Microbiological examination for mycoplasma and ureaplasma. Bacterial culture for ureaplasma

Pregnancy and children 11.12.2021
Pregnancy and children

Sowing, which determines the presence of mycoplasmosis and determines its sensitivity, is a bacteriological method that cultivates bacteria on a nutrient medium. Bacterial culture provides a determination of the presence or absence of an increase in the number of microorganisms, and also gives an indication of the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. It is the results of sowing on mycoplasma that are the decisive moment in the appointment of treatment for this disease. Mycoplasma, along with ureaplasma, is part of a group of urogenital microorganisms that, according to the medical classification, are conditionally pathogenic. Quite often, this type of bacteria, like ureaplasma, can be found in the body of absolutely healthy people, and only the presence of certain conditions can provoke their growth. These conditions include:

  • Reducing the body's defenses;
  • The presence in the body of other types of pathogenic microflora (chlamydia, Trichomonas, gonococci, etc.).

In this regard, it becomes clear why doctors often prescribe not just sowing for pathogenic microflora, but specifically - sowing for chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma (duo mycoplasma analysis). The danger of the disease for the female body lies in the fact that it can cause various inflammatory processes in the genital organs, provoke a violation of reproductive functions, and lead to miscarriage. And in view of the fact that the symptoms of this disease do not allow it to be detected in a timely manner, and often they are completely absent, it is the DUO mycoplasma tank that often becomes the only way that allows you to detect and treat the disease in a timely manner.

The very conduct of bakposev for mycoplasma, as well as for chlamydia and ureaplasma, is prescribed for women who have symptoms of inflammation of the genital organs and the entire urogenital tract, infertile women, and also for those who need to clarify the results of PCR or ELISA studies. In addition, sowing on mycoplasma and ureaplasma is prescribed to everyone who seeks medical help for the presence of chlamydia in the body and can be repeated several times throughout the entire period of treatment in order to verify its effectiveness.

Regardless of which of the microorganisms will be seeded (chlamydia, ureaplasma or mycoplasma), this must be done in advance - as long as the course of antibiotic therapy has not yet been started. The days of the cycle do not matter here, except for the fact that bakposev for this microorganism (as well as for chlamydia with ureaplasma) cannot be carried out on the days of menstrual bleeding. A patient who wants to get the most reliable results of seeding for mycoplasma duo (chlamydia, ureaplasma) is warned that one day before collecting material for bacteriological culture, it is necessary to exclude sexual contacts. The use of vaginal suppositories and various douches can also affect the results of bacterial culture.

The material for bakposev both for these microorganisms and for chlamydia are epithelial cells obtained by scraping from the vagina, urethra or cervical canal. It is very important to observe the storage conditions of the material before it is delivered to the laboratory, otherwise the results may show pathogenic microorganisms (chlamydia), even if they are actually absent. When evaluating the results of sowing, etiological factors are primarily taken into account. In addition, the DUO mycoplasma culture tank allows you to identify the sensitivity of bacteria, and therefore, to select the antibiotic as accurately as possible. The disadvantages of the bakposev method are the duration of the study and the dependence of the results of sowing on a large number of different factors.


Attention!The cost of analysis is indicated for each individual localization.

Sowing on mycoplasma and ureaplasma is a microbiological study that allows you to identify pathogenic microbes in the biomaterial, which are one of the most common pathogens of urogenital infections. The analysis can both refute and confirm infection with mycoplasma and ureaplasma, as well as determine the sensitivity of these microorganisms to antibiotics in order to select the most effective treatment strategy and evaluate its effectiveness. The study may be prescribed to determine the causes of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, which are of a chronic nature, as well as during the differential diagnosis of diseases that have similar symptoms. It is also part of the preventive examination. Indications for analysis are signs of mycoplasma or ureaplasma infection, in particular, symptoms of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system and casual sex. The study can be prescribed to spouses when planning a pregnancy, as well as to women in the event of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, in diagnosing the causes of infertility. Also, the analysis is a means of monitoring the effectiveness of ongoing antibiotic therapy.

LHC sowing on ureaplasma is one of the types of quantitative microbiological research that reveals the amount of one of the most common pathogens of the urogenital tract in samples of biological material from patients.

LHC sowing on ureaplasma and mycoplasma can refute or confirm the presence of a disease in the body, as well as determine the level of sensitivity of these microorganisms to antibiotics. This allows the doctor to choose the most effective method of treatment for the patient.

Sowing on ureaplasma urealiticum is also prescribed to clarify the causes of the development of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in the body in a chronic form, as well as to diagnose diseases with similar symptoms.

Indications for the delivery of crops for mycoplasma genitalium, ureaplasma urealiticum and parvum

The main reasons for undergoing such a bacteriological examination are:

  • promiscuity, the safety of which you are not sure;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system in acute or chronic form;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • the need to diagnose the causes of infertility in men and women.

