Which sword to choose in archeige anger. Orchid's Wrath: Wrath Skills

Recipes 04.08.2019

Wandering minstrels sometimes tell the tale of swords that contain primordial power, woven from the memories of the gods. There are ten of them in total, and they are still waiting for heroes who can change the course of history. They say that these swords endow the most worthy of mortals with unthinkable power and give rise to crushing anger in their souls ...


Every hero wants to get stronger, and that's commendable. And if it seems that there is nowhere to improve further, then it's time to take a swing and ask for the power of the gods! Today we will talk about additional skills that a character can learn - the skills of anger. We have already told you what specializations will be, and now it's time to talk about one of the global innovations 3.0!

All the changes described below compared to the current version on Korean servers have just been announced. In the homeland of the game, they will be installed a little later as part of the 3.0 update. In our version, anger skills will appear already rebalanced.

To unlock the Wrath Skills, you need to go to NPC Velkhion in the Glittering Coast. After completing a series of simple tasks, you will find a portal at the entrance to the Burnt Fortress Arsenal. From it you can get into the mystical hall, where the legendary swords rest, endowing the heroes with the power of anger.

To complete the quest chain, you will need 10 Tokens of Courage (the cost is 2000 honor points for 1 pc.). As soon as the character touches the sword, which contains divine wrath, he will be able to open new skills in the desired specialization. You can get access to the skills of anger for all branches of talents, but a set of only one specialization can be active at a time. If the hero has radically changed his path and wants to learn the skills of anger for other branches, there is no need to go through the quest chain again: just go back to the throne room and touch the patron sword.

To use the skills of anger, you need to click on the icon above the sphere. Additional skills do not require skill points and are unlocked as you gain experience. Resources will also be needed (at level 24 - 3 elemental alloys, at level 39 - 200 insignia, at level 54 - 20 marks of courage). With the development of skills, the level increases, while passive skills are by default the maximum level.

To use skills, you need rage charges, the base amount is 4. They are accumulated when using skills from the branch, unused accumulated charges go out. For a short time, the Rage bar can be increased to 6 slots using the Rage Rush skill, which is common to all specializations and also allows you to gain twice as many Rage charges when using some Encounter Powers for 12 seconds.

You can familiarize yourself with the rest of the skills by clicking on the spoiler of the specialization you are interested in. Please note that the description of skills is not final and changes are possible. The figures are for skill level 1 with the basic characteristics of the character.

The pursuit

ghost hunting
Wrath Charges: 4-6
Ranged attack power +120%
Cooldown: 12 sec.
Summons two spectral lions that deal up to 921 damage to all enemies in their path. ranged damage. The more rage charges expended on a skill, the more more lions will be called.

snake eyes
Wrath Charges: 2
Cooldown: 10 sec.
The character freezes in place, and the range of the Pursuit skills is increased by 30 yards for 5 seconds. The Avenger's Thrill skill is replaced with Steady Shot. Each accurate hit with a ranged attack refreshes the duration of the effect. Upon taking damage, the effect is dispelled.

Ier's Wrath
Using Concussive Shot, Serrated Arrow, Explosive Shot, Rain of Arrows, and Merciless Shot grants 1 Wrath.


Poison Blades
Wrath Charges: 2
Melee Attack Power +189%
Cooldown: 14 sec.
Inflicts up to 240 damage to all enemies within 6 yards. damage and poison them. A poisoned target receives 12-13 damage. spell damage over 10 sec.

Dark Reaper
Wrath Charges: 4-6
Cooldown: 10 sec.
Subtlety skills increase damage by 12% and dodge by 11% for 4 seconds. While the character is affected by the Shadow Reaper effect, they cannot be targeted. longer time effect action. Only available while invisible.

Wrath of Shaeda
Using Mincer, Stalker's Mark, Poison Arrow, Mutilate, and Throw Dagger grants 1 Wrath.


Flesh petrification
Wrath Charges: 3
Cooldown: 24 sec.
Transforms the targeted target into a stone statue, dispelling all debuffs on them and making them immune to all damage for 9 sec. While this effect is active, the target cannot move or attack. When applied to a target that is already affected by the same effect, it will be dispelled.

