How to improve your iq test. What books to read to develop intelligence? How to increase IQ: developing the brain in sleep

Diets 20.09.2023

Every person has taken an intelligence test at least once in their life. If you are not satisfied with the result, or you want to further develop yours, this information will be incredibly useful to you.

You will learn how to increase your IQ through simple meditation practices. How effective this technique is and how it works will be discussed further.

You can easily increase your IQ level

The eminent scientist Siegfried Othmer worked for more than 30 years to confirm his theory. He suggested that human intelligence consists of 2 aspects:

1. Gained experience and erudition. This is the so-called crystal intelligence. This is knowledge that a person accumulates throughout his life. This is becoming more and less clear. The more information you receive, read, study and develop your mental abilities, the higher your crystal intelligence.

2. Mental flexibility– this is mobile intelligence. With him everything is a little more complicated. It manifests itself in the brain’s ability to adapt to work in unusual conditions and find solutions to problems in which there is no practical experience and a sufficient amount of information.

In the course of numerous studies, Dr. Othmer has proven in practice that mobile IQ can be increased as successfully as crystalline IQ.

How to increase your IQ level

It turns out that to improve your mental abilities, you need to meditate for 12-15 minutes a day. Such practices allow the brain to relax and tune in to productive work. The process of meditation reboots the brain, improves memory, increases concentration and increases the ability to remember.

In the course of research, the scientist was able to prove that meditation also increases the flexibility of the mind. All this together allows you to increase your IQ level by 23%, and consolidate this result in the future.

Now you know a simple method on how to increase your IQ level, without memorization and complex intellectual exercises. Do not forget that to achieve the effect, you need to meditate regularly.

— Types of intelligence and their properties
— What is IQ?
— Brain exercises to increase IQ
— 7 universal tips for improving mental abilities from Steve Denton
— How to increase your intelligence: 5 simple ways

Intelligence abilities are as follows:

1) Analytical.
The ability to conduct a comprehensive analysis of information, divide it into semantic and logical blocks, determine relationships, compare and contrast various pieces of information with each other

2) Logical.
The logical core of reason includes the ability to reason, think and analyze without violating the principles of formal logic, the ability to make correct, logical and consistent conclusions

3) Deductive.
Qualities that help to extract a general idea from a large amount of information and correctly formulate it, the ability to deduce and generalize, the ability to group particulars into something common, to find patterns

4) Critical.
The ability to mentally critically evaluate information, the ability to weed out incorrect conclusions, reject false ideas, a quality that allows you to resist influence and suggestion

5) Prognostic.
The ability to plan ahead, form a mental model of future events and at the same time keep in mind options for solving various alternatives

Abstract thinking abilities: allow you to penetrate with your mind complex abstract ideas (both mathematical, logical and philosophical) and retain complex concepts and systems in your thinking

Abilities for imaginative thinking: contribute to the ability to compare things with different meanings in the mind, bringing them under a common denominator, the ability to formulate comparisons, metaphors, which helps to simplify the understanding of complex ideas, transferring them to a more accessible level of understanding, good perception of artistic images

The ability to concentrate, to maintain attention: probably relates more to the manifestation of the will than to the work of the mind, but I consider it necessary to mention here, since this largely determines the effective work of the intellect.

Our mind also has some properties:

1) Logic of architecture: the degree of orderliness of thinking and coordinated work of different abilities of the intellect (someone, for example, has order in his head, about him we can say that he thinks soberly and reasonably, but someone else’s thinking, on the contrary, is chaotic, spontaneous and incoherent)

2) Depth and breadth of mind: what perhaps, in the general understanding, determines how smart a person is. Sets the possibilities for comprehensive coverage of the object of thinking and the depth of immersion in mental tasks

3) Speed ​​of operations: well, everything is clear here, how quickly we think and how quickly we solve problems

4) Autonomy: the degree of independence of the mind from the work of feelings, external influence, the ability to make sober decisions, both in a calm state and in conditions of stress, anxiety, fear and psychological pressure. Determined by the measure of awareness.

Our memory supports us in all this. I won’t dwell on it, I think it’s clear what function it has, but I think it’s necessary to highlight one of the types of memory that is important for the functioning of the mind

Working memory: the ability to hold several intermediate operations in the mind at the same time and find their solution. (try multiplying several two-digit numbers in a column in your head: you will have to keep the intermediate result of the multiplication in your memory (what teachers at school called “in your head”) in order to get the final result).

— What is IQ?

IQ is determined and quantified through tests and is a measure of a person's ability to think. Half of people show an average iq from 90 to 110, a quarter - over 110, and a score below 70 points indicates mental retardation.

