only a great product, regular monitoring of reviews and timely work on bugs can really set you apart from your competitors.

7. Respond to emotions

Wow, now kaaak answer! Negativity is always insulting, sad, and sometimes you want to figure out who wrote the nastiness by IP address and arrange a dark one for him. That is why many company representatives, when they see a bad review, apparently roll up their sleeves, knead their fingers and start scribbling wonderful answers.

Better give yourself time to cool down. Remember: negative feedback, especially if it is constructive, is not even the end of the world. Everything is always fixable. But the inability to respond normally and with restraint is already a serious blow to the gut of the reputation.

8. Respond to reviews six months later

Yes, not responding to reviews at all is bad. But responding to the March review in December is also such a thing. If you have already missed the moment when you can process the negative quickly, then it’s better not to touch it after six months. The client has already forgotten, perhaps, about your existence. Cut you out of my life once and for all. Calmed down. And here you are with your "Better late than never ...". Don't wave your fists after a fight...

9. Reply from non-corporate accounts

Yes, this also happens. One fine day, some director of Horns and Hooves LLC decided that he needed to see what they wrote about his company on the Internet. Unpleasantly surprised. I went to answer everyone. But not from a corporate account, but from your personal account. Moreover, without introducing himself or explaining who he is and why he has the right to write something about this situation. This is bad. It is not necessary to do so. Either corporate accounts, or we introduce ourselves in the style of “Hello, my name is Vasily Petrov, I am the General Director / Head of the Quality Control Department / Support Specialist of the Horns and Hooves company.”

10. Get personal

It was not you, as business representatives, who screwed up, but the client behaved badly and was generally a fool himself. I think it’s not even worth explaining why it’s absolutely impossible to take this out into the public space.

The following example, by the way, also applies to the previous paragraph about answers from personal accounts. Everything is just fine here:

Instead of output:

Users all over Russia are indignant and complaining: they really don’t post reviews or publish them, but after a while they delete them. There is no specific information for sure why this is happening, but we can conclude that Yandex now has 2 levels of verification: machine and moderators.

Posting a review from a one-day account will not work - the system clearly tracks the user's real location and the visited location. Interests, activity and other account information that can be tracked through the metric are also taken into account. In addition, a tougher check threatens those who have noticed a surge in reviews - be careful. Even if you ask customers to leave comments and they are all real, do it on different sites - the world has not converged like a wedge on Yandex.Maps.

The desired 5 stars in the organization card that Yandex shows can only be obtained with an integrated approach - it's not just about the reviews themselves, but about who leaves them, the degree of trust in these accounts. Here is what Yandex writes about this:

So the only thing I can advise is to conscientiously do your job and hope for honest customer reviews. After all, Yandex is not the ultimate truth. In addition to it, users willingly leave reviews on such resources as Flamp, 2GIS, Keep track of your reputation on all reviews.

And if you want to improve the reputation of the brand or create a positive image of the company, then this will help

Every freelancer makes mistakes. You can minimize their number, but you won’t be able to work without errors - this is the specificity of such a creative business as freelancing. Fortunately, most missteps are not too serious, they are well known to experienced freelancers. If a person made a mistake, it's okay if he admits it and knows how to fix it quickly. But the error is different error. There are things that can seriously affect a freelance career. There are oversights that can ruin a reputation and complicate subsequent customer relationships. Reputational mistakes are some of the worst freelancing mistakes. Therefore, they must be avoided by all possible means. Here are 5 of the most common freelancing mistakes to keep in mind.

You allow the client to bring down the price

Clients who seek to make a freelancer work for a penny are very common. You put out a price tag to the customer, and in response you hear: “Well, this is too expensive for us. Can you lower the price? We just have too little budget for this task.” And what about the poor fellow freelancer who needs a job? Many agree. And as soon as they agree to the terms of the client, their reputation loses value. At least for this particular client. He managed to bend or outwit the freelancer, he bought his work and professional skills for much cheaper than the original price. The customer, of course, is pleased and proud of himself, but there is no more talking about his respect for the freelancer.

