Products containing vitamin N. What foods contain biotin (vitamin B7)

Tourism and rest 04.08.2021
Tourism and rest

Other names for vitamin H - Biotin, bios 2, bios II

Vitamin H is recognized as one of the most active catalytic vitamins. Sometimes it is called a microvitamin, because. It is needed in very small amounts for the normal functioning of the body.

Biotin is synthesized by the normal intestinal microflora in the body.

Foods rich in vitamin H

Estimated availability in 100 g of product

Daily requirement of vitamin H

The daily requirement for vitamin H is 0.15-0.3 mg.

The need for vitamin H increases with:

  • doing sports;
  • high content of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • in cold climates (demand increases to 30-50%);
  • neuropsychic stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • work with certain chemicals (mercury, arsenic, carbon disulfide, etc.);
  • gastrointestinal diseases (especially if they are accompanied by diarrhea);
  • burns;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acute and chronic infections;
  • antibiotic treatment.
  • Useful properties and its effect on the body

    Useful properties and effects on the body of Vitamin H

    Vitamin H is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats. With its help, the body receives energy from these substances. It takes part in the synthesis of glucose.

    Biotin is necessary for the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, affects the immune system and the functions of the nervous system, contributes to the health of hair and nails.

    Interaction with other essential elements

    With a deficiency of magnesium (Mg), there may be a lack of vitamin H in the body.

    Vitamin deficiency and excess

    Signs of Vitamin H deficiency

    • peeling of the skin (especially around the nose and mouth);
    • dermatitis of the hands, feet, cheeks;
    • dry skin of the whole body;
    • lethargy, drowsiness;
    • loss of appetite;
    • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
    • swelling of the tongue and smoothness of its papillae;
    • muscle pain, numbness and tingling in the limbs;
    • anemia.

    Prolonged biotin deficiency can lead to:

    • weakening of the immune system;
    • extreme exhaustion;
    • extreme exhaustion;
    • anxiety, deep depression;
    • hallucinations.

    Factors affecting the content of Vitamin H in products

    Biotin is resistant to heat, alkalis, acids and atmospheric oxygen.

    Why Vitamin H Deficiency Occurs

    A lack of vitamin H can occur with gastritis with zero acidity, intestinal diseases, inhibition of the intestinal microflora from antibiotics and sulfonamides, and alcohol abuse.

    Raw egg whites contain the substance avidin, which, when combined in the intestines with biotin, makes it inaccessible for absorption. Cooking eggs destroys avidin. I mean heat treatment, of course.

    Water-soluble vitamin H - biotin - enters the human body with food, and can also be synthesized in the intestine. Vitamin H is involved in all metabolic processes (protein, fat and carbohydrate), the synthesis of proteins, stearins and acids, and with its deficiency, anemia and various dermatoses can develop. In some sources, vitamin H is called vitamin B7.

    The value of biotin. Vitamin H in foods

    Biotin has a stimulating effect on the formation of fatty acids, as well as their processing together with carbohydrates. The minimum daily requirement for vitamin H is approximately 0.15-0.2 mg. For pregnant and lactating women, this dose is 0.25-0.3 mg per day.

    • Yeast;
    • Milk;
    • Liver;
    • kidneys;
    • Chicken eggs;
    • Nuts;
    • Fish.

    It is also included in various multivitamin complexes, which are prescribed during a period of acute need for vitamins (intensive growth, physical activity), as well as with a decrease in consumption (diseases of the digestive tract, old age, unbalanced diets). Unlike a number of other vitamins, the risk of biotin overdose is minimal.

    Vitamin H deficiency

    There is a direct relationship between the condition of the hair and their health and sufficient levels of vitamin H in the human body. In particular, it is biotin that regulates the daily amount of hair loss, prevents baldness and prevents the appearance of gray hair.

    As avitaminosis H progresses, symptoms such as pallor, dryness and peeling of the skin join. Dermatitis appears on the lips. In severe cases, there is nausea, lack of appetite, drowsiness, weakness, depression, hair loss, conjunctivitis, muscle pain and loss of muscle tone, coordination disorder, anemia, increased blood sugar and "bad" cholesterol.

