Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of great people on the topic of glory. Aphorisms and quotes about fame Phrase of fame

Career and finance 19.06.2019
Career and finance

Before you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about fame. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real "pearls of wisdom" on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and well-aimed phrases of the masters of the colloquial genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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Honore Balzac.

Glory is a bad commodity. It's expensive and doesn't last well.
Honore de Balzac.

J. Renard.

Fame is the most powerful aphrodisiac.
Graham Green.

Glory is the sun of the dead.
Honore Balzac.

Glory - ordeal for those who are deprived.
Mikhail Genin.

Fame is when people you don't want to know know you.
Natalie Clifford Barney.

Glory is an extra piece of sugar in a glass of tea.
Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Glory is a mask that corrodes the face.
John Updike.

Glory is a continuous effort.
Jules Renard.

Glory is love, accessible to few; love is the glory available to all.
Grigory Landau.

Glory wears out.
Napoleon I.

Why not try to immediately erect monuments on wheels.
Jan Charny.

In the future, everyone will be able to become famous for 15 minutes.
Andy Warhole.

In my monument, gouge a small hole on the top of the head so that the birds fly there to drink.
Jules Renard.

Yes, I know. All great people were not recognized at first; but I am not great person and I'd rather be recognized right away.
Jules Renard.

Even fame can be excessive. Once in Rome, at first you are terribly sorry that Michelangelo died, but then you begin to regret that you yourself did not have the pleasure of seeing it.
Mark Twain.

When dismantling monuments, do not touch the pedestals. They might still come in handy.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Having lived to a certain age, you come to the conclusion that everything famous people were already famous at your age.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

If you are a celebrity, it is unpleasant that everyone around you knows you, and it is absolutely terrible when you are not recognized.
Jean Cocteau.

If you want to be ahead of the classics, write prefaces to them.
Emil Krotky.

There are so many celebrities that it takes a lot of work to remain famous.
Julien de Falkenare.

Celebrity: A person known for their worldwide fame.
Daniel Burstin.

Celebrity: A person who spends his whole life trying to achieve fame and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
Fred Allen.

And the aspen stake is a kind of monument.
Don Aminado.

The expulsion from paradise is often accomplished through a triumphal arch.
Wieslaw Brudzinsky.

A classic is something that everyone considers it necessary to read and no one reads.
Mark Twain.

We call a classic a person who can be praised without reading.
Gilbert Chesterton.

Books win a lot if they are not read. Look at least at our classics.
George Bernard Shaw.

When you become a star, you don't change, the people around you change.
Kirk Douglas.

Only he deserves a monument who does not need it.
William Gaslitt.

The best cure for depression is a hot bath and a Nobel Prize.
Paraphrased by Dodie Smith.

Mark Twain is my favorite writer for three reasons: he wrote well, he entertains me, and he's already dead.
Ernest Hemingway.

I have always been suspicious of artists who achieve success before they die.
John Murray Fitzgibbon.

It took me half a century to realize that I had no literary gift. Alas, by that time I was already famous.
Robert Benchley.

My fame grew with each of my failures.
George Bernard Shaw.

We admire only those monuments that were not erected on our hump.
Joseph Kusmerek.

You should not get to know your friends before fame comes to them.
Jules Renard.

There is no such idiotic proposal, under which it would not be possible to collect a dozen signatures of Nobel laureates.
Daniel Greenberg.

No classicist would pass the exam on his own works.
Boleslav Pashkovsky.

Nobel Prize is Lifebuoy, which is thrown to the swimmer when he has already safely reached the shore.
George Bernard Shaw.

He had long been considered a famous writer, but no one knew about it.
Emil Krotky.

He didn't invent gunpowder. He invented dynamite. Yes, yes, I'm talking about the Nobel.
Janusz Vasilkovsky.

A very famous writer last year.
Jules Renard.

Poor is the classic to whom nothing is attributed.
Gennady Malkin.

Until you have written a single book, nobody knows you. By writing a book, you plunge into obscurity.
Martin Myers.

A death mask made while alive is considered invalid.
Don Aminado.

Let them better ask why I was not erected a monument than vice versa.
Cato the Elder.

The pedestal elevates, but does not allow to turn around.
Vladislav Gzheshchik.

“Glory is smoke,” said Herostratus.
Vladimir Kolechitsky.

To erect a monument to someone during his lifetime means to declare that there is no hope that posterity will not forget him.
Arthur Schopenhauer.

The darker, the easier it is to be a star.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

To become famous, you need to paint for 40 years, or write bestsellers for 20 years, or star in theater for 10 years, or shine in films for 5 years, or read cooking recipes on TV every day for a month.
Wieslaw Brudzinsky.

Widely known in narrow circles.
Boris Slutsky.

I would put monuments to dogs. So that they have something to put their feet on.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

I am ready to forgive Alfred Nobel the invention of dynamite, but only the devil in human form could invent the Nobel Prize.
George Bernard Shaw.

For a long time I was popular in America, not because of my talent, but because of my fame.
Cher (Cherilyn Sargsyan).

A celebrity is a person who spends his whole life trying to achieve fame, and then wears dark glasses so that he is not recognized.