The term came from England and implies the work of thought, mental alertness, and intellectual art. Tests have been developed to determine a person's iq. Age and gender are taken into account. The test does not show intellectual abilities. The purpose of the test is to determine the ability to solve problems related to a number of areas.

If we delve deeper into the process of researching the issue, since the 30s of the last century, scientists have been trying to find patterns in the development of mental abilities, correlating the weight and volume of the brain. They studied the reaction associated with nervous processes, determined the level of intelligence, connecting it with the level of social status, age or gender.

Today, scientists have found that the level of iq is influenced by heredity and can be increased through exercises and tests. The level of intelligence is not influenced by ability, but by persistence, patience, perseverance and motivation. These qualities are needed by doctors, archaeologists, and DJs. It has been proven that in critical and difficult life situations it is easier for a person with a high iq to cope with difficulties, but individual qualities remain decisive:

1) ambition;
2) determination;
3) temperament.

Gradually the tests became more complicated. If initially they consisted of lexical exercises, today there are tests for solving logical problems using geometric figures, memorization exercises, or manipulating letters in given words.

— 7 universal tips for improving mental abilities from Steve Denton

Steve Denton holds a degree in theoretical physics.

1) The brain needs intellectual challenges
By solving complex problems, such as learning a new language, a field of mathematics, or mastering an unfamiliar musical instrument, the brain becomes more plastic and flexible.

According to Denton, one of the win-win options is to study various areas of mathematics - this science opens up wide opportunities for brain development. Mathematics allows you to train logical, numerical and visual abstract thinking, while improving concentration skills and “mental endurance”.

2) You should communicate with well-educated people.
Meeting and talking with highly intelligent people can improve the functioning of your own brain. During such conversations, you can learn a lot of new things, in addition, understanding the way smart people think is very useful.

3) Computer games can be used to train intelligence
Denton recommends choosing games that involve solving complex problems and making multiple decisions. The physicist himself is a fan of the game EVE - in his opinion, it is the most complex and versatile of all computer games.

4) You need to read at least one serious book a week.
Denton advises not only to regularly read serious books, but also to choose authors from different genres. Reading allows you to expand your vocabulary and has a positive effect on verbal intelligence, and also contributes to the development of erudition.

5) Brain training using special software.
Denton advises using special software for brain development, with the only caveat - you must use only services that have proven their effectiveness. The Dual N-Back project was able to prove its effectiveness. Another positive point is that the game can be downloaded completely free of charge.

6) A healthy lifestyle is important.
Exercising has a positive effect on brain function, and healthy and not too short sleep also increases productivity. It is important to approach your alcohol consumption wisely. In addition, the brain needs proper nutrition to function most effectively. The body can get the required amount of nutrients only with a balanced diet - a person should eat fruits, vegetables, fish and meat.

7) It is necessary to get rid of limiting ideas about your own intellectual level.

Many people are actually smarter than they think they are. Often such a modest attitude towards their mental abilities does not allow them to achieve more in life. This phenomenon is called the “Dunning-Kruger effect” - according to it, people with below average intelligence often overestimate their intelligence, while those with above average intelligence often underestimate their abilities.

Denton cites his friend as an example - the girl always very modestly assessed her intellectual level and worked as an ordinary secretary, but one day she passed the IQ test of the Mensa organization, which unites people with an extremely high level of intelligence. She later received a degree as a professor of astrophysics and lived a much happier life.

— How to increase your intelligence: 5 simple ways

1) Minimize your time watching TV
The problem is that when we watch the box, we do not use the brain's resources and do not give it a rest. It's as if muscle energy is wasted, but there are no health benefits.

2) Exercise.
After physical activity, brain productivity increases significantly. The head becomes clear, a wave of energy arises. You feel inspired and it’s easier for you to concentrate.

3) Read stimulating books.
If you want to improve your ability to think or write, you need to read books that force you to focus. Reading classical literature can change your view of the world; you will learn to express your thoughts in beautiful literary language. Don't be embarrassed if you have to look up a word in the dictionary, don't be afraid of long paragraphs. If necessary, re-read the paragraph and you will soon become familiar with the author's style.

4) Whoever goes to bed early and gets up early will gain health, wealth and intelligence.
To avoid feeling tired, you need to go to bed early and sleep at least 8 hours. If you get up late and then stay up late, you will be distracted all day and will not be able to concentrate. Most people are very productive in the morning. The earlier you wake up, the more productive hours you will have. If you have the opportunity, take a nap for 10-20 minutes when you suddenly feel tired. Sleep longer and you will be lethargic, but a short nap will refresh you.