    In practice, nutritional deficiency of vitamin H is rare. As a rule, it can be found in people who have been eating raw egg whites for a long time, as they contain a substance that binds biotin and prevents its absorption. Also, vitamin H deficiency is observed in patients who are on parenteral nutrition for a long time and do not receive biotin preparations. Sometimes it is possible with prolonged antibiotic therapy, when the intestinal microflora is not able to synthesize this substance in full.

    A lack of vitamin H can also develop against the background of magnesium deficiency, which should activate biotin, with the constant use of saccharin instead of sugar, as well as products, the preservatives of which are sulfur compounds. Biotin deficiency is also observed in persons who abuse alcohol.

    Vitamin H deficiency can be confirmed or refuted by laboratory analysis of urine - its daily excretion should be from 11 to 183 micrograms. If a biotin deficiency is suspected, a trial treatment is prescribed - 10 mg of the substance per day. The improvement of the patient's condition and the disappearance of symptoms on the background of trial therapy is a confirmation of the diagnosis.

    A lack of vitamin H in the body can also be observed in a hereditary disease - biotinidase deficiency. More often, the disease manifests itself in the first few days after the birth of a child, but in some cases it can develop gradually and go unnoticed in the early stages.

    With this metabolic disorder, biotin, which came with food, is not released during digestion and assimilation of proteins by cells. Without correction of the condition, this category of patients experience mental disorders, paroxysmal convulsions, learning problems, and in advanced cases, coma develops, followed by death. To normalize the quality of life of such patients, it is necessary to provide them with a daily amount of vitamin H at the level of 5-10 mg.

    Lead to disruption of the whole organism. It is not enough to know their names, you need to study the beneficial properties of each. Reasonable balance of vitamins optimizes vitality, adds energy and makes your body feel healthy and beautiful.

    Vitamin H ( biotin, vitamin B7) - an active catalyst that promotes the absorption of carbohydrates and interacts with insulin.

    An experiment was conducted with rats that were given fresh egg white. This was supposed to provide them with protein. After a while, the rats began to lose hair, there were violations of muscles and bones. The subjects were transferred to boiled egg yolk after which the symptoms disappeared.

    Several decades passed before experts found out that the yolk contains vitamin H. It was this substance that contributed to the regeneration of wool and skin.

    Useful properties of vitamin H

    Biotin, interacting with insulin, is involved in glucose processing. With the regular use of vitamin H in patients with diabetes mellitus, there was a positive trend in glucose metabolism. But regulation of blood sugar levels is not the only beneficial property of biotin. It is necessary for the successful functioning of the nervous system. Our nerve cells need their main source of nutrition - glucose. With a decrease in blood sugar levels, a disorder of the nervous system is noted. Irritability, nervousness increase, fatigue and insomnia appear. Cases are not uncommon nervous breakdown.

    Vitamin H is also involved in protein metabolism, improves the absorption of proteins. In close interaction with folic, pantothenic acids and cobalamin, they stabilize the work nervous system.

    It is worth noting the ability of biotin burn excess fat in the body and decompose lipids in the body.

    You can often hear how biotin is called the "beauty vitamin". It normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and reduces the fat content on the skin. Due to the fact that biotin is involved in providing sulfur atoms for hair and nails, with a stable intake of the vitamin, their healthy appearance is noted.

    Biotin is also involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, successfully influencing hematopoiesis.

    What foods contain biotin (vitamin B7)

    Nature gave us vitamin B7 so that women always look and feel attractive. This does not always require spending a lot of money. Sometimes it's enough to fix biotin levels in the body. This is easy enough to do. You need to know where biotin is found in order to adjust your diet.

    Eggs and dairy products

    even one egg contains a lot of biotin. Especially a lot of it in the yolk. However, crude protein contains avidin, which interferes with the normal absorption of vitamin B7.

    Vegetable and animal fats. Meat and liver

    It is better to use before the use of heat treatment, since after the assimilation of biotin decreases.

    The maximum content of biotin is observed in beef liver. You will also find it in the kidneys. It is also available in pork, beef and chicken, in ham.

    Vitamin B7 is also found in. Supplement your diet with salmon and sardines.

    In all the content of vitamin B7 is sufficient. You can use them both raw and after heat treatment. Vegetarians can choose tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower.