Normally, one day before taking a sample of biological material for ureaplasma, sowing in our center should be refrained from sexual intercourse, as well as from undergoing colposcopy or ultrasound of the cervical canal using a vaginal sensor.

Before passing urine, it is undesirable to urinate for 2-3 hours. The restriction on the delivery of a cultural smear of the urethra for Mycoplasma hominis is valid during menstruation. You can find out the price of sowing for ureaplasma with the determination of the titer from our employees at the phone number indicated on the center's website.

Preparation rules


A day before taking the biomaterial, refrain from sexual intercourse. Studies can be carried out before or not earlier than one day after manual examination, colposcopy, ultrasound examination using a vaginal probe.

It is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours before receiving the biomaterial from the urethra. The study of the detachable urogenital tract is not carried out during menstruation. Re-examination is possible no earlier than a week later.


It is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days before the study. It is recommended not to urinate for 2-3 hours before the examination. Re-examination is possible no earlier than a week later.

Ureaplasma culture is a type of examination to determine the presence. These are microorganisms that are endowed with the ability to lead to the formation of pathological processes in the urogenital tract and respiratory organs.

In most cases, it has an asymptomatic course and does not manifest itself in any pathological manifestations. A particularly important role in the formation of the disease is played by the state of the body's resistance. It should be noted that prolonged exposure to stressful situations and overload of a nervous and emotional nature can also cause the formation of the disease.

Of particular danger is the disease for women during the period of bearing a child, because infection of the amniotic fluid and the fetus can occur, so it is very important to conduct a study on ureaplasmosis. In the arsenal of modern medical workers is a considerable number of methods for diagnosing ureaplasmosis. The simplest and cheapest tank is considered to be sowing on ureaplasma. About what the analysis is, and what results can be obtained by conducting it, we will talk in the presented article in more detail.

What is ureaplasma culture

First of all, it is necessary to focus on the fact that sowing on ureaplasma and mycoplasma is not prescribed to persons in the absence of symptoms of the process of inflammation and infection of the genital tract. The study is based on the examination of biological material taken from the urinary tract.

After sampling, the examined material is sent to the transport medium and only then to the nutrient medium. He stays there for seventy-two hours. Bacteriological culture helps to determine the number of microorganisms and their titer in relation to other pathogenic bacteria.

Sowing is carried out on liquid and solid media, the grown culture resembles a fried egg in its appearance. The most effective is the carrying out of bakposev for ureaplasma on an agar medium with urea. The bacteria will grow in small, dark brown colonies.

Indications for examination

We figured out what sowing is, and now we will find out under what conditions it is carried out. It is recommended to undergo an examination for ureaplasma to persons:

  • the results of a smear on the microflora of which showed an inflammatory process localized in the urethra, vagina or cervix, and the reason for its formation remains unknown;
  • with the presence of frequently recurring exacerbations of bacterial vaginosis;
  • examination of sexual partners, which showed the presence of genital mycoplasma;
  • frequently changing sexual partners and not using barrier means of protection;
  • planning pregnancy;
  • women during the period of bearing a child with the development of complications;
  • who will undergo surgery or manipulations on organs located in the small pelvis;
  • suffering from infertility (especially in the absence of a cause);
  • having a history of more than two cases of miscarriage or a case of stillbirth;
  • in which other types of infections with sexual transmission are diagnosed (for example, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).

Where and when is the biomaterial taken

Bakpasev is carried out only in the case of diagnosing a certain pathological process in the organs of the genitourinary sphere. This examination, as well as a number of other tests (for example, a urinalysis) may be carried out for a preventive purpose.

If ureaplasmosis is detected and the course of treatment is completed, a re-examination is recommended to be done two weeks after the end of the medication.

The sampling of biological material in men is carried out by taking a scraping from the mucous membrane of the organs of the urinary canal, the material can also be sperm.

From representatives of the weaker half of humanity, the material is taken after the end of menstruation from the urethra, cervical canal and vaginal fornix.

Please note that in the vast majority of cases, re-sampling of the material is carried out for men once, and for representatives of the weaker half of humanity three times (before and after menstruation).

Seeding for ureaplasma infection is carried out:

  • to determine the cause of the formation of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs, which have a chronic course;
  • for the differential diagnosis of diseases that have similar symptoms;
  • to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to all antibiotics
  • for preventive purposes.

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Rules for preparing for the examination

In order for the results of the seeding for parvum ureaplasma to be more accurate, special attention must be paid to preparing for the analysis. Recommended:

  • Refrain from urinating for several hours before the test.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse 24 hours before the day of the test.
  • Stop using any medications, especially antibacterial drugs, antifungal and antiseptics. If this is not possible, then it is imperative to tell the doctor conducting the examination about this.
  • For representatives of the weak half of humanity, material is taken seven days after menstruation.

