Blocking alcohol addiction. Injection from alcohol addiction: action and contraindications

Pregnancy and children 27.10.2021

I greet you, dear Friend, in the series of articles: “Rules for a Successful Life!” I'm glad you made it to rule #6, which is about why. alcohol is not only harmful to health, but also for financial well-being. The rule is so important that the previous five rules will not fully work if you break this one. Simply put, the sixth rule is a necessary condition for getting the most out of life. Necessary, but not enough to get everything to the fullest. It becomes enough when you apply all the rules of life at the same time. Check it yourself.

So, what will we talk about?

I'll tell you how get rid of alcohol addiction and that takes away our life energy and blocks the energy of money. You have probably heard the expression “healthy lifestyle” often. What is meant by this? I think everyone has their own idea. I want to say that a healthy lifestyle - the so-called healthy lifestyle - without sobriety is like sex without a woman. Do you agree with this? And right now I want talk about those myths associated with alcohol in which we believed, and it became our reality. I've been on my own for quite some time (when he entered college) lived under the influence of these myths. But, thank God, I learned the whole truth about alcohol, and today I will share with you a piece of it. If you want to know more about this, read this article to the end and find out the whole truth: what alcohol really is.

Myths of alcohol addiction:

  1. Myth #1: alcohol (supposedly) warms That is, drink one hundred grams "To warm." But this is an absolute illusion, because alcohol dilates the subcutaneous vessels, causes increased heat transfer, and as a result, a person freezes. One of my acquaintances, whom I met when this disaster had already happened, they wanted to amputate his legs. Actually what happened. On February 23, he drank for the Russian army and on the street, when he was catching a car, he was so drunk that he fell into a snowdrift and froze so that the doctors wanted to amputate his legs to the knee. Everyone who knows and does not know him prayed for him, and, probably, the Lord decided so that only his fingers were cut off. He began to walk on his own feet, but only with a stick. This is how a person “warmed up” thanks to alcohol.
  2. Myth #2: alcohol increases potency Well, my friend, this is complete nonsense. Alcohol works differently with potency and erection. Sometimes it's a complete fiasco (what is called, "half past six"), and sometimes vice versa - a strong excitement. But the worst thing is that alcoholics, or people who drink a little (the so-called cultural drinkers), alcohol causes degeneration of the testicles with a decrease in testosterone production, and as a result, impotence occurs.
  3. Myth #3: alcohol makes fearless Well, yes. When he drank, as they say, for courage. But in fact, this is not fearlessness, but recklessness and uncontrolled behavior. Is not it? It seems to a person that he is so fearless, strong, but in fact he is simply reckless, because alcohol blocks the brain.
  4. Myth #4: alcohol relieves fatigue Allegedly, on Fridays you need to relax. I am often asked: “how do you relax?” To which I reply that I don't bother. After all, alcohol does not relieve fatigue, it paralyzes the activity of the cerebral cortex, causing foolish lethargy. And after alcohol you need rest. What is rest anyway? This is a change of activity. If you really want to relax or live without straining, change your activities more often. For example, during the day or on weekends, do something else, add variety so that each of your new days is not like the previous one, then you will definitely relax for real.
  5. Myth #5: alcohol cheers up Firstly, this foolishness is nothing more than drug intoxication. If you have a need to lift your mood with the help of alcohol, this is definitely not normal. You probably already have an addiction to this state of foolishness. In this case, you need to go to a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist or coach. The first thing to do is give up alcohol. After all, you simply do not know how to manage your emotional state without alcohol, so the need for it seems quite natural.
  6. Myth #6: alcohol increases appetite Alcohol irritates the gastric mucosa, causes gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, disrupts the absorption of nutrients. If you noticed, alcoholics practically do not eat. Enough to drink a glass of vodka, sniff and all. What kind of appetite are we talking about?
  7. Myth #7: alcohol helps with colds I have not heard more nonsense. Alcohol reduces immunity, so people who drink get sick more often than others, and for colds, rest, regimen, vitamins, mustard plasters are important, but not alcohol in any form. According to statistics, “cultural” drinkers live on average 5-15 years less than teetotalers.
  8. Myth #8: Alcohol Strengthens Friendships If your friendship was based on alcohol, then most likely it is as long as you have money, as long as you can treat others to alcohol. As long as you give it to them, alcohol friends are with you. As soon as you stop paying for alcohol marathons, they turn away from you, forget that you exist. Are you saying this has never happened before? Do not lie to yourself!
  9. Myth #9: alcohol helps with depression What are you talking about?! Alcohol aggravates depression, often pushes people to commit suicide. Alcohol is a powerful depressant, as proven in medical textbooks. I have clients who often come in with severe depression. First of all, when I conclude a contract with them, I say that first of all they must give up alcohol, at least for the duration of our work. It's 40-60 days. But in the course of our work, I take apart this problem piece by piece, and, in the end, many of them stop drinking alcohol for good. And those who do not quit, such problematic situations occur with those, as with the guy who almost had his legs cut off. Because even after they left his legs, he did not drink for a whole year and during this time his business began to improve, he got married, and his daughter was born. When he started drinking again (the birth of a daughter was the impetus - this is sacred, you need to drink on this occasion), Then the real problem situations began with him. He was thrown by business colleagues, then his wife left him along with the child. In general, now his situation is even worse than it was before. And all this collapsed within one year of "cultural" alcohol consumption.

