Thrush in pregnancy: causes, symptoms, safe treatment. How to cure thrush during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment

Diets 22.10.2021

Thrush in pregnant women is a very common occurrence. How dangerous is it for the mother and the development of the fetus? What are the consequences of this disease? How to treat candidiasis during pregnancy, and is it really worth it? Is it possible to prevent the development of the disease? Let's talk about everything in order.

Thrush in pregnant women: what are the causes

The causative agent of thrush is a microscopic fungus that represents the genus Candida. In total, there are about 150 types of candida in nature, while about 20 of them can live in the human body. By the way, more than 90% of cases of candidiasis are the result of the pathogenic effects of the yeast subspecies Candida albicans, and the rest of its varieties are much less common.

Candida are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that, at one time or another, are completely natural inhabitants of the mucous membranes of each person. Usually they are in a dormant state, without causing harm to the body. But during pregnancy, very often fungal agents are activated and begin to actively multiply. Colonies of the fungus are introduced into healthy cells and the woman begins to show symptoms of the disease.

Why does thrush develop more often in pregnant women? The following factors contribute to this:

  • Hormonal changes and jumps, which during pregnancy can be considered a natural phenomenon, lead to the fact that the acidity index of the vaginal secretion changes
  • Defense mechanisms (both general and local) are suppressed during this period
  • Pregnant women experience constant stress, and this always affects the mental and physical health of a woman.
  • During pregnancy, women try to pay as much attention as possible to personal hygiene, it is important not to overdo it: if you use detergents illiterately, they also affect acidity in favor of the fungus; in addition, if you wash yourself with such means too often, then the beneficial flora is washed away with them (just lactobacilli regulate the number of candida).
  • Food addictions of expectant mothers, because the fungus reacts positively to pickled smoked, sweet, spicy, namely, you want something like this while waiting for the baby
  • Constipation and dysbacteriosis that haunt pregnant women (especially in the later stages), as well as chronic colitis and exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

How to recognize thrush in pregnant women: the most likely symptoms

Thrush in pregnant women has the same vivid symptoms as in other periods. Colonies of the fungus provoke the following symptoms:

  • At first, in a pregnant woman, the nature of the discharge somewhat changes in a pregnant woman. Their volume increases, and the smell that comes from them resembles whey. This symptom is missed in most cases, especially if the woman sweats a lot and/or uses sanitary pads.
  • Later, the discharge becomes thicker. White lumps appear in them: the consistency resembles curdled products), which is why the disease was called "thrush".
  • Due to the fact that candida invades the epithelium, the nerve endings are irritated, a very strong itching occurs, which is especially intensified at night.
  • The mucous membrane of the genital organs is affected: it swells, redness, swelling occurs.
  • A pregnant woman may also be accompanied by a burning sensation, which is detected during urination.
  • Sexual intercourse during this period is painful, the pain may persist after it ends.

Pregnant women may make futile attempts to eliminate symptoms by increasing the number of hygiene procedures, douching using antiseptic disorders. But the relief from such actions is short-lived. These measures do not have a special effect on the fungus. Such a delay in drug therapy in pregnant women can lead to the development of alarming symptoms:

  • Sucrose or frightening expectant mother spotting directly from the genital slit
  • Cutting pains that are associated with irrigation of the mucous membranes with a soap-based solution
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.

Thrush in pregnant women: what is the danger

The causative agents of thrush widely inhabit the planet, so a person can become infected at any age, including infancy. If an adult has a strong immune system, then he tolerates the disease easily, and recovery with the right treatment comes very quickly.

Thrush in pregnant women is more difficult, not only causing discomfort to the woman, but also putting the fetus at risk. The future baby may develop complications. It happens that for health reasons, the expectant mother takes certain drugs (glucosteroids, corticosteroids, hormones). Also, complications of thrush during pregnancy can occur against the background of such diseases:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Genital herpes
  • Chronic genitourinary infections.

The effect of thrush on pregnancy

Manifestations of thrush in pregnant women often lead to adverse consequences. Among them:

  • Due to the constant itching, a woman develops insomnia, constant fatigue, and constant irritability in the expectant mother. This can be accompanied not only by high blood pressure, but also by an increase in the tone of the uterus of the expectant mother, which is why there is a risk of abortion.
  • The mucous membranes affected by the pathogen of thrush may be too easy prey for other genitourinary infections. It is for this reason that candidiasis is so often accompanied in pregnant women by bacterial vaginosis. This complication requires more serious therapeutic measures (to treat a combined infection, a number of drugs will be required, including antibacterial ones). But the use of antibiotics in pregnant women is undesirable. Moreover, they reduce immunity and provoke fluctuations in the composition of the vaginal microflora. Thus, a real vicious circle arises, because these drugs can contribute to the fact that thrush in pregnant women will develop with renewed vigor.
  • In late pregnancy, the disease is also harmful. Childbirth in this case can be complicated due to the fact that under the influence of candida, the mucous membranes lose their elasticity, and therefore, during the passage through the birth canal of the fetus, ruptures occur. At the same time, after suturing, they heal very slowly, and can also diverge due to eruption of the suture material.
  • If previous births took place with the help of a caesarean section, then thrush in pregnant women can cause thinning of the postoperative suture, as well as rupture of the uterus along this scar. Such a gynecological situation is considered very unfavorable, because as a result, the fetus is almost impossible to save, and the woman herself loses a lot of blood.
  • Itching makes a woman comb the affected areas of the mucous membranes, so an infection often develops in the inguinal folds. It is also natural to consider the development of persistent eczema in the affected areas.

