The most powerful and famous person in the world. The strongest man

beauty 13.04.2024

The strongest people, or strongmen as they are also called, are not only role models for many athletes, but also the pride of the whole world. Each athlete presented in this article is a legend, and many of them were able to combine sports with family, work and other hobbies. Recognition from the whole world in strength sports is not so easy to achieve. Behind each athlete are 1000 hours spent in the gym, liters of blood and sweat, as well as great willpower.

Undoubtedly, “Kid Dundee” should open the list of the most powerful people in the world. This man is not only known throughout the world for his achievements in strength sports, but also as one of the longest living people in the world. However, everything is in order. Little Dundee or Joe Rollino took the title of the world's strongest man after lifting a 500kg weight. Another important achievement is the fact that this man could lift 300 kg just with a few fingers. And all these achievements were with a weight of 68 kg and a height of only 1.65. As the titled strongman himself said, the reason for this was a complete rejection of meat products and alcohol. Plus, Joe Rollino did not die by natural causes - he was hit by a car. Who knows how many years this amazing man could have lived if not for this fatal incident.

The most famous Lithuanian strongman, Zydrunas Savickas, has become an idol for many in the world. He became interested in strength sports from a young age, which is why he achieved dizzying results. For the first time, he set a personal record by squatting with a 400 kg barbell while gaining 1000 kg in triathlon. However, already in 2000 at the World Championships he improved his result to 1020 kg. Another important result of this athlete is throwing a 25 kg weight in height with one hand almost 5.5 m. After such dizzying victories, Savickas received a serious knee injury. Nobody believed in his return to the sport. However, he not only returned, but also won the Lithuanian eventing championship. Moreover, just a few years after the injury, he received the title of the strongest man on the planet, and also won the Arnold Schwarzenegger tournament 2 times in a row.

Perhaps everyone knows this name. This eminent athlete became the best strongman in Russia and beyond. However, his stellar career began with defeat, for sure, and spurred him on to achieve all those countless victories and results that the athlete achieved. An interesting fact is that Poddubny’s sports career lasted for 40 years, and he lost only once. In addition, Ivan completely abandoned nicotine, alcohol and other bad habits.

He approached his training with special attention, sparing neither effort nor time; lifting weights weighing almost 40 kg and barbells weighing more than 100 kg was his daily norm. In addition, Ivan also performed in the circus, as a weight lifter and wrestler. Poddubny was feared not only in Russia, but also abroad. Just look at the comments of eyewitnesses after the fights with the great Roald de Boucher. He enjoyed it not only in Europe, but also in America, where he filled the halls. Ivan is a six-time world champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

Arnold Shyvrznegger is a legendary star of Hollywood films, the governor of California and, of course, the “Terminator” with the seven-time Mr. Olympia title. He began his career at the age of 15 with a passion for bodybuilding. After only 5 years, Arnold received the title “Mr. Olympia”, and this despite the fact that other athletes achieve this much longer. However, he never denied that he used chemical additives. Thanks to his success in sports, Arnold received the title “Mr. Universe” in 1967 of the last century. A year later he won all possible bodybuilding awards in Europe, and soon began to participate in championships in America. However, in 1980, the athlete changed his profession to actor. However, as we know, it is also very successful. Several decades have already passed, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is known to every person, not only as a Hollywood star, but also as one of the strongest athletes on the planet.

Vasily Alekseev was born in 42 in the Ryazan region. He graduated from the Arkhangelsk Forestry Engineering Institute, where his stellar sports career began, because it was there that he met his first coach.

The world-famous weightlifter Vasily has become a legend thanks to his countless victories and records. To this day, there has not yet been a person on the planet who could repeat his record. 645 kg in powerlifting. Over the years of training, Alexey set as many as 80 world records and 81 in his country (USSR). From 1989 to 1992 he was the head coach of the USSR national weightlifting team. Unofficially he was recognized as the strongest man on the planet.