Wrath Charges: 4-6
Cooldown: 30 sec.
Allows you to resurrect up to 6 allies who fell in battle. The more rage charges consumed when using the skill, the higher the level of health and mana of the resurrected allies will be. Can be used during combat.

Kail's Wrath
Using Light and Shadow, Immolate, Mass Heal, Continuous Heal, and Generous Gift grants 1 Wrath.


living bomb
Wrath Charges: 2
Cooldown: 4 sec.
Ignite the target, turning it into a Living Bomb over 10 seconds. While this effect is active, the target itself takes damage and deals damage to all enemies within 6 yards. The more rage charges consumed when using the skill, the more damage the affected target will receive.

Blades of the Abyss
Wrath Charges: 4-6
Cooldown: 14 sec.
Melee Attack Power +714%
Unleashes a barrage of deadly blades on enemies for 2207 damage. damage. The longer this spell is cast, the higher the damage it deals, and the more likely it is to inflict a piercing effect. There is a chance that the skill will trigger instantly upon repeated use.

Wrath of Kyrios
Using Charge, Whirlwind (3rd hit only), Decisive Strike, Death Whirlwind, and Hammer of Wrath grants 1 Wrath.

Cursed Shield
Wrath Charges: 2
Melee attack power +105%
Cooldown: 22 sec
Throws a shield at an enemy for 263 damage. damage. Each rage charge expended while using the skill allows you to hit an additional target. Skill critical strike chance is increased by 100%. If the target parries this skill, they will be disarmed for 6 seconds.

Soul Imprisonment
Wrath Charges: 4-6
Cooldown: 24 sec.
Summons a Void Crystal and binds the enemy's soul to it for 4 sec. After the effect expires, or if the enemy moves away from the crystal further than 10 m, his body will be pulled back to the crystal.

Wrath of Shatigon
Using Shield Bash, Suppression, Life Cry, Taunt, and Victory Cry grants 1 Wrath.


Seeds of Corruption
Wrath Charges: 2
Spell Power +154%
Cooldown: 12 sec.
Infects the target with cursed seeds. When moving, the target leaves behind Seeds of Corruption for up to 259 damage. spell damage over 9 sec. After 4 sec. or before, if any of the enemies step on them, the seeds will sprout and explode, dealing damage to all enemies in the area of ​​infection.

space distortion
Wrath Charges: 4-6
Cooldown: 20 sec.
Distorts space in the selected area. Within 20 sec. allows you to instantly move to any target located in this area.

Wrath of Nui
Using Energy Drain, Piercing Spears, Life Drain, Summon Ravens, and Chain of Death will grant you 1 Wrath.


whims of fate
Wrath Charges: 1
Allows you to instantly teleport to a random location within a 5-15 yard radius. Each use of the skill consumes 1 rage charge. Unavailable while immobilized.

Beast from the Abyss
Wrath Charges: 4-6
Spell Power +1188%
Cooldown: 22 sec
Summons a monstrous asp from the Void, inflicting 5151 Shadow damage to an enemy. spell damage. The longer this spell is cast, the higher the damage it deals. There is a chance that the skill will trigger instantly upon repeated use.

Wrath of Salphira
Using Frostbolt, Wrathbolt, Firerain, Chain Lightning, and Meteor can generate 1 Wrath.


Echoes of War
Wrath Charges: 3
Cooldown: 16 sec.
Instantly interrupts the use of all continuous execution skills. All melodic buffs applied to the caster continue for 10 sec. The effect of the skill applies only to the performer. While the skill is active, the effects from the melodies of other players are not superimposed.

Anthem of Eternity
Wrath Charges: 2
Cooldown: 30 sec.
You sing an ancient hymn for 15 seconds. All allies within a 15m radius will be able to respawn as a random animal upon death and return to their body after a moment. The health level of the revived ally will be incomplete. During the performance, the level of anger gradually subsides. Each time an ally is resurrected, 1 Rage charge is consumed. The cast of the skill will be interrupted if all the charges of rage are used up or you use another skill.

Wrath of Fanem
Using Enchanting Song, Dissonance, Healing Choir, Healing Spring, and Horn Sound can generate 1 Wrath.