Thrush and fetus: what threatens the unborn child

  • In the early stages of pregnancy due to thrush, the tone of the uterus increases. Because of this, the delivery of nutrients is disrupted, without which the normal development of the fetus is impossible. Also, the condition can be aggravated by oxygen deficiency. This is fraught not only with a developmental delay, but also with malformations in the child.
  • If a bacterial infection joins the thrush, then it is dangerous at any time. Intrauterine infection of the fetus can occur, due to which hypertrophy of its muscles and congenital anomalies are possible. Sepsis is especially dangerous. Such a course of the disease can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.
  • Candidiasis sepsis, which begins even inside the womb, after birth has a very aggressive course. The child suffers in this case not only from the manifestations of the infection, but also from the toxins of intravenous antifungal drugs. Such therapy greatly affects the internal organs, especially the liver, kidneys and intestines. Even with active therapy, unfortunately, most newborns with such complications die. A post-mortem examination impresses even experienced doctors: all organs, including the brain, are wrapped in mycelium like a cobweb in a baby. You won't see that even in the scariest horror movie.
  • Infection of a child during childbirth is the most common outcome that guarantees. A few days after birth, the crumbs show symptoms of candidal stomatitis (plaque on the tongue and the entire oral cavity). If the child is weakened or premature, then the pathogen is also detected in the urine and feces due to the fact that the fungus has time to settle in the intestines and urinary tract.

Prevention: how not to get thrush during pregnancy

Thrush in pregnant women is an insidious disease that is still better to prevent. The fact is that drugs during childbearing can adversely affect the fetus.

In order not to put your child and yourself at risk, both spouses need to be thoroughly examined before pregnancy. If any infection that is sexually transmitted is identified, it must be treated before the issue of childbearing comes close. After the end of the course of treatment, it is important to conduct a follow-up examination and make sure that the infection has been completely eradicated.

In order for thrush in pregnant women not to worsen, you need:

  • Be sure to use condoms during sex
  • Follow the hygiene rules for pregnant women, do not use aggressive products and too powerful antiseptics for hygiene procedures
  • Avoid wearing synthetic underwear
  • Do not use panty liners in hot weather
  • Regularly visit a gynecologist and a therapist in order to timely diagnose the disease, and those diseases that can provoke it
  • Eat less sweet, spicy, smoked, eating fruits, vegetables, cereals
  • More rest
  • avoid stress
  • Dress for the weather
  • Limit contacts with patients with viral and infectious diseases of various nature.

The most important advice: if there is the slightest suspicion of thrush, hurry to the doctor, do not try to get rid of the disease yourself. Only a timely appeal to a gynecologist and strict implementation of his recommendations is a guarantee of the prevention of complications, both for the mother and for the unborn baby.

Thrush in pregnant women: how to treat

Of course, women in an interesting position require special attention. Thrush in pregnant women is no exception, since it is necessary to choose a treatment that will not only help get rid of the infection, but also will not harm the baby. To do this, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Vaginal suppositories - they look like oval tablets made from concentrated doses of antifungal agents. To introduce them more comfortably, as a rule, there is a special applicator in the package.
  • Vaginal creams are also sold with an applicator in the kit and are used at night (they lubricate the vagina).
  • Tablets that enter the body through the intestines and with the bloodstream of the pregnant woman quickly spread to the places of localization of the yeast infection, which makes them quite effective.
  • Candles for the treatment of candidiasis is the most common method by which thrush is treated in pregnant women.

In any case, the use of any of the above drugs, or even a combination of them, can only be started after a doctor's prescription. Pregnant women are a special, refined category of patients, and therefore, when prescribing the drug, the doctor takes into account many individual points that the woman herself may simply not know

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Reading 6 min. Views 1.3k. Published on 23.08.2018

Burning during urination, itching of the genitals, copious vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor - all these symptoms of candidiasis have to be faced by every woman at least once in her life.

Almost always, thrush occurs in pregnant women, we will talk with you about the causes and safe methods of treatment today.

Why does thrush occur

Thrush or candidiasis is an infectious pathology caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

These microorganisms are part of the normal vaginal microflora, but in the presence of favorable factors, they begin to multiply rapidly, which causes unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of thrush during pregnancy

  1. Weakened immunity - immediately after conception, the immune system begins to work at half strength, this avoids fetal rejection, miscarriage, spontaneous abortion. But with a decrease in protective functions, fungi and other conditionally pathogenic microbes begin to multiply actively.
  2. Hormonal imbalance - during pregnancy, the level of gestagens increases, these hormones create ideal conditions for the growth of yeast-like fungi.
  3. Long-term antibiotic therapy shortly before conception - often at the stage of pregnancy planning, women have to treat infectious and inflammatory pathologies.
  4. Colpitis is a chronic inflammatory process in the vagina, it must be identified and cured before pregnancy.
  5. Vitamin deficiency, severe toxicosis, love for tight synthetic underwear.

Thrush often occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system. And since these diseases are exacerbated during pregnancy, candidiasis manifests itself especially intensively.

How the disease manifests itself

Symptoms of candidiasis in expectant mothers and non-pregnant women are almost identical, but during childbearing, the clinical picture is more pronounced due to the combination of several provoking factors.

Symptoms of thrush:

  • severe, constant itching of the genitals;
  • abundant discharge of whites, outwardly they look like thick milk or cottage cheese flakes, sometimes they have a yellowish tint, but the appearance of bloody impurities is unacceptable;
  • discomfort during intercourse - cramps, burning, pain, spasms;
  • discomfort during urination - a similar symptom does not always appear;
  • vaginal discharge acquires the smell of fish or sour milk;
  • in severe forms of the disease, general well-being worsens, weakness appears.

Since most of the symptoms of thrush are inherent in other diseases of the genitourinary system, a final diagnosis can only be made after diagnosis.