As you know, a woman is born to break rules and destroy stereotypes. One such famous and great woman is Becca Stevenson. She received the title of the strongest woman on the planet. In addition to her title, she is a record holder for lifting a barbell weighing 387 kg from a sitting position. Even men cannot break this record. In addition, Becca is the only representative of the fairer sex who managed to take 270 kg from the prone position and 310 in the deadlift. Today, Becca continues to play sports, but pays special attention to her family.

Alexander Zass or Iron Samson, a native of England, became a legend in 1938 after a funny incident. The fact is that this fearless man lay down under a loaded truck. However, he did not have any special characteristics at all; his height was 1.67 and his weight was 80 kg. The thing is that Alexander Zass performed in circus performances almost all his life. At the same time, each of his numbers was on the verge of fantasy - catching a cannonball, hammering nails with his bare palm - Zass performed all this and much more without difficulty. When Alexander broke the chains with his hands, the audience froze in surprise. In addition, Zass participated in the First World War, where he saved the lives of many comrades. Of course, Alexander achieved all these achievements thanks to long training, enormous willpower and enormous work. Iron Samson did not calm down and after the war, he decided to bring his old idea to life. He took an iron beam in his teeth and, using a crane, carried it to the top of the building. Who knows what would have happened to the eyewitnesses of this amazing spectacle if Zass had not held the beam.

The limits of human physical capabilities are practically unlimited. Year after year, incredible athletes defy their natures and produce results that may be hard to believe unless you've seen them with your own eyes.

In this article we will talk about who deserves the title “the strongest man in the world.” It is worth noting that in the history of almost every country there is at least one phenomenal strongman who will remain in people’s memory for a long time.

The strongest people alive

Obviously, strongmen capable of lifting tons of weight have existed throughout human history, and it is almost impossible to compile a complete list of them. Therefore, we will present to you the most powerful people living in different parts of the world.

Vasily Virastyuk - strongman from Ukraine

As a child, Ukrainian Vasily Virastyuk was involved in athletics and shot put, and after serving in the army he decided to continue playing sports. His main specialization was still athletics (Vasily even received the title of international master of sports and was a member of the national team). However, the remarkable strength of the Ukrainian hero made him interested in other types of physical exercises.

Since 2000, Virastyuk has been successfully involved in strength all-around competitions as part of the “World’s Strongest Man” competition. In 2004, based on the results of international competitions, he received the title of the strongest man in the world. It is capable of pulling a train with its own resources, the total weight of which is 101.5 tons.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - American bodybuilder

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a strongman who needs no introduction. Those who remember the Austrian actor young and full of energy imagine him as a real “mountain of muscles.” Schwarzenegger began his bodybuilding career at the age of fifteen, and in a short time managed to achieve impressive results.

In just five years, Arnold achieved a form that allowed him to receive the prestigious title of Mr. Olympia (other athletes worked on this for about ten years). Over the course of a year, he increased his muscle mass by 9 kilograms. And in 1967, Schwarzenegger became the youngest ever winner of the Mr. Universe title. The actor also wrote many works on bodybuilding and made a great contribution to its popularization, ending his sports career in 1980.

Zydrunas Savickas - the strongest man on the planet

This Lithuanian is one of the most titled strongmen in the world today. He received the status of the most powerful man on the planet four times: in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2014. He also repeatedly became the winner of the Arnold Classic competition, organized by the above-mentioned Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1988.

With a height of 191 cm, this weightlifter weighs 180 kg. In 2014, at the Arnold Classic tournament, he lifted a barbell weighing 523 kg. In his free time from visiting the gym, Žydrunas Savickas amuses himself by rolling cars around the yard with ropes tied to them. One of his cars weighs more than two tons.

Mariusz Zbigniew Pudzianowski – tough powerlifter from Poland

This strongman was born into the family of Wojtech Pudzianowski, a famous Polish weightlifter. Therefore, it is not surprising that Mariusz began playing sports from childhood. At first he preferred Kyokushinkai karate, and then became interested in powerlifting and boxing. In 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2008, Pudzianowski became the winner of the World Strongman Championship. In addition, he set several records during these competitions.

