How to find lost gold at home. Conspiracy: how to find a lost thing at home

Recipes 14.06.2021

Everyone has unforeseen situations when the necessary thing in the apartment suddenly disappears from its place. Most often it turns out to be keys, money, necessary records, an umbrella, gloves and other “little things”. It is especially unpleasant to realize this when the missing item is urgently needed: for example, the keys when leaving the house.

How to find a lost item? First of all, you should not fuss and panic, but try to think carefully about where you last saw the “lost”. If numerous searches of bags and bookshelves did not lead to a find, you should turn to esotericism for help. It is she who will help to find the "culprit" of the incident.

How to find a thing with a pendulum?

This is one of the most effective ways to find a lost thing in an apartment. The pendulum can be made either with your own hands (tie a small load to a thread or chain), or use an ordinary chain with a pendant.

First of all, you need to determine which answer of the pendulum will mean “yes” and which one will mean “no”. For example, you can use the following option:

  • the pendulum swung from left to right when answering: the answer is "Yes";
  • the pendulum swings from right to left when answering: the answer is "No."

After that, you need to use the pendulum in search of the "lost". Questions should be asked as follows:

  • Is this item in the house?
  • Is the item in the bedroom (room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.)?
  • Is it on a shelf (on the bed, under the pillow, under the closet)?

Thus, by asking leading questions to your pendulum, you can find any missing thing at home.

Brownie's pranks

If unexpected disappearances began to occur frequently, your brownie may be dissatisfied with the state of affairs in the house. Brownie - the keeper of the family hearth and helper to man. However, he can often show dissatisfaction with his household. Hiding little things is one of his favorite ways to point out a person to his mistakes. They say that with a strong discontent of the owner in a dream.

Why does the brownie do this to the owners? There are several good reasons, including:

  • frequent quarrels in the family, tense atmosphere;
  • too many guests come to the apartment;
  • the house is poorly cleaned;
  • Domovoi do not show signs of attention.

To appease the owner of the house, you need to pour milk into a saucer in the evening and put it overnight in any corner of the kitchen. In this case, you need to pronounce a conspiracy:

"Susedushko, darling! Let's live in peace with you, we won't be naughty with things anymore!

Check the saucer of milk in the morning. If the amount of milk in it has decreased, it means that the brownie heard your request and accepted the offering. Now things will stop disappearing from their places.

There is another way to contact the brownie directly to find out if the house is missing. To do this, you need to go to the place where you last saw the "lost" and say out loud:

“Brownie, brownie, don’t joke like that with me! Play stealthily and bring it back!

Then exit the room. After a while, return to it. If the brownie heard and heeded your request, you will immediately understand where the lost item lies.

Numerology will help in your search

This method will help to open the subconscious, in the depths of which there is information about where the necessary thing was hidden. Numerology with the help of numbers will “pull out” the necessary data from the subconscious and help find the loss.

It is necessary to take paper and a pen and write down, without hesitation, any nine numbers (for example, 9, 22, 543, 78, 1). Then calculate the amount obtained by adding these numbers, and add 3 to it. The resulting number will tell you exactly where to look for the loss.