On examination, the doctor can see redness, swelling of the external genital organs, traces of scratching, a lot of white plaque is found on the inner surface of the vagina, during the examination, the gynecologist takes a swab from the vagina for microscopic and bacteriological examination.

Safe Treatments

How to treat candidiasis during pregnancy? In therapy, doctors prefer to use local antimycotic agents - gels, suppositories, ointments, tablets are prescribed only for advanced forms of pathology in the II, III trimester, frequent relapses.

The choice of drug depends on the duration of pregnancy, the general condition of the woman, the presence of chronic diseases.

Medicines for the treatment of thrush

  1. Terzhinan vaginal tablets- prescribed for severe forms of thrush, the drug does not adversely affect the fetus, rarely causes allergic reactions in the expectant mother. The drug has a pronounced antimycotic effect, contributes to the rapid recovery of the mucosa, and helps to get rid of gardnerellosis - this disease is often exacerbated against the background of hormonal imbalance. Dosage - 1 tablet per day for 10 days.
  2. Candles Clotrimazole- to get rid of candidiasis, a single use of the drug at a dosage of 500 mg is sufficient.
  3. Pimafucin- the safest remedy for the treatment of thrush in pregnant women, fungi do not develop resistance to the active substances of the drug. Dosage - 1 suppository at bedtime for 6 days.
  4. Livarol- antifungal suppositories, prescribed for acute and recurrent forms of candidiasis. Dosage - 1 suppository per day for 5 days.
  5. Candles Hexicon- prescribed after the complete elimination of the symptoms of thrush, the drug provides long-term cleanliness of the mucous genital organs.

Ointments and gels - Polygynax, Ketoconazole, Nystatin - these antimycotic agents are characterized by low cost, easy application. It is enough to introduce them into the vagina in a small amount 1-2 times a day for 5-6 days.

How to treat candidiasis in 1-2-3 trimesters

After the introduction of the first candle from thrush, burning and itching may occur in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entrance to the vagina - this is a normal reaction of the body, it is not necessary to stop therapy.

Be sure to complete the full course, even if all the unpleasant symptoms have disappeared after 2-3 days, the absence of manifestations of pathology is not an indicator of complete recovery.

After the end of therapy, you will need to retake tests, during pregnancy, relapses of thrush often occur, so the examination is prescribed monthly.

What can pregnant women from thrush - folk remedies

You should not get carried away with the methods of alternative therapy during pregnancy, even the most harmless herbs and procedures are often dangerous for expectant mothers and the baby.

But folk remedies help to quickly cope with the unpleasant manifestations of thrush, so they can be used as auxiliary methods of treatment, but only after consulting a gynecologist.

simple recipes

  1. Pour 300 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dry thyme or sage, simmer the mixture in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, strain. Use decoction for washing in the morning and evening.
  2. Brew 200 ml of boiling water 1 tsp. chopped oak bark, leave in a sealed container for 10 minutes, strain, wash with infusion once a day.
  3. Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to a serving of baby cream. Lubricate the external genital organs before going to bed - this tool quickly eliminates itching, inflammation, irritation, swelling. But the cream should not get on the mucous membranes.

Hot baths, other thermal procedures, any kind of douching, especially with potassium permanganate, lemon juice - during pregnancy, these methods of treatment are categorically contraindicated.

Is thrush dangerous?

Is thrush dangerous or not for a baby? Doctors do not have a clear answer to this question, some experts believe that this disease does not harm the fetus.

But most doctors say that not a single infectious pathology can pass without a trace for a baby.

Possible danger of candidiasis :

  1. Due to the constant irritation of the mucosa, the risk of cervical erosion increases, which leads to a decrease in tissue elasticity. There may be complications during childbirth - the process of opening the cervix slows down, the likelihood of ruptures is high, and an emergency caesarean section is often required.
  2. When passing through the birth canal, pathogenic fungi will enter the baby's oral cavity, the newborn will not be able to normally suckle the breast or nipple due to severe pain.
  3. Sometimes candidiasis affects the umbilical cord, which can cause the death of a newborn.

If you have candidiasis at least once during pregnancy, then a month before the expected date of birth, medication will be prescribed, even if there are no obvious manifestations of the disease.


We dealt in detail with the question of how thrush manifests itself during pregnancy, where the disease comes from, how to deal with it.

Thrush during pregnancy (vaginal candidiasis) is observed 3-4 times more often than in non-pregnant women, that is, every second expectant mother suffers from this disease. Why does this happen, and where does thrush come from in women who are expecting the birth of a baby?

The period of bearing a baby is a special time when the female body adjusts to its new state. A new little life is developing inside a woman, which means that all organs and systems of a pregnant woman adjust to this new event. It is believed that the unborn child is perceived by the body as a foreign body, which means that there is a risk of rejection. Therefore, nature has provided everything so that this does not happen, there is a conscious decrease in the potential of the immune system. As a result, an artificially weakened body is attacked by various infections, including vaginal candidiasis. There is an opinion that thrush, as a sign of pregnancy, is the lot of all women expecting the birth of a child. However, such a judgment is fundamentally wrong, like any other disease, it must be treated.

So, what you need to know about thrush during pregnancy, its symptoms and treatment?

Thrush during pregnancy can occur if some pathological processes are present in the woman's body. The cause of thrush during pregnancy can be the following factors:

  • Low protective ability of the immune system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Anomalies of the respiratory system.
  • Heart diseases.
  • HIV infection.
  • Underdose of antibiotics, immunosuppressants.
  • Irregular personal hygiene or its excess.
  • Irregular change of sanitary napkins.
  • Uncomfortable underwear.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.