Oh, the great cup of popularity, it is sweet to drink from it, but how hard it is when it topples.

DODE Alphonse

Popularity is glory exchanged for coppers.

HUGO Victor Marie

Glory is smoke, success is an accident! The only thing that is reliable here on earth is obscurity.


Noise proves nothing: sometimes a chicken will lay an egg, but cackle as if it had laid an entire planet.


... Slava is an unprofitable product, it is expensive, it is poorly preserved.

BALZAC Honore de

Glory is love, accessible to few; love is the glory available to all.

Grigory Landau

Glory is an extra piece of sugar in a glass of tea.

Mikhail Baryshnikov

Glory is the sun of the dead.

Honore Balzac

Fame is the most powerful aphrodisiac.

Graham Green

Fame is when people you don't want to know know you.

Natalie Clifford Barney

Glory is a difficult test for those who are deprived of it.

Mikhail Genin

"Glory is smoke!" - said Herostratus.

Vladimir Kolechitsky

When you become a star, you don't change, the people around you change.

Kirk Douglas

Glory wears out.

Napoleon I

Even fame can be excessive. Once in Rome, at first you are terribly sorry that Michelangelo died, but then you begin to regret that you yourself did not have the pleasure of seeing it.

Mark Twain

I have always been suspicious of artists who achieve success before they die.

John Murray Fitzgibbon

Having lived to a certain age, you come to the conclusion that all the famous people at your age were already famous.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

You should not get to know your friends before fame comes to them.

Jules Renard

Yes, I know. All great people were not recognized at first; but I am not a great man, and I would rather be recognized at once.

Jules Renard

In the future, everyone will be able to become famous for 15 minutes.

Andy Warhole

To become famous, you need to paint for 40 years, or write bestsellers for 20 years, or star in theater for 10 years, or shine in films for 5 years, or read cooking recipes on TV every day for a month.

Wiesław Brudzinski

For a long time I was popular in America, not because of my talent, but because of my fame.

Cher (Cherilyn Sargsyan)

Glory is a continuous effort.

Jules Renard

Glory is a bad commodity. It's expensive and doesn't last well.

Honore Balzac

There are so many celebrities that it takes a lot of work to remain famous.

Julien de Falkenare

Celebrity: A person known for their worldwide fame.

Daniel Burstin

Celebrity: A person who spends his whole life trying to achieve fame and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.

Fred Allen

If you are a celebrity, it is unpleasant that everyone around you knows you, and it is absolutely terrible when you are not recognized.

Jean Cocteau

Widely known in narrow circles.

Boris Slutsky

The darker, the easier it is to be a star.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The pedestal elevates, but does not allow to turn around.

Vladislav Gzheshchik

A death mask made while alive is considered invalid.

Don Aminado

It took me half a century to realize that I had no literary gift. Alas, by that time I was already famous.

Robert Benchley

My fame grew with each of my failures.

George Bernard Shaw

The expulsion from paradise is often accomplished through a triumphal arch.

Wiesław Brudzinski

He had long been considered a famous writer, but no one knew about it.

Emil Krotky

A very famous writer last year.

Jules Renard

Until you have written a single book, nobody knows you. By writing a book, you plunge into obscurity.

Martin Myers

Alec Guinness

Zygmunt Krasiński

Glory is a mask that corrodes the face.

Slava Se is the pseudonym of the popular Latvian blogger and author Vyacheslav Soldatenko. He is a recognized master of words with an excellent sense of humor and a great connoisseur of human souls.
His diary on Li.ru -

* Pies are a way not to get bored while the second one is warming up.

*Seven hundred types of female tears are known in the world. And the man reacts to all this splendor with a single phrase: “Well, what are you, Katya ...”

* Whoever throws away the Christmas tree in January is paranoid. And a pitiful slave of order. A determined owner dries the spruce until a crispy crust forms.

Children draw mother from memory. According to the drawings, they were born by a scuba diver walking through a potato field in a miniskirt.

*A frustrated woman has a fantasy beyond the possibilities of God.

*Tanya loved cats. And the boys are not particularly - because of their redundancy. At least she never brought a boy into the house with a broken leg, sore eyes and other cute health problems.

* It was full of zest, the vineyard was, not the girl.

* Great Russian literature did not tell her to marry without love.

* Any man dreams of getting drunk, getting on the wrong plane, and having Barbra Brylska stroke his cheek with her finger the next morning. Therefore, the bath for us is more than a bath.

* I have shoes, excellent, very comfortable, only the leg needs to be glued with a band-aid: here, here, and here also, thicker.

*I read that if you drink red wine, radionuclides die. Last night seemed very scary to my radionuclides.

* I distinguish five types of mushrooms: mushrooms, chanterelles, "probably russula", "looks like edible" and "like a toadstool."

* Went hunting for ducks as a child. With men. Mature men. Real hunters. Matyuki are such that a little louder - the ducks would fall without shots. From shock.

* The cat was told by the newspaper about the ears: hamsters are our friends, not fats and vitamins. Now the cat thinks we are crazy fools. Today we do not eat hamsters, tomorrow we are friends with pizza, we kiss a sausage on the nose, and that hour is not far away - we marry a sandwich.