    Fruits and dried fruits

    If you want to know where else vitamin H is found, try mushroom dishes. Their variety is great, so something is sure to suit your taste.

    To determine the amount of vitamin H in food, use the table where you will find out which foods contain it.

    Product The content of vitamin H in 100 g of the product, mg
    Pork liver80
    Wheat flour45
    chicken meat10
    Sour cream3,6
    Processed cheese3,6

    Vitamin B7 in dietetics

    For maximum weight loss through the use of biotin, you need to take all vitamins. The interaction of choline and vitamin B5 is effective in improving metabolism. High levels of biotin are essential for weight loss, as it also converts carbohydrates into glucose. This will reduce the chance that foods will be deposited as fat.

    Deficiency and excess of vitamin H in the body

    In order to determine what leads to a lack of biotin, an experiment was conducted with birds and animals. Growth retardation was diagnosed, fading of plumage in birds was noted. The skin of animals was affected by eczema. The fur was getting dull.

    In humans, biotin deficiency is manifested in dry skin, nervous disorders. Often there are cracks on the lips. Possible partial or complete baldness, dandruff, mood swings, fatigue.

    Doctors note a decrease in hemoglobin levels and indigestion. In young children, the deficiency is manifested by nausea, anemia, dry skin.

    In people who regularly drink alcohol, the absorption of vitamin H is reduced and leads to beriberi.

    Concerning excess biotin in the body, then even with the appointment of large doses of its side effects have not been identified.

    Daily Value of Biotin

    Until now, scientists have not established the necessary daily requirement of vitamin B7. It is believed that with a normal healthy diet, we get enough of it. About 50 mg is enough for an adult. Pregnant and lactating women need 20 mg more.

    However, after taking antibiotics or contraceptives, the normal functioning of the intestines is disturbed, where biotin production. This requires an additional dose of this vitamin. It is even possible to take pharmaceutical products.

    Vitamin H Compatibility

    In order to activate biotin, it is necessary. Regular intake of products containing these two components is recommended.

    The interaction of biotin with and favorably affects the work of the body. Valproic acid reduces the body's ability to produce vitamin B7.

    Vitamin H is widely distributed in nature, but improper diet, alcohol intake and poor lifestyle can reduce its level in the body. This can adversely affect the appearance and state of the nervous system. Therefore, it is necessary to know what contains biotin, and regularly replenish the reserves of this vitamin in the body.

    How do you personally maintain the balance of vitamin B7 in the body? Is dieting enough for you or are you resorting to artificial drugs? Share your opinion and experience in the comments!

    The daily rate of Vitamin B7 (biotin) for healthy skin, hair and nails, as well as the interaction with other components and in which products it is contained.

    It is known that for normal functioning the body needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. One of them is biotin or vitamin B7, which is involved in many life processes of the body.

    What is biotin and why is it needed

    Biotin is one of the 8 B vitamins. It performs a number of extremely important functions in the human body, some of which are unique to it. This water-soluble vitamin was discovered in 1901. It can be synthesized by the intestinal microflora, but for this it must be absolutely healthy.

    The substance regulates the following processes:

    • helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
    • reduces the level of "bad";
    • participates in the production of fatty acids;
    • heals nerve tissues and bone marrow;
    • normalizes metabolic processes;
    • maintains good condition of the tendons;
    • essential for healthy skin, nails and;
    • in combination with chromium, it restrains blood sugar levels in diabetics;
    • ensures normal cell growth.

    Release form of the drug

    It is desirable that the body receives the necessary dose of vitamin B7 from natural products. If necessary, the lack of a substance is replenished with pharmaceutical preparations. It is available in tablets, capsules or ampoules for injection. The required dosage and rules for taking the drug are indicated in the instructions.

    It can be taken as part of a multivitamin supplement if prescribed by a doctor. Well-established drugs such as "Biotin-complex"(daily dose - two tablets), "Wolvit"(take one tablet daily) "Biotin Forte Germany" and "Medobiotin".

    Injections are prescribed for people with bowel disease. Intramuscular injections are given once a day. Sometimes the contents of the ampoule are rubbed into the skin. As a result, rashes and inflammation disappear. In each case, the form of release of the drug and the method of its application is chosen by the doctor.