Additional factors that increase the occurrence of candidiasis in pregnant women

The likelihood of vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy increases several times if there are:

  • Iron deficiency (anemia) and hypovitaminosis.
  • Failure in the hormonal system.
  • The presence of constipation and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy

It should be said that the symptoms of thrush in pregnant women depend on which form of the disease progresses. The acute form is characterized by a primary manifestation, and if timely treatment is started, then getting rid of the disease will be relatively simple. True, as medical practice shows, the treatment of thrush during pregnancy does not always begin on time. In addition, there is a second factor, which is that in the body of a pregnant woman there is a process of suppression of immunity, the so-called immunosuppression. This contributes to the rapid development of acute thrush into a chronic stage with recurrent moments that have a different frequency of manifestation, up to their constant presence.

Symptoms of acute and chronic thrush:

  • Allocations. The main symptom of thrush in pregnant women. Therefore, many future mothers would like to clarify what are the discharges for thrush in pregnant women, and how do they differ from other discharged masses?

Vaginal discharge with anomalies has a dense curdled substance. They can be both white and yellowish in color with a sour aroma. The frequency of their manifestation varies from moderation to profusion. In addition, they may be present in the form of plaque on the mucous tissues of the genital organs, and also have the consistency of thick cream.

  • Itching discomfort and burning. These two abnormal symptoms indicating vaginal candidiasis in pregnant women are characterized by a different severity of manifestation. As a rule, burning and itching on the tissues of the vagina and external intimate organs increases in the evening, causing unbearable discomfort to the woman. Their excessive activity is also manifested at the time of urination, when having sex, elevated body temperature, and while walking in the fresh air.
  • Swelling and redness. On the genitals affected by the Candida fungus, swelling and a red rash are noted.

Once again, for clarification, with thrush during pregnancy, all the symptoms described above have a pronounced character.

Asymptomatic Candida

Thrush in pregnant women can manifest itself in the form of candidiasis. That is, it is also a thrush, the sign of which is as follows: in the smear taken for analysis, there is Candida fungus, which is not capable of its reproduction due to the absence of mycelium in the sample. In this case, the expectant mother completely lacks all the external symptoms of candidiasis. However, this form of pathology also needs therapeutic intervention.

Diagnosis of candidiasis in expectant mothers

Determination and clarification of the presence of pathology in a pregnant woman is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Identification of the cause of the manifestation of pathology.
  • Her history is being clarified.
  • A gynecological (visual) examination of the external intimate organs is carried out.
  • A smear is taken for microscopic analysis.

Properly performed microscopy can accurately determine the causes of the disease in the expectant mother.

Features of the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women

So, how to get rid of thrush during pregnancy, so as not to harm the unborn baby? What steps to take if a vaginal anomaly develops during pregnancy, what to do in this case, and what kind of medications can be used for treatment?

Treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy requires a careful approach.

  • Compliance with basic hygiene rules. It is the main rule, both in the prevention of the disease, and in its treatment.
  • Food. A properly composed diet will help to avoid not only the recurrence of the disease, but also bring the moment of recovery closer. Remove from your menu dishes and foods with excessive sugar content, sweet and carbonated liquids, yeast baked goods, everything that additionally creates suitable conditions for fungal colonies, otherwise it will be very difficult to heal from thrush during pregnancy.

Do not get carried away with spicy and salty foods, which aggravate discomfort in the intimate area and at the time of urination.

Give preference to fruits, especially seasonal ones, but fruits with excessive sweetness are best avoided. Eat more meat and fish dishes.

  • mechanical stimuli. Treatment of thrush during pregnancy involves limiting bath procedures (preferably a shower), sexual contact, as well as a careful approach to choosing underwear. Change hygienic diapers in a timely manner.

Therapy of vulvovaginal candidiasis with drugs

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy is based on the priority use of topical drugs, the substances of which are not able to enter the bloodstream, thereby eliminating the possible risk of harm to the fetus. However, you cannot buy such drugs on your own, they are selected only by a gynecologist, based on the clinical picture of the disease and the results of the examination. Pregnancy requires a serious approach to any medication. Medicines, tablet form orally for candidiasis during pregnancy can be prescribed only in exceptional cases, when the benefits of them are much higher than the possible danger to the unborn baby.

Therapy of pathology largely depends on the duration of the pregnancy itself, that is, on the trimesters. For example, in the third trimester, all the organs and vital systems of the child have already formed, so the list of drugs that can be prescribed to a woman is increasing. But thrush at the beginning of pregnancy requires more careful medical intervention.

First trimester

At the beginning of pregnancy, the treatment of the disease is carried out with such drugs:

  • Pimafucin, aka Natamycin. Suppositories are used for 3-6 days, 1 pc. everyday.
  • Candinorm. The gel has an intravaginal property, it is used 1 time / day before going to bed. One tube contains a one-time portion of the gel, that is, the amount of the drug in one tube is used at a time.
  • Zalain. Apply once before bed. If the symptoms of the pathology persist, the drug is allowed again only after a week.
  • Viferon. It is used in complex therapy for recurrent candidiasis. Dose: 2 times / day for 5-10 days.
  • Betadine (aka Yodoxide, povidone-iodine and Iodosept). Suppositories contain an iodine compound, 1 suppository / 1-2 times a day. The duration of application is 1-2 weeks.