How can you save your reputation without losing your job? Very simple - you need to be able to communicate correctly. Some people are afraid of negotiations, but the ability to negotiate is one of the life skills. If the customer insists on lowering the price, change the subject. Money, of course, is important, but it is better to move on to discussing the project. When the conversation turns to the scope of work, deadlines, technical difficulties, it is possible that the customer will realize that he has misjudged the project. Not all clients realize how much effort the implementation of their idea may require.

Sometimes you can compromise. For example, lower the price a little, but at the same time reduce the amount of work, edits or options. In this case, the freelancer's reputation will not suffer. The client will understand that he is dealing with a qualified and contractual specialist.

You are not under contract

Of course, there is no need to talk about standard freelance contracts. The client and the customer may live in different cities or even in different countries. However, you need to somehow document the cooperation agreement. The contract is very important, as it regulates the relationship of the parties. If there is no written agreement, this is fraught with the emergence of a conflict situation or spreading of the boundaries of the project.

Fortunately, there is a very simple way out - a deal without risk. A similar service is available on almost all major freelance exchanges. This is a real contract that protects the interests of both the customer and the freelancer. In addition, there is arbitration. If there are problems with payment or fulfillment of obligations, you can always contact the moderators of the exchange, who will resolve the dispute.

Many freelancers are hesitant to talk about a risk-free deal for fear of scaring off a client. And they put their reputation on the line. There is nothing worse than getting involved in a conflict with a customer without any weighty arguments in their favor. If the conflict spills out into the public field, then there is not even a hint of the reputation of such an unlucky freelancer - any experienced colleague will tell him that he himself is to blame for starting to work without firm agreements.

You don't meet deadlines

Some will be surprised to learn how many clients encounter freelancers who can't turn in their work on time. This is really a problem. Freelancers who consistently push deadlines are not only harming themselves, they are also tarnishing the reputation of their peers.

Everyone can face difficulties. Any freelancer at least once in his life did not have time to complete the project on time. Anything can happen, a person can get sick or simply miscalculate his strength. Missing deadlines is a serious mistake that greatly harms the reputation of a freelancer. Many clients need to get their problem resolved quickly, so they look for people who don't have reviews that say the work wasn't done on time. If they understand that they have an undisciplined specialist in front of them, they will never hire him. Such a freelancer for them is a person with a tarnished reputation.

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to notify the client that you do not fit into the allotted time. Very often, the customer understands that the freelancer is not to blame, it just turned out to be too much work. Then the deadline line just shifts and the work goes on. If a freelancer values ​​his reputation, he must be not only responsible, but also honest towards the client. Sometimes it is very difficult to admit your mistake, but it is better to step over your pride, but keep your good name.

You exaggerate and underestimate

It's very easy to get carried away when you're trying to get a client. Many get carried away so that they begin to promise mountains of gold and great success. Clicks, likes, conversions, traffic… All these things are real, but they are very difficult to control. And the worst thing happens when the time comes to answer for your words. Very often at this point the reputation of a freelancer comes to an end. The client understands that he was misled or, more simply, deceived.

In this case, there is only one way to save reputation - you need to promise only what you can really offer. An experienced freelancer has a track record, has testimonials, and doesn't need to show off. Even if the customer offers very favorable conditions, you need to be honest with him and tell him what you can do and what you can’t. Not confident in your abilities - just say so. You can not predict the final result - report it. Then there will be no complaints and the reputation will not suffer.

You bring communication into the public field

Telling everyone about what kind of customer a freelancer has got is a very understandable desire. Sometimes the frustration or annoyance is so strong that the freelancer creates a post on the forum or writes in a chat where he splashes out all the negative emotions. There are a lot of such stories, they often come across to those who follow what is happening in freelancing.