Gravitational Singularity
Wrath Charges: 3
Spell Power +121%
Cooldown: 24 sec.
Creates a gravitational singularity around the target, inflicting up to 199 damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target. spell damage. At the end of the skill, all enemies damaged by the singularity are pulled towards the target affected by this effect.

energy strike
Wrath Charges: 4-6
Cooldown: 14 sec.
Spell Power +198%
Releases a burst of energy hitting a target up to 20m in front of the caster. The target hit by the skill will suffer 1027 damage. spell damage and will be knocked back. Each rage charge expended while using the skill allows you to release an additional energy clot.

Haze's wrath
Using Light Strike, Energy Shield, Vacuum Blast, Iron Will, and Indomitable will grant you 1 Wrath.

Whisper of the Abyss
Wrath Charges: 2
Cooldown: 14 sec.
Increases the cooldown of the enemy's skills by 30% for 5 seconds. The effect can stack up to four times. This skill is only available during combat with other characters.

stony look
Wrath Charges: 4-6
Cooldown: 22 sec
Petrifies all targets in a small cone 15m in front of you. The petrification only lasts while the spell is being cast. The cast range increases based on the number of rage charges consumed when using the skill.

Wrath of Dauta
Using Ground Grab, Orb, Whisper of Terror, Suggest Fatigue, and Stress grants 1 Wrath.

Wrath skills will add even more variety to the already 120 classes. Which of the 10 branches would you like to dominate? Share your opinion in the comments!

Follow our news and get ready for change!

We continue to talk about the upcoming update 3.0, and today on our website, in addition to the material about the transformation and rebalancing of the main skills, we have an article about one of the most global innovations - the skills of anger. Follow our materials and stay up to date.

The main innovation will be the addition of 11 talent branches. If there were 120 classes before the Wrath branch, then after that it will become 165.

Who is the new thread for?

The team decided not to bother. They took the old skills and rebalanced them for magical damage. So now, skills from the pursuit and attack branches will only deal magic damage. And now let's analyze a couple of skills. By learning Bonds of Darkness, you will learn how to pull up to 10 enemies. The ability will come in handy when the hero is ready to deal devastating, massive ultimate damage. And the Living Shadow will make you absolutely invisible to the eye and the target, though a short time. It is also worth exploring the Dungeon of Souls. You can tie an opponent to a certain place, and if he leaves the center by five meters, he will be automatically pulled back.

Is this Wrath branch really necessary?

Details are still scarce. The developers decided not to go into details. But, already now we can say that the branch will become an alternative way of development for wizards. It is also worth mentioning the system of accumulating hatred. You will have a special stacking buff at your disposal. When using the skill, the charge will be spent, but the strength will increase. It's also unclear about control abilities. They simply don't exist. Perhaps the developers will add a combo. Otherwise, the magician will have a hard time, because survival will depend on the directness of the hands.

Under the heading "Wrath of the Orchid" will bring us not only new races, territories and other changes, but will also affect the balance of classes. Today, Mail.Ru employees published an article on their website with a list of future changes in skills, and also talked about the bonuses that dwarves or battleborn will receive.

So, if your main character is a dwarf or battleborn, you can use his unique racial ability - reincarnation. The effect of this racial skill will last 5 minutes, and the character will be able to use it again after half an hour. After the reincarnation, standard combat skills will be replaced by special ones, and the rest, including non-combat ones, will be inaccessible.


The ability to change form and use an alternative set of skills will appear in the representatives of two new races. It will be possible to study it upon reaching level 30. To do this, you need to complete a special task: "The Top of Engineering" - for dwarves, "The story is just beginning" - for battleborn. The effect of this racial skill will last 5 minutes, and the character will be able to use it again after half an hour. After the reincarnation, standard combat skills will be replaced by special ones, and the rest, including non-combat ones, will be inaccessible. You do not need to spend points on learning transformation skills. Stats and effects gained from equipment will no longer apply, and some stats will be significantly increased.