Second trimester

  • Polygynax. Capsules are applied at night, after soaking them in water. 1 capsule / 1 time per day. The duration of treatment is 6-12 days.
  • Terzhinan. Vaginal tablets are used at bedtime, wetting them with water. 1 tablet/day. The course of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, 6-20 days.
  • Clotrimazole. Vaginal tablets. Used at bedtime 1 tablet/day.
  • Livarol. Suppositories that are recommended for pregnant women with candidiasis. Apply at bedtime: 1 candle 1 time / day for all 10 days.
  • Econazole (Gino-levaril). It is produced in two versions: 50 or 150 mg. 50 mg - 1 suppository / 1 time per day at bedtime. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks; 150 mg - 1 suppository / 1 time per day at bedtime. The duration of treatment is 3 days.

third trimester

Starting from the third trimester, thrush in pregnant women can be treated with all of the above medicines. An exception applies only to medicines with iodine. New approved drugs include:

  • Boric acid in glycerin (solution). It is recommended in the presence of an abundant presence of Candida mycelium on the tissues of the vagina, as well as in case of signs with recurrent manifestations.
  • sodium tetraborate. It is not the main remedy, but in combination with other drugs it will help reduce the amount of discharge.
    Concomitant medicinal products

Candidiasis during pregnancy, in addition to the main drugs, is also treated with additional means:

  • Multivitamins.
  • Prebiotics and probiotics.
  • Lactobacillus, bifidobacteria.

A pregnant woman, being treated for a vaginal infection, should remember that her sex partner should also be examined for the presence of the fungus, and, if necessary, receive appropriate treatment.

Traditional medicine in the fight against thrush during pregnancy

Alternative medicine offers many treatment options that can help treat the symptoms of thrush during pregnancy. However, all of them can be used exclusively as concomitant measures to the main treatment. So, how to treat thrush with folk remedies?

Douching during pregnancy is strictly prohibited! Due to the fact that the state of the microflora in the vagina is not quite in perfect condition, this procedure will only aggravate the situation.

Soda. For sitz baths, the soda solution is prepared in the following proportions: 1 tsp. iodine and 1 tbsp. l. soda. For 1 liter of water. The time spent in the bath is 15-20 minutes.

  • Immediately after the end of the procedure, the suppository / vaginal tablets prescribed by the doctor are administered. The duration of treatment is about 5-7 days.
  • Honey. Used to prepare honey solution. Add honey to 0.5 liters of water. The water temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees (in a hotter place, all the beneficial properties of honey die). The prepared liquid is used for lotions and compresses.
  • Garlic, onion, chamomile. In 1 liter of water, put one head of garlic and 1 tbsp. l. chamomile. Boil for 5 minutes, let cool and apply for baths.

What is the danger of the disease for a pregnant woman?

Very often, thrush during pregnancy causes various complications in the body of the expectant mother.

  • Difficult childbirth. Due to the presence of candida in the vagina, its walls become inflamed, become vulnerable and loose, their normal elasticity is lost. All these signs increase the risk of ruptures at the time of delivery. The process of suture healing is very slow, there is a high probability of opening bleeding during childbirth and in the first time after them.
  • Complications in the recovery period after cesarean. Long healing of sutures, thinned scar on the uterus.
  • Manifestation of other infections. The simultaneous presence of several infections requires complex and lengthy treatment. For example, the development of bacterial vaginosis requires additional medications and also increases the risk of toxic effects on the fetus.

As you can see, pregnancy with thrush can occur with complications and adverse events that are dangerous for the fetus.

What is dangerous thrush pregnant for the unborn baby?

The effect of thrush on pregnancy is detrimental to the unborn child:

  • Slows down the formation and growth of the fetus, disrupts placental blood flow.
  • Risk of infection of the umbilical cord, mucous tissues and skin.
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus with a fungus (candidiasis stomatitis).
  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Danger of premature birth.
  • Possible intrauterine death for the baby (candidiasis sepsis).

Prevention of thrush during pregnancy

No woman, including a pregnant woman, can be insured against the pathological development of the Candida fungus. As a rule, its excessive development provokes the presence of such moments:

  • Weak immune system.
  • stressful situations.
  • Diabetes.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Failure of the hormonal background.
  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Treatment with antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.
  • Excessive passion for perfumes for intimate hygiene.
  • Tight underwear.

Prevention of thrush during pregnancy is to eliminate all of the above factors. As you can see, thrush and pregnancy are absolutely incompatible, so you need to remove everything that can contribute to its development.

Having found signs of vaginal candidiasis in yourself, you should not panic or ask your friends and acquaintances how to get rid of thrush during pregnancy, and even more so engage in treatment using funds without the permission of a doctor. Such an attitude to your health threatens not only with complications for you personally, but also for the baby. Medications to use only those that will be prescribed by the attending physician. Remember that following all the recommendations and carefully following the prescribed therapy will help not only prevent complications, but also cure you of the disease.

- this is one of the types of fungal infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida (these are single-celled organisms, divided into more than 180 species), most often Candida albicans (white candida).

Representatives of this type of microflora are classified as opportunistic microorganisms, that is, they are normally present in the human body in a certain small concentration. Fungi of the genus Candida are found on the skin and mucous membranes of healthy people.

Pregnancy is a state of natural immune depression of the body. Thus, nature allows the mother's body to carry the fetus (not to reject it, since the fetus is independent, and therefore a foreign organism).

A decrease in immunity overtakes absolutely all pregnant women, but this manifests itself in everyone in different ways.

Candidiasis is very common, and the most common form is vulvovaginal candidiasis. As part of this article, we will consider the systemic manifestations of candidiasis, what the disease threatens you and your baby and what should be done about it, and we will talk about vulvovaginal candidiasis in the article "Thrush during pregnancy".

Causes of candidiasis during pregnancy

Risk factors for systemic and vulvovaginal candidiasis are largely similar, but let's keep in mind that systemic candidiasis is a much more severe condition.

Systemic candidiasis will NEVER develop against a background of normal immunity, so this condition is always an indicator of significant immunodeficiency. But thrush (vulvovaginal candidiasis) is a frequent companion of pregnancy.

The reasons:

1) Natural immune suppression during pregnancy.

