What can you tell the baby about Jesus Christ so that the child understands. How to explain to a child what Easter is? How to explain the meaning of Easter to a child

Tourism and rest 25.05.2021

“Why do we color eggs?”, “Why go to church on Easter?”, “What does it mean “Christ is risen”?”, “Why is Easter a big holiday?” - these are not all the questions that your child may ask on the eve of the most important Christian holiday. And parents should be glad that their child is growing up so inquisitive, but no - many answer such questions something abstract, in a hurry - instead of giving the baby a clear and understandable answer for his age. Let's try to do it together.

So, how do you tell your child about Easter?

  1. In order to understand the child, you need to understand yourself.

    The Bible itself, the Holy Scriptures, perfectly tells about the meaning of Easter. How, why and most importantly why Jesus Christ died for people can be read in the Gospels. The last chapters of any of the four gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - detail the last days of Christ's life.

    The meaning of the Sacrifice of Christ can be explained with simple examples:

    The class was disrupted. As a result, all children can suffer. Anyone who admits his guilt, of course, will be punished. All children are silent. And then one daredevil raises his hand and says that it is his fault. For everyone else, such an act will be heroic!

    On such a simple example, one can say about the actions of Christ - He came to take away the sins of all people.

  2. Explain why Easter is called Easter.

    A child can ask such a, not the easiest question. Tell him that the very word "Easter" means "to pass by." This recalls the time of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, where they were slaves to the pharaoh. Pharaoh did not want to let his slaves go for a long time, as a result of which the Lord interceded for the Jewish people: he sent the angel of death to take away all the firstborn in the Egyptian people. But the families of the Jews remained untouched, since earlier God ordered to anoint the doorposts of the houses of the Jews with the blood of a lamb, as a result of which the angel of death passed by these houses. The Jews survived thanks to the death and the blood of a lamb!

    So we are saved by the death of Jesus Christ. He shed blood for us. Here you can explain to the child that the symbol of Christ is precisely the lamb. As a rule, children easily perceive such parallels.

    However, unlike the lamb, Christ was resurrected, and therefore ...

  3. It is necessary to explain to the child what is "resurrected"

    Resurrection means revived. How and why did this happen? Because Christ is not just a man. He is both God and man at the same time – the God-man.

  4. Discuss the meaning of the greeting "Christ is Risen"
  5. Explain why it is customary to paint eggs for Easter

    We already talked about this in the article “How to prepare for Easter?”

    We only add that if a child takes an active part in coloring eggs, then this will be a great opportunity to tell him more about the holiday and consolidate the result in practice.

  6. Introduce the tradition of reading passages from the Bible on major holidays

    At Easter and Christmas, you can introduce the tradition of reading fragments of the Bible that tell about the events of the holiday. This is an opportunity not only for children, but also for adults to better understand the history and significance of the largest Christian celebrations. If your child is still small and will have difficulty understanding the Bible story, refer to the children's Picture Bible.

I would like to wish parents not to dismiss their child's questions: perhaps now you are bothered by the inquisitiveness of a little why, but your wise answers will help the child later look at things more deeply and become a thinking person.

Preschoolers about Easter

How to tell a child about Easter, Christ's Resurrection?
Easter children: story about Easter, Easter fun for children.

Easter can be a very bright and interesting holiday for children. After all, kids are always happy to help their mother decorate Easter cakes with white icing and colored sugar, paint eggs in different colors or sculpt elegant stickers on them.
With children, you can prepare postcards for relatives for Easter, hand-paint eggs and decorate a house for the holiday. But the child must be told about Easter, about its traditions and history, about Great Lent in words understandable to the baby.
Easter for children is, first of all, an acquaintance with a story that they may not yet fully understand and perceive. It is in our power to tell the children this story in such a colorful and accessible way that they are imbued with the atmosphere of the holy holiday.
So, in order to make the story understandable, colorful and interesting, we suggest you prepare illustrations depicting: Jesus Christ, the Devil, the King (abstract image), God. As well as the symbols of Easter: colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter. Accompany the story with illustrations. Then it will be easy and interesting for the child to listen to your story.