This information is taken from official documents, Friend. State Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST RF), ethyl alcohol, in 1972, it is written in black and white that ethyl alcohol is the basis of all alcoholic beverages (champagne, beer, vodka). Same way alcohol is a powerful drug, causing first excitation, and then paralysis of the nervous system. That's depression for you. In 1982, the inscription "causes paralysis of the nervous system" was removed. And in 1993, the fact that it is a "strong drug." And now we live by the standard of '93. Ethyl alcohol is a flammable colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Tell me, even if these words were removed from the documents, did he stop being a hard drug? And ceased to excite or block the nervous system? Of course not. But in 1993, when these words were removed, Royal alcohol and the entire alcohol surrogate from all over the world were poured into Russia in wagons, and it was sold in every entrance, stall, kiosk. And so it was.

And what happened after that? Here's what: alcohol consumption in Russia per capita (look at this chart for yourself) in 1860-70s. XIX century was 2-4 liters. And in 1914 there was a prohibition in general. And before the Great Patriotic War, even before 1960, alcohol consumption was no more than 2-3 liters. And the sober Russian people won the War itself, there were no front-line 100 grams, because processing wheat for vodka when there is not enough bread is blasphemy. Alcohol was only for medical purposes. So there was nothing to drink. And the Germans, they just drank decently, after which they went to battle drunk. But after the death of Stalin under Khrushchev, the most powerful propaganda of alcohol through films began. Open any Soviet film - everywhere there are scenes of drinking alcoholic beverages. Thus, alcohol consumption began to grow very rapidly. During Perestroika, Gorbachev introduced a dry law, consumption dropped sharply, and after that they changed the state standard - and it poured. Now there are about 20 liters of pure alcohol per capita, including children, the elderly, and infants. Can you imagine? Do you think it's random? Or do you believe in the myth that Russian people have always been drinking? It turns out, no, they didn't drink. And in Europe, these figures are even higher, and they have always been so high.

  • « The one who drinks vodka, wine and beer urinates with his own brains in the morning. . And this is an absolutely accurate scientific aphorism.
  • "A man who drinks is good for nothing" Pushkin once said.
  • "Drunkenness is voluntary madness" Aristotle quoted.
  • "Drunkenness is voluntary insanity" Hippocrates said.
  • "People let the enemy into their mouths, and he steals their brains" Shakespeare said.
  • "Alcohol destroys human health, and not only by poisoning the body - it predisposes the drinker to all other diseases" Semashko said.
  • “Wine communicates to everyone who drinks its four qualities. At first, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey, begins to joke and flirt with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion, and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in conclusion, he turns into a pig, and like her wallows in the mud..

