Aries - a description of the zodiac sign by decades. Aries of the second decade of Aries, born in March

the beauty 13.09.2021
the beauty

Distinguishing feature: inspiration
Constellation: Andromeda, the chained woman. She was freed by Perseus the Savior. The constellation symbolizes the power of love.
Sub-ruler planet: Mars

Mars, being your ruler and sub-ruler, gives you additional energy. You are a bossy person and can sometimes be too aggressive. In a dispute or a clash of wills, you decisively suppress resistance. You are impetuous, energetic, devoted to the cause entirely. With strong convictions, you will never take an action that you think is wrong. Your thinking is clear and precise, you are able to carry out your plan. Your best quality is the ability to inspire confidence in other people. Sometimes you get tired of yourself because you don't know how to stop in time. You tend to monopolize the conversation.

Motto: innovation
Constellation: Whale, or Sea Monster, tied to two fish and led by a lamb. The whale symbolizes energy connected with imagination and love.
Sub-ruler planet: Sun

In this decade, the Sun increases the energy of Mars, the ruler of Aries, and gives dignity, pride and vitality to your character. In love, you are passionate and excitable, your sexual energy is extremely high. The sun also indicates a love of change. You are never satisfied with the status quo. Being ambitious, you try to leave your mark on the earth. People are drawn to you because you are cheerful and charming. You, more than the representatives of the other two deaneries of Aries, strive to have fun. You love luxury and can be very bossy if you don't get what you want. One of your faults is a weakness for good food.

Motto: foresight
Constellation: Cassiopeia, a beautiful queen seated on a throne. For a long time, she was considered the heavenly guide of travelers.
Sub-ruler planet: Jupiter

The expansiveness of Jupiter, combined with the qualities of Aries, ruled by Mars, gives you a large personality, a love of grandiose plans and travel. You do not tolerate any restrictions and value personal freedom. For you, the life ideal is success in creative work, where you alone make decisions. The craving for adventure often drives you out of the house. You like to find new information, explore different areas of knowledge. Are you interested in the occult? You are shrewd and smart in business, and may have the gift of clairvoyance or exceptional insight. Warmth and sincerity make it easy for you to make friends. Sometimes you can be too wasteful.

Peaks of Aries

You are an Aries with Pisces traits. You are stubborn and impulsive, but part of your nature longs for peace and loneliness. You can't stand it when others interfere in your life or interfere with your plans. You have a sharp mind, love to explore new areas and generate ideas. You are a bright personality. You easily show warmth and sympathy. As a rule, you like to entertain people and get along well with them. In sex you are passionate.

You are an Aries with Taurus traits. You are impatient, excitable and fickle, but at the same time determined and sometimes very stubborn. Aries often do not finish what they start, but you are able to bring the matter to completion. You like to lead, you are annoyed by disorder and negligence. Emotions are the dominant factor in your life. People always know that they can count on your sincere response. You are passionate and romantic. Your feelings are strong, be it anger, joy or love.


Day of Martyrs Mark, Cyril and many others.
If a thin twig in an old forest easily enters the thawed earth, the time has come for the arrival of woodcocks.

International Day for the Liberation of Prisoners of Nazi Concentration Camps.

In 1147, the word "Moscow" was first mentioned.
In 1857, Emperor Alexander II approved the state emblem of Russia - the double-headed eagle.
In 1945 there was an armed uprising of prisoners of the Buchenwald concentration camp.
In 1981, during a tour in the German city of Furth, conductor Maxim Shostakovich and pianist Dmitry Shostakovich, the son and grandson of composer Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich, announced their non-return to the USSR.
In 2001, scientists discovered the schizophrenia virus.

Day of St. John of the Ladder (Listvichnik) and St. Sophronius of Irkutsk.
Lazarus Saturday.
Trouble with brownies. The brownie is furious at John of the Ladder (until midnight, until the rooster crows).

International Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics

Russian playwright Alexander Ostrovsky was born in 1823.
In 1961, the world's first manned space flight, carried out by Yuri Gagarin on the Soviet Vostok spacecraft.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday).
Hieromartyr Hypatius and Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow.