Telling a child about Easter.

You know that a holiday will come soon, for which we will paint eggs, make cottage cheese Easter and bake Easter cakes. Do you know what this holiday is called? - Easter.
What is another name for Easter? - Resurrection of Christ.
This holiday is considered the most important holiday for all believers in God. It is the most solemn and most joyful of all holidays.
Do you know why? Because on this day the greatest miracle on earth happened, which gave people hope for eternal life.

The fact is that once upon a time Jesus Christ, the son of God, lived on earth. And Jesus Christ came to earth to help people and save them from death so that their souls would not go to hell.

- Hell is another world in which the Devil rules. The soul in this world is tormented by fire.

- Jesus Christ told people that if they stop sinning, then God will forgive them. And after death, their soul will go to Paradise, to God.

- Jesus Christ explained to all people that in order not to sin, one should not do bad deeds, one should not offend anyone, one should never deceive, one should always speak only the truth. This is what Jesus Christ always did.

- Many people, and the King who ruled at that time, did not like it. The king did not want all people to become better and know the truth, because then he would not be able to rule.
And so the King ordered to kill Jesus Christ, if he does not stop doing good to people. But Jesus Christ was not afraid. He wanted to save people, so that people would become better, so that they would stop sinning and God would forgive them and let them into paradise.
At that time, the most terrible and shameful punishment was crucifixion, because only bandits were killed in this way.
And in order to frighten people who wanted to become good, and to convince everyone that Jesus Christ is a deceiver, he, too, like a bandit, was crucified on a cross.

- After the death of Jesus Christ, they put it in a special place for the dead - a tomb.
And after three days and three nights, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Thus, he proved to people that everything he said was true and that if they did not sin, then God would open Paradise for them. And after death, their soul will be able to live there even better. All people have the confidence that their soul can be immortal if they become better.

The day when Jesus Christ resurrected was called Easter. And it became the most joyful and happy day for all people.
That is why the first thing to say on the day of Easter, when you see someone: "Jesus is risen", and in response you should be told: "Truly He is risen." And vice versa. The symbols of Easter are eggs, Easter cake and curd Easter.

The symbol is an egg.
The egg became a symbol of Easter because Jesus Christ was reborn to new life from the tomb. And from the shell of an egg, new life is born.
Eggs used to be dyed only red, since red means the blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross, defending the lives of people.

The symbol is a cake.
Easter cakes are baked for Easter, because bread has always been considered the most important dish on the table. Therefore, from the moment Jesus Christ was resurrected, special bread was served on his table.
Nowadays, this bread is called kulich. And it is always baked at Easter to be on the table.

Symbol - cottage cheese Easter.
It was also served on the table, it was placed in a special wooden dish - a pastor. At the top of the beekeeper there should be the letters ХВ (Christ is risen), and on the sides - images of a cross, a spear and a cane, as well as sprouts and flowers, symbolizing the suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That is why, on Easter day, colored eggs, Easter cakes and curd Easter are put on the table.

Easter fun for kids

On Bright Easter Sunday, when all the loved ones get together, you can play games with Easter eggs with your children.

The traditional Easter game is the following. A flat space was freed up on the floor, a wooden or cardboard groove was installed, from which the eggs were launched. All sorts of small toys and souvenirs were laid out along the way. The children took turns rolling the eggs down the chute and taking whatever toy their egg collided with.

Find an egg!
All children love to look for surprises. Hide decorative eggs or chocolate kinder surprises in advance throughout your apartment, house or garden, depending on where you are going to celebrate Easter. Gather the children together and invite them to find the surprise egg. If there are a lot of kids, divide them into two teams, and let each one find as many eggs as possible, which they will then distribute among themselves. If the kids are searching separately, try to ensure that each kid finds his own surprise and is not left without a gift.