Isn't it true? All Russian civilization, everything is encoded in our proverbs and sayings. All the rules of life, look, read, think about it. All life laws. The same thing about alcohol: “There was Ivan, but he became a blockhead - and all the wine is to blame” "In a puddle of vodka and heroes drown"“The drunken sea is knee-deep, but the puddle is up to the ears” “Hunger and cold trodden the road to the tavern” “Where there is drunkenness, there is crime” “The tavern was built by grief and trouble” “A drunk man measures money with a sieve, but there is nothing to buy a sieve to sleep through ""The drunkard does not go by himself, his hops lead" "Drinking and walking - there is no good to be seen" "The drunkard among the people is like a weed in the garden" "I had enough wine - there was no good fellow." If you think that everyone on planet Earth drinks, then according to statistics, 65% of the world's population live soberly. In 41 states, absolutely dry law is in effect, and in another 40 countries there are sobriety laws.

What can you start doing right now, Friend? Alcohol is not a habit, it is a weapon of genocide. It can be difficult to refuse it, because it is a worldview disease. This means that it can only be defeated at the worldview level. And in order for you to have this correct worldview about alcohol, this article, of course, is not enough.

Therefore, I suggest you download it, read it, give it to your acquaintances, relatives and friends. It is read in one breath and puts everything on the shelves from a scientific and philosophical point of view - what is alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Starting today, give up alcohol and tobacco forever. Just make that decision. You understand that you are stupidly bred for money and health. You pay to buy alcohol and ruin yourself. Tell yourself "I'm not a sucker, I won't allow myself to be bred for money, for health!". To begin with, live soberly for at least 40 days or more. Why 40? Because after the last glass of alcohol, your mind is restored only after 40 days. The ability to think like a sober person recovers after 40 days. This is confirmed by experiments and proven by science. Even if you drink once a month, your mind doesn't recover at all, it doesn't work. Tell me, in order to become happy, successful, get the most out of life, do you need a brain? Then don't let him go down the toilet. Be sure to completely give up everything harmful for the next 40 days: no alcohol, no tobacco and read the book "Weapons of Genocide" - this is a prerequisite, but not sufficient. It is necessary that all the previous 5 rules are also observed by you.

It has now become extremely popular and widespread. Alcoholism is a disease of our time, it is not seasonal, like a cold or flu, people suffer from alcoholism all year round, this entails problems not only in the family, but also with health. The most effective treatment is the introduction of the appropriate drug into a vein or muscle.

The use of intravenous drugs

The drug "Torpedo", used for coding, causes an aversion to alcoholic beverages. With intravenous injection, a persistent aversion to alcohol occurs in the body. The composition of this drug includes several drugs that block the production of an enzyme by the liver that breaks down alcohol molecules and removes it from the body.

In this case, ethyl alcohol, which is contained in every alcoholic drink, becomes a deadly poison. A person does not have a feeling of intoxication, but the feeling of discomfort is excessive. Taking even 150 g of an alcohol-containing drink can cause death.

And it is quite clear that a person who has experienced such sensations at least once or observed them will be afraid to take alcoholic beverages, alcohol dependence will pass. He concludes for himself:

  1. You can't take alcohol.
  2. Alcohol causes health problems and is life threatening.

This contributes to the rejection of alcohol, which is the main thing in treatment. But if there is still a sharp breakdown, then you should immediately contact a narcologist. Only he can introduce a drug that will remove the negative consequences.

The action of the drug "Torpedo" is designed for a period of 1 to 5 years. But coding for one year is considered more effective, since whatever the drug is, it is excreted from the body in 2-3 months. And the rest of the time the psychological deterrent works. And, as practice shows, this is quite enough for a person to last at least a year.

The use of intramuscular drugs

The method of application of "Naltrexone" ("Esperal-gel", "Delfison") is based on the blocking of receptors that contribute to the emergence of alcohol dependence.

This is a long-used drug for inpatient treatment of alcoholism by intramuscular injection. After injection, the drug remains in the tissues of the body. Its action is based on the main effects:

  1. Decreased feeling of intoxication.
  2. Decreased craving for alcohol.

Consequences of injections from alcoholism

Blocking receptors in the brain really reduces the desire to drink alcohol. But after a short time, a person can again go into a binge. Continuous injections of Naltrexone are not safe. There is a negative factor: a decrease in the feeling of intoxication leads to an increase in the dose.