Day of patrons and benefactors in Russia.
Air Defense Forces Day
world rock and roll day

In 1771, Catherine II ordered to begin secret medical experiments on terminally ill patients with the plague in order to find a way to treat this disease.
In 1887, the premiere of the world's first gypsy operetta "Children of the Forests" staged by the troupe of Nikolai Ivanovich Shishkin took place at the Maly Theater.
In 1934, the operation to rescue the crew and members of the Chelyuskin expedition was completed.

Maundy Monday (Beginning of Passion Week)
Day of Saint Mary of Egypt.
The popular name is Marya, light the snow, play the ravines.

Day of Semargl. Semargl (or Simargl) - Fire God. Its purpose has not yet been fully elucidated. It is believed that this is the God of fire and the moon, fire sacrifices, home and hearth. The fire god stores seeds and crops and can transform into a sacred winged wolf.

In 1618, in Siberia, a detachment of Cossacks landed on the banks of the Tom River and began the construction of the Kuznetsk prison (now the city of Novokuznetsk).
In 1682, Avvakum Petrovich, the head of the Old Believers, was burned in Pustozersk.
In 1744 a Russian writer was born. Comedy author Denis Fonvizin.
In 1801, Alexander I abolished the Secret Expedition under the Senate and abolished torture during interrogations.
In 1848, a secret censorship committee was established in Russia to oversee the press.
In 1862, the Russian statesman, author of the agrarian reform, Pyotr Stolypin, was born.
In 1908, the first issue of the humorous weekly Satyricon was published.
In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg.
In 1918, the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was issued on the proclamation of the red banner as the state flag of the Soviet state.

Day of St. Titus the Wonderworker and Martyr Polycarp.
The popular name is Tit Icebreaker.

Environmental Knowledge Day
Electronic Warfare Specialist Day

Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1458.
In 1795, the accession of Lithuania to Russia.
In 1886, the Russian poet, founder of the school of acmeism, literary critic, traveler Nikolai Gumilyov was born.
In 1919, the Republic of Soviet Limerick was proclaimed on the territory of the Irish county of the same name.

Day of St. Nikita the Confessor.
The popular name is Nikita Ledolom. Fisherman's Day. Water treat.

In 1518, the Russian tsar (Vasily IV) and the French king (Francis I) exchanged diplomatic messages for the first time.
In 1797, the Order of St. Anne was established in Russia.
In 1803, Alexander I established the Imperial Vilna University.
In 1905, the first trade union in Russia was created - the Union of Printing Workers.
In 1934, the establishment by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
In 1943, Albert Hofmann discovered the psychotropic properties of LSD -
In 1955, the first issue of the Neva magazine was published.
In 1962, the research station "North Pole-11" was organized under the leadership of N.N. Bryazgin.
In 1970, the memorial Museum of the Red Latvian Riflemen was opened in Riga. Now the exposition of the museum has been changed, and it is called the Museum of the 50-year Occupation of Latvia.

Great (Clean) Thursday.
Day of Joseph the Song-singer.
The crickets wake up.

World Hemophilia Day
Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops

In 1722, Peter I introduced a beard tax of 50 rubles a year, giving him the opportunity to regularly receive income without spending a penny.
In 1824, the signing of the Russian-American Convention on the definition of the boundaries of Russian possessions in North America.
In 1877, Leo Tolstoy completed the novel Anna Karenina.
In 1905, the Decree of Nicholas II "On strengthening the principles of religious tolerance" was issued.
In 1912, the tragic events at the Lena mines were known as the Lena massacre.
1975 communist takeover in Indochina.
In 1992, two official names were assigned to Russia - "Russian Federation" and "Russia".

Good Friday (commemoration of the Holy Saving Passion).
Day of the martyr Theodulus.
The popular name is Fedul Warm, Anemone. Around this time, the growth of moose passes.

International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites
world amateur radio day

In 1718, by decree of Peter I, the Chapter of Russian Orders was created, which developed the statute of orders and other state awards and kept records of those awarded.
In 1789, the printing house of Vasily Yakovlevich Korniliev was solemnly opened in Tobolsk. It was the first printing house in Siberia.
In 1902, fingerprinting was used for the first time to identify a criminal.
In 1922, bus traffic was opened in Moscow.
In 1923, on the initiative of F. E. Dzerzhinsky, the Dynamo Sports Society was created.
In 1928, Maxim Gorky in Pravda called jazz "the music of the fat".
In 2001, Mikhail Gorbachev received the US Global Understanding Award in the amount of $10,000.

