December horoscope for Aquarius. December horoscope for Aquarius Love horoscope for Aquarius Women

Auto 28.01.2024

In the last month of the year, an important astrological event will occur - Mercury will turn retrograde. Of course, this cannot but affect people, so Aquarius will meet December 2017 in a slightly inhibited state, but after a couple of days everything will return to its previous track.

The December 2017 horoscope for Aquarius sees only one way through which he can achieve success - draw up a detailed action plan and follow it, regardless of obstacles.

From the first days of December, the leadership of Aquarius will remind him of his responsibilities and the promises he once made. In order not to get involved in conflict situations, astrologers advise those born under the sign of Aquarius to show correctness towards their superiors and fulfill all their requests. In addition, hard work will bring its first results after just a couple of weeks - management will recognize a good employee and offer him a promotion.

Thanks to the new position, Aquarians will be able to make useful contacts and discover the world of a more prosperous life. However, astrologers recommend controlling yourself and not flying too high, since “star fever” has never led to anything good.

There will be cool relations in the work team. Intrigues of ill-wishers cannot be ruled out, the purpose of which is to denigrate Aquarius. In principle, this behavior of colleagues in the shop is quite understandable, because people rarely love those who are more successful and almost always envy their successes, believing that all the blessings fall from the sky.

Since Mercury, which is in retrograde motion in December, patronizes transport and communications related to it, the stars advise Aquarius to be more careful on the road and temporarily abandon long-distance travel.

The personal life of representatives of this sign will, as always, be at its best. According to the horoscope for December 2017, Aquarius men will have to fight for their lady love, since her thoughts are occupied with other things. In principle, during this period the stars patronize Aquarius, so it will not be difficult for him to cope with his opponent, but does he need this victory? Perhaps the best solution would be to find someone who will be devoted only to him.

The horoscope for December 2017 recommends that the Aquarius woman complete all the work she has started. If the lady decides to ignore the advice, then big problems in the financial sector are possible. On the love front, everything is much simpler. If a lonely Aquarius lady meets a man she likes, the stars advise not to hesitate, but to take the situation into your own hands and control it until a happy conclusion, that is, until marriage.

The stars do not advise married Aquarians to deceive their spouse and commit adultery. It should be remembered that any deception will someday be revealed, and betrayal can destroy a family forever.

The financial horoscope does not advise Aquarius to start new businesses in December. It will be much better if they close what they started earlier or take care of trivial household chores, leaving accounting for January.

The health horoscope recommends paying special attention to the musculoskeletal system and gastrointestinal tract. In December 2017, the risk of injury is extremely high. In addition, chronic ailments may appear, so it is unlikely to be possible without visiting specialists.

In general, the month will bring a lot of positive things to Aquarius. The main thing is not to sit still, but to try to do everything to improve the quality of life. Also, one should not neglect the advice of doctors, according to which Aquarius should take walks more often and review their diet, eliminating harmful foods from it.

As you know, Aquarius is an air sign, and its patrons are the planets Uranus and Saturn. But what awaits the representatives of this sign in the year of the Black Water Snake? Despite the fact that the snake is fasting...

The Aquarius man is reserved and modest, and does not like to burden others with requests. His life can be happy and unhappy, but it is never gray and monotonous.

He can have everything - wealth and poverty, wonderful happiness, everything he can wish for himself. He tries not to reveal his true feelings and thoughts to strangers, although he loves to penetrate the souls and thoughts of other people. His own reactions and motives are complex. He prefers to hide them for the pleasure of fooling you.

He has many strange relationships, both in love and in friendship. And until you get married, you are another experiment for him, no matter how hard it is to admit. But don’t despair, he can be “hooked”, despite all his caution.

Before you begin your hunt for an Aquarius, you need to understand his attitude towards people. He invented his own, in his opinion, fair rules of the game and translates them into relationships between people. His interests are very scattered.

Aquarius Man Characteristics (Description)

He sees a certain value in each person, while other people spend their energy only on a narrow circle of acquaintances. For him, any person is interesting. He is used to forgetting about his own interests for the sake of the interests of the majority. This also applies to his love life. While he bestows his love on you, he does not forget that there are other people who need it. In this case, he may even retreat so as not to lose interest in other people, having become attached to you.