Mariusz is also a successful weightlifter, rugby player, Kyokushin karate and MMA fighter. He is also known for spending more than a year and a half in prison in the early 2000s after being convicted of robbery and assault. According to the strongman himself, he tried to save the young man from being beaten by the local mafia. A few years after his release, Pudzianowski held a meeting for other former prisoners of the prison in Łowicz, where he served his sentence.

Bruce Wilhelm - famous American strongman of the 20th century

Speaking about the strongest people in the world, one cannot help but recall this strongman and weightlifter, who turned 71 in 2017. American Bruce Wilhelm began with the running disciplines of athletics, then took up shot put and discus throwing, and during his university years he became interested in freestyle wrestling (Wilhelm competed in the heavyweight division).

Bruce subsequently took up weightlifting and finished second at the 1975 Pan American Games and fifth at the 1976 Olympics. In 1977, when the first “World’s Strongest Man” tournament in the history of our world was organized, it was Wilhelm who became its winner. He repeated this result in 1978. After retiring from big-time sports, the American strongman began writing books and articles on weightlifting, helping with competitions, and also working on various sports committees.

Raivis Vidzis – the strongest powerlifter from Latvia

Once upon a time, Raivis Vidzis was a frail boy suffering from asthma. To improve his well-being, he began swimming, then powerlifting, and then became so fit and physically strong that he turned his attention to powerlifting. He even became a master of sports, and then one day he saw a strongman competition on TV.

Having no passion for “posing in underpants” (that is, bodybuilding), Raivis decided to compete for victory with other strongmen of the world. He has several successful performances at “World’s Strongest Man” and “World StrongMan Cup Federation” under his belt, and Vidzis is not going to stop there.

Becca Swanson is the world's strongest woman

The strongest people in the world are not always men. For example, American Becca Swanson is currently considered the strongest woman on the planet, as well as one of the ten most powerful people in the whole world (of both sexes). Becca has been involved in powerlifting for almost thirty years.

The strongest woman in the world is able to lift a barbell weighing 270 kg in the bench press, 310 kg in the deadlift, and 387 kg in the squat. Not every male powerlifter can boast of such results.

List of the strongest of all time

When talking about the strongest people on the planet, we cannot fail to mention several strongmen who, unfortunately, are no longer alive. However, their phenomenal abilities turned them into true legends who remain widely known to this day.

Joe Rollino - a real superhero of the 20th century

Joe Rollino, who tragically died under the wheels of a car in 2010, when he was 104 years old, was a truly unique person. He was not involved in bodybuilding or bodybuilding, but he had incredible strength: with just one finger he could lift a weight of 290 kg. In 1920, Joe Rollino lifted 1,454 kilograms, gaining the status of the strongest man. In addition, he was invincible in the boxing ring, although he weighed only 68 kg with a height of 165 cm.

Rollino is also known for being a vegetarian, not smoking, not drinking alcohol, leading a healthy lifestyle and almost living to be 105 years old. If it had not been for the accident, he quite possibly would have lived for many more years.

Alexander Zass - circus strongman from the Russian Empire

Alexander Zass was born in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century, and from a young age he demonstrated impressive strength. In 1908, he first performed in the circus arena in Orenburg. Alexander did not have a large physique, but he developed a unique training system that allowed him to become one of the strongest people of our time.

For his abilities, Zass, who survived after a truck drove over him, received the nickname “Iron Samson.” During the First World War he took part in hostilities, and in peacetime he performed in the circus. For example, it cost him nothing to carry a horse across the arena, catch a cannonball weighing 90 kg, hold a huge cobblestone, and so on. Alexander also trained various animals.

Yakub Chekhovskaya - famous Russian hero

Not too much is known about Yakuba Chekhovsky, who also lived at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. They said that from a young age he was distinguished by phenomenal strength, but the general public learned about this almost by accident.

One day Yakuba attended a performance by the Ciniselli Circus in Warsaw. The presenter offered any interested viewer a good prize if he could endure at least 5 minutes of sparring with a circus strongman. Chekhovskoy not only withstood 5 minutes, but defeated his opponent in just 3 minutes, becoming a real sensation. Subsequently, Yakuba, capable of holding six large men on one hand, performed in front of amazed spectators in the circus arena.