Day of St. Eutyches.
The popular name is Eutychius.
Apple trees of early varieties bloom. Before spawning and after it, the perch is especially gluttonous, goes well for mormyshka and float fishing rod.

bike day
snowdrop day
Day of the Scrap Processing Industry Worker in Russia

In 1563, the printing house of the first printer Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets began to work in Moscow, the printing of the first Russian dated book, The Apostle, began.
In 1783, the Manifesto of Catherine II on the annexation of the Crimea and the Kuban region to Russia.
Russian writer Veniamin Kaverin was born in 1902.
In 1935, the sports society "Spartak" was founded. (In Russia, there is still no team better than Spartak).
In 1943, an armed uprising of prisoners of the Warsaw ghetto began against the Nazis.
In 1943, the Main Department of Counterintelligence "SMERSH" was organized.
In 1970, the first VAZ-2101 car rolled off the assembly line.

The day of the Monk Saint George the Confessor, the Martyrs Rufin the Deacon, Akilina and 200 soldiers with them.
The popular name is Akulina. Rain on Akulina is a good viburnum. The birch is starting to turn green. Perch spawn when birch leaves open.

National Donor Day in Russia
Chinese Language Day

In 1656, instead of silver coins, copper money appeared in Russia.
In 1841, Edgar Allan Poe's detective story "Murder in the Rue Morgue" was published for the first time in the history of literature.
In 1845, the Decree on the organization of the resettlement of peasants in connection with the beginning of the development of Siberia.
Safety matches were first announced in 1865.
In 1866, the publication of I. M. Sechenov’s book “Reflexes of the Brain” was suspended “for promoting materialism”.
In 1922, the South Ossetian Autonomous Region was formed as part of Georgia.
Pavel Luspekaev, Soviet theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, was born in 1927.
In 1938, a decree was adopted in Ukraine on the compulsory study of the Russian language in all schools.

SOURCES: "Months" edited by A. Novak (M. 1997)
"Church-people's calendar in Russia" I.P. Kalinsky (M. 1997)
"Calendar of significant dates and events" -
"Calendar of events" -
"Historical dates" -
Significant events" -

Aries of the second decade - features of the zodiac sign

Aries is a sign of maturity and perfection. A similar definition applies to all representatives of this amazing zodiac constellation without exception. Aries, almost similar to each other in their qualities, also have distinctive character traits inherent in representatives of one of the three decades.

Aries, born from April 1 to 10, are subject to the magical influence of the moon. It is this lunar influence that endows them with special artistry, dreaminess and variability. Prone to contemplation, Aries of the second decade have extraordinary abilities in philosophy and theology.

"Children of the Moon" strive to transform this world, but, unfortunately, they are too harsh and impulsive to bring their plan to the final result. Because of their enthusiasm, Aries often seem ridiculous and strange to others.

Aries of the second decade have tolerable health and enviable peace of mind. But, knowing behind a violent activity, Aries should be wary of any kind of accidents and disasters.

However, not only tragic situations can be the reason for "getting out of the rut": the liver, intestines and lungs are considered the weak point of Aries. Almost from early childhood, Aries need to carefully monitor their diet as much as possible.

Diet will protect against the development of any disease. Aries born in the second decade need to be wary of diabetes, which will not spare either Aries children or Aries adults. And in the last decades of life, it is recommended to reduce the abundant food intake.

All representatives of this decade need to remember that they have a great chance of being subject to paralysis, which is caused by blocking and narrowing of the vessels of the brain.

Representatives of all age groups are subject to frequent headaches, nervous depression, and a general feeling of exhaustion throughout their lives.

But, to the great happiness of the Aries themselves of the second decade, health problems are perfectly combined with delightful enthusiasm and incorruptible enthusiasm. The whole conscious life of Aries takes place in close contact with the people around him.