5) Take time to think.
Often our lives become so hectic that we don’t even have time to realize it. To prevent this, take time to sit alone and think, organize your thoughts and prioritize. You can do anything as long as you are left alone for a while. You can just take a walk for a while. Experiment and you will understand for yourself what is best for you.


Everyone will agree that it is much more interesting to communicate with an intellectually savvy person than with someone who cannot put two words together. In addition, a person with high intelligence has more opportunities in terms of his further development. And it is much easier for such people to succeed. There would be desire and confidence in one's abilities.

There are many ways to increase your intelligence; this article outlines a few of them. If you are not satisfied with one of them, you can always find plenty of others on the Internet. The main thing is to start taking action, and not sit still and do nothing.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

It is impossible to become smarter overnight. Being smart is a way of life, a constant search and overcoming oneself. This is a rather difficult, but at the same time pleasant path. And you can choose how to start it.

1. Exercise regularly

This improves blood flow and oxygenates the brain, and good physical condition contributes to good mental health. Choose a program that is comfortable for your age and physical abilities. The main thing here is regularity.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep reduces concentration, short-term and long-term memory, problem-solving speed, visual and hearing acuity, and slows down reactions. Especially for maintaining good mental health, the right combination of deep and REM sleep is important. Here again, physical exercises from Lifehacker will help you.

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Your brain needs a certain amount of nutrients to function optimally. Diversify your usual menu to get enough vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. You don't have to buy nutritional supplements for this! We wrote earlier.

4. If you smoke, stop!

5. Reduce your alcohol intake

Drinking alcohol in small quantities, especially when combined with socializing, may be beneficial for some brain functions. But excessive consumption can lead to acute and chronic impairment of its activity and cause irreversible cognitive impairment.

6. Learn new things regularly

Learn something new, for example foreign languages, playing musical instruments. Learn something you've been wanting to try for a long time! This promotes brain plasticity and flexibility. Studying math is an excellent exercise in logic and abstract thinking, and also improves concentration, mental endurance and is guaranteed to raise your IQ by several points. Use to learn something new.

7. Maintain friendships with smart and educated people

Make regular meetings with them and discuss a wide range of issues - complex intellectual discussions will give you new ideas and perspectives. You will understand how smart people think and express themselves and what you might need to change about yourself.

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.

Alexander Zhurba, businessman and venture investor

8. Read at least one serious book a week and diversify your reading

This will improve your vocabulary and verbal intelligence, as well as enhance your knowledge and speaking repertoire. There must be reading!

9. Play challenging computer games

Shooters and racing games, at best, develop reaction speed, but do not provide you with mental stimulation. Choose a game that involves complex rules, strategy, and requires certain mental skills. Such are, for example, the puzzle games Braid and Portal.

In multiplayer online games, perhaps Eve-online has the highest barrier to entry.

10. Let go of limiting beliefs about your own intelligence.

Many truly qualified people tend to underestimate their abilities and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Often the opinions of parents, overly critical (or even incompetent) teachers matter more than the stubborn facts of your success. Believe in yourself and start living a full life!

If you believe the statistics, the iq of the average Russian is 96, while for the inhabitants of Japan this figure is 105, and for the indigenous inhabitant of Equatorial Guinea - 66. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that there is a difference between the well-being of any country and the average level of intelligence of its inhabitants clearly defined direct relationship.

The same can be said about an individual person - the more developed his mental abilities are, the greater the chances of achieving success in life and realizing his potential. People with iq>110, as a rule, have higher education, occupy leadership positions and become real professionals in their field. Therefore, many are interested in how to increase iq, and how realistic it is.

You can use a program with which you can increase your IQ by about 17 points in 7 days. Print this sign out and hang it on your wall somewhere you can see it, or just keep it handy on your desk so you don't accidentally miss another class. After all, the most important thing in any training is consistency. It’s not difficult to follow these recommendations; the main thing is to set a goal and strictly follow the plan. However, you should not take the advice too literally - this is just a general guide to action.

How to increase iq? Action plan

Day of the week

What to do?

Time (in minutes)


IQ gain (in points)


Play short-term memory games like Dual N-Back at or eat some grapes

The development of short-term memory will allow us to stimulate the mind and make it more active, and drinking grapes or grape juice, which are rich in various antioxidants, can improve our memory abilities.

Take creatine or eat beef

Creatine is used as a sports supplement to increase body muscle. There is also a lot of it in beef dishes. Studies have shown that taking 5 g of creatine daily can increase your iq by 15 points in 6 weeks. This substance increases the energy supply in the brain, which is necessary for counting operations.