    What does vitamin B7 deficiency lead to?

    Vitamin B7 deficiency is not often diagnosed, but such cases do occur. Its deficiency leads to the intake of certain antibiotics and antibacterial agents. Frequent alcohol consumption leads to the suppression of healthy intestinal microflora, which in turn reduces the production of this substance in the body.

    The abuse of saccharin, products with additives E221 - 228 also leads to a lack of a vital component. Acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be responsible for biotin deficiency.

    It is impossible to identify a deficiency of B7 by passing tests. It is identified by characteristic symptoms and complaints. The consequences of biotin deficiency are manifested in the form of the following disorders:

    Insufficient synthesis of fatty acids, as a result of which, first of all, the skin suffers. There are such unpleasant consequences as psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea. Conjunctivitis also appears, decreases.

    1. Metabolism is disturbed, which leads to loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, drowsiness and depression.
    2. In some cases, blood pressure drops.
    3. Observations of diabetics have shown that a lack of vitamin B7 increases the level of sugar in the patient's blood.
    4. The muscles of the arms and legs become weak.

    If this problem is not identified and eliminated in a timely manner, dermatitis, diabetes, baldness, and depression will appear.

    Daily requirement for women

    This important component provides youth and health to the skin and hair, strengthens brittle and dull nails. The fair sex should take care of a sufficient amount in the body. It is known that when it is lacking, nails become brittle and dull, hair falls out, and the skin becomes inflamed and flaky. Many doctors believe that the appearance of early gray hair is also a consequence of B7 deficiency.

    Cosmetics manufacturers have begun to add youth vitamin to skin and hair care products. However, it has been proven that it is not absorbed when applied externally, it must be taken orally.

    For the normal course of all important processes, a woman needs 30-50 micrograms of biotin to enter the body.

    What foods contain B7

    Many food products contain this useful substance, from where it is easily absorbed. Biotin is found in brewer's yeast, beef liver and heart, eggs, raspberries, avocados, sunflower seeds.

    Vegetables such as potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, beets and corn also have it in their composition. B7 is found in nuts, peaches, apples, oranges, bananas and melons.

    Sources of biotin are meat, sea fish, cereals and legumes. It is found in small amounts in dairy products.

    Compliance with the rules of a healthy diet will help maintain normal levels of vitamin B7. And eating natural yoghurts and other fermented milk products preserves a healthy microflora and provides an opportunity to synthesize biotin on your own.

    age-related vitamin intake

    The daily requirement of biotin depends on the age of the person. For infants 0 to 6 months old, 5 micrograms per day is sufficient. Children under one year old need 6 mcg per day. At the age of 1 to 3 years, children need B7 in the amount of 8 mcg.

    For school-age children, the norm is 12 mcg, for adolescents - 20 mcg. Adults should receive 30 mcg per day. For pregnant and lactating women, this figure rises to 50 mcg and above.

    Taking during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, taking biotin is not only possible, but necessary. Recent studies have shown that expectant mothers in the body often lack it. It is necessary for the proper development of the child.
    Researchers at the Institute of Medicine have found that biotin is as important during pregnancy as iron. It also prevents congenital anomalies in the fetus.

    As a rule, the lack of this substance is more pronounced towards the end of the pregnancy. Women who are expecting the birth of a child are advised to make up for the lack of B7 by correcting nutrition. It is better not to drink dietary supplements in this position. They contain various auxiliary components that can cause an allergic reaction.


    An excess of biotin in the body is unlikely, as it is well absorbed, and the excess is naturally excreted. It does not accumulate in the body.

    Very rarely, with the use of a large amount of vitamin observed or frequent urination.

    The substance has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. An allergic reaction to it is extremely rare.

    Interaction with other components

    Vitamin B7 goes well with other components from the B group - B12, B5 and B9. When used in the correct dosage, it interacts well with magnesium. It is synthesized by symbiotic bacteria in a healthy gut and is easily absorbed from foods.

