Analysis of a person by date of birth. Numerology of numbers by date of birth

Auto 04.04.2024

It is believed that each person came into this world with some kind of special life mission, which is determined by the number of his destiny. To calculate this important numerological indicator, it is enough just to know when a person was born. Calculating the fate number by date of birth is not difficult. How to do this - read in the presented material.

An example of calculating the number of fate:

  1. Let's say someone was born July 5, 1985 - 07/05/1985.
  2. Add up all the numbers (zeros can be omitted): 5+7+1+9+8+5=35 .
  3. Since we have a two-digit number, we bring the resulting sum to a prime number using numerological convolution (addition): 3+5=8 .
  4. The destiny number of the person from our example is equal to .

Exceptional cases

Sometimes, when summing up the numbers of the date of birth, the numbers 11, 22 and 33 can be obtained. In numerology, they are called dominant (master numbers). They themselves are very strong and have powerful energy. Therefore, numerological convolution is not always carried out with them.

Characteristics of a person according to his destiny number

Destiny number - 1

  • general characteristics. People whose destiny number by date of birth is equal to one are born leaders. The desire to be in the forefront, to stand out from the gray mass is their innate feature. These are bright individualists, for whom their own “I” always comes first. These are incredibly active, ambitious, original and independent individuals who are capable of going above and beyond to achieve their goals.
  • Advantages. Self-confidence, unprecedented determination, determination and courage, energy and a positive vision of life, honesty and nobility - the qualities that number 1 endowed with its charges. Individual people are known as cheerful optimists and have a good sense of humor. They are the type who prefer to work with their own mind. They are naturally talented, and they know how to channel this talent into a creative direction.
  • Flaws. Individuals controlled by the destiny number 1 are distinguished by enviable stubbornness, reaching the point of obstinacy, excessive straightforwardness, arrogance and arrogance. They are selfish, impatient, cynical, and often overly aggressive. A few people love power and strive to bend those around them to themselves; they are characterized by dictatorial habits. They take criticism hard and do not know how to admit when they are wrong. Not devoid of vanity, prone to laziness.
  • Purpose: to be a leader and inspirer, to charge others with your enthusiasm, to encourage them to take action.

Destiny number - 2

  • general characteristics. Cooperation and partnership are two words that perfectly describe people whose destiny number is 2. Twos are born diplomats and peacemakers. They strive for harmony and easily compromise.
  • Advantages. Wards of two are balanced, attentive, gentle and patient individuals. They are kind, modest, tactful, non-conflict, and know how to share their warmth. Cool and calm, prudent and prudent, endowed with an analytical mind. Two people are good at resolving other people's conflicts and creating an environment of peace and harmony around themselves. They are endowed with innate psychological abilities and insight.
  • Flaws. Two people are incorrigible dreamers who often fly in the clouds. They are overly shy and indecisive, absolutely unsophisticated and impractical. They easily follow the lead of the people around them. Prone to rapid mood changes. Twos lack initiative and assertiveness; the slightest failures make them fall into pessimism and despondency. In real life, all this often turns into an inferiority complex for people with destiny number 2.
  • Purpose: accept life in its natural form, adapt to it, avoid extremes.

Destiny number - 3

  • general characteristics. Talent and self-expression are words that best characterize people whose destiny number is represented by three. The natural talent of triplets often contributes to the fact that these people connect their lives with the sphere of creativity. These individuals are endowed with a sharp mind and curiosity, ingenuity and developed intuition, dynamism and optimism. They have enormous internal energy, which simply does not allow them to sit in one place.
  • Advantages. Threes have a good character that attracts others like a magnet. They literally radiate charm and charm, love to be the center of attention, are eloquent and attractive. Very friendly and communicative. Threes value sincerity and honesty, and friendship for them is not an empty phrase. People with extraordinary generosity, often even to their detriment.
  • Flaws. Three people are characterized by impatience and excessive emotionality, hot temper and pride. Prone to envy and boasting. Quite talkative, not averse to participating in the spread of gossip. They often waste their talent, energy and time. They love to throw money around.
  • Purpose: give and receive love, serve as an inspiration to those around you.

Destiny number - 4

  • general characteristics. A person whose destiny number by date of birth is 4 is a fortress person: serious, thorough, reliable and responsible. Fours are distinguished by their balance and hard work, independence and caution, they love order and stability.
  • Advantages. Fours are characterized by courage and determination, but do not like to take risks. Decency, restraint and seriousness, high morality, painstakingness and accuracy, the ability to perform routine work - this is what sets fours apart from those around them. These people have good business qualities. Men with destiny number 4 are individuals whose hands grow from the right place: they make good mechanics.
  • Flaws. Destiny number 4 wards are often impatient and stubborn, lazy and clumsy. Prone to despondency and pessimism. Sometimes they lack self-confidence. In relation to their family and friends, people of four often show authority and rigidity.
  • Purpose: “instill” a sense of permanence and security in the people around you.