Such communication brings pleasure to both parties. However, as soon as Aries suspects that his inner freedom is beginning to be limited, he will not reckon with any enviable benefits and will leave, burning behind him all the bridges, sometimes built with such difficulty.

Aries of the second decade - the stage of life up to 25 years

Although Aries of all three decades are fiery representatives, in love they smolder rather than burn. Aries of the second decade, having known true love, will be distinguished throughout their lives by enviable constancy and fidelity to their soulmate.

Being honest by nature, Aries of the second decade will never commit treason, and his idealization of life will not even allow him to think about such meanness in relation to a person dear to him.

If true love visits Aries of the second decade, then it will border on insanity, reaching insanity.

Experiencing a sublime romance, Aries dream of eternal love to the grave! Love can overtake Aries, regardless of their age, financial situation and health status. This is just the case when you can say with confidence: “All ages are submissive to love!”

The second half of Aries, born from April 1 to April 10, should always remember that behind the mask of self-confidence and aggressiveness, the true face often hides, often with a whole tangle of complexes.

Only a tender and loving heart can heal the moral traumas that Aries of the second decade so often suffer from. For such an attitude, the soul of Aries will belong undividedly to a partner who understands and sympathizes with him.

Aries of the second decade - the stage of life from 25 to 40 years

At any age, Aries should be a little softer and more condescending towards people, because not everyone understands and accepts his harshness and temper.

The social and social life of Aries of the second decade always flows brightly, it is full of dangerous moments that do not allow either Aries himself or the people around him to relax.

This behavior of a representative of the second decade of the sign is explained by the very nature of Aries - by nature, he is a rebel and a fighter. Throughout his conscious life, he demonstrates his superiority over other people, for which he immediately receives punishment.

It is especially painful and often Aries gets from the authorities, before whom he is not afraid to show his own "I". Interestingly, on any issue, Aries of the second decade has its own opinion, for some reason always contradicting the opinion of people with a higher social status.

By the way, it should be noted that Aries only once enter the steps of the career ladder. Unfortunately, they often don't get a second chance.

If at 30 years old Aries of the second decade has not yet been able to start his own business or succeed as a performer, he is unlikely to ever succeed. And it's not even that he will not have the opportunity to change his life for the better.

Aries of the second decade - the stage of life from 40 to 60 years

Even if fortune turns to face Aries of the second decade, they will proudly turn away themselves, because they are not used to existing at the expense of other people's handouts. Mature Aries invariably have the feeling that at the age of 40 it no longer makes sense to change, even if these changes promise to bring significant benefits in relationships with loved ones and just acquaintances.

From Aries of the second decade, born into the world from April 1 to April 10, very often come out attentive and reverent parents. Aries will look forward to the birth of not only their children, but also grandchildren.

Fatherhood and motherhood - these are the roles in which Aries feels in his element. A mother or father born under the sign of Aries of the second decade will try to spend all their free time with the kids, tell them about birds and fish, play basketball and hockey.

Aries of the second decade - the stage of life from 60 years and older

Unfortunately, a small percentage of representatives of the second decade of the sign Aries live to a ripe old age. This is due to the fact that, being too active and energetic, Aries are at high risk of injury.

In addition, too impressionable Aries of the second decade sometimes do not take care of themselves and their lives, deliberately undermining the strength of the body with the help of bad habits. However, those Aries who live safely to old age are provided with a serene and happy old age in the circle of loving and caring relatives.

I must say that most Aries of the second decade not only live a bright and interesting life, but also do not go unnoticed in it. They try to do everything possible so that their mark remains in history.

In their youth, Aries of the second decade will try to choose a profession that, in addition to money, can bring well-deserved recognition and fame. Therefore, among Aries there are so many great athletes, public figures, as well as stars of the world of music and cinema.

The only warning to Aries, which they should remember all their lives, can be formulated as follows: “Respect the golden mean in everything!”

© E. Danilova

Decades of the zodiac sign Aries

Aries is the zodiac sign of people born between March 21 and April 20. Thanks to their vital fuse, these people are able to "move mountains" and light a fire in other people's hearts. By nature, they are endowed with incredible artistry and charisma. But, like all signs of the zodiac circle, Aries are divided into representatives of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd decades. This article will describe in detail the nature of this sign, point out the positive and negative aspects of the character, and also talk about the energy of the sign.