The main condition before encoding is the rejection of alcohol for three days and the absence of diseases such as kidney or liver failure. Pregnancy is also a contraindication for the procedure.

An injection for alcoholism helps to reduce the craving for alcohol, but this is a rather risky method. It leads to the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body, which causes negative sensations. When alcohol is taken after an injection from alcoholism has been made, a large release of acetaldehyde into the blood occurs, causing negative consequences - up to death.

The Service for the Regulation of the Alcoholic Market, which started to block sites in pre-trial order only on June 15, has already found 12 violating resources. Three of them, through which it was possible to illegally buy alcohol, have already been blocked.

Close up canisters

Rosalkogolregulirovanie (RAP) began pre-trial blocking sites offering remote sale of alcohol and other alcohol. Since June 15, when the service began blocking, it has already made 12 decisions to restrict access to Internet resources, a representative of Roskomnadzor told RBC (pages with illegal information are entered in the unified register of sites banned in Russia, which is maintained by the service). While access is limited to only three resources, notifications were sent to the rest demanding to remove illegal information: if administrators do not remove it within three days, the service will block these sites as well, he added.

According to the non-profit organization Roskomsvoboda (which specializes in protecting digital rights and also analyzes the Roskomnadzor registry), the three sites already blocked are, and Through these resources, based on the information available in the Google cache, the wholesale sale of medical and ethyl alcohol in canisters of 5, 10 or 20 liters was organized, with delivery in Russia and prices “below market”. RBC failed to contact the companies that own these sites.

Vadim Drobiz, director of the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, explained the blocking of resources involved in the sale of alcohol by saying that “shadow production is the biggest problem for the alcohol market” in Russia. Almost all illegal vodka in Russia is made from medical alcohol, RBC's interlocutor noted. By closing such sites, RAR will be able to block or at least limit the supply of raw materials to illegal producers: according to its forecast, in 2018 in Russia the turnover of the legal market of alcoholic beverages will be about 1 billion deciliters, and the shadow market - about 200 million decalitres.

As RAR representative Alexander Kulikov told RBC, the service draws attention (when deciding to block the resource) "both to offers to sell raw materials, such as ethyl alcohol, and finished products." The service plans to block Internet resources belonging to both categories.

Online pass

From October 2017, Roskomnadzor can block websites selling alcohol without a court decision on the basis of the Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”. Until June 2018, Roskomnadzor issued blocking decisions based on requests from the service for regulating the alcohol market. Now the PAP has become the sixth agency that can decide on extrajudicial blocking, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal Tax Service (FTS) and Roskomnadzor have the same powers.

Initiators of bans

According to Roskomsvoboda, there are 116 thousand entries in the register of banned sites. Most often, sites are entered into the registry by the Federal Tax Service: the share of blocking at the initiative of the department is 41%. Another 22% falls on the decisions of regional courts, 17% - the Prosecutor General's Office. According to the head of Roskomsvoboda, Artem Kozlyuk, websites selling alcohol have been included in the register before. Most often, blocking occurred by decision of regional courts in connection with the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages or the dissemination of illegal information.

The rules for extrajudicial blocking of resources selling alcohol were discussed by RAR with experts back in January 2018. But, as Artem Sokolov, president of the Association of Internet Trade Companies (AKIT), told RBC, specific blocking criteria have not yet been developed. There is still no official document with their list, because of this, regional courts have already ruled several times to block legal sites, Sokolov said.

Selling alcohol over the Internet in Russia was prohibited by a government decree in 2007, but sales were conducted illegally. Group-IB, which is involved in the investigation and prevention of cybercrime, estimated income on the shadow alcohol Internet market in 2017 at 1.7 billion rubles. The possibility of legalizing online sales has been discussed for several years. The Ministry of Finance presented the relevant draft law back in May 2017. It was expected that the document would be adopted by the State Duma in 2017, and from the beginning of 2018 it would already come into force. But at the beginning of 2018, the Ministry of Finance proposed to postpone the entry into force of the law to the beginning of 2019. The main opponent of the bill is the Ministry of Health. With the legalization of distance selling, there is a risk of violating the ban on the sale of alcohol to minors and at night, a representative of the department told RBC.