Strong egg.
It has long been a tradition to "clink glasses" with each other with eggs. Eggs are picked up with a blunt or sharp end away from oneself and hit them against the opponent's egg. The advantage is that the egg remains intact.

Egg spin competition.
The children on the table spin the Easter eggs, the winner is the one with the egg spinning the longest, he takes all the others, and so on until all the eggs are used.

Easter is one of the most great and significant Christian holidays.

He is loved by both adults and children.
There are practically no children in a Christian family who have not heard about Easter and how it is celebrated. But why this holiday is so great, why it is so joyful for everyone, many children do not know.
After all, parents do not always introduce their children to the faith, even if Christian holidays are observed and celebrated.

And, if so, then, of course, it is wiser to tell the child about why Easter has become a great holiday, and why Easter Day is considered the most important of all days? And here: it doesn't matter how much you yourself believe in God.

How to tell a child about Easter, Christ's Resurrection?

If you find it difficult or simply don’t know how to tell your child about Easter and its history, we offer you an interesting and simple version of the story that will introduce the child to the history of the holiday, Easter and the Resurrection of Christ.

So, in order to make the story understandable, colorful and interesting, we suggest you prepare illustrations depicting: Jesus Christ, the Devil, the King (abstract image), God. As well as the symbols of Easter: colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter.

Accompany the story with illustrations. Then it will be easy and interesting for the child to listen to your story.

Telling a child about Easter.


You know that a holiday will come soon, for which we will paint eggs, make cottage cheese Easter and bake Easter cakes. Do you know what this holiday is called? - Easter.

What is another name for Easter? - Resurrection of Christ.

This holiday is considered the most important holiday for all believers in God. It is the most solemn and most joyful of all holidays.

Do you know why? Because on this day the greatest miracle on earth happened, which gave people hope for eternal life.

Main part:

- The fact is that once upon a time Jesus Christ, the son of God, lived on earth. And Jesus Christ came to earth to help people and save them from death so that their souls would not go to hell.
- Hell is another world in which the Devil rules. The soul in this world is tormented by fire.
- Jesus Christ told people that if they stop sinning, then God will forgive them. And after death, their soul will go to Paradise, to God.
- Jesus Christ explained to all people that in order not to sin, one should not do bad deeds, one should not offend anyone, one should never deceive, one should always speak only the truth. This is what Jesus Christ always did.
- Many people, and the King who ruled at that time, did not like it. The king did not want all people to become better and know the truth, because then he would not be able to rule.
And so the King ordered to kill Jesus Christ, if he does not stop doing good to people. But Jesus Christ was not afraid. He wanted to save people, so that people would become better, so that they would stop sinning and God would forgive them and let them into paradise.
At that time, the most terrible and shameful punishment was crucifixion, because only bandits were killed in this way.
And in order to frighten people who wanted to become good, and to convince everyone that Jesus Christ is a deceiver, he, too, like a bandit, was crucified on a cross.
- After the death of Jesus Christ, they put it in a special place for the dead - a tomb.
And after three days and three nights, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Thus, he proved to people that everything he said was true and that if they did not sin, then God would open Paradise for them. And after death, their soul will be able to live there even better. All people have the confidence that their soul can be immortal if they become better.


The day when Jesus Christ resurrected was called Easter. And it became the most joyful and happy day for all people.
That is why the first thing to say on the day of Easter, when you see someone: "Jesus is risen", and in response you should be told: "Truly He is risen." And vice versa.
Easter eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter became symbols of Easter.

The symbol is an egg.
The egg became a symbol of Easter because Jesus Christ was reborn to new life from the tomb. And from the shell of an egg, new life is born.
Eggs used to be dyed only red, since red means the blood that Jesus Christ shed on the cross, defending the lives of people.
The symbol is Easter cake.
Easter cakes are baked for Easter, because bread has always been considered the most important dish on the table. Therefore, from the moment Jesus Christ was resurrected, special bread was served on his table.
Nowadays, this bread is called kulich. And it is always baked at Easter to be on the table.
Symbol - cottage cheese Easter.
It was also served on the table, it was placed in a special wooden dish - a pastor. At the top of the beekeeper there should be the letters ХВ (Christ is risen), and on the sides - images of a cross, a spear and a cane, as well as sprouts and flowers, symbolizing the suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That is why, in Easter day colored eggs, Easter cakes and curd Easter are put on the table.