General description of the mark

Aries is the first sign in sequence and belongs to the element of Fire. He has an incredible sense of purpose and the charisma of a pioneer.. Even those Aries who have a calm temperament never give up and sooner or later achieve what they want.

The activity and initiative of the representatives of this sign makes them constantly light up with new ideas and light a fire for others in others. It is worth noting that sometimes it is more important for Aries to inspire the people around him than to bring any matter to its logical end. Aries has a short-term pressure, but pedantry, consistency and perseverance are not the strengths of these people.

The worst thing for this fire sign is to lose interest in a business that previously gave him pleasure. Any delays or pauses and paperwork can completely discourage you from achieving what you want.

The weak point in the character of these people is the lack of self-discipline and the absolute unwillingness to obey others.. The astrological horoscope of Aries indicates that his critical attitude often harms himself in developing the necessary connections. Such behavior leads to the fact that periods of success in the lives of these people alternate with crises.

Sign energy

Positive features of the sign:

  • fearlessness;
  • sincerity;
  • the ability to love and empathize;
  • energy;
  • honesty.

Negative traits in the character of the sign:

  • stubbornness;
  • selfishness;
  • selfishness.

Such a fiery set of character traits drives Aries throughout his life and makes him achieve any goals. Often these people waste too much energy, but, fortunately, they quickly restore their strength and continue to go in the given direction.

Aries of the first decade - (March 21-31)

Representatives of the first decade of Aries are impulsive, brave and energetic, and their distinguishing feature is that their brain works like a computer. They think a lot about themselves, but it is important that others support and respect, and such an overestimated self-esteem does not bring them any inconvenience in everyday life.

Men born during this period are incredibly popular with girls, and women are real Amazons who avoid excessive makeup, beautiful clothes and frivolous behavior.

Aries of the first decade will always listen to the advice of relatives and friends, take into account the opinion of everyone, but in the end they will do it their own way. They are not very well versed in people, so they often face dishonesty and betrayal. An important quality of character inherent in such people is the ability to rise from their knees and find the strength to smile even when everything is very bad.

Aries of the second decade - (April 1-10)

These people divide everything into “black” and “white”, “own” and “alien”, and their life principle is “all methods are good to fight the enemy, and a friend should be protected without sparing himself.” Sometimes these Aries do things that are not permissible, being sure that they have the right to do so. They are very generous, adore animals and always patronize those who are weaker than them..

Aries of the second decade are lovers of showing off, and they hardly admit their misconduct and mistakes. These are naturally born fighters and leaders, they always mark their territory and do not like to play by someone else's rules. But when everything is smooth and calm for them, they begin to yearn.

In love, these people are very passionate, they go ahead with their goals in such a way that it is simply useless to force them to be guided by common sense. People born from April 1 to 10 are people of extremes, and they really have only one step to hatred, and it is extremely extreme to have such an enemy.

Aries of the third decade - (April 11-19)

These people are frank romantics, they are bright, sincere, memorable and straightforward. They are able to sacrifice themselves if circumstances so require and silently endure all the blows of fate. Because of this resilience, it may seem to others that they never have problems.

The interests of people born between April 11-19 tend to go beyond the interests of ordinary people. They are very talented, they are attracted by everything beautiful and extraordinary.

In general, they get on with everything, no matter what they undertake, the main thing is that it is interesting to them. In love, they are rarely lucky, because they are attracted by opposites, and the difference in outlook on life and the dissimilarity of characters often leads to misunderstanding. In addition, their absolute ingenuity, honesty, compassion, and excessive impulsiveness make them very easy prey. It is important that the family means a lot to these people, they are good parents and devoted spouses.

Attention, only TODAY!

I am a fish of the 3rd decade, he is an Aries of the 2nd, tell me compatibility?) Does anyone have such couples from personal experience? and got the best answer

Answer from Rita Vladimirskaja[guru]
girlfriend - live beautifully for 20 years, they have two daughters

Answer from A B[guru]
there is no compatibility according to the European horoscope. I can tell where there is a compatibility calculation. you don't like him at all

Answer from Vega? Lyra[newbie]
Live, you will see, there may not be perfect compatibility, but couples live, it depends on the study of your and his horoscope. And in a simple way, Aries and Pisces can coexist together, you may not have enough depth of emotions on his part, if only you look at the sun .It will definitely not be boring, try it!