2) The presence of chronic diseases:

Chronic anemia (the lower the hemoglobin level, the weaker the woman's immunity, and the longer this condition lasts without hemoglobin correction, the more profound changes remain);

Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems with the formation of circulatory failure and respiratory failure (some heart defects, pulmonary hypertension, arterial hypertension, bullae and bronchiectasis in the lungs);

Endocrine diseases (primarily at risk for women with diabetes, including gestational diabetes);

Tuberculosis, oncological diseases, chronic hepatitis;

HIV - infection (pregnancy for HIV - positive women should be a carefully planned step, since changes in immunity can be very significant);

Current or past dependence on intravenous drugs.

3) Taking various drugs:


Glucocorticoid hormones (prednisolone, metipred and others)

Immunosuppressants (for systemic rheumatological diseases, after organ and tissue transplants, and so on)

4) Poor nutrition and digestive disorders. Excess consumption of foods containing sugar and yeast contributes to the spread of a fungal infection. It also contributes to prolonged constipation.

5) Unfavorable living conditions. High humidity and lack of ventilation in the room, irregular cleaning, lack of conditions for timely hygiene of a pregnant woman create the prerequisites for the spread of an infection that has already begun, since fungi readily breed in a warm, humid environment (sweat and other secrets are a nutrient medium)

Symptoms of candidiasis during pregnancy

1. Fungal raids on the affected area (skin, mucous membranes, etc.), detected visually or during instrumental examination.

The raids are represented by a dense, thick, curdled mass. A characteristic sour, unpleasant odor is determined, characterized by many as yeasty. So there is itching of varying severity in the affected area.

Picture of esophageal candidiasis detected by FGDS

2. General symptoms (fever, manifestations of intoxication, weight loss, secondary allergization of the body).

3. Symptoms of the affected organ (signs of pneumonia, hepatitis, nephritis...).

The effect of candidiasis on the fetus

The vast majority of people first encounter a fungal infection in the first year of life. The contact of the child with the infection can occur through the amniotic fluid, the placenta and membranes contaminated with the fungus, during the passage of the birth canal (contact of the mucous membranes of the birth canal with the skin, oral cavity of the child) and breastfeeding.

Possible consequences of candidiasis for the fetus:

- the threat of spontaneous abortion in the early stages (a high level of intoxication provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus);

- threatening premature birth for the same reason;

- delayed growth and development of the fetus (systemic intoxication disrupts the nutrition of the fetus, which entails the birth of small children with weak adaptive capabilities);

Intrauterine infection of the fetus occurs in the case of widespread and / or untreated infection. This condition is severe and is characterized by the development of candidal sepsis in the fetus, even in the intensive care unit, such babies rarely survive. First of all, all therapeutic measures are aimed at the prevention of this condition;

Infection of the fetus with candida during childbirth is characterized by the development of candidiasis of the oral and nasal cavities, esophagus and skin (previously "diaper dermatitis" was often recorded, now it has been found out that one of the reasons may be thrush in the mother);

The consequences of candidiasis during pregnancy for a woman

The addition of any bacterial infection always complicates the course of systemic candidiasis and often requires the use of drugs that are dangerous for pregnant women (mixed pneumonia, kidney damage, and so on);

Complications after caesarean section (spread of infection, failure of sutures, massive treatment after surgery, which may require the abolition of breastfeeding);

Complications in childbirth, the most formidable of which is uterine rupture along the scar. If in the past there was a caesarean section or removal of fibroids;

The risk of bleeding during childbirth and in the postpartum period increases.

Diagnosis of candidiasis during pregnancy

1. Complaints, history taking (information about previous diseases, operations and conditions, taking medications, etc.)
2. General examination (presence of characteristic lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, nails, scalp)
3. Gynecological examination
4. Vaginal swab for flora
5. Crops from the skin and mucous membranes (the growth activity of the fungus and its sensitivity to various drugs are being determined)
6. Complete blood count (we are interested in a systemic inflammatory reaction, which manifests itself in an increase in the number of leukocytes and an acceleration of ESR)
7. Biochemical blood test (we evaluate the functions of organs and look at the level of C - reactive protein, which also reflects inflammation)
8. Blood culture for sterility in the most severe cases
9. Radiography of the lungs, fibrogastroscopy, fibrobronchoscopy and other studies according to indications
10. Consultations of narrow specialists according to indications (infectionist, dermatologist, oculist, etc.)

Localization distinguishes candidiasis

1) Focal

Urogenital (vulvovaginal candidiasis - thrush - in women, balanitis and balanoposthitis in men, which can be a source of infection for a partner, urethritis in both partners). However, candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease. A partner suffering from candidiasis brings his flora and thereby causes dysbacteriosis in the partner's genital tract, thus, sexual intercourse can provoke thrush or worsen its course.

Candidiasis of the skin, appendages of the skin and mucous membranes (candidiasis of the corners of the mouth, tongue and tonsils, fungal infection of the nails and nail folds).

2) Generalized

Candidiasis spreads to the skin of the body, limbs, scalp, mucous membranes, nails are affected; the disease is severe with the formation of granulomatous plaques at the sites of injury, anemia, fever and dyspeptic disorders.

3) Candidasepsis (the spread of a fungal infection into the systemic circulation, this is a serious condition, there may be complications in the form of fungal pneumonia with respiratory failure, esophageal candidiasis and severe gastrointestinal disorders, candidiasis of the central nervous system, liver and kidneys).

4) Candidiasis (secondary allergic rashes that may appear with irrational treatment of focal candidiasis or frequent relapses).

5) Rare localizations (organs of vision, ENT organs, musculoskeletal system, lymph nodes and pancreas).

6) Mixed infections (mixed infections)

Combination with other fungi,
- combination with a bacterial infection (tuberculosis, staphylococcal, proteus, pseudomonas),
- other.