Dwarven Skills

  • Rocket strike (lvl. 30) - allows you to make four shots from different-caliber weapons of a mechanical colossus. The first weapon launches a missile at the enemy, dealing 200 damage. damage and burning earth in the area of ​​impact. An enemy hit by a missile strike is afflicted with the Aimed Fire effect for 10 seconds. The second weapon fires shrapnel, which deals more damage the closer the distance to the target. The third gun allows you to open heavy fire on the enemy. The fourth cannon fires two large-caliber projectiles that hit all enemies within a 6m radius of the target.
  • Crushing blow (lvl. 35) - allows you to make three devastating blows. The first strike allows you to fall on the enemy from a distance of up to 20 m and inflict 478 damage. damage. The second blow allows you to throw the enemy into the air. The third hit stuns the enemy affected by the Aimed Fire effect. Skill recovery time - 3 sec.
  • Cryostorm (level 40) - inflicts up to 1035 damage to all enemies within a radius of 8 m. damage, slowing their attack and movement speed for 3 seconds. Skill cooldown -10 sec.
  • Grenade launcher (level 45) - allows you to release a grenade of one of three types into the selected area. To gain access to a particular type of grenade, you must first activate the corresponding weapon. The cluster grenade deals area damage. The cryo grenade creates an area that reduces the movement speed of enemies. Ionizing Grenade increases the attack and movement speed of all allies in the affected area. Skill recovery time - 21 sec.
  • Protective protocol (level 50) - activates a protective protocol that increases blocking by 53.5%. Whenever you take damage, heal for 180% of the damage taken. Reduces damage taken by allies by 20%. Allows you to use the Jet Turbine skill. Skill recovery time - 14 sec.
  • BIG RED BUTTON! (level 55) - the caption under the big red button on the control panel reads - "Use only in emergency situations!". The designers obviously did not take into account the power of dwarven curiosity. Allows you to put the mechanical colossus into "Emergency Mode" and gain temporary immunity to all negative effects. After Emergency Mode is deactivated, Classified Tech is instantly removed and replaced with Extra Briefing, which paralyzes the character for 6 seconds. The longer the character is in the form of a mechanical colossus, the shorter the duration of the "Emergency Mode" will be. Skill recovery time - 10 min.
  • Automated ammo feed (lvl. 40) - using a “Crushing Strike” allows you to instantly activate a “Rocket Strike”, however, such a projectile will not set fire to the ground in the area under the hit target.
  • Extended ammo (lvl. 45) - opens up access to one of the types of rocket, depending on the weapon used last. The Cluster Grenade becomes available for use after activating Rocket Strike, the Cryo Grenade after Crushing Strike, and the Ionizing Grenade after Defensive Protocol.
  • Rampant Power (Lv. 50) - When using "Throwing Kick" against a slowed target, it will receive additional damage and will be knocked back.
  • Emergency Cooling System (lvl. 55) - during the "Emergency Mode" effect, cancels the cooldown of the "Cryostorm" skill.


  • Tearing the flesh (lvl. 30) - allows you to make three deadly blows. The first hit deals 222 damage to the enemy. damage. The second hit causes the weakened target to bleed. The third hit deals additional damage if the target is bleeding. With continued use, this skill begins to cooldown instantly.
  • Extermination (lvl. 35) - allows you to make two circular strikes. The first hit inflicts up to 429 damage to all enemies within 6 yards. damage. The second hit weakens all enemies within 4 yards. If the caster is affected by Descendant of the Nagshas, ​​the target will bleed. Skill recovery time - 3 sec.
  • Cataclysm (level 40) - inflicts up to 550 damage to all enemies within a radius of 8 m. damage. If the target is bleeding, they will be knocked down. Skill recovery time - 6.5 sec.
  • Dark Hunt (level 45) - the battleborn soars into the air in search of a victim, inflicting up to 391 damage to all enemies within a radius of 6 m. damage. Dispels all immobilization effects on the caster and becomes immune to all debuffs for 3 sec. Enables the use of the Predator Rush skill. If the target is knocked down, they will be knocked up into the air and their damage will be increased by 68%. Skill recovery time - 10 sec.
  • Mystic Ritual (Lv. 50) - A shroud of the Abyss envelops the body of a battleborn, reducing damage taken, movement speed and evasion of the character for 9 sec. If the caster's health is below 50%, the effect's duration is doubled. Enables the use of the Predator Leap and Vengeance skills. Whenever damage is taken, the caster is afflicted with Deadly Thorns. The effect can stack up to 15 times. Each level of the effect increases the range of Vengeance by 2 m. The cooldown of the skill is 18 seconds.
  • Rage of the Ancients (lvl. 55) - the battleborn falls into a bloody rage and becomes immortal for a while. After the Fury subsides, Demon Blood is instantly dispelled and replaced with Resignation, which paralyzes the character for 3 seconds. The longer a character is in demonic form, the shorter the duration of Rage of the Ancients will be. Skill recovery time - 10 min.
  • Harvest (level 40) - when using the Cataclysm skill, the character restores from 6 to 8% of the maximum amount of health.
  • Descendant of the Nagshas (lvl. 45) - when using the skills "Predator Dash" and "Predator Leap", the effect "Descendant of the Nagshas" is applied to the caster.
  • Spiked scales (lvl. 50) - if the caster is affected by the "Void Veil" effect, when receiving damage in melee, causes the attacker to bleed.
  • Call of the Abyss (level 55) - during the effect of the "Rage of the Ancients" effect, the cooldown of the "Cataclysm" and "Shadow Hunt" skills is significantly reduced