According to the project of the Ministry of Finance, at the initial stage, only alcohol producers and wholesalers will have the right to sell alcohol on the Internet. It will be possible to sell alcohol at retail only from 2022. In addition, a single domain, such as, can be used to identify legal alcohol sellers on the Internet. The bill assumes that the sale will be carried out only by bank transfer and only to adults.

With the participation of: Irina Parfentieva


Esperal is a drug for the treatment of alcoholism. Works on the principle of pharmacological deterrence. Esperal inhibits the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and thereby increases the concentration of acetaldehyde. Esperal forms a persistent negative conditioned reflex to the smell and taste of alcohol. The drug Esperal not only relieves cravings for alcohol, but also radically changes the very attitude of the patient to alcohol. Systematically taking Esperal, the patient ceases to receive pleasant sensations from alcohol.


Should be prescribed to all patients who consult a doctor about alcohol dependence. The purpose of the appointment of thiamine is to prevent the development of Gaye-Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakov's syndrome.


They are prescribed for the relief of vegetative symptoms. Usually propranolol or atenolol is used for this purpose. These drugs do not prevent the development of seizures and delirium, so they are recommended to be prescribed in combination with other drugs.


According to the mechanism of action, clonidine is a stimulant of central? 2-adrenergic receptors. It relieves autonomic symptoms - sweating, arterial hypertension, tachycardia, tremor, but does not affect the risk of delirium and seizures. The drug has some sedative effect, which is enhanced in combination with tranquilizers. The advantage of clonidine is the absence of respiratory depression, euphoric effect.


They are the main tool in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. They reduce the likelihood of developing seizures and delirium, and if delirium has already occurred, they reduce its duration. Long-acting benzodiazepines are more effective in preventing epileptic seizures than short-acting ones. Their disadvantage is the possibility of cumulation and excessive sedation. This group of drugs includes: Diazepam, Lorazepam, Oxazepam, Chlorazepate.


It is effective for all symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and may be the drug of choice in the treatment of mild to moderate withdrawal. The absence of interaction with alcohol allows the use of the drug even if it is present in the blood. It has been established that Carbamazepine affects the neuronal transmission of GABA, glutamate, norepinephrine, acetylcholine and dopamine. Monotherapy with carbamazepine is effective in mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms, and benzodiazepines are recommended in severe cases. The undoubted advantage of carbamazepine is the absence of a euphoric effect and the risk of dependence on the drug.


They are a very effective remedy for stopping the withdrawal syndrome. Their use is limited by rather high toxicity and the risk of dependence. As a long-acting drug, it can depress respiration and cardiac activity; causes induction of microsomal liver enzymes.


It is a neuroleptic of the group of substituted benzamides and has a sedative effect. Extrapyramidal disorders rarely occur with its use, since it selectively acts on D2-dopamine receptors. The drug is used in Russia, Germany and France for the relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It is advisable to prescribe tiapride in combination with carbamazepine and benzodiazepines.


The drug Haloperidol is indicated in the presence of productive psychopathological symptoms - delirium, hallucinations, psychomotor agitation. Haloperidol must be combined with benzodiazepines. With a simple withdrawal syndrome, the use of the drug is not indicated. Its disadvantage is the risk of developing acute extrapyramidal hyperkinesis, which must be stopped by the administration of diazepam, diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine) or central anticholinergics.


To date, the most studied of the antibody preparations is Proproten-100, which contains potentiated antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 (AS-100). The drug Proproten has been studied at all levels of organization of neuronal structures: cellular, intercellular (synaptic), structural, systemic. The most specific of the studied effects can be considered the sensitizing effect of AS-100 on the cell membrane of neurons. An unusual biological effect at the clinical level is manifested by a balanced effect on the mental status of patients. Depending on the initial state of the patients, the drug has both a sedative and a stimulating effect.

GHB (sodium oxybutyrate)

The drug relieves autonomic symptoms and has a rather pronounced sedative effect, however, it can increase the likelihood of developing hallucinations due to an indirect stimulating effect on dopaminergic neurons.