Depth of damage

Superficial (after plaque removal, the mucosa retains its integrity);

Deep (after plaque removal, superficial lesions remain, the mucosa looks smooth, red, it is eroded and vulnerable, more susceptible to secondary infection).

According to the course of the disease

Acute candidiasis (clinical - laboratory cure within 7 - 14 days)
- protracted (with common lesions, the cure is observed after 4-6 weeks from the start of treatment)

The severity of the process is determined depending on the volume and localization of the lesion, dysfunction of the affected organ, signs of general intoxication.

Treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy

Daily shower, frequent change of underwear and bed linen, exclusion of sexual intercourse during treatment are mandatory conditions. Indoors, wet cleaning and ventilation should be carried out frequently to reduce the contamination of the fungus. Hygiene is also the basis for the prevention of candidiasis during pregnancy.

Avoid foods containing sugar and yeast. Nutrition should be rational and complete, the basis should be lean meat, fish, seasonal vegetables and fruits, various cereals (except semolina). Recently, the benefits of eating dairy products have been discussed, at least you should not get carried away with them.

With systemic candidiasis, treatment is much more difficult to choose than with local thrush, it is required to use oral medications that are safe for the child and effective for the mother.

Drug treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy

I trimester

Pimafucin (natamycin)

Pimafucin tablets (1 tablet 4 times a day for 10-20 days). This is the only systemic drug that is used in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is a first-line drug. Data on toxic effects on the fetus have not been established. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the sensitivity of microorganisms.


It is used to treat common candidiasis, starting from the first trimester. Viferon at a dosage of 500 thousand units is applied rectally 2 times a day for 5 to 10 days, the duration of treatment can be significantly increased under the supervision of a doctor. Compatible with all antifungal drugs.

II trimester, III trimester


Nystatin tablets are used according to strict indications and the ineffectiveness of first-line drugs (candidiasis of the esophagus, oral cavity, intestines). The drug is little absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and affects only the foci of candidiasis located along the digestive tract. But the intended benefit to the mother must outweigh the risk to the fetus. Treatment regimens are very different, the maximum dosage reaches 6 million units. The selection of the scheme should be carried out exclusively by the doctor, perhaps a joint decision of the obstetrician - gynecologist and infectious disease specialist on the appointment of the drug.

Fluconazole (Diflucan, Flucorus, Medoflucan, Fluomabol)

The drug is used in tablets and in the form of intravenous infusions. The choice of the form of administration of the drug is carried out depending on the prevalence, shape and depth of the lesion.

Fluconazole 150 mg (capsules, tablets) is used for candidiasis of the digestive tract and vulvovaginal candidiasis, the frequency of administration and duration of therapy will be determined by your doctor.

Fluconazole in solution (200 mg in 100 ml) is used intravenously, exclusively in stationary conditions, the duration of therapy will be determined by your doctor.

Pimafucin and viferon can be used at any stage of pregnancy as first-line drugs.

Additional medical treatment

Multivitamins for pregnant women (elevit pronatal, vitrum prenatal, femibion ​​natalkea I or II, depending on the duration of pregnancy)

Preparations of pre- and probiotics (bifidumbacterin, bifidin, lineks, hilak - forte, bifiform, maxilak) to normalize the function of the intestine, which is one of the breeding sites for thrush fungi.

Partner treatment.

To reduce the fungal load, your partner should also be treated. Men are prescribed local preparations in the form of creams and systemic (tablets, and in severe cases, solutions) to destroy the focus of infection in the intestines. For men, the choice of drugs is not as limited as for pregnant women, but only a doctor will select an effective treatment. The unsystematic use of drugs can lead to the formation of fungal resistance, and then it will be much more difficult to cope with them. Especially if the partner "shares" the microflora with the expectant mother.


With systemic candidiasis, the prognosis is always serious, so a lot depends on the timeliness of treatment, the regularity of observation in the antenatal clinic and careful adherence to the recommendations of your doctor. Look after yourself and be healthy!

Obstetrician-gynecologist Petrova A.V.

Candidiasis (thrush) is a very unpleasant, and in some cases even a dangerous disease. So, pregnant women often suffer from this disease. The danger of developing a yeast-like infection in the body lies in the fact that a woman may have problems associated with bearing a fetus, the course of pregnancy. Also, a fungal infection can be transmitted to a fetus that is still in the womb or when passing through the birth canal. What to do if a pregnant woman has thrushand is it necessary to treat this ailment, or is it a common occurrence for women waiting for the birth of a baby?

What will the article tell you?

Why does Candida "love" pregnant women?

Many women before pregnancy did not even know what thrush was, but during the bearing of a baby, they develop this disease. Why are pregnant women susceptible to it? What is the cause of persistent thrush during pregnancy? The appearance of a fungal infection during the bearing of a baby is associated with a change in the hormonal background of the expectant mother. At this time, the number of lactobacilli decreases in her, as a result of which the microflora changes, from a normal state it passes into a pathological one. This is facilitated by the penetration into the mucosa and further reproduction of Candida fungi in it.

In addition, very often factors that contribute to a decrease in the body's defenses, a change in the microflora of the vagina include:

  • stress;
  • chronic diseases;
  • bad ecology;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lack of sleep, rest.

Why is it important to treat candidiasis in a pregnant woman?

This disease is already dangerous in itself, but during the period of bearing a child, it can greatly harm both - both the expectant mother and the baby:

  • In the first trimester, spontaneous miscarriage is possible.
  • A fungal infection can even cause oxygen starvation, resulting in a child born with various abnormalities.
  • Fetal growth retardation is possible, the child may be born with a critically low body weight.
  • A pregnant woman may lose amniotic fluid ahead of time, as a result of which the birth will be difficult, doctors will have to literally save the baby.
  • In a woman after childbirth against the background of thrush, an inflammatory process in the uterus, called endometritis, is often observed.
  • The child may experience candidiasis of the skin, oral mucosa and genital organs.