Destiny number - 5

  • general characteristics. Adventurism and love of risk, impulsiveness and mobility, cheerfulness and energy, unpredictability and originality, love of freedom and independence - words that well characterize people whose destiny number by date of birth is 5.
  • Advantages. Fives are people who are completely unable to sit in one place. They are very active, dynamic, constantly moving forward and simply love all kinds of changes. A craving for everything new guides their life path. Becoming the soul of any company is not difficult for them.
  • Flaws. Number 5 people do not like routine activities, so they often take on several tasks at once and do them rather carelessly. Fives are characterized by fickleness and frivolity. You cannot always rely on these individuals, since the wards of fate number 5 are very irresponsible. These people can behave eccentrically, love excitement, and are often jealous and envious.
  • Purpose: encourage others to take action.

Destiny number - 6

  • general characteristics. Reliability and stability, kindness and sincerity, incredible magnetism are qualities that characterize the personality of a person whose destiny number is 6. They strive for harmony. Capable of compassion.
  • Advantages. Noble and friendly, calm and delicate, kind and humane, Sixes enjoy the trust of others. These personalities literally exude warmth; being around them is reliable and fun. They are modest and peaceful. In general, people are very nice and attractive.
  • Flaws. Despite the whole set of positive qualities, people of number 6 are vindictive and vindictive. Sometimes they are too picky and grouchy, often unnecessary and fickle. Straightforward, obsessive and selfish. They can be lazy and passive.
  • Purpose: caring for loved ones, helping those in need, creating a warm, cozy, family environment.

Destiny number - 7

  • general characteristics. Destiny number 7 is the number of lonely and silent thinkers, a mystery number. Its owners gravitate towards continuous spiritual development, towards acquiring new knowledge, towards understanding the world and revealing its secrets. Number 7 people are intellectuals, endowed with originality and many talents. These are philosophers for whom the material aspect of life occupies one of the last places.
  • Advantages. Sevens have an inquisitive, analytical mind and developed intuition. They are insightful - nothing can be hidden from their attention. Those under number 7 prefer mental labor to physical labor. Seven people are very patient and independent, bright individualists. They are closed and love solitude.
  • Flaws. Since Sevens prefer solitude, they can be sullen and emotionally cold, aloof and unapproachable. Their frequent companions are pessimism and despondency, which over time can lead to depression. Wards of fate number 7 are prone to insincerity, prudence and cruelty, to deceit and even betrayal. They may become alcoholics. Often they turn out to be ardent fanatics.
  • Purpose: transfer your knowledge, apply it for the benefit of humanity; achieve inner perfection and be an example for people striving for intellectual and spiritual evolution.

Destiny number - 8

  • general characteristics. Destiny number 8 bestows its owner with the desire for achievements associated with material wealth, success, power and money. Eight people are enterprising, preferring material things to spiritual things. They have leadership qualities and are able to implement the ideas that arise in their heads.
  • Advantages. Eights are strong and strong-willed people. They are inventive and original, independent and ambitious, courageous and persistent, reliable and practical. They have good performing skills. Eights have an energetic and combative character. These are calm, self-confident realists. They are hardworking, not afraid of exhausting work, distinguished by patience, perseverance and purposefulness. They know how to be responsible for their actions and words.
  • Flaws. Wards of fate number 8 are characterized by an excessive craving for power and wealth. These are self-obsessed egoists, narcissistic and unpredictable cynics who do not like to obey and often play with other people. They are very stubborn and capricious, prone to tyranny. Quite careless. They are endowed with the ability to make money, but do not know how to handle the finances they earn.
  • Purpose: learn to use your energy and positive qualities for the benefit of others, try not only for yourself, but for the benefit of others.

Destiny number - 9

  • general characteristics. Compassion and humanism are the key qualities of people ruled by the destiny number 9. Nines are romantics and dreamers who came into this world to give their love and empathy to other people. These are intelligent individuals, endowed with a strong will, a lively mind and innate powers of observation. Wards of the number 9 are freedom-loving people who do not tolerate coercion or restrictions on their independence.
  • Advantages. Nines know how to create a good impression of themselves, attract people to themselves, and easily win other people's trust and sympathy. Characterized by tact, delicacy and politeness. In the eyes of others they appear sociable, friendly and cheerful. Nines have a persistent, fighting and strong character, a dominant nature, and great internal potential.
  • Flaws. Nines can be overly sensitive and capricious, hot-tempered and aggressive. They are impatient, selfish, prone to despondency and indecisiveness. Vulnerable to bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse).
  • Purpose: to illuminate and ennoble the lives of people around us, to help them find the right meaning of life, to serve as an example of true love and generosity.