It is a drug with a pronounced sedative effect, which has been used in medical practice since the 20s of the last century. It is highly effective in stopping all manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome and is still used in Germany and Russia. The drug is administered orally in the form of capsules or solution. Relative contraindications are obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory failure. The drug can only be used in a hospital.


They are used to create a so-called chemical barrier that makes it impossible to drink alcohol, and to develop in the patient a feeling of fear of the possible unpleasant consequences of drinking alcohol. The most common sensitizing agent used in the treatment of alcohol dependence is teturam (antabuse, disulfiram). The sensitizing drugs metronidazole, furazolidone, and nicotinic acid, which were widely prescribed earlier, are rarely used now. Disulfiram has been used to treat alcohol addiction since the 1940s. It is assumed that the therapeutic effects of teturam are due to the fear of teturam-alcohol reaction (TAR). The mechanism of action of this drug is based on blocking the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, as a result of which the oxidation of alcohol is delayed at the stage of acetaldehyde. Before treatment with teturamom, the patient is warned about the possible adverse effects of alcohol intake.

Currently, a fairly common method of treatment is the intramuscular implantation of Esperal, which is produced in sealed ampoules containing 10 tablets of 0.1 g of teturam. As a rule, this method is used when other therapeutic measures are unsuccessful. The patient and his relatives are explained that the drug implanted in the tissue will be constantly absorbed into the blood, and if the patient drinks even a small amount of alcohol, he will have serious consequences, even death.

The use of teturam has many contraindications due to the pronounced toxicity of the drug. Against the background of its use, various side effects often develop in the form of allergic reactions, toxic hepatitis, teturam psychosis. Disulfiram may exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia. A necessary condition for treatment is the patient's good health, high motivation, regularity of taking the drug. Of particular note is the inadmissibility of prescribing disulfiram without the knowledge of the patient (for example, pouring into food) due to the danger of the consequences of a teturam-alcohol reaction.

Opioid receptor blockers

Advances in the study of the neurochemical mechanisms of alcohol dependence have made it possible to propose a number of new drugs for its treatment. Thus, it was found that in the brain there is an endogenous opioid system in which morphine-like compounds (enkephalins and endorphins) are produced, which cause euphoria and analgesic effects. Drugs that are opioid antagonists block opioid receptors and thus prevent the pleasurable effects of drug use. Although alcohol is not an olioid receptor agonist, many of its effects are mediated through the endogenous opioid system. Experiments have shown that opioid receptor antagonists block the reinforcing effects of alcohol. Thus, naltrexone prevented the increase in dopamine levels caused by the introduction of alcohol, and this effect was dose-dependent. Dopamine is known to be involved in the reinforcing effects of alcohol. The duration of remission in patients taking naltrexone as maintenance treatment was longer compared to patients taking placebo. It should be borne in mind that naltrexone is effective as an anti-relapse drug, provided that it is taken regularly over a 12-week course. Naltrexone is especially recommended for patients with strong, uncontrollable cravings for alcohol (compulsive cravings). At the same time, drug treatment implies high motivation. The effectiveness of treatment is significantly increased in combination with supportive psychotherapy. The drug nalmefene is structurally similar to naltrexone. Unlike naltrexone, it does not have hepatotoxicity. In addition, nalmefene is a versatile opioid receptor antagonist that blocks three types of opioid receptors.

Acamprosate (acetyl homotaurine). To date, the exact mechanism of action of the drug has not been established. It is known to modulate the activity of glutamate and GABA receptors. Chronic alcohol intoxication leads to a decrease in the activity of the inhibitory GABAergic system and an increase in the activity of the excitatory glutamate system in the brain. These disorders persist for a long time after alcohol withdrawal. Acamprosate is structurally similar to GABA and increases the activity of the GABAergic system by increasing the number of GABA binding sites on the synoptic membrane. Acamprosate reduces the activity of the glutamate system by acting on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and calcium channels. For the first time in clinical practice, acamprosate began to be used in France in 1989. Currently, the drug is approved in more than 30 countries; the total number of patients treated exceeds 1 million. Experiments have shown that acamprosate reduces alcohol consumption in free access without affecting eating behavior, has no narcogenic potential and other pharmacological effects other than those that help reduce alcohol consumption.

