Famous proverbs about work. Proverbs and sayings about work

Diets 05.09.2020

Man is born to work.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Whatever he did, he ate.

Will and work give wonderful shoots.

If you don't work hard, you won't get bread.

He who works well has much to boast about.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

Our happiness is in common work.

Whoever works, he enjoys.

There is no goodness without hard work.

Without labor, honey is not eaten.

Labor money is corn.

Labor feeds and clothes.

If you don't wet your hands, you won't wash.

Think well, start early, perform diligently.

Do not crack a nut - do not eat the kernel.

Without good work there is no fruit.

If you don't break eggs, you won't make scrambled eggs.

Without bowing to the ground, you won’t raise a fungus.

There, even bread will not be born, where no one works in the field.

To live prosperously - one must love labor.

Who likes to chill, stay in the tail.

The child loves affection, and the machine loves lubrication.

Don't follow the beep, but follow the machine.

Labor in learning is boring, but the fruit of learning is delicious.

There is a lot of work, but little production.

Labor money lives forever.

Labor is impeccable, though little, but firmly.

In labor to win - to strengthen the world.

Heroes are born in labor.

Where there is work, there is happiness.

Good labor does not sink in water, nor does it burn in fire.

Insomnia is treated with difficulty.

Whoever loves to work has something to boast about.

Better a stale crust obtained by honest labor than a rich pie, but stolen.

He is not afraid of anything, who honestly works.

Labor is not enduring, and there will be no honor.

Honor is hard to come by.

Without labor there is no fruit in the garden.

Without work and rest is not sweet.

You can't cut a stick without labor.

You can't live without hard work.

Hard work is unthinkable.

Without success in studies, there is no success in work.

Without study and work, food will not come to the table.

Without learning, without labor, life is worthless.

Without hassle and labor, not corn grows, but quinoa.

The blessing of life is in work.

God loves work.

If you work hard, you will have both bread and milk.

If you work hard, there will be bread in the bins.

A healthy life is sensible work; bad life - and such work.

The people will not forget those who work honestly.

In the field, Malanya is not for the sake of walking, but oppresses her back, lives for work.

Work is our happiness.

Inspiration comes from work.

Live a century - work a century, and working, learn a century.

Every furrow loves work.

Every work is worthy of a reward.

All work is valuable, but not all is useful.

Where there is hunting and labor, there the fields bloom.

Where there is work, there is truth.

Free - to the wind, labor - to the juice and to the root.

To work for good is something to boast of.

For whom work is joy, for that life is happiness.

If work is pleasure, then life is pleasure.

Live with your mind, and honor grows with work.

They don't beat you for work, but give rewards.

Fight for a penny of labor, be afraid of an unearned penny.

What you take with diligence, everything will shine.

The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

Knowledge and labor give a new way of life.

What works, such and fruits.

What is the labor score, such is the honor.

Whoever lives by his work, work is the second home.

Who loves work, people honor him.

Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

Whoever loves work will not sleep for a long time.

Whoever is not afraid of work, laziness eschews it.

He who does not see labor does not know peace.

Whoever wants to live happily must love labor.

Love and work give happiness.

People have a love for work.

Wealth is not honored, but labor.

Do not be lazy, but work hard, do not flatter someone else.

You will not regret the labors - you will remove two hundred pounds from a hectare.

From the works of the righteous do not make stone chambers.

From your labors you will be full, but you will not be rich.

Effort and hard work will take their toll.

Labor money lies tightly, someone else's edge sticks out.

The labor penny goes for the future.

Hardworking as an ant.

The workers eat, the non-workers look.

We have the happiest - a hardworking person.

Although with difficulty, yes it would go into the house, but there is no labor, there is no fruit.

Labor money is always strong.

Labor money lives forever, but unearned money always goes to dust.

A labor penny lies in your pocket, and a crazy penny sticks out like an edge.

The labor penny is great.

Healthy in food, but frail in work.