Only children under six years old can talk about Easter by limiting themselves to:
The story that Jesus Christ was able to defeat the main evil of man is death. Because after death he was resurrected.
And Conclusion.

Thus, this story includes those concepts that almost every child knows. It is easy to understand and should not cause difficulties.
Naturally, you can come up with your own interpretation of the Easter story, based on your child's knowledge and abilities.

Our children should know the history of their country, the history and traditions of holidays (state and religious). Children are interested in learning about the holiday through stories and poems.

We bring to your attention stories and poems about Easter for children of primary school age.

Drops drip loudly

In front of our window.

The birds sang merrily

Easter came to visit us (K. Fofanov)

Easter is the most important Christian holiday. On this day, believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Orthodox Church has been celebrating Easter for over two thousand years.

Church tradition says that after Jesus was taken down from the cross, his body was buried in a cave in the garden of Joseph, his disciple. But the entrance was blocked with a large stone and guards were placed so that the body of Christ would not be stolen. On the third night, an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and rolled away the stone from the entrance. The soldiers who stood guard were petrified with fear, and then, waking up, ran to the Jerusalem priests to report what had happened. The women who came in the morning to anoint the body of Christ with fragrant myrrh, according to custom, did not find him. In the cave there was an angel who said to them: “You are looking for Jesus crucified, he is not here. He rose from the dead." Then Jesus himself appeared to Mary Magdalene and his disciples, with whom he spoke for forty days about the Kingdom of God.

That is why the celebration of Easter is a “feast of holidays”, glorifying the victory of good over evil, life over death, light over darkness. On this day, it is customary to bake Easter cakes, make cottage cheese Easter and paint eggs.

The egg is a symbol of life, its rebirth. Eggs are dyed in different colors and given with the words: "Christ is Risen!" In response, one should say: “Truly He is risen!” - and kiss as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.

A. Blok


Boys yes girls

Candles and willows

They carried it home.

The flames are warming

Passers-by are baptized

And it smells like spring.

The wind is distant

Rain, little rain

Don't blow out the fire.

Palm Sunday

I'll be the first to get up tomorrow

For a holy day.

Y. Polonsky

God is risen and death is defeated.

This victory rushed the news

Spring resurrected by God...

And all around the meadows turned green,

And the chest of the earth breathed with warmth,

And, listening to the nightingale's trills,

Lilies of the valley and roses bloomed.

A. Pleshcheev


Everywhere the blessing is buzzing.

Of all the churches, the people bring down.

The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

And hands are torn from shackles,

And the nearby forest turns green ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up

And the fields are dressing...

Spring is coming full of wonders!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

L. Charskaya


Earth and sun

Fields and forest

All praise God

Christ is risen!

In the smile of blue

living skies

All the same joy

Christ is risen!

The enmity is gone

And the fear is gone.

No more malice

Christ is risen!

How wonderful the sounds

holy words,

in which you hear:

Christ is risen!

Earth and sun

Fields and forest

Everyone praises God.

On the eve of the great Easter holiday, it would be useful to think about the meaning of this significant phenomenon. If we consider ourselves in any way involved in the celebration of this event, we must have a more or less clear idea of ​​it. Moreover, if we see it as our duty to instill in children a good Christian tradition, we simply need two things:

  • Understand the meaning of this phenomenon
  • To be able to tell children in an accessible language what the Resurrection of Christ is.
A significant part of our compatriots professes Christianity. The road to the temple is known to all. Many pay much attention to the observance of church rules and rituals. Many people fast and attend services. But it may not be obvious to everyone that it is sometimes difficult for a child to comprehend the essence of all the subtleties of worship or the meaning of individual actions, symbols and rituals. To do this, parents need to "descend" to the level of children's perception and explain in their language why we do this or that, to discover the secret meaning hidden behind external seriousness and inaccessibility.