But if you still manage to interest him in your rich and varied inner world, he can become a very attentive lover. Just try not to open up completely to him, always remain an unsolved crossword puzzle, and you will keep him near you. Interest will appear in his eyes, and he himself will ask the question: “Is she really so changeable or is she pretending? Does she need men to look after her or not?

Why is she so emotional? And while he is looking for answers to all these questions, you will feel flattered, but when you see that he shows the same amount of curiosity towards the waitress or conductor... No, this is not at all what makes a woman’s heart beat with joy. So eventually you'll obviously run off to a more down-to-earth man, and Aquarius will sigh a little sadly and move on to the next romantic exploration.

He can be very gentle and soft, but you should remember that his superficial calm is a mirage. He does not tolerate any opportunism from women. When enraged, Aquarius is capable of completely shocking actions. And what is especially unpleasant is that you can forgive him for this. Don't do something stupid like that, at least more than once!

Aquarius worships cleanliness. Behind this lies an almost superstitious fear of germs and diseases. So don't be surprised if he starts complaining that he's allergic to your mascara or perfume. And one more thing: Aquarius is not one of those simpletons who likes to pleasantly surprise their lovers with generous gifts. He would rather pick a dandelion and present it to you than shower him with purchased roses. He won’t give you mink coats and diamonds, but with him you can live brightly without them...

Character traits

The most unpleasant character trait of Aquarius is a negative attitude towards marriage. He tries to delay it as long as possible. Are you glad that the basis of your love is not just physical attraction, but friendship? So this is just to make it easier to elude you, my dear! The more topics to talk about, the less time there is for love! And he is afraid that your love may carry him away greatly. His ideal is a woman friend. He is prone to the illusion that his relationship with you is a platonic friendship. And this can continue until this situation becomes unbearable for everyone. At the same time, he will always invent ways to reject or at least delay the marriage. In the end he will get married anyway! And, of course, he will make his proposal to you suddenly. In this case, don’t think for a long time and, for God’s sake, don’t even think of joking that you are seduced by the fate of an old maid. Because in this case, he will immediately invite you to remain “friends for life.” He is not jealous and is completely devoid of the egoism of the owner.

As for his fidelity in the physical plane, here you can be relatively calm: sex does not consume him. This is not at all what he lives for. If he thinks that you don’t suit him in some way, he will abruptly break off the relationship. And the worst thing is that he will never explain the reason for the breakup. Most likely, even at the age of eighty, he will try to pretend that your relationship from the very beginning was just entertainment

There will be times when you won't know where he is or with whom, even after you've gotten married. Consider that this is just a tribute to his curiosity, interest in people, even if a woman is involved. If you want the truth, you can ask a direct question and he will answer it sincerely. But if he feels doubtful, he may make up a completely incredible story to punish you. Don't be offended when he is in a gloomy mood and prefers to be alone at such moments. He will return.

Values ​​in life

Wealth and great fortune are rarely an end in themselves for Aquarius. As a rule, he is smart about money, but you will most likely have to save money. Children will be happy to tell him all their news, since he is really interested in their lives, and he himself is an excellent listener. The role of his wife for him comes down mainly to serving dinner on time and carefully sewing buttons on his shirts and jacket. You won't have to chat with your girlfriends on the phone for a long time. And you probably shouldn’t read a book if he needs to pull a thorn out of his palm or find a lost article...

Despite his clumsiness in love, he may unexpectedly tell you very nice things about his feelings. Having forgotten your wedding anniversary, he may bring you a bouquet of violets for no reason in January. He may remain silent for weeks, and then say only a few words about you, but such that your heart will flutter with happiness. With him you will see rainbows at night, celebrate birthdays at dawn, light candles on pies... After all, you married an Aquarius and live in a wonderland. But be careful - it's so easy to get lost in Wonderland...

Compatibility Aquarius Men

What does December 2017 have in store for Men under the sign of Aquarius?

December will bring excitement and fear to Aquarius of not being able to cope with the responsibility entrusted to them. At work, they will be entrusted with important tasks, but they will be mentally unprepared for this. Heavenly patrons advise taking breaks between work and resting, because this will be directly related to the well-being of Saturn’s wards.

Love horoscope for Aquarius Men

Single Aquarians will not want to change their habits and take building relationships more seriously. In this regard, new acquaintances and meetings are not expected in December. The stars recommend reconsidering your beliefs, which interfere with the search for your other half.