The dominant numbers of fate and their brief characteristics

In numerology, the dominant numbers 11, 22 and 33 are often reduced to the simple 2 (1+1), 4 (2+2) and 6 (3+3). The dominant numbers of fate are distinguished by their special energy and combine the qualities of several numbers:

  • 11 - reinforced one and two;
  • 22 — reinforced two and four;
  • 33 - reinforced three and six.

Numerologists attribute to each dominant number its own special purpose:

  • 11 - this is the Master of Light, the Spiritual Mediator;
  • 22 - this is the Master of Creation (Building Master);
  • 33 - Master of the healing energy of love and service.

Since the control numbers 11, 22 and 33 can always be reduced to simple 2, 4 and 6, we will give only a brief description of them, reflecting their most typical qualities.

Destiny number - 11 (11/2)

  • general characteristics. People whose destiny number is master number 11 are independent individualists, leaders and pioneers. Along with this, they are not alien to team spirit and camaraderie, the desire for peace and harmony. These are dreamers and idealists, relying on their life experience and interested in the secrets of the universe. These are sworn humanists. However, they are focused more on their inner world than on the life of society. Wards 11 love to be the center of attention and often achieve popularity. They are brave, but often restless, prone to fear and various phobias.
  • Purpose: to improve honesty and integrity in oneself, to lead people on the basis of one’s own experience, to teach them spiritual truths.

Destiny number - 22 (22/4)

  • general characteristics. People born under are natural leaders with enviable organizational skills. Master number 22 endows his ward with the desire for large projects and their implementation for the benefit of the people. These are creative individuals who dream productively and know how to make their dreams come true. They are serious and hardworking, loyal to others. The weakness of number 22 people is often poor health, which they are forced to strengthen. They also have a hard time enduring various kinds of obstacles, when there are too many of them in their life and activities, and because of this they can lose their sense of support.
  • Purpose: bring the spiritual into the material world by learning patience, fearlessness and discipline.

Destiny number - 33 (33/6)

  • general characteristics. Empathy, compassion and helping others are the qualities that most accurately characterize people whose destiny number according to their date of birth is 33. Those under master number 33 literally radiate warmth and light, which leads many people behind them. They personify Love in its most sincere and real form. Their weakness is their inability to clearly express their needs. People number 33 often strive to solve all the problems of humanity, completely forgetting about themselves, and thus quickly burn out. They should focus their energy on achieving spiritual and emotional harmony.
  • Purpose: Gain the opportunity to serve humanity by first learning to love and heal yourself with the energy of love.
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Numerological analysis of first name, patronymic, last name

Letters or sound symbols, like numbers, represent certain vibrations - a “secret code” that unconsciously affects a person. In the numerological system, it is believed that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to the energy of a particular number (and therefore the planet of the name).

For the Russian alphabet, two systems of numerological correspondence between numbers and letters are used. Which one should you use? Read the text below and choose for yourself.

1. Vedic system. In ordinary cases it is used most often. She operates only with nine prime numbers, but does not consider the numbers 10 (Pluto), 11 (Vulcan), 22 (Proserpina), since their vibrations do not work for all people.

The Vedic system is used for the Russian alphabet.

The same numerological layout can be done with any alphabet.

2. Avestan system. This is an ancient system that uses twelve “golden” numbers: 1–9, 10, 11, 12. On the everyday plane, it works well for people whose higher planets Pluto (10), Vulcan (11), Proserpina (22) occupy some important points of the horoscope, because in these cases the person is the conductor of their vibrations, in other cases these are “planets of generations,” that is, they influence mainly large masses of people (states, humanity as a whole).

Name number

A name is given to us at birth, and with its help we determine our place in the world of people like us. Unconsciously we are perceived according to the energy of this name.

In order for life to be harmonious, it is necessary that the number of the name corresponds to the number of the date of our birth, that is, so that their vibrations seem to sound in unison. It is most convenient to compare these vibrations by comparing the planet of the name with the planet of birth.

As an example, we can say that Mercury is a “friend” of Uranus, Saturn is a “friend” of Vulcan. The “enemies” of Mercury are the Sun, Jupiter, and the Moon.

The worst “enemy” of the Sun is Uranus, since they rule opposite signs of the zodiac: Uranus – Aquarius, the Sun – Leo.

To find out the number of your name, you need to do the following: choose the name that most people around you most often call you; put its numerical equivalent under each letter (see table “ Harmony and inharmony of birth planets"); add up all the resulting numbers. If the result is a sum consisting of two digits, then add these two digits and get a prime number - the number of your name.

If the number of the name does not correspond (is not a “friend”) to the number of the date of birth, then we can say that we were born “not under a lucky star”, that the name brings harm to us and that it would be better for us to change this name, since if the name is dissonant and dates of birth, we can constantly find ourselves in unfavorable energy flows, find ourselves between the millstones, and ultimately this threatens with disappointment and dissatisfaction with life. It will be very difficult for a person to realize himself.