Deciphering the values

  1. This item was taken by a child.
  2. Search in the kitchen.
  3. Thing in the hallway.
  4. The object was taken out of the house by a stranger.
  5. In the pockets of clothes in the wardrobe.
  6. Inspect your shoes properly.
  7. Moved when cleaning, look in the same room.
  8. On one of the bookshelves.
  9. In the pocket of an old jacket.
  10. At the table.
  11. This item is not in the apartment.
  12. In the living room.
  13. In a trouser pocket.
  14. Item not available today.
  15. Under the bed.
  16. Ask other family members, they will give the right clue.
  17. among the documents.
  18. Look in the linen drawer.
  19. Dropped near the house.
  20. On the floor near the carpet.
  21. On the refrigerator.
  22. On one of the top shelves.
  23. In the closet with things.
  24. Can't be found today.
  25. The item was lost in the bag.
  26. The lost cannot be found in the apartment.
  27. In the car.
  28. The loss will not be found.
  29. It will be found by chance, for a while you need to forget about the subject.
  30. Under the sofa in the kitchen.
  31. In bathroom.
  32. In a shoe box in the hallway.
  33. In outerwear pocket.
  34. In the bathroom closet.
  35. In the kitchen next to the stove.
  36. Today, the search will not be successful.
  37. Near the pillow where you slept.
  38. Your child has.
  39. Look at the tool box.
  40. Under the wardrobe in the largest room.
  41. Near the washbasin.
  42. Forget about the loss, it will not be possible to find.
  43. In the car of relatives or friends.
  44. Look on the shelves in the apartment.
  45. Somebody stole.
  46. On the kitchen floor.
  47. Under the kitchen table.
  48. Suitcase or large bag.
  49. In the children's room among the toys.
  50. In the corner of one of the rooms.
  51. In the bathroom.
  52. Someone took it by mistake.
  53. There is no object in the house.
  54. Today the loss will not be found.
  55. Dropped on the street.
  56. Left the item behind.
  57. In the pantry.
  58. In the kitchen on the windowsill.
  59. Among the stock of products.
  60. They put it in the fridge by mistake.
  61. Under the baby bed.
  62. Not located in the apartment.
  63. Among the clothes that were recently worn on a visit.
  64. Stolen from home.
  65. The location will tell the child.
  66. On the floor in the bedroom.
  67. Between wall and closet.
  68. Between wall and bed.
  69. The search will turn up nothing.
  70. Look in the shower.
  71. Right under your feet.
  72. Close attention to the kitchen shelves.
  73. Not found today.
  74. Children's prank.
  75. Invite a friend to visit - he will help you find.
  76. Hole in jacket pocket, under lining.
  77. In the shoe closet.
  78. In a drawer.
  79. Where important documents are kept.
  80. Lost forever.
  81. Attention to the toilet room.
  82. Under the blanket.
  83. Look at the balcony.
  84. Wardrobe.

Rituals, prayers and conspiracies

Among the people, there are many effective means to cope with trouble and find a lost thing. They have been used for centuries and have always helped with unexpected losses.

Rituals and conspiracies known in magic, as well as prayers to some Orthodox saints, will help here.

"Look for your brother"

This method will tell you where to find the lost thing. For example, if the keys to the car are lost, you need to take any other keys (for example, from the apartment) and throw them up with the words “Look for your brother!”. In a few minutes, insight will come, and you will know exactly where to look for the lost.

This way you can find wedding rings, chains, keys, gloves, umbrellas, TV remotes and many other small items that are lost at home.

"Play, give it back!"

This ritual of searching for a lost thing is as follows. You need to take a clean cup and say: “Damn, damn it, play and give it back!” turn it over and place it rim-side down on the kitchen table. After some time, finding an object will not be difficult: it will catch your eye.

With the help of this real conspiracy, you turn directly to a petty evil spirit so that it does not play pranks and allows the loss to return to the owner. But there are people who are disgusted by such a way to quickly find the right thing. In this case, you should seek help from an Orthodox saint, for example, Saint Tryphon.

Prayer to the martyr Tryphon

Orthodox people turn to this saint with requests when it is necessary to be cured of illnesses and mental illnesses, as well as in case of loss of value. If you have lost the item you need and do not want to deal with petty demons, you should contact the patron saint directly with a prayer for help:

“Holy Martyr Tryphon, hear me, a sinner who honors your memory! Help me find my loss, I really need it! Take away the unclean power from me, drive the evil demons out of my house, deliver the evil ones from their tricks. Saint Tryphon, I beg you for help! Amen".

A sincere and pure prayer to this saint, coming from the heart, will certainly help to find what has disappeared and save you from such troubles in the future.

How to find an item in 5 minutes

This ritual is worth doing when a lost item needs to be found very quickly. To do this, you need to take a black thread and tie four legs of a kitchen chair with it.

Each leg must be tied three times and tightened on it with a triple knot. During the ritual, mentally imagine the item you need. Then exit the kitchen. In a minute, you will unexpectedly see the place in the apartment where you will find the loss.