Such behavior is very damaging to reputation. It puts the freelancer in a vulnerable position. He not only failed to justify the trust of the client, but also brought rubbish out of the hut, trumpeting the conflict on the entire Internet. Customers do not like quarrelsome or overly nervous performers. And even if the freelancer takes his soul and accuses the client of all sins, he will not achieve his goal. Justice will not be restored, on the contrary, it will get worse. The reputation of a brawler will not bring new clients to a freelancer, no customer wants to take such risks. So it's better never to bring business communication into the public field. Especially, guided only by emotions. You need to take care of your reputation and always strive to remain a professional.

Who values ​​his reputation and knows its price.

In general, this is a very fragile concept. After all, sometimes it’s enough for us to hear the name of a person, and we already have an idea of ​​who he is: “Oh, are you talking about Masha? We know, we know, it’s better not to mess with her…”

So how do you make sure that you yourself do not become the object of "better not to mess with"?

Let's go from the opposite and talk about how easy it is to ruin your reputation and get a bad name, starting from the principle "you can't become famous with good deeds."

bad friends

Let's start damaging our reputation by creating a circle of friends. For many years, word of mouth has been the main source of information, and by a certain age, we ourselves become an information occasion. Therefore, the principle "tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are" works, and sometimes it is also a fundamental factor in making a first impression. You can learn about you not directly, but through mutual friends. And if someone considers your friend Serezha to be an alcoholic, lazy and a cynic, then it is unlikely that you will get a positive impression when it becomes clear that you are talking. Very often it is difficult for us to understand - how can someone communicate with certain people? And it is not uncommon when, when evaluating the social circle of a particular person, we drastically change our opinion about him, since, in our opinion, we are in different information fields, we have different points of contact, and even


Publicity in social networks

Your web page is your collective image. And if you are not shy about describing dubious entertainment, posting photos of intimate content, expressing negative impressions about other people, and so on, do not be surprised that soon they will stop communicating with you. Getting a good job will also become difficult. There are many stories of candidates being rejected or fired after viewing a social media account. But if your goal is to ruin your reputation, then, of course, you should not neglect this opportunity. Properly tell the dirtiest details about yourself on the Internet.

Tricks in the workplace

It only seems so that your tricks and incitements will remain undiscovered. According to the results, any meanness done to a colleague or - even worse - to a manager - sooner or later will surface and flood you with black paint of shame. A person who has already proved to society once that he is capable of vile acts in a team for his own benefit will not be able to inspire confidence in future employers. And it is unlikely to get a decent place. In addition, any secret will come true, and you won’t even know where exactly the information leaked from. Therefore, once you step over your heads, you may get a promotion or some bonuses, but further developments are unlikely to suit you. Remember that just one wrong move is enough to ruin your reputation once and for all.

vicious connection

An intimate life is intimate for that, that sharing its details with others is not something that is not necessary, but is practically forbidden. Even in a circle of close friends, you should hardly speak out loud about your secret sexual addictions, discuss your partners in the smallest detail, and even more so talk about betrayals, the number of lovers and preferences. The person you have chosen as your partner can be assessed as you like. The logic is built simply - what kind of woman has chosen a man for herself, such is she herself. Therefore, even if you are not shy about revealing all the secrets of your life, be vigilant. Otherwise, people will judge you not as a full-fledged and independent person, but as an attachment to the subject. It will be difficult to prove otherwise.


Everything is very clear here. At all times and in all countries they are met by clothes. If your outfit is untidy, you have dirty shoes and an unwashed head, it is pointless to count on positive reviews. With your bad appearance, you show contempt for others and for yourself. This is especially true in the professional field. A well-groomed lady who looks good is much more pleasant to see in a team. A smile, the ability to communicate with others, a sense of tact are qualities that help you achieve success in your career and have brilliant reviews from colleagues, subordinates and managers.