Married men will respond with calm and a smile to all the whims of their spouse. They will become so peaceful that they will stop responding with aggression to their beloved’s caustic phrases. Thanks to this, many conflicts and grievances will be avoided.

Love horoscope for December 2017: Aquarius The man will feel that he has no desire to once again arrange a showdown with the woman he loves.

Finance and work

Too much responsibility will fall on the courageous half of this sign. Because of this, they will panic, become confused and stop believing in themselves. The stars are quick to remind them that the boss has entrusted important tasks to someone in whom he is confident. However, if Aquarius feels tired, then it is worth asking the manager for time off as compensation for previously worked time. This should be done as gently as possible, without indignation or complaints. Financially, the strong half of this constellation will have a hard time. They will want to spend the money as soon as they receive it, and in this case, by the end of December they may be left with nothing.

Health and leisure

The well-being of Aquarius will become unimportant this month. They will be affected by rapidly changing weather conditions. Most likely, physical or psychological fatigue will be added to this, which will give rise to illness or depression. Therefore, it is recommended to relax more and engage in your favorite hobbies. It wouldn’t hurt to go to the clinic and get some tests done. Set yourself the task of being in excellent physical and psychological shape by the beginning of the new year; the stars will help you in adjusting your condition.

The love horoscope for December 2017 does not recommend Aquarius to be jealous and bother the chosen one with suspicions. Pay more time and attention to the one you love, otherwise you will be left alone with work. Lonely Aquarians will experience new facets of love experiences in December. A romantic meeting will radically change your personal life in 2017. The person Pisces will meet will not be from the category of people with whom they are accustomed to communicate.

Love horoscope for December 2017 for Aquarius woman predicts many complexes in the intimate sphere. You have to urgently visit a stylist and cosmetologist to give your appearance a new, original look. Aquarius' relationship with his partner will become slightly cool. It is possible that the last quarrel pushed you away from each other. But over time, the situation will normalize, although it will not be easy for Aquarius to cope with pride.

Love horoscope for December 2017 for Aquarius man promises to meet the woman of his dreams. You will finally gain self-confidence and grounding under your feet. Your chosen one will fully meet your expectations, so you won’t let her leave you one step in December 2017.

Aquarius family in December 2017

The horoscope promises a whirlpool of passions that will drag him into a real abyss. You miss freedom so much that you decide to go to great lengths. Alas, this will not have the best effect on the family life of Aquarius. In December 2017, on the contrary, you need to pay maximum attention to household members, especially children. Relatives will reveal some family secret to Aquarius. You are at a loss as to how to live now and what to do. A close friend who is more experienced in such matters will help resolve the situation. At the end of December, carefully weigh every word.

Horoscope for Aquarius for December 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Aquarius for December 2017

Love horoscope for the month of December for other zodiac signs:

December 2017 is a wonderful month for the development of Aquarius’s affairs, although somewhat chaotic. Stay calm and avoid fuss - Aquarius is doing well!
According to the Aquarius horoscope for December 2017, meetings with friends and like-minded people are possible, and you are unlikely to be bored at this time. You will try to do everything to the maximum and are ready to get involved with enthusiasm, both in your work and in any company. It will be impossible not to notice you, so inspired will you be about something. You will be characterized by breadth of views, versatility of interests and attention to the interlocutor, so communicating with you will be easy and informative. Friends will be the most important admirers of your talents, and their support will determine whether society will accept and appreciate your merits.
December is the last month of the year, and it is not without an astrological event that is worth paying attention to. From December 3 to December 23, Mercury, the patron saint of communications, communication and transport, will unfold for the last time this year.
This leads to a direct recommendation to double-check documents, tickets and everything related to roads and travel. Errors and technical problems are also possible in business and work at this time.
If you are not going to go anywhere (which may be the right decision), then I would not recommend buying New Year gifts during this period of time. There is a huge chance that the quality of what you purchased will disappoint you or, for unknown reasons, your gift will not cause a happy reaction. Therefore, if you didn’t have time earlier, then do it after the 23rd, and then the space weather will improve.
In general, December 2017 for Aquarius is a time of summing up, getting rid of trash in the mind and in the space around you. Engage in this cleanse to enter the New Year without excess burden.
After December 20, although you will still be invited to all kinds of meetings and parties, you will somehow have no time for the holidays. You will want to retire, hide from everyone in some secluded place. A pessimistic view of what is happening may appear, associated with complexes and fears of illness, old age, and lack of money that have suddenly emerged from the subconscious. A consultation with a psychologist at this time will come in handy. Fatigue and ailments can cause cold feelings and a lack of desires, but you still need to force yourself to start doing something by willpower. Loneliness at this time will be harmful to you. Go out into people. Communication with children, a loved one, going to holiday performances together, and creative activities will help dispel your blues.