    However, the use of a number of substances destroys the structure of the vitamin or prevents its formation and absorption:

    1. The use of crude protein does not allow biotin to penetrate into the blood. The egg contains avidin, which is considered the antivitamin of biotin. After heat treatment, this component does not interfere with the absorption of B7.
    2. The use of alcoholic beverages reduces the body's ability to absorb this essential substance.
    3. The use of fats that have undergone prolonged heat treatment is also the reason for the slow absorption of biotin.
    4. This process is hampered by antibiotics and other medicines that contain sulfur.
    5. Taking a sugar substitute negatively affects the absorption of vitamin B7.

    The intake of this component in the body is one of the conditions for a person to feel well. Together with other vitamins, it ensures the normal course of all vital processes. Knowing what foods contain it, you can easily control its sufficient intake.


    Elena 38 years old
    I read that, according to scientists, in dietary supplements with biotin to strengthen nails and hair, there is often an increased content of this substance by several times. Before buying, consult your doctor and establish your daily requirement for this vitamin.

    The role of vitamins for a living organism is difficult to overestimate. They take part in all its functions, regulating certain natural processes.

    One of these substances is biotin (it is also called vitamin H or B7), which plays a very important role in the metabolism (in particular, carbohydrates and fats), affecting the condition of the skin and hair.

    Biotin belongs to a large group of water-soluble B vitamins. It was discovered in the first half of the 20th century during experiments with rodents.

    Biotin is involved in a number of important chemical reactions in the body, such as:

    • it is an integral element of enzymes that regulate the balance of proteins;
    • necessary for the production of the enzyme glucokinase, without which glycolysis does not occur, that is, the processing of glucose;
    • the role of B7 in the metabolism of glucose is high, maintaining its normal level in the blood;
    • biotin is needed for the formation and accumulation in the liver of carbohydrates, in particular glycogen, which is the body's energy reserve;
    • without it, normal fat metabolism is impossible, in particular the decomposition of fatty acids;
    • biotin takes part in the formation of hemoglobin, without which there is no exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide;
    • sulfur, which is part of B7, is needed for the production of collagen, which is the basis of skin, hair and nails.

    Using biotin preparations, it is possible to improve glucose metabolism in diabetics, restore hair structure, stop hair loss, and cure some skin diseases.

    daily requirement

    As a rule, the human body needs very little of this substance, but its regular intake is important.

    It is enough for adults to take from 50 mcg B7 per day, children - from 10 to 50 mcg(dose depends on the age of the child).

    Pregnant and breastfeeding women need more biotin up to 60 mcg in a day.

    People who eat a normal and varied diet get the required daily amount of biotin from food.

    In addition, quite a lot of it is synthesized by the body itself - the intestinal microflora is responsible for this. But this only happens if the gut is healthy and populated with beneficial microorganisms.

    Causes and symptoms of deficiency

    The need for vitamin B7 increases after treatment with antibiotics, which have a detrimental effect on beneficial microorganisms living in the intestines, as well as after strict diets.

    Additional vitamin intake is also necessary for those who suffer abuses alcohol, which does not allow it to be absorbed, or suffers from dysbacteriosis and similar diseases of the digestive system.

    IMPORTANT! Frequent and prolonged use of raw eggs in food leads to a lack of biotin. This is due to the fact that egg whites contain avidin, a substance that binds vitamin B7. During heat treatment, it is destroyed.

    Indicators of vitamin B7 deficiency:

    • skin diseases and lesions - it begins to peel off, turns red, becomes dry;
    • hair grows dull and falls out, dandruff appears;
    • the tongue turns pale, taste sensations are disturbed due to atrophy of the papillae;
    • loss of appetite;
    • blood sugar increases, which is especially dangerous for those with diabetes;
    • muscle weakness;
    • lowering blood pressure;
    • anemia;
    • apathy, lethargy, drowsiness, depression can sometimes begin.

    Vitamin B7 deficiency is common in newborns because their intestines are still sterile and not populated with the right biotin-producing bacteria. Because of this, at the age of 3-4 months, hair loss begins in babies.

    Biotin rarely causes side effects. This happens only with individual intolerance. These may include shortness of breath and small skin rashes (urticaria).

    An overdose of B7 is also almost impossible, even when taking large doses. They are sometimes prescribed to pregnant women and newborns who have a high need for biotin.

    What foods contain biotin

    Vitamin B7 is found in almost all common foods, although in small quantities. Offal (kidneys and liver), sea fish, nuts and legumes, brewer's yeast, whole grains are especially rich in it.