Last name number

In addition to the first name number, the last name number is separately distinguished. Our surname is our origins. It indicates what we rely on, society’s perception of a person. The surname we inherited from our parents may turn out to be either a family curse or a family support.

If the number of the surname is harmonious with the number of the name and the number of the date of birth, this is ancestral support that has a beneficial effect on our lives. If the number of the surname does not harmonize with the number of the name and the number of the date of birth, this indicates the need to change the surname.

Let's give an example. Let us compare the numbers through their corresponding planets and find that the number of the surname (planet of the surname) is Proserpina, and the number of the name (planet of the name) is Venus. Then we can say that the relationship between them is inharmonious, tense, since these planets are ruled by opposite signs and, in addition, Proserpina has a destructive effect. But, for example, the pairs Sun and Mars, Sun and Jupiter, Moon and Venus are friendly.

Many people took pseudonyms because their last name did not bring them luck. Lenin and Stalin, for example, did this, even if unconsciously, and this allowed them to tune in to their program.

When a person changes his last name, he thereby chooses a new rhythm for himself.

Middle name number

The number (planet) of the patronymic means our attitude to the past (“the burden of the past”).

Where matriarchy exists, the mother's name is taken. Among those peoples where the names of the mother and father are not recorded in the name of the child, the path of evolution is easier: they are not oppressed by the past.

Let's assume that the number of the patronymic number corresponds to the planet Jupiter, and the number of the date of birth corresponds to the planet Mars. Since Jupiter and Mars are friendly planets, a person is supported by his ancestors and will perceive only “good” force from the past.

Full name number

So, we can assume that the number of the name is our face, which perceives the world, it is given to us for the future; the number of the surname is the purpose of our existence, what we strive for in life; the number of the patronymic is the past, which either stimulates us or destroys us.

The number of the full name is the final vibration, consisting of the numbers of the first name, patronymic, and last name. It shows how the world will perceive us, what we will achieve in this life, and how we will develop relationships with other people (what the world wants from us). It's good if it corresponds to the number of the date of birth (which tells us what we should come to individually).

It’s even better, just ideal, if each of the three components of the final number (that is, the first name number, the patronymic number, the last name number) is “friendly” to the number of the date of birth.

If these components turn out to be neutral, then the person will not receive support, but there will be no opposing factors, however, the person risks being left alone or becoming lazy, since it is always easier to follow the path of least resistance.

So, when the planets of the first name, patronymic, and last name are neutral in relation to the planet of the date of birth, there is nothing to rejoice at: they symbolize “empty space”, “abyss”.

To develop, a person needs either opposition or support.

But if they are all “enemies” to each other, you need to urgently turn to the help of numerology.

It must be said that many esotericists treated their own names very freely: they often changed them in order to reach another level, taking names that corresponded to their date of birth. For example, the Indian esotericist Ramakrishna; Western astrologers Nostradamus, Cardanus, etc. (these are all pseudonyms).

Note. For people born during the “old style” of time (for example, Pushkin, Gogol, etc.), all numerological calculations and analyzes must be done in the old system, that is, the alphabet must contain the letters excluded during the reform: yat, izhitsa, etc. .

Full name number calculation

The number of the full name is found if you take the full name as it is written on the birth certificate: first name, patronymic, last name.

You should always use only your full name as it appears on your birth document. If a person subsequently changes his name, he must still take the one he received at birth. If it is different from the name a person currently uses, it will still have the strongest vibrations that define a person's life. You can take both names and see the vibrations of each of them, because the original name can send vibrations to the outside world that are not fully realized.

Some people change their names to get a better vibration than what they were given at birth. Usually a new name is chosen to achieve some goal, but a person’s goal is determined before birth, and we come into this life with specific tasks ahead of us.

Changing the name, of course, can change the vibrations somewhat, but in this life we ​​still need to use, first of all, those vibrations that were intended for us.

Each letter of the alphabet has its own interpretation and its own numerological meaning. Each letter vibrates according to this meaning.

Let's look at an example of calculation in the Vedic system.

Using capital letters, write your full name (exactly as it appears on your birth certificate) using the form below.

Write the numerical value of each letter (according to the alphabetical table. " Vedic system of numerological correspondence between numbers and letters") right below the letters. Add up all the parts of the name and reduce the number to one digit. Add all these numbers and again reduce the expression to one number (you get the so-called cross sum).

The exceptions are the numbers 11 and 22. If the final result is 11 or 22, it generally does not need to be reduced to one digit. But not all people can live with the vibrations of the Dominant number, and for them it is necessary to reduce these numbers to simple ones:

11 = 1 + 1 = 2; 22 = 2 + 2 = 4.

Therefore, it is customary to write below: 11/2; 22/4.