Without labor to live - only to smoke the sky.

Where there are labor successes, there are grain mountains.

The earth loves work.

Whoever is the first in labor, glory is everywhere.

Sweat on the back - so is the bread on the table.

Perhaps yes, somehow they will not bring to good. You won't get bread by spoiling.

Without work, strength weakens. Without effort, you can not catch a fish from a pond.

Without labor there is no fruit. White hands love other people's works.

More action, less words. There would be a hunt - work will go well.

Every work of the master praises. The eyes are scary, but the hands will do it.

The master's work cannot be reworked. Give to the earth, it will give you.

Done hastily - and made a mockery. The work of the master is afraid.

Business time, fun hour. Look at the trees in their fruits, and look at the people in their deeds.

Hold on tighter to the plow, it will be more profitable. A good start pumped out half the battle.

Oak is the iron of the peasant. Think in the evening what to do in the morning.

Put your heart into it, you can do anything. Eats for an ox, but works for a mosquito.

There is patience, there will be skill. Lives on a hill, but not a crust of bread.

Life is given for good deeds. Handle every task skillfully.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one. Do not take on many things, but excel in one.

The stock of a person does not spoil. The land is black, and white bread will give birth.

The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work. You can't pull that nail out with your teeth.

To what the soul lies, to that the hands will be attached. What works, such and fruits.

What is the arable land, such is the brush. Put potatoes in okroshka, and love is in business.

The end is the crown of the whole thing. Finished the job - walk boldly.

Whoever is quick in words, rarely argues in deeds. Who loves work, people honor him.

Who does not work, he is not mistaken. Who does not walk, he does not fall.

Whoever does nothing never has time. Who sings, his work will soon end.

Who gets up earlier, he will collect the fungi, and the drowsy and lazy ones go after the nettles.

Strike while the iron is hot. The lazy always have a holiday.

Down and Out trouble started. Better quietly and forward than soon and then back.

If you like to ride - love to carry sleds. The bee is small, and it works.

A small deed is better than a big idleness. It's not enough to want, you have to be able to.

A lot of sleep is a matter of not knowing. The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.

On uncultivated land, only weeds grow. For work, he is behind the latter, and for food, he is ahead of the former.

At someone else's work, and the sun does not move. You can't plow bread by running over.

Start start, but look - finish. Not the gods burn the pots.

Not all those cooks who have long knives. Don't say "hop" until you jump over.

Don't say what you did, but say what you did. It's not a miracle to start a business - it's a miracle to finish.

Don't start - think, but start - do. Not clothes make a person, but good deeds.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Not the oven feeds, but the field.

I will not bow to the rich man if I grind my rye. Not he is good who is handsome in face, but he is good who is good in business.

Do not shake the apple while it is green: it will ripen - it will fall by itself. Do not teach idleness, but teach needlework.

Do not boast in advance, look to the end: what will be the end of the matter. It is not bread for the belly that goes, but the belly for the bread.

You have to bend down to drink from the stream. One in the field is not a warrior.

One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon. One bee will not make much honey.

Yell - do not play the tune. They plow the arable land, they don’t wave their hands.

Under a lying stone and water does not flow. While iron is at work, rust does not take it either.

The field loves work. Hurry up and make people laugh.

A bird is recognized in flight, and a person at work. The bee is small, but it works.

The sleigh runs from the mountain, but the cart does not go up the mountain. Lie down with the hens, get up with the rooster.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the acquired craft. With pleasure, you can hammer a nail into a stone.

This oats in the mud - there will be oats prince, and even rye in the ashes, but at the right time. This bread - do not sleep: if you reap - there will be no time to doze.

Seven cases in one hand do not take. No matter how much you talk, you won't be fed up with the conversation.

Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done. Cut down a tree, plant two.

Effort and labor lead to happiness. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

Hasty does the same thing twice. He did nothing who did not start anything.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils. The lazy spinner has no shirt for himself.