Base Specialization Changes

In addition to new features, changes to existing specializations are waiting for you. You can get acquainted with them by opening the spoilers below.


  • Casting Triple Strike while Mending Wounds is active causes the skill to generate three times the amount of threat.
  • The effect applied to allies by Earthshatter now reduces damage by 30% for 7 seconds. Applies Major Taunt while Healing Wounds is active.
  • Broken Chains now only removes Slow and Root effects and makes them immune to them for 5 seconds.
  • Fury base duration reduced to 20 seconds. When fighting with other players, the duration of the effect increases for each enemy defeated by 20 seconds.
  • Whirlwind of Death and Hammer of Wrath are not available if the character has the Root effect.
  • "Hammer of Wrath" can be used in a state of imprisonment ("Sphere", "Telekinesis").
  • Unstoppable now reduces the duration of debuffs by 35% for 4 seconds and increases resistance to melee and ranged attacks by 15%, but does not increase movement speed.
  • Each stack of Mana Steal reduces the cooldown of Mind Crash and Stress by 10%. Stacks up to 5 times.
  • Mind Smash now reduces healing done by 60%.
  • Spell resistance increases by up to 1600 when using Purify. The amount of spell resistance depends on the skill level.
  • For each enemy affected by the Horror effect, the caster is inflicted with the effect of Mana Steal (only if the passive skill has been learned).
  • When using Suppression, the accumulated rage is no longer lost.
  • Changed the forced target selection when using "Strong Taunt".
  • Cry of Life now applies a combo effect if you are under the effects of Mend Wounds instead of Iron Will. The effectiveness of the skill is increased by 25%.
  • When using Taunt, combo effects require Heal Wounds instead of Iron Will.
  • When health drops below 30%, Master of Defense increases health recovery based on character's stamina
  • Energy Shield now reduces spell damage taken and reduces healing taken by the same amount. When using Energy Shield while Indomitable is active, Magic Resist is activated.
  • Iron Will no longer reduces spell damage and is only available while Stun and Spear are active. The cooldown of this skill has been increased to 30 seconds.
  • Indomitable no longer grants a combo effect when affected by Shield Wall.
  • Concentration now increases melee strike accuracy by 8%.
  • Focus now adds 6% to all critical hits and healing.
  • When using Energy Absorption, a combo effect that increases damage dealt by 101% is activated if the target is under the effect of Curse. If the target is under the effect of the Seal of Death, the Weak Will effect is activated.
  • Lifesteal cooldown reduced to 18 seconds. When used against enemy pets, the damage is increased. This skill no longer grants a combo effect against a weakened target.
  • If the target affected by Summon Ravens is Rooted, their accuracy will be reduced by 60%.
  • If an enemy hit by the explosion from Parting Vengeance dies within 3 seconds, their body will explode and deal damage to your enemies for the same amount.
  • Time for Vengeance now increases the chance of all types of critical attacks by 20%.
  • Shadow Might, Fury of Pain, and Arcane Wrath now apply to all damage and critical damage, respectively, except for healing skills.
The pursuit
  • Archer's Stance has a 1-minute duration and a 1-minute cooldown. 20 sec. If the character stays still for more than a second, the damage of ranged attacks is increased by 20.
  • If you use the Snare Skill while Hawk Flight is active, its range will increase to 30 yards.
  • Flight of the Hawk no longer applies Intimidating Onslaught and Confusion.
  • Explosive Shot's armor penetration is based on the target's bleeding level, with 20% armor penetration per level.
  • Rain of Arrows cooldown reduced to 22 seconds.
  • Using Eagle Eye applies Intimidating Charge to the target while using Archer Stance and Flight of the Hawk.
  • The duration of Inspirational Magic has been increased to 8 seconds.
  • Magic Shield now lasts 40 seconds.
  • Lightning Storm no longer applies a combo effect if the target is Frozen.
  • When using Eviscerate, the Weakening effect is applied when the Seal of Death is applied five times.
  • Targets marked with Mark of the Stalker now have their healing susceptibility reduced by 60%.
  • Mutilate combo effects have been changed. If you use this skill while invisible, the damage is increased by 98%. The Invisibility skill will become instantly usable when Bloodlust is increased.
  • Sinister Shadow's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. This skill no longer has a 50% chance to cooldown instantly.
  • Power of Rhythm duration increased to 9 seconds.
  • Charming Song's cooldown has been reduced to 24 seconds and its duration has been reduced to 28 seconds.
  • Marching March, Song of Healing, Anthem of Earth, Rhapsody of Battle, and Hymn of Contrition have increased range.
  • Reduced the effectiveness of Song of Healing and increased the effectiveness of Dissonance.
  • String Power radius increased to 25 yards.
  • Glee applies the glee effect when you deal a critical hit with all attacks or a critical healing effect. The stat boost also applies to all types of attacks and healing.
  • Immolate's duration has been reduced to 1 minute 30 seconds, and its cooldown has been increased to 21 seconds.
  • Bountiful Gift now restores 10% of the mana of all party members of the selected target.
  • Removed the skill "Twilight", added the skill "Reflection of Light". Its cast time is 1.4 seconds. With continued use, this skill begins to cooldown instantly. Echo of Light fires a bolt of light at the target, dealing damage.
  • When your mana drops below 30%, Gift of Kyprosa increases your mana regeneration based on your Intelligence.
And that's not all the changes! In Update 3.0, an additional line of abilities will be added to each specialization - rage skills.