How to find money and jewelry at home?

If money or jewelry begins to disappear in the apartment for no reason, and the family is not to blame for anything, this is a rather bad sign. Thus, the brownie warns you that you urgently need to change your lifestyle, otherwise trouble will happen. It is worth seriously listening to this sign of fate.

In order to find the missing money or precious jewelry, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • prepare a red rope;
  • wait for the sunset
  • sit in the corner of the room and tie small knots on a rope;
  • leave the rope with knots overnight in the corner;
  • in the morning before sunrise, begin to untie the knots;
  • when untying, say the following words: “My loss, find yourself! Show yourself in front of my eyes on this day! ”;
  • when all the knots are untied on the rope, it must be hidden in a dark place and not shown to anyone.

Thus, a rope with untied knots “replaces” lost objects, and the latter are joyfully discovered by their owners.

It is worth remembering that this method will only work once. With the repeated loss of money or jewelry in the house, he will no longer help.

What to do if you lost something on the street?

If you know for sure that you dropped a lost item somewhere on the street, but you can’t find it, there is one real way to help you, it will tell you the location of the “lost”.

To do this, before going to bed, draw an object that you dropped on the street, and put the paper with the pattern under the pillow. Before falling asleep, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

"Sleep, come, tell me where to find the loss!"

After these words, try to fall asleep immediately. In a dream, you will see a lost thing. With the help of hints, you will understand where and how to look for it:

  • in a dream, the object is in the hands of another person - the search is already useless;
  • loss in the water - look near the reservoir;
  • an object in a dream next to you - look for a "lost" right near the house;
  • a thing deep underground - the search will not lead to a result.

If things start to suddenly disappear in you, whether at home or on the street, this is a sign that disharmony, some kind of imbalance, is happening in your life. It is worth paying close attention to your own health, as well as the health of loved ones, as well as reconsider your goals and life principles.

No matter how collected and organized you are, there comes a moment when the right thing or money is lost. Sometimes it is very important to find the loss. How to do it? To find a lost item or money, you can read the plot.

Magic will help to find the lost thing

Without magic

You should not use magic all the time, yet you are turning to such forces that you should not bother once again. You should just focus and act deliberately. If these methods do not help to find the lost thing, then resort to magic.

Calm down and find

A woman always knows where she has certain things. But if you can’t find something, remember where you last saw this thing. First calm down, do not be nervous, and then go around all the places where she could be. Often we don't find something because excited and aroused.

You have to pull yourself together, and everything will work out. Count to one hundred, sit down and focus. Things don't have legs, they couldn't run away. Maybe you threw something from above: a magazine, a book, or a cat lay down next to the loss, covering it with its tail, or the thing fell off the sofa or table and lies there between it and the wall. Often we simply do not notice the object, and it is under our nose. We do not see it, because we are in a hurry, or we think about something and automatically hide the thing in our pocket or put money on the shelf.

Searching Through Prayer

Prayer is not a conspiracy, but an appeal to God for help. If He sees fit, He will fulfill your request. Another plus of prayers is that they give peace and tranquility. You will stop being nervous, concentrate, and you will be able to quickly find what you need, things or money. Read Our Father. Or another prayer, "I believe", which will show that you have come to terms with the situation. When you stop worrying, thoughts come into order, you can have an insight, and you will immediately find what you were looking for. Or pray to the guardian angel if you have his icon and you know the prayer.

Prayer is not a conspiracy, but an appeal to God for help

After you have calmed down, go to the place where you last saw the lost thing. Then say these words:

“Lord, help me find (item name)! Take off the veil from your eyes, inspired by the devil! Word to the point, jokes away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

Immediately or after some time, the loss will be found.

With the use of magic

Did the above methods help? Then, to find the missing thing, you will have to resort to the help of magic.

Appeal to the brownie

When a thing suddenly disappears, many suspect that the brownie is to blame for everything. This homeowner loves to play tricks on people and hides their things. Anger will not help, these creatures do not tolerate aggression. It is better to conduct simple magical rites that will help return the loss.