When carrying out a complex bakposev for ureaplasma and mycoplasma, it is necessary to collect a large amount of material. It is taken from the urethra of men and the inner walls of the vagina in women. If representatives of the strong half of humanity are diagnosed with a urogenital infection, they need to additionally conduct a urine test.

Quite often, sick people are interested in the question of how microorganisms enter the human body. The answer is quite simple, ureaplasmas are considered opportunistic microorganisms, they are present in the human body all the time. The development of the pathological process is observed if contributing factors appear: diseases of the genital area, psychological and emotional overload, leading to a decrease in the body's resistance. There is an activation of microorganisms and an increase in the permeability of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs. The presence of a small amount of ureaplasma, which is considered normal, does not lead to the formation of a pathological condition.

Evaluation of results

In modern conditions, the study allows you to determine the exact indicators of ureaplasma, as well as resistance to medications.

If the amount of the causative agent of the disease is not more than 10 to the 4th degree CFU per 1 ml, this is the norm and the inflammatory process usually does not develop. A person is considered a carrier, and microorganisms do not adversely affect his body. If their number is higher, this indicates the presence of an active infection.

A result is considered negative if there is no growth of colonies on a nutrient medium.

Please note that it is impossible to talk about diseases by evaluating only the results of the study, because a general and instrumental examination of the patient must also be carried out. Decoding of the analysis is carried out only by a doctor.

Sowing can show false information, it happens in the case of the transition of ureaplasmas to a persistent state, the bacteria lose their ability to reproduce on a nutrient medium.

A similar situation may be when taking antibacterial drugs or performing inadequate treatment of a pathological condition. Microorganisms are localized in the cells of the mucosal epithelium, and antibiotics are not able to exert their detrimental effect on them. In this case, the best option is to conduct a control examination, especially after the course of treatment. This will determine the level of effectiveness of the therapy.

Algorithm of actions upon receipt of a positive seeding result

If a ureaplasma infection is detected in the body, further tactics mainly depend on the general condition of the person. The appointment of drug therapy is considered justified if the presence of an inflammatory process is observed, there are complaints and pathological symptoms.

Regardless of the case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe an adequate treatment regimen. Auxiliary will be seeding to determine which agents with an antibacterial effect the microorganism is resistant to.


Method of determination bacteriological

Material under study see description

Home visit available

Diagnosis of urogenital infection caused by Ureaplasma spp and choice of antibiotics.

Ureaplasma spp. causes an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. This microbe is considered the cause of the disease if it is detected in a laboratory study, and other pathogenic microorganisms that can cause such inflammation have not been identified. Ureaplasma is transmitted by contact-household, most often - sexually. The incubation period is two to three weeks. Infection in men is manifested by urethritis, leading to damage to the testicles and appendages, and ultimately to male infertility. In women, this microbe is found in bacterial vaginosis. Asymptomatic course does not reduce the risk of complications. To identify the pathogen, a bacterial culture method is used. In this case, up to 80% of cases, joint infection with ureaplasma, mycoplasma and anaerobic microflora is detected.

Exposed pathogens: Ureaplasma spp.

Material for research: depending on the indications in women, smears from the urethra, vagina, cervix are subject to examination; in men - a smear from the urethra, prostate secretion, ejaculate, urine (urine is collected in an amount of at least 40 - 50 ml). Restriction: in women - urine is not examined.


  1. Bogomolov G.I. Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases M. 2000. 231 pages.
  2. Gladkova N.S. et al. Evaluation of various methods of laboratory diagnosis of urogenital mycoplasmas.
  3. Conduct dermatol. Venerol., 1999, No. 2, pp. 43 - 45.
  4. Gorbach S. Et al./ Infectious Diseases (3rd edition)/2003/ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/2700 ps.


The study is carried out before the start of antibiotics. If a swab is taken from the urethra for research, the collection of material is carried out before or not earlier than 2 to 3 hours after urination. In women, the study is not carried out during menstruation, the material should be taken no earlier than 5-7 days of the monthly cycle and before it ends.

Indications for appointment

Urogenital infections with suspected presence of Ureaplasma spp and control after treatment (10-14 days after discontinuation of the drug).

Interpretation of results

The interpretation of test results contains information for the attending physician and is not a diagnosis. The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. An accurate diagnosis is made by the doctor, using both the results of this examination and the necessary information from other sources: history, results of other examinations, etc.

The presence or absence of growth is indicated, a semi-quantitative assessment is given, sensitivity to antibiotics with a positive result.

Interpretation of the result: Normally, the result is negative. With asymptomatic carriage, a low titer (< 10 4 кое/тампон/мл).