Take care of your reputation, work on it, and at the moment when you may not even expect it!

Quickly and painfully: "Vatka" fired the PR "Leroy Merlin" 07/04/2018 - 13:22

Recall that the director of the department of public relations and government agencies (PR and GR) of the network construction giant Leroy Merlin, Galina Panina, made a post on her Facebook page that outraged hundreds of people. Hundreds quickly turned into thousands. Most likely, Galina herself did not expect such a resonance.

Unable to adequately fight off the comments and extinguish the hype that had risen so inopportunely, she deleted hers. But the Network, as you know, remembers everything.

With some delay, Leroy Merlin reacted to the unfolding scandal by posting a message of this nature on their official Facebook page:

But the public was unstoppable.

Here are just a few examples of comments under this post. Mostly those that have collected a lot of likes, which means they are greeted with approval by other users.

A night passed, which was hardly serene for Panina and the leadership of the Russian division of Leroy Merlin.

In the morning, she announced her dismissal on her personal page, making an attempt to whitewash the employer - she asked not to associate anything she wrote or said with her corporate position.

Half an hour later, a post appeared with a request to “stop bullying.”

Harassment, apparently, Galina calls a wave of indignation of all those whom she called “cotton wool” yesterday. She called, apparently not realizing how much "fleece" is around and what strength it can be, standing shoulder to shoulder. Even if it's on the Internet.

Those who hate us so passionately have no horns, no tail dragging from under their coats. Often these are beautiful women, like Galina. The more terrible. The guards of Treblinka and Salaspils also had no hooves and tails.

It happened before: first you mock and complain that “few Colorados died” in the Tu-154 that crashed over the Black Sea, and then portraits of those who died in this plane are glued to your windows from the side of the street. And you are simply horrified by the "atmosphere of hatred and enmity."

And what are we for? Russian "liberals" echo after the professional Ukrainians.

Why are liberals in quotation marks? Because a real liberal stands on the position of inviolability of human rights and freedoms. Our Russophobes, in principle, deny us the right to be considered people - we are "cotton wool".

Let it be. We are quilted jackets and Colorados. And sometimes we become a monolith if we are hurt. Panin, Rynsky and their like-minded people should keep this in mind the next time they want to write something so ironic “about cotton wool”.

Public outcry can do amazing things. Let us recall at least the monstrous incident in Millerovo. Let's hope that in this case, too, wide publicity and a wave of popular indignation will take this case out of the Network.

P.S. When the scandalous American publication BuzzFeed called the monument to the Heroes of Brest "a monument to a man with constipation", including it in the top 20 ugliest monuments, the editors had to apologize. Galina Panina did not bother to apologize.

Comments on psychopathy

I read the comments and see that only those who have been the victim of a primary psychopath understand what is being said. All researchers who deal with the problem speak about this phenomenon.

First - a real, genetic, "primary" psychopath - he is not necessarily a monster or a serial killer. But even in these cases, no one, except for the victims, suspects his true nature and inclinations (Chikatilo was an exemplary family man).

In the case of an “ordinary” citizen with PD, it is impossible to distinguish him from a non-psychopath by external signs. Moreover, he is "more normal than the norm itself and more virtuous than virtue itself." He is a "wolf in sheep's clothing", a "moral lunatic" in a "mask of mental health". Trying to more accurately characterize the PP, the researchers also call them "people without a soul", and a sub-human population, and vampires, and humanoids ...

“What distinguishes all these people from us is an empty hole in the soul, in the place where its most developed humanizing functions should be.” (Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door)

Just like serial killers, law-abiding PPs are social predators, only more fortunate. In one of the studies (from Hare, as far as I remember), there is a dialogue where a lawyer teaches his client, a criminal, to live with the same swindle, but safe and profitable, like a career as a lawyer, and the criminal listens admiringly. Both are "primary psychopaths."