Ritual with woolen thread. Take a thread of wool and tie it to the leg of the table. Then say:

“Brownie, brownie, stop joking! Give back what you took (name)!

Tie a handkerchief to the leg of a chair or stool and say:

“Brownie, brownie! Play it and give it back!"

You can promise him candy if he helps. If he took this thing, he will immediately return it. If not, then help find it.

Clap your hands and ask the brownie to return this thing.

Turn the cup or glass upside down and place it on the table. After that, you will immediately find what you need. The brownie himself will help to do this.

When a thing disappears suddenly, many suspect that the brownie is to blame for everything.

Place a saucer in the corner, pour milk into it. Place 7 yellow coins around it. Then say:

“Brownie, brownie, he took his thing to me. Played with it - give it to the owner, and he will welcome you!

Then leave the house for 30 minutes, take a walk.

This rite is not an appeal to the brownie, but to another owner of the dwelling - the spider. He is the guardian of the family wealth. You can ask him for help if you and your relatives did not kill the spider in the house, but only swept away its web. Find a web in the house, blow on it and say 3 times:

“The owner (keeper) of the house, help, find the missing thing (you can specify which one)!”.

After that, you will be pulled to the very place where this thing lies.

magical rites

You can perform simple magic rites that will help you find the missing thing.

  • With a purple candle. Buy a purple candle, light it, stand in the middle of the room and look at its flame. At this time, imagine the thing that is lost. At this point, you will see a picture that will show where this thing is. If you can't imagine anything, look at wax. Where it flows, there it must go. If there is a wall on that side, then you can search in the next room.
  • Thread with knots. Take the thread and fold it 7 times to make 7 layers of thread. Tie 7 knots on it. In the evening, put this thread at the head. When you wake up in the morning, you will know where to look. If you didn't see the answer in your dream, then start untying these knots.
  • Pendulum. Take a string up to 50 cm long and tie a ring to it. First check if it works. Ask him a simple question and see if he answers or not. You made sure it works. Walk around the house with this pendulum to find your missing item. If he gives positive answers, then the loss is somewhere close.
  • Herbs. Take lavender, motherwort, and wormwood and place in a cast iron skillet or copper bowl. Drop some alcohol and set the herbs on fire. Cover the room in smoke. If the thing was not stolen, and it is in the house, you will find it.

You can perform the ceremony with a purple candle

Reading conspiracies

If all these methods did not help to find the lost thing, you can read the plot. Many ritual options. Choose the one that is closer to you. But before you read the plot, follow a number of rules.

  • Good mood. At the moment when you pronounce the words of the conspiracy, you should be in a good mood. If you are overwhelmed with anger or envy, you are sad, you yearn - you cannot pronounce a conspiracy. Then you will not only not find this thing, but also damage yourself, you will constantly forget something.
  • The ritual must be done at home. A conspiracy takes a lot of strength, so it's best to do it at home.
  • Nobody should be around. It is better to conduct the ceremony alone so that the mood of other people does not spoil your search for things.
  • No noise. The house should be quiet, i.e. no TV or running washing machine, you must concentrate on the ritual.

Ritual with a match

Do not spend it where there is negative energy. If you live in an apartment, it is also better to refuse it, because. this energy can come from neighbors. Light a match and wait until it burns down to half. Run the resulting charcoal over your right palm. You must draw a cross. Then wait another half an hour, all the while sitting quietly. You can't do or think about anything. Then wash off this cross with milk and say:

"All that I have lost is close to me

The Lord sees everything

Don't let anything get away from me

Even (name of thing)

Everything will be found soon

And I will be happy again!

And another plot to find the missing thing. Take a bowl of water and matches. Light these matches one by one and throw them into the water, repeating the plot:

“The demon (damn) jokes, brings darkness, games (jokes) he is a great master. Stop (stop), roll over, return the loss (return). May it be so!".

A rite with a match should not be carried out where there is negative energy

Rite with a ball

You will need a ball of sheep's wool, preferably red. Stand on the threshold of the room where the thing was lost. Take the ball in your left hand and wind its end around the finger of your right hand (index). Imagine the lost thing and throw the ball in front of you, saying the plot:

“You tell me a ball, even better tell me where my thing was hidden (say the name of the thing you want to find), all the merit will be yours.”