The list of AMPs can be found

Sowing on ureaplasma and mycoplasma is a microbiological study through which it is possible to establish the causative agent of the disease and select effective antibacterial drugs. The material is taken from the patient under sterile conditions by a specialist, which excludes the ingress of foreign microflora. The analysis allows the doctor to be sure of the correct tactics of the prescribed treatment and is an integral part of the preparation for surgery on the pelvic organs and before IVF.

Indications for appointment

The decision on whether it is necessary to take bakposev for ureaplasma and mycoplasma is made by the doctor based on his observations of the patient, indicators of other laboratory tests and the symptoms present.

Analysis is prescribed without fail in such conditions:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs in women (tubal infertility, endometritis, cervicitis, vaginitis, salpingitis);
  • frequent urination (acute urethral syndrome);
  • chronic genitourinary infections in both sexes, especially if studies have shown the absence of trichomonas, chlamydia and gonococci;
  • frequent spontaneous abortion and miscarriage;
  • to control the ongoing therapy;
  • before in vitro fertilization;
  • when planning a married couple pregnancy;
  • as preparation for surgery in the pelvic area;
  • in the presence of sexual inflammatory diseases in men (inflammation of the epididymis, urethritis, prostatitis);
  • deteriorating sperm quality.

Neglecting examination by couples preparing to conceive a child is frivolous, since there is a high probability of infection of the child during childbirth or during intrauterine development. Pneumonia caused by ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis, meningitis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia are especially dangerous at this age, as they pose a threat to the life of the newborn. The most serious complication caused by these pathogens in infants is sepsis.

Bacteriological examination is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after the end of treatment.

Advantages of the method

The method of inoculation of biological material has become widespread along with PCR (polymerase chain reaction), due to the high accuracy of the research results.

PCR diagnostics makes it possible to assess with 99% accuracy the causative agent of the disease, including the most dangerous one - Mycoplasma genitalium (mycoplasma genitalium). However, not all laboratories are equipped with equipment to quantify the content of pathogen DNA in the test material. Therefore, in most cases, the results of the study contain only information about the pathogen.

The method of bacteriological seeding for the detection of ureaplasma and mycoplasma has several advantages:

  1. The number of microorganisms of the pathogen in a unit volume of the material is determined. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to give an objective assessment of the infectious process and prescribe the correct treatment.
  2. The sensitivity of the identified microorganisms to antibiotics is determined and suitable preparations are selected.

Examination of patients by the bacteriological method shows less accuracy than PCR analysis, however, the possibility of quantitative assessment and accurate selection of drugs more than compensate for this shortcoming.

Preparation stage

A man and a woman must take a responsible approach to passing the analysis and comply with some requirements in order to avoid obtaining unreliable results.

Preparation for the study is as follows:

  • refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days;
  • do not take antibacterial drugs for a week;
  • do not urinate 2-3 hours before the delivery of the material;
  • women should not douche with antiseptic solutions the day before and do not use vaginal creams and suppositories;
  • do not wash on the day of the study;
  • women are advised to be examined after the end of menstruation.

In some cases, semen is used as a seeding material, which is collected under sterile conditions. Pregnant women are allowed to analyze, there are no contraindications to the material sampling procedure in this category of patients.

How is it carried out

Taking material from men is carried out as follows:

  • a sterile probe or swab is inserted into the urethra to a depth of no more than 3 cm;
  • the introduced instrument carries out several translational movements for scraping from the mucous membrane of the urethra;
  • the probe is removed and the resulting material is placed in a nutrient medium.

After removing the instrument from the urethra, the man may feel discomfort, which soon passes.

Women should take material from 3 places: the cervical canal, urethra and vagina. To do this, a dilator is inserted into the vagina. During the procedure, a woman may experience discomfort if the mucous membranes of her genitals are irritated and inflamed. The entire sampling process is fast and does not pose any health risk.

Deciphering the results

A negative test result is the norm for patients. Permissible is the content in 1 ml of the test material ureaplasma in the amount of 10 to the 4th degree CFU. If the growth of colonies on a nutrient medium exceeded this value, but there is no inflammatory process, then the person is a carrier of mycoplasmosis. If the established norm is exceeded and inflammation is present, the pathogen is considered to be established.

You should not decipher the results of the analysis yourself, since the final diagnosis is not made on the basis of only one study. To confirm, a comprehensive examination is required, and the sowing itself is repeated 3 times.

The term for the analysis is up to 5 working days, and when determining sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, the time for performing the analysis can be extended by 14 days. In the study, the pathogen is tested for sensitivity to 12 antibiotics.

As additional tests, it is recommended to take ELISA and PCR. The cost of bacteriological examination averages 1500-2500 rubles. The price in a single laboratory may differ from the indicated figures. Given the importance of the information obtained as a result of bacteriological culture, it can be recommended to all patients with symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases and for preventive purposes when planning pregnancy.

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