For example, let’s find the number of the full name for Ivan Aleksandrovich Petrov (see table. “Vedic system of numerological correspondence between numbers and letters”):


1 4 6 3 7 1 6 5 9 7 3 1 7


Name: 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.

Middle name: 1 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 60 = 6 + 0 = 6.

Last name: 8 + 6 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8.

Cross sum: 2 + 6 + 8 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 - this is the number of the full name.

Interpretation of the number of the full name

These people are characterized by leadership, independence, originality, and a desire to win. They are ambitious, creative, strong, arrogant, convinced that they will conquer the world with the help of their abilities. These are discoverers, researchers, inventors, managers, and may be owners of a company. They may be writers or lawyers. Women with this number can be fashion designers. They tend to go it alone, to independently implement their own ideas.

Lower manifestations: selfishness, laziness.

Number 2 people are sociable, love good company and when they are helped. The type of activity of these people requires diplomacy, knowledge of psychology, and the ability to cooperate. These are peacemakers, judges. They can also be good teachers, secretaries, sociologists, artists, housewives. They are interested in religion, banking, science, culture. They are characterized by associative thinking. Usually they get married without problems. They have a natural sense of rhythm and love to be professionals in their field.

Lower manifestations: orientation to the opinions of others, apathy, painful shyness.

Number 3 people are by nature optimists and a little snobby. However, this does not prevent them from being constructive, joyful, creative, friendly and practical. These people are popular, but continue to seek ways of self-realization. They always know how to present themselves and are often theatrical. They like to spend a lot of time at home.

Threes have an innate ability to write; the most emotional of them take a frivolous attitude towards society and love jewelry. Friends occupy an important place in life.

Lower manifestations: excessive talkativeness, boasting, tendency to gossip, extravagance, jealousy.

These people are creators, builders of both the temporary and the eternal. They are practical and succeed in activities related to improving the system, order, form, rules - in their own business and in their personal lives. They are honest, sincere, patient, reliable, thorough, full of faith and perseverance. The key words in their life are system and order. They should be careful in choosing friends. If they have to deal with complex ideas, they must learn to involve and trust helpers. They must take responsibility, and then other people will turn to them for help and support. Among the women living with this number are many seamstresses, housewives and maids.

Lower manifestations: tendency to destruction, inconsistency of character, slow-wittedness, laziness, lack of flexibility, impatience.

The key words are freedom and change. They are open to knowledge, full of energy and easy-going. They need to develop their minds, learn all the newest things, cultivate the ability to easily change in order to accept the new and discard the old. Success often comes through the people around you. Diverse interests often make them scattered over trifles, and Fives especially need to take care not to waste their energy, so something should be given up. Fives love to travel. But even if traveling doesn’t work out very well, you need to communicate more with other people of all social levels. Fives can do everything that has to do with people. Their motto: water does not flow under a lying stone.

Lower manifestations: irresponsibility, thoughtlessness, self-indulgence (drunkenness, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity).

These are humanists. They are eager to serve others and the world. They are responsible, they grasp everything on the fly, they have a developed sense of duty, they are obligatory. Sixes are associated with love, charity, truth, justice, harmony, beauty, and a sense of camaraderie. They are artistic and in tune with nature. They always lend a helping hand to those in need. They manifest themselves most fully where responsibility and faith are required. They excel in activities related to home, various organizations and social activities. Sixes improve and strengthen our lives, take care of young people, and even in old age do not conflict with their sons.

Lower manifestations: pride, assertiveness, jealousy, power, desire to interfere in the affairs of others.

Number 7 people constantly strive for knowledge and show interest in new things throughout their lives. But they must learn to check and prove facts before sharing their findings with others, presenting their discoveries in writing, giving lectures, or otherwise disseminating knowledge - scientific or metaphysical.

Because these people are always alone, many people find them strange. Indeed, they live by their own ethical standards and rules. They are loved and respected for what they have achieved, for their knowledge. They should communicate more with people who reflect on the mysteries of existence, expand their horizons, and travel more. They know what they want from life. They are designed for work that does not involve physical labor.

Lower manifestations: impatience, secrecy, greed, tendency to drink, indifference.

Successful in business. They can occupy leadership positions and lead. They succeed most in areas related to material values. They need to broaden their views and not be confined to one thing. Although their journey in life will not be easy, success will come through knowledge, financial transactions and a clear sense of purpose. To succeed in life, they need to learn to work for the sake of business, and not for money. When they manage to achieve a balance between the spiritual and material, when they begin to act for the benefit of others, and not for their own benefit, that is when wealth comes to them. Their task is to cultivate a strong character and learn to control themselves. The pursuit of profit will only lead to a waste of energy. Spiritual growth is achieved through turning to religion, mysticism, and philosophy. It is useful to have a wide circle of friends. Eights have access to a wide range of professional activities.

Lower manifestations: lust for power, unbridled desire for material wealth, improper use of one’s strengths, hypertrophied ambition.