The style and handwriting of the "lucky" PP is the same as that of serial killers: seduction, use, destruction. They "work" without witnesses and leave no traces. No one knows about their true nature, except for their victims. But the “primary” psychopath brings the victims to such a degree of moral exhaustion, to such a degree of despair, and with intrigues and slander destroys the reputation of the victim so much that others, of course, do not believe the victim, but her tormentor. Moreover, both those around and the victim herself for the time being consider the PP to be a decent, honest person, and often a benefactor (one of the PP's favorite masks). The victim, basically, begins to think something in the last act of the tragedy, when the PP proceeded to destroy it. Like a real serial killer, at this time he has in mind the next victim, with whom he is in the stage of playing the first act.

“We usually don’t know about the existence of a large number of non-aggressive sociopaths, and we don’t identify people who are not clear lawbreakers, and from whom our formal legal system has little to no protection.”

“On the surface, a psychopath seems to be a completely normal colleague, interlocutor, acquaintance. Most psychopaths do not stand out from the crowd, and are easily hidden behind the mask of Sanity.

"They easily manage to destroy the lives of people around them with impunity, partly because of their secretive nature, but also because of our delusion that they are easy to detect."

“There will be casualties in the psychopath’s battle for a place in the sun. And for the most part, these will not be opponents, but those who mistakenly consider themselves friends, lovers or loved ones ... or even just random fellow travelers ... "

"Without being deeply malicious, he easily carries distress in each hand."
(Harvey Cleckley. "Mental Health Mask")

Studies say that such people in society (any) are about 5% (3-4% of men and less than 1% of women). These are impressive numbers! Approximately so many people in the world are sick with diabetes. The problem of PP has become aggravated in the modern post-industrial society, where they are in demand, in a fairly large amount, by the corporate culture at the level of middle managers, and especially top managers.

“Being very efficient machines, like a computer, they are able to perform very complex procedures designed to get support from others in what they want. Thus, many psychopaths are able to achieve very high positions in life. Only in time will their partners learn the fact that their climb up the ladder of success is based on violating the rights of others.”

The classic psychopathic victim response: "What happened to me?"
There will always be victims next to a psychopath ... "

“Psychopaths are social predators who charm, use people for their own purposes and ruthlessly fight their way, leaving behind a wide trail of broken hearts, unfulfilled hopes and empty wallets. Completely devoid of conscience and sympathy, they take what they want and do what they like, while violating social norms and rules without the slightest feeling of guilt or regret. Their dumbfounded victims ask in desperation: “Who are these people?”, “What made them like this?”, “How to protect yourself?” Although scientists have been wrestling with these and some other questions for more than a hundred years (and I personally have been for a quarter of a century), the veil over the sinister secret of psychopaths has only begun to truly lift in the last few decades ...

These monsters usually look and act even more normal than their normal siblings. They paint a more convincing picture of virtue than virtue itself can be...

He will choose you, disarm you with words, and overwhelm you with his presence. He will delight you with his wise plans. You will have a good time with him, however, you will have to pay for everything. He will deceive with a smile on his face and terrify with just a glance. And when you cease to interest him, he will devastate you and deprive you of balance and self-esteem for a long time. You will become much sadder, but not much smarter, and for a long time you will think about what happened and what was your mistake ... "

R. Hare. “Deprived of conscience. The frightening world of psychopaths" ihopaty-4644125

Kernberg, O. "Clinical Aspects of Severe Superego Pathology." ks/?item_id=2659¤t_book_page=22 ks/?item_id=2659¤t_book_page=23

Gannushkin P.B. "Clinic of Minor Psychiatry" d=6

Academic dictionaries and encyclopedias. Psychopathic personality (psychopathic personality) hology/876/%D0%9F%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B E%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1% 82%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%8 1%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F

Galina Bednenko
Psychopathy (sociopathy) in culture and everyday life
(The article was written as part of a joint project with Yu. Vlasova dedicated to the study of psychopathy.)

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