Support the ball with your right hand. Where he stops, there lies this thing.

Missing money

It is especially sad when not things disappear, but money. There is a conspiracy that will help return. But you need to know if they were stolen or if you lost them. If you are sure that the money was stolen, the rite will be different. To find lost money, read this plot:

"Thief, stop joking,

Let me (list what's missing) to find

Case for case, word for word

Come true all that said;

May God help me find what I have lost.

If you have lost money, you can read this plot. Then you will either find the loss, or money will come to you from somewhere instead of what you lost. For the plot to work, go to the road where people constantly walk. As soon as you get on the track, count your steps. When their number is 21, go out onto the road and say these words (they need to be learned):

“I’m going, and the money is meeting me. They are waiting for me, they joyfully come to me. How many people walk here in a day, so much money will come to me. Amen".

Repeat them not one, but many times, the more the better, but not less than 21 times. Then start counting steps again. When you count 21, you can go home or wherever you need to go. Try to forget about the ceremony so that the money comes faster.

It would seem, how can you lose something in your own home? But many people face this problem in their lives. The main thing is that this always happens at the wrong time. They just had the keys in their hands, but now they are gone. You can, of course, wait until the loss is miraculously found by itself. But often people begin to conduct a complete "audit" of the entire premises. The search can take a long time if you do not know how to find the lost thing.

Activation of intuition and subconsciousness

Most often, having discovered the loss of some thing, a person begins to blame himself for absent-mindedness and carelessness. Sometimes this is true, but in most cases people simply do not see where it lies. They look not with their eyes, but with their brains, which receives visual signals and decodes them. But for some reason, access to information remains closed. Most often, the cause is poor health, anxiety or tension.

To understand how to find a thing that you lost at home, you need to stop searching for a while and relax. You can just sleep, drink tea or go out and take a walk in the fresh air. During such a rest, the internal energy of a person is released., intuition and subconsciousness are activated and, having come home, he immediately remembers where he put the ill-fated loss.

Restoring recent actions in memory will help speed up the search process. For example, scissors are missing and the person remembers that the last time he held them in his hands was in the bedroom. If they are not on the windowsill, then he mechanically left them in another place. At the moment he is sitting and drinking coffee in the kitchen at the table. Apparently, hearing the sound of the kettle boiling, he hurried to the kitchen and left the scissors in the bedroom.

Numerology search method

You can activate your subconscious mind using numerology. This ancient science is based on the magical properties of numbers. A person subconsciously always knows where and what he put. But most people only use 10% of their brain, and information about the lost item is just in the remaining 90%. It is this part of the brain that numerology will help to use.

Logically, inanimate objects have very little chance of getting lost on their own. There are only three reasons why this happened:

  • the person himself transferred the thing to another place and forgot about it;
  • the object fell and therefore disappeared from view;
  • the thing was taken or shifted by someone else.

People don’t remember or don’t know this, but their subconscious captures everything completely. With the help of numerology, it is possible to get this information from the subconscious.

The principle of operation is simple. You need to take a pen and a piece of paper and write down nine numbers. There is no need to think, since there are absolutely no logical rules in numerology. What numbers come to mind, those need to be written down. Next, you need to calculate the sum of these numbers and add 3 to it. The resulting number will be the code for the reason for the loss and its current location. It remains only to read his interpretation on the Internet and successfully find the lost thing.

Homemade pendulum

Often people do not even realize how strong their bioenergetic field. You can try to find a thing that has long been "hidden" in the house with the help of the power of your aura and a homemade pendulum. This method is most suitable for owners of large houses and personal plots.

It is not difficult to make a pendulum: you need to tie a piece of strong thread or twine 50 cm long to the ring. Before proceeding with the main search, you should conduct a small test. You need to ask the pendulum a question, the answer to which will be unambiguous, and see if he answered it correctly. If everything fits together, you can start looking for the loss.