5.0, Wrath will be removed from each branch, which gave three active and passive abilities. Thanks to this, a new specialization "Wrath" will appear. Damage scales with spell power, and some skills have been reworked. In this guide, we will cover everything related to this mail specialization for magicians.

Combat skills

These skills can be used from the skills window or from the hotbar. With the help of them you can attack enemies, hide or strengthen the character. The combination of some abilities gives bonuses that increase damage, the number of targets hit, the duration of effects, and others.

Death Blades

Releases four blasts of energy. The range is 22 meters. Each clot deals damage to the target based on spell power at a rate of 70%. For example, with a spell power of 1000 units, 700 damage will be dealt. You can hold down a key on the keyboard to continuously use this ability.

snake eyes

Replaces the previous skill "Death Blades" with "Clots of Wrath" within ten seconds. The skill releases a clot of pure anger in front of the character, which do not require a target selection and pierce all enemies in their path. Used at a distance of 20 meters. The enemy will receive 571 damage and plus 313% of spell power. At 1000 spell power, up to 3701 damage will be dealt.

Onslaught of the Abyss

Summons a monstrous asp from the Abyss and gradually creeps up to the target on the ground. Used at a distance of 22 meters. Deals 442 damage plus 224% spell power. Will deal 2682 damage at 1000 spell power.

Soul Dungeon

To level this skill, you need to learn at least three skills in the Wrath specialization.

Summons a Void Crystal and binds the enemy to them for 5 seconds. If the target moves away from him by five meters, then it will be returned to him in a moment. Used in 0.2 seconds at a distance of 12 meters.

surge of anger

Generates Rage charges every second and allows you to combo with other Wrath skills. Builds up to a maximum of ten charges over ten seconds, then only remains for five seconds. Each new one resets the timer back. They improve the effectiveness of the following specialization skills: Void Assault, Ghost Hunt, Fire Chakra, Living Shadow, and Hail of Blades.