Nines are moderate in everything, they understand everything, they know how to love and have compassion. They like to live a life that is aimed at serving humanity. Their activities are most successful when they can freely express their emotions, kindness and ability to understand people. People from everywhere come to them in search of understanding and consolation, and when helping them, one cannot demand anything from them in return - neither power, nor material wealth, nor personal love, otherwise the Nine will lose all its qualities. Nines should not revel in their successes, their popularity, they need to expand their horizons, learn to pay attention to little things, although they do not like to take part in small events (which, by the way, they themselves create).

Lower manifestations: increased emotionality, self-deception, impetuosity, insensitivity. From the book The World Inside Out author Priyma Alexey

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From the author's book

Appendix 3. Successful combinations of first and middle names. Advice for parents All the troubles, worries and suffering associated with the birth of your child are over. Question number one: what name should I give my child? What should you consider when choosing a name? Beautiful sounding? In memory of

At all times, people wanted to know their destiny and future, so it is no coincidence that the science of numbers - numerology - appeared in ancient times. It makes it possible to create a numerical value for the name. Let's look at some numerological characteristics and their calculation and decoding.

Knowing the date of birth, we can obtain the following information:

  • fate number,
  • soul number,
  • numerical horoscope,
  • number of fate.

How to determine fate?

It reflects the presence of initial inclinations in a person. It is obtained by sequential summation until one complete digit is obtained and, if known, the time of birth. Decoding of the received values:

Even numbers– people with this meaning are loving, creative, artistic people. These are seekers of truth and wisdom, they are able to foresee future events. Although they are characterized by infantility, if necessary, they can show courage. They can also be called idealists.

Odd numbers– leaders, revolutionaries and reformers. Such people are active, active, proactive, ambitious, successful, prone to competition, looking for their own way in everything, stubborn, often characterized by one-sidedness and bias in reasoning.

  1. means a tendency towards aggression, high ambitions, desire for leadership, determination and ambition. Only a few are able to achieve everything consistently, without deviating from the plan. They need clear and understandable goals that can be achieved in direct ways.
  2. Characterized by calmness, gentleness, flexibility, compromise, balance, and the desire for harmony.
  3. usually talented, adaptable, optimistic, with good intuition, but rather unbalanced.
  4. They are distinguished by constancy, calmness, reliability, firmness, risk avoidance, and hard work.
  5. characterizes unpredictability, a tendency to take risks and adventures, resourcefulness, and optimism. Fives value freedom and independence and are highly active in the pursuit of goals.
  6. main qualities: honesty, fairness, reliability, stability and friendliness.
  7. a symbol of mystery, the desire for knowledge. Sevens are for the most part very talented and have a high level of intelligence.
  8. persons with an iron will, good entrepreneurs. They are distinguished by purposefulness, rigidity, have a strong character, and often achieve significant property and social status.
  9. the largest prime number. Nines are usually bright individuals with significant intellectual abilities. They can achieve high status and financial status, and public recognition.

How to calculate the soul number?

It is derived by summing the digits that make up the number corresponding to the birthday. It is a reflection of the path a person chooses for himself. Values:

Even numbers
- people with an unrestrained, explosive character. They are distinguished by their love of leadership and making plans.

Odd numbers - adventurers, explorers, strong, strong-willed people, equally demanding of themselves and others.

  • independence, self-expression, aspiration, leadership.
  • interaction, sentimentality, calm and harmony, goodwill.
  • love of life, activity, optimism, creativity, sociability.
  • love of order, constraint, diligence, practicality.
  • constructiveness, love of freedom, progressiveness.
  • responsibility, love, goodwill, calmness, support.
  • analysis, contemplation, search for truth, spiritual understanding.
  • satisfaction, achievement, desire for success, power, recognition.
  • empathy, patience, versatility, dedication.

Numerical horoscope calculation

It is compiled in the form of a table, where numbers from 1 to 9 are arranged according to a certain principle vertically and horizontally:

3 1 9
6 7 5
2 8 4

Each row of the numerical horoscope has its own meaning: the top row (3, 1, 9) is the highest, spiritual level of human development;

middle row (6, 7, 5) - material level;

bottom row (2, 8, 4) - lowest level.

It is filled with the numbers included in the full number, but only the last two digits are taken from the year. Based on the fullness, we can conclude which level of thinking predominates: spiritual, material or lower.

Missing numbers. They reflect the consequences of behavior in a past life, and, accordingly, the lack of protection of certain planets and inclinations. The meaning of the numbers is similar to the meanings for the soul number.

Numerological analysis of a name allows you to determine:

  • appearance number – assessment by others;
  • name number – information about character traits, innate abilities, energy and temperament;
  • patronymic number – available potential;
  • surname number - reflects hereditary characteristics, as well as those opportunities that depend on family and upbringing.