A bad master has a bad saw. A craftsman and a needleworker brings joy to himself and to people.

Skill and work will grind everything. A diligent mouse will gnaw through the board.

A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain. Praise the harvest when you fall asleep in the barn.

If you want to live - know how to spin! A bad deed - a bad end.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. Through force and the horse is unlucky.

What you reap is what you put together, what you put together is what you put in the barn. To be held in high esteem, one must love one's work.

He flaunted from his youth, and in his old age he dies of hunger.

On this page we have collected sayings and proverbs about work. Many of them I have known since childhood. I was raised by my grandmother. And she taught me to work from childhood. She did it so easily and naturally that it did not cause any negative emotions in me.

She accustomed me to industriousness not with long notations and instructions that the child does not like so much, but with the help of well-aimed words and expressions, after which I was ashamed to “beat the thumbs,” as my grandmother used to say. 🙂

It was much later that I learned that she operated with proverbs and sayings. And then they were just "in the subject."

Today we publish for you proverbs and sayings that reveal the meaning of labor for a person.

Proverbs about labor

Do not teach idleness, but teach needlework.

Skill and work will grind everything!

They plow the arable land - they don’t wave their hands.

Firewood in summer, grass in winter.

A good start pumped out half the battle.

To be respected, one must love one's work.

Sleep a lot - do not know the case.

Not he is good who is handsome in face, but he is good who is good in business.

There is patience - there will be skill.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

If you don't heat up, you won't get warm.

Not the stupid one who is stingy with words, but the stupid one who is actually stupid.

Work until you sweat - and eat on the hunt.

Easily mined - easy and lived.

Labor is a matter of honor. Be at work in the first place.

Who loves to work - he does not sit idle.

Work more - you will be remembered forever.

Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread.

A tree is precious by its fruits, and a man by his deeds.

Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but get up early and get your own.

What goes around comes around.

Learning is the path to skill.

Sown - from a basket, and grew a little.

About good work - there is something to boast about.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the acquired craft.

If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

It remains until tomorrow - consider it stuck.

The lamb is praised in the spring, and the hen in the fall.

God sent work, but the devil took away the hunt.

While the lazy one is warming up, the diligent one will return from work.

From disorder, everything is shaky.

You will get bitter, but eat sweet.

You have to bend down to drink from the stream of water.

Proverbs about work

The work of the master is afraid.

Skill destroys the rock.

Sloth slurps cabbage soup without salt.

An inept seamstress and a needle and thread interfere.

The desired work is brighter than the sun.

Whoever made the lock will make the key.

Without rest, the horse does not jump.

It's pointless to shoot an arrow without a target.

Reaps without sowing, threshes on other people's currents.

Gets down to business, exactly unkempt.

Summer day feeds the year.

First you drive me, and then I'll ride you.

It's out of your skin.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

These nuts are too tough for me.

Every bird is fed with its beak.

A sleepy cat does not catch mice.

Words here and there, but deeds nowhere.

Every business has its time.

Weaving lace with her tongue.

You won't get fed up with talking.

You can't plow the field with song.

Mouth - wide open, tongue - on the shoulder.

For the affairs of the day is not visible.

Fields are not sown with words.

Feet feed the wolf.

Dawn showers with gold.

The work of the master is afraid.

The work of man feeds.

Not the oven feeds, but the field.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Not the gods burn the pots.

The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.

Here are some wonderful proverbs and sayings about labor that people have come up with over the course of several centuries! When I read them, I am amazed at how much wisdom there is in these simple and short expressions. I often used these truly unique statements in communication with my children, and now with my grandson, and I realized that the meaning of most proverbs and sayings completely reaches the minds of children. They easily perceive the morality that these "winged expressions" carry in themselves and often use them in their speech. Sayings and proverbs about work did their job - my children grew up to be hardworking people.

Proverbs about labor

Without work and rest is not sweet.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

There is no perfection without hard work.

Nothing comes without hard work.