* So many events, so many events - I will go to work, I will rest.

Now the cat and I have our own women's boots, size 39, one black, the other rusty. Tomorrow I will put a cat in them and I don’t know where he will find the cannibal, but so that by dinner I will have a castle, a princess and a donkey.

* A house without a woman rages. Worst of all - dishes.
Washed it eight times. All the same, dirty bowls neigh from all corners.
I think they get dirty and spread around the apartment.

*My cat is afraid of losing me. We go to the kitchen and back together, watch TV. I am also forbidden to wash and write alone. He yells obscenities at me from behind the door. I guess I'm an amazing person in his eyes.

*In Russian topography, five kilometers are written off as a map error. In the Baltics, this is a huge distance. You can accidentally leave your country and go deeper into a neighboring one.

*Our closet is a separate room. Everything disappears there, especially socks that crawl, contrary to the assurances of the manufacturer.

* And we hugged and fell asleep in the most tender way. Because two little girls will prove to anyone you want - there is no happiness in the world, there is only peace, will and three hours to sleep.

Glory is love, accessible to few; love is the glory available to all.
Grigory Landau

Glory is the sun of the dead.
Honore Balzac

Glory never helps the dead. She was killed many times while alive.
Francesco Petrarca

Glory is an extra piece of sugar in a glass of tea.
Mikhail Baryshnikov

Fame is the most powerful aphrodisiac.
Graham Green

Fame is a pleasant thing, but burdensome for personal life.
Georgy Alexandrov

Fame is when people you don't want to know know you.
Natalie Clifford Barney

Glory is a bad commodity. It's expensive and doesn't last well.
Honore Balzac

Glory is a difficult test for those who are deprived of it.
Mikhail Genin

"Glory is smoke!" - said Herostratus.
Vladimir Kolechitsky

Glory is a continuous effort.
Jules Renard

Fame is the pleasure of being known to those who do not know you.
Nicola Chamfort

Glory is a mask that corrodes the face.
John Updike

When you become a star, you don't change, the people around you change.
Kirk Douglas

Glory wears out.
Napoleon I

Companion of glory - loneliness.
Faina Ranevskaya

Even fame can be excessive. Once in Rome, at first you are terribly sorry that Michelangelo died, but then you begin to regret that you yourself did not have the pleasure of seeing it.
Mark Twain

Rather than live in ill fame, it is better to die in good renown.
Zahiredtsin-Muhammed Babur

I have always been suspicious of artists who achieve success before they die.
John Murray Fitzgibbon

Having lived to a certain age, you come to the conclusion that all the famous people at your age were already famous.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

In the future, everyone will be able to become famous for 15 minutes.
Andy Warhole

Fame is achieved either with big money or a significant contribution.
Georgy Alexandrov

Real glory is when your name is valued more than your work.
Daniel Burstin

To become famous, you need to paint for 40 years, or write bestsellers for 20 years, or star in theater for 10 years, or shine in films for 5 years, or read cooking recipes on TV every day for a month.
Wiesław Brudzinski

For a long time I was popular in America, not because of my talent, but because of my fame.
Cher (Cherilyn Sargsyan)

There are so many celebrities that it takes a lot of work to remain famous.
Julien de Falkenare

Celebrity: A person known for their worldwide fame.
Daniel Burstin

Celebrity: A person who spends his whole life trying to achieve fame and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
Fred Allen

If you are a celebrity, it is unpleasant that everyone around you knows you, and it is absolutely terrible when you are not recognized.
Jean Cocteau

A celebrity is a person who is known by many of those whom he, fortunately, does not know.
Henry Louis Mencken

Widely known in narrow circles.
Boris Slutsky

The darker, the easier it is to be a star.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Whoever despises glory will easily neglect virtue.
Tacitus Publius Cornelius

Fame is achieved only through a nasty reputation.
Cheslav Vitkevich

The pedestal elevates, but does not allow to turn around.
Vladislav Gzheshchik

You should not get to know your friends before fame comes to them.
Jules Renard

Who is so arrogant as to count on immortal glory?
Tacitus Publius Cornelius

Yes, I know. All great people were not recognized at first; but I am not a great man, and I would rather be recognized at once.
Jules Renard

It took me half a century to realize that I had no literary gift. Alas, by that time I was already famous.
Robert Benchley

My fame grew with each of my failures.
George Bernard Shaw

All glory is dangerous: a good one excites envy, a bad one - shame.
Thomas Fuller

The expulsion from paradise is often accomplished through a triumphal arch.
Wiesław Brudzinski

He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

He had long been considered a famous writer, but no one knew about it.
Emil Krotky

A very famous writer last year.
Jules Renard

Until you have written a single book, nobody knows you. By writing a book, you plunge into obscurity.
Martin Myers

Even the sages are the last to leave the thirst for glory.
Tacitus Publius Cornelius

A death mask made while alive is considered invalid.
Don Aminado

Inflated fame is analogous to the fate of a soap bubble.
Georgy Alexandrov

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