Very often one has to observe such a picture: a child who is accustomed to vivid television images, to a quick change of pictures, to “action” literally harasses his grandmother or mother during the service with his unwillingness to “stand still”. He wants to run, play, jump. For pious parents, the reaction is quite natural: to silence, to intimidate, to force simply not to interfere. By doing so, they believe that by doing so they are instilling in their child a proper attitude towards everything sacred, towards the temple and worship. Unfortunately, if such “pulling up” is not replaced by an interpretation of the meanings of the service, if it is not “translated” into the language of children, it can be said with confidence that the child, having gained independence, will leave the church. And only life circumstances already in adulthood can lead him to church.

The Biblical Meaning of Passover

Holidays are there to remind you of something. Someone said: “If you want any event to become significant in your family, start celebrating it!” To celebrate means to return to the meaning of an event, to try again and again to understand its meaning and how it relates to me personally. This is absolutely true in relation to such a great event as Christ's Resurrection. Agree that in Easter, colored eggs and sweet Easter cakes are not the root cause of the event, that they are just auxiliary means that allow you to feel and realize the main thing: the essence of the Resurrection of Christ.

It should be noted that when the true meaning of the holiday is forgotten or ignored, this true meaning is replaced by others, fictitious, alien. We start celebrating not “because”, but “for something”. We celebrate in order to take a break from work, to have a legal drink, to go to the country or to visit, etc. This is how they used to celebrate October Revolution Day and Constitution Day, which were perceived as nothing more than just free days from work. If you're truly a serious believer, you won't reduce Easter to just a holiday.

In order to teach children about the meaning of Easter, you need to understand it yourself. Try to start asking yourself simple, childish questions. For example, these:

  • What is the Resurrection of Christ?
  • What preceded this event?
  • What was the necessity of Christ's death?
  • Who was Christ?
  • Why is this holiday called Easter?
  • Does it all have an immediate meaning to me? Etc.
Be sure that by finding the answers to these questions, you will be able to convey the essence of the matter to the child quite clearly. To learn about Easter and Jesus Christ, at least read one of the four Gospels (one of the books of the Bible in the New Testament). In each of the Gospels (from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) exhaustive answers are given. At the same time, the volume for reading is no more than 20-30 pages. The gospel of Mark is the shortest, with only 16 chapters; from Matthew the largest is 28 chapters.

Use children's Christian literature to explain complex spiritual truths, such as the Children's Bible. This book tells about the twelve major Orthodox holidays (including the Resurrection of Christ).

Auxiliary means for the approval of the main

It should not be forgotten that parents who instill in their children the foundations of faith have a rich "arsenal" of visual aids, using which they can lead to an understanding of the essence of Easter. Let us dwell only on the symbols of the Easter feast. Easter eggs, Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter. Here is the meaning of some of them:

  • According to church tradition, Mary Magdalene presented the emperor Tiberius with an Easter egg, announcing the resurrection of Christ. Tiberius, who doubted the possibility of the resurrection, declared that this was impossible, as well as the fact that the egg in the hands of Mary could change its color. After these words, the chicken egg in Mary's hands suddenly turned red.
  • Symbolizes the victory of Christ over death. Kulich reminds believers of the bread (artos) used in the church during the procession on Easter.
  • ("milk thickened" in Church Slavonic). This cottage cheese dish, made in the form of a truncated quadrangular pyramid, symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher, which was empty after the resurrection. On the faces of Easter, the letters ХВ (Christ is Risen) are squeezed out, as well as images of the cross, the spear that pierced Christ, and the cane on which they brought him a drink in a sponge.
It would be wrong to use all these symbols without explaining the essence of the event to which they go back. Since all these "edible" attributes are not consumed during the rest of the year during other meals, they simply require interpretation. The Easter feast is a wonderful place and time when you can once again explain to children about the meaning of the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection.

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