Favorable days in December 2017: 12, 16, 27, 30.
Unfavorable days in December 2017: 2, 6, 18, 21, 22.

Horoscope for December 2017 Aquarius - Love, family
According to the horoscope for December 2017, Aquarius is more likely to be inclined towards friendly and social communication, but suddenly you will begin to realize that the person whom you considered an easy and pleasant friend to talk to is increasingly attracting your attention. And you are ready to take the relationship in a different, romantic direction, but is he ready? You will find out all this in December, and maybe a little later - already in the coming year.
Love is like friendship and adventure. Now is no time to analyze and delve into the peculiarities of your relationship. Just take action, change what you can change, and accept what you can't. Add more dynamism and shift your focus to things around the two of you, learning new things in the world. Give your partner as much freedom and personal space as you would like for yourself.
Faithful spouses and stable romantic couples can amicably discuss plans related to the trip, and it is quite likely somewhere in mid-December. In this case, choose places where you have been more than once - the influence of Mercury has not been canceled here either.
In December 2017, Aquarius's relationships with relatives become warmer; meetings with relatives living in another city or another country are not excluded.
Aquarians who have children are also encouraged to travel together and make little discoveries about themselves and the world every day!

Aquarius Horoscope for December 2017 - Health
According to the Aquarius horoscope for December 2017, protect your limbs from injury due to a fall on a slippery road. Wear only comfortable shoes. Also take care of the health of your spine and teeth. To do this, go for a consultation with specialists and follow their instructions.
Try to dress warmly in December 2017 so as not to get cold. Exacerbations of chronic diseases, especially those related to skin or musculoskeletal problems, cannot be ruled out. Cleansing procedures are indicated, but do not overdo it. The time is not good for carrying out diagnostic procedures, since the likelihood of a medical error will be too high.
Do exercises, walk in the fresh air, contact nature more often and “ground yourself”, filling yourself with its energy. Eat less junk food and sweets. Find your healthy alternative source of enjoyment in life and smile more often!

Horoscope for December 2017 Aquarius - Money, finances
The financial positions of Aquarius in December 2017 are stable, with a clear tendency to improve - for example, at the very beginning of the month a fairly large amount is possible. And I must say that this favorable trend will continue next year.
In the second half of December 2017 there is a risk of deception. These days, the likelihood of losses and thefts will increase, so look after your belongings and money more closely.

Horoscope for December 2017 Aquarius - Work, business
According to the horoscope in December 2017, Aquarius will find himself in the very center of a variety of events, and in the very thick of a variety of people. Be attentive to the proposals you receive and remember that not everything that is so wonderfully described will necessarily come to life.
Between December 3 and December 23, Mercury moves backward, which is not the best time for new proposals or signing contracts. New people who appear in your environment during this period are unlikely to turn out to be reliable partners. After talking about this and that, they will disappear from your life, leaving not the most pleasant memories of themselves. However, this same period is not bad at all for continuing and renewing cooperation with former partners, old friends, as well as for detailed discussion and analysis of already started projects.
In December 2017, Aquarius may renew relationships with colleagues from other cities or countries, and have a successful business trip.
An Aquarius employee can significantly improve his position in his old place or continue negotiations about a new job that began last month. And even if the situation drags on a little (and this may well happen due to retrograde Mercury), in the end everything will work out well.
In December 2017, your bosses may require you to provide plans, reports, and projects, but from December 3 to December 23, unforeseen complications may begin in your affairs. It's a bad time to start new projects. The number of errors, failures and misconceptions will increase, so the information received at this time cannot be trusted. You should not make tough promises, as something may prevent you from fulfilling them. A sense of justice may force you to enter into an argument with a person occupying a higher position than you, but your actions are unlikely to be thought out and therefore ineffective.
In December 2017, many Aquarians will receive support from high-ranking people or old, faithful friends.
Happy New Year 2018!
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

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