Vasily Alekseev was a Soviet athlete specializing in weightlifting. Already at the age of 28, he set a world record: he gained 600 kg in triathlon total. Subsequently, Vasily Ivanovich became the champion of the Olympic Games twice, won the title of European champion eight times, and also became an Honored Master of Sports and an Honored Trainer of the USSR.

Having completed his sports career, he took up coaching and passed on his experience to the younger generation. Under his leadership, the CIS national weightlifting team became first in the team competition at the 1992 Olympic Games. Vasily Alekseev died in 2011 due to heart problems, he was 69 years old.

Our Top 10 most powerful people in history

To form an extremely accurate rating of the strongest people who have ever lived on our planet is a difficult and unlikely task. However, we offer you our TOP 10 most worthy, from our point of view, strongmen in the entire history of mankind.

Name Height Date of Birth Date of death A country
1. Joe Rollino 165 cm 19.03.1905 11.01.2010 USA
2. Alexander Zass 167.5 cm 1888 26.09.1962 Russian empire
3. Yakub Chekhovskaya 180 cm 30.12.1879 31.07.1941 Russian empire
4. Vasily Alekseev 186 cm 07.01.1942 25.11.2011 USSR
5. Arnold Schwarzenegger 188 cm 30.07.1947 Austria, USA
6. Vasily Virastyuk 191 cm 22.04.1974 Ukraine
7. Zydrunas Savickas 191 cm 15.07.1975 Lithuania
8. Mariusz Pudzianowski 186 cm 07.02.1977 Poland
9. Bruce Wilhelm 188 cm 13.07.1945 USA
10. Raivis Vidzis 184 cm 22.03.1976 Latvia

Video on the topic

You can see some of the above strongmen in action in the video below. The video will show you how the strongest people in the world pull trucks, carry enormous weights and otherwise demonstrate their extraordinary abilities.

All information used to write this article was taken from free sources (including the free encyclopedia Wikipedia).

It is not possible to definitely name the strongest person – after all, in almost every country there were and are worthy athletes who show stunning results.

These strongmen adhered to different lifestyles, were long-livers or lived relatively few years, but they were all united by the will to win and new sports results. In different historical periods, different heroes find themselves on the podium, whose achievements will forever remain in people's memory and they are included in the generally recognized ranking of strongmen.

1 Long-lived and vegetarian Joe Rollino

He was the oldest strongman on the planet. At the age of 104 he was able to bend a coin with his fingers! Since the age of 20, Joe did not eat meat, did not drink alcoholic beverages, did not smoke, and had a sporty lifestyle. Despite the fact that Joe did not differ in athletic parameters (height 165 cm, weight 68 kg), his strength was truly incredible. "Baby Dandy" remained unbeaten in his weight class in boxing matches. In 1920 he lifted 1454 kg. Joe was not only a strongman, but also a boxer, a war veteran, an athlete and a Brooklyn legend. Having survived World War II, he could lift a weight of 215 kg with his teeth, and a weight of 290 kg with just one finger.

2 Alexander Zassa

It’s not for nothing that he was dubbed Iron Samson - after all, he fell under a truck, but remained alive! A native of Lithuania also could not boast of outstanding physical skills. parameters: height 167.5 cm, and maximum weight - 75 kg. In order to strengthen the tendons, Zass developed his own training method. Fame came to Alexander during the First World War. Having escaped from captivity, he managed to carry a wounded horse on himself. Later he performed with the Hungarian circus, demonstrating extraordinary tricks: he carried a horse or a piano around the arena with two girls; caught a cannonball weighing 90 kilograms fired from a cannon from a distance of 8 m; held on his body a cobblestone weighing 0.5 tons, which they hit with sledgehammers, while Alexander lay on nails driven into the board.