First you need to get up and remember what the item you are looking for looks like, why you need it and wish it a quick return. Then slowly walk from room to room and monitor the reaction of the pendulum. At the place where it will strongly begin to sway from side to side and you should look for the loss.

search guide

For those who often lose various items at home, experts recommend using a kind of search manual. All losses are conditionally divided into several categories:

  • contact, that is, those things that are constantly used in everyday life;
  • items that are used from time to time;
  • items rarely needed for use.

Based on such qualifications, it will be easier for a person to find out how to find a thing that he forgot where he put it. After all, no one will look for the player on the mezzanine, and shoes in the kitchen cabinet.

The most difficult to handle if the loss belongs to the first category. Often these are house or car keys, a mobile phone, a flash drive, headphones. Girls very often forget where they put their favorite ring or earrings. But children often lose diaries and textbooks, but this, of course, is due to poor grades or unwillingness to do homework. Here, all search methods are useless, you just need to talk calmly with the child and find out the reason why he hid them.

Psychologists say that the first thing to do is to calm down and inspect the usual place for the loss. The phone can lie under a blanket or pillow, and the knife can be in the fork compartment. Just because of nervous excitement, he became "invisible." To calm down, it helps a lot to count aloud from one to a hundred.

The owner of the house brownie

Sometimes a thing is really lost, but it is known for sure that it is in the apartment. These are no longer jokes of the brain, and therefore, in order to find out how to find the missing thing in the apartment, you need to use an alternative search method. For example, older people often lose their glasses, and in order to remember faster, they say out loud: “Damn, damn, have fun and give it back.” And surprisingly, but the points are immediately found.

Since ancient times, people believe that the true owner of the dwelling is the brownie. They respect him, they try in every possible way to appease him, but if something disappears, they also blame him. The brownie is a big joker and likes to hide money, documents or other necessary things. He especially walks around in new houses and apartments. While people have not fully settled in their new home, the spirit of the house arranges things as it sees fit. Therefore, he should be asked for help in the search.

To find the object hidden by this joker, you need to tie a handkerchief to the leg of the chair and say: “Brownie, home! Don't joke with me anymore. Give back what you hid." Some people claim that after these words, a thing appears out of nowhere.

And if you bribe the "owner" of the house with cookies and milk, then you can hope that his jokes will stop forever. Although there is no exact guarantee.

Rituals with things

An effective ritual for finding a lost item can be carried out with various household items. People use these things all the time and do not even realize that they can be used when all the options have already ended, how to find a thing lost at home. For the ritual will come in handy:

  • handkerchiefs;
  • woolen threads;
  • matches;
  • cups or glasses;
  • consecrated herbs.

The simplest ritual is performed with a handkerchief. You need to whisper the name of the loss into it three times, and then tie a knot at one of the ends. As soon as the thing is found, the knot should be untied, and the handkerchief should be hidden in a secluded place until the next time.

Conspiracy for a cup

You can plot a lost thing using a cup or glass. This ceremony is carried out if they believe that the brownie is to blame for the loss. By the way, you must always remember that the spirit of the house cannot be addressed by name. He is the Owner and does not like familiarity. The order of the ritual is as follows:

  • go to the kitchen
  • take a cup;
  • sit at the table, and turn the cup upside down and put it on the table;
  • read the plot three times.

And the conspiracy is this: “Dear Master. I lost (the name of the loss), help me find it. If you took it and played enough, then give it back. I will thank you."

After the conspiracy, you need to pretend that the loss is no longer needed and leave the kitchen. It is necessary to do some business, showing with all your appearance that the search is over. If after a while the missing item appears in its usual place, it means that the brownie heard the request.

Water and matches

One of the strongest conspiracies is considered to be a ritual performed with matches and water. As you know, all small evil spirits are very afraid of fire and water. Using this fear, you can quickly solve the problem, how to quickly find a lost thing at home. For the ceremony you need:

  • Bowl;
  • consecrated in the church or spring water;
  • Matchbox.

The ritual is carried out in seclusion in the kitchen. In a bowl of water, you need to throw lit matches in turn, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy three times: “The demon makes noise, brings darkness, he scares people with a master. He loves jokes and pranks, you will not find things right away. You, the objects, are, stand and roll over. Give me back the loss, evil spirits. May it be so". Having finished the ritual, they leave the kitchen for a few minutes, and upon returning, the loss is found in the most prominent place.