Calculated as the sum of the numerical values ​​contained respectively:

in full name, surname and patronymic;

in the patronymic;

in the surname.

Table for determining numerical values:

The interpretation of numbers is similar to that given for the interpretation of the fate number.

Each of us, living in a social environment, obeys or at least takes into account the laws of the state and society, external conditions and circumstances, the influence of fatal forces or, as they say, Fate. But, at the same time, the individual has his own will, freedom of choice and freedom of spirit. Sometimes Fate dominates a person so strongly that no effort of will can overcome its influence. In other periods of life, on the contrary, the action of external forces becomes weaker, and then a person can take the initiative into his own hands - the “green light” is turned on for will and freedom of choice.

The most difficult thing is that a person does not know in advance when it is better not to resist external influences and not to go against Fate, and when the favorable time comes and one can actively achieve goals on one’s own.

Graph of Fate and Will- this is a technique based on the unique Pythagorean system that allows you to calculate, based on the date of birth, the periods of influence of Fate on a person and periods favorable for the manifestation of Will. For Calculation of the Fate Chart The numbers that make up the day and month of birth are multiplied by the person's year of birth. If the result is a six-digit number, then a “0” is placed before its first digit. Each digit of the received code shows the strength of the influence of Fate in each 12-year period of time from the moment of birth.

For building a Fate Graph 7 points are laid along the X-axis, corresponding to 12-year periods of life from 0 to 72 years (after this age, the cycle of the Graph of Fate and Will begins again). For example, for a person born in 1980, these will be: 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052. And along the Y axis above each year is a digit (from 0 to 9) of the number obtained by multiplying the day and month by the year of birth (above the point of the year of birth is the first digit of the number, above the second point is the second digit of the number, etc.) .

The Will Graph is calculated and constructed according to the same principle as the Fate Graph, only in the date of birth all “0s” are replaced by “1s”.

Do not confuse the Graph of Fate and Will with, which is calculated using a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of the Graph of Fate and Will

ATTENTION! The graphs are plotted for the life period from 0 to 72 years, which doesn't mean the end of life. After this age, the cycle and schedules are repeated from the beginning. To build a Graph of Fate and Will, enter your date of birth and click “Build a graph”; to clear the fields, click “Reset”. Below is a breakdown of the meanings of the Graph of Fate and Will.

Enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build a graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Decoding the Graph of Fate and Will

The line of Fate is higher than the line of Will. This indicates a period when external circumstances are strongest and the lessons of fate become harsher. At such a time, everything in your life will be as prescribed by fate, so you should not show much initiative and perform strong-willed actions. Don’t try to “break into a closed door,” but rather “go with the flow.”

The line of Fate is below the line of Will. During this period, active actions are necessary; you must not put off your own projects until tomorrow, but strive forward and make great efforts to achieve your goals. Freedom of choice comes to the fore, and the influence of external circumstances becomes insignificant. During this period, you should not rely on fate; you must build your own life. You can safely take the initiative into your own hands, now everything will depend only on you.

Points of intersection of the lines of Fate and Will. These are very important and rather unfavorable periods for any innovations. During such periods of time, you should not take any responsible or drastic steps - move to a new apartment, change jobs, arrange a wedding, etc.

The lines of Fate and Will go together - the “Path of the Monk”. In this case, the person completely submits to the Higher powers. However, this does not mean that a person cannot do anything - he intuitively understands that he should not go against fate. One should not think that such a person is primitive; on the contrary, it is he who can implement truly grandiose plans. A typical example of this is the life of M.V. Lomonosov (date of birth - November 19, 1711).

You want to be happy. You know that the first step towards this goal is self-knowledge. Numerology of name and birth will help you realize your true Self, find your purpose, and create a happy destiny.

This article will reveal another secret about you - the number (code) of your name and destiny.

Take one step closer to your happy self - make a numerological calculation by date of birth and name.

Number of name and date of birth

Ancient philosophers discovered, and modern scientists confirm: everything in the world can be reduced to a simple number from 1 to 9. There is a number of name and birth, of any word, symbol, thing, event, phenomenon, feeling, country - everything.

General symbolic meaning of numbers in numerology:

1 - goal, pressure, aggression;

2 - duality, balance;

3 - unstable unity, connection between past, present and future;

4 - strength, balance;

5 - risk, impermanence, happiness, joy;

6 - stability;

7 - mystery, mysticism;

8 - world balance, success, material well-being;

9 - wealth, fame.

Name and birth number- not just numbers, these are secret keys - codes, by deciphering which you can understand a lot, penetrate deep into the essence of what is hidden in your personality, destiny, soul.

Fortunately, there are specialists - numerologists. If you want your planetary name code to be accurately and quickly calculated by a professional numerologist, a specialist from the “Planet of Joy” center, go.

This knowledge will benefit not only you personally. You will understand how to better interact with your environment and the world.