Strong photo of Alexander

3 Yakub Chekhovskaya

The name of the famous hero and circus weightlifter is now almost forgotten. Jakuba Chekhovskaya, already in his teens, entertained his friends by holding an iron beam on his shoulders with two guys holding on to its ends and spinning them around, as if on a carousel. An incident helped him become famous: in the Warsaw circus, Ciniselli announced: if one of the spectators lasts at least 5 minutes in sparring with a wrestler, he will receive a substantial prize. To the amazement of the audience, it took the unknown guy less than 3 minutes to defeat the professional wrestler, putting him on his shoulder blades. The next morning, all the newspapers in Warsaw trumpeted about such a sensation, and Yakuba received offers from circus entrepreneurs. Subsequently, Chekhovskoy was awarded a gold belt for carrying six strong men in a circle with one hand.

Photo of a strong wrestler

4 Arnold Schwarzenegger

Started strength training at the age of 15. Schwarzenegger became Mr. Olympia in 5 years, although other athletes took an average of 10 years to achieve this. Arnold is the youngest Mr. Universe, and the title of Mr. Olympia belonged to Arnold 7 times. Since the 70s, he has starred in spectacular films that are so popular with all viewers.

Photo in strong youth

5 Zydrunas Savickas

Lithuanian Zydrunas Savickas is the strongest on the planet (according to 2009). The weight of this weightlifter is 180 kg with a height of 191 cm. 523 kg - this is how much the barbell weighed that the athlete lifted in 2014 at the Arnold Strongman Classic. Zydrunas continues to work out now, and not only in the gym: he ties ropes to cars and rolls them around the yard. One of his cars, the Nissan Pathfinder, weighs 2.2 tons.

See photo

6 Vasily Virastyuk

A native of Ivano-Frankivsk, Vasily Virastyuk has been involved in weightlifting since he was 10 years old. In 2004, he became officially the strongest in the world.

In addition, he holds a number of Ukrainian records:

  • he independently pulled a train weighing 101.5 tons;
  • in a minute he moved a couple of 10 cars by 18.5 meters;
  • in 60 seconds he managed to lift and install 4 ice cubes weighing 0.6 tons to a height of 1.3 meters.

It should be noted that no one had worked with ice before Virastyuk.

Strong record in the photo

7 Vasily Alekseev

An outstanding weightlifter of the Soviet period. A two-time Olympic champion, he has 81 Soviet Union records and 80 world records. The Russian Bear spent his childhood in the Arkhangelsk region. Helping to raft wood during school holidays, Vasily lifted heavy logs and so gradually moved on to weightlifting. Interesting fact: for a long time Vasily trained completely independently. At the age of nineteen, he already became a master of sports, lifting a total weight of 315 kilograms. Vasily is the “eternal” holder of the world record for three exercises - 645 kg (such competitions are not held now). It was Alekseev who became the first “six hundred”, conquering the peak of 600 kg.

Photo by Vasily Alekseev

8 Pole Mariusz Zbigniew Pudzianowski

Five-time winner of the World’s Strongest Man competition, the strongest man in the world in 2006 – 2007.

See photo

9 Bruce Wilhelm

He is also a twice-titled world strongman: the first time in 1977, and the second time exactly one year later. Then he contributed in every possible way to organizing the Strongman competitions and wrote a lot of books and articles on weightlifting.


10 Raivis Vidzis

The strongman rightfully held the title of the strongest man in Latvia (2000 - 2003). He was a Strongman Cub winner in 2004 and 2005. Physical data (Raivis's height is 184 cm, weight - 133 kilograms) allow the athlete to move heavy trucks, lift cobblestones weighing about 180 kg, move 400 kg tires and even heavier barrels.

The strongest man in the whole world

For fights without rules

Brazilian Anderson de Silva is the strongest MMA fighter on the planet. His career, which began in 1997, is not over yet. In 2012, Anderson was recognized as the strongest fighter in the middleweight division. The MMA community recognized him as one of the strongest fighters in the history of the sport. Silva has been repeatedly recognized as the best fighter, and Men’s Health included him in the list of the 15 strongest men on the planet.