    Table 1. Biotin in plant foods

    There are many more foods that contain biotin. For example, biotin is also found in spinach, corn, beets, etc., but in much smaller quantities.

    Table 2 Biotin in Animal Foods

    Almost all products contain this useful substance.

    In order for the body to receive it in sufficient quantities, you need to follow some rules:

    • it is most useful to eat bread and cereals from cereals that have been minimally processed (the most biotin is found in whole grains and their shells);
    • the content of B7 is maximum in fresh products - long-term storage destroys it;
    • most of the biotin is also destroyed under the influence of high temperatures and fats, so fried foods are almost devoid of it - it is better to choose boiling or baking as a cooking method.

    Vitamin preparations with biotin

    The body of a healthy and well-nourished person contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B7. Most of it is produced by beneficial microorganisms living in the large intestine, and the rest comes with food. But the modern way of life often violates this natural harmony.

    The diet of most people is dominated by not very healthy food.

    Fatty and fried foods, all kinds of sausages and canned food, sweets and soda destroy the intestinal microflora, preventing it from performing its functions.

    In addition, they contribute to weight gain, forcing you to go on a diet that completely kills beneficial bacteria.

    All this leads to chronic biotin deficiency., resulting in lethargy, weakness, hair loss, dry skin, etc. To solve these problems, you should review the diet and take vitamin complexes, which include vitamin B7.

    Pharmacies sell a lot of drugs containing biotin, both as the main component and in combination with other useful substances.

    Some of them were produced in Russia, and many foreign ones. Among the most popular are domestic Biotin Complex, which also contains other B vitamins.

    It is advisable to use not just monovitamins, but complex preparations in which the optimal combinations of vital vitamins and minerals are selected. This is due to the fact that biotin, like other vitamins, is optimally absorbed along with certain minerals such as magnesium and zinc.

    These complexes include domestic Complivit, as well as Complivit Trimestrum, designed specifically for expectant mothers.

    Supplements with biotin

    There are also a lot of biologically active supplements on sale, including vitamin B7. Their difference from vitamin-mineral complexes is the presence of not only vitamins, but also a number of additional substances, for example, various extracts, etc.

    They do not have a therapeutic effect, but are aimed at improving overall well-being and its individual functions.

    Among them there are many dietary supplements aimed at improving the condition of the skin and hair. The most popular drugs:

    • Biotin from the company Nature's Bounty;
    • Biotin produced by an American company 21st century;
    • Biotin tablets with fruit flavors from Natrol;
    • bioactive supplement Biotin, produced by the company Now, in addition to biotin, it contains other vitamins from group B, ascorbic acid and other useful components that improve the condition of the skin and hair, as well as the functioning of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.

    The cost of these and similar drugs depends on the dosage, the number of tablets in the package and the manufacturer.

    It is worth taking them in courses of 2-3 months, between which it is worth arranging two-week breaks. Before taking it, a doctor's consultation is required, especially if it is a pregnant woman, a nursing mother or a child under 14 years of age.

    What is best absorbed

    Biotin actively interacts with other chemicals in the body. Some of them help the absorption of the vitamin and enhance its effect, while others, on the contrary, do not allow the body to fully use B7.

    Biotin becomes active only in the presence of magnesium. Therefore, they must be taken together. Another micronutrient that affects the effectiveness of vitamin B7 is zinc. Biotin itself helps the absorption of another important vitamin - folic acid.

    Thus, the most optimal in terms of compatibility are preparations containing biotin, folic acid, magnesium and zinc.

    Interfere with the absorption of vitamin B7 alcohol and drugs for seizures. In addition, it should be remembered that the avidin contained in the egg white prevents the absorption of biotin (this applies only to raw protein - avidin is destroyed during cooking). This is especially true for those who follow a protein diet that includes raw eggs.


    Biotin refers to those substances without which the body is not able to function fully. The list of functions performed by him is long: from regulating metabolism to maintaining the nervous system in order.

    Fortunately, most of this essential element is produced by the intestinal microflora, and the remainder comes from food with good nutrition. In special cases, the lack of B7 can be filled by taking pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements. It is advisable to use them after consulting a doctor.

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