How to cook soft juicy lamb ham. Roasted leg of lamb. Leg of lamb in the sleeve.

Recipes 12.08.2018

And garlic is a classic combination of flavors that only those who have never tasted it can dislike. And if baked by itself leg of lamb- perhaps the best thing that can appear on the table on the occasion of a holiday or a family dinner, the simple addition of garlic and rosemary literally launches it into open space. The second half of the success of this recipe is the baking mode: first, without rushing anywhere, we let the leg of lamb cook slowly and slowly at a low temperature, and then turn on the oven to full to get a golden crust in a few minutes. The leg turns out to be incomparable, if you don’t believe it, see for yourself.

The downside here is that the sauce doesn't get as much flavor due to the lack of a toasting reaction. But here, too, icing, spicy searing at the beginning, or briefly satisfying the meat under a hot grill after cooking can help. It might be 5 o'clock already. As a result, the meat is heated extremely slowly up to 70 degrees. After that, nothing happens, because a small difference in the oven temperature of 10 degrees and the relative poor heat transfer in the oven does not lead to a noticeable increase in temperature.

You have to wait a long time for the thermometer to rise 1 degree again. You cannot cook a roast more easily and the results cannot be more easily reproduced. A thermometer is useful, but it can also be done without one. Price for a "perfect" roast - no sauce and few roast flavors. Both of them should be prepared as separate further steps. Cooking meat at 80 degrees in an oven is commonly referred to as low or low temperature cooking.

Roasted leg of lamb

According to this recipe, you can cook a lamb leg on the bones of any size - from a small cut weighing a kilogram to a full-bodied hind leg of two or three kilos per big company. To begin with, it’s worth cleaning the leg: we don’t touch the meat, we make notches on the fat with a rhombus so that it melts better, but it’s better to remove the films, there will be no sense from them. After that, with a thin and sharp knife in the fleshy part of the leg, on all sides, you need to make holes a couple of centimeters deep and at a distance of the same two centimeters from each other, and insert a thin strip of garlic and a few rosemary leaves into each.

In the last few years, several books have been published on the subject. But it even comes with an even lower temperature! Collagen meat can be cooked with oil moistened at 60 degrees, that is, at temperatures below the melting point of collagen. The method of culinary preparation reveals its special power here. However, cooking takes 1-2 days and requires a water bath that can maintain the temperature very accurately over the entire period of time.

Recipes for frying and stewing mix cooking methods and change the temperature almost arbitrarily. In my opinion, this makes little sense. Of course, of course, it will be hot. Either open the ovens at high temperature to emphasize the crust and sauce, or close and at a low temperature to preserve the meat, or at a low temperature if you want to prepare a special detail. Even at temperatures around 120 degrees, it will soon evaporate and boil in the pot and lubricate the roast through a cycle of constant water evaporation and condensation, cooling and flavoring.

After that, the leg of lamb can be brushed with olive oil, seasoned with salt and black pepper and sent to the oven, but if you have a few hours and want to cook something completely special, do not forget about the marinade. For marinade, blanch rosemary leaves, add garlic, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, wine vinegar (of course, for flavor, not to soften meat), a couple of spoons olive oil, black pepper and salt, and blend with a blender until smooth. Coat the leg with marinade, wrap tightly in cling film and refrigerate. Let the lamb leg marinate from 2 hours to the whole night.

It is difficult to provide reliable cook times during hot roasting and simmering because they are affected by the type of meat, the thickening of the roast, the age of the animal, and how long the meat has matured. If you don't have roast utensils, you can place the roast, along with the roasted vegetables and flavors, in a heat-resistant kiln and place it on the grate of the oven. If the cover is missing, you must work "open". A piece of baking paper, given the size of the pan, does not replace the lid, although this is sometimes suggested.

Also, taking a roman pot makes little sense because it only produces its special Garclima when high temperatures about 200 degrees. In the future, the veal knot is prepared “classic”: once “hot and open” and once “soft and closed”.

Wrap the leg of lamb in foil and place in the oven heated to 130 degrees. The approximate roasting time is 30 minutes for every 0.5 kilogram of leg weight plus another 30 minutes, but since it will differ in each case, it is better to determine the degree of readiness of the leg with a meat thermometer: when the temperature inside the thickest part of the leg reaches 57 degrees, remove put it away and put it in a warm place, and turn on the oven to the maximum (in my case it is 250 degrees with airflow).

In the case of uncovered stewing, the focus is on producing roasted flavors similar to dark fund production. However, the meat does not need to be heated unnecessarily, so care must be taken to protect the meat and not irritate it too much.

Roast is cultivated by frequent overflows with roasted fondant. This means that the products of the roast are washed into the back, and moisture and new flavors are added to the roast. In the case of quenching at high temperatures in the kiln, the kiln curve is very steep, the curve being flat only at temperatures above 90 degrees.

After 10-15 minutes, when the oven warms up, place the leg of lamb in the oven on the grate, already without any foil. Roast the leg for an additional 5 to 10 minutes, until golden brown on all sides, flipping in the process to achieve even browning. Remove the finished leg from the oven, cover with foil and leave for another 5-10 minutes so that the juices are evenly distributed inside. The baked leg of lamb can be taken out whole and cut right at the table, serving baked root vegetables as a side dish and tart red wine.