God loves work.

If there was a hunt, any work would work out.

It's fun to live - the work is arguing.

He took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty.

Every master in his own way.

Every work of the master praises.

Every trade is honest, except theft.

Every skill comes with hard work.

Where there is desire, there is skill.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Actions cannot be replaced by words.

Do something, and it won't work.

The work of the master is afraid.

Work teaches, torments and feeds.

Business - time, fun - hour.

His craft went on water, it went on water - it swam away with water.

Iron does not rust.

Everything is taken, but not everything succeeds.

To take on everything - to do nothing.

And that craft, who knows how to make an oar.

And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the gambler on the pipe.

To each according to his deeds.

As said, so done.

What is the master, such is the work.

The rolling stone will not be hairy.

To whom to what, but to the blacksmith to the anvil.

To whom work is a burden, he does not know joy.

Finished the job - walk boldly.

Dig and you will find.

Who runs, he catches up.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Who gets up early, God gives.

Lazy bokeh and the sun does not rise at the right time.

Lazy - for dinner, zealous - to work.

Cut the forest - do not spare your shoulders.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

People work, and the idler sweats.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Mix business with idleness - you will not go crazy.

The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.

There is a lot of haymaking on a sharp spit.

Not the gods burn the pots.

Do not take care of your own business, but do not be lazy about your own.

The needle does not sew, but the hands.

If you don't mess things up, you won't be a master.

Not the boiler cooks, but the cook.

If you don't heat up, you won't get warm.

Without bowing to the ground, you won’t raise a fungus.

Do not work hard, and bread will not be born.

Not work is expensive - skill.

Do not crack a nut - do not eat the kernel.

Don't hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

Not so much dew from the sky as sweat from the face.

It’s not that expensive that red gold, but it’s expensive that a good master.

It’s not a concern that there is a lot of work, but it’s a concern that there is none.

Not the stupid one who is stingy with words, but the stupid one who is actually stupid.

Easy to do, hard to imagine.

I did not know how to sew with gold, so strike with a hammer.

Do not teach idleness, but teach needlework.

No one is nice when things are sickly.

Legs are worn and hands are fed.

From boredom to all trades.

They get healthy from work, but get sick from laziness.

Postpone idleness, but do not postpone business.

They plow the arable land, so they don’t wave their hands.

Work and pay.

By work and employee to know.

In the service - neither friend nor foe.

Work and hands are reliable guarantees in people.

Work is with the teeth, and laziness is with the tongue.

Work more - you will be remembered for a long time.

Work until you sweat, and eat on the hunt.

Work, do not yawn: summer is a guest, winter is a hostess.

Craft is the golden breadwinner.

The craft does not ask to drink and eat, but feeds itself.

Hands work, soul - a holiday.

You can’t stretch out your hand, and you won’t get it off the shelf.

Start with God, finish with your hands.

With bad mowers, mowing is also bad.

You won't miss a craft.

Don't put off today's work for tomorrow!

Said - not proven, must be done.

Locksmith, carpenter - a worker of all trades.

Advice is good, but deed is better.

It's terrible to start.

Patience and work will grind everything.

The ax is sharper, so the matter is more difficult.

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

Labor created man.

Know how to do business, know how to have fun.

Skill will find application everywhere.

Good job not one century lives.

A good bull under the yoke will be recognized.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

Man works - the earth is not lazy; man is lazy - the earth does not work.

A person loses weight from care, not from work.

The more difficult the task, the higher the honor.

What goes around comes around.

What you stomp is what you stomp.

Whatever we do, we'll eat.

Compiled by: Bagautdinova L.S.

Grade 2 Subject literary reading. Topic: "Proverbs and sayings about work"

Proverbs about labor are widely reflected in oral folk art.

Russian proverbs and sayings about labor and diligence.

Patience and a little effort.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

Labor conquers everything.

Work hard - there will be bread in the bins.

Labor always gives, but laziness takes.