Woolen threads

In many folk tales, the characters find their way home thanks to a ball of thread. With their help, you can also find an object lost in the apartment. The order of the ritual is as follows:

Take a ball of thread and stand on the threshold of the room where the missing thing is supposed to lie.

Hold the ball in your left hand, and wind the tip of the thread around the index finger of your right. Restoring the image of the loss in memory, you need to throw a ball, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy. It is necessary to do such manipulations until the ball stops. This is where the "lost" lies.

Spell Words:

“Tell the ball where to find the missing thing. Where did mine (item name) hide, why is it not in the hands? Ride, unwind, show me the path. The thing is mine, and all the merits are yours. May it be so".

purple candle

You can perform a magical ritual without any spells. Folk "psychics" give magic power to an ordinary purple candle. If the house has it, then there will be no problems with the search. Action plan:

  • Before going to bed, light a candle and place it in the center of the room.
  • Looking at the fire, mentally restore the appearance of the missing object.
  • Turn to the candle with a request to help find what you are looking for.
  • End the ritual with a few minutes of meditation.

At the end of the ceremony, the memory will helpfully tell you where to conduct further search. And the exact direction will be indicated by the wax flowing from the cinder - the side along which he ran and there is a hint. This method is only half magical. Meditation and concentration play an important role in it. Well, the candle works as a lever to awaken the subconscious.

The most powerful ritual

Until now, scientists have not come to an unambiguous conclusion about why people dream. Some believe that it is the brain that continues to "digest" the information received earlier, while for others, dreams - it is a way of communicating with the subconscious mind. If you believe in the latter, then you can find the loss by seeing its location in a dream.

Before going to bed, you need to "order" yourself a dream about the loss. To do this, you need to think about it, draw it on paper and prayerfully ask for help from the Almighty. You can address him with the following words: “God almighty, help! Indicate the thresholds where they took (name of the object) legs! Amen!".

It is believed that after such a ritual in a dream a person will have a sign. Sometimes this is exact information about where the item is located. But it also happens that in the morning only individual images from it will remain in memory. Light dreams mean that the thing will soon be found, while dark and scary ones suggest it is better to forget about the loss.

From the description of ways to search for a lost thing, we can conclude that all rituals, ceremonies and other attributes are worthless without a person. It has the strength and ability to always do what you want, you just need to try hard.

Sometimes we lose the right things, turn the whole apartment over, but we don’t get the desired result. It seems that there are few secluded corners in the house, and we continue to wander in search of the lost. Now you will learn how to find a lost thing at home - conspiracies for this have long been used by sorcerers.

Lost items sometimes disappear without a trace, and after a while they are found. There are many such cases, but you do not have to wait forever and turn everything upside down. A lost thing (or person) can be returned by using a strong conspiracy. Let's get started.

In order for the lost thing to be quickly found, make friends with the guardian of your home - the brownie. This restless spirit often hides money, documents and other valuable items. Tie a handkerchief to the stool and ask the brownie for support:

“Brownie, brownie! Don't play with me anymore. Give back what you got."

If you appease the brownie with candy, then the lost things will be more likely to be returned to the owner. Many, having read the plot, assure that the desired object was found on its own, fell "out of the void." This is a sure sign that the wanted things were at the brownies.

Rituals with items

An effective conspiracy for a lost thing is usually used in rituals related to household items. We use these things all the time, not realizing that they can be used to find the loss. It is recommended to read the spell for this:

  • threads and ropes;
  • herbs;
  • handkerchief;
  • matches;
  • cup or glass;
  • purple candles.

The simplest ritual of household magic is done with a handkerchief. The name of the lost item is whispered into the handkerchief, after which one end of the cloth is tied in a knot. If the thing is found, untie the magic knot and hide the handkerchief in the closet.

glass spell

This rite for the missing thing also provides for communication with the brownie. Contact with small (often harmless) evil spirits living in the corners of the house is allowed. Remember that you cannot address the brownie by name, it is customary to call him the Master. Procedure:

  1. Go to the kitchen.
  2. Take out a cup or glass.
  3. Sit at the table, turn the cup upside down.
  4. Now you need to read the return plot three times.