Serotonergic agents

The relationship between serotonin and alcohol is complex. It is assumed that alcoholics are trying to normalize low basal levels of serotonin in the brain with the help of alcohol. Serotonin has been found to be involved in the reinforcing effects of alcohol. In addition, low serotonin promotes impulsive behavior that leads to alcohol consumption. Abnormal serotonin metabolism can be accompanied by anxiety and depression, in which case alcohol can be used as a self-medication. Serotonergic drugs include serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Fevarin), citalopram. This class of drugs was developed in the 1980s to treat depressive disorders. The mechanism of action of SSRIs is to block the reuptake of serotonin by presynaptic endings, as a result of which the level of serotonin in the synoptic gap increases.

Other medicines

Recommended by some authors, the use of doxepin for the treatment of withdrawal syndrome is considered unacceptable due to the high risk of complications - arterial hypotension, arrhythmias and toxic delirium. The introduction of phenothiazine antipsychotics (chlorpromazine and tizercin) practiced by some doctors should be recognized as unacceptable. these drugs increase the likelihood of developing delirium, seizures and have a proarrhythmic effect. It is known that after the introduction of phenothiazine antipsychotics into the practice of treating delirium in the 50s. mortality from it increased by 4 times. Co-administration of barbiturates and tranquilizers should be avoided due to excessive sedation and the combination of?-blockers and clonidine due to the risk of developing arrhythmias. A fairly common mistake is to carry out forced diuresis in conditions of withdrawal. From a pathophysiological point of view, this is not justified by anything, because. the cause of the withdrawal syndrome is the reaction of neurotransmitter systems to a drop in the concentration of alcohol in the blood, and not the metabolites of ethanol circulating in the blood. The accelerated elimination of alcohol leads to an increased risk of convulsions and delirium. Infusion therapy with polyionic solutions is indicated for patients with severe dehydration or persistent vomiting. In most cases, with uncomplicated withdrawal syndrome, oral rehydration is sufficient.

The table shows the main and generic names of drugs used in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Now there is a fairly wide range of various methods for the effective fight against alcoholism. Many prefer to be treated on an outpatient basis. In this case, the best solution is alcohol-free pills that help without consequences. It is necessary to find out which pills help to cope with this ailment.

First of all, we note one extremely important point.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to attempt to treat a person from alcohol addiction secretly, without his knowledge! All experts say: you can’t put any pills in food. This can cause unpredictable negative consequences.

The patient must independently be convinced of the need to give up alcohol and consciously begin therapy. Only then can addiction treatment be successful.

Unfortunately, some people continue to independently make attempts to "save" their relatives from alcoholism. They buy drugs from a pharmacy, order them online, and then secretly put them in the patient's food. In some "magic" means, even in the instructions, it is advised to do just that. If such a drug is real, contains certain chemical components, and then reacts with ethane (when a person drinks alcohol), the result can be the most deplorable. Sometimes this even leads to death.

Self-treatment is also unacceptable. Therapy for combating alcohol dependence can only be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Almost all drugs are potent, so you can’t take them on your own. Side effects are likely to be extremely negative.

The main groups of tablets

At each stage of drug therapy, certain drugs of a specific orientation are used. It is customary to divide tablets into three main types:

  • drugs to eliminate the hangover syndrome;
  • medicines to reduce dependence on alcohol;
  • pills that develop an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

Let's look at the groups in a little more detail and give specific examples.

hangover cures

It is important to first complete a complete detoxification of the body before starting treatment for alcohol dependence. This is how you can get a person out of a state of binge, as well as improve his general health, restore the normal functioning of internal organs.

The following funds are most in demand, enjoy well-deserved trust.


The product is made on the basis of succinic, citric acid. It improves metabolic processes, speeds up metabolism and ensures good cellular respiration. If alcohol intoxication is insignificant, the drug almost completely removes the negative toxic effect. It has a mild sedative effect, restores normal sleep, improves the overall emotional background.

To prevent intoxication, take one tablet an hour before drinking alcohol. When the patient is in a state of binge, it is necessary to drink 4 times one tablet throughout the day. The course of treatment is usually 5-10 days.