That is why it is so important to detect the disease in a timely manner and begin surgical treatment. Not sure what to do with thrush during pregnancy? Your task is to seek help from a gynecologist who manages your pregnancy, pass the necessary tests, undergo inpatient or outpatient treatment.

General therapy of candidiasis in pregnant women

Trying to cope with the disease on your own is not only stupid, but also dangerous, because we are talking not only about the health of the mother, but also the unborn baby. Even if before conception you suffered from candidiasis, you know how to treat it and with what drugs, then when you are carrying a baby, you should forget about the old treatment. After all, the treatment of thrush in patients who are in an interesting position is completely different. Without the help of a doctor, his advice is absolutely impossible to be treated. Therapy of candidiasis should be carried out comprehensively and only under the supervision of a specialist.

For the successful treatment of yeast-like fungi, you need:

  • resort to the help of medicines;
  • eat properly;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Drug therapy for candidiasis in women

Let's look at what to do with thrush for women during pregnancy, with the help of which drugs to quickly destroy the candida fungus? After all, most drugs for this problem can not be used in this category of patients. The main thing that a woman should remember is that the medicine must be safe, and if it is written in the instructions that the remedy is contraindicated during the bearing of a child, then you should not take risks and be treated with this drug.

When treating thrush in pregnant women, doctors often prescribe therapy with local medicines - vaginal tablets, suppositories. The most common of them are:

  • Polygynax- vaginal capsules containing nystatin, neomycin. These components have antifungal, antibacterial action. It is not recommended to use the drug for a long time. You can not use it for women in the first trimester, but in the second and third you can.
  • Nystatin- vaginal suppositories, causing a weakening of the protective membrane of fungal cells, leading to its death. The peculiarity of these suppositories is that they act selectively: they purposefully destroy the fungus of the genus Candida and do not cause the destruction of beneficial microorganisms.
  • Betadine- these suppositories are recommended for the treatment of thrush in the first trimester. If a woman does not have an allergy to iodine, problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland, then she can safely use these suppositories. The duration of treatment should be no more than one week. But from the second trimester, treat vaginal candidiasis with suppositories Betadine not recommended, because the substances contained in the drug can penetrate the placental barrier, provoke malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman with candidiasis

Very often, the manifestation of the symptoms of this fungal infection depends on the nutrition of the patient. Therefore, the patient's primary task is to reconsider his diet, temporarily remove sweets, caffeine, sweet fruits, spicy, fatty, spicy dishes from it. Such food not only feeds the fungus, giving it a chance for further prosperity, but also has a bad effect on the well-being of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus.

The diet of a patient expecting a baby should be rich in vegetables. Cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, eggplants, greens - all these fresh vegetables must be in the patient's diet. She also recommends the following products:

  • fruits - green apples, plums, cherries;
  • dairy products - kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream with a low percentage of fat content;
  • cereal crops - buckwheat, barley, rice porridge;
  • from drinks - rose hips, fruit compote.

Genital care for thrush

Personal hygiene of a pregnant woman is a very important issue in getting rid of a fungal infection as soon as possible. If a patient does not get thrush during pregnancy, she may underestimate the role of intimate hygiene in the treatment and prevention of a fungal infection. When a disease occurs, the patient must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Wash twice a day with warm running water. You can not use ordinary or liquid soap - it dries the vaginal mucosa very much. It is necessary to give preference to special means on a liquid or gel basis. It is very good if the patient uses Lactacid or its analogues. This drug not only helps keep the genitals clean, but also removes pathogenic fungi on the surface of the skin.
  2. When washing, the water jet should be directed forward, the patient should be washed from front to back. Otherwise, bacteria from the anus can get to the labia, further into the vagina, and then there will be even more problems.
  3. You can not get involved in douching. You can use herbal preparations or special medicinal liquids only on the advice of a doctor. It is imperative to observe the frequency of such procedures and the duration of their use.
  4. Use your own towel. For the genital area, you need to pick up a soft towel so that it does not cause irritation. Towels should be washed regularly and ironed.
  5. It is better not to wear panty liners, especially in summer, because these hygiene products create a greenhouse effect and contribute to the active reproduction of the fungus. But if the patient cannot do without such pads, then she should take care of their regular change (every three hours).
  6. Wear cotton panties. Natural fabric perfectly absorbs sweat, does not soar the skin, does not interfere with the access of oxygen to the genitals. The patient's panties should be changed daily.
  7. During the treatment of thrush, you need to refrain from sexual activity.

What to do if candidiasis haunts a pregnant woman?

Many women do not know what to do when thrush does not go away during pregnancy. It seems that the treatment was carried out in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, but the disease still does not lag behind and returns.

The reason for this phenomenon, the return of candidiasis with a boomerang, may be that:

  • In a woman's body, there is a more serious infection that is sexually transmitted, for example, chladymidia or ureaplasmosis.
  • A woman does not treat a fungal infection of the genus Candida at all, but another type of fungus. After all, there are about 200 species. And if a woman has not been tested, does not know exactly which pathogen is in her body, and is treated according to the usual scheme, then there may not be an effect from such therapy.
  • The patient has a severely weakened immune system. In pregnant women, against the background of hormonal changes, immunity drops dramatically. If the patient does not take immunostimulants in parallel with antifungal drugs, then the fungus may continue to return. After all, bacteria and fungi are present in the body, only in a certain concentration.
  • The patient has intestinal dysbacteriosis. If a woman treats vaginal thrush, but she has problems with the intestines, then she must definitely reconsider her diet and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

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