After completing the ritual, leave the kitchen and pretend that you no longer need the lost item. Do some work, defiantly ignoring the search. When you return to your original place, you will find a long-standing loss. Conspiracy text:

“Master, I have lost (the name of the thing), help me find it. If you took it and played enough, then give it back. I will thank you."

Matches and water

Among the powerful conspiracies to find a lost thing, a rite with matches and water stands out. The naughty evil spirits are afraid of water and fire, so the devils can be frightened by these elements. If the item is hopelessly lost, get the following artifacts:

  • bowl
  • spring water;
  • matches.

Retire to the kitchen and place a bowl filled with water on the table. Light the matches one by one, wait for them to burn out, and throw the firebrands into the bowl. Things "come" back if you pronounce the plot three times:

“The demon makes noise, brings darkness, he scares people with a master. He loves jokes and pranks, you will not find things right away. You, the objects, are, stand and roll over. Give me back the loss, evil spirits. May it be so".

A ball of wool and clothing magic

If you do not know how to find a lost item at home, wool conspiracies will solve the problem. Get a ball of red woolen threads (ideally sheep). Stand on the threshold of the room in which the item was supposedly missing, and proceed to the ritual.

Hold the ball itself in your left hand, but the end of it will have to be wound on your right. Make sure you wrap around your index finger. Mentally restore the image of the lost item and throw the ball, pronouncing the words of the spell. Throw and pull several times until the ball stops - there you need to look for the loss. Spell text:

“Tell me, ball, how to find the missing thing. Where did my item (name) hide, why is it not in my hands? Ride and seek, all merit is yours. May it be so".

purple candle

The strongest search magic can be used without spells - an ordinary purple candle is enough for you. Healers recommend keeping this artifact at home at all times - just in case. Procedure:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Place the artifact in the center of the room.
  3. Looking at the fire, think about the loss.
  4. Ask a candle for help in any form.
  5. Take a few minutes to meditate.

Soon the understanding of where to look for the loss will visit you. Watch from which side of the cinder the molten paraffin flows. This is the direction for further searches.

Looking for a person

There are several ways to find a missing person. The most powerful rituals are performed on the full moon, so wait until that time and go outside. Stand in such a way that your shadow lies directly under your feet. Crossing yourself, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as the shadow always runs with me, so may the moon return the beloved person (name) home. My shadow will rise next to me, the missing person will cross the threshold again. The angel will call God's servant (name), let him return here soon. I lead and call, I praise our Lord. Amen".

How to remove the veil from the eyes

Sometimes a veil covering the eyes prevents the search for the object to be found - many sorcerers associate it with induced damage. After calming down and focusing on the object of search, proceed to active actions. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Go into the room where the object was supposedly lost.
  2. Read the prayer-conspiracy three times.
  3. Cross and look around.

If your faith is strong, the thing is at lightning speed. Didn't work the first time? Relax, have a cup of tea and repeat the ritual again. The text of the search prayer:

“Lord, your strength is great, help me find the object (name). Remove the veil from my eyes, inspired by the unclean. Jokes aside, let my word end with a heavenly deed. Amen".

Punish the thief

Things in the apartment disappear even if you were visited by a thief. To punish the criminal, break off a leg from an old chair. A three-legged chair needs to be put out of the threshold, and more chips should be cut from the preserved legs. Fold these chips into a kind of fire, then say a plot:

“Whoever asks the devil for my good will punish himself. I left in the house (the name of the lost item), and the accursed thief grabbed it. If the thief does not return my property, the unclean one will drag him into hell, and will not have mercy. Amen".

Return stolen

There is also a simple rite to return the stolen. Go into the room where the item was before it disappeared. Read the spell:

“Whoever took my little thing lost a hundredfold. You will not see peace and tranquility until (the name of the object) is lying in place again. Be hungry and poor. Amen".

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