All major combo effects are associated with this skill. They are described below.

demonic flame

Throws blades of otherworld at the enemy and surround them. Deals 1065 damage plus 236% spell power. 3425 damage at 1000 spell power. The blades then deal 335 damage every second for ten seconds. With each hit, the enemy's defense and resistance are reduced by 150 units. This effect can stack up to 15 times and lasts for 6 seconds.

ghost hunting

Summons a single ghostly lion that dashes forward 50 meters and damages enemies in its path. At 1000 spell power, 3497 damage will be dealt.

Bonds of darkness

To level this skill, you need to learn at least four skills in the Wrath specialization.

Moves the character and up to ten allies within a ten meter radius to the selected area. Does not move players while invulnerable, immobilized, or with a pack on their back. Only allies in the squad are teleported. Does not allow you to pass through walls.

whims of fate

Instantly teleports the character to a random location within a radius of 5 to 15 meters. If there is an enemy within a five-meter radius in this place, then the cooldown of the ability will be reduced by 50% for each enemy.

fire chakra

Throws a fiery chakra that damages an enemy and blocks their weapon for right hand for three seconds. If there are other enemies within a ten-meter radius of the hit target, she will additionally hit three of them. At 1000 spell power, 1784 damage will be dealt.

living shadow

Disguises the character in magical shadows that prevent enemies from targeting the character for one second.

hail of blades

To level this skill, you need to learn at least five skills in the Wrath specialization.

Summons a hail of ghostly blades over the target, striking all enemies within an eight meter radius. At 1000 spell power, 990 damage will be dealt and plus 521% of spell power.

Passive Skills

These abilities cannot be used. They allow you to gain bonuses to characteristics and improve the effectiveness of some, and sometimes all skills.

Wrath of Dauta

Gain a rage charge when you take a critical hit.

Wrath of Kyrios

Increases the damage of Wrath skills by 7%.

Wrath of Nui

Dealing critical damage with Wrath skills reduces enemy attack accuracy by 1% for 5 seconds. The effect can stack ten times. Lasts for five seconds.

Wrath of Salphira

Each rage charge increases dexterity by 35 points.

Haze's wrath

The cooldown of Serpent's Eyes is reduced by 10 seconds when you spend Rage charges.

Wrath of Shaeda

Increases spell critical damage by 16%.


There are few combos in the new specialization. Basically everything is related to the charges of anger, which are slightly different from those that were before the installation of update 5.0. Now they are tracked in buffs, and not on a special panel.

Charges of Wrath

Accumulation occurs after using the skill "Rage of Rage". A maximum of ten charges can be accumulated, which accumulate every second for ten seconds. After that, they will last for a maximum of five seconds, but they can be maintained so that the timer rolls back up to five seconds.

Charges support Death Blades. They give one stack per use. After Rush of Rage cools down, you can use the skill again. At this time, they will replenish themselves. That is, when you stop replenishing them, then you have only five seconds for another combo.

Onslaught of the Abyss

  • Using five charges of rage increases the damage of the skill by 100% and additionally attacks enemies within a radius of seven meters.
  • Using ten Rage charges increase the skill's damage by 100%, petrify one target, and additionally attack enemies within a seven-meter radius.

ghost hunting

  • Using five charges of rage summons two lions.
  • Using ten Rage Charges summons two lions that knock enemies back and interrupt their spells.

fire chakra

  • Using five rage charges, the maximum number of targets that can be hit increased from three to six.
  • Using ten charges of rage, the maximum number of targets that can be hit increased from three to six. Enemies will be disarmed for 3 seconds.

living shadow

  • Using five stacks of Wrath, the duration of the effect is increased to 3 seconds.
  • Using ten stacks of Wrath, the duration of the effect is increased to 5 seconds.

hail of blades

  • Using five Blades of Wrath hit enemies three times.
  • Using ten Blades of Wrath hit enemies four times. Targets hit are pierced for 1.5 seconds.

Soul Imprisonment

If the target is under the effect of Sharpened Soul, which is granted during the use of the Dungeon of Souls skill, then the damage is increased by 50%.

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