Answer from Nephilim *[guru]
Aries is a fire sign, you are a fish. burn.

Answer from Orhan Allahhverdiyev[guru]
the elements are different, I know a couple, she seems to be fish of the 3rd decade, he is Aries 1st, at first, according to her, it was good, but over time, it became clear that they are completely different people, different interests and much more ... she doesn't understand him, he understands her

Answer from Mistress of the Silent Pool![guru]
Do not look at horoscopes, appreciate feelings for each other!

Answer from Papillon[guru]
if it’s hard for both of you with each other, then why break yourself, especially if he doesn’t appreciate it, and it hurts you, and if you love each other, rely on love in all conflicts, and not on contradictions

Answer from Olga Olga[guru]
severe case.. aries suffer more

Answer from phantom[guru]
better not mess with Aries

Answer from Mad Hatter[active]
You need to look at the map. If you have air or fire signs in the planets, and he has water signs, then it will not be bad. You also need to look at what signs the moon is in. You need date, time and place of birth. Preferably both partners.

Answer from Furious[guru]

Answer from INess[guru]
The signs are shifted by 23 days: if you look at the astronomical program, many signs will be in previous constellations. I have a birthday on August 27, my Sun is in Leo, in the very center. Virgo begins astronomically on September 17-18.

Answer from Andrew Suharukov[newbie]
I'm a cancer and this is cool))

Answer from Clerk[guru]
Anglo-Saxons .. face what a Slav girl before 2 facelift operations You understand that this is not a Slav and not a CIS ..

Answer from Єanil Karimov[guru]
Try to combine Water and Fire.

Answer from Yergey Mityaev[guru]
compatibility is very poor.

Answer from Fairy Fairy[guru]
I lived with this freak for a quarter of a century, but trouble came and he showed his whole essence. You understand that all couples are individual. It is written about me and about him ... The elements of fire and water usually do not mix and therefore their relationship can be somewhat complicated . He is confident and lively, and she is a little shy, he likes to dominate, and she likes to lean on someone. He will be intrigued by her behavior in the bedroom. His active participation in her life will help her overcome her shyness. Together they can have pleasant and interesting intimate moments. The possibility of communication and marriage for this couple is very high, especially if they manage to overcome the differences in their temperament. This is a union of completely different people and we must remember about their eternal struggle of the two elements of Fire and Water, it becomes clear what disasters await their marriage, but also how fiery may be their love. The sign of Aries tends to change places, feelings and experiences. He always acts according to his feelings. He is a very passionate, warm and impulsive person. They are directly opposite the characteristics of Aries. According to the horoscope, she has a subtle nature and a calm character, she dreams of a strong protector who can protect her from the troubles of life, and in this he suits her. Their marriage will be perfect if she devotes herself entirely to home and family, will not blame the man in the absence attention to her, while the Aries man can spend all his free time with friends, and return home, just to relax. She attracts his attention with her defenseless affectionate nature. This woman seizes his attention like a secret, a sweet dream. She has a pleasant appearance and a soft voice. He will feel peace next to this gentle creature. For some time they will be fascinated by each other, Aries will even forget about his friends for a while. Soon he will get tired of the monotonous dialogue with his wife and will begin to strive for friends and new experiences. She is naturally quiet and calm, but she cannot be called weak-willed. Non-resistance is her main feature, but also her main strength. She accepts everything as it is, without trying to reform, without putting ultimatums before him. She will first of all try to change her attitude towards him. Upon returning home, he will discover a romantic dinner at home, a beautiful hairstyle for his beloved, new clothes, and he will be surprised. She will constantly change for him to return his feelings that have not yet ended. The compatibility horoscope confirms that the happiness of this union lies in the hands of the wise Pisces woman. The Aries man also needs to compromise and help his wife keep the love. Build your relationship and be patient. God endured and told us to!

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