180 degree veal knot, no lid

Cut carrots and celery into cubes 2 cm long, eighth onion. Don't parachute the veal knot, free the bone when the butcher hasn't sawed it off, then stick it in 3-4 places with kitchen string to keep the meat from falling apart when cooking. Slice the beef in the hot pot on all sides, then remove the vegetables, wash the vegetables in the same fat, and simmer with the sherry. Lightly cover the back of the plant, the roots should be on the vegetables, not on the back, salt and heat, scrape the edges of the roast pan with a brush, and then place the beets with the cut surface on the vegetables.

Whole roasted lamb leg is a great festive main course for big company. The meat cooked according to this recipe turns out to be very tender, as they say: “at least eat with your lips.” In addition, garlic and many spices fill the dish with magnificent, inherent, aromas and unsurpassed taste.


Place the pan without a lid in the oven for 2 hours. The meat should then be easily separated from the bone. If the liquid in the pot is running low, refill it. Warm up your head and let it rest for 20 minutes. At the same time squeeze Bay leaf in a mortar and boil thyme and pepper in the sauce and further reduce them with vegetables. Pour the sauce through a sieve and squeeze the vegetables vigorously, further reducing the sauce. Cut the meat along the bone into thin slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper while serving.

Sauce spices are only added at the end, otherwise too many of the aroma-bearing molecules evaporate. Glazing underneath a hot grill hits the surface with even hotter flavors and helps grill for a shiny, appetizing look. When boiling, the thermometer reached 83 degrees after 2 hours. The meat was completely fried, but still juicy, perhaps the thickest shells of the connective tissue of the hay still needed some time to thaw. To do this, I was compensated by a particularly strong sauce.

  • leg of lamb - 1 pc. weighing 1.5-2 kg
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • hops-suneli seasoning - 1 tsp
  • ground paprika - 1/2 tsp
  • ground bitter pepper - 1/4 tsp.
  • ground black pepper - 1/4 tsp.
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

You will also need food foil.

Servings Per Container: 5-6.


1. When buying a leg of lamb on the market, be sure to ask the seller to chop it along the bone into portioned pieces. This will save you from having to cut it at home, and even file it for festive table such a leg will be more comfortable.

Lamb leg in foil

The oven curve shows a steep run that even beyond 80 degrees there will be no plateau where the roast has time to melt the collagen into soft gelatin, but the high gradient across the 180 degree oven temperature is too great. The size of the roast ensures that the warm-up takes a certain amount of time so that the collagen can be softened.

After roasting, the roast should be roasted under the oven grate to form a delicious crust. Hake is prepared in the same way, but the pot is covered with a lid and the oven bakes gently at only 120 degrees in the oven. The important thing is that the closed lid creates hot water in the pot. humid climate, which provides the roast with flavor and moisture. Roast does not need additional watering. At the end of the cooking time, the lid is usually removed, the oven temperature is increased to 200 degrees and the grill is turned on.

Take the leg out of the refrigerator a few hours before cooking to allow the lamb to come to room temperature.

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

In a small container, mix suneli hops, paprika, ground bitter and black pepper, salt.

2. Free the garlic cloves from the husk and cut across into thin slices.

Recipe with aromatic herbs

Thus, the surface is dried, the crust hardens and by increasing the temperature of the surface, the Maillard reactions give taste again. A gas burner is also useful for small roasts. After all, this cooking method is again only a compromise, but this time for the flesh!

Veal knot 120 degrees, with lid

The preparation is the same as above, 200 ml of calf food should be sufficient. The pan is placed in the oven for 2.5 hours at 120 degrees and the lid is closed. Since less liquid evaporates, the sauce may need to be reduced a little longer. In addition, hay is good when the meat is easily separated from the bone. Don't forget the glazing under the hot grill.

3. Rinse the leg of lamb as thoroughly as possible under cold running water. This must be done in order to remove small pieces of wood and bone fragments, which, as a rule, stick to meat during chopping.

My marginal notes

The lid of the frypot should be as shallow as possible, and the frypot should be very solid so that it can store the heat well and react very little to temperature fluctuations in the oven. Whether the pan is made of stainless steel or cast iron is not that important. The water that condenses on the lid drips over the entire surface, so the roast is evenly “watered” and cooled. The roast takes care of itself and the gelatin gradually builds up storage water. The flavors are absorbed by the fat and gelatin and transported by diffusion along the muscle bundles into the deeper layers of the meat.

Dry lamb thoroughly with paper towels.

Rub the leg on all sides with the seasoning mixture. Lay the garlic cloves on top and insert into the slits.

4. Cover the baking sheet with a sheet of food foil and brush it with vegetable oil using a pastry brush. Place the prepared leg on the foil.

There are even lids that look like small pots and are filled with water to further enhance the condensation effect inside. Putting meat in an acidic spot makes the meat drier today. The penetration depth of the stain is only a few millimeters per day.

In many recipes, roasted meat is placed overnight or for several days in wine or a stain with water and vinegar, which is additionally seasoned with vegetables and spices. The acid diffuses into the meat and helps break down the collagen proteins before the actual cooking, similar to the maturation of meat. Hydrogen ions weaken the hydrogen bonds between the amino acids of proteins and, consequently, their adhesion. Proteins unfold in an acidic environment. When lemon juice is dripped into an ice egg white, the immediate reduction around the dripping point makes the denaturation of the proteins visible.

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