Play Scrabble ( or

Activating and increasing your vocabulary is excellent advice for those who want to know how to increase their iq. You can compete in forming words from a given number of letters either online with other players, or on your phone or with a computer.

Play your favorite video game (it's Call of Duty's turn)

Video games can enhance our visual perception of the world around us, which, in turn, is one of the main factors in improving iq.

Stop slouching at your desk and get on the treadmill!

Psychology and neurology scientists have confirmed that a healthy and toned cardiovascular system can increase mental abilities by 50%.

Practice solving IQ tests

Our intellect in terms of training is similar to mice - the more often we give it various tasks, the stronger it becomes.


Time to be a vegetarian

A number of studies have found a pattern between vegetarian food and high IQ. Therefore, be sure to include some vegetables in your diet.

196 minutes or about 3.5 hours

17 points

Well, now you know how to increase your iq, all that remains is to start practicing. You can train your mind on the way to school or work, sitting on the bus or while walking. We recommend that you first use tests to determine those areas in which the results are the lowest, and then select the appropriate exercises. For example, if you want to improve your counting abilities, you can mentally add up the numbers of cars passing by, etc. Practice more often - and it will definitely give you results.

The level of a person’s intelligence depends, contrary to popular belief, not only on the number of books read and lectures memorized. This includes the presence of a healthy diet, the amount of sports activity, and even the speed of fire in computer games. In today's article, read about how to increase your IQ level by 16 points in just one week.

More vitamins
Day: Monday. Time taken: 30 seconds. Result: +2 IQ points

Athletes take creatine to increase their muscle mass, but this carboxylic acid is also a great brain booster. Research by Australian scientists from the Universities of Sydney and Macquarie shows that taking just 5 grams of pure creatine per day for a month will increase your intelligence level by as much as 14 points, and especially your ability to quickly calculate and perform logical operations.

Just remember this
Day: Tuesday. Time spent: 30 minutes. Result: +5 IQ points

An elastic and agile brain, capable of absorbing and remembering a large amount of information, is the key to success both in life and in passing iq tests. To develop short-term memory, Dr. Suzanne Jaeggi (University of Michigan) suggests playing the so-called at least once every two days. dual n-back games in which you need to remember a sequence of images and sounds.

Make up words
Day: Wednesday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result: +1 IQ point

In Soviet times, the game “Scrabble” was in deserved demand, but over time it somehow became forgotten. And completely in vain! From now on, Scrabble (the modern interpretation) should be your great friend. Because composing words from a limited number of letters is both the development of literate speech and the activation of vocabulary, which will undoubtedly have the best effect on your IQ. Moreover, you can play anywhere and however you want - various variations of the game exist for all major desktop and mobile operating systems.

When you're too lazy and want to sleep... hit the treadmill

Day: Thursday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result: +2 IQ points

Researchers at the Institute of Neurology and Psychology, located in Sweden, claim that a healthy and well-functioning cardiovascular system can increase the level of intelligence by as much as 50% (although it seems to me that the process is more likely the opposite - the less health, the lower the intelligence). “Intense cardio training clearly has a positive effect on human cognitive abilities,” says Maria Aberg, who led the study. And by the way, for those who still doubt it, I remind you that it’s already spring outside and very soon you will be able to run in any park you like.

Get more diverse knowledge
Day: Friday. Time spent: 40 minutes. Result: +2 IQ points

Another key point in increasing Iq is the variety of knowledge gained. And the point here is not only in the general expansion of horizons, but also in training the brain, like ordinary muscles. Instead of your favorite NTV, turn on the Discovery Channel or National Geographic with its murders and series about cops. Read on the road not jokes from bashorg, but science fiction (for example). Don't get hung up on just one thing!

Give up meat
Day: Saturday. Time spent: 15 minutes. Result: +2 IQ points

It seems incredible, but the results of many studies conducted by different scientists in different countries and in completely different years indicate one thing - vegetarianism can really improve your intelligence. I have not found any justification for such a cause-and-effect relationship, and to be honest, I myself am not yet ready to give up meat, but if you are already thinking about a vegetarian diet, then here is another argument in favor of this decision.

Play video games
Day: Sunday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result +2 IQ points

Everything is good in moderation, and computer toys are no exception. Military first-person shooters are a good way to improve the perception of visual cues and coordination of movements in the real world. For example, a person who plays CS once a week is more likely to have time to react to a car suddenly flying onto the sidewalk and save his own life. Also a kind of increase in the level of intelligence.

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