Gold is known in fire, man in labor.

Work feeds, and laziness spoils.

The work of man feeds.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Labor, labor and labor are the three eternal treasures.

Labor money lies tightly, someone else's edge sticks out.

A labor penny lives forever.

Without work and the car rusts.

Without labor to live - only to smoke the sky.

Without work and rest is not sweet.

Without labor there is no fruit.

Without good work there is no fruit.

Idleness is the mother of all vices.

White hands love other people's works.

More action, less words.

More science - smarter hands.

If only there was a hunt, every work would improve.

In big things there are no trifles.

AT working time- the tongue on the bolt.

Will and work give wonderful shoots.

Any land is good, if you do not spare your hands.

Every person is known by the work.

Every business ends well.

Every skill comes with hard work.

Where there is work, it is dense, but in a lazy house it is empty.

Where there is work, there is happiness.

Do it hastily - do it for a laugh.

The work of the master is afraid.

Business - time, fun - hour.

A tree is valued by its fruits, and a man by his deeds.

A good start is half the battle.

Income is never without hassle.

There is patience - there will be skill.

To take on everything - to do nothing.

The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

Gold is not gold without being under the hammer.

What is the master, such is the work.

Finished the job - walk boldly

Who says little, does more.

Who is a master of all trades, he does not have boredom.

Whoever hopes for heaven sits without bread.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Those who are accustomed to work cannot sit idle.

Who gets up early, God gives.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Love the work - you will be a master.

If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

Love for work is in people's minds.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Mastery is improved by diligence, and lost by idleness.

In the world and work is argued.

To work with joy, and from work with pride.

Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but get up early and get your own.

Looking at someone else's work, you will not be full.

Not the gods burn the pots.

Do not be afraid of work - let it be afraid of you.

Do not take care of your own business, but do not be lazy about your own.

The needle does not sew, but the hands.

Do not be lazy behind the plow - you will be with a pie.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Don't blame your neighbor if you sleep until noon.

Without bowing to the ground, you won’t raise a fungus.

Do not sit idly by, so there will be no boredom.

I did not know how to sew with gold, so strike with a hammer.

No wonder it is said that the work of the master is afraid.

There is no bad land - there are bad owners.

They get healthy from work, but get sick from laziness.

From the works of the righteous do not make stone chambers.

Postpone idleness, but do not postpone business.

A bad owner starts ten works, but does not finish a single one.

The plow shines from work.

Bow to mother earth, she will reward you a hundredfold.

The field loves work.

Work is with the teeth, and laziness is with the tongue.

Work until you sweat, eat on the hunt.

Work for the hands - a holiday for the soul.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of their mastery.

Don't put off today's work for tomorrow!

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Sweeter than all fruits is the fruit of human labor.

Tears won't help.

To break a tree - a second, to grow - years.

Judge a man by his work.

There happiness is not a miracle, where labor is not lazy.

Haste does not help matters.

Every day a lazy person has laziness.

Know how to do business, know how to have fun.

The ability to work is more valuable than gold.

The morning hour gives us gold.

Bread is not given for free.

The owner is the one who works.

IN AND. Dal in his collection "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people" in the index on the content and meaning of proverbs uses the label "labor" and in the table of contents defines them as work and idleness. This section is one of the largest. Below is a small fragment from Dahl's book, which contains Russian proverbs and sayings about work.

Proverbs about work from the collection of V.I. Dalia

For many centuries, human life has been inextricably linked with labor. People were engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, built, got food and clothes, then crafts began to appear, which is why there are so many proverbs about the attitude to work.

The meaning and meaning of Russian proverbs and sayings about labor is clearly expressed by the following catchphrases- human labor feeds; the sun paints the earth, and man's work; a person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.

In other words, the one who works will be respected, wealthy, healthy, independent, independent of circumstances and of those around him, as he relies on his own hands, knowledge, skills and experience. He will be successful, rich, healthy.

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