Very deep and relevant numerological knowledge is available for free in the project Esoterics of the 21st century. For example, a book with a detailed description of everyone on 2018 year.

When spouses are planning, expecting, or have just recently given birth baby, but don’t know what to call it, numerologists recommend:

  • calculate his birth number (based on estimated or actual date),
  • calculate the number of names from which a name is chosen.

If the number of the name turns out to be less date of birth, the baby will tend to develop only innate talents, abilities, and qualities. May ignore the need to acquire new knowledge and necessary skills.

When the name number more birth date, a person moves towards acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities. May forget what has been given to him.

Ideal when name and birth numerology matches. Such a person develops harmoniously. Choose a name for your baby that best matches the birth date code.

Also, information about the name code will be useful for those who are going change your last name or first name. Brides are usually more likely to worry about this issue. Not intentionally! It is useful to find out how fate will change after taking this decisive step.

Numerology of date of birth. Online calculation

Numerology of date of birth simple:

  1. Sum up all the numbers of your date of birth in order.
  2. If you end up with a two-digit number, add the numbers together. You will get a number from 1 to 9.

Example. A child who will be born this year, for example, on June 26, 2018, will have a birth date number of 7.


Brief description of name numerology:

  • 1-Leader. An outstanding, famous, bright personality.
  • 2-Excellent partner, family man. Attractive, young-looking man.
  • 3-A successful person in all areas. Talent. Speaker.
  • 4-Excellent organizer. A person who is trusted, a friend.
  • 5-Freedom-loving philosopher. Teacher. Traveler.
  • 6-A creative person who loves everything beautiful. Popular personality.
  • 7-Thinker. Inspirer. Highly spiritual personality. A person who brings good luck to the people around him.
  • 8-Nice, revered, strong-willed person. Supervisor.
  • 9-Athlete. Politician. Strong personality.

In more detail the meaning of each of the name and birth numbers from 1 to 9 later in the article.

Numerology of the name. How to calculate?

  • only name,
  • only full name,
  • first and patronymic,
  • first and last name,
  • only last names
  • the name by which you are usually called at home, at work, by friends,
  • the name you call yourself (with which you most identify),
  • the name given at baptism (or other rite).

Each of the resulting numbers characterizes the personality in relation to the situations in which it sounds - always when you are called one way or another.

Pay attention to how (what number) people call you. This is an indicator of their relationship.

Name numerology calculation:

  1. Write down your name or the name of the person you want to get to know better on a piece of paper.
  2. Under each letter, write down the number corresponding to it (third line from the top in the table).
  3. Add the number until you get a single digit (1 to 9).

Example. Name Aurora=1+3+9+7+9+1=30; 3+0=3.

The most important name number (also called the Destiny Number) is person's full name. This is the name that is written on the passport.

Purely “nominal” number talks mainly about the character, talents, abilities, temperament, and energy of the individual.

Surname- these are educated, instilled qualities.

Only one number surnames will tell you about what is inherited from your ancestors, will tell you about your ancestral karma.

The maiden name determines one's destiny before marriage. By adopting her husband's surname, a woman changes her destiny. It is transformed similarly for everyone who has changed their first and/or last name.

Also count the codes of the vowels and consonants of the name. Sum the corresponding numbers to a prime number.

Number of vowels- Heart code. It expresses your inner world; the impact you have on others. Number of consonants- a code for the influence that society has on you.

When calculating the name code, pay attention to which number more often meets everything. This is the number that corresponds to many or most of the letters in the name. She is also very revealing.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

The general rule of numerology - adding all numbers until reduced to one simple number - has exceptions. If you notice the numbers 11 and 22 in your calculations, look at their meanings as well, despite the fact that 11 reduces to the number 2, and 22 to 4.

Number Character traits inherent in a person Possible negative aspects (things that need to be worked on)





hard work
















duality (difficulty making choices)












love of luxury

overestimation of oneself







good faith


hard work

desire for justice




carelessness in choosing friends




communication skills





philosophical view of the world









ability to admit mistakes



inability to keep one's word




wonderful imagination


ability to persuade

ability to plan

ability to listen, hear

escape into the world of illusions

addiction tendency

inability to run a business and handle money






ability to think big

reliability stability

habit of despair

tendency towards loneliness

danger of getting stuck in routine



hard work


strength of will

ability to withstand difficulties





11 (reinforced 2)



capable of achieving anything they want



22 (reinforced 4)


strong will

extraordinary character

innate ability to control one's destiny


addiction to external “tinsel”

Remember that your life is in your hands. Numerology of name and date of birth, like any other knowledge, hints, signs sent from the outside world - stimulus develop internally. Any so-called negative quality is only relatively negative. It - development zone, which means a source of new strength and energy.

Develop yourself, grow above yourself. Create your own destiny, starting from your innate positive qualities.

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