In boxing

The animal aggression of Michael (Mike) Gerard Tyson, lightning speed combined with destructive power contributed to the fact that throughout his entire sports career, Michael won 50 out of 58 fights, 44 of which he completed with a complete knockout. Mike is the absolute world champion (1987 - 1990). At the 49th WBC Convention, it was decided to include Tyson in the Guinness Book of Records: for the fastest knockouts and for being the youngest heavyweight boxer on the planet.

In the bar

Soviet weightlifter Leonid Taranenko lifted the heaviest weight in the history of mankind back in the last century. His record has never been achieved by anyone else. Author of 19 world records, 2 of which remain unsurpassed today. The life story of the greatest strongman shows that there are no limits to human capabilities.

The most powerful - the strongest kick in football

The strongest football kick belongs to the excellent football player and one of the most handsome men in the world, David Beckham. Back in 1997, the ball flew into the Chelsea goal at a speed of about 156 km per hour, and the goalkeeper, after such a powerful blow, could only throw up his hands. The famous football player ended his sports career on May 16, 2013.

The most powerful boy in the world

In 2001, the name of a Russian boy with an unusual fate, Bruce Khlebnikov, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. His mother watched TV shows with Bruce Lee throughout her pregnancy and then named her son after him. Trying to imitate his idol since childhood, at the age of five Bruce became the champion of the Russian Federation in wushu and stronger than all the guys in the yard. At the age of six he pulled a Volga, and at the age of 8 he lifted a weight weighing 8 kilograms 300 times. Bruce tore up 400-page calendars and 700-page books. When Bruce was just eleven, he lifted a weight of 240 tons and moved a crane that weighed 38 tons using 10 cm of hanging twine, tying it to his long hair. In addition, the boy conquered many records. At the age of 23, Bruce Klebnikov had already achieved 23 records.

Strength and power are what have always surprised, inspired and caused a flow of inspiration among humanity. Strong people, or, as they are also called, strongmen, undoubtedly deserve your attention, because they are not only a standard of strength, but also an example of endurance, perseverance and incredible faith.

Especially if this fact concerns the male half of our society: the ideal of all girls is a strong and reliable man who could protect his other half from all the hardships and difficulties of life.

Today we will talk not just about the strong, but about the strongest men on the planet, whose names will forever remain in the memory of their fans and millions of other people. These people amazed with their actions, tricks and records; they managed to become the best of the best, and therefore undoubtedly deserve respect.

  1. Joe Rollino

We open our top 10 with the oldest and most amazing strongman on the planet, who was called the Dundee Kid. This man managed to live 104 years, and on his last birthday he managed to delight guests with an impressive trick of bending a coin.

Joe did not drink alcohol and was a vegetarian, who knows, maybe to some extent because of this he was able to shock the whole world with his unimaginable strength. World fame came to Joe Rollino after he managed to lift about half a ton from the ground, for which he received the title of the strongest man in the world in 1920.

  1. Evgeniy Sandov

It is this man who is called the founder of bodybuilding, despite the fact that at the time when he was engaged in this, there were no such competitions and trends in sports. Evgeniy was born in 1867, was half German, but for his sports career he took his mother’s surname.

Did you know that the gold-plated figurine with the image of a bodybuilder, which is awarded to the first bodybuilders in the world, is a figurine that depicts Evgeniy Sandow? At the beginning of the last century, he was awarded the title of “professor” of physical education and, as we have already said, became the founders of a sport that is now considered one of the most masculine.

  1. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Perhaps this personality does not need advertising or any special introduction, because, in fact, this is a man of the era! The young man began active strength training at the age of 15, and soon he began to earn such prestigious titles and awards as Mr. Universe or Mr. Olympia.

Despite the fact that Schwarzenegger’s strength career ended quite a long time ago, today he still remains the most prominent and recognizable bodybuilder of our time.

  1. Sergio Oliva

A Cuban hero who, already at the age of 20, managed to acquire the title of the most promising bodybuilder of his time.

Immediately after this, Sergio immigrated to the United States, where his active career as a strongman began: he edited his training system and managed to acquire such a form that it shocked even Schwarzenegger himself, who was still very young at that time. He is a three-time champion of the Mr. Olympia competition.