It is forbidden to take the drug for ulcers, high blood pressure, late gestosis. Side effects are usually an increase in pressure, discomfort in the epigastric region.


The most effective drug to combat hangover syndrome. Provides accelerated decay and excretion of ethanol. The directed effect is on the brain, blood circulation and normal functioning are restored. It also has a positive effect on the liver, which suffers especially strongly during drinking. Tablets help reduce the level of alcohol in the body. When the drug is taken regularly, it accumulates in the tissues.

Magnesium sulfate

It is most often used in drug therapy to combat alcoholism, as it provides an improvement in the overall psychological state of the patient. The drug also lowers blood pressure. At the same time, it is important to take it with caution, because in some cases, in patients on a binge, the pressure does not jump, but decreases. In any case, therapy should be carried out only as directed and under the supervision of a physician.

Alcohol craving pills

When intoxication has already been reduced, the time comes for the use of drugs from this category. Typical psychotropic drugs are already presented here. They can only be taken under the supervision of an experienced doctor, only on his prescription! Such tablets have a direct effect on the central nervous system. The main goal is to reduce the desire to drink alcohol.

Antidepressant Tianeptine

Tianeptine tablets relieve stress, relieve depression, a false sense of fear. The patient becomes more calm, balanced, aggressiveness and irritability are suppressed, constant anxiety is removed. Normal sleep is restored, which helps a person gradually return to normal life.

Tranquilizers. Diazepam

Such pills are necessary to relieve tension, anxiety. The drug Diazepam has a mild sedative effect, it suppresses aggression and irritation, relieves convulsions and numbness of the extremities, and restores normal blood circulation. The patient gets rid of the feeling of fear, unmotivated anxiety, really begins to feel better.

Take the drug 4 times a day. The dosage can only be set by a specialist. Often determine the daily dose of 60 mg.

Diazepam can cause confusion, impaired memory and attention, tachycardia and allergic reactions, as well as intestinal disorders.

Neuroleptic Fluanxol

Among antipsychotics, Fluanxol is in the greatest demand. It has an antipsychotic effect. Reduced aggression, hostility, irritability. Tablets do not give sleeping pills.


New drug. Restores the normal balance of chemical elements in the structure of the brain. Ultimately, the craving for alcohol decreases.

Remember! In no case should drugs be taken in combination with alcoholic beverages. This can cause serious consequences, even death.

Pills for the development of aversion to alcohol

Almost all tablets of this group are produced on the basis of disulfiram. They act on the body by blocking enzymes. A person gradually causes signs of intoxication:

  • starts to chill;
  • suffering from nausea and vomiting spasms;
  • blood pressure drops;
  • the hands are shaky;
  • it seems to be on fire.

Among the pills that provoke an aversion to alcohol, Esperal, Teturam and Antabuse are most often prescribed.


The drug can be taken orally in the form of tablets. Causes a negative attitude towards alcohol at the physiological level.

Esperal prolongs, intensifies all the unpleasant symptoms caused by a hangover. Even the intake of alcohol in minimal doses will provoke a strong rejection reaction in the patient. It is implied that the person will eventually develop an aversion to liquor. Esperal in combination with alcohol gives the strongest reaction: the patient experiences severe nausea, he begins to vomit, coordination is disturbed. There may be failures in memory, hearing, attention is scattered, it becomes more difficult to concentrate.

Unfortunately, the drug also had side effects: optic neuritis, mental disorders.

It is necessary to take Esperal in the morning, daily, directly during meals. The dose is gradually reduced, and the entire course of treatment lasts a week. Then the drug is continued to be taken, but already in the form of a maintenance dose. Treatment is allowed only on prescription, under the supervision of a physician.


This drug is an analogue of Esperali, but it has its own advantages. It is produced in the form of effervescent tablets, which dissolve instantly and are quickly absorbed. As a result, the desired concentration in the blood is achieved much faster.

The principle of action and administration of the drug is the same as that of Esperali. You can find out how effective the drug is by conducting a disulfiram-alcohol test.

Unfortunately, there are contraindications. The medicine is forbidden to take with diabetes, as well as with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Do not combine Antabuse with medicines containing alcohol.


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