  1. Steve Reeves

The famous “Hercules”, as well as a wonderful actor in many other roles, Steve Reeves, is not only a successful movie star, but also the youngest bodybuilder in the history of bodybuilding. Despite the fact that the young man was not predicted to have a brilliant future in the field of physical education, Steve managed to win the title of “World Champion” in 1948, and 2 years later, “Mr. Universe”.

  1. Vasily Alekseev

The territory of the former Soviet Union had its own strongmen, and among them was Vasily Alekseev, who held 81 records within the USSR and only 1 less records around the world. By the way, no one has yet been able to repeat some of his achievements and tricks. At that time, although not officially, Vasily bore the title of the strongest man on the planet.

  1. Dorian Yates

Surprisingly, this man did not always dream of a future as a bodybuilder; he was once a skinhead and even spent six months in a correctional facility.

However, a few years later, the young man became the best British Champion, subsequently received the title of Mr. Olympia, where he competed with a serious injury and, as a result, ended his career as a bodybuilder.

  1. Vasily Virastyuk

In 2004, he confirmed the title of the strongest man on the planet at the world level, and literally three years later he won it again. In front of the discouraged spectators, Vasily managed to move a load from place to place, the total weight of which was about a hundred tons!

  1. Franco Colombo

Surprisingly, the Italian Franco got into the world of big-time sports, and, specifically, bodybuilding, thanks to his chance acquaintance with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Although he was not as powerful as the Hollywood star, Franco managed to win a number of his victories: he became Mr. Olympia after a severe knee injury, from which he managed to recover thanks to the program that he himself developed.

  1. Bruce Khlebnikov

Without a doubt, Bruce is the youngest in our top, because he is only 25 years old today. However, in such a short period of his life, he managed to achieve mind-blowing results, and most of his records are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

For example, one of them: drag a boat weighing 14 tons by hair over a distance of 15 meters, and then move a 17-ton bus! But Bruce is still so young and we hope that he has everything ahead of him.

Top 10 strongest people (strongmen)

Strong people have always been valued. They were admired and tried to inherit them. Women dreamed of marrying a physically strong man in order to feel security and peace of mind. But there are strongmen whose names are known throughout the world.

This strongman adhered to the principles of vegetarianism all his life. He did not drink alcohol and did not encourage other bad habits. This is probably why he lived to almost 105 years old. Joe Rollino could only hold three hundredweight on his toe. Then he lifted half a ton, after which he became famous throughout the planet.

He became famous for falling under the wheels of a truck full of coal and not dying. After this, many considered him crazy. Alexander worked in the circus for more than fifty years.

This incredibly strong man carried six soldiers in a circle on his arm. After this he was awarded an honorary gold belt. Three trucks with people were passing along the bridge on his chest.

Perhaps the most famous strongman in the world. He has earned the Mr. Olympia title seven times. Then he began acting in films, where he also reached the pinnacle of success. And to this day Arnold remains famous and famous.

In 2009, he was awarded the title of the strongest man in the world. Even after serious leg injuries, the Lithuanian was able to achieve success, although few people believed in him.

Even as a ten-year-old boy, the athlete took up weightlifting. Then he worked as a coach in a sports club. He became the strongest man on the planet in 2004 and three years later received this title again.

The most famous Soviet weightlifter. He set 81 records in the USSR and slightly fewer records in the world. In total, he was world champion 8 times. He later worked as the director of a children's weightlifting school in the United States.

Bruce Wilhelm, Raivis Widzis, Mariusz Pudzianowski.

There are three people here because their achievements are equal. They were all the strongest people in the world twice. All of them are undoubtedly some of the strongest people on the planet.

A young guy, a little over twenty years old, but he has already set more than thirty records. Many of his records were noted in the Guinness Book of Records. Bruce tore 365 thick tear-off calendars in an hour and a half.

Despite the fact that Becca is a woman, she has remarkable physical strength. Not every man can compare with her. It has world records.

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